T ME HILL VOL XVI. HILLS BOKO. ORI'GON. MAY '.a, i90'J NO. II SBOR I lUbbl Wine, of I'm lluinl. Om ducted Services HIKUL WAS SUNDAY AFIF.UVODV Mitbtr llaara Trip If labia fof trad Didghlti'i Ill.tU Mrs Itiui'fowr, tnotbir of the woman alain Kowlalr, vUltod tba court bouaa 11 Tburadajr af turnoon, ititl wbtla ihr, Itoatilair, wbo hartl of bir rmcnM ai-kfJ to bar. Tbo twain Hint at th coll door, ami ara lotruduewl. "W'by did you kill my daughter," tkd Mra. Dumbrowpr. Uoaalair H)allrd xxuelbiog about "UrrtU getting bar tlamlar up," and tba Interview ended While in Hill boro, Mr lmbroer wee giioM of ei Hheriff Jobn W. Hw ami wife. Hhe I an intr llinint women, of pent the middle aga, end a Jew at. Hhe reeidea in a eubutb id Ia Angtile, with ber eon, end it in ordinary circumeUnoea. Marie IVereoo. Jaughtor by R lair and flrl wif, w here Tnun day, and eaid that ebe did itot cotne to HiIUImm out of eyratby fur bar father, a ehe bad nme for him, but that ehe wa brre to Mm j Hueolair iu any way ) rr J to make atonement fr bie crime Hbe will ak ber lather to allow bie (ro(erty, to go toward the eup port of ber bait brolbere and ei' tare, who art in the Kaet, under care nf ber etp mother, now di vorced from RoeMeir. Kwwlair ha turned down two id fere from altorneya to defend bim, one from Jobn A Jffria, of Port land, and another from Attorney McCann, aleo ol Portland Roaalair eaid that ba Oral met LUotte Dombrower in Portland, not through any advertising, but through a party be met at a jwl ry ebop, where be went to get a watch which wa under repair, He told tble man Cbarlee that be want ed a wlfx, and that be would like to ujn'I eom woman. Cbarlee took Rowilair to Jeflreon elret near Third, and there for the tlret time be met Umlta. Haitated the firil time be met the woman ehe wa in the company d eeveral men and women and that in a apirit of amuaxmeot ebe wa playing on a plancbetie Inard and invoking the iplrite. Hhe afterward explained to him that ehe did it only a a paetime and that be did not be lieve in ite euppoeed oracular poweri, After evral meetinge they were married He eay that be gave ber SO, prior to marriage, to pay arrearage for room rent, and that the girl feared trouble a Imr trunk wae being held, and ebe bad gone to her room and broken ite look, Rocelair admitted that the dead wife knew no fnar and that ehe bad at tlmra taunted him fir being a hypocrite. Hie aeoond wile eaid he waa "crazy." Thie was the wife who wae highly eduoatad and held in high eeletm by all Hilleboro people who knew her, and be ad mitted that be had been in jut ior two weeke before the emirte eepar ated them. The body of Mr. Kowlnir wim Imrirtl In tlir Oil.l Krllow' Crinrtrrv KiuMav. Kabtii Wtw, of Portlaiul, came out ami preat-lted Hit- funeral art man In tbe M. K. church Huiiilay afternoon, wiih the attfmlaiit Ii-wmh iliea. Srnalor IUn Selling, of I'oitlantl, w preitcnt, Afirr uir ruri 01 me cnurcii wcra concimirti, the rrumliii of Mra. Ronelair were Inier- red, above atntril. A muiilier of 1 1 ills boro people attended tbe aorvlcen mid burin), ami the cnkct wh covrreil with kriutiful flower, Mr. Iximbrowi-r. mother of the deccaerd, waa the only n l ative who w preix-iit. lhehurii! bi-rewaaut the lntnce of rriMccuthiB Attornev K. 11. Tonuue, l"r rtMoii which nmy have a brnrinif in tbe UIhI of Konelnir, lor tntinlcr. Tbe origi nal intention of the mother wa to have Hie renuiu cremated. PUBLIC HORSE SALE McGreer Brothers, nf Foreet drove, will have their annual auction stile of fifty head of road, wcrk and draft horeee, at Forest Grove, at one o'clock in tbe afternoon, sharp, on SATURDAY, MAY 29 These are all young horcea and ra very drairable. Farrnera wiHh ing rome good etook should attend inn aaie. McQreer Droi , Ownere. J. W. Hughee, Auctioneer. Wm. Jolly, of Portland, was out to nil ranch north of town Monday John Cruickahank. of South For eet Grove, traneaoted buBinesa In town Monday. For Sale A 3 inonthe old reaie tered Jernev hull naif. "Darindus Victor," No. 84,003. Inquire of John P.urwin, of Titiiler, wae in town Hunday. I.. M. Miller, of Hcbolle, wat In town Hunday, Arthur Flint and wifn, and Frd (irnnwr, of Hobtdla, were In tbe city Haturday. Herman Hchulmericb, of Port land, wa nut Hunday, and epent the day with relative. Mr. May lireer wa IcWm con ductor id the lUUcca, at Albany, leal week. J. A. Yendhejr and family, of near (ilencoe, were iu town Moo day. A eitaen year old girl deairee work in a reeiw-ctable family. Ad dre Argue. 112 H. R. Findley, a prominent Ce dar Mill Mot kinaii, wae a caller, Manila y. A Ifcoialion Day cornea on Monday, May 31 that day being a Irgat holiday, no mail will be de livered on rural routea from tbie city. All t-eraon deairoua of entering an albletid club, art reuueated to band their namea to lUmaid Vaught. No out admitted under 10 years of age. A Portland evening paper laet Friday stated that Mia Alice Hale, who waa reported a miming th early part ol laat week, bad re turned home. Danra at W. O W. Hall, (Hen Co, May 'ill. Ticket, including eupper, 11 00 Toelie'e orcheelra. K very body invitwl. 10 II A. II. Hmith, a P. R. A N. sub contractor, was in town Monday, and went out to the front Wednes day morning. ('apt. J I). Merryman and wife, of Portland, came nut to Hilleboro Saturday evening, and were gueeU of Dr. and Mra A. U. RaiUy. For Hale: Clay pigeon trap, and H barrel of blue rock. Will sell for 115 L. M. M iiler, Scholia, Or . at Rowell Uroa. A Co. store. 113 (lo Cypher, of beyond tllenooe, reiurned Monday from a short vUitwitb hi eon, wbo I in the WaJbaui'e wbulraale bouae, Port end. tlao W. Harrow and wife re- Uif nwl Haturday evening from a wo month vimt to Mr. Harrow s relatives, near Toronto, Canada Mr. Harrow says that on May 12 the leave bad not yet fully burst- mi on the trewi, and the Hpring 1 very backward. Win. Cbenault, on of tbe pitch er for the Portland club in the Nortbweel league, was out to Hills boro one day laat week and viniled with Mr and Mrs. 8. T. Weather red. Tbe Weatberreds and Cbe nault were neighbor and friends n Tennewoe. Mr. Chenault U one of tbe bet pitchers in the North west league. An old faxhioned barn raising occurred at Ham Johneon's place in the Hhady Brook section, Saturday About (30 men were present, and as ur-ual, at such "raiiiig" there was lots of fun. The ladies prepared a lountiful dinner, and soma or the younger membera of the party got up a baseball game. Carrie B. Hall has surd F. J. Hail fir divorce, alleging failure to upport and cruelty. They former ly lived in Hilleboro, where Hall taded guilty to eteeitng unner- wear from the Bohulroerich atore, some years ago. Tbey went from here to 8t. Johns The wife asks for the ouslody of several minor children, and what iquity there about MOO in their home near the Peninsular mills. Trouble ia being experienced in eecuring right-of-way between For et (irove and Verbwrt for the Unitj..! Rat ways says a Forest (irnva oorresnondent of a Portlsnd natter, and unleee settlers along me . ... . a route agree io mrm wnuiu uo nat fw days, it is probable that the line will not be tum to poresi (irnva. The business men of tbe drnva are doing all in their power to indttoe the owners of properly to sell the right-of-way, aa latiure oi th line to bu Id to that city wouio not only be a great Iocs to the town, but would also retard the growth of the country adjscent. R.lair nosed for a ploture in thi HheriiT's oUioe Monday. Two pictures were taken, one while he was sluing, the other while, he stood. He wears a moustache and stubby chin whiskers, and 1b not .iin.ml to shave for fear he might ,iii,la to commit suicide. The Sheriff watohea him carefully, and thus far he haa shown no mania for getting rid of himself. He is the kind of a man who would en ; tu annaationalism of a trial, and Is never bo pleased ae when he is allowed to eiptoii me iu uu .niina anrl rfcllnlon. When asked to pose for a photograph, he made no obieotion, and Beemea raiuer pleased with the thought of having KNTKKPKISK roii THIS CITY YerKcr-Lytle-StevenBon Oun pany Incorporated RIG SAWMILL TO BE STAR FEATURE VIII aa Sawdaat rati far Operating City Light Plaat Tbe Yergen-Lytle-8tvenson Com pany baa incorporated, with Hille boro aa tbe principal place of busi nee, tbe capital stock being HO, 000 This company ba purchased the Hilleboro city water and light plant, and is now negotiating for the purchase of a mill site, near tbe city. About ten acres will be re quired tor tbe purposes of tbe mill and factories. It ia the intention of tbe company to build and operate a sawmill with a daily cutting ca pictty of from 00,000 to 75 000 feet per day. A mill of this size, and its attendant lactone, would give employment to about 40 men daily It is the intention to ure the saw duet from tbe mill as fuel for tbe city water and light plant, and tbe company figures that it can make saving of from 14.000 to $5,(1)0 per year in fuel eipenee. In addi tion to the water and light plant, the company will have an ice plant, a eaah and door factory and big dry kiln. Mr. Ween, one of the incorporator, is at present on the Hound, where be is attempt- ng to cloee the sale or a big saw mill property at Bellingham. If Ibis deal is closed soon, the com pany will begin the errction of their mill plant this Hummer. Tbey may do eo, in any event. There s no gueee-work about tbe eotab isbment of the mill. It will be built, and will add another dinner bucket brigade to Uilleboro's pay roll. Tbe location nf tbe site is yet a secret, but will soon be known. Enough is known about the location, however, to say that it will be in a suburb of Hilleboro OREGON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE The OreRon Klertric run nix car each way daily. The 8 55 a. ro. and 14s . in. tram out of Hillnlioro connect promptly with Salem car at Garden Home. The Ilillatioro-rortland timetable follow: Ix-avci HilUWo Arrive Portland 7 aj a ni 8 30 a m 8&5a m 10 00 a 111 II 10 a 111 ...11 IS P m I 45 P ni.. 50 pm J 55 P S 00 p nt o is p m 7 o p m Iavr Portland Anivr llillslwro 7 00 a m.... 8 05 a m 8 55 a m 1000 a m 10 5 a 111 11 30 a in 1 jopm -1 JSP t 4 10 pm 5 is P ni 5 30 p in -. 6 35 p m SCHOOL REPORT Tbe report for school year of eight moothe, ending May 21, at Lety- ville, Diet. No. 8. Those enrolled are: Frank, lVira and Sophia Schneider, Roy, Marie and Floatie Schledtll, Wes ley and Miltoa Harvey, Margaret, Minnie and Oracle Gregg, Koae yui!RU Talkie, Andra and Iven McKulgbt, little, John and Uatxd Wataon, Roland and Gordon Galea, Ivan Shairer, Lawrence and Carl Peternon, Helminth anil Ueorgui l-eml- ler, Iteaiie Hanley, Anna, Pearl. Harry and Reuben Ituchelejohn Lak son and Adrian Power. Total attendanoe, 35591; average attendance, 24; total absents, 501); tardy, 8. ' The school closed with a .joint pionio with the Academy school. All report a nioe time, wiin a pro gram consisting of drills, may-pole, songB. recitations, a pionio dinner, and a baseball game between two neighborhoods Miss Alma Cur ties, Teaoher. BIRTHDAY PARTY A del shlful surprise party was oiven at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mazxei. Portland, ur, in nonor oi . - . k n a the Kith birthday of their daugh ter. Isabella. May 20. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Baker are to be com- nlimented on the way the party was gotten up, as everything passed off oleasan tly . M usic wae furnish ed Jy Prof. H. Toelie'e five piece orchestra. Refreshments were served. Dancing was engaged in until- the "wee sma' hours" of morning. Thoaa present were: Mr. and Mrs. M, R. laker. Mra. Bunch, Mr, and Mrs. Belts. Mrs. Gertrude Sanders; Missea May me Mickey, Roberts, Hazel Betts W. Bloom. M. Stow, Blanche Parka, I), Bailev. Ida and Isabella Mazzei, Bessie Parent!. Louise Piluso, Mary Albertlne Mr. and Mrs. JMerzei, Mr. and Mra. Arrighi, Mr. and Mrs. C. Auiato and fnmllv. Mr. and Mra. Merlo, Mr. and Mra. Parent!, Mra Albertine and family Meaara. P. T. Taylor, H. W. Hull, W White, K. Hockenberry, L. Murray, H Oaraon. t. W. Anderson, K. H. Wells, H fl. Woods. K. W. Boice, Arion, T. F. Qirrisa, John Arrighi, Emil Piluso, Dan Mazzei, M. A. and Ales. Dalfonzo, Floyd Parent!. Lewis Carttfina, of Greenville, was in town Haturday. T. P. (Joo'lin, of Went I'nion was in town Haturday. '.. M. Lallue and Hi Clark, of Forest drove, we-re in town Hatur day, J. II. Boardman, Petr Weend and K. C, McGraw, of Uuxton, were in town Hunday. O. It. and C. K. I'otts, of Hales Creek, were in the city Haturday, and called. Two plain drunks were taken in Sunday by the Marehal, arid got two days each on the street. A. 8. Bholes this week bought tbe Berj. Pcholfield property at Cornelius J. W. Marsh, one of the pionaers of the Centerville section, was in town Tuday. He reports that crops need rain. For 8ale Four good graded Jer sey milch cows, 2 fresh, and 2 to be freeh soon. 0. A. l'autmeier, 3j miles southeast of Hilleboro. 9 11 Mrs. 0 A. Patterson wbo under went an operation at a Portland hospital a conple of weeks ago, is slowly improving. Bring your watches and clocks to Libby, for prompt and skillful repairing. Corner Main and Third streets. 4'.ht William J. Miller and Winifred J. Chalmers were married at tbe M, K. parsonage in this city, 00 tbe 24th inet., by Rev. L. F. Belknap. Free: lOo package Conkey's Lice Powder, also 2"c Poultry Book. Bring ad to It. C. Bar trampfe. By mail 7c. II Dealere look for big real estate transaction in this county during the coming month. Inquiries are numerous, and many strangers are coming and going over tbe ccunty. Nox i cide disinfect and kills the germs Mixes with water. Is cheap and effective. I'-e it now and prevent dia.ase. Pint, 35c; quart, GOo. H. C. JUartrampf. 114 8. T. Walker, of Forest Grove, passed through town Tuesday, on his way to Banks to vixit his aged mother, wbo is reported quite ill. Save the little chicksns from in digestion, diarrhea, eta. Conkey's Cholera Cure in the drinking water is guaranteed by R C. Hartraroff. Price, 25c and aOo. 11 4 County Clerk Bailey is iepuicgja large number of fishing permits of late. Tbe fishing is getting good in the mountain streams.and many of our local fishermen are getting the fever. Those who kno say there is considerable snow in tbe Coast range mountains, well up. What is needed now is some warm weather to melt it, so that we may have some real summer. A local crawfisher saye that these fresh water crabs are extremely shy about getting into traps this year, and that the Portland restaurants cannot begin to supply their cus tomers. Most of the crawfish con sumed in Portland are taken in the Tualatin river, and the fisherman referred to shipped hundreds of dciens to the Portland markets, at this time, last year. John Brooks, the only inmate of the county nil, is getting tired of Roselair a "religious services, and is anxious to get nau. According to Brooks, Roselair prays and preaches every night until nearly midnight. Brooks, who is await ing the action of the grand jury on a statutory charge, eays he ia afraid Roselair may take a notion to smash him some time with a spit toon or a chair. Mrs. Ann Freeman has applied for a pension, on sccount of the servioe of her husband in the Ore gon Home uuard, which was or ganised in this county in la53, to repel threatened Indian invasion. Her husband, with about 00 others, composing a company in this coun ty, were ordered to the Columbia river, at nt. Helens, during the summer of 1853, to meet a body of hostile Washington Indians, who were supposed to be ready to cross to the Oregon side. Geo. Ferrell.a pioneer of this county, was the cap tain, and led the Washington coun ty boys to St. Helens, but the In dians did not cross, as waa antioi Dated by the Governor. The company maintained its organiza tion for some time after this inoi dent, and while its records were poorly kept, Senator Chamberlain writes to Bagley & Hare, attorneys for Mrs. Freeman, that if two mem bers of the company can be found who will make proper affidavits, he will endeavor to secure a pension for the widow. J. W Gibson, of Reedville, was in town Saturday and stated that be was a member of the company referred to,- and that the late Henry Wooley was another. If another member is alive, he will confer a favor on Mrs Freeman, by making himself known. J. IV. SHINY IN TUB CfTYSATURDAT Went on Oat to The Front With A. J.McCahe COXTKaCT FOR TILLAMOOK USE Will Bits One Tbouund Ilea at Vark is Short Time J. W. Sweeny, wbo has the con tract for building the unfinished portion of the P. K. & K. line, was in town laat Friday, and went out over the road to a point beyond Buxton, to look over tbe situation. He haa a large outfit coming up from Drain, where it was to be used on the Drain-Coos Bay road, which failed to go through. He has another big outfit on the road overland to Tillamook, and be ex pects to have 1,000 men at work within 30 days. He will build bis own camps, and create mesa bouses and sleeping bunks for tbe small army of men to be employed. Tbe campaign of construction of the road bed and bridges will be vigor ously prosecuted this Summer and Fall, and the tunnels can bs work ed upon during tbe Winter. I bis line will open up one of tbe greatest timber belts in Oregon, and many business men in Oregon are keeping an eye on tbe station locations, with a view to locating, and growing up with the country. There will bs one good town at the junction of the Salrronberry and Nehalem, which would Up tbe trade cf the Nehalem valley, which section is quite well settled. This will be the nearest railroad to that prosperous valley, and will give the farmers an outlet for their products I be iNehalem valley produces fine bay. prin apples, and is also local ly famous lor its dairying and stock interests. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leave for Portland Forest Crore Local 61 a. tn. Bheridao Fljer 9:1a a. m. Forest urove Local.... 1042 a. tn. Foreat Grove Local.. 3-4 j p. m. Corvallis Overland 4:69 p. m. Leave Portland for Hillsboro Corvalli Overland 7:10 a.m. Foreat Grove Local 8Aj a m. Fcrest Grove Local 1 :oo p. m. Sheridan Flyer 4:10 p. m. roresl (..rove Local 540 p. m. LUST FREEMAN One of the prettiest weddings of the season waa eolemnued at the resi dence of Nicholas A. Freeman, at 321 East Seventh street, Portland, at 3 0 clock, Wednesday, May 19, r,K)9, wheu tbeir daughter, Bessie, was united in marriage to franklin J. Lust. The beautiful and im pressive ring ceremony waB used, Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher ofbci- ating. The bride was beautifully gnwned in an empire effect of white ivory satin, and carried an arm bouquet of brides roses. Miss Reaeha Fowler, a cousin of the bride, sang "Because," very im pressively, as the bridal party en tered tbe parlor, which was artisti cally decorated with flowers and ferns. A sumptuous luncheon was served at 5 p. m. in the dining room, whioh was decorated in yel- ow flowers and crepe paper, after which the bride and groom repair ed to tbeir home in that city. The presents were numerous The im mediate relatives and friends pres ent were as follows: Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler, Dr. and Mrs 0. Fowler, Mis. Carrie Morgan, Marie Lenc, K valine Ground, Cecelia Luck, Bessie Hubbard, Edith Stein, Frances, E. K. and E D, Freeman The bride was formerly a Hille boro young lady, and claims this city as her birth plaoe. Dr. C. L. Large, of Forest Grove, was in town Friday. Julius Croeni. of Bethany; Fred Hamel, of West Union; Herman Glaske, of Bethany, and Henry Becker, of Iowa Hill, were in the city, Monday. Last Friday night just as the west bound electrio oar came in Dr. Linklater was coming up from the depot on second street, and seeing that he might -collide with the car, switched his automobile to the left, and before he could stop it, the machine ran into a crowd by the box car depot, and knocked Thos. Talbot, of Cornelius, down and tore off a portion of the Bole of one of his shoes. A little child was saved from being run over by Mr. Hubbert, who seized it just in time. The car managed to stop and the auto crossed the track safely. Mr. Talbot BUBtained some not sertous bruises, but took tbe car for home. Dr. Linklater did not sea the car until right upon it. High Q UALITY Drug Store I When you arc sick and in need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which we constantly I endeavor to furnish our cus- i I tomers. None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: I The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. 1 2D00 PIS SLAUGHTER PRICES! To mahe room for other StocK I am maHinrf a sweeping reduction on the prices of all lines of Shoes. These are absolutely the greatest values in Footwear ever offered In this city. Just read the following pricest For Ladies $1 75 Reg. now 1 35 2 Oo Reg. now l 65 3 00 Reg. now 2 45 2 50 Reg. now 2 05 3 50 Reg. now 2 65 4 00 Reg. now 2 95 4 50 Reg. now 3 45 $5 00 Reg. now $3 85 200 pairs Baby shoes 75 cts. now on sal Misses 2c Children 75 ct shoe $1 00 shoe 1 25 shoe 1 50 shoe 1 75 shoe 2 00- shoe 2 25 shoe 2 50 shoe for 60 cts for 75 cts for 95 cts for SI 15 for for for for 1 35 1 45 1 60 I 70 JOHN DENNISHILLSBORO HEADACHE AND EYESTRAIN - Never have I had the connection between Head ache and Eyestrain brought home to me more forci bly than during this week. Out of the cases that have visited me during tbe past week from all over this district seven came because of severe headaches and this although their vision was perfect, or nearly so. They felt that eyestrain must be at the bottom of the trouble, and so came in order that, after the most careful, scientific testing, glasses might be sup plied and the ctuise of all the troubles removed. That Glasses will Positively Cure Headaches, even when of long standing, if caused by eyestrain, the testimony of hundreds of satisfied customers con clusively proves. . My prices for Glasses are no more than those of the ordinary spectacle seller. LAUREL M. HOYT WATCHMAKER And Jwalr FOR MEN In men's shoe3 we are making the same quotations, dollar for dollar, as in the opposite col umn. Good, durable shoes, and in style and money savers. in Price SO to e at 40c Sale on Boys1 and Youths1 Shoes $ 50 shoe for $1 20 175 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 00 shoe for shoe for shoe for shoe for shoe for 140 I 55 1 70 2 05 2 35 Graduate Optometrist jonn UenDii, City, 10 u hia likeness laien.