HILLSBORO ARCUS, JUNE 3. Hillsboro Commercial Bank EDW. SCHULMERICH, President GEO. SCHUUIERICH, Cashier Are Doing a Conservative BanKing Business CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000 SURPLUS, $10,000 Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings and Time Deposits r Beaverton-Reedville ACREAGE! THE PASADENA OF OLD OREGON BEAVERTON-REEDVILLE ACREAGE ALDRICH ACREAGE ALTON ACREAGE ANDREWS ACREAGE KIXNKSWIHU) 3500 ACRES platted into tracts of to to acres each, with completed road to each tract. 40 minutes out on the Fourth Street Railway, 5 trains each way per day. Land lays beautifully, soil very fertile and is especially adapted to fruit, nntt and vegetables. 700 hotnesites here, of an average size of 5 acres, insures wonderful community development. Now selling in such tracts as yon desire, at from $100 to $250 per Acre 10 per cent, down, balance to suit purchase r Call and arrange to go without expense to you, to ex amine thia property, and determine for yourself as to ITS WORTH. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland, Oregon T. M. HEBB H A. HUDDERT Are You Wanting' a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS TABOO LOCATION. Independent Phone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON .'isf n h4 OUR FLEXIBLE Steel Ladders are the things Sold at one-third ot the cost of other Ladders i-Ma.! 2 Ind or ; 3- Do 4- Wi the . .I ...... i : . . . , "- an tDUt 1 5 Always ready for use 6 Can be folded into a small space 7 Can be adjusted to any shape of roof Price list sent on application Manufactured by McParland & Donnelly Buxton, Oregon. Smokera like tha fab llWn,i 4k. Kwellwici. These cigars are of the best a took. You can't fool an authority on a good oigar. Wood foriale: Can deliver four foot fir wood in any quantity, in the eity.-F. Q. Heidel. 6 If D. C. AtkiiiB, formerly of New berg, has returned from an Eastern Oregon trip, and will visit for an extended time with his daughter, Mrs. Inez Humke, Main Street. W. Reynard, of Laurel, was over to the county Beat Tuesday. A. H'. Turdin, who etill owns a fine ranch up at Hanks, was out from Portland, Monday. Trier Jiwy, of beyond West ln ion. was in the city the first of the J. II. Hays and Ora Johnson, e near Sherwood, were in the city iVooralion Day. Mr. Jennia Winteri, a daughter of th late Mrs. Newton, was out from Portland, Sunday. John Pea Stewart and wife, of South Tualatin, were over to the memorial exercises, Momlay. John Herri, the oldtime engineer, was down the first of the week, and particiattd in the Urand Army exercises on Pecoralion Pay. II. T. Blair and wife, of Portland were out Decoration Day, guests at the home rt Mrs. Kuth Blair. Mr Blair is still in the composing room of the OreRonian. Sam OrndulV, who has been in the sawmill business in the county for many years, was over from near Laurel, Monday, enroute for Port land. II M. Bastard was up from the Harris Bridge section, Monday, and says there was a great celt-bra tion down at the Nord-PouUon wedding, Sunday night. Jacob Ratlety, of Mountaindale, was in town Monday, and states that the rainfall up hia way much exceeded the Hillsboro visitation. A. II. Gurison, one of the old Indian War eterans,ia np from the Soldiers' Home. Roseburg, for a GO day furlough, and is the guest of hia son, Weeley Garrison, and daughter, Mrs. V. A. Finney. Hubert Bernards, who owns a big ranch at Forest Grove and another up in Old Yamhill, was in Monday, talking over old and strenuous times with his Washington county political friends. ti. A. Plieth, of Tigardville, and who is road supervisor in bis die trict, was up Monday. He is doing lots of work, and so pleased are hie consti unts that one section alone donated 295 for extra work, all of which has been paid except a few dollars. Christian Zurcber, of Cedar Mill was up Monday, on probate busi ness He has probated the Peter and Katrina Senften estates, the former of which gave several bun- '1 red dollars to religious institu tions. Alfred Erickson. owner of a fine ranch above Mountaindale, was in Monday Erickson paid something like $5 000 for his place a few rears ago, and could now get dou ble that price. B N. Fiek, of Chicago, and a representative of a big clothing house, was the gueet of Geo Scbul merich, this week, Mrs. Fiek ar riving Wednesday for a few days' 9tay. The Fiske were here four years ago, and always remember Hilleboro kindly. Wm, Tobias and wife, of Michi gan, are here, gueets of Mr. Tobias' sister, Mrs. A. G. 8turart. Mr. Tobias has been a conductor on the Lake Shore & Michigan Sou hern for 20 years. J. D. Merryman and wife, ol Portland, were out Decoration Pay, guests of Dr. A. B. Bailey, and were accompanied by Asa Eagle- ton. The Capt is now cashier at the Portland Customs House, and says that Portland annually takes in over a million dollars in cue tome revenues, although this year t is ehort, owing to tariff agitation and uncertainity Harry Giult, eon of D. M. C Gault, formerly editor of the Inde pendent, was in town Sunday. W. H. is now foreman of the mechani cal and advertising department of he Portland Daily News, a Scrippe- Mcllae publication. He states that bi father recently sold 8 acres down on the Portland mountain for $8,000, and still retains 4 acres forwhich he was offered $1,000 per acre. D. M. C. is now postmaster at Cottage Grove. Cards are out announcing the Iding of Fred J. Sewell and Miss Me Donelflon, the marriage to In place tbe last Wednesday in fie. Mr. Sewell is book keeper II egriistant cashier in the Hills- Commercial Bank, and the ue-eiect is a aaunnier oi nr. Mrs. W. 0. Doneieon and has reared in this city. Miea nelson is one of Hillsboro's ac complished young ladies and has taken an active part in musical circles. They will reside in the new Bewail cottage nn Main, be tween Fifth and Sixth, in the Hei del Addition. Heard in front of the postofBce the other evening: "I don't know what I've done to that man Peter kine, but he hasn't spoken to nn for two years, and be keeps knock ing me all the time." His friend replied: "Take my advioe go to Peter kin'a best friend who is one of your friends, and say, "I don't like Peterkin a little bit in fact I deflpiee him, but don't you know he is really one of the brightest fel lows in the city;" and I'll bet you a 'five' that after the friend eeee Peterkin and has a minute's talk with him that you and Mr. Peter kin will be shaking hands tbe first time you meet. It works in nine cases out of ten, and it ii a thing that always makes the world better and brighter." I SCIENTIST'S STARTLING PROOF By OSCAR COX. ICopjrrlaht, ld. ly American l"ra clntlxii 1 Tho trroat aclc it title Invent l;:itor ami the istvnt financier talked together. "What Is dentti, doetorr asked tli Inttor. "t don't know. Formerly we '',,n aldcrvd (loath tho aeiwratlon of animal ami ailrituat llfo, occurring when the heart ceased to boat. Now wo know that tho body Uvea on after that period. Thoro nro two cause of tnllly (loath or corruption -vli, tnlcrolie ami aclf digestion. Microbe cannot act If not Hrniltto(l to enter, ami aclf dice Hon cannot take place except through tho agency of water. Kxcludo tho ml crolios, exhaust tho water, ami. In my opinion, tho Imdy timy he kept alive In definitely. In that case anlrltunl death may 1h eliminated " A year after this announcement Jon athan Starkweather, the financier, feel ing HI, aent for lr. Kvan farroll, the uiau who made It. Hut liefotv the doctor's arrival tho piulcnt had died of heart failure. Carroll produced an or der signed by Starkweather twelve months tieforo for the body. Arthur Starkweather, the deceased' oldest on, knew of tho order, respecbxl It, and the body waa transferred to Ir. Carroll's laboratory. Arthur Starkweather Inherited hla father's fortune, but by the will. In raae of hla death without lsaue, It waa to go to lr Carroll In trust to endow an Institute for aoletitlflo r Mrch. Two years after getting poa aesslon of the property Arthur Stark weather died a bachelor. Ir. Carrull at once put In a claim for the estate on behalf of his Institute. I n mi mom bio Starkweathers sprang up to contest the will. A mooting was culled, a commute appointed and counsel employed. A month later counsel Informed the committee that there was no doubt of their nblllty to break the will, owing to a fluw In the deed of trust. The trus tees' attorneys were so far convinced of this that they made an offer to compromise. The offer was submitted to a meeting of the heirs at iuw and umtuluiously declined. Pr. Carroll, w ho waa presvut at the uieetiug, arose and stated that there waa some doubt ntxiut Joiinthuu Stark weather being dead and he might lie capable of making another will. All were surprised at what was consid ered an absurd bluff on the part of a man who stood at the bead of scien tific research lu America. Shouts of 'Troof!" "1'riKhice him!" "Show your hand'.' were heard from every quar ter. Tbe doctor left the meeting with out reply, but lu a few day every member of the belra' committee waa Invited by him to present himself at a certain hour of a certain day at bis laboratory. Upon arrival they were ushered Into a dimly lighted unfurnished room, la the center of which was a gigantic teat tube similar to thone, much small- er, commonly used by expcrlmeuLert. In the tube was what resembled a skeleton, though It was rather like a strip of dried curtilage. The skull, covered with shriveled flesh, skin and hair, was the only feature that sug gested a humnn being. Tho tube waa hermetically sealed and occupied a space twelve feet square by seven feet high, Inclosed lu plate glass. A steam piie a p poured coming up through the floor. Dr. Carroll and several assistants lu sterilized gowns entered thu Imiosure. The tempera ture was noted and a jet of steam turned on. Then the sealed end of the tube was opened, and after a time the cartilaginous figure begun to as sume tbe appcurauce of a starved hu man being. Soon after I)r. Carroll removed It from the tube and placed It In a cushioned easy chair. The figure finally opened Its eyes, but Immediately closed them. Then, open ing them nguln, It fixed them on the committee. There w as something so un canny In the ijtare of tho corpw-Uke body that severnl of the committee, unable to stand It, left the room. At this point I Jr. Carroll asked the patient bow be felt. He opened bis Hps to speak, but the only sound that came was such as Is produced by a talking doll. It was very distressing, and more of the committee weut out. Dr. Carroll opened the door of the glass Inclosure and asked the commit tee If they recognized Jonathan Stark weather. Several committeemen ad mitted that they did, but didn't wish to see any more of blm, whereumn the doctor took from his pocket a will, properly drawn, and handed It to Starkweather with a Btylographlc pen. Starkweather signed It, and It was wit nessed by the asHlstanta. Such Is the story whispered among the younger experimenters at the Stark wither Institute with reference to the withdrawal of the suit to break the Starkweather will on payment of 1100XJO to the heirs of tho $1,000,000 left for tbe Institution. There la one element of tho story, however, that casts a doubt upon fts truth. Nothing is sum about what bceamo of the re mains, dead or alive, of Starkweather. On Dr. Carroll's theory he might now be walking nround. Some aoy the doctor Htm has him In the big tost tube and Is waiting for the develop ment of other processes to bring him back to permanent life. Surely tho Interests of scientific research would not be injured by a frank avowal of the facts. PERT PARAGRAPHS. " Money Is good for mnnv rhlnn w It doesn't help a bad disposition much. Ton can forgive a born except making you hate yourself. Some men think that - Bvw J'Ht falls far short of being better than none. Temperament wlthont get no action on lt;lf. Humor and Philosophy tr VVfiCAJ N. SHITM GREATER AND LESSER. In liom foiih hr c' To keri lir In s-t ii'' Anil .llmull nor Th lrT luminal Mual l nh nn at all Tli"" can I la "nor fooling. Thalr nu-a ai too ainall Tha atar niuat hava hr liaa Torn I'm la tailor na. Thai aha h--r rhatma In aM!na That HI thrm mar faia.lo. Tha imila liltla ml.ln With minor i-ail (la, fuahlon i,rr oan ai mania Who caraa ir lhr r amaitf Ami ytt tha lull alalar Who only roa.la a U" An.) ho aurtna a.i maokly Tha ona who la tllvlna aluy hava aa ivnl llalna , Kor fancy loga n4 tai An.l all tha sau.ly rtlii ( . Tha art or la.llaa ar. Tha irMl an.t mlshty a-'traaa. Tha wl of clreumatani-a, pita tan't any twliar, Mli only baa a rhane. Amt yet aha tak- tha llinallaht At (hough It aa har lua. An.l othar taka tha tearing. 8h aa that lhay ara faar. Coialp of World. Atnnomera are talking of cslllng up Mara and holding a couvcnutl.ti by means of a huge mirror. I'rrauui ably when Mara aeea Itself lu the l'k Ing gtasa It will want to know If II belmlt Is on itnttght. This strike u a aNut the tnoat ttmplo mtmleil proxsltlon lately ad vancvd by serious men. Supixi we did send tlashc back and forth. How could we ever agreo on what they meant sufficiently to tranaiult the haw bull cor or to till alt alxmt the ex ploits of ItooMerrll 1 How long would It tnke two turn In cell side by side with no other means of communication and who dhl not ue the same language to rntahllah lutein gent communication by tapping? Executor' s Node Notice 1' hereby glvan, that Ilia iin.lnf ilgnixl ha bran duly a' Inlr.l ami mil. tirinad by order of Ilia t'niinty Court of III SUlif of llrrKoil. lur W Mlllligtnll Coilllly. Klivuiiir of the ealata ( llnian SI. Wliilli-n, ilix-rajHxl, ami liaa duly ipial Ilia,) a ail.il. Now therofore, all wrana hating rial UP Kaliml "jiiiI mate ara brrnliy l.oll tied to prmniit tha name ti tha umlrraigu ail, together w tth proper vuuchur tlixm for, at tha law oltU-ranf HaglKy liar in lliaSliule llullitlng. In ll IUl.ro, tiri-gun, nil or N-(ur all ti tha from Ilia ilala hemif. lial.ol this Mar .1. I'". j. J. win rrKN. Kxix-ulorof the Ian W ill anil frauitiaiil of Hnlell H. Wlullon, iXa-'il. Ilaglny A Hra, Altoruay for Kierutur. Ailminittralria Notict Solloe i hernhy givnu lint tha iiniar aiguad hax l-mi duly aiiHinit,H adinln i tratrn of tha ratal uf Ktmlariea tiiern. burg, UveaaMxl, and hiu duly .(iiallllnl aa sui-h adiiiiutatmirli. Now thorvfnrn, all riiia liating clini airakrixl aal.l a.latr ara hereby mill lid ami miulnxl to praarnt tliaaamal,, HIP, loflher with prurr H.tl.li,.r tliera fur, at the law 01U1 uf Hagley A llara in IhaHhula lliilldlng in 11 lINUm,, nogiMi, within an month from tlm daln herta,l l'aled tin ,'xli day of May pari MAKV M. tiltKKMU'KO, Ailiuliiistratrli of tha Klat of Kra erli-k Orneiihurg, lNrav.. lUgley ,tt llaro, Attorney fur Admin litrstrli. .............. j Hillsboro Feed i and Chop Mill I L. Ho.NNHY, PKOP'R 0 (.hopping after Feb. 13. f FOURTH AND JACKSON HTM. JJ Independent Plume 5H6 W . . , i Custom Grinding N FUR TIIK Best Fire Insurance AND PROMPT SF.TTI.I',. MF.NT OF LOSSKS SF.K JOHN VANDERWAL Agent London & Lanca shire I-ire Insurance Co. OrT.ce with F.dtnond Comrllu, Main St. Ind. Phone, y. Pacific States Phone 314 HIIXSntlRO ..Central Meat Market.. CMMOTT BR08., Prop., Keep constantly on hand a fin supply of fresh meals of all kinds. A Nmw Era In Prloen Weare voina in aril maaia .i 1 - - -n ' IILVa iow er than thowt which have prevailed In the past. Call in and see us. We mean uuaiucaa. ruune ana free Delivery One door Fist Tualatin Hotel Miia Street, Hllltbora, Ortgai, Try a DeLaval If you are tliinkinfc of buyinir a cream separator why not buy (he best? We are the nents for the DELAVAL We KUHrantte (his machine to 1 the easiest cleaned, tbe closest of skimmers, the longest-lived, and The Best Separator in the market. We will place the DeUval in a competing contest with any otlicr cream aeparator and let the I)el,aval speak for 111 self, Mr Customer, it will pay you to investigate the mnnv super ior points found only ' in the UKUVAIr- Mays & Conover SCH0LLS, OREGON A Dependable Grocery is just tlic kiml consumers should juim, Wo luc just ch A Oiuvcty. You (,,u dcjH-nd on Quality of khkU wo m- JtlU You ran drtarnd on what we tell It alaxil the ,.,, , w. KNWd It HI .SINI .V .NOI.I I'.HS W.mk , It You cu .lriol on K'tton rfl l N( M , t,rr ,u s,l, ,0.1. Vxl . drp. o Krtth,,, llf d.al ., tuiira V.xi can iWpb.I on .xir .c.imiiI UinK ,., ,, tctlv. Vo (M drprn.l oM p lrr r ie 111 ,., K, ( lx-iui light, "d Cou.nmrl wloi ppirclU 1JI Al.l irdil icvoiih tin- Hillsboro, Ore. LOOK! A new assoiuictit v licatitiful Finely Framrtl Pictures just received, which ly huy-inj- larc qu.tutilics, we have lieeti aide lo at the lowest prices obtainable. Yc give our customers the U-ucfit of this Krca' bargain aud we hasc a large assoil incut to select from. Call iu and see us anj t will gtc you eot.lul iftii ineut. Our piivt-N ate Iciitf for you than Poiiluul prices, and our htorc has a .'imltofi Genera. Mert lumdiw of the Ust iu the uuiUt, Yours for a Q Deal always ROW ELL HROS. & CO. 8CHOLL3. ORKQON W. H. DOLAN Ventilators and Chimney Tops to order Metal and ComjHition Roofing Warm Air Healing Apparatus Cornices and Skylights General Jobbing MAIN STREET HILLSBORO, OREGOJ DID IT EVER Occur to You? "I pid that bill nor." "You mual Uunatakrn." 'lodred. I sM not tnl.t.a . JUv, Yoq , ,rc,iH- i, .rn , ,, 1 h,w, nut 1 don t remember h.t dnl with U." Wt hav no rrcuiil s Pymnt, and unlr. youcan piodui. our asnuldrnifnl lu llif wsyot a receipt. mint In.l.t that you pay tha account " But It tnlitkt luv U,n .lilt-rent tloiy bad th. bill Icb won a check on v.x.r bank. No rhanre for arKi.mrnt or .li.p"1 when the cancelled rheck U pio.U.cc.1. Ilcttir i.av your Mil hal once- with a check on I hi. B,t, ' ' CORNELIUS State BANK. Summer Rates East! During the Season 1909 VIA TIIK Southern Pacific Co. I'ROM Hillsboro To Omaha and Return - - $60.05 To Kansas City M $00.05 To St Louis and Return - $08.15 and ti,?. Chc and Return - $73.15 ' too,,,,'r ll "l cillc, i nle Kati Mil;(k. wT.t B1,d South. 0 i l i ""'"Ix'iKlinifly Low I'arra, On S.U jun. 2. a, July 2. , Aurfu.l II. 12- To Denver and Return --$55.65 On 5.1. May 17, July 1, Aug". II. Sut'k'au t'.!,',0 ,Uyl rr,,," ,Ule ,f rclnrt, limit Oct. 3-; pr !. Vm,',C B,lr,K tivc in Ibe way of &t. vatuotKrZtnitr.,:;,?,,t:1,p iht -y - yM byHan,CthtTpaHr ," Ktt y ny nouiucrn I acihc cni Krill;by ,llATT VlCK(HHi A,;T , ,iiiboro,' Wm. McMurray, Gen'l. Pass. Agt., Portland Now for a bumper crop. Oregon never fails, after U