P HILLS! VOL. XVI. HILLS BOKO. OREGON. JUNE 17. i90fJ ME 3R NO. 14 HIIJ.SBOIiO CARDINALS TAKE TUB OPBNINtt DciiccnJantAof Hcndrik Ilud nun Ilcat.n 1 1 :i CUM BUI T ATHLEIIC PKK -.). tfi atued lb. I'afad a4 I Uaw, Ta4 h-bt t!ilUtxro Cerdlnala want up giol V.rboort.tba dao.ndnia of Wdrik Hudeon. Tuasdaf aflr Co4n at Athletic Park and lh Wry ! tld by a D to 3 wor. Id or of Manager MoirM nun ir eri Tha irU wa.hedid by . I H,l ....I it., t, band ai " ",w . .it ink ..III -- fen.l In urtixi ei "' ' the finJUnd and bUecbfra nc 1.11, wilb an r.vHow on U .... i t .t .. Ight Md W-arnere. o" J iK.k Id only U in om and til Inning. baryanling a crop of rull.r In all oihr inning.. Tb J, i.ul up g Hl ". ) kiJ bU nut ieru, um kick William." twi.l-ra "' iricky f'f thir hnl"t hlltre l. ,h. ninib old"Ho Ck," bn kla d emulhlng unl'kwl or .nl out ihrebsg-r and nl.ld th lhir-1 tally H Wrlinfi T.ira Wdllam. end I'arroit, .r h IViliruW. Uudwl out a lbf igHr rch. duiing lha Raii, lh roughl lha crowd lo it fl Wil itu pitched e.cllnnt ball, ami )vi, (t lb iil"r, wm in K xl arm. It a. Iln wo'th b l ,nd .how. that the Ivtva, unJr rgniid baabll. ran do thine . fht; catcher, did Una wnra.an.l IVilli.m will uiaia "oottn-r" l gtla inUi tba gam rghl alorg bit work waa aa ! a w"-n on ne local around a fur y.are I'arroi, t fir.l, w. all lo tba good; H ua n. at oond. waa gilt adg-; lUl oore waa In tba gams alwaji, at waa not (ordinal, alwsy.. In . bl drivaa. Wilkes dajd a c game at bor.t, but mada er a ild throw, lulling in Cook at tba ind of tba gama. I Eimar Hmlth played third with it old tinia farm, and did aoit.a ood flick work. Tom Williama, gbt (laid, and Ualrhtdar, lfl, lara in lha running at all Uium. klthough aacb courted an error. A. C Hbuie ollkialaj aa nnipira Cblnd tba catchar, and C W, Nal n dacidinl on the baare and field Tba alUndance waa fully up to ipecutiona. and tba paid admia ona were 524. llll.lBHO an a en mi R it) A a UhrUr, 1 f... 4 3 to i o u JU O O O II 0 o .40 I on lit) lrl. c Xllkri, Vluurr, c f ftroU, l b Vilhaiti. T, r L .41 i o o rot , i O t I O O 0 o 4 1 I 0 0 7 0 0 4 a 3 o o 7 a i i I it a a t mllli, j b A'iIUmiu, N, p., 4 o o o o a o .17 9 l '7 5 3 VKUHooKT AN U lilt Nil Sll HI A K rnwn. a t o o o o u Brriianl, II, e, 50 1 00 oio f "I'lx-I. 3 b 30000 jUnl.um, t b,... 40000 Vrnaril J' r L 4 o 0 0 Davii It, pilihrr 4 0 0 0 0 i i 9 o I o o t t flnilrl, 40 I OO lulmiH-r, r f 11 o 10 Cook, Harry, 1 a 2 I o O O O a I 4 6 35 3 S o Srore by Inning: lilUlmn) o o 1 0 I o n c u Verhoort o o o o a o o 0 1 x Two banc biu lloiwloii, Smith. Tlmf p,,,wlt, William. Strm V mil by William, to; Dnvl, J, Ixft on !- IlilUlMiro, 6; Yerboort t'uipiree-Kbuie ami flilaon. 3RBC0N ELECTRIC SCHEDULE rbf Oregon Klrotrlc run nit ran each WV Ually. J lie 8:55 a. m. and rS p. Iratiia out of IlllUlmro coniirct prompl 111 lly llilliboro-porllanil timetable follow F"! oaiciii cara mi i;nln ll.itiiM The pave Mlllaboro Arrive Portlao.l 7 ?J w 8 30 a m 8 00 a ni 10 uu a tu n 10 am it ,5piU ' S P m 1 y) p m 3 S 5 P 5 00 p ro leave Portland m 7 ao p tu Artivr. llillxhorn 7 00 a m H 55 a m ,05a m ' 30 p in 4 10 pin , 5 3o p ni . 8 05 a tn .to c.o a tu .11 30 a 111 ..a 35 p 111 5 15 P m . 6 3 ' 35 P ni Goo. Banti 8r of bevond (lien COe. was in Mnn,l. .n.l ..t.A.i. "ght crops up his way; Dr. Lowe, the waII v Cn, will be in Hillebnro nexl Wednesday, June 23 and bv sneoial giuest, in Cornelius, Friday, June Newton Womer, of Laurel, was in J. 1 - . . ' ' jju oaiuraay, arlving about the Uncsl ilooklng pieoe cf hornellash in the county, in (he way of a draft ard- K wVt m If.- " is a tine, cream 4 year old nily, and weighs 1000, and has ken2prlaei at our street fairs. t . . . i liuilduig 1!Im k ami have a good upply on tba jrd. V will hav a aupply o l.rirk on hni.d bj the '.'(Hli of JuriB. We will bgio our run of Urge tiln, K) Inch and over, aiertit June 1.1. 1'trtiee wti.tiui Imiw. eiiHi muni ordnr lliem by ul I, ee wecannot alTDrd tocarrv hem in etork, ao do not hltme ue if we have none when you cell for them laier. We eiprct to have full eliK-k of emaller tba latter part of July. We have 3 In.. 4 In and (ilu.on band alpreeant. Phone, lore tnu Cine for tile, aa thia lock may l out any time. We burn our tile end brick hard, en wood te no ohjoct wllh u. Don't rgel that we cerry a bo'kI line of rough and drrnnl lumUr.and ctn till any ordinary bill from our yard alnck, Wa ilao have a, qtuo' lily of lumber at Htre'a awitcb that we will ell at a very reeen-1 ma pgnre, m. Uii. 1H. 'Hi. ViO I il I 1 I ir . I . . -V.... , ' n T,Df" miecam ami Uj except u.e 1 i. i hi i. all good luinlwr and ia all luck, ao it in very dry. If you an ueluaWnf thnee diiueneion. it will pv you to lok it up ironer V Kuwrll Cu. Mr. and Mr. W. ti Hare, of lha law firm of Ucf A 11 re, departed Monday on a bu.iuMi inn lo Denver ami way point Ha eip-ct. lo .lop in daho on bi. return ttip, and will make Pendleton, on hi way borne, and .top over ol the Pythian (irand odge, lo repreaetlt I boenix 31, of bia city, lie wiil return home about the 'i.'tb. Noxiciiie di.inft'Cta and kill. the germ. Mixes with water. I cheap and tffclive 1'ite it now nd prevent dieae. Pint, 35c; quart, GOo. 11. C Hartrampf. l 4 to ii vn now unmrieo nur run nl ... u ; , ..." noi ". M.r.hal Lar-n H.turd.y night lnol,n; Mr. Unh Mari8, Mrs. arrealed two diaorderliee, who were fined f3 each by Recorder Hohul mericb. One of them worked out hi. lime on the street, while Ihe other "vamooaed" after the Mar abal bad placed him at work clean ing up. (iood pa.ture for horse., one half mile ea.t of Hilleboro. (.1. n. Biindurant, Hillsdale, K 2; or see J. W. Masters, Uillsboro. 13 tt It. H. lvibin.on, who has seen 40 year, of development at Farming Urn, wa. up Monday, andsaya that tbe dairying proposition i. the never (d the farmer., theee days, and that those who .lick to it are the one. that are making thinga go, hort crop, to tbe contrary not- witb.tauding. Have the little chickens from in lici'htion. diarrhea, etc. Conkey's Cholera Cure In the drinking water 1. guaranteed by II. C. Hartramjf. Price, 25o and fiOo. Ill The Grand Commander's Cathe dral Clans, Oregon Commanderyj .Soottl.h Kite Maeono, inducted At torney W. H. Holliaand Postmaster Wilbur McKldowney into tne class of Thirty Second Degree Masons, held at Portland, last week. Four room house on Washington Street, on car line between Beoond and Third, lot 50x100, fur sale. ICrneet Lyons, 2 miles northwest of Ullleboro. - 61 tf John Nyberg, one of the pioneers In rock road work down in the Tualatin Bection, was up to the oounty seat, Monday, 00 business with ihe oounty court. Bring your watohes and clocks to Libby, for prompt ana satniut repairing Corner Main and Third streets. 4Dtf II. M. Basford. who thinks farm ing in the valley is better than arid Eastern Oregon, was in town from his Harris Bridge ranoh, the first of the week. For Sale: Good, young cows, all fresh; will take sheep In trade Victor Collier, Cornelius, Oregon, Route 2. 12-0 Ralph Ireland, working In a Portland box laotory, was out 8un day, the gueat of his father, Geo. Ireland. Fruit jars, caps and rubbers at Portland prices Frank & Bor wiok, Heedville, Ore. 12 tf IllllMJi! BKTIIANY COUPLB CELEBRATE John Staldcr and Wife, Wed ded l ifty Yearn GOLD! WEDOIKG IS TBI CBl'KCB About mu Caret ied Kclttlvta Pre-1 arat at Ctrrtnaay Mr. and Mra. John Kulder, for 33 vear rnn l,(.nl. f W.n nnn ui i .1..:. .. . ....... .j, vnicuiavnj turir goiurn I wedding at the (Jerinan BaptiHt Church. Helhany, nine mile, north ot ,hi,, c,ty, Kunday, May 31. wver JJ) gueet were oreaenL All lbWrc',",,r.uBbtMDd . I three .on. . were in aiUmU,,,.. ...I of their 5.1 grandchildren, .7) were present. Three gre.t grandchild- I i ren were a Wo there The wedding march waa playrd by Mine HrnL Stabler uoeni, a granadaugnter, ana a 1 1 a . progamme wa. given by tbe mem bera of lha family, chief of which waa a paper by Mra. Btalder, re lating to the .10 years of her wed ded life. Tba parly enjoyed lunch eon in lha church dinine-room. llotb Mr. and Mrs. Stalder were born in Hwilt-rland. and thev came to America and .eltled at Bethany 33 years ago. Mr. Sialder ia 80 years old, and bi. bride of 50 years - - Their children are: Kmil, Paul nd Henry. Bethany ; Mi.. Martha, Lyuia nmer. airs. Anna w etxier, nr.. nnunia uoeni, anu mra. .-nan- anna Johnson, all of Portland. n.i... i,i..:- -t. v... ai I of bops at Weal Union, says that the yield promises to be very light tbi. year, and that some insect is working on tbe vines. Tbos. (.been, a lover of tbe Sham rock, went to Oregon City, Sunday, to .pend the day with hi. folk., who are visiting a daughter at that place. Lewis Power., for 20 years resident of near Leixyville, was In town Monday. His father is now residing -near Forest Grove, where . . . . . .!,! . L . 1 I neoougni auer seiung voe nome P10"' A. C. Winney, of Mason Hill, was in Monday, and states that the children's day exercises, Sunday, at tbe Mason Hill School houee, were well attended and creditably rendered. n if d. u 11111-. 1.... l . 1 : -.1 Greenville, was in Saturday, the oue.t of C. R. Bradlev and family, ooro ooy.auu now i-.ui.i.r uu-m He was accompanied by his wile ami children. . ... . . . Joseph Adams, well known here years ago, when in the brick busi- iipbh, uwd r ... mnntOR. and was recently convevea m the State Hospital, by reason of - v r m lailma mind. Adams has lived in Portland for some years, aud owns . a ranch down on Lewis River. Ferd Hartrampf has the agency lor the famous McCormick binders mowers, hay rakes, tedders and al amue 01 iiu V " " fail to see h m, If you need farm lmpiemeniBonnisaina. aibobbus uie iniernauonat gaeoiine engine, pumps. Come and see him. 13if . t . .1 1 1 Wm. Bender, who resided here ten years ago, and who has been at saiem, in siaie employ, anu at T T ! ro" In town Saturday, He left for Sea side, Sunday, to put up some build ,Dg8 iii.; v "Za ,T says Hilleboro looks good to him For a good . wholesome meal, home cooking, and oourteous treat- ment, call on the City Restaurant, Seoond St., Opposite P R. & N. of- Hnn. Room. lor transient. 25 and 50 cents. Board and lodging, per week, $4 50 Mrs. II. Lueoher. Kred Adam., now working in Portland, and well known here, wa. out tiunday, trending the day. H. II. Iioge, the old time tbreeh- ermao and rancher of KertuirjgtoD, waa in town Halurday. A. E. McCutneey, the eawm ill I man, waa down from above (jleocoe, monuey, bdu urou(iiwn iuun;r iji . J J I 1 . !- 1.. 1 I I the eeala at the Hhute Park. Ilecry Hoge, who ha been down in Ibe numb lUHlalin hw;' ion lor 20 j earn, and who baa 2.1 acrel cleared out of the trim, waa up Katurday. fJ A. I'lietb, the TiKrdvil!e tup- erviaor of road, wan up Saturday, urerunz om iiiany couniy eirai friend locludinir the "Deacon." Jake Hmitb, who for many year - " ' , ' T , ' ' " lnat natumd emiiethat always "etava out " K C. Mullov. of Laurel, waa in H.t....t.. .-,1 .... l.i-in t.... yard look, fine, wilb the exception J b"u 3, crM. "bich " " ' u J " mn j hv i v y have the eulk. 11.. 10011. mio ui iua ipuiar 11 r iv 1 1 t . 1 . I t , , 1 I principals of our county echoold. aa. in tlm la.t of the wek. having juet uniehed a euc'ce'ful term of cbool at (ireeuviUe, .. . ,,f ,, . ,,, , wife and Mr.. K. C. uht wt10 ai 1 oiiiaii'i, t iiiwuay , i mi' . ti ..1 it- 1 . .l V.r,,un ........ ,.u.,r, ,uc ...r.- .a s t ( ,1. 1" , I H ' - 1 vciiing, June Ji, rr.) under U"pira i f Modern ofid men ioellee orcbentra. 1 ickte. f I.o, itiCiudirg .upper. A gonl time, and every bidy invitwl. , , . . , , L. K lirabel, Wfll known here several years ago, and now in thai Pnrt an.1 atrcnt pur utr ra aa linA .... 1 man, waa out wonuay auu eeya Ibe old Uiwns wondeiful improve- ment IS a SUrtiriae to Dim. , , . Mr. Goodman and wife, formerly of Adame, Umatilla Cuunty, ar- rived tbe fir.l of the week, to take n",er water euppir tn 01a waan nn th.ir ,ealden(!e on the Hal Tav ""J?on .tfunty-wbich for that matter, lor place, a mile weet of town, which they purchased tbi. Spring. r . Four foot fir wood delivered in any quantity in city. Per cord, (3.25 and 3 50, as per quality AI.o nave &)b wood. Luve your orders now. Leave t HudelV real eetate oflice. K 0. Ileidel, Hill.boro. Hlf 8.m.l vAdin of Oklahoma, ar- rived Sunday, and went out with j. a. uaviK. 01 aoovB tnuuuimu 1 a.u tat fw d,v. visit. Host ,0(j vi(,jtor knew each other io Kansas, 30 years ago, and have not Let ,'hll lime. Mr.Nading mty jocMe jn Oregon Dr. Lowe, the optician, has been coming to Hilleboro for mor6 than U rears, lie nas no agente ne 11 I a - 1 d" not go from house to house Consult h.m a bou your eyes and glasses at the Hotel! ualatin, June O1) 23. T v T.n,OKftn mhn ha hAon here four year., after spending 30 years in drouthy Nebraska and Kansas, was up from Faraington. Saturday. He IhinkB Oregon j. good enough to live in, and-he save when he dies he wants burial 'where tbe green grows over hie ' . . head." C. W. James, of between Hills- Rnd Corneliuf,( wa8 in Mon V. dav. and Btal'S that the onion crop in his vicinity could be better, if there was a utile more moisture Some crops, however, are good. C. V . says there is a belt about o miles in dmmater tbat has not haJ as much rain as the balance of the pounty. n ura ff BfinthWBRt nl towu, was over Monday, and went down to look at Ziua Wood's irri- '. VV,' "TLV . " gallon piuo. ne eaye no u. w acres, 80 of which is cultivated, up on which he can easily throw water, . . ,,;. ,ka i.,;,.i!n femi Irri lion u lhe thing- .hiDk of two or three nice fat juicy .i :. ! 1 trvta narn bhhmmii saiiii uthhii iiuiiisir ,"Kl : ... ;"L 0 ,or inB UBl y PluUk" I w t t n . . l 1 1 a : 1 1 Jonu 1.. wmia, me veierau ujiu man of luaiatin, and whose mm J' ' j. ' ,1 has a capacity, strong, ot V!o,uuu hat thH lumber business is a du1( Bllhl)Uh there ia greal deal of houesbuilding down his way. R tu the A (hftt ft Dei ..,. rha .iwi.iin Rr.VW .t I J".1 h" " J ... Co wiU buil(1 a tile faotory , b , . kUn Rl onoe John Lt still wears that same good-natured expression. 1 . to Wl divorce oaseB were filed this week. Mamie Landess Brand sues Oliver Brand for a decree, al desertion. They were W Sept. 12, 1906, and plain uff aUfl-e8Klhat the husband de eerted her Jan. 12,1908 Lstiiia M Gragg asks for divoroement from A. Z Gragg. They erere wed- ed July 7, 190o, and Mrs. Gragg aaka the custody-of the one child. The property rights in the last 1 case were Bellied out of court. PLANT NEAR TOP Herman Ilunteman lias 30 Acre. Wir.l Pmm t.r. - ... nnvi PIUPS WITH GiSOUSl ESGI.1! Sir Ib.t bl Crept Will Alatat Dtabla la Yield Herman Ilunteman, tbe Veteran peach grower of a mile aouthweet of thia city, baa thirty acres of fine frqit, grain tod vegetable land watered by an Irrigation plant, pumping water from tbe Tualatin River with a hi 20 Horae Power gaeoline angina, and the atream that he bring, from tba river i. a u. .u.. unuuj. Ull. uuutcujau J kUB the irrigation project double bis crow this will at least crops this season, and lha eitra a t r.ftn m la nnt an mnph f - ,,, 4k., , .. . uu. t U a Will UIU1 m UIOU v,vu "1 ",0 "vor ,UTOTl punt. Mr. Ilunteman says it is poly a que.tion of time until bun drede upon hundreds of acre of . -u 1 . 1 , ' vrooa win ua irriKaiea iroaj tueee .,., . ... ".in.Uir, III! nUIIQ Ik IB UUUrO ,,.: , . r - r r - I n r 1 icici siiyyij, i win ujeau thoueandrf of dollars more in pro- . 1 ... 1 ...... 1 ..... zk ;) ducimn. He .ays that irrigation is to le the slogan of the future, and he only wonders that it has been delayed so Ions Ilunteman ba cupplied many fauiilie wun pcacuei mai oeai inc aouiuero Oic-oo produci. for manv vear. but h (bat tbe cold last Spring ruined tbi eaon crop. Me Will not nave Over a huahel or two on bia tree. Wht;n Altoiney g. r, ,urtej u expend money or an irrigation plant a var or ao ago be little dreamed tnat be wculu atart the ball rolling for general irritation, and it i aaie to tav that witb- in five year there will be thousand! of is the richest in production of any coun ty in the rtorthwest. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leave for Portland Foreat Grove Local (1 a. m. Sheridan Flyer 9:1a a. tn. porett Grove Local ."...".'." 34 p. ml CorvatlU Overland 4A9 p. m Uave. Portland for HilLboro I rrZ,?"'" Sheridan Fiver 4:100. m. Knrt r.m iv.i t nnn m Fore Grove Local Sop.m. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harvey, of above Monntaindale, and whose house burned, a total loes, June 6, were in town Monday. They think the fire I - J L. 1 a V I was cauoeu oj ruari oaicatoK 00 the roof. The total loss is probably in the neighborhood of 12500 or more, and an insurance 10 the nari0ft will rtnnhlua viva ftham Grange will doub'leee give them somewhere near 11200. Mr. Har "7 l0 , carpenter looie, ana many valuable books Among the o ur no u -a .1 oi uicao u i.u... j reoora wmoo naa oetongea .0 aire. Harvey s mother. 1 bey are now living 10 stent, and expect to build i: u.. ... r..s..u ,u uor Have Dr. Lowe relieve your head and eye ache by temoving the cause with a pair of his correctly fitting elapses. Consult him at Hotel Tualatin June 2319 years experience. a. ueo. uaaeo, wuraiiiK ior ins uu ,.. ti 1. : t .i.. r. ton Lumber Co, while loading I luinber the other day, severely in jured himself, and his brothers, W illiam and Henry, who were m nun. swim . u.i.uu, .uuuubt Ut.l that he ia confined to hi- room' u. u.gmusen ana wiie, wno nave luBt completed some substantia buildings, at the expense of about Loiwn .w.:. n.n- wheeler, below Reedville, were in the citv Monday. Camiel Duyck, who farms be- i . . ... . tween 30 and 40 acres near Forest I . . ci a. 1 urove, was in town oaiuruay I Crops are looking lair in bis sec tion, he Bays. P. A Batcheldar has a fine year filly, gentle, and easy to break which be will sell. Will make 1300 lb. animal : is a bay. East Hilleboro, on Oak Street. 14 6 You nd children's eyes are ... ,f i Dr. Lowe's classes. Kye safe, and prioe safe. Dozens of 1 w . Hilleboro relerenoes. Hm.n Cnlller. who owns a fine bunch of land down at Scholis, was in town Saturday, accompanied by his wife. Going, soing, not quite gone Poultry men come for free copy Conkey's 25o Poultry book. K. u Hartrampf. By mail, 4o. Wm. Chalmers, of North Plains, was in Saturday. Mr. Chalmers farming a big aoreage this year, 'and is getting fine results. I High Q UALITY Drug Store When you are sick and in need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which we constantly j endeavor to furnish our cus- i tomers. i None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. SIP SLAUGHTER PRICES! To marie room for other StocK I am mahinrf a sweeping reduction on the prices of all lines of Shoes. These are absolutely the greatest values in Footwear ever offered in this city. Just read the following prices For Ladies $1 75 Reg. now $1 35 2 Oo Reg. now i 65 3 00 Reg. now 2 45 2 50 Reg. now 2 05 3 50 Reg. now 2 65 4 00 Reg. now 2 95 4 50 Reg. now 3 45 $5 00 Reg. now $3 85 200 pairs Baby shoes 75 cts. now .on sal Misses & Children 75 ct $100 125 150 175 200 225 250 shoe for 60 cts shoe for 75 cts shoe for 95 cts shoe for $1 15 shoe for 1 35 shoe for 1 45 shoe for 1 60 shoe for 170 JOHN DENNIS, HILLSBORO Victor Talking Machines As a result of numerous calls for the Victor Talhing Machine, I have decided to put in a line of this most wonderful and complete of all musical instruments. These New Style Victors play with such a true to life sweetness and mellowness of tone that it is absolutely per fect. There is nothing else equal to it. , , You owe it to yourselves to hear the Victor. The very next time you pass my store, stop in, and I will gladly play any Victor music you want to hear. .. LAUREL M.HOYT WATCHMAKER And J.wvlvr FOR MEN In men's shoes we are making the same quotations, dollar for dollar, as in the opposite col umn. Good, durable shoes, and in style and money savers . in Price 50 to . e at m 40c Sale on Boys' and Youths' Shoes $150 shoe for $1 20 1 75 shoe for 1 40 i 2 00 shoe for 1 55 2 25 shoe for 1 70 2 50 shoe for 2 05 3 00 shoe for 2 35 Graduate Optometrist . 1