The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 17, 1909, Image 4

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    For roof paint Webb.
Mra. John Rice and daughtar, of
Rainier, were here over Sunday,
gueeta of E. M. Rice and family.
Carper Jasper, one of the fothu
iutio Forest Grove haw-bill fn,
came down to the opening game on
the 15th.
M. O'Meara, of Reedville. and
Jas. O'Meara, of Kalamsioo, Mirh ,
were callers at the Argus office,
Loet: On road between Hillebo
to and Shady Brook, Auto No.
1S97. Finder please return to Ar
gua office. H
! J. C. Wgner, the Third Street
horee-ehoer who bought the Teck
hop, has sold out to Edward Kerr,
of Minneapolis, who will conduct
- the business.
H Mrs. K. Cox and Mrs. J. W
: Lewis, of Martinsville, Iudiana, are
in the city for an exteudtd viit
'with Mrs. Crandtll, wife of Asses
sor Mix Crandall.
j Geo. R. Bajley, of Beley A
Hare, now ownB all of Block One
(in Thorno's Addition, and he ex
tjpectsto build in the not distant
j ! future. This will make ono i f the
- finest home sites in the city.
The first big hajing of the sea
on was noted last Friday, on the
faiuom Ladd it UmhI Farm, at
R-edville. From the train it looks
like a fico crop.
S. H. Bullock, of near Banks
passed through ton Tuesday, en
mute horns from Beaverton, where
he visited a sister.
Chris. Feterson, owner of the
former Bennett farm, north of town,
and who is an ex cuntT commis
sioner of Claieop Count?, was in
the city Friday.
Al f T V- . 1 . .- . (in,.
I .Q8. DiOOOl, WUU IB tuiuiiuun
i 12 acres of hops, was up to the city
I from below Newton, Friday, ile
says the Tines are not doing very
i 1 1 i l : ,i
weii uowu in 8 "T tuie rrt-uu
Richard Baldr and wife were
Portland visitors, last week, and
attended the Rose Festival. While
down ther were cuests of Aunt
Aneline Catching, who is sli
nuite smart at the advanced ase
$4 years, and who settled in tb
county in 1S45 Mrs. Catching
Mrs. Baldra'e mother.
Cordie Lace, Pacini Stallion
Sire, lOULACt; Dam, Bonnes, bv Coeur d'Wood. Bay, wght
oer 1200; S yrsold
Season as follows; Mondays, red Lyda's Tkatcher. Tues
days and Thursdays on call; Wednesdays, Ora Gardner's at
Mouatdinddle; iri. afterwooa &Sat., Hannan's IKery, Buxto.
TERMS: Fifteen Dollars to insure, payable when
mare is known to be in foal.
Ehie care to prevent accultnta, but not responsible should they occur.
inlpnint Fhon.
Tapageur, No. 41336
Imported Percheron Stallion
Foaled in France in 1901. French No. 53167. Imported in 1904.
Beautiful blacK, with star. Fine build; best of action. Wght 1950.
-hAH-: &
, i-KX .f, - t f "T?;. r
Splendid disposition, and his gets Unequalled. Last season 75 per cent of his
stud have proved with foal. You should see him before breeding. Season of 1909
At the FERD GRONER FARM, near Scholls
Single service, $8; Season, 15; To insure with foal, $20
Owners at time of service held responsible for fee. Care to prevent, but will not
stand responsibility lor accidents.
Scholls Percheron Horse Co
Registered No. 6678 in tlie American Stud book. This splendid German
Coach Stallion is a betu'iful black, and a 6ne foal getter. Bred by Jno
Muller, of Germany, and imported by Crouch & Json, of Indiana. Age,
11 years. Splendid conformation, and a clay sire. See bim.
Mondaya, at the H II Boge farm, Farmington; Tuesdays and Wed
nesdays at Geo Hathorn place, Lauiel; Thursdays, at II H Boge's,
Farmlngton; Fridays, at Josiah Millar's, Reedville; Saturdays, at the
Connell-Redmond barn in Hillsboro, Care to prevent, but not re
aponsible for accidents that miRht occur.
TERMS: Single service, $10; Season, $15; To insure, $20.
l 1 n tmn 1 iiiim (i n ftmii j ' 1 ... a irttrfr iJhi J
! V J
I have city and coun
try property in all sizes,
from 1 acre to i,ooo. Ele
gant city property in both
Forest Grove and Corne
lius. Farm lands from
$10 per acre to as good as
you want.
R. W. McNutt, Mgr.
Horn and Hoof, a l-iO'
Taper, (lives Figures
Ktcr4 f Year a MuBtaid:
Horn and Hoof, a Seattle itooa and
dairy paper, give valuable il
lustration ae to what a Waehing
ton County dairy will do unJer in
telligeut management. Fred
Schouiberit, who is one of the prac
tical dairy man, and who caiua weM
a few ya- ago with but a family
and a baudaoa hatnl kerchief as hie
aeeetf, aud who U now worlh hi
thousand, ie the worker that the
paper records, and the etory ie a
follows, and all who know "Kaier''
Fred know that he talks facte:
" Mr. l'red Schombunr, of MilUlxwo,
Oregon, sends us the following amml
statement of the earnings of his is l"v,WH
milking irom NUa-h 1, t-x. to l ilnu
ary a8, 1909, loclusivT Mr. Selumitmrg
isa ptiou of the l'scllic Coast I'ihhU iisciI
Milk Co.
I9i8 rounds of Milk
March u.Shj
Aptll J6.6J1
June ..,.11.111
July..ff... iS,ji76
August IJ,.w
Scptrmlwr 1 9.S'S7
tV-toter li.ju
Notrnilr . ii.45
January , i?.
February 18,757
')J 14
. '745
C.rand toUl $3,474-43
Mr. Schouiburs hss a farm of ill
acrrs, 65 acres only are in ctiltivtttitm.
All feed was erown on the farm with the
exception of 615 paid for chop and oil
meal. It will tnus be seen that tint
farm returned nearly $44 per acte from
these cows.
An average of ilos.37 Ir cow is a
showing of which anyone might del
proud, and it eoes to Drove what can br
done in dairying where intelligence and
good management are brought into u-.
A Debutant.
Rooms to Let. Board and
Lodging. When Hungry
call on the
ZXomo Stylo
for a good square meal.
Main St.
Hillsboro - - - Oregon
W. Deutschman, Mg'r.
CardB.ara out announning the
weddinpr of Dorr Bailey Wsgg'iner,
of Hillt-bnro, and Harah Brnic
Church, of 1171 Minn. Ave, Port
land, the affiir to take place June
30. The prospective groom is a eon
of Mr. and Mrs Rufus Waggener,
and is well known here, where be
spent his boyhood. The past few
years he has been with surveys in
the Nehalem acd on the United
Railways engineering work.
Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Bchafer, of
Portland, where the husband is in
a steam heat and contractor busi
ness, were guests of Mr. and Mrs
John Dennis, over Sunday.
Mr. Collie Tour daughter U to moke
her debnt tomorrow, I bellorel
Mrs. Poodle Yes; tomorrow she will
make her Dnit bowwow to aocluty.
Kansas City Times.
UnsxpscUd, Indeed.
'Hear about Jimmy?" asked tha
lanky youth with the bat aud balls.
'No, rt-Npondud Ills chum. "What's
hapiienvd to him?"
fLota. He found a quarter In de
afreet, wpnt to de ball guine, gut hit
wld a boll an' deu gt licked when he
got home."
'Gee whiz! I gueaa dat'a what you'd
call trouble corulu' from an unexpect
ed quarter!" Chicago News.
Too Lams to Kick.
"And papa said no? I-ar, dcnrl
Yon didn't forget to it'll bim that you
felt wrry ho was 111, did you?"
"No, I didn't. I didn't any a word
about It. I knew hu wouldn't belli'va
me. lie would think It wiw a Joke."
"Why would he think It wbh a Jok-r
"Beouuso he Ihih rlifumall.sin In his
feet." Cleveland Plain Denier.
Local Shapes.
Gunner Itut nil of th fcmlnlim hnta
don't look llko ponoh baskets and inuah
rooms, do they?
Giiyer-I hould any not. In Mllwnu
kee they look llltc bcor Htelns, and In
I'ltiHMirg they rcseinble Hmokestncks.
Gunner-How about Morton?
Guyer-Oh, In Monton they rpaemhl
bean cnns.-Ht. lx)Uls ltupubllc.
Like a Mental Moving Pieturs.
Baker I'eoplo who buve been near
drowning say that In an Instant all the
events or tncir past Uvea are presented
to their mrritiil vision.
Barkor-I don't believe It
Buker-Why not?
Barker If It were true thov would
not allow themselves to be rescued.
Aew York Life.
Flowered dimity, fancy trlpt ytl 13c
Swiss cross bar and fancy Mrlpt 13 1(23
Genuine 'SilK Ribbon Stripo In ; j j
Mandelay iilKs. all colors 40c
Louise wash euits 23c
Good wash percales . lOc
Plain and flowered lawn lO to 13c
Fancyjdress ginghams lQc
Up-to-date Headquarters for
Baby Shoes and Slippers
Between the Dru Stores. . .
$ for $ our motto i
The Naturt of It.
"I suppose this nnrlul transit business
ought to be financed by a bank of
"If It were, no matter how they
would liquidate, there would always be
some dew upon It." Baltimore American.
The Km Tuesday Is s matter of gratlfi.
cation to Mnnrr K. L. Moort, who ts :
somewhat of a player himself.
Tom Williams redeemed hi disgrace ,
in dropping that fly by good field woik f
'siitiK-qtient, and by those daisy pokes in
to the gan'.en. '
Slaking by Shakespeare, I'mpire A. !
C Sliute got three tic bits one on the ;
shin, one on the foot, and one on the
stomach and was In the game all the I
Wilkes is one of the fastest short tot s
in the county, and if he will just hi M 1
the ball until he gets his balance be will '
nmkc a second Joe Tinker. j
Key Mooie osturslly frela sore at hls
hard lurk on the bitting end, for he is j
the Mddy-buck that ran put thrm over
the fence wheu he plays with the stars
riirbt. j
The Ilendrik lluilsf n !nys from Ver-
boort play nice ball, and for a bunch of
ICiitleiuanlv players the jfcouiiuct is to
Anton Hfrmens, manager of the Ver
IxMiris, is s fine loser the idea of Anton
tieiiiK a fiui isa surprise,
"Old Iloss" Harry Cook Is still the
Pop Anon of them all wh-n he gets in
the Hume.
Cutcher Phelps has some of the big
backstops beaten a mile, and he Is a val
uable man in the Cardinal bunch.
Pitcher Nick Williams' twisters are
leDgiie-measuie, and all ha wants is
plenty of work.
T.itt'e Itatchelar Is the ly for bases.
If the Athletic people don't look out he
is liable to steal them all,
Kl trier Smith was in his old Diamond
W form Tuesday.
Pnrrott, at first, was all to the good.
Thnt tnsn Houston has seen a diamond
licfore somewhere, where? And he
has met second basea time or two. He'll
do, and he knows the game.
Umpire Nelson has some speed him
self, for an old man.
Koppel, the star shortstop for the Por
ts t Grove Colts, and Hi Davis, the old
reliable, were in the game all the time,
but Koppy Is satisfied that when he gets
sick he will draft Wilkes to handle the
infield for the Colts.
John Docker, the scoresman for the
Cardinals, knows the game, and keeps
the records like a bank book keeper.
Regulating Commeroe.
"What will you say to the consumer
when he demands uu explurmtlon?"
"The usual thing," answered Mr.
Dustln Btax.
"What Is that?"
- 'Please remit.' "-Washington BUr.
On the Wheat Special.
Sandy Tikes (In grain car)-Dls fel
low Patten ain't got nothln' on tig,
Gritty George-How's dat?
Sandy Pikes-Why, ain't we alio got
a corner In wheat?-Puclc
Dsfsrsnoa to a Title
"By George, I can't understand this!
An old and experienced clerk like you
lotting a swindling stranger have $00
out of the cash drawer."
"Of course I wouldn't have given It
to him If bs hadn't spoken with a for
eign accent and called himself a count"
"A count, eht Oh, well, that' dlf-ferent."-Cleveland
Tlaln Dealer.
Hit First Qllmpee.
Hardly had the nrotid fntw anj
the Blckroom to get bla Drat gllmpae
or me new twma than both newborns
et up a lond bawling. "Now, now,"
cautioned the father, holding np bis
band and glancing from on red fact
to the other, "one at ft time ona at
a tlme'-Areonaut t
7AA PAl"l
To rnahe room for other StocK I am mahin
a sweeping reduction on th prices of fl
lines of Shoes. These ar absolutely the
greatest values in Footwear ever offered in
this city. Just read the following prices.
For Ladies
U 75 Reg. now 35
2 Oo Reg. now 1 65
3 00 Reg. now 2 45
2 50 Reg. now 2 O5
3 50 Reg. now 2 65
4 00 Reg. now 2 95
4 50 Reg. now 3 45
?5 00 Reg. now $3 85
In menV ohoeo w
aro making the oam
quotations, dollo
for dollar, as ifl
th oppooite ool
umn .Good , -durabU
ahoeo, and in Btyl
and money savors.
200 pairs Daby shoes in Price, to
75 on sale at 40c
Mlssea & Children II Sale on Bova and
75 ct ohoe for 00 eta
$1 00 shoo for 75 eta ;
125ahoo for '95 eta,
1 50 ahoe for $1 15
1 75 shoe for 1 35
2 00 Bhoe for 1 45?
2 25 shoe for a GO
2 50 shoe for "I 70 '
Sale on Boys'
; Youths'' Shoes
U 50 shoe for $1,20
1 75 shoe for 10
2 00 shoe for 155
2 50 shoe for 2 05
3 00 shoe for ' 2 35
1 '
rr Tplfe wnrkl"n South-1 weekend Wnnhti one of , hi
loarl atii A W1 R.p,rce ( w4BrB- D'. A. B. Bailey drati
road ateel on bit hand one dav thl. wound: and 1tat I. tiktna
1 J