itvw i, I , via I CiinulUcc WorUim I.lkc llcavcrn lor IIi lutu Time CEO. CIHW TO KIUB OUtlawS Biasvbt Htr baa " U 1 bid Oare . Kldt The Fourth of July Ciimmills are working kril fur a grand lima on the Kuurth end a program will U worked out thai will nM tba uauat calibration. Pouter, are al- I . ... - .1 tl,M I. a tMft Mill suv om, u ' ,11 o-r tha county W. W. II. (HI ha imwlvtHl word that tha audville nl-rtainmnl, ine bal loonist, lh trapua oJ wire people will all be here. Th rotnmlllra haa added a nw Mlura-(irga(iiliiuD, wall knowo ll ovr tha north oouuly, will br bera. and will rlda two of tha woret outlaw brourhua to be found la tha WllleiwaiU Valley. ThMra tha innuina outlaw bora that la to aT. horana that will buck to a (In . t a a i.i. t ill lintM. (lihaoo is oneof th-bwl ildra In Oregon, and b will furnlah plenty of andl-maul nil einuiiihl. Tha big llag H" " tod thera will m plnly of ahada mi Mta for avert bnly, aud a raourd crowd la prrdioled. Tha Hanks band will b down to help iu tha mu.le, and thla with tha ralnforcatranl of tha Halhany Band, with tba local, will give plan tyofmuiic. The eommlltae alah a loeaure lha peopled Washing (on County that Ihie will U ona id tha hat wUbratlona, from alart to flnl.h including lha nreworke avar bald on lha Waal Hida. SUNDAY BALL CAME Tha Cardinal, will play lha I'eo dIm' Clothing ball Uam, rortland, I lha local ground, Hunday. Tha flailing loam i said to ha alar aggregation, and a good anay gama it i peeled. LADIES Please call and see our lina of beta, a diacounl on all trimmed hata II. Rhoa A Co. lUf Welil, rd Hlora for bard wheal Hour. Alien II. Warren, who ha been fading lltubor far 0 Chritiatao, above Huitou, appended work the laa of lha weak, owing lo an 1n jurad fjot, aud caw a down to the county irel. Ilonaa for sale. A few head oT good, general purpoea work borate (or sale. Inquire of IhlUboro KIT ery Co. 2-lf Henry Hchmeluar lid of! a load of wood, Tuesday, and some of the load Ml on him. He wai badly bruited, and la taking a temporary reepite from work with Dr. A. H. Bailey in attendance. (ioata for ssle: 1,' head of Nan nira and kida, quiet and well graded Angoras; will trade for young alack. W. W. Jaquith, i.aurei, iioute 14 J. It Htawart.of H..uth Tualatin, wat in Monday, gelling ready to atari baying, which ia a little early in til neighbirbood thia year Cheat ii maturing rapidly. Mn. A. M. Bullock, of above Mania, sullrtred severe Iniuriea few dayi ago, by reaaon of a heavy gat foiling on her. Dr. Mumford. of Ilanki, altendwd.and the patient Ruling along nicely. For Hale A good piano, nearly new. win be aold al a liberal re duotlon. Addreaa "X," oare Argue omce, Thurston Buxton, well known In Washington County, and whose ather settled above Forest Urove, in mo earliaal of I mes. waa dawn to the county eeat Tu-wday, at the range ploolo, a money lo loan on real eat ate. lerina reMonablH. Apply to Ku in uroe , nuuhofo, or." 2l-lf Thoa. McDanlel, of near Buiton, In town Tueaday, nuraing a baJly bruined band, caused a few dyj ago by an aeoident. Ho waa tending chain on the carriage at Is u1'1 0,ilLn(1 log pinioned hit hand, omening tha palm aud knuckles of two of hia fingers, Bargains see our ladle' shoes. "Ruler CI 60 value, at 12 50 Also Misses' and Children's shoe bar 8ins.-H. Wehrung A Sons. Dr. John (livens, well known yrs ago around Foreet Drove, Ureenville and HillMboro, aid who t relative of the Hartley family, now Bupt. of (he Htata Asylum, '? Flno, Idaho. Jile wnrkl ncr Vila tinnan Firnt and lHeeline, the other day, Witt Smith pioked up a paper, Mdreaied to J n k... ing the date of March 25, 1874.. It "a a walla Walla Union, contain, ng an article on the death of Kx rreisldent MilUr.1 iriilmn .n.l fives Congreae a big roast for its Jgnoranoe on Western needs. Ills valuable relio, and much phed John Ocirrnlrl. a garlonnr, and h" hMt at hlmif Ii a ,,rnt. K'-mi t..rl of a f.,w. u Ukn U. ra Juti! l!rrM, yualrrday morriliig. on :l,rne of carrvimr Corioealml WMUuna. Crirrnirl nn drinking the nlalit (ra. ao.l when rifund drinka whli..,! onl In revolver and threatened to lo tmnlnnxi Hninjiy Uimrlct At torney Tongue Bitr for the alale, and lha defendant nleadad guilty, and wm flnd IV) c.h Ann and tw.iiir daya In j.ll. The jail aenlenra wa aontmndail durinv good behavior. John ia a good clt- inn, imluNlrioiiH and tliriflv. and feela vyy had over the affair. 1 now repreaent the Hulrella cor- l, formerly repreanntiMl by Mrs HaiUe leikliii. Helection in vour home, where accurate ruature menu can be taken, and you get a ooraet to meet the reonireoienU of your ngure. tsnd postal card, or phone call for appointment Mrs M. K. ( audle, HilUlxtro, Oregon, Filth and Jackeon Hlreel. Inde- iendenl phone, fiH-l H W A K. Matthew, of Tualatin, wa rought up lo the count? eeil the laat of the week, UMn a oomplalnl iMUed I cl .re Justice liarnea. chari ing the old man with threatening to kill. The trouble was over a step on, by Iho name of Neltlelon Upon invalidation Prosecutor Thoa II Tongue conclu If .1 it waa a fain- y affair, and tha oane waa die miad Tha old man quit-claimed aoma proirly, ibe neil dav to hl wire, and the helpmeet brought suit for divorce, all ended happily, and the old gentleman, said to be at harmlMa aa a kitten, went on hia way rtjolrlng. Thoa. Howe haa put in a nice new clean alock ol groceries, etaple and fancy, at hia new elore on the cor nr oi rum v nr. uiipoaue ine echoo! houee. lie will pay farmers the blgheal market price lor egga, and pay cah or trade. Call in and e him. Thoa. Ilowa. tirocer The Donald Lumber Co.'a mill had a narrow earapa from being burned laat Thurixlay. Tha mill ia located about four mi lea alxiva Banks, and a larfe crew of men ere called out to fight the flame. which aiarUnl from a slashing in tha neighborhood. After strenuous Hlrl the fire waa eitiogulabed, but not until the mill waa hard threatened. The mill la a ZWQ capacity concern, and the loas would have been a eevere one A dancing parly will U given at Hillsboro Hall. Halurday, June )', under the auspice of lha Catholic young pecple, the proceeds to be need fr improvements on the Catholic church properly. Kvery body welcome. K. K. (leer, logging for Johneon Broa , rul a llag pole for the City I'ark, thia week, ard Tuesday, W K. Hmiib hauled it iu. The timler is KM) 11 in length, and is a daisy lieer cut three trees before he found one up to the measurement. D. B. Iteaeonar will hoist the spar free of charge to the city. The pole coet tbe ctty a "ten spot." Twenty eight years eiperience as dreeamaker. La lee I modes. I reepectfully solicit tbe patronage of the ladieaof Hllleboro Dress making parlors, Jefferson Bt, cor ner Third. Hillsboro. Ore. 13 0 Bring your wives, mothers, sweet, hearts, aiaters, brothers, ooueioe all to eae'Xucile. A play all can enjoy because it ia clean in action, a i.rettr atorv, and nas a Dunou oi comedy interepereml that will make all who see It glad they came. Al the Crescent Theatre, June 2.r. Benefit Hillsboro Band. Watch for lhes parade. Cabbage, kale and celery plants, for sale at Morton'a greenhouse, io large quantities. Also some choice, Ihlrfly tomato plenti.-Morton's (ireenhouse. 13 4 C. W. Battin, of I-akevllle, Minn., and who has been touring Califor nia and the northwest, is here, tbe guest of a former townsman, L. J. Rushlow. He ia looking over Ore gon with a view of future location. Danoe at Alpha Hall, Cornelius, Ratordav eve. June waiier Tickets. 76 cents. All invited. 14 5 Herald" Folk, a Kansas Newt paper man, has nought the Forest llrove Times, and will merge who the News He expects to put in a linotypi, and enlarge to seven ool umns. Foutth nl July will sore be here and luet so sure vou can get style and lit In clothing, at prices that are under Portland prices at Ii. Wehrung & Bous. Joaenh Killen. of Banks, and who haa been ill for some time, died at hia home. Juue 15, and in lerment was today, in the Center Point oemetery. Rev. Belknap conducted the services. Will dellvsr cherries at the fol Inwlnir nrioes: 25 piunds and over, 3 cents per pound; under 25 rmnnda. 4 cents uer nounu. JU. J. RushloW, Hillsboro, Ore. J. J. Sax. a former Sherwood res ident. has sold out his holdings over at Pitner, on the coast, and was in town Wednesday. He may settle again in thia county. v Hnita cleaned and Dressed prompt lw Also suits to order, All work unarm ined. UDstairs. next to postoOlce. August Tewa, tbe Tai lor. fltrawberrv boxes at R H Greer's. Pound eiiea. 'SI Churler Not Deemed Sound by $7MHM) Inventor ILL HAVE CASE TO SALEU COUKI 'aprtnf Court la I Validity Decide I'paa Foreet (irove will be delayed a fnw monlhain tbe installation of her propoeed new water works, which ware to Lav followed a I7(),(XK) bond laaue. Tba iovaling ciinp- any at Ibe laat minute quentloned the validity of the college city charter, and the case will be set tled lo frlendlv suit. Judge Campbell, of the circuit bench, will it on the case, and then by stipu lation it will ba taken to the Ku preme Court. The Foreat drove dfliciala hope lo gat the bearing to tba Kupreme Court rushed through In order to have work bgin on tbe new Walur nvatJim In vr abort time, but iheae caae always moveslow If the case can not be i ti i . ... .... I uectuea eariy enougn mere win ie suspension of work until neil Spring, nd it is almoet Impossible lo t.nt in a avatam in lha Wlnlat I lime, Radford Uughlln. Forest Urore'e mayor, and K. W. Haines, M.d-Sammcr Mitliaeiy, Special Prieea think the Souru wi II hold the' T V J 'T l"' " W Mih Hall, with the following pro- Chin, pig..-A. B (iarrigus, Banks, barter loe tot Th I de .rec.te at cone.deryiR the dry .ao,, tb. pitno golo M iea Liola Ore.. II 2. Independent phono, hi de . ' KorU Jrn.1 nled. ""'t n lh" 'V p V. declamalion. "How the 632 Manning. 14 17 the delay, aa roreal uro?e needs markably good. Potato p'aniing, ,, . u-.. vi-. uli. . , , , . ,. the new ITO.UW water plant. in RHier.l, " ill begin up there next VAi' -I.' iS frS. ihi I flhu" A 1 declamation, Io the Toils of the week will be the last day. of tbe i . 1 ItiiuA .r?T 3 L'h U dr'' tn'1 that hi8 mmp on 11,6 dlea and Children s trimmed hats T...Lfin .,..nK r.f inn t.nmna . fl-. i:- r 1. I; ' 1 1 u. ill. 7, Tt 7 i t while belts that will be aold at re duced pricea, (or the next two weeka. Come while tbe aseortment ia good. Mra. Iruogene liath. A Lon Yankee A noted Kvangeliat and lecturer, II. 11 Uurloo, of Da Moinee, Iowa, ill be at tbe Christian church, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tueedav niahU. ilia subject on Halurdav night will be "A Line Yankee Abroad with a Urioeack " 8u inlay night. "Impreesions of the Passion Play," msde while visiting Oberammergan, in 11MX)" IIIL&TEAD UAKT Mr. Denver M. Milslead, of Wasco County, ami Miss Mamie n. wni. daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. . . Danl. of KeiHlvills, were married at the home of the bridn'e parents, June J, isnr.i, rsv. jouo neicu officiating. The young couple will .rt ... r, . f I. .1' 1 L I make their horns east of tbe moun- tains. STRVRNS CONNELL Mr. fleorge F.Stevens and Miss . . 11 ; . - j : Marv l( 1 act jooneii were uuueu 10 yune 10, lnn. ivev. uaroiu uuwr, nf Fnrtland. officlatinn. The bride aa drMa-Ml in white crsne du chine over .ilk with directoirs sash, and carried white carnations. 8he was preceded by two flower girls, Ruth and Dorothy l.lnktaier, wno strewed rose-petals i in the bride's ngrin wedding by Mrs. S. T. path. The Lobeng march waa played Linklater. Tha couple leave nunaay, ior rt . . I . Mr.. ; 1 1 w m I knm. I auer Juiy ., 1. l..l . r. -1 IL. . I - J Mghth ana Main, ine usi 01 umU: . .. ,. ml: W. II. Connell. Miaeea Anna, liar- rlet. Ulitia and Brasie Connell, Wetley JZTT 8 iwnumi: Mr. and Mra. Will Stoven. Mr. and Mra. Fred utevena. Mr. ami " . a Mrs.Jo..eomiell,Mr.andMra.T.i:onnei , Mr. ami Mia. Ilk-hard Connell, Portland; II. i...i m ini, ommeii. nr. ami Mra. V. 1. Wood, Mr. and Mra. lidward Ilicricu, Dir.aiiu ..... Mr. ami Mra. J. U. Scnuimencu, nan an; Mra. Thoa. Bityeu, l'ortlaml; Mr. ami Mrs.Ueo. Bleradorf Mr .and Mr. j), iiuia....v., - wmmma.! V . ' u,uer inil Mias Irene uuiuuert, rori- . . . .... rt 1.- f1,M. "alanT; .,! '.Tr Klch.rir: and Mra. S. T. Linklater, Missea Ruth and Dorothy Linklater, Kiuauetn Mime, M.rie iTanikaie! Roaa . 'W. Cn mm u a.M.u.v.M i . a.ab a.1 m til set at, 1 nurnnri nirai k Roaa. Mra. Geonre lxeb. Richfield, Wuah.i Measra. u. u. wimea ana james Oave. The Darlors were decorated with auaroronna- the hall with OnCOD " ' ' D - 7 - w Crape, and tbe dining room ferns and marsueriie.. manyoeau- .tt a . I M ...t r. Kiasa were a f . . 1 Ti ;rrK riJ5: jj mu r i .l. i.i.i . k..i . nas Deen in wwuuuhw " f?r mn y"rf lD.i.bU.V :!;?? PwS lalwho. , home the wed- d- . aa MlTiXl WJi" oeieorawu. Lloenee to wea naB oeen graniea a . A . J ... rt 1.-11 o.iv. n..-i- w. Doon vauiuuoii, roia vuuur and Effie May Galbreath, Tuala tin; and Clauds Leedy and Maude Weinman, both of near Tigardville. Erwin Mead, aged 24, son of Amos Mead, of Buxton, was badly irjured by a log rolling on him, yesterday. Dr. Mumford, of Banks, is attending. Hillsboro Argus, $1.50 per year Rev 11. tmerir. alia. 11. V'lwrir, nn-llo iai W ii iii'ii I-Wal on every p.i;;o g'is, always. Illtie Kihoii ifhM, three 1. u ruin fur I t ct-nU, at hiniii'jtt JlroH. The Udvil!e kid nine was de feate at Jackton, 1hI Friday, by a score of ... to . Three cans finti corn, 2-r central Kin moll Bro. Ora and A. I!, titrrisue, of Banks, were down to il.e (iihnon home eale, FaUnd iy. Three cana tomatope, 'lU cci.Ih, at Km mot I lima. I)r. r. A. IiiiUy, the toonwr pnyeicmii ih aumiuing Masonic (rand IMlge al Portland this week. Toaetrd corn Fiak lor cenle, al Kiiiinoll Itrne. r-even fur W tentM. John Kick, elio Ijvt-H on Iowa Hill, waa in tl.ecitr ji'KU rday, and eaya that after ten yearn id Oregon be is eatiehed il cm I be Itaten. Mrs. John Beegle, firmerly Mies Alma Willis, of Ketchikan, is in ibe city, the gueet of Mrs. W. N ,',M,lk- Mrs Thoa. Humphreys and ohihlren. vt He,,.ner where Mr. J eat'Ilr'rP are here, gne-ta at the I,. A. Uood ht""v Barrett. , ' , . i.ucim, eu.ry neuri inierm .,!...;. I. t. . t 1 1. A I """"'" "c cnt Iheatre, June ,,i,y the r.ari.1 ,'y1 ' ' I'1' Ul1 I,l",nlH and II Seen, IS ST.IireCISleil. Uon t lorget tne osih. (;8o L-nnen, of beyond (ilencoe, ...... . . .iua nuuu eiaira uk no in ir- "--i --- , r i (,vr thousand gallons oi atr a minute. It does not take very long to 11 jod his acreage. u,m M PiiUnaor ia . . 1 ... .. . OOVenng Irom a mild attack OI smallpox. Dr. Wood reports that Mrs. A. P. Neleon, of Ituxton, is aleo convaleeoing from the same ., ,. . 1 maiauy. A. W. Mark, has returned from Seattle, where be aided in Stalling the Oregon exhibit. He ays that it is a hue fair, lie expect lo go back this Kail and help diHmantle I the exhibits. Peter Nelson is bock from a trip down tne i;oiumi)ia anu over to (irays Harlwr Mis. Nelson and children are over near liciiuiam, vieitingwilh S m. luy and tamily, well known here. Peter will re- main several days. Albert M. Toelle and Miss Liie (5roe(lf n Dolh of the phiUipe-Beth- .,, a.,iinn -r marrind hv Cir .,,:. l.l-a f5anti.nwin Pnrtland. n - ' june n. Tbe young people have many (rinds in tbe northeaet vagbii)gton County. A. t. i irgstrom, lurneu oui inei a V S rr " . a . 1 . a a 1 1 first luattrertri manufactured in Hillsboro, today, filling an order for A C. ponelson. He has al of tbe work of this kind he can handle, . ...i. : . BMn , lia mn,,.BMAim r ' w. s. ilium tcis morning ex bibited a freak in apple culture a this year's sprout from the tiuuk of a tree, witti three apples on 11. a eeiDmi ur unru whuuiuu. often does this, but a hret years growth to produoa apples is Pome- thing freakieh. Who boats this? Albert Aebahr. Walter (lalloway, iuby Galloway, (i race Bath, Har- ,1 tii.l... . 1 rA I II uuiriuau awi vuu. ... v Hi'i'm, llilleboro .ana student roies,oi ..... . ....... ,1 Mountaindale, are home from the Corvallis 0. A. C. Con went over 1 a--..i :.u u 1 1 . oeaiVIO WIiu iuo uiu, nu id- nnata a .noil time. Harrv Bowman ,k 1,,1,Hi.l .,,.. twllM. Waltar (lalloway went over with tha regiment of cadets. I . " " ' "M add t on were opened last week. o vi U..1U...1-, f, o,,,; , . ....ii.a, .BkPd $10 - , . a Donu ine coninun iu oe awaru- e.1 to the low eel bidder. The steam heat and plumbing work is to be I i. ,l. k,..,i ik a avnii.nn I . n.n. ... I I ana tne maner 01 iioiiauu a uouu I ,,, . . . .. ..1 .... m" U A picnic will be given by tbe "Mountsindale Helvetia Scbweizer Vsretn'' at Helvetia, Sunday, June 7 in n'fllonk a. 111. ail Bum at - - - - - Couoert anil dance by the Tortland gwiB. band: all kinds 01 games; I 1 .. .1... I,,,. Apoam nnlVA lAmnn. L,ia fif . enrved. All welcorat! n nn vtxr 1Kb hnva t VUIUQ UU r-' ' J w - chance. You certainly will have a ;ii i ma ami we wi treat vou iiuaar - - . . a i ir.i i! I . n -k r . ... m . (or th8 fAmou8 Mccormick i " . . Bd sa near Berths, and ell known for years in that section of the com, ly, died June 9. His will has been , of bftte ftuJ h9 Rive8 t0 I - " . a. a.. a . u two eldest hovs hut f 1 eact; to h a riauobter. nose. WllO was liroee- . . . r. ' t . I - 1 oul:Dl. witness at the time tbe fath er was acquitted of a heinous charge, last Winter, he gives but ti. and. aside from a dower interest in realty, he gives the balance of his property to his two sons, Wal ler, 15 years, and Franz, 12 yeara, share and share alike. Iliseutire estate is rated at about $3,500, and Fred Durig is the executor. PACIFIC UNIVEKSITY lYfll COMMENXEUENT (midu.ition Ilxercises Closed at the firove Yesterday NINE GET BACBELOB DEGKEI Job E. BjiltyGeta Elcctiaa atTrattt efibt Callrgt Pacific Univeraitv and Tualatin Anademj cloeed tbeir 47th com L. . . . mencement everciwa, yeiieruay The program was excellent, Dd judge n. a. iOweii, ronoieinn, de-l limed the commencement addrew, R.v. K. P. Huhe. r.f Corw.llia eaimigioineAUa.lemy. racihca program: Piano, "Liebestraum No. 3" (Urzt), Miss Clement; ootu- mencoment address, Stephen A.viHe. and who settled there 25 Iwell; ladies' chorus, M0ypsy hire,'' conferring of degrees; piano, (.) "rWenade," (b) "Wedding Day it Tro.dhangen' Mis. Cl.pp; an- Wnrfkrtfc,.. l he following were candidates for the Bachelor's degree: Ernest i.;r .inf,rrino .f i)hPmi nimn ng were candidates for , " Vi nx. T n.. wu.u., W.itB I liAn l.rlun ifllta Mftinal r rearua uoimes, "1 - , , J, V - iiumpureya, ivpg-1 inald Heber Robiuon, James Rich- ard W ard. irgil Waterman and Hermon Ernest Witham ueDJ7 "v,a omey; aeciama- uvn, i ne tveveoge, Ariour M,ideD Like Ro86,, Archie M"' ,i.i.m.i Tk. Ki.M Vim , umiu.."'", i 0f tbe Overland," Helen Chalmers; declamation, "Death of Marroion " Cecelia Greer: declamation. "The Lance of Kaoana," Fern Bmitb; antn Miaa Mava.11 IT!atn.AV -I "" , m uw. i i..ui. WM conferred upon Luella Clay V.. I?0"' . 17 'cl?a Preaen w mine oeuiiuarr 01 irauuuruia. v . i . ' .V- ..a . n ,ul i. 1'.. JJBI1CT, VI rUIOS UlUta, .C4nc- elecUfd qa b. tb. lleath 0'f Mr Hinmin NOTICE Burbank seed potatoea for .ale at f 1 per cwt.. at my farm, at Glen- COe. Address W. W. falne. ililie horo. Or , R. 3. PaciBo Phone 76, Olencoe. 10-tf Mr. if S nl aaat nf HiiuUr.1 -.4 in tn.n trwla. " " - - Born, June 1G, 1909, to Finis L. r. t 1 Drowuiuuwire.iiiur.i.iaiu. Born, near the Rood Bridge, June 15. 1909. to Herman Wetxler and wife, a son. Born, at West- Union. June 14. I 1 ft; u i a A Dr.i.Ai.-a.M baw I 'J' ' a t.U ilUVll lauaWVHMieiMI WBBVM.B ' Tf ou want a restaurant concee - Bl0n at the Foorlh of July grounds eee W. W. Boecow at ence. a ' T I J Earf Donelson, .on of Mr. and out oi the electrical engineering ae- parimeiuoi me w. a. u. Mrs. Will Wolf has sued her hueband, charging non-support, She is a daughter of Henry Stoffer. v ir.k.. PK.n,. Mil. . '"""" ler have been busy tinting tbe walls in the court house, this week. It helps eome. Clerk Bailey ha. issued 93 an- gler'a licenses, and Uame Warden 1 . . - ' x,rA n p Pa.t.r.n nf nnttairn .. t, i tha dt- for a short i it wi.h her parents. Peter 1 ... i!,,ani, arl,i -,fa . I "btubhy, the eccentric JVIO. 101 will make you laugh. At M Vref.ce.n! In5.mire.' lUj-.A U ; ll..l.HBin Ua.a4 uoimm inuouuiu u.uu. Hul.U Matthews of Tualatin haa Huuu Matinews, oi lu,"n nM sued A. K. Matthews for divorce, They have had trouble over a step- 80n, so tbe husband says. I . n ,.... , .... a. V onuie nas urougoi suit againt the Brown Lumber Co., of Buxton, for collection of $2500 and -l . n..a tk.i k to . ... . .. . " e a. It.l has priority over eome 01 m mi I . . . 1. 1 . - K0" , ...IV', 4 l . I I f.r Hla I hnmnsh. hrml l'nlawl Mill oountry Since 18G3, and who uu,,s8D- Judge Goodin wa. a Portland Tnasav In un thl Oroirorj v .D. , av uvwmwj ww mw hw Klectrio Co about hauling rock for the county in tbe future. As mis I 1.1 nnllin. In imin I Uh onn.nanv made no nromtses. ..u:.. ik.l Ka .ioharl drat In U.IIIU1IU. .UW. w.mww catch up with putting the road in u,w ....o du w I " i rera nnrvriuiu uu tua ngouvj mJ fT.-l..M- la. a. 4 1. MMAMAaa tor me iamous woorimua uiuunrs, ... u. ,.w tl,ta,a .d al kind of farm machinery. Donot fail to eee him, if jou need farm implementsof thi.klnd. Aleosells ... International gasoline engines I . . a a n . numns. Come and see bim. ldll Th. Snntham Pacific haa aban. doned all work on the yard, and the depot sile, owing to some mis- understanding over a removal of one of the warehouses. The teams went to McMinnville and the track gang to derma, jus. wnen ine matter will be patched up and work renewed is all a matter conjecture. Mini Wilhelmlna Heldel. of this city, who is studying at the School of Kipreegion, Boston, Mass., where she is taking a special dramatic course, was featured in l wo numbers on an interesting programme pre sented at tbe school studios on Wednesday evenicg, June 0. Mien Ueidel first appeared a-i Portia in tbe second scene cf Acl 1 of the Merchant of Venice." in which character she won unstinted ap plause from an snthneiastic audi ence. Her second soDetrance was in a one-act comedy. "Tbe Piper's Pay" by Margaret Cameron. In this sketch she portrayed the char acter of Mrs. Hertford Carr, a so ciety woman, with keen under standing and a high degree of ar- tiatic ability. iiood lonr loot wood l r ealH, as cheap as any, or cheap-r. Order now ,or Jnur IBW U. mtlti A, rtin i .ni n t iu . r. dMrt,ndnl , Oregon. 13 5 j . n'Meara. nf north f Red- years ago, was up Tuesday, accom- panied bv a brother. James panieu uy a uroiner, OMeara, whom he had not s . 'a h iUnli.i t,..., ir,ier(.f,t fiK' V. . v v .iirnis, nuuui up uau uut ncru uii years at Kala- has snb ..,.:., ...A.i- !r,,.FMlj .nfi v. la ccompaoied by his son, James, 'J ....... V. ..,, uu .j, caabier in one of Kilama ...... . ioo a leading banks. Kalamazoois (ht hetrt of th rreit relerj region Micbig,n- Xbey think ,hat tbe Jond bere i8 the enftj b b, mm Ch- bg sale at the Connell & Company ou-igtore. The bargains they are giving "luesre beioj cut all to pieces h j. . . Li j iu uiuer, uei c;eaueu up lor ine D6w st.x. now due (io to the gtore and see what ther are dninir Prieea are marked nlainU on all lines of foods under sale, and vou I It . L . .1 u boo ior joumr-ii iuai mere are Mr(iini oi in iiduj. ueraemoer that these are the last days of this t"g record breaking sale Seven young, good Jersey cow., H Ktving milk, some freeh lately ru lk very rich, for sale cheap, if Dncn-- ' u- w '"". BeavrrtOD, II. 2, farm on Baseline road between Mortondale and Qua tarns, on Electric line. ' 12 4 Banks will celebrate Indented ence Day July 3, the day opaniog with a big parade. The put has been put in fine shape for tbe oe caiion, and a big attraction ie tbe Baois zu piecs nana, inerewui M a DaseDati game between ine un N.I....J n 1 i . ,.r..t- Lnl.wa m.n A.k-r .ttr.otinnB I ! " 7 . anoroDr ate for the dav. The Toelle orchestra will dispense music for tbe bowery dance. W. li. IJare, of this city, will de'iver the ora 1 I Tlv J K A Hlr ma Kill IvAlirmrl in Kia nmrUra ;n .k;. - - - - - - - - - i. .r.o. n,. r I ,cwJ1'-" eai u uu uioi vi uudi where he will be pleased to meet old p4tron. reouiriDK WOrk in his requiring line.- 114 Father Bucholzer. nf at U.t tn.wa. Church, is still working witn tne idet of eatahliehing a school on his property west of th church edifice. This is one of tbe nicest location, for such a purpose 10 ciiy.ana 11 is 10 oe nopea ihai ha aiirxvuuta in hia m Minn Healg0 to intereBt p , ,n t ,ood.,,j.ed hospital, a. he lbJnk8 n in8titulioQ ef lm4 kind would be of benefit, as well as pro stable. I u-a- all hinHi tt n.tnta r.i h.nah- f.a.1 i:m- ania ..u I aiuu. . l''u.o, j Uraaa- at nraT. and anra numns. iro to Wehb'a Feed Store. 1 H.una Ihim .1. Sohn!dr of T.eiRrville iD Mond w , , Mi 3 l a .. . . about tbe bead and chest, by reason of a horse walking over the 1 tt e ". uu chap. The lad wae riding a horse, and fell off. Dr F. A. Bailey at. tended the little fellow. D! : ! k!- .ill, .A m inwhuu iu u.w . uu Lisle gloves 12 values, pure silk, 16 button, at $150, and so on I iinin at H wuhrnnii A', mna. John O'Brien, who bas been working aw., down in the Cedar went into the woods when there ta but little cultivated land, was nn fiVLUv vilk tK.l Triah onnA uu a a vu. w wu wuwa ua I nature of his, aud paid tbe Argus a call Brick ready tor sale, or deli very, t Vard One mile UOf tb Ot UlllsbO I wy T Q . 1 ou - ' """l""' boro. 14 5 n IT T.wtla Trttin Dannta anrl i Dr. Tarn es e returned ast even na from a week over at Tillamook. Mr. Dennis says that Tillamook is certainly the place for grass and pasture. I Dr. C. W. Lowe, the well known optician, will be uuieboro June Vi, at "d at Cornelius June 25. Qeo Blergdorf, who hag 15 tcrea of .plendid iookin(. hop8 ou. on North PU:na. in th. nit tef(t-t ' w- F. Ad tins and wire, of Fort of land, were out this week, guests Dr. J. 1. Adkins. pBorKfwrojtAL. " F. A. BAILEY, M. U. fliysiclao and . Mnrgeoa OfIio liniiry-MorKan block. opoUlra. Rnnini 12, II and 15. KliliM rtouth wmt corner lutlin anil beeond Htreat. lUnh Tbonu. S. T. L1NKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OWc uulr ovrTb licit Dma; Blora fUatilene Kaatef Court Uouae, In tb corner of the blork. JAMLS FlIlLI.IPE TAMlt-Slt, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 8uricnn Bnnlliim Paclua Rallrotut l!n. JoiiaulUtin In Krnih or Knrlmh. Of lie iipnuira. ovirr I., al. Hojrl Co': ulun, nurtb aide or Main Hu, HUlalioro, Or. A. B. BAILEY, M. D..D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Bailey-Morgan Block, fcotb l honea. . Hillsboro, Ore. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Rooma 10 aud 11 Morgan-Bailey Block, aLreet, Over Dannti Btora. HIMBORO -- - . - ORIGOr ft. mmwUt W4 m. Mmrm .BAD LEY at HARE ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW Booms 1 and Hhate Baildlnf HILL8B0B0. . . OEEOOS. AeeVMMVMwMMwVMMM E. B. TONGUE t ATTORNRY-AT-LAW Rooma j. . A $, Morgan Blk, BUUtwre, JOHN II. WALL r ATTORNY-AT-LAW Office Upatalra, Bailey Marfan Bleak Rooms, 1 aa4 a. BILLS BO RU. - OEBOOM. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Ornca; ilaiu Buaet.opp. Court liouaa. . y t, . , , UILLSBORO OEBOOM THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upatalra, Rooms j. 4 aad j Hillsboro, " - ! - Oregon Dr. S. M. REAGAN VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON i The only graduated and liceaaed Veter inary in Hillsboro. Sixteen yeara prac . , . tical eiperience. .. OFFICE, HILLSBORO LIVERY CO.'B STABLE No. I Office pbonea: Pacific StatM 501; Iml.213 . Residence phone; Independent 843 DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST . I am Prepared to do Hitjh Claaa Denul Work. A New Office with Modern Equipment Weluuug BLU , . JUUSBORO, ORE. r And ging Agent for the,, ALFRED PEATS' wall papers, the best on the market. See my Samples.- SEE MY. SAMPLES1 i.W. H. TAYljOF R. F. D. No.r4raTlnde. pendent Phone. No 515. i 1 mile West of hillsboro.ore" Pane Paper han "1 J EPPLEY'S 5 T C a. t renecuon ? Powder I U PacKedlin JARS and jelly GLASSES 1 1 For sale by R. C. Vaught and Emmott Brothers. i I) Manufactured - Dy J C. M. Eppley SALEM. ORCON. SAI - of . Bkating at the Hillsboro Blnk, Saturday evening. . ,