MILL5BGRO ARGUS MAY : J, BLOOMING BEATS PARMINGION ft IB II f'.lwninj df tl Farrnirij'oi.'r e(-nd tin. Irnnta. at Karn.ifitr too, in c'o;jr p!yH gin ,H"r 10 to ". .Tro lirif 101 a a f.llo: ill 1 1 1" U Li ttctfinnintf on FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 21. 1909. we will place on sal the floods listed below, arul ut the prices quoted the lowest ever offered in thU city. The attic 1 ure selected from our rrn'ular stocK, and ure ttrtieonuhle. The ranitcwHre is a new line to us, but tit the prices quoted, should he a winner. These goods art ull well made, and will stand c lose inspection. The prices on St reen door and windows are suth as we Know you can't over looh you naed them now. The Camp Stoves and tents are the best values ever offered by any firm, and although you may not need them now, can't you buy NOW at these low prices? This HARCAIN VVKKK feature is new to the people of Hillsboro and vicin ity, but we lielicye, by Kivilig such values s uC quote below, that it tan U- made profitable to lmth buye r and Keller, therefore we are fcoiug to try it and all we ask of you is to call ami insjt-ct the offerings. Vtti will then see they are bargains, and we will 4c ready to pack them up lor you. These are on from May 21 to May 28, for cash only: blue-white Quadruple-Coat Enamel Ware A i tick Keg. price. Now 2 lip'd pics. kettles, reg. 40c, 2Kc i " H " " 50c, :Wc iS same ... ..... 6c Wc Soap Dishes, regular price 2c, l.'lc 14 quart dihpuu, regular .Hjc, 5.'k 17 qt " M 5 1., Mc 2 quart pudding pans, Kg., ll'c quart puddiufl pans, leg. 35c, 21c 0 quart pudding jaus, reg. 45c, 27c io-jt water aud milk pails, Hex, 53c 1 2i water and milk pails, $1, Gftc N'o ib lipped sauce pans, reg. 50c 33c Nu aS " " 60c 43c No .jo straight sauce ' pan, 60c 43c No bo 4 75c 4c No 10 water pitchers, reg. 85c 01c No in) soup ladles, regular 2nc 14c No 120 quart cup, regular 30c 21c Galvanized Tubs and Pails No t gaJvauirctl tubs, reg, 6k, 3Sc No 2 galvanized tubs, reg. Soc, 44c No 3 jjulvanizcd tubs, reg. Jt.oo ilc jo quart water pails, regular 25c 1V 1 2 qniart water pails, regular 30c ISc Wash boilers, etc. No 8 Copper bottom, reg. $1.50, 97c Washing machine, reg. f o 50 p) 75 All-blue Triple Unamelware, Utter quality than the Royal but at a less price No 30 wash bowls, regular 25c, 10c No 53 rice boilers, regular 75c, .Vic No os Jlcrliu kettles, reg 65c, 42c No 26 preserving V reg. .joe, 27c Nu 3; same ., reg. 75c, 4tic i.j quart dishpans, regular 75c, 4(W 17 quail dishpans,, 95c, 53c No 2 pttddiug pans, teg. 25c, 14c No 3 pudding pans, reg. 30c, Uc No 4 pudding pans, reg. 35c, 18c Coffee Pots, 2-qnarts, reg. 50c, 32c Tea Kettle, Nj. 281, reg. Si. 00, (9c Ostermoor Mattresses The kind that's advettused at rg. $15, 16.50 & ?i8, full si.e, choice of ticks .$12.75 WALL PAPER We offer 8 patterns of wall paper, suitable for bedroom or Parlor, sclliug per bolt, regular, 25c, 14o SCREEN DOORS. ETC. In both the Fancy and Plain Complete with hinges, screws, pulls ' and catches 26 00 - 7.S plain, reg., i 35, 2.S-6S-7.X 35( !c 2 Io-6-J 7-S " t sn, $1 15 Fancy, 2 S- S ;.s reg.f! 50, $1 10 Fancy, 2 t " 2 25, $1 85 Fain, 2 -S-o-s- t ',,reg. 2 25, $1 85 Fancy, 2-10.6 10, 1 1, $2 v $1 05 Fancy, 3.,7, if, " 2 75, $2 10 All steel -adj. window screens IS itkhes high, regular 45c, 33e 24 inches high, regular one, 37c 30 inches in heighlh regular 75c 48c Cump Stoves and Tents It will pay J on to investigate your wants in this direction 2- Hole camp Moves, reg. $ 1 7 s $1 18 4 " " $2 00 $1 33 5 in. pipe for same, r jt, 15c, 09c WillameMe brand of Tents b 02 and IO oz kvt. eight oz. reg.; (j 50, $7 85 H'M ), tiht ti. reg,, $to 50, $8 75 i 2x i.j. e i ;4 1 j t o reg. fli 50, $10 75 1210, same weight, $13 50, $11 25 10 iw, tents ate pi iced at a small advance above the S oz. Towel Rollers, etc. No ; towel j oilers, regular 2oe, 12c No 2A " 25c, 17c 0, vS and 10 oz. cut tacks, 5c, 3c Meat Safe, just jour need, ft. 50 0)e Regular 15c Curtain Rods, now 0c ' Dotted Swiss h Fancy Cur tain Goods Always Popular for Sash Curtains, a,utl other decorating purposes: 25c Grade. 36 in wide, now per yd, 18c 3sc Coixls, 36 in wide, " 22e 40c (oods, 30 in wide, now jeryd 2i)c SEE, oxir South Window For Display of all Minds. FANCY DINNER SETS A choice selection of the newest designs aud decorations: 21 Piece set, regular 54 50, now $2 08 3 1 Piece set , regular $6 00, now 3 28 42 Piece set, regular $7.50, now $4 76 ii gjj &k Jap-a-lac is what you want Harry Flint nd wife, of 8choll, ,vr In the oity Moody. llHropmber, the Oregouinn and ns, only 2.25. Mlsw Mary Ann SloflpBon, of UrkHhlM. Eogtstid, t former mi "of HU.bwft, senda Jbe Aug wpy ol 1 he London Daily Newe April 30ih, wbloh containe "a :ople'a budti'Motroduoid'ia pr ''wnt by IJoyd O.orgfl. which :Toviden !or"ellef for the "poor; UiMiuu n( the riob; KiOOO, fr'3'n lac J, lioeneee and In-work-uaen' lowranee; mo orn to pny for the rod; et tent-ion "I '"Id d penpiom,; mooey for af 'ureetation aud agriculture." The United UniUftya Co has let t ooDtrect for 1800 let at the weet end of the tunnel 00 the Cornelius Pase, and he purchneBd the tim kar tn Via infld in boDutrucliOn from Is. M. Tunetell, who lives near at band. The Company ha newly all of the right of wny, h far went aa (Henooe, but there 1h no grading io progree, thus far. Most of the horeee and a lot of oats purchased on the Plain last Fall, hava bpen removed to Portland, which does not look as if the Cora piny expect ed to do much in thia county, this summer. Harrison Allen, attorney for the Oregon Klectrio at Portland, was in town Tuesday. J'. ! 111 in 1 11 ... r Jf s I111I11.1 111 h W liriiMUMi .... K ki Iim- , I! Smith J Vnrlkrr i I, i Inrmi, C Olrf.. .1 I, K Jk . R l-Xntn , ( SU wrt W Itch on. 11 11 r r () Jolianw.ii ,( T.nrtkr r f M Ki.I.iiimhi j A k-rr I f i-. '.iitkhNJlrr Wkllaro Varnh, nl (Vnierville. waa in tha ciT Tun lay. Wm. lSachelder, of near (ilenroe, waa in town Tueeday. 1.. M. Tnrnpkina, lA week, sold a hoe and lot fn H'tth and KaiU i roid Itroeti to J no. Kalf, for 1 1 -I V . ! Couoir 8uror A. A. Morrill I bai appointed Alltnrt A. Kirkwood, : nf roretit (rv. mi deputy county sureyor. Mr Kkwwm1 id a Rril-: Uiteof Pnfir I i.ivrity, and hK I hid ipernct in tbeliiieof Lis app in' rnnn t. Mi rirud KirkcMtl. o For- i et (i'0e, who went to ( a i'urnia fr the bfi' of h-r r.i-alih has returned to the (ir vi Mi s Kirk- 1 wo'd bad a mdliner storo in - Ilillsbfiro aeveral year ago. Thnleat PUr X-lnon'a place at o'town last Saturday, ctil ty IB. P. Corneliu, was we l attended and evrrf (hirif went at good prion Mr. and Mrs N-laon will lok over the state b fore locating hot the wont find a better p'ic! than "Old weebicgion County." Tbe Portland Gun Company won from Tnalatin Hundiy, by a core ct S to 0. Hexton w on the mound for Portland and Tualatin got three little hita. Deters wee It.i receivar and did fine. work. The I Portland (un Company bad a Ktr.e a'raneed with Hherwood for nxt H indy, but the latter has canceled tbe fame. Any team wanting a t tree for nexl Hunday address W. It. Healee, t5t Fitft street. BRICK YARD I have on hand a fine lot of building brick, for custom sale. Esti mates for buildings. One mile West of IlilLboro, cm Electric L. H. Dixon & Co. mm lUljy y The C. C. Store Has just received another large shipment of the well Known "Brown Shoe Co's." shoes, including men's, ladies' and chil dren's shoes, and Oxfords andLtans Use care about buying any old time-stocK The Stitching soon rots and w ill rip after very little wear. Our stock is all NEW aud wc guarantee our SHOES to give satisfaction, and our prices can't be beaten. . 1 Ladies' Oxfords, black kid, splendid values, at $1.25 tlPPIi l? Children's Oxfords, sizes Ht to it', &&c UjJVVJaiJ Children's Oxfords, sizes 12 to 2 $I.oo Nikr Q A 1 nave )ust bought a large shipment of Men's V- jN OVLn Shoes that wc will sell for one week, per pair, $1.25 JOIN THE CROWD and Come to the BUSY store ou 2nd St., the Courthouse. ave ate s11 machines to our stock and can sell you a latest improved ballbearing machine MACHINES warranted for 10 years, at the small figure of but $22.50 The C. C. STORE 1 1: Now watch thn hops growl A Beautiful BELGIAN STALLION. " MENTOR Has Splendid Disposition Superb action. 3295-46596. Imported J 908. Dark Chestnut. Coming 4 years; weighs 19C0; Best Conformation for Draft Gets. I'dligtre Sirr, Jatntr. loSjS; Site I.ty (iojvk 354. J'f'H Marie J Mm, J.ise i!e Vour- de, 4.V.07. Sire Gasluii dc Ohoy ioSjo, Dam fan ine Haiiteme 32.v7. ' : m 1 f J II 0 NOTICE Barbank ed potatoe for il at $ 1 per cwt., it vdj firm, at Uleu coe. Addrwia VV. V. PiineHilli boro, Or , R. 3. Pacific Phooa 7C, OUncoe. 10-If f i I. H. Smith, of Forest Grow, wi io town Monday. I C. (J. Z archer, of Portlaad, aa io the city, list Friday, and called. ' Mrs. M. J. VanWicklin.of Kl gio, I ll., it viciiing the family of L. liogera, of Roy. , Taken up at ror r-f near , Centerville, a black to, wiikbt about 100 I bit Cifr can have lame hy provirg ro.ertf and pay ing charges Habi.ow Biti. 10 j Rooms to Let. Board and Lodging. When Hungry call on the Homo Stylo RESTAURANT : for a ijcxkI square meal. Main St. Hillsltoro - - - Oregon. To sec this Stallion is to see the finest in County Season of 1909-: Monday, Gordon & Misner barn, Forest Grove; Tuesday, Hillsboro; Wednesday, Mountaindale; ThursdayV Glencoe. Friday noon, H. M. Vanderza'nden's; Friday night, Banks;' Saturday Henry Peterson's barn, Manning; Saturday evening to Monday a.m. at John Herb's, Greenville. I KRMS: Kinir Servit-r, 12.5U; Season, Jia: when mare Is known to be iu foal, $22.50 : llisinmiee, 25. Cre to prevent, but not resixinsible tor accidents. The Banks Belgian Horse Company. G. M. Hunter Architect CONTRACTOR. builder Estimates on all class es of work. Dealer in Builders' Supplies If you contemplate any building this season be sure and give me a call. Pae. States Tel. N03S9 Hillsboro, Oregon McNUTT REAL .ESTATE CO. I have city and coun try property iu all sizes, from 1 acre to t,ooo. Ele gant city property in both Forest Grove and Corne lius. Farm lauds from o per acre to as good as you want. R. W. McNutt. Mgr. Argus and Juurual, $2 25. ! The athletes who failed to make a place on field day, at the G ove, had a little meet of their own last I Saturday. All the boys did well, I but no records were broken, and I just to liven things up and show I the ladi a little excitement, Alex I Robinson, Pacifio'i orack long-die-i tance man, donned hia running j togs and proceeded to break the j half-mile rfcird that had been j held lor years by H. W. Gates and j W. Hansen, two former students I Robinson made the half-mile in ; 2:03 and came in running strong Mr. lienham and a corps of sur veyors are surveying out the water right on East Dairy Creek, this jweek. Benham filed on all the j available water in this creek, laet winter. A rumor ainiug credence at the court houee Monday, tht an at tempt wmild h mde thit night to lyich RcseUir, the self ronfemd murderer of his wife, Sheriff Han cock, Deputy Wiloox, and one or two deputies, who were sworn in for the occasion, remaioed in, the offiae adjoining the jail, praoiically all night. Borne two hundred peo ple gathered at the corner of the court house square about 10 o'clock aud discussed the matter, but no attempt was made, nor do we thiuk it waa eerivasly considered at the time. The crowd waa com posed of well known townsmen, who naturally ware indignant over the matter of the murder, Thank you, Jupiter Pluviu.! Deep Sea FISH Marke t Have Always ou Hand a Large Supply of Fresh & Salt Fish Crabs, Oysters. & Clams Our fish are kept in Freezing tanks aud are always fresh. Main, Qp. Odd Fellows HILLSBORO, One. Now for bumper crop.