BUI InUred at tb Poat-offloa at Hlltaboro $3S.50 buys a Waldo Kale Plant Setter Readthis Lesson in Simple Arithmetic Hand planting, 3 una a tl.iy to plant t acre Ka!e, tijual at least fo V;ilo planter, l m?n a day to plant snores at t per acre of but Sic PLANTS K.U.K. URS. POIATOKS. PUMPKIN. SQl'ASHSKKD Ongoa, m aerond-claa mail nttf iMhhT .l 1!. U A. L'XG, Editor. County Official Paper Subscription: 1.S0 pr Annum. laaaed Every Thrdaj -BT- LOSO McKIXNKY i II.,.. I.w 11.. I.. iK- i i i win a .,,1 AJJn, UNO HH I IV rili.li uiMV HtlOti, V w tsa Now it the time for Hillsboro to ; offer eery encouragement to capi . Ul looking for investment in the way of manufacturing induetriee. HilUboroiB the center of one of; the finest garden epoU in the north- i wett, and when we hear ot other i countriee being ihorter on pro duction thin Washington, we should not heeitate to tell oar Eastern friend and tell them why Washington county la in a basin that is over a lake-that'a all there is to it. We can thrive on leee moisture from above than any : other section in the state, n hen Yamhill and Marion have a short crop you can depend that ours will be better; when we have a short crop, you can depend that other sections in the state have poorer. Topography and dairying are the reasons and there you are. When a man saells up and tells you he is so and so, politically, just ask him to locate himself, es pecially since in Congress there are no longer striot (or even a sem blance of) party lines. The Twentieth Annual conven tion of the Washington County Sunday School Association will be held at Banks, Ore., Thursday, June 24, 1909. Chas. Bickenbottom, who owns a fine place up in the Shady Brook section, was in today, accompanied by his son, Jos., who has a place over in the Nehalem. Alec Gordon, of near JGlencof, was in yesterday, and says thai clover which is cutting its first crop this year, is very good, but where the field hat been seeded for two or three years the cut will be very disappointing. Oats, Mr. Gordon, says, look good, notwithstanding the dry weather. Wm. Chalmers has the finest 80 acre tract of oats seen this year, on the Hoover place, The Wilkes' family held an out door reunion, Sunday, and visited various points at Banks. The participants were: J. Wilkes and wife, Tbos. S. Wilkes and sons, Burt, Ward and Clair, J. B. Wilkes, and wife, Lynn and Ipba Wilkes, Mrs. L. Wilkes, Rhea and Lewa, Wilkes, 0 G. Wilkes, Velma Wilkes, Mrs. Elsie Scbulnierich, Mildred Mays and Rose Humke. Wm. Welch, who recently had a narrow escape by reason of a pre mature blast, is getting along nice ly under the care of Dr. F. M Robinson, of Beaverton. Welch lost one of his eyes, and when pick ed up was unconscious. His many friends are pleased to know that his recovery will soon be complete aside from the loss of his vision. He and his brother and other par ties were blasting rocks on the farm when the accident took place. OREGON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE The Oregon Electric runs six cart each way daily. The 8:55 a. m. and 1:45 p. m. trains out of Hillsboro connect promptly with Salem cart at Garden Home. The Hillsboro-Portland timetable follows: Leaves Hillsboro Arrives Portland 7 5 n 8 30 a m 8 55 a m 10 00 a m 11 10 am 12 15 pm 1 45 P m 2 50 p m 3 55 P m 5 00 p m 6 15 P m 7 20 p m Leaves Portland Arrives Hillsboro 7 m 8 05 a m 8 55 a tn 1000 a m 10 5 m 11 30 a m 1 3 P n -2 35 p tn 4 10 pm 5 15 pm 5 3 P m .. 6 35 p m PORTLAND MARKET Valley wheat, per bu $1 17 White oats, per ton $41 00 Timothy hay " " $i5fe'9 00 Clever hay, per ton $M(S)i2 00 Onions, new, per crate $1 50 Potatoes, per cwt .$1 75(1 90 Country butter, per lt 18 Uutside Creamery, per lb ibH&'A Eggs, per dozen Hens, per lb PROBATE lintafl atlmr r( Aatatj. Rebecca Fanno, deed; F W Cady, A E Aoucrsun ana a w nice, appraisers. Solomon Wasserman and Chris Peters estates closed of record. Chas Staley, E W Poule and Thos Williams appointed appraisers Fanny Faul estate; same trio to appraise estate Chester Reeder, deed; Ella M Reeder, deep, and Edward Paul, deceased. Mary Anna Itel, continued as admx estate Julius Itel, deed, bond at (4200. BAND CONCERT The Hillsboro Band will render the following programme at the bandstand in the court house plaza, Saturday evening: Philo Senate March R. B. Hall Midland Overture Southwell "Old Daddy Peg Leg" (characteristique) Howard Whitney "Sonora," Spanish Waltz.. .Jos S Nathan "Conclave," March. Losey bchottische, "By the Watermelon Vine" Allen "Under Southern Skies" Carl Carlton 'Rainbow" (by request )Percy Wenrich America. CONNELL & CO., Hillsboro. Monuments Forest Grove Monumental Works CAN SUE MONEY fOR YOU Desigtis and Stock, uouc better. Quality and Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES LOWEST ou the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs and samples at any distance. Main " Street, N. of P. O. Block. GEE & JONES Box 343 FOREST GROVE, ORE KERSHAW is in Town To serve the Public as its House Painter and Pa per Hang'er. Church work given a Discount. , Graining, lialsomining and Inside Finishing my Specialty. Motto: "Well pleased customers are my best advertisers." Postal me when and where to call. J. F. KERSHAW, Hillsboro. Vacuum House cleaning New upholstering and Upholster Repair No husband Would permit his wife to work herself sick tear ing up carpets, worrying over the tornup condition of the house for a week, if he Knew how fine my Vacuum Compretsed Air Cleaner does the work. Sucks the dirt out and makes no litter. Cleaner than 40 "beatings" it leaves rugs and carpets. Not expensive. For quality of worh ask any furniture man, or the scores for whom I have cleaned house in Hillsboro and For est Grove. Cheaper than you would think. Will go anywhere in the country on call if two or three households will get together so as to make worth while or one big house. Leave orders by tele phone, Hillsboro, Pacific States, 177; Inde pendent, 158. A. F. TINGSTROM Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinenbeck. of Witch Hazil, are the proud parents if a git 1, born tfaie week. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. We are receiving new goods all the time to add to Our StocK If you wish shop-worn fabric s which arc Ucc.ylnrf will ll.r action of time, we cant do anything for you. but tr you want nice, clean, up-to-day merchandise, bought rijiht and sold riftl... That's Us. We Run Our Own Business And let the consumer have the bcucf.t, rather than some expensive .mlsidcr who takes no interest in the community, ot the reputation of our Mote. Come in and get acquainted, whether you buy or not. A FEW PRICES Good leather gloves for men 'Sk- Children's ami ladies' hoc, pair S V Lawn, per yard fc and 7c Table linen, either ted or white, yd, L.V Calico " (regular price) ... Tk- Children's shoes, sics 5 to S 7.k- Corset cover embroidery, per yd l.V S'Jmii SSo Ladies' muslin gowns 50c " " " n M"J ?UH THE C. C. STORE SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is linrvtir given that, by virtue of mi e x trillion Hint order of sale iul out of the County Court of WaihtiiKtuii Comi ty, Oregon, ilateil XUy S. !i, In favor ul (leorife it. HarroU. l It . hih! Clarence Miller ami Jane r.. Miller, ilrletitlnlitM.ror the sum of ;E..'iO, with interest thereon miK'P AuKiiftt 10, ii. at the rateofii per cent. er annum, ami the further iiiiii of f l4.Va),wtth Interest thereon mm June i! 1!im, at the rate of ll r i-eul. tier unit! in, anil the further mini of tZ't allornry'i leea herein, ana the further mini ol iW.M coot to me direct.), I have lev ietl upon, ami, pursuant to Haiti execution 1 will, on Momla. June 7. W. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said ilav, ul the South iltx.T of therourt house, in HillilHiro. Oregon, mil, at pub lic auction to the hllu'-l Midler, for rio.h in hand, all of I he foil, mini; iltwribetl re al extale, vim: The S. W. ', or N. K.', ami N. V. of 8. K, !, of Section is, T. 1 N. R. 4 V. of W. M., coiitatninif SO acre. In SVa-sliiugtoii County, (rKoii, to atufy the herriiilwfora mentioned mi mi, and the Cost and ripensi-M of aaid aaln, and of said w rit. Said aale wilt lie made ul Jix't to redeinjitlon. Dated al ll dishorn. Oregon, thin Mar tl, I'JOy. liKO. li. HANCOCK. Slieriirof Waabinnton County, Oreiron. W. N. Barrett, Attorney for i'laiiiuir. SUMMONS ROYAL SODA WORKS O. FROM, Proprietor All kiuds of Soft and CarlHn:ited Drinks, Sl.l incases. 1'atroiiie a Home Institution. Out of tow n stores and parlors supplied. Wiite or tele phone. I tide pendent phone, JU'- i' tub rnirriT covin of the STATE OF OKEOON tm WASIHNliTO.N COFXTV. Ada F. Browne, l'laintlir, Jamea Wailiinirton Itniwne, Defnndant. To Jaiiiei SvashiiiKton Hrciwne, the atwive named ilcfundaut. In the name of the State nf Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear ami aimwer the complaint hleu ai;ainNt you in the above entitled Court and caii'e on or lm fore the Uih day of July. A. I). l!i. aaid date lieinK more than lix weekn from the date of the tint publication of tlna aiim- inona aa per order of ( ourt. and If vou fail to appear and aimwer the complaint herein, the plaintiH" will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, towit: For a divorce forever dm solving the bomla of matrimony now and heretofore existing tiolween yountelf and th-; plaintlll, and for such other and fur ther relief ax to the Court may aeein meet ami equiiame. nils KuiiiinonH is publiahel In The MillNboro Argun, a newsiaper printed, puhliahed and having a Keneral circula tion in WaMhlnKton County, Oregon, pur suant to an order of the Honorable J. I '. Campliell, Judge ol said Court, duly made anil entereil ou the llith ilav of Miv A I). and the dale of the llrat pulilica- lion in jiay u, r.sri. OiiLKSHY YOl'Nd, AtUirney for l'Uintlir. Admirsjstrator's Sale of Real Property Notice la hereby giyen that In pursuance of an order and Hecrpe nf tho I'niint.i Court of Washington County, Oregon, made and entered on June 7, 10!, author izing and directing me, the administrator of the estate of Loesa Baughfnian, de ceased, with the will of said deceawed an nexed, to sell, at private Hale, and to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following described real estate in Wash ington County, Oregon, to-wil: Lot No, 67, of Cornelius Environs, con taining lS.aX aoren.and alo commencing at theS.VV. corner of the Wm. McLin and wifa Jj. L. C, in T. I N, K, 8 W. Will. Mer., and running thence N. on W. line of said claim, 13.17)4 chains to the N. XV. corner of a tract of land conveyed by N. Noland and wife to I. J. Banghfman by deed recorded on page 63 of Book 7:i Re cords of Deeds of aaid County, thence K. on N. line or said last narnod tract i.m ens. to the N. E. corner thereof, thence b. 2.595 chs,: thence E. 7.85 elm.; thence 8. 10.57 chs, to 8. line of Baid claim, thence W. on said 8. line to place of beginning, containing H.Ift) acres, ail situate in Washington County, Oregon lialed at Hillsboro, Oregon, this !Uli day of June, 1909, W. N. Barrett, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of Loesa liaughlman, dee'd. MOORE A HOOVER Maoond Mirt Mmmi Markat frosh and Cured Meats ALWAYS IN STOCK Both Phonmm Second Street, Hillsboro, Or SUMMONS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASHING TON COUNTY. Plaintiff, J. P. Tamiesie, John Roberta.' Defendant To John Roberta, the above named de- fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required and commanded to be and appear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint therein filed against you, on or before the expir ation of six weeka from the date of the first publication of this summons in the Hillsboro Argus, the date of the first iub lication thereof being the 27th day of .iay, t:r.i, ami uie uate oi tne laat publi cation thereof being the 15th day of July, l!i, to-w it, on or before July i5, 11)09; and you will take notice that if you fail ho to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintil)' will take judgment against you for the hum of I1H0.00 and interest thereon from April 11, 19UH, at the rate of 0 per cent, and for the coats and disbiiisements of this action, and foi a judgment that the following described real property, ly ing, being and situate in Washington County, Oregon, to wit: Kirst Tract: Beginning at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 19, T. I 2. R. 4 W. of the Will. Mer., and running thence west 12.50 chs.; thence south 40 chs to the south lims of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 19; thence esst 12.60 chs. to tho southeast corner of said last named legal subdivision; thence north 40 chs to the place of beginning, containing 50 acres. .Second Tract: An undivided one-half of the following described real property situate in Washington County, Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: ('ommnn'ing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 24, T. 1 N. K. 0 W. of the Will. Mer., arid running thence east 40 chs.; thence soulb. 03 (leg. and r2() inin. west, 22 i chs ; thence north Hi deg, ) min. west. 22..'i chs. to the place of begin ning anil containing 20 acres, owned by you in the County of Washington, Btate of Oregon, and heretofore attached at the suit and Instance of the afcove named plaintiir in the above entitled action, be sold by the Sheriff of Washington Coun ty, Oregon, as upon execution, and that the proceeds thereof be applied toward the satisfaction of the claim of the plain tiff for which judgment is herein prayed, and for the costs and disbursements of oi this action, and the costs and expenses of sale. This st'mmoiiB Is served upon you by publication by order of Honorable J. W. Goodin. Judge of the above entitled ('ourt, made and dated on the 21st day of May, 1909, which order requires that you appear and answer on or before the expi ration of six weeka from the date of the lirst puDitcatlon tnereol, lo-wit, on or be fore July 15, 1909. BAOLEY A HARE, Attorneys for Plaintiff, EXECUTOR'S NOTICK Notice in heM-liV ilvnn tliul tLa Iu.. signed has been appointed K.xecutor of mo inm win nun testament OI Molurleil MattheH. dcCf-UMIwl Rill! h.Mnru ary have been issued to him by order of '"o""hj i ourioi inn niaie or Oregon for Wanhington Co., made on the 1st day ot May, A I). IW.i.and hasduly qualified as such executor. Now therefore, all (lemona liavlngclalms against said estnti. am I ami required to present them with the vuiii:iier ai mo ou ce o I lion. m. Tongue Jr., Attorncy at-Law, In the Uai-ley-Hhute Block in hillsboro, Oregon, within six (0) months from the date (d the lirst publication of this notice, to wit: within six (li) months from May fl, IWj, 11 ...... 'M...., Kxeculor nf the last will and testament li vioLiineii Mamies. Thos. H, Tongue Jr., Attorney for Exe cutor. SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TDK STATU OF OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. Frank Llese, Pluinliff,) vs. Joseph Thatcher, H. C. Tomllnsoii, J. It. I'oinliiiHon, M. M.Toiiilin son, J). Tomlinson. Fred Tomlln. son, Ira Tomlinson, K. J. Tom linson, H. 0, Tomlinson Jr., L F. i'omlinson, JiiHton Tomlinson, Win. Mason, Goo. G. Thatcher, Win. Thatcher, Wilson Thatcher and Kllzabeth .Spring, Defendants. 0 j-red romiinson. E. J. TomllnHon, m" ,MaH''. 0". U. Thatcher, Wm, 'I hatcher, Wilson Thatcher and Eliza beth (Spring, Defendants: 1 n the name of the Htate of Oregon, yoii and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In ttio above entitled suit on or before the loth day of July, A, I), lmo and if you Ho to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will take a decree against you and each ol' von ... i i....... - , , jw,. irri.jiui iioeoser' reiZ'r' ,1,rr'r,i," t,,H f"H'-wtl. de S.Otarm.W, '" WttNl,i"t(" A tract of lu.,,1 1..1.... u..t.. ... . senbed as cimmMuicing on the north hue of the Pointer Estate at a stake sixty (no, rods west of 1 l.e n.i.ri.. . . . i R1a,ie('1'1&"-'1'H'''-f niirhi v (mo . 1 ' 'iimiing north eighty (HO) rods, more or ess, to a stake fourteen (M) roTs to a stake 0 ZfmZ, side of the road; them south eighty ho rods to a stake 011 the norfi JliiS "f the A. E. McCumsey Can furnish you with Rough and Dressed Lumber of all Kinds, cut from Al limber Now is : punl time to jet that feilc ini;. and a kk1 time to et your hinioer on the rouu; fur Imildiu. We deliver if order is sufficiently large. Mill located one miie almvc the H. 1'. Cornelius ranch, and three miles from Clcncoc. l'ostollke Ad dress, Cornelius, Oregon, U. 1'. I), j. Pacific States Telejihonc, (iletteoc t)x. Benson's Confectionery vSecoud Street, Hillshoro. Two doors North of Coiiiinercial Hotel Largest and best Stock of Cigars and Tobacco in city Nuts, candies, and fruits in season. We handle -llazelwood Ice Cream- the best Soft Drinks of all Kinds LOWNEY S and ALDON'S FINE CANDIES Th Waslilrciiiii i' ,,,. h tt)ti AiKUt .ii , lltl.ka tin Malur.lav. Ju,lt jy Mllalng titu lrii.rtr, J M mm iroiii an nv-r Hi. k, IfClt l-i U in alUml.ftj, in. rentuinrrii'h, lnt awl,) Farmfngtoii, Mo-.. I. jr. t'aul Man. .I.,n.., kJ Dairy C.mt iiUi itir, anj ,t wrt In ua IL,, sn; n4 aiUiPa tlm aos.ioo, al,. yorlia u'.liiiiily, H , Aithrcombrt, il I In. AiU!u Oollfitii, tiaa run .rut.., i j, lHur, Mr. Wuhr.owU k lliilsb ri man, an. I .u ttlail bUrrala HuU'b of loan, visit i aUaya girrtml aiihlh noma Ialryit)n,irri.p. iivanf a thry Ivoloiij ti ilis Ai.ici!i4l not, aarciwllr f.(uu4 aa lha gnntfl iitttitic" lo lac nlll til th" niraliti al lankl. 1 tin atwiiitilr ill r net tocri ln tt ti e fufcn.mii lThe Wathins Remedies man Mill is in Business In Washington Co. and iS here to May not withstanding contrary reports. Farmers r eservl your orders for Watkin,' BemedKii., Extract,, and Poultry Food,. Yw, S more for your money. HiUsboro Office Aust Tews, Schulmerich Hlk, upstairs, S"81 Z. M. InPiin A r a jorest Grove, (Won t'olntiir laml ; thnricw wont fonrt.Koi Hi, ro.lH to plw'd or hfliiiiiKl coiittaln . ig Mvn 7 a.;reN , mora r aaN 'baing , ' tlon ol the Jan. Ilmkor laml claliu 1 Anil alH atrip of huul .oiiUIiiihk om and ono-liatr aorK t ttl , HmPa "" direct v ttst or hiiiI .ii,.i..i.... '. . UW! aven-acre tract II rat al.ove ,fi,crll,,, liros roi wlilf. hmi.K mrt llai k.ir'11 land ,rKii. i H. 1 Tn. I H th . . . l i I , ' ". "n "" aim i t. , ""i -I'm nun ior a ot iiir anil m i i. nnul n.n..r.u i i.i ' Miiniii nmiit anil pfopnr. y i hih uiiiinoiii in puliliMhHd hy onlnr ,,f Hon. J. ir. Chi,,. .1,,. i i,i . ... r, "' oiilt Court of WanliiiKton (!ounl.y, ()'r". UOM. ll II I V mil, a i II... ITU. .1 A. I) iim,, ai.,1 duly tilwl In the ai,ov eiilitlml cttime. The iluto of ih HrHt oiil, Mfiaiioii of above Niiiiiinoim In the li7tli dav ol May, A. I). WOW. -ui.my CI.KN. J. Hchiialwl and W. I'. LaltiH.h.,, AttonmyH for I'lalntllt. ' twren I i. ,,: : 7" '".''"" m : V"1 "''iKrowli, u... h i . , m "in iki r ouk nilUlioro, Ore , June j, John Maatera. i. at Soo live, Sealed Bids for Wood Sealed huh will he receivcil uutil July n m M nn, .:m! mi' :ihi ., ... wi iimii n b : n i .: fth:iawiiiiaM - -""-ti'HiwBiiMBU P ICE! Delivered on Mondays Wednesdays and SatuV jays. Uave orders at Price . Pettibone'a 1 hone Ind. 602 3 koswukm Vco:, oresi urove. tt UUHKHALIkH UAKII A qu el araMilig . relflif.lj l b bum nt lha tnU i lihf, ij llaihorn, Laurel, Jun. (, a , contracting aMin iiri It, Hurilialler ami Mr lUthuri) ktr, Kldr J. A ('aiiipUll f-i 1 Th tiriiln it a !! Ui l.alir l fill, aiiil the gHMt& h th ul I W t ll.re 1 inch il iiiiIk Miiith I tin city, Tb J ii fiiiS'aiu'a .1 tlie tie lj C iuila 1 0 thr i'uiilit u, tin- iiiMi. i f.if 11. to, 4 Mit immlm i n in,.i I i!hiiltni llir l.llitMM.l I. Ilk. ll t..Ml( . dial ,. t.. Idol ! tin .11.1 1 Ittik rxifciritiiit to (j 1 nh in to lh j I'nk, nn Hu-iU J 4't.tlii ml il4t itr thf hol.l tr:,tiiMfn Ihr tllior U l,kl linn ( tlir IftlltitM Ihk lulriniltlril r a .hut IiimU' Wm f imkte ll.r (i.likilir. MMM ilitrt lallon l( III 1,'M-I 1 1-M.lW not .r ln a en iliti.lr l!f HW villi art. haul. o I .U ll nut mi) clt. ami, al ll Mine Iniir wiir.tiirt i tar mltntic i'l iut i4 i iiui r lliijj We itrji'mr ihr dr c, itltoA tl I 'mi t nt Mitt limr and rttmn tu thr I lilhdar ol I'Ui uli..pl iaV ill In r. I 1 ahull ( al uuutml'i kii...rlKt.l I l-r 11,.'. I.'.cl loA: ti...I. Rt.nlf.ilN tuinHlH. I. I', IWIki..i l' !..r M I? IV f It vlt. I'atlol U lul f t.uv l: Slovri, ' rm-licll'kt A. A Ikrf t'luitiun Cll V II Attain " l-vlKltf.W! II. C t'eareim w in lion 1 Hill, lnilay, ami tailel. t'lreio V-itiuit uri'l nhw ) turn i' t at lha p'eaent up tt detail t,f I u. Hivrr. Wm. J-ihtniat. of lUtbM) h fihr i ( iio liahy boy. I JuntH. Jtho Htrlbich, on of Ft OroVa'a tlMalimi inechaiiic, who la "a J'llly gwnl down lo the city yeatt rilay. Mr.. W. F. Nffinin. t N acconipanlefl by hr nou, Ch and Hubert, am ueel at tbtk of Mr. Jo. D twin Miaa Nrllie Willie, aK. J 21, daughter of H. N. Willie, nf Co line, died thl iiiotiiing "f p1 I'm. Hie bad bnni ill hut day. Nina children will ii 1 Ami co in iu u hi n iient 8 Thftaa will l.e the II ml la tb pariah of Hoy. A new bH been donated ( t hn Catholic of Kortalera of Yurboorl. Mr. CorneliuH ).(ironl. ol ' land, wall known hern id l boort, died al Portland ! 1 day; and waa buried Wedo1 ulna o'clock, in lha Mount Cal Cemetery. A baaeball wa playml ( bolween R iy and Buxton, Han with a onrn 11 to ft in H"y. Hatterws Cop ,n(' 1 watur for Hoy; McPhernno Steven for Hmton Hin' truck out 11 iimn. Hlcvain out 5 men. The Beaverton'a aaoon 1 b" nine went up to Hnndvill ' nice unlforina and recwivnd birg at the handa of the eprinlera, laat Hunday. I " derMtood that lliH IteedviH 1 will aoon join the laBRUti. The prnRram at lb M Church, laat evening. w" rendered, and evry nuinl' well received, Th reHili by Miaa Lulu Donelaon, Mi' Cave Hev. Bolknap, Mina aya. and the original pw Mra. Ida Brown, and the ol( N. H. Alexandnr, Miff) Aran ' and Miaa Ctoelift 0rer provw Hlllaboro haa vocal talent tl wbioh thfl city ehnuld ba P1 The violin aolo by J. U. Wilk one ot the uiUBlcal feature.