The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 10, 1909, Image 6

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Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Are Doing' a Conservative
Banhing Business
SURPLUS, $10,000
Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on
Savings and Time Deposits
3500 ACRES putted Into tract of to jo acres each.
wiU completed toad to each tract. 40 minutes oat on
the Fourth Street ailwy. 5 trains each wey per day.
Land lay beantifally, toil very fertile and it especially
adapted to fruit, outa and vegetables. 700 homesitrs
acre, of an average size of 5 acres, insures wonderful
community development Now selling in such tracts as
yon desire, at from
$lOO to $250 per Acre
to per cent, down, balance to suit purchaser
Call and arrange to go without expense to you, to ex
amine this property, and determine for yourself as to
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 SterK St Portland, Oregon
T. M. Kill
"Are You Wanting a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
' ' make a Specialty of Business Chances.
lnisoaUatt Fhn, 193
' 1
I "ci
' r
Steel Ladders
are the things
Sold at one-third of the
cost of other Ladders
? A
1 Made of the best of steel
2 Indestructible by weather
or fire
3 Do not collect ice or snow
4 Will not collect moss on
the roof
5 Always ready for use
6 Can be folded into a small
7 Can be adjusted to any
shape of roof
Price list sent on application
Manufactured by
McParland & Donnelly
J Buxton, Oregon.
. , Bmokan like tb Schiller and the
BXflBlhacift.-' Tber -eif art art of
Jhf bsjetitock. Yon can't fool an
authority 00 a good oigai.
Wood for sale: -Can deliver tour
foot fir wood in any quantity, in
the city.-F. G. HeideL 6 if
E. Goff, who hae chopped oat
neat little home eouth of the tiver
wai in town Saturday.
Mies Eetrella Ford, daughter of
Kx-iherlff H. P. Ford, of Portland
wai the gueet of Mrs. J. W. Con
nell, Sunday.
William Oil, a fanalicof Day-l
ton, Yamhill County, was picked
up at liger.lvine, Saturday, aou
brought here on a charge of insani
ty. OU'e w if u located and tele
phoned, and she asked County
Judge Ootxlin to tend the man
home on the evening train, which
wae done. Ott imagine that hi
ruiaeion i to eave the aouls of all,
and he takes aberrational r-pelle
and start out. When captured he
was dree-eed in overalls and blouse,
and carried a bible. While in the
jail be and Roeelair, wife-murder
er, had a spirited controversy, and
the evangelist fn m Yamhill had a
hard time to hold his own with the
deeceudant of Cain.
Careless shooting iaeide the lim
it of the city will yet get someone
into serious trouble. Iate Thurs
day afternoon, while We Bieoow
was in the clothing department of
ihs Wthrung Store, a bullet from
a 22 calibre gun crashed through
the window, within ten feet from
the salesman The bullet cut a
hole over an inch in diameter acd
then landed in the show window,
where it was later found by F. J.
Sewell, of the Commercial Bank.
The ball came from over the roof of
the Hotel Tualatin, and must have
been shot from North Hillsboro.
State Game Warden R. 0. Siev
eneon was down from Forest Urove,
Friday, and tried to trade off a
hunting license for a year's sub
scription to the Argue. The Argus
refused to trade a it understand
that CiK). Armentrout will take the
deld again this year, and there is
no sense in blowing in money for
nothing. Armentrout at over 70
years is the champion of them all,
nd can crack a buck eye at a
longer distance than the younger
D. Harvey, who has lived above
Mountaindaie for a good many
years, lost his bouse by fire sun
ay afternoon, The blaze caught
from a do fee ire Hue, and although
help came there was no saving the
bouse or its contents. 0 G Wilkee,
f the Independent Telephone, hap
pened to be close by and went op
o the place to aseist. The house
was worth over $1,000. The Bar
veys are elderly people, and highly
Harry Hall, of Shady Brook, and
one of the oldtimert of tbe north
county, was in Friday. H. H. eayr
there is considerable complaint all
over his section about cattle run
aing at large This murmur is
beard, however, from all precino's
xcept tbe tons.
Jas. May, the old veteran of
Vinelands, was in Friday, and
says that a few in his neighbor
hood are trying to get a change in
he mail route. Three miles is
ong ways to go for a daily mail.
W. Bouoseio, homesteader and
carpenter, and who is well known
between here and his Mountain-
dale ranch, was a county seat call
er, Monday.
John Purves and wife, who for
merly lived near Hudson, Wis., tbe
home of the humorist, the late
Bill Nye," were over Irom their
South Tualatin home, Monday
Nox i cide disinfects and kills
the germs Mixes with water. Is
cheap and effective. Use it now
and prevent, disease. Pint, 35c
quart, GOc. R. C. Hartrampf. 11-4
Mrs. Minnie Tucker, who hts
boen vUiliog her unols, Palmer
Tucker, above Mountaindaie, came
to Monday, and departed to attend
tbe Seattle Fair and tbe Rose Fee
Jesse J. Mays, interested in ths
Maya Company, at Glencoe, was
in the city Monday morning, dnv
ing in the supply team, relieving
Al. Hurst, who was kicked by
horse one day last week.
Jhn Zimmerman, of Wallace
Settlement, was down to tbe city
Friday, and reports bis wife con
valeccing from a very severeillness
While in town he was the guest of
his sieter, Mrs Lena Rouody
W. E McCourt returned Friday
from the bedBide of bis brotber-in
law, W. F. Nelson, oi Seattle, who
was prostrated last week, and was
unconscious from a stroke of para!
yeiu, and who has since died.
Perry Ellis, a former Hillsboro
photographer, and who knows the
art family throughout, was in town
from Hillsdale, Saturday, accom
panied by Mrs. Ellis. Hs is hand
ling real estate and farming.
. Dan Stoller, who ranched many
years up in Helvetia, aod who sold
a few months ago, was out from
Portland, Friday. Even though
be is getting along in years theca
of tbe farm is working on him
R N. Varley, formerly a feed
man at the Grove, now ranchio
over in the Jobe's section, was ovtr
Friday, nursing a touch of rheu
J. C. Schulmerich, of Banks, was
down Friday, and sold a one horse,
out of Lovelace, to County Com
mispioner Butner, the price bein
W. C. Daretr, one of Glencoe
baseball enthusiasts, was in town
Saturday and says "Corns out and
see the beet country team in the
A. Anderson and wife, cf Helve
tia, were over to the county seat
p riday.
Joa. Miller, who is clearing op
farm above Glencoe, on the hill
was in town Friday.
Humor and
It would not matter so much tf my
lady should mistake ths wast P!'
basket for her new hat Vt foC tb
litter when she Inverted It
It la easy to
gtv advice, but
Just suppose for
minute that
you bad to take
It yeuradf. Gra
Some people
are naturally
truthful, and oth
ers acquire that
trouble breeding
eoudltlon only by
srslstsot ef
rerhsn there U some oue who un
derstaud the tariff, but If w b I
wisely keeplug stul.
Tb man who takea thing aa tbey
come and never lets go is tb man that
Is beard front later.
Nolle ol F
Otlf U Ilti'IV
,,. Ih.t ,l"'r o h "
Tb results of money saving may bs
comfortable, but tb operation ism
nearly aa eicltlug aa that of money
reopl talk a lot about liking to tsk
chance, but tbey never ant willing to
let a sure thing get by In order to tsk
a chance.
AU optimistic thing may not be pay
Ing, but did you ever nolle that all
paying thing ar looking toward op
timism T
If the rag for tipping continue, at
tb end tbe undertaker may expect us
to arts and hand him a good slsd
Admitting that there I good In esch
of us, should It atay there or com
ul of Mi.t P.tlM.
lUtflry . Il" Allot H7 '"' 'lmln
IVii'T l Wlkr, rislnlltr,
KUf t' Wslker. IMentlaim
To Kll 0 Walker, IMmwUiiI !"
iiiiuhI. y
In ihs Name of lt. fii '"w"".
t 1.. .mlrn! U lIHr Sll'l '
.... I. ...i ,ll.l all.l Ytl I" '
nil-l .nil nJ ,ua Iwfunt Of l'
.A. n..r ll.s ilt of
Ihs linl l.uUll'.ti s ot.Un.1 . Jli
ro.trl in the t.llll'! ": ' "
......... i r... ! ilia ix.n.i.Uli.l. L-"
IIP. 3 "
(or a .lr,H. of H . ' '," '"
mrf ltf tot.lnw I Urlotof snl p'-
ii .,!.. mi k.ui iiri.iUiii.('t
s ntrthr il n kllosrlng pUlttlltt U f
liirrosnilcuuly f ll. ml'"" htl
,lrn naml lherln. lor S.nW r month
.1 i..t Srvntitv nv uotiar
' . . ' ..-. ..... flt.llta.
nr f. ami tor urn I'ourt may Unt unl Hi
L-...I.I v ttit.t liiHtt.l.
fhi .Sin..iion t .ullll.l by ot.lrol
Hi Hoforll J I . lantiwii. J
lite i.tutil I'ourl, inl miJ n
.Inly m.l si.J i.lrel an III llh Uy 0l
My, rw
liteirtim publication. My a. I.
1I of lM t.ublt.stlon. J.ilT I.
J. A HlruH.It.
Atu.rury for flalttlltT.
A Dcpcntlsihlo Crotrry
is just the kituKi'iisuiui-is nIu.uKI p.Uf,,,,;,
Wc huc just audi a Cnurtv.
licjK'tul in Quality 'f kMunls l fully,,,
You C" llt OM lll Ull V it l..ut Ulr , i
it You cs .lrpu.l . g'lttng riy t Nv .
Ktc jou. Vow ilrlwll.l oil (. tl.., .1.,, ,t,
l.itirs Yi rst itri.! on .mh C,K k 5
reclly. 'o r ilrnl oil be b.r , ,m,
Iwtng ftghl, stul Conuttirl aho (Ji 4 , iviii litis. ' '
Hillsboro, Ore,
ghlnlng Kasmpl.
When Turkey casts aM ths bonds
That hsld hsr lo ths past
And com, a slant nw and siron,
By sldsrs not oulclaaavd.
And Irom a nation old and sick
Bit up and sts lha pace,
Than confidently may say
Thars's hop for any raca.
Who would hav thought It of Ihs Turk,
Bo oflan billed lo dla.
That ha would coma to Ufa acaln.
Bo gay and young and spryT
Who would have prophaalad that ha
Th despot's powar would ehark
And ba dlaoovarad standing tbar
Upon th sultan's nack?
Of coura ha stood It pralty long.
And tint ha bad to laarn.
From canturtea of graad and craft
At last ths worm will turn.
And whan at last ha lurnad and took
Ths nations by surprtaa
Ha only had to raach his hand
To grasp th rraaman's prlaa.
Good boy thar, Mr. Touthful Turkl
tou'va suraly won a plaoa
Among advancing paoples who
Toward prograss sal thalr faca.
Tou'va Joined th human brotherhood.
Our hand is al your door
To walcoma you and say you ar
Voapaakabl no mora.
Hsr Prafsrsne.
'WU1 you b my wife, my dearf'
aid the aged millionaire to tbe pert
young thing.
"Well, there is only one thing that I
would rather be," she admitted reflec
"And what 1 tbatr
"lour widow." '
What 1st
"Yes, my son."
"You say there I a place for every
"Well, what la the proper plac for
Improper things V
Mora Attractlvs.
"What are you going to be, Edgar,
wnen you grow upr
"Sure of tbatr
"Yes, since they raised the pay
think I will take It"
Nssdsd Hslp.
"That's a bright boy."
"Yes, be Is a bright boy."
"I know It I saw blm come In out
of the rain."
"Sure a policeman wasn't after
Easy Enough.
"He overheard them making lor."
"What did they sayr
"A deaf maa could hav overheard
Lev Us Not
Into the deep, remorseless sea
Hs'd like to hava a chance to shovs us.
mwan in poai ana you and me,
I feal that Castro dots not lovs us.
Administrator's Nolle
Notici is hereby lvn. thai lha under
ikimhI hail", by U County tVurt ol
lha Ntatfof Orrgon for Wsihingliiii t'ous
ly, dulv Miii.t Admli.Ulor of ll
eataU of Ktw.T ),, tlmeaavd,
ami ha duly .ualitle.l a .u.-h.
Sow Ihvrefor. all wfin iian.g
clli.l Kll MldaataUar hereby r
H.llrrl lo (ri'eil lha aatii U ! e under
igtiod al thelaw otll.ol IUlry A lUr.
in HMUUiru, Orrg.ui, or al lit ott..' of
iKlmby Young, t'l.sinlwf of I ominnro
lluil.llim. I'ortlaiKl. Orrg..... uh pmi-
er voticbeni, w lltiitt ill uioi.tb flow Hi
late) hrf.
lialetl and ft ml (ml.liel.e.1 June II), lw
MitKMlY Yi'l NU.
A.ltnli.llmlor of the relate of KrUv
. Kami J, INKMUiml.
Administrator's Not it
Nolle is hefol.y given that I h Inn
appointed .luilnlMrlnr of tlie e.lle of
I'lllllp Moll, iln.,e., by ll.e t'
Court of the .State of On-snit for Within
tun County Ail rwiii liavoig rlatn.e
agnlnet the said eatale are l.f r -I'jf rrUliu
lo tireaenl litem, duly terilird, to u.e, al
thoollli-eof T. ti. tl.ort.luii, attorney at
law, Mulkey Hulldli.g. !rtUil. Oregon
on or before ll.e eiplralloii of ll numib
Iroiu the It rt iiubli.-al.nn heieof, ahirli
flnl publication ut on Jun In. luw
r. t. Mtn.i..
IN T1IR CIUt'l'IT folltr if TIIK
HTATK y ii It Kilt 'N WAHII.
IMiTtiN rut' NTT.
Johanna (luatafe-m, 1'Ult.tllf,
Charles flustafH.,.., lirfemUi.t.
To C'harle UuatafMin, llm almve nau.ol
In the nam of lha HUlr of tltntfou: You
ate hereby rniuireil In at.iirar and an
wer lha complaint lilnl unalnet uuln
lha alKiva eiiutli-l curt and rauw on or
tors Ztril ilar of July, Can, whl.-h It an
wewks after T)iurwlar, June lo. Ihm. the
lata ordered for thn l.rl publication of
Ihla nolle, and if you fail to . ,r
ami auawer pluli.Uil will apply for tb
renal prayed tor in her complaint, to wit:
for a decree dlmolvli.K the N.n.l.of mt.
rllUMIiy lloW tltlllng lielareil alwve
naine.1 t.laii.tlrT and .Irfrndani, and fur
such other anil further relief aa to th
ootirt aentnit niccl and lint.
1 tils onu.nioti la liiiblUlie.1 l,v ord-r of
Hon. J. Wiwley tliMMltn Imlve of the
County court, liudu and auteie.1 oil the
IfUi day ol May,
f 1.1 1)K KiniAKIWfiN,
Attorney fur rialnlirf,
611 Chamber of Cotiimeri-e,
I'ortlninl, Oreifun.
A new assonncttt of lautiftil
Finrly Frcimed Picture
just received, which by luiy
inj larRC tituntiticit, we have
lcu able to get at the lowct
prices obtainable.
Wc give our customers the
Uncfit of this Krca barga:n
anJ we have a htrc assort
meiit to select front.
Best Fire Insurance
Agent Ix)ndon & Lanca.
shire Fire Insurance Co,
OfTxe with Kdmnnd Cornelius, Mnio St
lnd. I'hon, jm.
Pacific States Phone 34 IIILLSDORO
..Central Meat Market.
EMMbTT BROS., Prom.,
Keep constantly on bsnd a fins
supply of fresh meats of all kind.
A New In Priam
We are going to aell meats at pi less low
er than those which hsve presd It
the psst. tall In and sec us. We mesa
uuemess. rnone ana free DelWery
one aoor nast Tualatin Hotel
Mais Street, Hlllsbors, Ortgss,
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids will be vml i, r
ty Court of Washington Cotintv. Oreifon
until S I o'clock p ,!;., ttl, ,51,
. , """" opened rorthenon-
atructlon of a bridge and nil at tbe John
Borwlck place near Keedvllle; and a till
at the Jos. Robinson plata 2 milea from
Karmlngton. The 6ort reserve, ti e
r ght to reject any or all bldn. Kor fur
jidgef Inquire of th County
By order of the County Court.
J. W. Ooodln, County Judge.
Try a DeLaval
If you are thinking of buying a
cream separator why not buy ihe
best? We are the sKfnls for the
We guarantte this uiscliine to be
the easiest cleaned, the closest of
skimmers, the lonKest-llved, and
The Best Separator
in the market. We will place the
DeLavsl in a competing contest
with any other cieam separator,
and let the DeLaval speak for It
self. Mr Customer, it will pgy
you to investigate the manv super,
lor points found only ' in the
Mays & Conovcr
Call iu ami sec ujJ
will kxc conliil
inent. Our jt uxs n
lor you tli.tu I.rtJa&!
and our stoic In t r
Crnrrul McrtlW
of the Wsi in the imik
Yours for a Q Deal always
J. C. Wegner
The Wisconsin Trnch liorr-hor
A socialist ou htiisc-shiH tii. l!w.f.
iHitinil, quarter-cracks, tiat priiks,
forfaits!, interfering, ami all ilisc-ises
cif the feet KuarautecU cttictl.
Pech's old stuntl. Third St.. Hillsbor;
Occur to You?
"I Mid thl bill nnra " "Vou u.u.t t.s Utl,lil." 'J
not mUtaken " llavs yo a ir-li. It rrm to wlkjj
but l don't remember what I M Willi It." "W bson
psymrnt, snd unU-s you can prndui our uolilrl
way ui a receipt, w must insisi mat you pay in ct
But it mlgfct hav bn a dillemtt stmy l.d the Mil M
with a check on your bank. No rhaiire lor argument -1
wTien ll.e ..I t.k la nllMr VUW e
OBct-tsttb a check on Ibis Bsnk.
State BANjj
Summer Rates Eas,
During the Season 1909
Southern Pacific Co.
To Omaha and Return - - SO
To Kansas City " 560
10 o. Louis and IVeturn
To Chicago and Return - $73
and to other prlncljmTcilles iu the Kast, Mit'.dlts Wil '
Corrrsimntlittgly I,ow I'srrs.
On SaU jun 8, 3, July 2. 3, August U
To Denver and Return - - $p5
On Sal. M.v 17 1..1 1. Auit. U-
w - 0 -w -w
Ooing transit limit to days from date of sale, final rt tiirn iM'J
inese tickets present some very attractive fi-altirrs in 1,,;,ie
pr vileges and choice of routes; thereby enabling passcnK'"
i inieresung points enroute. . .
Koutlng on the return trl n fltrs-iiiuft Pntlfiirttiii til IV IX! au
vance over the rates ituoted. ...
Full rtlcular. sleeping car reservations and ticket will
y any Houthern l.,.ir.. i...i ..1... .r...uj Ai'i"
. . m.,, IUVHI ejciii uy RA 1 1 .hi11"-'
Wm. McMurray, Cen'l. Pass. Agt.,
Hillfiboro Argus, (1 50 per year
The 8. p, ygrd i, , busy pUoo. More ralu, y'i