The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 20, 1909, Image 6

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Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Are Doing' a Conservative
Banhing Business
SURPLUS, - - $10,000
Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on
Savings and Time Deposits
Martin Rtfting, of Greenville,
wa m town lueeday.
Trtu Connr-ll, of (.Isneo, as in
nn lunMny.
Jeee West, of Banks, wa in th
cuv tMindav.
' Clarence Brwn, of Re?dville, was
in lown Jan Saturday.
Kmmt Carter, of Orenco, waa in
the city Saturday.
j J. V. Hughes of Pilley, was in
j town Friday.
i Mies Berth. Johnson in horn
from MoMinuville, and will start in
a few weeks for Colored.
For Sale Four good graded Jer
sey mixta cows, 2 Ireeh.atut 2 to r
fresh eonn.U A. I'suim-ier. 'i
uiues ecutneaej of Hillsboro I) 11
Wm. Bty. of Nrth Wains,
was in town Monday. The lata
rains have been beuetii-i.l in th.
hop crop in his section.
(tVprttkht. lo in . h l'ia Aa
.'tiittn )
In a garden lehliol vu of th prin
cipal duelling of ili am lent ny
of lletvitlaueum mi a vouth and a
maMen. Heanl the ilrl. da lw rest
ing on I lie marll wat, alixnl a li r i.
tb strings of nhhti sh uow aim
again truk plaintively, ihov them
l Ih eaal towered lh i-on of III
YeauYlan voloauo. to III rt rtol
th pule bin watra of Ih Meditr-
rauan. while to I ! umili vial.
hi Ih tlll riMifa of th lail of
tb iivighltorlng ( hi of roniU.
Hra.' a." aaiil ih Youth irl.voinllT
"thla lulnlloii of jour fahr to milk.
you a iititwtfM In i Lin rvliulou of Ih
Eg.vptlana will aurrly hrllig in n UHa
bliu th wraih of ih true gotta. Vat
It way he that you and I ahall go fr
to wd in a foreign "
"Hav yon iihiniiIi th ora. lea.
"U h really!"
Yen; h il.f'ii'l ki"W a Ihlng"
"Thru lie ln'll J nunllfl a
feaaloual Juror "
ICapvrl.hi, l I" Am'i. . 1
. iIUm i
Miw AuiV IVIIeuglll I" drea.l '
It wa o.l.k at I'Ul'i ,
iinil l-
3500 ACRES platted into tracts of to so acres each,
with completed road to each tract. 40 minute s out on
the Fourth Street Railway, 5 trsins each way per dm.
Land lata beautifully, soil very fertile and is cswrcisliv
aJapted tofiuit. nuU and vegetable. 710 homesitp's
here, of an average size of 5 acre, iniurea wotxieiful
commnnity development. Now selling in snch tracts as
you desire, at from
$100 to $250 per Acre
I2Jr. 10W ..glance to suit rnrc baser
Call and arrange to go without expense to you to ex
amine thii property, and determine for vomsel'f as o
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 Starh St Portland. Oregon
For Sale K band of
10 registered and graded Jersey '"'; iut llr.uia, from bou our
cjwe Wni Sohulmerich, Hillsbo
waa iiamtHl and wbo nam your
fil fi ') m I falhap ...... .. , ..1. 1.. 1
The bond of Sween. tha P R a.
ft. contracuir, has 61ed in
Tortland. and he and
will begin at ones to complets the
oig rauway contract from beyond
ouxion to toe coast.
father my to you. laiit utarbt aiuard
to me In a lrani aud Hid m thla."
Oh. ;yIiis. I not d. ll! Thr
la mi ho. Totuorrow, at aurely
Joe dwells ou ilviiiiu, I mutt o to
rouipl to W liililatrd iu Ih m,valrl
in the tempi of Mia (her My fathr,
Ilk many otbr. la lnfatuai4 wild
tb worahli) of thla forvlin
Four room home on Washington tl ,hul' I oa wpt and pladd
Street, on car line between Second wl"1 h,m h' !n n' f"',, hl lu
iJ Tki.J I r,-ti. . tot "
and Third, lit fiOxlOtV r.i uu
Ernet Lyone, 2 milesnorthwest ol
Hillt.boro. 51 ((
Mrs. Reiben and eollt Otto, and
ilaughtfr, Louisa, who were all in
jured in a runaway accident near
Banks, laet week, are all
ing from the effects of the bruises wbi, h
sustained. ,mok
Oreirnn ia nnt an !. fr,,, ik. 11 I "I hare
I.. r . .... . .
unu un SB II was Within a
"Trouble will aurely cuiu from tbla
allht to the true soda. Th"anate at
Rome baa forbidden It "
NrerthlHa t,brt atanda tb tem
ple at rouill on ibe sloi near the
anipltbeatr Ym may Ha roof."
Meanwhile th vouug niau waa re
(ardlnir the autumlt of Yeauvlua.
waa emitting fltftil puff a of
not for several .Ian l
aid, "lled the lHAa of the tuouutaln.
few days a through traio servics ,1!!', ,b;rtl"iu- ? """.
i'l b nut r 11 Kfti w un i .i 1 ,Iwl,. I are a feellnn-perbaiia It
ana tew lork Cit. nnMnni k i.......i .. . . ' .
j , . , ii 111 aouM way the
enure distance in tblrtr- ruinuu UoKano la i-ohii i.i win
Ie6s than four days, that rather than a you a iMeia of
At the mmination of Archie C flw(1KU,1,,w H"nla Ut emerge
Aitonat his nlac th. .ul? B.:; ra. ,h.?w'
ft. , .r . rm, . . inupie aim uintroy II."
of last week, it was shown that si-1 -And u. to,, nerhaoa - r..... ,h.
inouizri not technically injane, hi. girl, giving a frigh,.,d m.k un at tb
mental ennd tinn nn ...-u .1... r. i....u .. ... ... ' .
, , w" " " buuu tuai 1 T "m" n m tuai moment uttered an
hit ihnnM lu.l I.. a. .t . I .....1....... t
'" um larva. me fa- I """""" arowi.
quest of his aunt, the crimiral
charge of foraerr was firnnrwd and
Judge Goodiooommittfd him to the
rveiorm tscnool.
Hillsboro was visited
and Sunday nioht Bik
Are You Wanting' a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call oji the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
InrJ-... I . HL .
Fxecutor's Notice
otlce Is hereby given, that the under
signed haa been duly appointed and oon
hrmed by order of the Connty Court of
the State of Oregon, for Washington
tJi ou"t.y,'..l-xe5uwrofJth estate of lleien
M. Whitteu, deceased, and has duly qual
ified a mich. ' H
Sow ihw-ofore, all persona having
oiaims against aaid estate are hereby coti
tied to present the same to the undersign-
r , ."l1- 'U prPet "outers there
fir, at the law ofhoes of Battle & Haro in
tU. Shute Building. ln hSKo
hlrZt m0nths from the Sate
Datad this May 8, 1909.
T S TIT rrr.n. !
ii , nuuHw, ure a,
Wley & Hare, Attorneys for Eiecutor
..Central Meat Market.
Keep constantly on hand a fine
supply of fresh meats of all kinds.
AHw In Prloom
W re to sell meats at piicei low-
than those which have prevailed ic
he pat. Call in and see us. We mean
bannees. 'Phone and Free Delivery
One door East Tnalatin Hotel
Mala Street, Hillsbors, Oregee.
I nuisooro Feed
f L. Bonne y, Prop'r
1 No ChoDoinir after F1.K
and Chop
f Independent Phone 586
f Custom , Grinding
, Administratrix Notice
Kotlce is hereby given that the under.
ipied baa been Tcfuly Appointed admin
J 'ratrlx of the eatatao' PrSSriok oSSl
bow. deceased, and has duly qualified w
sued administratrix.
Now therefore, all persons having
lain.s agains aaiii estate are hereby no ti
lled and required to presenMhe time U
... ... u.nwug in oiiiBooro, ureiroii
i1Vh nV0,,u tro"ltiu d'6'
Oated Una 5th day of May, im.
Admimstratrix of the Estate of Kred-
, firiirk Greenburjr, Deceased.
istr illT Hre' AUor"ey8 t0T Aduilti-
If you are thinking of buying a
cream separator why not buy the
L?are the "Rents fcr the
We guarantee this machine to be
. the easiest cleaned, the closest of
Jkimmers the longest-lived, and
I he Best Separator
m the market. We will olace the
Sf.if VSl '".t" comlK contest any other cream separator
and let the DeLaval speak for it
self. Mr Customer, it will pay
you to investigate the ruanv super
ior points found only ' in the
Mays & Conover
I Try a Del aval li
1 : 1
fcuough of I hew uielasi bojy words,
dsr heart. With our approai blug elr
ual separation aud the voUano mutfer
Ing alKjve na I am' pluuged In gloom.
Slog the song I !. 10 w.11 n,, a
Sunday air brought by your auceators from (h
, J 'B"" "ou uupious " "i"tr. , may i rim itt
eboaers, which did great deal of ,lm 1 UH "r it."
god. Many other sections of the The g,d ,I",'-1 to slug In a low,
county, it is reported, received 'I,,U,T aovompauying hrlf
t?ood rains. The value of the n 9 b ,lr' ,lM'ul muuoio.
showers cannot be estimated as I,ou" V "WMt- u ,ud f,,,lnf
grain, fruit and everyTioV ia'th TZ'i '
line of crops were grt y benefit rL ,Mr, "u,ul",
ted. A farmer t IL "Jtr"""
k.t ;r il . , v at-AJui. n uen h r eased Uav us i-lasui
that if the country did not sooo Ueraclea' In hi. .no.. .. ,by wol
net ram, epring grain crops would nutly. th, ,ftr .n lmp.Lond
not give more than half a yield. rtreweil they separated.
. The nit day. as Heraclea, under the
ROSELAIR OF CRUEL NATURE fu,r'',Mn,P nt er family, w.a le.r-
; r a 1 urb ,nf f)r ,he t)?ll)ple of U VftUT(j
Ff. . , , " ""U'l'i-r. then sent up that Col-
following are the charges aet Dp by u"" from the bowels of tb earth
Johanna Roeelair, in her bill for a wbl,,b the rltlea at it base
divorce, which was granted in 1907- n,Tlu- '""dd-ufci .t u proapwt of
ui ueieoaant (Koselair,) has u . r ""'"w a number of
a violent temper, and is of a croal 7 na who wr PPed tu the
nature, and has at various times '""r,""p f KrpHn odds-
struck and beaten plaintiff," 10ms T fr"a tht ,-njjle
Washington county, defenSInt Jtruck !UP" ",' ,,ta ,',", "
plaintiff with his hands, and beat her , dH"',',,,e uipt to rescue Her
with a stick he bu-a rn. a.:..: aelea on Iwr r,ir..... ., ,.
and inflicted great personal injuries upen But Kernel. t 0WIU A,
P Tlil ,1nn- , - . iou.r tmHM la.lrl.aloa. both
-906, defcnV ''""l-H being
head with a rateh.J ! ....fV!' !f e C0Tered by huwer of ash, .ml .h
scalp and caasing plaintiff gieat Sodilv . f ' 'r0B1 VM," lt'. while the
suffering. 8 DOdUy hontln roared and the e.rth nuakl
tone T h r efir,t lay of SP"nber, a,,,r u ,r, o Her.-ul.ueun, to
1906, defendant struck plaintiff more tfle with his love, but In lb darknea.
than six times with his At., and so in lt his way. rntL J
jured defendant that .he did not recover t.v canes frmn ?i . P'
from the effects thereof fo, . 1. . 8 W rro'n tl,e ''Ol'-ano, but
two months. . f fw mre ,han WM Hkn P ''X on, of bis ,aTe, ,ui
That at dive,, other limes, defend.nt ' "'6 M. U,r '' ws.
n ppto pmintin horse whips, topes : !7J wrene " wt n stood
and hay forks. That defendant repeated- fB the crn,t he burled Hcrcu-
ly thatened the life of plaintiff, eTc." Uuuni- Tuere wandering, h. w JL
The children of the iseoe of J,,hn jy 'oae who were trying to
U, Koselair and .Tnh.n. r,.i . die their wav 4o ... . .
iku.-eiairi .., - " worre isey
were at that time: John Rosal.i. .n,ljlltww" treasure. .. bsvin hJi
M &an. S V a
ruaie. Anna. Knia i u
race Roeelair, 5 years; ' Herb-ri'
Koeelair, 2 years. After securing
oer divorce, Mrs. Roselsir went
" 'BK,nff am children with her.
in me iignt or the lateerim Iras
sdy. abewat lucky to escape with
oaring OM
bis mind tbrouifh ih. .
. ""! "lifllUlUg
be late eruption. When night came
bey left him there and found falm
there ga )n tbt mwnlng Thfl
words he waa heard to ssy were
"O Hercules. dlr r m"
On the evening of (be second day
l ., , J "vijo who ," v'"i'1""' aa me iw ligut deD-
her hfi. The conn ,...:.J sued Uavlua w. hh "
-r -- uiarria I . . "nuuri iug BOOTS
III this COIInfir Horn i! ton- the burled ll..r,.i... "
lu, JOi7.i, . ..i.ucum. lne w
the mountain, tb ground un wuk-b be'
tood were still. A stream bad flowed
on el her side of the s.(e of the tow!!
W.nderlng al.nleaaly toward on. of
...:, .ireama, out of the silence there
The Hillh"irr Hnkxnl D J n .
.. v uvuvu! unara rjstur- -"vu., out or ine silence there
day aelfcud the following corps of to hIm C.vlus listened
teachers for the va n beard the nlaimiv. .irt-
next Autumn: Principal, B W !,"," T,b'u c,me- bau,n o!c.
Barnes; Ninth Grade, Miss Elv. m k"'T U, "nK H'r,clw
Smith, 8a em; Eighth (irads M M"ti,helr parting.
M. C: Case Jrll V'' -. b. went down
Smokere like the SohJller and the
KxcflJencia These cigars are of
tie ist stock. You oan't fool an
au'.hority on a good cigar,
Best Kre Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Office with Edmond Cornelius, Main St
Ind. Phoue, 393.
Pacific States Phone 3,4 HILLSBORO
Wood firesle: Csn deliver four
foot fir wood in any ijuantity, in
the city.-F. G. Heidel. 6 tf
,uc.e , peasant, who had lfr
tnLZ HU,cor and hua t re-
toroed. 'ibe hut bad been .ovm-rt by
a stream of ,od frou (lff o '
Uavlua' dra hi o,.. - . . '
a, luunieu. Me took
Heracles to (Jr.., wbw bl( bl)
temple to Hec ul.. '
Tha Judge Could Uaa Him.
bouis, Mo Sixth Orads. Migg J8. glng bis way jU . .tone hut th.
M!0. T ", p "in wraas, nwwries. he had been Uk-
Miss rennegHnn,...J u.n Men there l.v . ............ ... . .
bwo; Fourth Grade, Miss Jennie
De.cbman and Miss Ruth Jones
Hillsboro; Third Qradi.Miss Ahn.
Smith, Oregon City; Second Grade
MiS3 Gertrude Si, "r'
to acBist in 8wnd and Third, Mies'
AUCaj dUIJCn. I71lintf l'sltwtaia.H UT
ir t iaiAjrjr. ,nfl,
Maud- Lake. Hillsboro; supply
Mrs. P G. Vickers, Hillsboro.1 7
sue Doart, decided to add the
Seventh Grade at the beginning
of the next term. mA,UA u....i"
drawing to the curriculum Dr. F.
A. Bailev. chairman ik. v. '
of directors, ssys that the school
olncerB look fir full r.m
when the new school year opens1
- e. ' n-u an auuuion will
be built.
fll IHHlllloll
Hh waa alu In tb Iioiim-
liad warning that htiraUn ! m
lug. Tlier hd lii a ring al the
doorbell. tli htttl auMl U. but
found iu one. A I'll of 'il r l!ulteiJ
down ah on-iimI Un- ilm-r. ami,
plvklm; It ii, "h"' K'd. llmnUr to
Till lar aluti'iueiil of I lie (u-1 m
eiioiigll to pill Mi IVitimiilll lu a
tremor. SU not liitrtU !
know by or by bom lu' bad Iwn
warueu, but iu moiigni nuiun uinnign
her 111 1 11. 1 HihI aoui one of lh tiiuf
had turmtl analuat lila frllowa ilihr
through a airl kn run leiw or rr
Hill what U lo 1I0? TU fum
lly bad left Iter rr Hi iiiKbt with
only a 111a I.I. and Hi luil.l had dia
pearHl. ll i.l lu- aiiylblug lo .lo UU
lb iroMd burglar) ? I'tobably She j
waa a new girt aim na.l Ih-ii I
wliboitt a 'Imra. ter," Tber im ihi
lelihue i-oiiiKvikiii, tb houtr i
half a mil from any other, and ili
Ulgllt W aliirnir, Ntnhla Mii
I'eltuglll put on ln-r rul.lw-r. tok aiil
lltulirella atul a lo ax fur aa
nialaiii- when 1I1 benrd ...r with
nut. She alood atlll lu lb ball, para
lyaed with terror Then ramp ,1 ring
at tb dort-ll.
To refux a.linliluiM lo any one w h j
inpnaml Hi Mli Hi Ikhiw was alxurtt
Xa rniraii.v tutil.l U fun, at 1111
oH-nliig Tb from .l..r ti w n..t
twkid. Her only ilrfi'tite aifata
gm. Sb would a. I lull Hi l.urilar.
pretend uol lo kuw wtml b Im.I i-ouie
for aud an oi,rt unity that U
If b dill Uot I.IihI aud gag hrr In tb
hop of putting him hi a rornrr Ktiut
moiling all tb revolution ihrr wa
ten in l)r. alie oH-nnl I be d.r 1
There in. a man lu a ruUlwr uit I
from whk-h ib ruin waa driiiiug
"I would Ilk,- be wild, "lo gi hl
ter for awhile ir, ,,11,1 j
I tu"t g.i ou"
t'ert.lnly." .ld Mloa IVtfengill. tl j
emhling. "fuui lu " j
"Where kball I put Ibla wet auttri
he kl. "t don't lh to i..,n
! rug..' j
"tlo rlgbi up on to lb third a..r j
There la a bathroom there Vuu .an j
lay your auit lu the tub " f
The mau a tritl aurprlanl. j
" oliJ. llon. MU. IVUm,
gIM d the way The prosp. t of aiu--reaa
of a trap be waa laving gar
ber courage, and ab beram momei,.
Urily elated. The Utbrm-m , ltl
Ihe tenter of lb bow. ,,
dow, reutllat.1 and libtd b) a aiuall
"l'ilii In the roof The man enirred
aun waa ibruwlng off ,W rubier coat
When Miaa IVtlel.glli, wl,.. had got,,
a little alo-itil and rhn..,i ,1.. t. -
from In.ld,. (0 uti, fi, lU Awt
and ba ked It. The. ab proceeded to
When ah came to herself .he beard
S luUd km kluK at ilu. I.-, 1... ..
.m..oi u..r
Bhe got m her ft and alggrd
l1.U.nut.. l- ..... m
iHjuuilea (be wan aba
had .but UP had beeu lent 1 ,..
ouuolier. Ilia p, w,l!t, iri)tNllly
Hut at oerferllv .1111 t... . . .
while, .a hour perhar. but Umul n"
SUOV. After l,fU
M dulght ram. ,,,,lf ,lrM, d
l h ei.-Hement. abe threw herself on
lounge. The ,i,.(,mt kepi ,f
ro anit-ep.
Wbcn .he awofc it . , .
light Hbe was surprised ,U8"
ash of a al.wl - ,U"
Alatl m ........11 "
re-ugnlred a. i l.lor,,frm. (iet11K llu
lb ........ .. ....
. """" nun lllll. Ill ,iu.
Jg ft-iw. The ,lraw,r. f , Mr.
board wrere and wbatalh,.r
SDH ineru ub.
... 'ound that lb JiiifpJi'JJ
..eked ' ' W- M
"be listened for . sound fro,,, ,
sdv,mTi,;, , lmt Ci ''
dnor bsrglar. He.rlng i,i,,li( ,.-
t, 'r"-.nv' ,U "nob ,nd
X, S""d " "f "8 In
Mis. Pettenglll ran nil the W(iy t0
h. l,s( where she f.fa
the fs III y at l,rl,f.., lu
lrUr "H,, robbed:" ah.
l-dV7e r" V"""1""
"Tour onV
wonii t '""t your bu.
MM be rubbed during the night K
so hoiigb, ni, , J
wu.uut ingnteu you by toll
lug you about the robber. K S
fo ln a mi i. !.... 1.. ... .. u Ju"1
Tell me nuli k- i ....
"Where la hr'
"I locked him
There was a hurried return to th.
mad. .11. ' un u'a,, wo bad
. j.,T ""r outnt and Mlaa Pr
ladeedTl " 7!' " "."
young man u 'y ",iUtl'uly
ered ,d apologized for hi. uiUtak,
in not 1.,.. 1.1 .,a . l"M
uiuiaeir Known aa mi
friend. Mis. Pettonglll', apolgy w.i
r .1 .uo uu oeen a "uiuny,
anil moat n ,,.. ... wor
tha wuu,a w bav.
A DrprntUhlc Crocrry
is jtixt t lie kin.l cott-ititncrH should pah,,,,;.
Wc luc jiiit m h a UrTHcry, y 'r
ilctH-titl 011 Oualilv tif enU u ..n la8
- - n - nil ,,
ou ran to-iwinl mi win' tell y u aU-ni ,,. . .
. t MIW lit I! III MIM HH Vlll'.l Huu ..
' '---.!..-.. nnuL I
il ou i4 itr-ii,! on gtiliiig riv tll u , ,
giv yo" " dcB, un grltlng , t.(, ,lr' ''
liinr Vl ran ilrvd on a. ronm, ), k( "
tr, ll ,.u can .lrM. . p wv haw , ' 1 ""'
Uli.g fight, ."'I t'oullllH I lu appirrlal H jj ( I 5'''
ira.lll lr,..4li. lli. "
Hillsboro, Ore.
Be a Booster
Let's muhe 1909 the best and
biggest year for Business in
the history of Scholls.
It caii I done. We t on do ll. If y j,ke
Store, if our service plca.ict you, tell others - if na,
tellui STILL WE CROW! Why? ft!
cause this is a Mr.mK, rrcflsMifc ami Mmcusful
Institution. It is a jrou ing, active, iip-t.-tlatc s,rt
in every particular. Your jiatroue will 1 el
come and rccuictl, nud ytmr interest will .
ways lie carefully considered.
Wt. sjrr Selling Aft'en'o for ihr
of the self lalaiuiui; kind. Sec it at
Our Store.
Yours ior a Q Deal always
Wniilators and Chimney Tojiu to order
Metal and Composition Roofing
Warm Air Heating Apparatui
Cornices aud .Skylight-i
(leucral Jobbing
Occur to You?
nw-klfiZ:' "V" ..... -ladee-U .
It I don't rtmen.ll.. I, f IT?'" " "", ' "
nfa lot we mo , ,,r,,,'luw " ldgmet In lb.
State BANK.
a v Ju j ias
Summer Rates East!
During the Season 1909
Southern Pacific Co.
Tonicity ....
To Chi Laandturn-$68.15
S'U M 7, July , Aull.
pr,vlegM ,m J i . v, y m,tlv f,lur) , , y ofMl1V
'WJmKs,;' Htto,",P m'Kl' clif"r"1" ",iy " s"Kh,"l;
ynyH,tVer?i'at'ft tlrk.l. will I- fumW
. " ' ' ' v H.KKHH, M.V , IillHlinro."
SJrKj"!- -i
t3ht niauji Mo Uiiot.1
Foui.llushers soou "poter.1
More rata aud Ihs "bluff."