71 The Srgos. i lnllLLSB6R VOL. XVI. HILLSBOKO. OREGON. JUNE (). i909 NO. 13 m nKiVBHsmr aosEsnni YKAK Ail I Nriilat lis (inniiicnccincnt l.xcn clm.it From Juc !l lo Hi jl'DCI 10WIU TOM'Ilk t)B 10 GfiJiiUM Iitrele H,l Mt Wrd ()? IVlfift t'niverslty end Tualalln Acnl'iuy have closed another year, tnJ Commencement U on In tern Tlx colteg it gulling in liu with th big educational Innlllu- liun of ll UU, end tb year ju.t rloed b bn lgnl lor tifT io all branch, t.at night the "Brldg of tb God" M play d on tb('n)pu. anil tomorrow evening ih.rt will be a musical recital. The raruainiler of iba program it: fMIOAV, Jl'WK II t.,1,. m. Mafali IUH. Mulc trt-lUl lj ilu.lrllU of III l'i'0irrluljf Srt an v. Ji k ii Xi.in. m AnoUrraaf y recital of Hit t'onvmatory of Muaic. M'KIlM', Jl MH IJ IIOOI.UI lUctalaiirraU Hrrwiilt. I'lra l.lral Fell HI SiKip m AititirM twft.fr Uir Chrla tun Aw taliuoa, J. Allen U Muiiiuv, J' 14 1 1) n ):" ) m. iLr.li 1111. lubtl, Miaa StUii')rt'a cUar. 1 jo p, in. (lit Uir I ampul Ctu I "ay l!inrlr Tt'KnOAV, Ji"a 15 10 ou t. m. Aunual Hireling if Tnialm iip m. Cluaiag Krrcl ill Acad my. A'U1" t'V krtr. Kau I. Ilut-hra Jimp HI Ho Itlf CaoiJHi. lullfr IUikI Cuiiirit. Hoop. m. Anuivrrsacv u( AuufUtr Aliiinnl ol I'atllif fulrrtaily. WKtMtV, JrH lO to jo i m. (Itatluatiitg l.irrclwaof lit I ultmlly. AiMf-H b lluu. Slrplirn A. ImtSI. II oo m. Annual liuaiiwM titrating of Auociata Alumni. loop m. Cut pui a I tun iliunrr. Tar tint of Cuiigrrigallixial Cltu'i'ti. Hwp.ui, CoiiiUH-atxmriil luiKtit. Thi year' graduating clam nurn 1rt nine, two young woman and teran youug men, liiir name ana place of residence ling follow Martha r. Holme. Ue.lvltie iltlan V, Chandler. Korel Grove R. Kroeet Hraii-1, Portland; Harry I'. Humphrey, Portland; Jonathan U. tlilu, rorral Grove; Ksginew H. Roblnaon, Portland; Jams It Ward, Callin. Wash ; Virgil Wa Urtuen.Th I'alle; 3 K Wilhain Boiaa. Idaho. Tba gradual from Washington county out of lualatin Acad' my Uillaboro Willamonia May At kinon, Ooflia Koaa (Ireor, Witla Mile Moora; Forwt (iroa lt K Aunt in, Helan Coroalia Uiahoi llalan Htiaa Chaltoira, Kdnii l)i call Clapp, iloliuan Uoynlun Ktr rin, Karl LaPayclta Houxa, Liola Mary Uoum, Aruhia Hharman Mar kaa, Banie Wanda Todd, (1 ildi" Roverla PaUiron;Iila KarnHmith, Bauka; K Ina Uulh UKftd.Hherwood. WILLIAM WEIR William H. Walr, who ha rfaldo.1 lo thi county ninra 1KU.1, difil at bit home men miUa northwrat of UlenoiM, June U, IVcaad wai horn in Magdeburg, (lrrrany. March 23, 1835, anil caran to Amer Win 18.V). afttling in Wlnoonain. He went in Calif iroia by oxtcain travel, in 1805, and want to Mon tana lulim-quantly, where he wa blghly eetiuimml, and for nixtren year wai juntloa of th peace in bii diHtriot. He marred Anna (1. Johneon, of near Bulla, in 18'J2. They came to Oreiion In 1W)3 and Died on the homeetead where he lived until hia death Hie wife nd thr.a children. Win J. 24 yean of age; Mine Anna, aged U nd Adolph, aged ah tut 0 yeara, alt 01 whom are at home, He waa member of the German Lutheran Church, and wa man i f strict Integrity. The funeral took place Monday, at ten o'olock, at the new Method let Cburoh in hiecoiumuni ty, and Interment waa in the Ar cade cemetery, SOUTHERN PACIFIC J. H Bwallav.of Knedville. waa in the city Halurdav. J. C. Miller, of Arcade dialrk t. wan In toa?n Haturday. Kiuit jar cape and rubhara at ortland lirlcaa Frank ft Hor wirk, Uedville, Ore. 12 if Arlia Curry wnt ui totiaaton. Miinday, to ineaaura rock at the onuiity crunher. Mr. Thoa. (ibaanlaat Oregon City, fur a fortnight' leil with her daughter, Mr (ieo. Hchulti. For Hale: ti xid, young cow, all freah; will lake ahiwp n trad ii lur tolller, toroeliut, Oregon, Uoute 2 12 6 it 1 inlay tbe Uatdvill FIFTY ACHES IKKIGATION mm IIMflll IIH KK IILUI la ware- John W. and W. C. Jackeon, of (ilincoe, were in tbe county eeat Saturday. T. (1. Meachaui, of Mountain- I dale, waa in with a big load of ce dar poeti tbe laxt of the week. Chan. Ilolcnmb.ol near liethany, wa in Haturday, and aayi Waeb- ington County U u'hi.1 enough for bim. J. A. Kirk wood, of Heed villa, wa in town SatunUy, lo iking like "hia ol' eo7," m thry aay down in Dixie. Jake Milne, who i running one Very few people know it, but .ina of tbe big farm on tbe North Wood ia lo the Irrigation bueinen 1 l,ln. Q the county eeat Bat- uruay. pin v. Zina WimkI Ranch han Inno vation In Tarni Work Ply PI W4TEK WITH EKGISE . AT TUB CITY PARK Noted Speakers Will be In Attendance BASKET DISSEBS AID COOD TIME Will Irrigate Alalia, 0ta, Kilt Care all San ad I irr .it. i - houae tiiau ana wtio ba charge oil11 nai lateralis Dtiy acre IheH. 1. (tallon, waa lu tba city of bottom laoJ and Mondav morn- L. 1 I ' moiuUy. ioBCuaimaiKiad toirriirala h meana Hring your watche and clock of pumping from the TuaUtin Itiv repairing ilreot Corner Malo and Third 4Utf I NV' Mr.h of tha old guard o fHU,u imeol()(1 pioneer, and who la back lo good . , , . , health gtio, wa in town lb la.1 tnd 'oU0(1 lbl il M P7lDB Geo N. ALVAH EARL RICE within a half mile of tbe city lim l aul Mndaur, who came here a few year ago from the land of cy clone, wa in from Weet Union, Haturday. ir tir a a a f III j . a . il ' ' " I . W . IJilMTTlR fil il nllULlin "'".r"? anold.im Hillnboroite . at .... . I power. U will irrigate oat, corn, wa in towa Haturday. "Light lay Altike and kale, and expect good crop," be ray Ceo, Halborn, who has eight i i j - i-.t- a acre oi nne nop, ana woico are ..lit..ek proooeitloo. When th ba woven loo,ln nne, wa in iown rnuay, i i i." ... 1 1 1 nun. j I a tuoceea there will be hundred of I " l'"uue t. f. nurawi. ui t uiiiiuw. iiiu i i . . ... i hnl. n. i ih. ..I,,n,. ,.f acre IrriiaUd alom the lowlande ,,T"1 v oger,(,I Ueivetia, ana m . . Ll it . f.. I !.. 1 .1 . !. !1t I rinlleenij plcturetaue aeclloD, wa me luaiaun, ana main win in In town Halurdav. creaae prodoction Qlty pr cent. I . ,, , , , aeema to be conaeniu ol opinion. I'aiiiri tiar, wbji idqid mr iu Tki U il,. I.: ;..in.ii !l.l. :-!.!.. , I u.. iu vjuu in i,iiK.oiK . ,u.a T.V....... ... IU Ww pt)Uti lhy g n lh) T,Uy U..a.ilaaaf n.iinimt nwa la.tvi tlaal. - V Houtb Tualatin ranch. . ... ..... J 1"R --, ........ ..... .......... , 'IIUm.I.J IJ.ir. Will m. ltrriff.li.in .111 mm. ).. . ore. I I -. 1) C5eD, WHO IDI'ie OUJ for Ui U. M. Miller, HcbolU, Or., f.atur oo the plain of Ihe Tula bi" Hfatime when he bought tbe -i K 11 it. r .i..t. 11. s iin n,l n.ir. PrM. .n,l ih big Freem n farm a lew years ago. BB lll TW V Wa V W 1 M a vaui w v a -it i - , t aooner it cornea tbe aooner we will . . " couniy wai ir.e iwi oi rival the fertility and production lDa w'f of tbe Nile io the day of theca l I),)rr Waggener, who ha been priciou Cleopatra. Ther i water running a Usncit on the United enough going to waile to water all Railway. ae up the firet of the acceaaib'e Und, and in time it I week, the suaet of his eieter. Mrs II. Wilcox. H. Alexander and wife will occupy tbe Susie Morgan house, on uaeeline, wbile the f . K. x N. en ai-k t;At., ki. k .m. g"r, Cliaa. Foiieit. ana lamuy '" """ dlJJ Ik. fln,,m.,.l Rn.tnn 2 mile weal of HilUtnro. Tbur wuw hook for the new uonley aiiipia w' v.- York in 1H32. aud digtion. diarrhea, etc. Conkey'a out lal wek, lor uae in Clearing I. ki ,.. t. nhnlera Cure in the drinkins water .i.i.... i.. f..i.. ti.... . . . . .7 " ngmuiw.j u7 w...v. . Obio.aod Uler lolllinoi. During ia guaranleea by K v. uanramfi n'7- lha Citil War and the event that Trice .il.'X! ana .WC. 114 fclderJ. A. tamphell. th pioneer Med ud to tbe catalrophe, tie wa Marahall Rkr whn ha nut in . . ,. .i.i- III l,.. i L-. . I r tuniian miowier, anu woo ia wen n aooiiuonui, ana wa woai wa 30 VMM, ov.r 0 lne i aurei pection known all over tbe couniy, waa oul loown a a "conductor on the un- wag HllurdVi aDj called on the Sunday,, He ia alowly Improving derground railroad." In 18r'. be Urgus. Marohall now etarlson hi from a rinl aever allaci ol par-1 tttendd nchool at Koeutb. Iowa, j,;lD etr 0f Arpu reading. I ... I 1 n,l-.Mv AulKora nf ria. v rrarm .i.i,. ......I who dJ about two year ago. . "UV4,' .-".-(;."' ir a. . en, .ociu ai-ri. ,n . .. 0Kt0D. avs be will have a nice lb. .lre,t from ihe Dr. Tamieai. "T tI". cron of King. Soitnbergs and rerideoce, Main Hlreel, ba. a nice a"Q"7' : .i"" 7.1 Baldwin, thi. year, as the froet line of illinery which ehe ia T. and cold failed to injure them. ftinain. t Cal In and nnecl V.T.'r' " ome real Urg.iD 12 3 Kaernd.do, UI.; John. ol Hiltoboro IIenry M.tthes. of Laurel, was in ivpuriaiu ih,.h i.. iroreai urove uarnew uri, m i rrrhrnn seen in th har theiirtllin pice .u year ago, came cheadle, of toreet Urove, and Des for many a year. Mr. Mattbes down from Hclo, Lion County, lbe Tgn ,Dd Klla, deceased He wa tmU lo. jj vearg he l,m heard i.atoi ma weex, ana wa. a ruwpi converted at the age ol u years, naught of hi hrothr, Jos., who in ma uiuiihi'iu in. Mm, ""-iiana na ever since umm au muu njyteriou(ly disapiwared in l ort of North HilIdtHiro. ential memtier of the Congregation- Unii .tihattima. He think ner I .. . .a. i i.-..-- . - - r mi... ii... inn . fnrm.r Hillabo. a Chuicb. his moet IruUlul work n.na w4a HH. it with in VII .O. Wn.v...,- .-. -.IJ.ll- V.l L. I "-I-" - ro boy. Us beeo cboeen track cap- Dating oeeu at r raua i,i wi the metropolis, tain at th. hi. e universivy, a... ; . - " 8,m Moon, theCentervilledairr gone, where be n eiuueoi, ,BU r k. to man. was in Saturday, and says the where h. bas eeiaDlloea a ip.en- - ::V- j ha.pron will ha coneiderablv short lid record in claaa work, a well a uuianoro, vrego, , .ou , .u . F. . . I an II ... I. VOU li..n.1llMf v I ' nvAr U llVtnl Utllla uoavu vwttsjv. , , , , t The funeral took place Sunday, "ran. "m"ny u .. u-.-.L 11 1 .K. r..r,r.. we nave a uuio more moisiure mis g.tion. 1 minister of Hillsboro's onth he corn, which is nsed as Sburch, ofliclating. J". l,n n0.lM, M luXUrh Mr. Rioe was highly esteemed, "" B""u,w' Jaws V ilkes, who helped Arch who will take lbs Gld with a fine I threshing outGt at harvest time, wa in town Saturday. K. F. Willis, the Bank hard ware man, was down Friday, on tieo. K. FUgley having tbe other, legal business., II i interested in installed by tbe government exper- the Banks' new sawmill protect . . . . . . 1 - Clay pigeon trap, and imental department last season John HcbntiJer, of near I'billipa, waa in Monday, and ha ya that ii 1 at atan . I an 1 ana piowea iai ran, a no again thi Hpring, i showing (lne crop. Four room house on Washington will come, and be universal. Htreet, on rar line between Beoond and Third, lot fiOiUK). for sale - K'Url Lyons, 2 mile nortbweet of flilUU.ro. 61 If Wm Pitman went up Buxton wy Ihe first of ihe week, lo Und o athletics, as a sprinter Mrs. C. W. Klkln, of Prinsville, 'ornierlv Mis Kstella Ujodio, Is here for an extended visit with ber iaiar. Mrs. T. it. Imbrie, and .roiher. Judge J. W. and T. P. (loodin. Mr. Klklns accompanied ,nj jwtfM a host of friends who ner lo tbe valley, but bas returned fItend their sympathy to the be Geo. Mchulmerich, cashier ot the "ved fm,'T 6 a. 0:1 a a. Leave for Porllimd Forest Orove Ical Hlicrlilan PI... Horest Orov Local,' ...10:42 a. 111 ureal urov Local 3:41 p. 111 Corvallt OverlMud 4M p. m Uave Portland for lllllsboro n 1.1 - vurvaiu uvrrlan.l r.10 a. 111 roret Orove Local H.fto a 111 rurcai urova I jv.l . inn n. in Sheridan Flyer 4:10 p. ni forest Orov Local 5:40 p. in T. 0. Wadsworth, well known in this city as a aon in-law nf Dr. J. Adkins, departed for Philadelphia iiiesaay morning, to represent Porte "uu ureuu men in a naiiona convention. . Mn. Mary Humphreye and wughter, Miss Luoy, a former teacher in the local schools, were bt Pablic Is laviUd-il Rtstrlcti Mad Hillsboro Orange, Patrons of IIop bandry, No. 73, have everything io readiness for their big basket pic nic at the city park next Tuesday morning and afternoon. The Orange represents ideas and prin ciples tbr.t stand for advancement. and a noted (.range speaker, J. J. Johnson, tbe state lecturer, will be 0 attenbanoe. Beside this gifted Granger there will be others who will adurees tbe assembly. All Grangers in the county, and all farmers and their families, and tbe reneral noblio as well, are in- vited to attend thi meeting and erjiy tbe feativilie of tbe day. The (range element bas been a power io tbe advancement of conditions lor tbe farm element, and they have left their imprees upon the statutes ot the state. They are conservative, yet progressive, and oearly every law initiated by them ba been voted into law by the people. Washington County has been honored by the state and national an gee. B. G. Leedr, of Heard ville, and AuUin Buxton, ot Forest Grove, have each filled tha chair of State Master, and represented their state in the National sessions. Tbe local committee extends cordial invitation to tha poblio to attend this session rext Tuesday OREGON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE Tbe Oregon Electric rnna six care each wav daily. Tbe 8:ss a. m. and I4S P. train out of HilUbbro connect promptly with Salem car at Garden Home. lne Ilillsboro-Portland timetable follow: Leaves HilUboro Arrive Portland 7 S a m.... 8 30 a m 8 65 a m 10 00 a m ttaanmaM a is ISP" 1 45 p m 150pm 3 55 P 5 00 p m 6 15 p m 7 ao p m LeaYet Portland Arrive Uillaboro 7 00 a m. 8 05 a m 855am . 10 00 am 10 15 m M 11 30 a m 1 30 p m a J5 p m 4 10 p tn 3 15 p m 5 30 p m .......... 6 35 p m i High Q UALITY Drug Store When you arc sick and hi need of Medicine, you want not only that which is Trne to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class 1 . of Drugs which we constantly ' , endeavor to furnish our cus- t ' ' tomers. ' , .. . . ; ! ' . .. None but Competent reg- ... . ' I istered pharmacists are al- lowed to fill Prescriptions or ; sell drugs of any kind in our . Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. f ' V ' . - i DEPOT SITE SETTLED GRANGE PICNIC Wilkes and Dave Kuder build the cawmill up on Kuder Creek, above Banks, away back in the dark ages, eays this was not the first mill in the county, as reported, but that the first sawmill was built by Chas. McKay, on Jackson Falls, in Jackson Falls ia above n.-iumuroial Bank, returned tbe first of tbe week from a trip to the llanohn. down in the "" e. I .. . . . I 1 1V.....1. rii.trini na aav 1,1 tn nairon 01 nusoanurr buu IJlllU V.'M.I ...... uvw J I - 1 I M, that Claude Cook and Geo. Sohul- Farmers and all citiiens of W ash n"' . . 1 iL. a il t 1.. iV.iml! Vm ava nnrili<u 15ltl mertch Jr., wno are on u. -u ngwu wu.. v ,,,.. ttlA W9S ut-r owned hv farms belonging to the Bhoeslring invited to join in , a pun o "M h:Tfth; . Jackson astata. Co., are getting along nicely. picnto to oe given unuer . ISPICeeoi Ilianuuru urauis nu. iui ins nauRB Liuiuurr vuiiiubut Richard Bowser and wile, 01 im- ln tui u.ij Hi.U.nro. in the Citv h.a hen incomnrated bv A. John uii. I'e.. arrived iu the city Hatur-1 .,. Tna,U. June 1.1. Hneakers Utonhonann Portland, and W. K. ilav. and are fiuesla St the home Of I .,. l. i,.nt in ntnluin nnr I n.;a and V. W Willia. lUnka .. j 1 - . . I Nil. J.VRV.I . " , I 1" ...v. - " .. . Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 . turner, "" principles and what we stand fir. The articles ol incorporation cover dowser ia a Sister of tbe nostess. I ml all. with vour has- all ihn neneAsarv avenues of the Thsy expect to locate in Oregon kel wel( gjje(j) an,j j0jn wjth U9 jn utni)er husiness, and capitalization Mr. Bowser is a cement worker and -h feetiviti8 of the occasion brick mason, and comes mgniy Hillsboro Grange No. reoommended as a raeonanio. ia at $30,000. B inks is close to a "3. fine timber belt, and the new firm will do a big business. The mill will mean Banks' first good pay roll, and the little and growing town is tiding good over the new enterprise. I be company expeots W Hilton Frank, of south of Cor n.v LeBeau. of Hohblls. was in nelius, was severely Injured is" 1 town Monday. Saturday, In a runaway, wni e I.... Ki.nni.l irnak nffhlSinumO. " '" cuiuuhiiiu..i.,v.UiP.. and one of the wheels passed over pred Paeteoh, the 8hady Brook 6 J nassed over his chest. Dr. Everest farmer who was badly crippled up W'm. F. Nelson, aged about 39 attended him, and he was able to h,y a laBt year, was in the city years, and a native of Oregon, died ... . , n... 1 .v.. .-..,lr K,il 1 .. 1 I . n .... 1... 1.. : 1 . . V. : v 1 hi t town me ursi ui .uo nonaay. lai oeaine, isi rnuay, euuvuiuuium will be unable to work lor some .... to an attackof paralysia. Mr. Ne week. " Lin. t..j, . .. ... son leaves a wife and four smal t-u- v..i..-.i .kn lnwidlv .1 n. n n Sni,v nnn. children. He was piominent lo J (III II V TV eaa nn " J 1 m Ul itVTl V wioui, vmuvvi , . . J t. " e. t a w nniintV ft I -.11 Vrt-KrA.n al mTB ID raiUOaa CODBirUCUOD, DU EnOWIl Bill UVOl M - " iuiuidwIi wan auuwu udiw ruu I 7 .1 .1 .a a 1 . tanner insurance writer. leas proud McMinn'vllle. Rev. Sperry was Dr. . he a t8 e portag9 oad; he these days as King Kdwara. uis Adkins' father-in-law. "Ul,u: u(r L ta M.,i 1 .1 1- j... m ih arrival of a I v6v into the Das Chutes country elation is due to the arrival 01 a j j fa Unnk Halltf till If. I al VA wwwwi "v IIUW uni'R uuuwfvvn f wuw Ks a' Zo'rd of ' 2;04i,ind whose earliest t pWtaibow to mother is a daUithter of Lovelace, seaeou. 00 u.s uuuuiuucu uo mariii muun, meioi ui . a ? MLi Tall. ih .nunnster may Nl not cultivate, and placed about McCourt. Mrs Joe Downs and Mrs If blood ! WlMha y0""';? 460BbB,pinoil hia vibes, the past Chas. Kooulz, of Uilleboro. Th. heien back on the grand circuit week, this will be the first time remains were brought to Portland Ta ..min tha eait and here's he hasn't harvested the product in and interment wsb in River View rAni. h. dflaa. 1 many years. I cemetery. The Oreron Electrio bas at last re'.tlei down to business, and the new- depot site has been puro baaed The Zina Wood property on Third and Washington: the Mrs. Thomas property on Washington, and 50 feet off the Mrs. Ludemia Ander eon place, on Fourth and Washing ton, have been bought, and work ready has commenced on getting the ground in shape. Mrs. Ander son sold 50 feet off the sooth end of the property, for which tbe com pany paid 11,000 Tha company ill move ber bouse to tba north The deal leaves her three or four of her trees. The depot proper wi bs near the corner of Third, and the Anderson property waa wanted in order to lay switches The company has been many months selecting a site, and this is bout as central to th town aaany property considered Thos. Rood is brakesman on the . R. & N., these days. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wallace, of ortland, were guests at tha Frank Wallace home, Sunday. P. J Vanderianden. who has DUt in 28 years near Banks, farming, etc , was in town Monday. John Freudenthal, of below New ton. wasin town Monday, and says that he is again supplicating th "thunder gods." G eo. Alexander, a son of Mrs Chas. Koonts. has a position with an engineer corps op at tha front, beyond Buxton. J. C. Hare, who has orders for an extended run of tha Hillsboro sawmill, was a visitor to hia camps above Buxton, Monday, Good pasture for horses, one ball mile east of Hillsboro. U. W. Bondurant, Hillsdale, R. 2: or J. W. Masters, Hillsboro, 13 6 HI! PAIS ill plii SLAUGHTER PRICES! To mahe room for other StocK I am maKing a sweeping reduction on the prices of all lines of Shoes. These are absolutely- the greatest values in Footwear ever offered in this city. Just read the following prices. For Ladies . ... . 1 $1 75 Reg. now $1 55 2 00 Reg. now 1 65 3 00 Reg. now 2 45 2 50 Reg. now 2 P5 3 50 Reg. now 2 65 4 00 Reg. now 2 95 4 50 Reg. now 3 45 $5 00 Reg. now $3 85 FOR MEN In men's shoes we are making the same quotations,, dollar for dollar, as in the opposite col umn. Good', durable shoes, and in style and money savers. 200 pairs Baby shoes in Price 50 to , 75 cts. now on sale at 40c J. 8. Lorsung. contractor, went uo above Dilley. Monday, to put in a oounty bridge, taking with him as help, Diok Hundley ana wu Emrick. Mrs. Julia Dennis, of Pendleton t. tn tha nltv the ciiest of her steD son. John Dennis. She leaves in a few days to spend the Summer with her daughter, Mn. Daisy Ton6, ot Tillamook. Misses & Children 75 ct shoe for eo cts $1 00 shoe for 75 cts 1 25 shoe for 95 cts 1 50 shoe for $1 15 1 75 shoe for l 35 2 00 shoe for 1 45 2 25 shoe for 1 60 2 50 shoe for I 70 Sale on Boys and Youths ' Shoes $1 50 shoe for $1 20 1 75 shoe for 1 40 2 00 shoe for 1 55 2 25 shoe for ,1 70 2 50 shoe for 2 05 3 00 shoe for 2 35 JOHN DENNIS, HILLSBORO Victor Talking Machines As a result of numerous calls for the Victor Talhing Machine, I have decided no put in a line of this most wonderful and, complete of -all musical instruments. These' New. Style ' Victors play with such a true to life sweetness and mellowness of tone that it is absolutely per fect. There is nothing else equal to it. ' " '. ' You owe it to yourselves to .hear, the .Victor. The very next time you pass my store, stop in, and I will gladly play any Victor music you want to hear. 'sl '- "w ;!:,"!.'!'T''"'' LAUREL M, HO YT ,': ' WATCHMAKER Graduate .Optometrist I r n me city the la t of tbe week. uwysej -