HILLSOORO ARCUS, JUNF J W Bntercd at the Poat-offloa at Hillsboro Oregon, as Moond-elM mail matter. la. A. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper SutaoripUon: 1J0 par Annum. Iaaaed Every Tbaraday -BT- LOJtQ A McKlMNKT TO ARGUS PATRONS Desiring to engage in other buei nofle in the new future, I hav ld my interest in the Argue to Mrs K C. McKinney, who bee leased i to L. A. Long, who will in the fut ure conduct the bueinees. In re- tirSna 1 iK in thank friorwlfl and patrons for past favor, and a j oontiuusnoe of the earns. Mr. Lnn is too well known to Ar.UB readers to need any introduction. The beet wishes are extended to the nearly 2,000 people in Washington County who have steadfastly given the paper their financial and moral support Henry G. Guild After nearly two years of absence the old-time Argus publisher again takes op the work of chronicling the events of the week. As there is wide line between performance and promise, no pledge is given nor is it necessary to waste a column of white paper in this announce ment. The Argus will try to give the news, and in state and local politics will be independent, and just about what it pleases to be in national economics. People want the news, and do not as a role, look to a local paper for their national politics because they know they would many times be foolish to take their guidance from the ordi nary country newspaper man. NEW HOMES Carpenters are busy in Hilleboro these days. Aside from the houses that are already completed, the following people have homes in process of construction: Willard Tapper...... South Hillsboro P. P. Weik... ...... ' ' J. W. Sewell East Hillsboro David Knratli....... " ' C.F.Smith " John North rup....... North Hillsboro Dr. W. E. PitteBger " J. W. Price.. " " W. H. Taylor. " " E. H. Baud " W. V. Bergen The building in the business district so far is confined to the Donelson block, nnder construction ; the Knights of Pythias brick, which will soon be commenced : a small building on Main, east of Third, for the Tingstrem upholstery busi nees. Remember, the Oregonian and Argus, only $2.26. Henry Johnson and wife, of Shady Brook, were in the city Tuesday. Chas. F. Lieberman and Ida Corkill wen wedded May 26, 1909, 6. M. Stronp officiating. J. J. Meacham, well known in the north-county, was down from Banks, yesterday. John C. Smith, of near Green villa, was in town yesterday, greet ing his friends. Fred Haase, one of the progres sive young farmers of the South Tualatin section, was in yesterday. Elmer E. Everest and Lucy V. Hansen were married at New berg, May 25, Rev. J. F.Lyon officiating Both are from Washington county. Marriage license was issued to Winfleld Nary and Annette C Mor tensen. There will be preaching at the Arcade school bouse, north of Glen coe, Sunday, at 3:00 in the after noon. Services by Rev. Guy R Stover. Geo. Kirk wood came down from Forest Grove, yesterday, to visit E Wilkeson, with whom he worked on the B. & M. R. R. 28 years back, and whom he has not since seen. Philip Glahan, of Bacons, while returning home from Mountain dale, fell from a horse and sustain ed severe injury to his back and hip. Dr. Bailey went up and re lieved the patient. Frank Erickson, a young ton of a Progress farmer, loaded a stump with aome powder the other day and it ex ploded and cut his face badly and nearly destroyed an eye. Dr. Linklater called and had the boy sent to Portland, after dressing the wounds Dr. Connell is at tending the eye, and he can now see liftM PORTLAND MARKET Valley wheat, per bu tx !7 White oats, per ton $4, qq Timothy hay " " $1418 00 Clover hay, per ton tnfeia 00 Unions, new, per crate $ 1 50 Potatoes, per cwt $i 75(1 90 uumry ouuer, per m 18 Outside Creamery, per lb.. 5a6 Eggs, per dozen 20,24 Hens, per ID I3I5 My entire herd of 65 goats for aale at $1.25 per bead. G. S. Rob inson, fonr miles south of Laurr 1. Address Laurel. Or., R. 2, Phone, 5-2 Line 11. 12-tf $35.50 buys a Waldo Kale Plant Setter Read'tKis Lesson in Simple Arithmetic II anil planting, J men a day to plant 1 acre Kale. i'juU nt least f Waldo planter, a men a day to plant 5 acre at cl er itv of but S.c PLANTS KALK, CORN. rorATOKS. ITMl'klN. Sit"ASH SKKD CONNELL & CO., Hillsboro. CITATION Monuments Forest Grove Monumental Works CAN SAVE M0EY FOR YOU Designs and Stock, none batter. (Juality and Workmanship unexcelled. PRICES 'LOWEST ou the coast. All work guaranteed. Orders aud all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs and samples at anv distance. Main Street, N. of P. O" Block: GEE & JONES Box 343 rOREST GROVE, ORE KERSHAW is in Town To serve the Public as its House Painter and Pa per Hanger. Church work given a Discount. Graining', Halsomining' and Inside Finishing my Specialty. Motto: "Well pleased customers are my best advertisers." Postal me when aud where to call. J. F. ttERSHAW, Hillsboro. Vacuum House cleaning' New upholstering' and Upholster Repair Would permit his wife to work herself sick tear ing up carpets, worrying over the tornup condition of the house for a week, if he hnew how fine my Vacuum Compressed Air Cleaner does the work. Sucks the dirt out and makes no litter. Cleaner than 40 "beatings" it leaves rugs and carpets. Not expensive. For quality of worK ask any furniture man, or the scores for whom I have cleaned house in Hillsboro and For est Grove. Cheaper than you would think. Will go anywhere in the country on call if two or three households will get together so as to make worth while or one big house. Leave orders by tele phone, Hillsboro, Pacific States, I77t Inder pendent, 158- A. F. TINGSTR0M Wm. McQuillan, who is a love' of good horses, and keeps them around him at all timet", waa up to the city from bis Rood Bridge Farm, Tuesday. John Keep, of Cornelius, was in town yesterday. IX THK (Ul NrV IVCKT OK THK STATU OK OKKiiON H'lt WASHINGTON t'OfNTY Intho Matter uf Hi Kutal ) of 1.oha liaiight'iiiatt. IWmvhhI.I To William J. Hauuti'maii. Kay Kmr'". aii.l Thr Kiea Methodist N-li.xl at Vetiii;t.iii Sprim;. South lnkol, anil all oilier pcimnm tntTfltt I" M.1.1 iUU. tin flil'i; : In Hi name ot lli Slatr of OP'ii'M, von art lieretiv I'ilist and nHUltrvd to at wvir in Hi., fount v Court ol the Slate of nrveon, tor tin' t utility ot w Miunm"". at the Onirl liooui tlirreul, at miinmru. in tin" County of Yliinttoii. on Mon day. Ilu Till il'avol June. I'k. at lOo'olo'k iti'lhr foiciiiHUi of that .lay, thru ami ili.rv to xliow rauo. II anr von have, liv an nr,lrr ot saul Court ahould not r iimdo atitliorintint aiut ilirvrUiiK . Harrrlt. admliiixiraMr of id e-lte, ith lliettlil of ilivoaiixt aitlirird to aril, at either imhlii-or private aale. for rati In hand l!u follow Intf ile-otltwd ral eatalr to it : Lot No of Cotm llii Knron. con taiiniiir l.l.yt acrra. AIo iiiiiiiiiiii'IiiH at llir S W. corner of the Win. Mi l.ln ami . H. !.... In T. I S. K. :t . WW Mrr., a.id rimnm tlii'iu-r '. on V. Imr of all i laini, l:t.l.', ohalna to tin- rtirnrr f tract of lain! (mvrytsl hr S Nolnmt ami wild to I. J. HatiKlitman by ilnsl rooonli il on pav fv1 of lUmk T t K oonUof IVihN of aal. I I'ouiitv, tlirm-r K. on N. lino of al.t la.it tiaiiKnl tract 4 ! oh. to thr N". K. i-oriuT thrrrof. tbrni'r N, .'.;!' cba.: thrnm K T.M i-lia. ; llirtir B. lit.AT I'fiv to S. Iinr of aaiil rlalm, tlmni'r W. on saiil S. I in., to Uc of brKtiiiilint. iMiitaiiiinir H.;t aorra, all lluala in Washinvtoii t'ouiitv. Ori'tfon WltnraH, tli Hon. J. V.tJHKliii, Jiiilt of Ihrlountv Court oft ir Stal of lirr If on a llll tlio Soal of aald Court alllnnl thia ..th ilav of May. A. I. l!W. tSfal) AtU-at: J. W, Itailoy, t'lrrk. tly iilw. 0, l.in, IViuiy. SIIKHIKK'S SAI:. Notior is IikivIit elvrii that, ! vlrtua of an xrt'iitioii anil oritur of nalr laaiiatl out of the t'ouiitv t'oiirt of Wasliinictoii I'oun IV, lrv)5on, itaiinl May 4. I'M, In favor of (or: II. Itarrolt, pill , ami t larim Miltrraml Jaiix K. Miller, itrfiuiilanla. for thr mini of C At, with lntrrst thorron mi tut Atik'usl 10 lr. at thr ralrultt iwr i-rnt. inr it n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . inn! thr fiirlhrr urn of f I !... ', lili iulrrvHt liiriroii iut June It KHw, at tin' ratr of n tr mil. ir annum ami thr tunlior auni of attornrv'a fiM hiiroin, ami tht furtlirr amu of 10 a.i Ctmt to nip ilirn lml, 1 havr lr lrl imhiii, ami pursuant to mti.l riMMiliou 1 will, on Mnmlay. Juno 7. !!!, at ID o'clock a. in of taiil ilav, nt thr South door ofthrcourt hoiiMr, in Hilliboro. UriMton, aril, at puh- lic aiiotlou to tlirt liiL'li.l tihlilrr, (or c in haml, all of thr foll.iwlnif iliwrllaHl re ill fMtalr. vi: Thr S. V. , of N. K.1, ami N. W. ' . of S. K. ol Sritmn Is, T. 1 N It. 1 V. of W, M.. coutiiilni .MO aiTra, In 'aliiii;toii County, Oreitoii, to aatufy tlm lirri'inlx'forr liiinl'onr.l auiiiM. an tlir c.'su and nix'tiHra uf aaitl nalr, ami ol salil writ. Saiil aale will br tuaitr aut jret to mloiiijition, Ihltu.l at lilllatairn, Orrtton, this Mat I HWt. UKO. ti. II AN t'Ot K, Shcrilfof WaMliiii)(ton Couniv, Orriton w . N . H.trrrtt, AlUirnry for I'laintill. SUMMONS IN THK ('Hit TIT COfllT OV THK STATIC (IK OltKCON KtUt WAS1IINC.TON C'Ot'NTY. Aila . Itrowtie, I'lalntlir, Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received by the Coun ty Court of Washington County, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. rn., ol the 12th day of May, 1909, and then ofened for the cor. struction of a bridge and fill at Din John rJorwick place near Heed villi'; and a till at the Jos. Robinson pla 2 rnilrs from Fartnirigton. The Court reserve! the right to reject any or all biiln. Kor fur ther particulars Inquire of the County Judge. . By order of the Cou nty Cou rt. J. W. Ooodin, County Judgo. MOORE A HOOVER tmamnd 9frmt Mmml Markmt fresh and Cured Meats ALWAYS IN STOCK Bath Moata Seoond Street, Hillsboro, Or k.m mm mmm: sn mmm I J. S. L0RSING I I Contractor and Builder s I 1. . h Large Barns a Specialty s g Ind'p't phone 151 Rood'a Div. gs I Hillsboro, 0re.,R.F. D, 2 a IbbB am mm mvm-m mm nl SUMMONS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THK STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASHING TON COUNTY. J. P. TatnieHie, Plaintiff, vg. John Roberta, Defendant.) To John Roberta, the above iiamed de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required and commanded to be and apiiear in the aliovfl entitled court and anawer the coinplnint therein tiled agaitHt yon, on or before the expir ation of six week from the date of the firNt publication of this hiiiiiiiioiik in the HillHooro Argun, the date of the lirfit pub llration thereof being the 27th day of May, 1!I0!I, and the date of the last publi cation thereof ticing the l.'itn day of July, MM, t')-wit.oii or before July ift, lliciU; and you will take notice that if you fail ho to appear ami aimwer aaid complaint, the plaintill will take judgment against you for the hum of $10 iju and interest thereon from April 11, lWJtl, at the rate of II per cent, anil for the costs and diNbuiseiiieiitH of thih action, and for a judgment that the following described real properly, ly im, being and Hituale in Waiililngton County, Oregon, to wit: Kirnt Tract: beginning at the northeast Cirner of the Houthweat quarter if the noribwest quarter of Moction lil, T, 1 L'. It. 4 W. of the Will. Mer., and running thence west 12.50 clis.j then Hoiith 40 clis. to the south line of the northwest quarter of the southweat quarter of said section lit; thence e:st 12.00 elm. tj the southeast corner of said last named legal subdivision; thence north 40 clis to the place of beginning, containing fiO acres. Second Tract: An uu.livide.il one-half of the following described real property situate in Washington County, Oregon, and particularly described aa follows, to -wit: Commen'ing at the south went corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 21, T. 1 H. K. 5 W. of the Will. Mer., and running thence east 40chs ; thence south fJS deg. and niin. weat, 'l SO clis.; ttience north li.i deg, 20 min. weat. 22. elm. to the place of beuin uing and containing 20 acres, owned by you in the County of Waabinglon, Htate of Oregon, and heretofore attached at the suit and instance of the ahove named plaintiir in the above entitled action, be sold by the Hherilf of Waahington (.'oun ty, Oregon, as upon execution, and that the proceeds thereof be applied toward u" ra..u.r.. ,k..v.i. ... .11.) umilll j , nij jfiniu- till' lor which judgment la herein prayed, and for the costs and disbursements of oi this action, and the coats and expenses of sale. This Hi'nitnons Is served publication by order of Honorable J Uo.idin. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and dated on the 21st day of may, iwi, which urtier requires mat you appear and answer on or before the expi ration of mx weeks from the date of the iirst publication thereof, to-wit, on or be fore July 10, 1!W. UAOLEY A HARK, Attorneys for Plaintiir. upon you by W. Jamea Washington Itrowtie, IWrmlaiit To Jamra n asliiiiKtou Hrowne, the alMive named di'temlant. In the name of the Main of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and aimwer the complaint tiled against you in the ahove entitled Court and came on or lie fore the l'.Mi day of July. A. I). I!".), aaid date la-iug more than six weeks Irtim the date of tlir tirst publication of this sum inons aa iwir order of Court, and if you tail to appear and answer the complaint herein, the plaintiir will apply to thr t ourt fur the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wit: Kor a divorce forever dla solving thr bonds of matrimony now ami heretofore rusting liclwreu rourarlf aud tne planum, anil lor such other ami fur ther relief aa to the Court may aeein meet ami ciiiiiaiiie. This summons is published In TI Hillsboro Argus, a nenspatwr printed published ami havliiit a general circnla- tiou in n aahlngton County, Oregon, juir suant to an order ul the Honorable J. I Campbell, Judge n said Court, duly luaile ami eiitereil on the r.Hh day of May, t D. l!Ui, ami Hie date of the first public Hon is May 27. V.tri. Otil.KSHY YOUSfJ. Attorney for IMaintlff. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the under- siKiieo nuininiHiraior ot me estate of Hu sau K. Tanner, deiM-ased, has tilerl In the t oiinty (ourt of tlieNtateof Oregon for Wu.Htiinirtj.il I'minlv l.iu 11. .1 m, i.. the matter of said estate, and said Court has lixed Monday, the 12th day of July, I'.WO, at 10 o'clock A.M., as the time and ine v ou in y i ourt room m liillalKiro, Ore gon, as the place lor heating objections Ui said hual uiMioiint and for the final aettle infill ol Niilil estate. I luted this May 21th, 1!. H. T. I.iuklater. Adinlrilatrator Hagley .t Hare, Attorneys for Admin EXECUTORS NOTICK Notice la hereby given that the tinder signed lias been appointed Kxecutor of the last will aud testament of Gottfried Matthes, deceased, and letters testament ary have been issued to him by order of tlia l.ounty Court id the Htate of Oregon for Washington Co., made on the 1st day of May, A I). I!, and has duly qualllied nil. ,ll rAri-lHIir. Now therefore all rienumy liulmui against aaid estate are hereby notified ami required Ui present them with the proper voncherx at the otfee of Thoa, H. longuejr., Altorney at-baw, In the liai mpr nniiun iiock in MiiisDoro, Oregon, within six (0) months from the date ot the nrsi pu mcatnm of this notice, Ut wit wiimn six ,0) mouths from May , lliou llanrtr Uuill.,,. Kxecutor of the lust will and testament CfGoLttrieil Mulllii.s Thos. II. Tongue Jr., Attorney for Exe- SUMMONS IN TIIH, CIRCiriT COURT OF THR si nir, ui UIU'.OON, KOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. Daisy I) Walker, Plaintiff, Klige C Walker, Delendunt. To Klige C Walker, Defendant above ii allien. In the Nunifwif tl.o ui,.i ,.ri. . , - ; " wiro.il iiriiii,iu are hereby required to appear and answer . ,....... nin.i onuillSL VOU 111 a tiove eiii.it Ifil mhIi u...i i. .... n I Vi . " . i nurm H'lure or OJ Monday, the 10th day of July, Kitf), which i" aiier me date the tirst on i icuii..!. n ,...i...... i i... Court in the above entitled milt; aud . i " ' "I,"' appear anil answer I ilaintiH will apply to the Court for the her nrti vi.il I,. I.. i. ......... . . ..... "i" complaint, to- lor a decree of I m ('..... I11......1..,. . Iimrrlu.-e , ,.,.. l...." "r l" .. . .iifTuiiorn ami now ex- ih ting between plaintiir and ilefendant;for a further decree allowing plaintiir the fu ture care and custody of tho miur chil. , ., , - - j-iivo uoi lurs a 1 tor- e,',C"lH.", .for ' othe, and further v.. ,T , "oe"' "t with r.iliif ,v unit .f nut ,.a "1.0 TliiMHiii.imons is'pulillslied by order of he i ?''"r" I1'', ;!'U.bell,udg of a. . 1 . " ' v'""rti aim hii u order Mav, Z," e"t"rBl) " 181,1 dtt fate oflast publication, July )m J. A. Slrowbridge, Attoruey for Plalntill'. of the If the re wit the Day & Night Trains VIA Oregon Electric Ry. Durinft thr wrrh of Portland ROSE FESTIVAL In aiUitiou to regular ti.iiii .1 ial train coiiiiiicnciiiK MONDAY JUNE 7. 10' ami coutinuiiit; tliily until Satiml.ty, June u, will leave Hill.sUuo at 2,46 p. m. anil 7io P- n ami icturuinn, will leave l'oitland 4i5 p. Uio p. m. SPECIAL Round Trip Ratct w ill U- in ctVcct Monday, Wrdncdy. Friday, June 7. 9, ond U. Call np Ticket Aent U particulars U. II. CKONI5E. BTJI ROYAL SODA WORKS 0. FROM. Proprietor ila .Mlkiuasol iHitt ami LarlMinalcil iMinks. a iu cases, l'atnmie a Home Institution. Out o town stores ami parlors supplied. Write or tele phone. Imlejiemlcnt phone, 43:. A. E. McCumscy Can furnish you with Rough and Dressed Lumber of all Kinds, cut from AI Timber Now is a kihhI time to ei that fenc ing, ami a gtaal time to el your lumber on the ground fur buihlinj. Wc deliver if order is sufficiently larc. Mill located oue miic almc the H. I. Cornelius ranch, aud three miles from (ileucoc. l'tistoftiec Ad dress, Cornelius, Oregon, K. V. I). 1, Pacific States Telephone, (iU ucoc x. Benson's Confectionery Second Street, Hillslxiro. Two doors North of Commercial Hotel Largest and best Stock of Cigars and Tobacco in city. Nuts, candies, and fruits in season. We handle Hazelwood Ice Creum the lst Soft Drinks of all Kinds LOWNEY S and ALDON'S FINE CANDIES nutuecr IUIU, Ih nk, tic Tuk Sjni.iu (), t; BirOKI COfHIL ItMlmm ! K llll (it I.. . . Knnlnrr rnri llk, 0, ...!, IU I..., V,, io mt tl Hivl... ,,,,1 ,1 Ii t lit" eiititu il u, i,. il UUr.l uj.,.1, U j In.lOi.li.. ll ... i ' Mer telitii 1,1 , ib . h . el lli aetutal ..i . , . . "l Ui Unl. Hw h .!.... . not cuel njrwhrre ir m , .1 . 11 j,u Mr, and m,4 jj M leniurr, I'oMii.-ilaim Sr.it h. ,., , Tiulltnifrf en t.iuiL- 1,1 1.... Mlltrtf.l, ll. ultliiatr, t! w . i 00 llir in..t,l.lr rxl Vt'b il Mllul llltllt I,, lljf ' UfllJ.H I It I. I. I... I I.. 1 lh Unk, end 1 K iciu .,,.,. I 1 .1 .... . .. "kl !, I '. (I,.!,, ,, KOY 70 CKLfeUHAri in I.. SUMMONS IN TIIK CIHCI IT COI HT Oi' TIIH 8TATB OK OltWION Foil W'A.SIIINOTON COUNTV. Frank Mens, I'ldntltr, Jojh-IjIi Tlmlclier, 8. 0. ToiiilltiMon, J. K. TciiIiIIukom, M. M. 'I'oiiiIIii win, D. 'Miiilliiwin. Frnl Toinlln. mm, lr Ti'iiillnixiii, K. J. Turn liimoii, H. 0. TuiiiIIiiihiii Jr., L K. ToiiilliiHiin, JiihUiii ToilllllllUill, Wm. Mawnii, (Iw,, (1, 'I'lmlclinr, Win. Ttmtrhrir, WilHunTliHli-lmr kmiI Kllzntwth HprlriK, l)ri'iiilnU r FrH Toniilimon. K. J. T.imli,mn, Win. Miwin, Um. (1. TtuUilmr, Win, ThaUiher, WIIhoii TlmUiliiir ami KII.. both MprlnK. lrmiclaiitH: In th nitnifl or tlm HtnU of Ornipin, you ami nar.h t you mm Imriiliy riMuln to appnar ami imyi,r the rainplaint lilml aiiiiiit you in tlia aliovn mititli-il milt on or liofore tho Kith day or July, A. I). 111. anil if you fall ho to aimwnr, for want tlioifof, plalntltr will Ukfl a ,( rw airalimt you and wanti of you to r form liN . roiieoiiHly (InmirlliiiiK tlm foll.iwlhif ,1 c.rlli.l lttinlH, Hltuatn In Wanl.liiKt,,,, County, OrnKon, to wlt: " ihiTl0' 'r'""' b,,K '! dcriniiii UN .iinii..Mtir.i.... .. . ii . ii 7 in" iiiiriu linn of the I'ulntor KMlatfi at a Ukn nI xty (Hii rmN afi-fli. i.r ii.u ........... ........ . . M. in Hi!.On i (I) Tp.Onfldi Hoiith of KanKeOn9 (1W. thriiKM. rum..nK n'.ri flighty (Nil) roiU, mom or Iunn, tn Hlaki! near the road on tlm lino bntwnan Thou. Ilucikett and Uaao HniiN! tlimuie ahnI foiirtwui (14) riHlM to a Ntnk ,, t.t, ,M.h IHe of the road; thnni wiuth fKhty ikiii rodH toa Htakeon the north line of the lo ntor land ; tlinriiM wet fourtoeu ill) roila to place of tienlnniiiK, coiituliiiiiK .,.,.. .;,, iimrsiir i huh, ui) iiik a por tion ol the Jan. Harker land claim. And alno Htri,, of Jltn(, ,,olllBnM(. , and one-lialf aoroHof land in quantity, oireotly ant of and adjoining tl,H Hld eeven-acre tract ttrnl above ileaerllHid ; "aid atrip inea-iirlnif entity rod, Imiir and in rod. wile, leinK .part of an,H Jarker', land iilaim In Hec. I Tp. 1 Hoiith nUTA W-W- M- " "nt out'and del scribed n eald ocimpiaint, ao an properly lof BH'.d "' fr all othor ai.d additional ri-IIof an to Huiil court may wein moot and pronor. y Jlii iliiiniona Ih iiiilillHheil by order of cult Court of VVaHliliidton Oounty, Ore KJ, duly made on the mil day of Way, ill'1'. I" aU.v. of Mi. l I iiii " J'l.a.. J.H-hi.lH.' ,,, w. I', UK Attorney, for I'laliitirt. W. J cjrwr.of I'ortltmJ, U sufft uf Lie n. ii.in u,. n ,, .u,i, w Krl lliltbrunnar. Tfari Ka .-.ur,u, norm or (ilflllOO,! over the lir-t nf thWw.k.n l otol by IC P Cornelia,. bouKl and ai.l....J riw. i ... ' WM Forent (irove'. Cou lM(,t lh A Dt JOHN C. CRISHIRT ,e John Chrintlitn(l i thirl, """'liJr ner Kem v e. May 1 1, r' i and altnoHt eaRu pUyingi it w Tim W , ., ... . Corneliu, n Ju ,V Tuesday afternmn. cnt8. Wnlkera' ML V.. 'upper, !,, at the Oren Hot" The hova t.l.n L" . ,""lr Jfa-WiiCiBV "ki; 'rnD are the 8rn. n?' I'ydia1!n, irifeolM uel Ineram. il m .i ,k. l. &rn'l,k,,r;"-'Chi lO thin oniinlv f,.. i i-i ... u . i l . ' Hue waa 20 yearn " 'Red 77 j"arH. Hne waa marrUd The huahand and an Infant oh m' about four week, old, eurvlVt. ' Th t0W t'l liav, WMliuiuaa 111 rWhi lb .. ui, gland M)U IliU )ki Tt rtrl.l..u i!l uV j,,, MM',V. Jl l, t. n. ill tic mi all ilx i. i aiag luoii.ak iii Hit Is,! w. inmp nm iiiT I hit lrll 1, inn Ua.WlUii pl.T, l 1C Ulrlii!,, tffo. hill, tl fur (hr Un. i.liJ Urtkt,i, lior. CDtr if all i1im.u k l'l tf lt lU'litilo. lis :m k J l.ltr Is li.U tti.Ii In ri.i... a Of llllf ll U t .t Uuttt (na, J ! If'"-! I'liif A :i (iw tnt lu Vliiin;i.i.i riiim , Ii.um il uJ iiia. l I u , In I. .-I u.mtt ,4 ) liMid, and a a it .ln.i luf n).i) II l.ul ol.lrl all' I ruiit.l tk. uut. and Ihe mil...., , , n,iniltt. . k4r linlUHH-d Lillmlr IliUfuWra il.iilri iH'.r. A lii.l i.i .lul iimii.n h tttrw t.l.ll. l II I ...rll - k lull t!llLi Ctiais!)ii Sea J tlil. tj Wm4 Vlrd I.Ida alii It U..I...I Uilil l)S I An f.iff it ..ii. r, I ii M.i.Milat iulk.i llir .'lU.ln.' . tui.l In lll!trfumk lrri till, italr mid SrlSreiWll rind. In, lo ! nil Iii.iii ml (ial h tr.l ti 1 in. Mi fif J. ti . ul il . lau4 huill l.ii. ttitl I ir .uin.l htv IiMIII.IIiT !( (itlllt Ili.l.Uiii., II. v , June j im II J J.'l0 MMfcW Cuntv Finn Ini lof W lf - - - . I HraUon, i( irnluJ, l 'tenUf, full t-f lit) munlr Uiai.l. lit r lltln ba had mrrral urt hanU UMtfrw and m,ny liliniii-.l and pfiH rull ol hi !al r mc tt ci!'i Mr Hi'f.iaV Th triiutiU. ho aa) in gfttinf lbat rmtiiu. hiiitr tiiMin ib fact ft enitiMir cm' i el m itjer. 10 priMircula llirt ork a D All inaiirflnr ainiulii f 0 K irarrl at all tim -I Ui JMt.t of cou run tin WtiUl l lake I W of Uioiiry, j A (aw uf tha ulJ IiiJia Tl veUrana, like W. II 11 Mttrt' tha limn ami Jain I Will' thia city, are r atrtng wii the annual pimiwr frunioa 'I rortlaml, noil wm,k. U li r Cil'iar coil Oideiic tfji on of i UtiU at the htiU'l In t e. Ihe old lxy will ! ft over hy U'li'-i who furruarly In Itiia fi'iifitl. 001 Tahle No. 1-MI-a Tillie Corl and Mre. Harah Vanllorn.diy tera of the tale i'ncle H-n rmllll' ami Mil Maml (liilSt'lO'1 .1.1.... VI.. i I Fit Iginuw iihiiviiiii, iflip i. w and daughter. Mia I I-la-o M ii ...... i.i. in. f It Tnnf the went to Tualatin the tlrel ' wi-ek to try Win. nll,Htir!M: aaaanlllnn 1.1. f.lti.a It.rranlB' aged CI teara. They livrdU! and Ihe father alliui-il th o0 lb" him, put hie kneoe on hiaabdoO. and tied hie handi. I hen IrW'l inn imiiii i at. have him held on a charge " , ii' neau oi anecu to -"' .inn. n ...- tck the Hilthrunner ranch near ',nilJ, The hoy olaiti.e U1 the eulmrhe of 'IW)ina. taking a hoard or two fro ,1, i ...i.,l I, liin. f"1 him In i.alti m. tin. linllt" I-- ... ym if ,11" ill., the father ol.jctHl WordiWJ oralio. He,.V ;,;r:u.r ""mo- Tbie the father denN A o- rove Itoya will ZXtLCZ W:f JM "nt, an. if hard work . I l . v,,l',", ,heHon 10 lhM"',jJ I "nI 0rlt WlU COUnl anil Ik. .1.1..'.. ,. filw1 (io ZtHinan. an oM li iia Ar( reader, waa In from North Iw born In Himnu fl.rmanV. mana imki ... i '' i on "ii miu will eirnii i. i month and 11 dave. Ht moDin anil n naye. u In New York to lHM.and '! nf. Itnnkn 1171. I., lur.l! llflDlt) ui ......a vu ,,!., Ill null - .k. 10 uregon in 11)02, and WW" , 0. Ooilknaon ulunn near The remains were eenl to K(lg' Wle., for interment. II W tr . .... l'Jhlll who aim one Hon, ii f . horn roHlde on tn " j both of place. For 30 year, dtoeMW eton of the Faeeet GnWhm rton, WianonHiu. i