The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 03, 1909, Image 1

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51- XVI.
Sw tiii i iinn ; wvv
11 y i i 1 1 1 ii i ii an
In .liiibnaiuuii lium
V heeler Cm ihc out I'l l
Jay I'.vcnluu
Mttatblaa it Ibi Ibrtttlt -
tat t Maadajr
I'aclllo Hallway A Navitalun
,ny brought out a 07-UiH ru
i KrlJay vanina'. anil Harry
i-hUn, aa ngluwr. ta the
Vdriw out MomUy iiiorniiiR.
i ,rvlea at tha front. Cr.rntfr
Wlr la tha flrainan, ami lhi
I will bare alraituuua time of
Tha rnglna will dlivr all ma
tt tha IT mil l fr 8
ftha big contractor, and from
I ba will gl into tha wihlrr--fur
wlldrnwi It U, i-racthal-hara
thxra ara no roada that
I to tha Kama of construction
Hwiwriey i m!ing nut mn
day, and road work f-T Cm
jtica of material baa alrrady
jimiomI. Mr. Hweenay fir
idered tha advisability f pack
Sa, hul a It will U nreary
110 lu ateam ahoveU, dump
and much heavy material, h
cancel tbia idea, and ut Ik
roada Ho far there are hut
anitnala that bava made the
I Into the mountain faalneeeea,
(these ara two "hurrua" owtiod
Be I.jtle e))la.
rly aver? train brings in
lea and Norwegian! who are
out to proercuta tha work.
neldeof two week thing will
ing up in tha hilla.
r (uf 1'ottUnil
M l'.io Itocel......
Mas I'ljrl
H Ciiovt Iak......
)H (Irvvt lnl
tllU UvrflnDll
laurel I'mlUoit fur
al)U Ovnl.tvl
l ('.toy Iicsl
M Oroya Iciest ......
Mn Vlytt
t Grove , ....
& Tii . m.
9 il a. tu
11141 a. w.
H l. Ml.
4.fty p. m.
7 n a. m
hjf a 111.
1 :no p. m.
4 t f- iu.
5 4 t. .
Sloan, one of Kurvet (irove'a
ara, waa down to the dly
C. liach, one of (ileniWa big
lurn and farmer, waa iu towu
I. K. Hruitb, tha Houth Tuala
Soulier, waa in the county neat
Wella, of near Cadar Mill,
up from the ranch, Hunday,
ing the day with home folk a.
aa Maria Tinneratet, nl Port
waa in town Hundar and
flay, a gueat of tha Mieeea Wal-
. J. Henaon, formerly in the
Bin nil Duoineea here, waa out
I ortlaod. Hutidav. Krrelinu
fant Mann, one of the progrea
(latrymen of Houth Tualatin
whoea cattle are uriia winnera
in town the firat of the week
L U. Winaren. who owna a fine
nown on the Oregon Klectrin,
L iin.i. ..... i.. ... 1.
H"ima, wan in me ouy
Way, and called on the Argui
entire herd of tifi aoata Air
11 2.r )Bf head. (i. 8. Kol
ii ionr nn leu outh or Laurel
ena Laurel, Of., K. 2. Phone,
be electrio enoinn nn tha Una
peen roreht drove and (itrdnn
De, riu been eeni intn ami
I'paira, and a Mogul is taking
face on the gravel and aurfao
1HR Ont Ponnl rnLnrna.l tha
of the week from an extended
with her unole, Ojo. Pbillipa
"our. waan. Mix Foord waa
anv veara a f..
"uaeB uroa. AlMtraot Com
r. u. (iaiabirt, ol Heedville,
Wboae faLhar .IU.I Muo II
V ...... u.v.4 til 1ST M
. waa in the city Tueedav. U
I blH mother have luai relumed
? trip hack to Kdgerlon, Win.
)noe they aooounpanied tba re
ui me nuauaud aud father.
,'bert Tozier, eratwhile horn
r in tne Hood liiver dinlrlot;
tneaaurer in Lhan.i.ii.i
NOioe; and an old time printer
1 "iwapaper man. waa in the
f oamrday evening, greeting the
of bin Uilleboro boyhood
! H. Sewell, the veteran hop
jWM, whose large yards are lo
f a a mile or two northeaet of
, Bay I that the vinaa am a trl
backward thia eeaaon, but that
jwent rains, with warm weath
ollowing, will make them reach
Hi-rnard Hell, of Hattle. waa In
town Halurday.
Abraham .abler, of Phillip. w
an Argu caller Friday.
Henry Pelaiuan. fariniiiK below
tha UiKid ItridKe, waa lo town the
llrt of the week.
Fruit jar caim and ruhhera at
'ortland price Frank V Hor
wick, Heedville, Ore. 12 if
H. A. 1) Meek, of (ilenooe, J. N.
oiion, of Laurel, and lieni.
HchoKii'ld, of t'orneliuH, were In the
city lant Halurday.
For Hale: ( iixxl. younacowa. all
frnah; wilt laka eheen In trade
Vbilor Collier, Uurneliu. Oregnu,
toute i. 12 6
M. N n nham, of Laurel, wa
n town Iat Halurday, II re-
port a bvy rain in the Laurel
onciion Friday night.
Hring your watchea and clock
to l.ilihy, for prompt and akillful
epainog Corner Malu and Third
alreet. 4'Jtf
K. F. Fraley, Hwretary of the
I'niled Truat Co., of Portland, wa
n town Friday, and will plat
tract or land In tha northeait
part of the county, on tha line of
the t'nited Hallway aurvey.
Tkn up at my farm, 1 mile
uth of Newton, 2 1-yrar-old heif
er calve, and 1 heifnr between 1
and 2 year old, all graded Jeraeya,
Owiier cn have name by proving
properly and paying eipenae. i.
H. Hlainke. U 12
Harry Athahr, who graduate at
the Oregon Agricultural College,
nut ytr, 1 home on a abort vieit
wiih hi father, Juliua Aahahr. lie
pend the autumer a manager on
a big dairy ranch, at Joeeph, Wal-
owa Lounty, where there are three
milking mac hi nea in otwralion.
Mr Joeepblne Caae, a teacher
n the public achool, tod a wife ol
the county achool vuperintendent,
ha brought euil againai A. J. Me-
'!, I r timber alleged to have
been cut and destroyed by the de
fendant, on her land on Uie line of
the P, II- ,V X. Railway, above
Itev, Kvan P. Huzhe. of Corval
li. tator of the Congregational
church of that place, baa leen ae-
cured by Principal II. L. Halea at
iakr for the sradualini eter-
cie of Tualatin Academy, at For-
eat drove. Mr. Iluahea ha been
beard at varioua timt-e and ia a
flroug, forceful eiwaker. He waa
at one time pallor of the Congre
galionat church in tbia city.
Houth Hillalxiro Oreenbouae baa
a good aiiaorlment of plan la lo poll,
at a vary rraaonable price. Hbrub
Iwry, re, hardy pinki, panaiea,
lilien, clemalid, wieteriaa, enryean
ihemuma, hulba, ivy, peonies, bouae
planla; alto cemetery plant; cab
bage, tmualoea and kale . Call and
aee ue, corner of Hevenlb and Fir
alreet Mra. Aenea Campbell.
Hillvboro. Ind. phone, llbi. O.'tl
John Fletcher waa at Qlencoe
laxt week making a aurvey of a
road which ia to run through the
nroprty recently purchaced by h,.
W. Hairiea and John Temnleton.
The tract which contain more
than r0() acre i about two milea
from (ilenooe and aix milea from
IlillRboro. A portion of tbe land
i nuile heavy in limber. The
greater portion of it la in cultiva
tion and the growing crnpa upon it
are nhowmg up fine.
K 1). Klngaley haa filed auit
Againat the Unilrd Hallway com'
mnv In the circuit court for 112,
000 damaaee for luiury alleged to
have heu doua to bid properly on
the Hi. Helena road by the build-
in a of the railway. He state that
be waa ejected in April, UMW, by
the builders of the road, and that
the outs, fill and unsightly piling
have made him I12.1H") poorer.
He holds a bond for a deed to the
and from A. L. Mills.
The contract for the construction
tha new school building in the
north part of Forest drove at the
corner of Main street and First
AvHnu. North, has been awarded
Lovnea A Moore, of that oily,
tr the sum of $11,311. The Con-
tract calls for the completion of
a till
the new structure Dy me miauie 01
September. Forest drove has en
gaged M teaoners tor me coming
and the nroooeitlon of addinct
the 11th grade for the coming year
is to be put to a vote 01 tne patrons
. ..... W
of the dlHtriot on June zu.
At a meeting of the board of edi
tors of the college paper, at Forest
drove, tbe Weekly lodei.Mlaa Jes
sie Hoge, of Portland, waa elected
erf tor n chief for the coming year.
Miua Hone ia a member ot me
present junior clasa and president
or tbe rhilornatnean wierary oo
ciety. The leadership of the oollege
imner is one of the most influential
poHitions in the student body. The
followiug additions have been
made to the board of editors for
the coming year: Miss Dora Baker
- a a war .
It. I. Abraham and unanea wara
Bocks of Coaair Trtaaurer, E. E. Oulck,
Btlag fipcrud
'rose cut Inn Attorney Tonmie
I'robinK the Matter
A remarkable cae is that which Is
unfolding in Ht. Helena. K. K.
tuick, Oregon pioneer of 1HC2, res
ident of Columbia Coanty for 27
years and at preeeot County Treas
urer, member of the City Council
and chairman of the Hoard of Pchool
director, awerta that be paid over
lo Hlakealy approximately IGOO
under tbe Qimieet of threata re
ceived in the form of letter sent
through tbe mail and suppoeed to
be from a desperate crook be bad
never seen.
iilakenly, known by every one in
Helen by "bis baby name of
"Toot," wa Urn two block from
the site of the court houee which
(Juick says Iilakaely proposed that
be, IJuict and McC arty rob, blow
up and burn. "Toots" ba lived in
Hi. Helena all hia life. His father
waa A. II lllakt-sly, who eettlid
there in l.Vr3, and who for 20 year
bas conducted a bolel.
Ho well known are both the
rincipals in the caae that natural
y tbe townspeople are taking side.
Concerning Mr. Quick only the
klndeat words are spoken, tirept
by Ihoeemoot intimately associated
with Hlakesly. Ulakesly is dm-
cribed by his friends and tboswh
accuse bim of the crime as a "good
fellow," and one ever willing to
help out another in trouble About
30" years old, rotund and jovial, be
does not bear the look of the black
mailer or criminal. Hut now that
be haa been definitely accused of
crime, there are many reports that
may be beard of past misdeeds
Mr. tjuick is described by b s
Mend a easily impoeed upon in
money matters, which U the only
explanation for his strange sub
mission to the blackmailing scheme
'rohably accurate knowledge of his
characteristics in this regard may
be obtained from the remark of one
friend, who said: "Why, if any
man wanted to borrow money in
tbia town, and dido't ack him to
indorse tbe note, Quick would be
osulted "
Mr- Quick is 57 years old. He
was born in Indiana and came to
Oregon with bis father in 1S62, set
lling in Linn County. Tbe family
soon afterwards moved to W ashing
too County, where his younger life
waa spent and be went to Columbia
County as a young man to teach
school. In the early days of tbe
county he was elected Hchool Hu
perintendent, and served six years
In 1888 he was elected County
Clerk and served in that capacity
for aix years. Between lb'.j acd
last year he served almost continu
ally in one city oflice or another.
Last year he was elected County
Treasurer. On December 1, l!H)a
hie books were ex per ted and found
without a Haw. tbe grand jury is
now checking them again, but has
not completed its work. Mr. Quick
says that he is certain they are in
Rood shape and that the oash will
Fred Ooetze, of above Blooming
waa iu town Monday, wearing the
smile that all farmers have douned
since the shower.
Work has been eupended on tbe
Donelson conorete block building
on the corner of Third and Main
The blocks on the east side, in faot
on all three walls, are cracking and
when it ia decided where tbe trou
ble is something definite will be
known aa to future work. Home think
tbe foundation is the cause; others
eay not; while some aver the blocks
were too green; soma swear tbe
blocks are not the right mixture
and eo on. Experts, will probably
decide the question. The Tualatin
Pressed stone Co. gave Mr. Donel
son a bond before work commerced
and there the matter rests.
J. A.-Zimmerman, of Roseland
Farm, was up Tuesday, and says
that several youug ladies down in
hia section went over Sunday night
and obarivaried Victor Nord, the
37 year old groom, and bia 80 year
old bride. The young ladies, he
states, found no one at the house
but later found the bride and
groom at tbe barn, where they were
entertaining their friends to a regu
lar old country luncheon with
large keg of "hop juice." And a!
went merry aa a wedding bell. It
is rumored that the young ladies
attired themselves like their broth
era before they made tbe visit, but
they couldn't stand for tbe beer
and refused to indulge.
Judge (ioodin was a Portland
ieitor Uet Friday.
Fred Lucy, of Portland, was io
tbe city laxt Friday.
Herman Kenfew, of Heedville,
as in town Friday.
Victor Collier, (f Cornelius, was
n Argus caller Halurday.
A. W. Walker,"' of Houth Tuala
tin, was in town tbe firxt of the
A sixteen year old girl desires
work in a reeptctable family. Ad-
rena Argus. 11-2
David Kice, with the Mays tc
Conover people, Hcholl merchants,
was in town baturday evening.
For Hale: Clay pigeon trap, and
2 barrels of blue rock. Will sell
for m.-L. M. Miller. Hcholls. Or.
t Howell Hros. A Co. store. 11-3
Mies Heane, teacher in the Sev-
nib drade, treated her pupil and
nvited guts to a picaio at Davis'
Jiil, last .Saturday.
I). M. Wbiksell, of Houth Tuala
tin, was over Tuenday, and siys
that he is still smiling over the
rain, which mean much to the ad-
antage of crops.
Have the little chickens from in-
ig"Stion. diarrhea, etc. Conkey s
Cholera Cure in the drinking water
i guaranteed by II C. Hartramtf
'rice, 2'c and 0O0. Il l
Herman Dishup, who bas been
sawing lumber above Mux ton for
Contractor Andrew McCaba, bas
completed his work, and was in tbe
city the Grst of the week.
Nox I cide disinfects and kills
the germs Mixes with water. J
heap and tffcclive. Y it now
nd prevent disease. Pint, Aw,
uart, GOo. K C Hartrampf 114
W. H. Kingle, former superin
tendent of the local water and light
plant, was in town Monday. He
as iut Bombed stalling an elec
tric plant for the St. Jouns Lumber
For sale: Two fresh milk cows
nd one heifer, soon f:enh; at farm,
one-half mile west of Middleton
school; Phone No. 8-2, Hherwood-
Middleton line. L. Hhaltenbrand,
Hberwood, Ore., U. 3. 12
Elder A. A. IWry will preach
next Hunday, at the Christian
Church, as follows: Morning: "The
Watchman and hi Hepponeibility."
Kvening Children s Day exer
cis'B. Ine public cordially in
Cachier Schulmerich, of the Com
mercial Hank, has found a straw
berry plant which bent the one he
counted last week. The original
heavy bearer had 217, and hie
atest find has 2.J lhre is noth
ing lair about inis racing against
one's self.
Young Man of .17 Years
Weds Octogenarian
Happy Canple Kiald at BrUt'a
Bone, Stir Ulaicr Brldft
LaJt Friday, Victor Nord, aged
37, and Mrs. Anna Olena Pouleon,
aged 80, took out a license to wtd
from County Clerk Bailey. Tbe
wedding was at the bride'a home,
Hunday, May 29. Mra. Pouleon
bas lived abiut four milea south
east of this city for a number of
years, and owns 30 acres of land,
15 of which is in cultivation. For
15 year, a young man named
Cbas. Jasperson has tilled tbe land
for her, and the other day she
deeded him 15 acres, comprising
the brush land, and told him that
she bad fallen in love with young
Xord and was soon to be married.
Jasperson came to Hillsboro and
tried to get the County Judge to
interfere, but as the Judge foucd
that tbe old lady waa in a good
state of health and mind, be re
fused to interfere. Both Mrs. Pool
son and Xord are old country peo
ple, tbe groom is a Dane, and
the bride is a Norwegian. The
happy bride haa promised
Xord the 15 acres of land, ao it is
said, provided ha ahall treat her aa
good husband should treat hia
wife. Tbe affair baa caused some
comment in the neighborhood on
account of the difference in tbe age
of tbe contracting parties.
Rev. J. A. Campbell, the pioneer
Christian minister, performed the
ceremony, and in the evening the
neighbors were ail invited lo lor a
To the patrons of husbandry and
Farmers and all citizens of Wash
ington County: You are cordially
invited to join in a public basket
picnic to be given under the au
spices of Hillsboro Grange No. 72
to be held at Hillsboro, in tbe City
Park, Tuesday, June 15. Speakers
will be present to explain our
principles and what we stand for.
Come one and all, with your bas
kets well filled, and join with us in
tbe festivities of the occasion.
Uilleboro Grange No. 73.
Krvin Burkhalter, of South Tua-
atin, and who owns a big ranch,
was in iueeiiuy ana says tne Dig
storm was just in time. "Well
have a bumper crop of both Hpring
and Fall Bown crain. Hay will be
little short," says the former
brauerie meicter."
KJgar Hannan, Buxton mer
chant, was in town Tuesday. Mr
Hannan says liuxtoa is doiug a
nice business and there is much
activity there, with railroad men
going in and coining out. "Well
have a good Hummer at the front.
says Mr. Hannan.
U. B. doodin and wife, of Salem,
were in town Memorial Day. Mr.
doodin is Blill one of the chief
accountants at the Asylum. While
here they were puests of Judge
doodin and T. II. Imbrie and fam-
lies. "Dick" was our county clerk
for two terms back in "AuM Lang
Paul Schwartz Jr.. the 12 year
old son of Paul Hchwarti Sr., while
setting a gopher gun, Monday
morning, before breakfast, received
the load in the palm of bis right
hand, the charge passing in so deep
that it bulged the cuticle of ths
member. Dr. A. B. Bailey dressed
the wound aud says all will be
well if tetanus does not set in. The
Schwartz family lives near Phil
line, and the lad says he 11 set no
more guns before breakfaBt he'il
wait until bis nerves are settled.
Talk about a wilderness close to
home but within a mile of Hills
boro you can find the wild that
calls to nature lovers. On the
Jackson Bottom, located on the J.
C. Hare ranch, there is a colony of
seven or eight heavers, and they
are working like their traditional
kind Every night they get out
and cut down trees and Bmall
growth, and industriously prepare
the foundation for some more of
Washington County's famous bea
verdam land, that sometimes raiseB
722 sacks of onions per acre. The
Btrict law protecting beavers has
made them very inoautiona, and
tbia is the second family cloBe - to
town. Leaa thaD a mile north oat
there ia another Mr. and Mrs. Bea
ver and their progeny. Time to
Bend for a "nature faker."
Tbe Orejron Electric runs lx car each
way dailv. The 8:55 a. m. and 145 p. tn
itnins 011 1 01 uiiisuoro connect promptly
with ivitem cars at Garden Home. The
llillsboro-Portland timetable follows:
Iave Hillsboro Arrives Portland
7 25 a m 8 30 am
8 65 a ui 1000 a m
11 10 a m 1 15 p m
1 45 p M a 50 p m
3 55 P m 5 00 p m
6 15 p tu 7 Jo p m
Leaves Portland Arrives Hillsboro
7 00 a tn 805am
8 55 a ni 1000 a tu
10 15 a m 11 30 a m
11 30 p tn -2 35 p m
4 10 pin 515pm
5 30 p ui -. 6 35 p m
James Gibson and wife, of Reed
ville, were up Monday, taking
the Memorial exerciBee.
M. (J. Collier, of Hcholls, was up
Monday, observing Decoration Day
with the remnants of the "Old
L. C. Kioser, who bought the
Benson place, near the Tualatin
Plains' church, North Plains, was
in town Monday.
Richard Wiley, attending the
Hill Military Aoviemy, Portland
spent the first of the week with his
father, W. V. Wiley.
Fred Taylor, the 17-year old eon
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, is
just beginning to mend from a se
. . . . . .
vere attack ol typhoid-pneumonia
Contractor C. F. Smith haa three
houses under way and has taken
contract to put up a modern cot
tage for A. M. Carlile.on his prop
erty Bouth of the school house
Krnest Stewart, cashier of one of
Portland s banks and trust com
panies, was out Sunday, aooom
nanied by hia wife and children
visiting at the home of Judge
A. Uood.
Francis Cota, who has sixteen
acres of hops beyond Laurel, Bays
that the vines, generally, are late
this year, but that a few yards are
doing finely. He is now training
his yard.
MrB. A. M. Wells, located across
the street from the Dr. Tamiesie
residence. Main Street, has a nice
line of Millinery whioh she
closing out. Call in and inspect
some real bargains. 12-3
High Q UALITY . Drug Store
When you are sick and in
need of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which"
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists arc al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
BID rail
To raah e room for other StocK I am'mahinrf
a sweeping reduction on tKe prices of all
lines of Shoes. These are absolutely the
greatest values in Footwear ever offered in
this city. Just read the following prices
In men's shoes we
are making the same
quotations, dollar
for dollar, as in
the opposite col
umn. Good, durable
shoes, and in style
and money savers.
For Ladies
$1 75 Reg. now $1 35
2 00 Reg. now i 65
3 00 Reg. now
2 50 Reg. now
3 50 Reg. now
4 00 Reg. now
4 50 Reg. now
2 45
2 05
2 65
2 95
3 45
$5 00 Reg. now $3 85
200 pairs Baby shoes
73 cts. now on sal
Misses & Children
75 ct shoe for 60 cts
$1 00 shoe for 75 cts
1 25 shoe for 95 cts
1 50 shoe for $1 15
175 shoe for i 35
2 00 shoe for 145
2 25 shoe for 1 60
2 50 shoe for I 70
in Price 50 to
e at 4Uc
Sale on Boys' and
Youths' Shoes
$1 50 shoe for $1 20
1 75 shoe for 1 40
2 00 shoe for 1 55
2 25 shoe for 1 70
2 50 shoe for 2 05
3 00 shoe for 2 35
Looh Out
It's the wisest thing you1
can do to have your, watch,
examined at this time of
year. If it is in good order,
I'll le2ve it alone; but if it
needs repairing I'll do it
thoroughly, at a moderate
price. , , ...
Few watches are cleaned and oiled as they ought to
be once a year. People usually wait untfl some
thing breaks. ; The other way is cheapest in the end
and saves the watch.
And Jwlr