The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 20, 1909, Image 5

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HichhIvc Work nt llolliciul't
of the I. ins From now on
i$ttutt Ca, U Huild all
Bruin" sad Lit Kill
iinki are l(liinlnir. to mova on
line uf the I. K A N Hwaauy,
iuiin ooutrtrlor, la itublng
n, horae end ruiiiiit lo tha
,,,1 ,vrr day, Jtit aa soon aa
jo brldgas on the line ere llolbed
jftulher oonetrucllon trala will U
fct u lh road llwrcm llillaboro
ad tli fronl, end krpt busy all Mr Khrjr, of Filmy
Jr". rrtlnil, waa In town
WerJar morning, snroute to the
Joul, wilh force of uian end sup
jina. Tbli Unit baa lb contract
it. .1 . L -
fi I clear ngni " war '" "
jne from tbe .TJ tell to tbe 42
Ills wst, a uuiance ui inn mitra
fwernr will rlar rlbt of wav
uiu lb 2'2 b the 1'2 mil pout, on
bis and of lha liie.
I Wakaflald. wb had a tan mi' e
jnnlratl on th Cnael and ol lb
in, baa boru aaar.lad a cub con
id of ton additional wilaa bv
wwtiy, and now baa abttil .100
i. . I -. I . I . L
n at won at mat ei.u ii win
Tha I'ariflo (engineering Co, of
ortland, baa baen ewa.d'd tha
utrael lo build all tba hndgae
nd culverts on tba road, and yaa
rday alilppd to tba In.iit, two
lar load ol malarial. Thia Arm
lao baa tba con'ract to lay all ba
Taila on tba uncompleted road.
I HMoy ia firwaidlng lerga
junior of hoaa to tha front lor
he g'edirg oultU, overland, and
tan ara gniug to tba front amy
f Chief Knginser Davia arrivd in
lown TuiwiUy nighl from a trip to
lba t'l'ir Nabalam and Haltroo
Wrv country. whra be want to
Irocl tba work of tba aufvartiig
ailira cow iu tba Hold .
Mra. A Is sender, wifa of K.bert
'Alaiendar. of wt of rnral litov
aimd Humlev. May Itf. VM, at th
sNjrlh rci(io hauatiuuni, Tort
land, aflrr a ttirgii! operation.
lh waa iKirn in Hrooklrr. Smn
York, and waa 17 yaara ol an
Her oiaidan nam waa Itrynold
Hha waa uiarti to rt (I. Htirll.n
lo IHHI. ol thi union fmr rblt
idran auiviva' Mra Jra a llfiitl
jbach, Uhico, Cal ; Krul, of t'by
.annr, Wyomini; Itajrmonil, in
K'hiol at Hjmkana, . nd
Hoturr Hbaldoo, at li una
Htie mariird Kobvrl AlriatuUr
in I8U7, tbara liing futir aon to
thia uiiion: Orant, Kuland, lentil
and Charlta Hha waa manitm
of tha Corgraia'lrnal church
loiaruianl waaTmadaj morning
from I.ttt.b r'a uLdrtakiiig arlor,
Koraat lirovs.
Hunt Dripa, gal , gal ,
Ami .V llaiiunar imU, I lb
paptr. fie; I'Ki lha , ball ground
aall, (Klc; ,r0 IIm, Iwal gradi dairy
aalt, l)()r; !i) lha, g Mnl gred dairy
wall, 4V; 41 bira, Hiar aoap, 2.ric; 1
lb, Miar tolwicro, 4'tc; 11 pa)it,
Uiiie tjnaan, 2f, at II. Wanning .V
ltaird arcrpta Canadian uionny
at par. ID II
0n Klly, of tha Arcade aicion
north of H lllli ro, ia reported at
bring af-riouily aick at hla home.
Old faehlon Ituitrr Ho ilch the
kind y.,u ued to gt -ln of
Olio II U'ilaon and Mhh Mab!
H. Wtlann wra inarrld at Koreat
tlrove.hy Julioa J II Wirln, on
the 17th inat.
I'nlilio danoa at UilUh tro Hall,
Haturday vning, May 22 Tnalle'a
original orohfalra.
J. I. Dunaeth, of I'ortland, who
waa here laat wiutt-r to eslahlUh a
fruit and vegalable caunary, wai in
town today,
I will atari to deliver good, on
orderi only, next Monday, aa fol
low: Vorbnnrt and vicinity, Mon
daya; l,eiajil aeotion, Wednea
daya; (Ireenvllle aeoiion. Fridaya.
Uwrman Ontarmin, CentervilU
The Washington County Thresh
erroeo a Aaanuiallon will niel at
the Court Houae in Hillabnro neit
turdy afiernom. at 2 o'olook. p
n. Karmera are Invind to attend
thia meeting. M. Henderson. Heo
I he little thw-vear nld alrl of
I'aui Stalder. of Cedar Mills, foil
out of a wagon, ths fire part of the
week, and broke her arm above the
elbow. Dr. TamUsle was called to
rwluce lha fraotnre.
Mr. John Milne am) Min Kva
Cawrse, daughter of Jos Cawrae,
od both nt Noith Plains, were
married at Taooma, Waah, April
2, 1909. They will Hpend the
Sumtnei at Taooma. The groom
hi the eldest son of John Milne, of
this city,
mi rnaung liiMiMlay night, and
"lil aoina tiiiin in going ovar tha
dntaila ol lli al of tha plant.
Mra HupSnnaon and I.ytla, rap.
ranntitig Hi liiyra, wt-ra prnHent,
and tli' tigiit avarything coiiLI
arratKd to I'onclud tlin il'U la of
lli at tlia next uit'Uvt i f tba
odiiticil, whuli k a I fr in it
l'uiwilay. If iiiriliU, ill nw
ooiiipany WKlinalo gi tni')rporatl
in lha ini-antirno Kvrrything la
prograing favorably, and tha
IlilUlxirn light and walrr plant
will aonn Iw in nw banda.
Iliod auiuiiifr paaturaga, on tba
Haidxl place, abiva Mountaindala,
at IlitO a niimib for horata. and
I 2ft tr bd fr ratila Call on
T. J Willia. 2 inline norlhaaal of
M'liitilaintlala, or writa him ou
e,.rn!iu It. I , Hot :M. I'hone,
I'auillo Hlala, UI. H 31
On account ol ralu tba Farming
ton and Hatika cluba did not play
at Karmlngton, aa waa originally
arranurd. Tha dial gma Ixitwean
tba Ha li lii and FariniriKt'in c'uU
will take place at Farmmgton nut
Hunday. Tha FarniingUiu loya
ara prptring lo gal new ImimiImiII
unil irma, and will elrrngthm tht-ir
ranka with other playara whn tba
term f the Agricultural College la
ovar, aa aoma of tha club'a tieat
man are now attending tha school,
and will not gt bom hrfore Junr.
Try tba Star brand of Araanate
of lad forapraylng It ia a "Mire
hot,' and iloea tha work. Thia ia
the time to apray for the Codlin
moth. I handle thia apray in
otiaulity, and prireaara rraaonable
,vldrra or call on Harney lie,
liravarum, Hiute 2. Mf
The baaaball grounda have been
made aolid by the uaa of a gaaoline
roller, thia wek, ai.d are now in
g'Hid aba pa. U ia hoped to have
the Initial gains lirre on the after
noon cf tha .'Mat. wbioh cum on
Monday. A parade of lba Wlll
boya in their new euila, lad by the
band, ia cintiuplaliHj, a game (d
lowing in lha aftarniMin with aoma
club, probably one from tbie conn
HavinK ao!d out our inUreat in
the mercantile buainaaa In C inoell
A Co, all persons knowing tbarn
arlva to m i(nlrbiJ to the under
igm-d will ptixiiMi attHe earns at th
Coiiin.eii'ial Hank.- Hobulmericb
tra. i If
Virgil Waters, who mwrled a
HillstMtro girl, f rmr!? Miaa Dora
Vily, a aluiar ol W. V Wiley,
wa ! ld Mayor ol ('nrvallia, last
Tuday Mr W a'e ra n a promt
ni-nt real ealata and ioniranc man
of the Aiicu'lufal Cdlege town,
uJ ma irienna nere miiur vu
graiulaliona U-ad Jabn iKnnU' ahoj diplay
In thi iu ll ia putting on sale
tlii famout Hamilton Krown maka
of ehoea. anions, others. They a e
well made and modern, and rank
away ahtve the chap manufao
lure f f .otwaar. Head hia bargain
an noonciuinl
The I'ark ia to U uxd up for
the coming oleoratiiu. Hjius
needed improvemen'.a, it ia under-
alMxl, will im added at the ex pause
of the city. Hhuie rark is natural
ly one of tha prattieat ploei of the
kind in lb county, and ahould he
made aa attractive aa pocriilile.
For Hale: A thorcuhhrml Hoi
stein hull. ligibe to rrgii-lry ; also
2 heifra. 2 Tears old, soon fredi.
A Handler. 4 milee northwest of
HHUboro. Tacllo Btatfs' I'hone,
Hillaboro, 3ISr I'll
A rorreapond oil wriUS that Al
fred Laid ci'i-eil a sucoesriot irm
of school in Dial No f, last Fri
itav An amuaina and entertain
ing programme was renoereii, ami
- t i
hauntiful dinner served at noon
Found: A ulace to have your
clothes cleaned aud pre!, and
1 . . ' a
returned the same day. Aome
Cleaning and Preying Parlors, one
door weal of harnaer s reed sianie
Arthur iMilev. of Laurel, was ia
town this morning. He says that
85 per cent ol the hops in thia
county are all right, and will give
nearly an average yield.
lloraaa for sale. A few head cf
good, general purpose work horses
lor sale loipnre oi mnnuuiu
cry Co. Ui
Mrs Dailey, of near Htuton, wl
.low of the lal H K. Dailey, fel
at her home one day laat week, and
ir.mnrftil one ol her limb. Vt, A
B. Bailey was called to attend ber
1 have knowledge of a couple of
ood farms for sale, also a good
country store. For Information
call on Herman Oslerman, Corne
line, R 1. J
The ladies of the M. N. church
bold a society tea In the mm church
rmrlora. vesterdsv afternoon. Mrs
W. M. JackBonolfloiatrd as hostess,
n.n. at M. W. A. Hall, at
Reedville, Saturday evening, May
oo Tinkoia il.(K). walkers' o
pieoe orchestra. 10-1
The Hm-lal Circle of tha Cougre
nationel ohuroh met at the residenoe
- - aa at it!. (
of Mrs. W. vv, ijobcow, hub
.Inat reoeived. at Connell A Co's
this week, a carload of buggies and
baoks. Buggies from G5 up. Cil
and see them. w
Mr and Mrs. II. K. Ballard, o
Holdridge, Nib., are visitiog: Frank
Ballard and lamtiy, 8 wee
uhlt Clnvar I oe Cream at the
nu.mQot rlriior atora. Trv it. tilf
A MM. - () W
Tha city council bld an adi.urn.U:
mm ::
ClutrKol Willi Assault With a
DanuciouH Weapon
D. fcadaal Givia )yu Baadi far k
pcariact at Hearing
Kels Hack, a citim of the Tigard
villa section, came up to Ilillatwro
Tuesday, and Iixlgfd a complaint Depuly Diatrid Attorney,
T. H. Tongue, in which ha c harged
that one Hoy Daniels bsd asaault
td blru with a revolver. Keck ex
hibited a cut oo hia bead, which
be claimed waa inflicted by the dt-
endant. The aaaault ia illged to
i i ..... .
nave oocurrea on ma liin mat
Damela is atwut 25 yeara of age
The Argua ia not advised, as to
what led up lo tba dilliruMy. Dan-
iela waa arrested br Deuutv Kberitl
ck Worth, of lha TiKardvule sec
u, ..... u-u,ol w Hi - yea-
- . I I.. i.. . . 1 f : 1 1 ..i I
leroay. wnere na waa lormaiiy ar
a. -t.-.l f ... I ....11
aw yiirta mi 119 f unrtj nrrwi, J
gave iionna in me sum 01 . o lor
k a t a-..
hia ani.earance unou
the dale eel
or the hearing.
An outcomeol an attachment form
ml 'n,,u, 'i "M ,h.a w"!Jif
of David huralli, a number of tht
Grm of Kuratli Broa. real eatate thia city, amf Mis Klhie
picker, a talented and popular
young lady, who uuiil recently ha.
b-n employe.1 aa an eec- untant in
the Security .V Having Hank, rf
'ortland The weddirg occurred
y-aterday at the residence of thi
hiido'a parent. Mr and Mra F. T
pick-r, at I0 Kai f.H-h stree-,
irlland, (l-e Jhe groom wa a'
tended by hia couiin. A'fred Dyrle.
anti ins nruiefmsiaa were Miea
'.auu aim jenoie r ucxer. 1 nc
. . . , .... I
oiuciauug cirgyman a uev .
W II. 1. 1 . . t .L. II.. .
u . itmoi.ari, . i hit l bmii irria o .
church, and the time, high n m.
After tbe re-rmmr, an elrgu.l
luncheon wai a-rvel, and tna y
costly and b'ru'ifiil gifts were
prrsentrd t.y the : at more re a
ttva anil itnmrdiale fni.Mi i f Ui I
. a. I
hsi.U and u.ulu I alai at llaaa ml
it ea w to sl'"i ui ipi" in ui ri
,j j 11 - l 1;
n... ...llilt.l.A .n.l
vt inrir, ra 1 kimi aii IB rUTa,wn imur 1
w ayv MIPVil" WUM Wia toillirurnil
. . I
ly at ther eidencnf the groom's
brothrr. K I Kuratli, wh ban
gone to Kurort. They will remain
there, until the grxim s new rsi-
dence ia Golabed Tbe Argua ten
lare congratulations.
W ..low or I'r Via allowed J." pur nioi.ll.t I
W llailry. K U Andnrauw ami C U Ky
lralara L U IMin.i rat: rataUtaof Tlma
H.wauU Mary Jane HullirrlanJ cLumhI; II
U Tlaar l. H liuatiu ami Ku.lolpl. Unn
aacker appUl appraiattra ralaie .if Marlon
I IpUtu, ilaci; iiimrnmnni. a prayni or-
Ivml In out I' Al'lln; llnal wHIieuri
ml (' K H.-nifllM-r am fur Jatia Inven
Oiry ml Kva Hlcaarl, luxane, Vamhill r-
al aatal. MtU, rali. iV : IkiiuI ltll on
tlnilwr lun.l aala oalala mlimn John M
I iltliff alal.
allrv lirl, rt bil II
White oaH. per ton f4
Timotliv bay " " f i4f.;iS 00
C'lcvri Lay, r tou Jil(.;ia 0.1
onlona. new. per crate .........( Jo
(itutiaf nrr rut il is ni txi I
r,tr. ht.ttr fr m is
OtitMtl Crrnmrfy, jwr n r(ttb
Heua'orrlb !"1""V""V.V."!!!i'mi6
L . Bu.. .l..aa li 1
Frvrw " " 15
K.t Jn.ld. of Heelwood Cream
ar Pnrllanrl. waa in town lodav.
f'hrla Johnson, a nrominant Hel-
- 0 t
vetia farmer, was io town luday.
Jacob Raffety.of Mountaindnle.1
I i.. Ik la wannk ltaw I
WOIIIUnil lUin ...a.R.
Miss Susie McKinney returned
to Portland yieterday, alttr a
weea:s sojourn in ir .io.vy.
Harry Cook, of Cornelius, a well
known baseball p'ayr-r of Cornell-
us, was in town this morning
Holders of tickets entitling you
to a free drink of Mire I nooi Peer
are requested lo present same
our fountsio on or before June
Den of Swbel
v.i- vt..t f rwnli., .n.l
..ui..., .
l-.W.. r il,- rinrina II
v mil .... in
rami, urr, wom in w.t. w
u.i. n11i. r inhn Vamlar.
Four room honss on Washington
Street, on car line hetwen Beooud
and Third, lot 501(10. for Bale.
Krneat Lyons, 2 miles northwest ol
Hit a Imrii. . . . oil!
n.. nniiA,1 tlm flock In
LibhyV Jewelry store which has
..... ---
run for 1 5 years and is good for 2f
years more. It is the '
Hem i nomas maae, ana ne na
that Hook ot olooks for sale. W
T R Parklna. tha Ruxton mer-
chant, was in the city today, and
states that business is good in his
town. Many men are daily pass -
ing through tht placa for work on anoe happens in your neighbor
the P. RAN. ... -ooj Btep t0 the phone and send it
The Hillsboro school board this
week emnloved Miss Olivia Ferrin.
of Forest drove, to teach the 11th
grade thli fall autT winter. Thia is
the new grade added by the board,
an.t tha aelention will he a Donular
one. aa Miss Ferrin la a verv cana-
ble and painstaking teacher.
" . ' . . "
HillaWo Argus, II .V) frt-r yar.
Dr. C B Hrown dentiet will h
in HillalaiM Monday, May 2-1.
Born, lo lb wife of W. Skene,
of nt-ar P.'iy. Or'g .n, May I I, I'M1'.
a eon.
Ice for eale at lb Dn of
Hweta. II
Horn, to the wif of (-'baa. llt-aa,
of Bethany, Oregon, May 10, V.W,
a son.
I oe for sale at the Dn of
Haeela. 1 II
K. W. Fort tlrove.
tranaactad biiainepa ii town Tuea-
All kinds of doom, for lit
tle rxoney at Trullingr Hroe , Hilla-
, '
on. '.I 12
Clay Freeman ia home from tbe
Agricultural College, at Corvallis,
nuraing a bad sprain.
For sale: Kale plants by the
thouaand. Both phor.fe. .ina
A An,,f,nt 0f "Kidgeview
farm" north of Hiliabiro, was in
town ytaterday, and calM.
Money to loao on real eatate,
Terma reaonable. Apply to Ku
rath Kros , Jlilli-lxiro, Ur. 21-tl
john A Jtffr,,, a Portland at
torne. .aa in the city, today, and
Uaird sells trie l arnon gueraweeo
g.ove for Lard work. Id 11
Horn, to the wife of K. A. Cam
eron, Hiliabiro, Oegon, May 15,
VMI, a daughter.
w.k on i,diea mn
Mrs. John w . umneii Turned id
'ortland, Iiwday.
. Tbe woman who brooaht about
the marriage of Riealair and hia
Mi wife, waa in the city today.
Huttar-rtaotch, i ur-t the kind
mother widhed she ould make.
Deo of Sweets.
Public danca at Hillrlnro Hall,
Haturday evening, May 22. Toelle's
original orcheetra.
u-m ..,,1 .;r- v,.nv
" a,,' " "V, a aa u aa
ii, ..i n vr n ti,,nrll nl
,-. ;n lhe r;tv yealerdav.
- J J J
... ,
. IV. nratln, 01 Hiiiin luaiaiiD.
" m me ooumy seav 100 ay. ana
Mr.. R. K Himnfon. of eat of
town, returned from a visit to rela-
lives in California, taday.
a) , A A .
KtrybojT known tht Armor
n, , . n .
' lie nwe wmi wmi.-ii.u Ki.r
, .a m II
a n I aaaia iKaim 111 II
Mr. and Mr. kurlbl, ol Port
land, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W . Hartrampf, Sunday.
The llillpbnro secmd baseball
school tam df'ated tbe West Un
ion team last Sunday, on the local
grounda, by a score i to
A marriage license was isaued
to,Ur 0 John Frederick Naitip
"J Catherine II. Maass, both ol
8uie cleaned and presaeJ prompt
ly Als3 suits to ordnr. All work
BiiaranteHl. I'pptdirs. next to
postomce. August lews, the Iai
lor. 10 tf
Mrs. K. W. Moore will represent
Phoenicia Temple at the Pythian
Sisters (Irand Lodge to Iw held in
Pendleton June 22 and 2.1
A large number of Catholics were
ia town tnis mornirg 10 auena Day" cervices at tbe
. , . . ... -omfrnMed
Mr leather isuoDOizr, rRBior, ai
a. iu.
Mrs. It. H. Oreer, Mrs. U, K
Wilkes. Mr and Mrs. (J J l'alma
tser and Jas I l ountr, are in Al
banv this week, attending tbe
(hand LodCS Ot ! t. I). F. and
L. C. Sht rwotnl, of I ortland,
' 1 ' it. "8T.,.T
rl J VMf., n CJ a aa lonu .a-aaj, a.a.
tK.t tA ll.a ACthl ia lAll
ciearu route from the Shady Brook
(action lo Portland.
J H. Sohaefar has laid out the
North Hillelioro Acres, a mile from
the Oregon Kleotric depot, and will
' It ' In. .r ace tracts. Addrem
him al l.inutoii, 0.-e.,or se Imbrie
Land Co.. Hillsboro. O.ily lakee
10 per cent l )wn
Mrs. Anderfon has employed
oounseK to fight tbe Oregou Eleo
trie denot eito condemnatiou suit
T.,U M vr.1l !ll
and yesiPruay.Miuuu ra. i. u.
la demurrer in tbe esse. 1 be whole
, . , i
matter will cime up at the July
term of circuit ourt.
The county rook orusher will be
started to worK at ine itasiou ipur
ry tomorrow, under the lorn Uood
in contract, lhs other contractB
will he lei ai me urxi term oi mo
oouulv court, as bids are now being
. . ,u. ., ,.,., ..,.
auveruaeu iur .u v..D u.Uu.,
p,JBjnrjing with, next Sabbath
Lining, llev. Bilknajv psator of
lhe Methodist church, will give
,Kftrt ...elude to his eermons on the
doctrineB of thedmrch. The 6ral
of the series will ho on Christian
, wh,n anvihinu of local imnort
in to the Argus We want the
news. Many times newspaper men
are blamed for not having thia or
that f ccurronce in pnat, wben the
fact was that the editor, who is
neither omninresent, nor a mind
reader,. knew nothing of the bap
a . i d
pentng fnoue in tue uews, irienas.
i)iH;tpps:.irs Frr.m I'ortland
Home and Leaves no Trace
Daui(ti!;r ef G. N Halt, s Far ait r Skrr
iH af Ibia Ceaaty
Alice Hale, the pretty 10 year old
daughter, of (Ireen N. Hale and
wife, wdd used to he residents ol
tbi city, etarted for tbe Kast Bide
High .School, in Portland, last
Monday which time
abe has dropped from sight, and
her parents are distracted over ber
unaccountable disappearance. Tbe
police are searching for ber, and
every tfbrt will lie made to locate
ber. Her father does not believe
that any serious accident has be
fallen tbe girl, but thinks sbe may
be stopping somewhere in tbe city
with girl friends.
Sbe it, about 5 feet 6 inches tall,
weighing about 150 pounds, and at
the lime of ber disappearance wore
a light blue skirt.a gray ball length
coat, a straw bat trimmed with
dsi-ies, and a pairof patent leather
sboea. Mr. Hale eiptcte bia
daughter to return home in a few
daya, if no accident has befallen
Netfe M Autiu to Chaa Kuieraon, n
y, of lot j blk S NaT lor 'a Add Fur
eat Grove J500
O W harnt-a et ux to Walter Zurcher
tjart of blk 7 Fairriew Add, Hilla
boro 500
Mary Jane Tucker eta! to Chaa W
Tucker, pita aec at 1 1 a l j
George Vauhoro to li H Kincarte ct
ux. 6 acre in Uwrence Hall d I c tooo
.nice uccci ci fiairj .7.1..-
iiian, pait of lot 63 Beaverton
KeedviUle Aciea;e 4to
l!:nry Hannan et ux to A A Drau(hn
part see 4 t a n 4.
F Ciemona et nx to L M Hoyt, lta
a and 7, Ciemona Subdivision,
I i V ,,.1 In 1 P Mfj.n Inl.
17 and is block 1 Branford Add.
Foreat Grove 500
Joseph Miegley to John Deller. 14.57.
. L-1... -I .1 Ia II P f .MM , t I
' wun
acres iu Millaul A VanSchoyver
. . . w 1 j 1
Tract - 100
Cluu Krilituer et al to II W Stauffcr
etal, part fee 1$ t I a 3.... asoo
A W jinan et ux to V C Enteraoo,
part at ec 4 t 3 -
Nellie )I Rejcraft ci a) to Lewie Ea
KmmM riat of Hillaboro 1750!
R Rethcretal to J F Keehcr, part j
of i.'.k is lfore Urove 5
C W McNomer et al to J Schmitka.
part aec at t jo 3 w U7i laacreal ifttao
Vm Schraiat et ux to Samuel B
r . . i a 0..11 J - 1
.Crc. . ou,. u . c v , u
ttarrr Niuffla et ux to J H Shearrr.
4 acre m k Walker d ictinj 3100
.. - .
V Thomas et ux to F G Kroui. prt
arc 151 1 a j w wuu
1' C Aldrkh et al to S A Raicbo part
pnn sre 15 1 1 1 -. ws
Bir.lie R Clarke et al to Willia Hoag
et al, lota 5 and 6 oik 15 bimmona
AtM, Hillsboro 1050
1 K UFevre et ux to G C Jackman
part of Tract 19 Fruitful Lanu...l200
N E Di.lara et ux to W B Dillard,
pert of lots 6 and 7 Fruitful Lnds-lioo
N !: Ihllanl et ux to S J Uillard part
of lot 5 fruitful I.ancl& 1300
t.- . -1 ti r i u...
lot i rrewine Orchard Tracts M4
co a Young et al to Alice A Brebe,
it u Garden - i
..tall JtanJet et UXtoTK WUittel-
.oui Fulakv tt ux to Wm R Berin-
Ncy, o 12 acres sec u i i d ii
ger, fart of eec a t 3 a a 1500
. 1 ft ... 111 V.I.I-..
F C Aldrirh at ux to R W Miller,
1.46 acres iu J I) Robinson d 1 c... 535
Wm et ux to Anton Olsen, Its
ta and jj block 7 West Portland
Heights. 100
The undersigned will sell at public
auclion at lhe Victor Crop farm, i
ujuo wee 01 vj pntoo, ou
McCoruuck binder and mower in good
order; 14 lach Oliver walking plow;
two sealed Studebker hack; Osborne
self dump rke; sH-inch wide-tire Bain
waRoa; new a-section lever narrow; sin-
wws,t!v7 fresh and 'a soon to be fresb.
baVance fresh in August and September;
st.Kk is RT.ied Jersey aud Durham; also
, (traded jersey an.l lHirnarri neilers a
aud J years old, all fresh in September October; Jersey heifer calf, 4 months
o . iJorsev bull, x vears old; ia-vear-oUl
Kay dnvini: mare; j 10-gal nnlk cans,
nil nlh arli.1ia t.m n....i-mua tn llll.ll.
titin. .
Trma nf Sain: i 10 and under,
r.aah:all an ma over 10.1 vear'a
t me. note with aDnroved securitv:
' " .
2 per cent off for cash. Lunch t
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
The program lor memorial services
DU ... - """""
na sermon by Rev. L F Belknap.
m.. Sunday. Mav 30. Union ser-
vioea daeired Memorial address at
M.'IC. church Mondav. Mav 31. at
8 o'clock n. in., bv Rev. A. A
Beery. Program by Hillsboro
Public school. All invited to at
tend. The O. A. R. and W,R.C
ritnalistin services at the cemetery
at U o'clook a.m., Monday, May 31
Particulars not decided.
v-ftft- .hi,..WHMi..
ing bove Mountalndale for several
years, and who recently sold ut ur. mown dentist will be in his
place, was iu the county Beat this office over Wehrunga store, Mon
afternoon, dy May 24. .
John R. Beegle, of Ketchikan,
Alaaka, waa in th cily, yterday
fr.r a few hours Mr. Begl i
Deputy Collector of Co-toma at the'
above place, and leaaon June Istj
for Nome, Alaka, whr he will
have charge of the Cutom Hou-e
at that place durum the summer
months. John Willis is now Col
1'ctor of Customs f.r the whole
Alaakan district, which strttches
from Ketchikan on the south to
Point Barrow on the north Mr
K. A Willia and daughter, Mr--.
May Dobbs. ne Mav Willie, both
former rtsidrnta of Hill-boro. ex
pct to leave Ketchikan ah ml June
first for Oregon, and think of
spending the summer in this city.
Kggs from my 8 C White Leg
horns and Orpingtons, which are
carefully bred for fgg production
and standard qualitiee, now rt-ady
at Cameron's yards, snuth of city
park, Hillsboro, Ore. Visitors wnl
come. 49-10
On Tuesday, a dog ran under a
team of hoi sea hitched to a wagon
in tbe streets of Gleccoe, owntd hi
Allen Tannock. Tbe team bcam
frightened, and ran away soitg
north. The owner phoned to Wra
Darety, who live about a mile
north of dlencoe, and he got out
in the road to stop the team. Whe.i
within a few rod of Darety. one of
Ube borsee dropped deid. The ani
mal was suppoeed to be all right
before tbe runaway. Tbe dog
still lives
Wanted: A goo I, reliable girl,
for general house wotk. No chil
dren. Inquire of Mra. R. H
Walker, Beaverton, Oregon. P. 2,
Box 10. 10-12
While Gso Hull was moviDg a
load of household goods from Leu
rel to Newberg, one day last week,
the wagon went into a ra and
threw him out, cue of the wheels
of the wagon pacing over and
crushing one of his feet, and other
wise bruiHtg bim. Mr. Hul. a foot
was treated by a Newberg physi
cian at the time, and yesterday he
came to Hillsboro, when Dr.
iesie dressed the injured fjot.
Parties in need of paints, oils
and varnishes, will do woll to see
Connell & Co. before buying Tbeir
stock-is large, and prices are right.
utrjn araen otevensoo
of Forest Grove, waa in Hillsboro
yesterday, and called nn the Areue.
iu. ei. w. .1
1 1 ' ' OlIWU U ID JUCII in.UIU'U
r ,c.:-i ..:.i w .L.
uuicia,. iny iuruuu ius
Eastern ptrt of the state, and on
one of his trios inG nt onntv.
...-.i.-j .v.naov . hlindimr enow
s'orm fr several honri.
e- o
A carload of Osborne and Dter-
og "kee and mowers, and Deenng
hinders nave just arnvtU lor V-on
nell & Co. 10
Tbe following hop contracts were
filed bv Karber. Wolf and Netter.
I J ' '
0f Portland, thia wek: Carl Lo
rmz. Ui.tVU pounns a. luc .Mrs
I at. ri iji if . 1 '.
uaoeua, uoDeri ana cnas. cicciair,
15,000 pr uod at 10,:; F. M. Crab
tree, 30,000 pounds at 9'; Fred
and Henrj Elligeen, 10,000 at tOj
Farm of 80 acres for rent. 15
acres io cultivation; ample build
ings; barn for C oowa and 2 horss.
Inquire of J. M. Brown 8 tf
The R F D. carriers of Mtiltno
mab, Clackamas and Washington
counties will bold a pint meeting
u . """"E
I at 10 a. m Annual euction ol
h ihcers will be be d and a short
,-n,tpr,t All Parries
- .... i: . n
na lnt,r euoetiiutea are connaw,
1 mvuea to auena.
lftai .-l
Orpba Crawford, a daughter of
Mrs. W. C. Hines. of nar G-ee n
ville, fell one day the fore part ol
tba week, and severely sprained
ber ankle. It was thought at the
time that ehe had broken the limb,
and Dr. Linklater was summoned
It is said to be the intention of
Lhe 0feROn Ewitio t0 add two
.-,,-,. trRinf, .ml . re-u
Ur freight train about the first of
June to the west side schedule
Th rotd jg fo- ballasted RB last
" fw"'"
M jj Baker pf porllanJ has
ntd the A. Henry house, and
UlOVed to this City, bhe says thai
many Portland people are talking
0f locating in this cmnty, and that
, B. 1 j 1
Hillsboro 18 reRarded as a place
l wun a sooa luiure, ana ene ib
The Webfoot Realty Company
reports the following sale: J.
Wilkes to Hoy Urowson, a lot, con
1 1 ALai a 1 .
siaerauon i.uu, noue ana 101 01
Leo0" lompkins lo Uao. Lulfe,
F. W. Cedar Canyon,
above Banks, was in town yester
day, and says they need rain np
his way, althrough crops are look
ing first rate.
hi countyt anJ lh6 pr(nrietor of
tha, Rrat aawm in the (Jreenv 1 e
di,ftri0fti9 , in ya iu i w
Fred Bishop, of Helvetia, baa
Jt completed a 40xM) baru, the
moesi nntsned in tna county. lor
Nslson Hansen, of Bethany, who
- baa a fine dairy herd.
Ladies mis89s' and children's
ankle strap tan garden lies from
$1.25 up, at Baird's. 1011
The walls of the first story of
Uonelson a new two -story building
now up, ana workmen nave
BUried on the Mcond otJ-
Fbynirlan and Sargeon
Offl- Bal-Mirgn block, apataira.
f'.-.-i - I.', It and 14. KevlileiiOO fWh
m.t i-iiinar Ha-l!neu(l ttooond Slravla.
H.lh 'I'l.onea.
Oili ujwiaira oTr Tha pelta Pro 6lda
Ruldaiioa Beat of Conrt Uoom,
In tba eornar of lb Llock.
Huriraon Southern Pacific Kaltroad (In.
''iinluuon in French or KnjUah. Of
flee u)uira. over U M. Uoyt Co'a. a(ora
ri .rili -uir of Main rJt, UUlaboro, Or.
A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,D.D. S.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7. 8 and 0,
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phouea. WlllcUn Or.
uawiiV4V v.' a a
Rooma 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Block,
at rent. Over Dannla Store.
0av H. Bmgtms 9. Mm
Booms 1 aad i Skate BalldlBf
Rooma j, a. Jk $. Morgan Blk, Hillabofo
Offica Upetaira, Bailey atWrgaa Block
Rooms, i aa a.
HILLE30RO. - 0&K6OV.
Orrict: Main 8 treat, opp. Court Bonaa.
Morgan Blk, Upatalra, Rooma j, 4 aad 5
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
The only graduated and liceaaed Veter
inary in Hillsboro. Sixteen years prac
tical experience.
STABLE 5o. 1
Office phonea: PaciUo State SOI; Ind. 313
Residence phone; Independent 243
I am Prepared to do High Class
Dental Work. A New Office with
Modern Equipment
Wehrung Bldg. HILLSBORO, 0KE .
Wall Paper
Paper hanging
Agent for the ALFRED
PEATS' wall papers, the '
best on the market. See
my Samples. .
R. F. D. No. 4. Inde
pendent Phone. No. 515.
I mile west of
P Perfection
I BaKing
1 Powder
1 Is Packed
f unrl fa.11v P.l AF
' " i
N For sale by R. C. Vaught N
1 and Emmott Brothers, ti
I . . .
1 Manufactured By
j C. M. Eppley
Born, to tha wife of Christian
Grant, at West Union, Oregon, May
18, 1909, a son. , ,