I . ! i ! c ME O1LLSB0R6 J j volTxvi. HILLSBORO. OREGON. MAY 'M. i900 NO. 10 AT COUNTY SEAT llltf Celcbiatlon Plnnncd by Fourth of July Co in mil tee 0K1T0RY, HtSIBUl, FIKIOMKS LUt ( SebCaaiailiWta Appal!! Lstl Cildst Usui The Kiecutlye Committee pM)it)t J by Mayor Coonell on Wednes day night of last week, held meeting at the Commercial Hank roouie last Friday night, and ap pointed the following tub commit lee for ibe celebration: Orouoda and Concelon W W. Boeoosr. J, W. rWll end John lfenni. Mulo-John Oennla. Willi lr laud.N. Alexander, Mrs T. R I m brie and MIm Tennessee Weather r.J. AmuMU)nli-K. I. Moore, K J rWll, C. K. Lylle and Tux Howe. Fireworks 1 1 o W. HoLuluierirh and K. K. Cornllu. Fioanoe-W. V Wiley, Cal Jack and (U rW-butnwioh. Piloting- II. 0 (hul l and 8 C. K.ll.o. lvreliuu Mwst'Uira Imbrie, Mra J W Kewellaod W 1 Hinith. Tbe sieott'We c wimlttew l cm poswd ol lb f illnwing niKinUra: B P, Cra.iloa, J W. Connell. W. W. Hoow, Johu Dennis, V. V, Wiley and 0o. Hchulruerlch It ae decided In be a betb,ll gana between lb llil.bro club and some othsr club on Baturdiy preoewdiog Iba 4 ;h. which com on Hundty. Oo Bunday fjriom. tba churches will b eke I to bold ser vice at tba Park sounds On Monday, tba main celebration will Ukt plao) A amid speaker II b secured, and emus iunls will follow In tba ef.ernoou At night tbara will U flttworka Tba execti' tiva cotutniilee will prepare the programme, wban tba eur commit tees make th I r report li It et peeled to bar a rotielng old fh lonad calibration, and there ai l Im plant; of attract Ini a 0R1C0N BLICTRIC SCHBDULH Tke Oiefiui Klertrii Hina st car rai d jr daily Tli H jj a. m. ami I 4) p. in train out of llillslxtro connect promptly with Salem rata at Crten Horn. The lltllaboto Portland tlntetaM fallow : ltl HilUWo Arrive I'oiltamt J ija m r. H joa m )Ui m,,... to ii ni it to a ni ii is p in I 45 pin a 50 put JSSpw a ij p m Leaves Portland f Oil M a S3 10 15 1 m 1 Jo p m 4 i pm J J" P w Spm 7 ll p Ml Arilvr KilUIoni H 05 a 111 in to a in 1 1 i m JS P ' 3 '5 l,m - 6 JS P "I PUBLIC SALE I will aall at public auction at lb old lt)llebrn Creamery, on block south of tba Bjuthern Pacific drpot, at 1 o'clock p m , oil HATURDAY, MAY 22 Bay bnraa, weight 1,000, good for buggy or delivery wagon; top bug . iy and buggy harness, good at new; top buggy and single harnrs, 15 milk cara. from I to 10 gallon; aOO milk bo'tla, quarta ai d piutt; cooling tank, 3 oorda of Ifl inch wood, hoUMbold gooda and other arllolea too numaroua to mantlon K. (1 Huhkln. OwnHr. B. P, Cornaliua, Auotionitar. Tba ucual gauua at Dank, Sun day, waa poitponed on aocnuntol rain. Jubn Ddnnii It fatiing buy that daya raad hi ahoe raduotion aale dinpUy on tbia paga. J. F Woodi, editor of the Forcat drove Newt, wai in town laat Frl day, and oma In and awapped torlea with the Argue force. Mr. and Mn. W. A. Howen, of Portland, ipaot aeveral daya ol last week viaiting friends in Cornelius and Hilleboro. Both Mr. and Mn Rowen are old ridnte of thin oounty, having lived in the Corne lls Motion. Mrs. Rowkd waa lor merly Klla McLin, ml belonKd U) an old pioneer family of tbl county, W. K. (Jwynn, of Paoiflo ITolver Uy, Forest Grove, won flrat plac, and Ben D. 8oolt,-of the Uoivarai ty ol Bouthern California, at L01 AnaelflA. aanAml nlana in lh nun. ttat at Taooma, Friday night, to mwn me I'aolOo L'nacl rf-f wwnia Uvea for the National binnnial pro- btbition nrlriilil .tt.i.1 tn 1 1 1 fl . The oontHt waa under the amplom 01 toe Intaroollngiate Prohibition Booiety. (iwynn won over Boott hy 2 pointi on delivery. K. A. Wh.lluck, of Portland, vlalM in ibe city over Hunday. II. C. lrow, of Itaaverlon, wai In town Friday. A. J Anton, of Bank, was in town Friday. (1. K llannra, of tba Moiiiililn dale afdlon, we in town Halurday J. J Kuratli.of PbllllMi, waa In loan Halurday. Will Tboiopaon, of above Motm taiodala, waa In Ibe City Tuesday J. W. Mclt"lrt. who diaiei)Si juatice in the (ialas ('reek prtcincl, waa in town Friday. D. li. Cooley, of P rlltod, waa in town Haturday, He formally lived near Bethany. (War Thtyer and wife, of above (iaeton, were county Mat visitors, Monday, John Urnnii Is getting buny thwe daya read bis iboti rediiolion rale diley on thia page Mrs W. W. Wright and daugh ter, Klortnra, raturne-l Friday frrtn a short viall with relatives at Boise, Idaho Bring your watehee and clocks to l.ibby, for pruopt and skillful repairing Corner Msin and Tbiid streets 4ht Mrs Chris, uarcber, of Helve tia, wet In town Helurdej. Mr. .ieicbr la just isooveiy frcm an attack of lung fever. For Bale A 3 month old regis larml Jsrey bull calf, "laiiodus Victor." No. HlUtf Inquire of John Iannis, City. 10 It li'ound has Un broken at tbe Alaskt Yukon I'aciflc Kip'silion at Hralile for tbe great athletic sudium to seat mors than .VHM) people. Tbe l.idies of tbe Macoabesa will give a dsnce at Oreenville Halur day nigbl. May 22 Kvaryhody invileJ. Ios crtaiu ami cake will betervtd. 10 Tboes eitbing wood for nrit Fall's delivery will do well to see II. I Hohtueluer lfor placing tbeir ordrr, II U lul ooiuss from ih Iwsl lluilon Br. At lh Tri Htst meet he!d at ICugette, wiek, O.lver Huston, captain of the Oregon I'nivereity lea oi, defeated competitors in a IfO-jard race, winning In U and 4 seconds Htiston was formerly a llilMhtro boy, Taken up at my farm, I mile uib of Newtnn, 2 1-year old heif er' calves, and 1 beifer between 1 j ard 2 years old, all graded Jerseys. Owner can have same by proving! properly sod paying eipensea J. A, Hieinke. U 12 Mrs. Bird Clark. f Yernonia. was in Hilleboro this week, tbe gueet of Mr. and Mra. Benton Bow man. While here, Mra Clark oauecd to lie erected In the Mssonio oemelery, a monumeot in memory rf br mother, Ibe late Mrs. T. F Brown. Peraons who contemplate build It g will do well to call on me, as 1 am able to furnish rough nenoil sketches, or blue prinU of build iiiirn of all descriptions. Kstlmatea and specifications furntabed with each plan rt. M. Holland, con tractor and builder, HilUboro, Ore, PaciGc phone, 383. (2 1 1 Klder A. A. Beery la preaching historical sermons et the Christian church. Last Sunday evening he poke of the origin of the Roman Cithollo, Lulh rn and Episcopal ian, and neit Sunday ha will lake up the Pretbyterian, Methodist Episcopal and the Baptist. A oordial invitation is attended to all. South Hilliboro Green house bas a good assortment of plants to sell, st a very reasonable prices. Sbnlb- Imry, roses, hardy pinks, paneiei, lilies, clematie, wisterias, chrysan themums, bulbs, ivy, peonlai, nouaa nlants: a so cemetery plaoli; oat bag-, tomatoes and kle Call and see us, o irner of Seventh and Fir etreete Mra. Agnea Campbell. Hlllaboro Ind. phone. 1 164. 52 if Miss Jennie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrl. 0. K Johnson, of thia oitv. la home on a abort vaca tion. Mlas Johnson graduated from the Good Samaritan Hospital, laat rk. as a nurse, after a tbree veers' course of -work and study, and while in the institution, wit nested over 2,000 operations.' Ml- Jobnscn will continue In the (bod Samaritan hospital. A large crowd was ou. to tbe new baseball grounds last eunaay afternoon, and Manager Moore was buav . trv Inn out bis local players Patsy" Downs, who ia hard' to haat. showed un in oia time lorm and tailed in a few "fl latere" for iha nicked nine to but, for practice The big crowd preeent showed the interest taken in a local biaebill club. Now uniforms have been or dared, with the best cf bats and other parphenalia, and tbe noy will be strictly In the game. JOHN I). KOSKUIK KILLS GIKL M lluckn her to Death in Lonely Mountain Cabin UHES BUGI KMPI AND (.LEAVER Csau Is Billabsrs Sands? Ilorslsg as4 terresdrrcd On of tbe moat atrocious mu derr tver committed in Ibis county re curred early Ha'urday morning, at Ihs mountain borne tf John I). Koaelatr, aluut 10 miles from Bux ton, when Koselalr, In a fit of rsg, ohopptd bis year eld wife to deaib, and afisrwards cut ber tbioat Afur commit ing the aaful died, lUaelair calmly removed the bloody cl'.tbing from the person of his victim, and burned it. He then dreesed bis wife in clean clothes sf er washing up the blood, and Isid ber out on tbe floor. He (ben stayed in tbe chamber of death, until about ten o'clock Hat urday night, when be mouuied horse, and traveled sll night li Hil'sbon.1, absre be Hirrendered hi&self to Htmrfl HanoiMk, sf.er ulliog of bi horr ble deed According to Roeeisir's statu uiMil, it waa at tbe breakUst table Haturday murtiiug that a iinrrH aroee between bimaelf ami a if', over the milk. Ruselair clain.eO that bis w;fe took the creim i (I ih milk for bis murb, which angrd bira, and that alter some word sbs threw the imlk in his face. II thso took a Urge tie b ktif-, so l. stales, ai.d killni ber. After Icck.ng up hi prisoner the county jail, 8he:iff Hat.o rk rcuret rigs and with Deputy rosrcu'.iog Attorney Tongue, Cor oner Brown. Dr. A II Btiley, L'n detlaker Donelsnn and W, lUd mood started for the scene ol the crime. 1 1 was about 3 o'clock in ths af ternoon, when tbe party arrivrd at tba lonely ranch, which is about three miles from Ibe place where 'erdue was killed by Jobt-son, last summer, holering the bouse, tbe body ol lb woman was i covered King on the II .or. An examine lion revealed that tba right side of the bead bad been crashed with some sharp, heavy instrument; while tbe arms and band bad been horribly msngletl evidently by a knife, lo addition, the wo man's throat bad been cut from ear tn ear. A jury was empanelled by tbe Coroner composed of Peter Berger on, Henry fcluber, Will Raymond, Jofepb Kurk, all nf Timber; C W. Redmond and W.O DooeUon, ol lillsboro, wbo rtlurued tbe follow- ng verdict: "We, tbe jury find thst the deceased, Mrs. John I) Roeelsir, came to her death by re eon of wounds inflicted by John D Roeelair, with murderous intent. Tbe body of the unfortunate wo man was brought out from the mountaics, Sunday night, and was placed In the undertaking eetab'ish ment ol W. 0. Doneleoo, where for time, those of tbe publio who cared, viewed ibe ghastly sight, on nart of the day IJ.oaing Br order of the Sheriff, however, later it the day, tbe doors of the morgue were closed, as the feeling on the streets ran high. Io fact, there were threats of lyncbioe, but bitter counsel came to the iudignant peo ple, and nothing came of it, tbe so- her second judgorent being that the aw should be allowed to take ita course. Dr. F. A. Bailey examined Kose lalr Monday, as tn bis sanity. Dts triot Attorney Tongue and Deputy T. II . Tongue were cloveted with the prisoner during the day. Bpeaking or toe discovery ol the body on buoday, ttoerin litnoook id: "It was the most ebattly tight I ever saw. rroui tne conouiou 01 tne room there was a fierce struggle between man and wife before the woman wag finally cvercome. The woman's head was al most severed from the body, and there were cut in the tide of the skull large enough to admit a man s hand. "Koselair Had uted a natctu-t lo mull late the body after dealing her a blow with the big kutie or cleaver. The left arm wat partially severed at the elbow and there were cut all over the body.' The knife and hatchet used by Rose lair had been scrupulously cleaned by the murderer, these instruments hav been secured by the prosecuting attorney Koaelatr married tne woman iat ran ia Portland, and they lived there some week. Before the holiday they moved up to hi ranch, about ten mile above Buxton, end ju 111 lira anove inusooro, northwesterly. lie had a fairly good mountain ranch, and had as or 30 acre slashed and tn cultivation and pasture He had 14 or 15 cows, and although the place wa mortgaged for fooo in order to pay bia di vt reed wife's alimony, he was doing fnirlv well, buancially. Roselair wa married by Kev. J. Whi comb Brougber, of the white Temple and the dead woman wa but 13 year old. She wn a German Jewess, and was a waitress in one of the down-town ies taurant in Portland when Konelair met rr. Alter taking up tlu ir reacienre in the mountain thry hv fn-mient qunr- U over trivial matter. JUwIair la a trot Htlile atuilent ai d well educated in Ia own Uniiuarr. Ik in a Iaiie, afmut i year of age. The ilt-a't woman waa tlnul wile. KoarUir lived at IlilUUiro a numlx-r of yrara, and ia well known between thia ity and Portland, having ped'lled fih Ioiik the route a far weat aa I'oreat rovt. wuiic iivinv in tblt city be waa in fieiiuent trouble tjecauae of abuse of arcond wifi- and bia family Tbe utboritiea finally tepjfd In and aent it two mall children to the Hoyt ami irla Ai! Society, tbe children altet- ward being rcturiinl to tbe mother. Mra. Itoarlair ul for ilivorre ami at granted a decree on the wrll-eatab- alieil gn umla that Koaelatr frequently beat ber. After the M-pamtlon Mr. oaelair took the two smaller childien, nd with the financial aid of relativea, turned to ber , borne io Michigan. Koeelatr'a daughter, Marie, by hi brat lie, ana bom In hmrfully a'tuaeil. left the parental roof early in life, and orkeit a a dotuertu- lirre tor aeveral yean. Mie grew into a Ijeautilul woman, ml from tin city went to California, nd it at preaent in Sacramento. Rowlair ftrat wile (lir'I in tbe twiat. When hi aecoud wife got her ilivorce twoyearaago be orkel for a while in Portland. Tbe murderer ia netfrctlr cool and collected while talking of anything otit ic of trie murder, and pliyncian aay there ia no question of hit sanity. Sir Joliu II KOM-lair, who wat killed Saturday morning by her husband, waa foitnerly Miaa l,irtta Iombrower, of Sao Francisco. She came to Portland late la it August, or early in Stptenilsrr. nd t marned by lr Hroiwher. at tbe White 'Temple parsonage, .November 8. When he obtained tbe mariiage liceoae. oaelatr cave hit ace tt 4 and that of hit bride aa it He gave hi residence Mist, Columbit county. Although tbe dead girl it said to have bn-n a stenographer bv ptofrssion, the oiked as a waitress at tbe Hotel Lenox, nd for about two weekt at llatdwirk' reMauiant, J04 Fourth street, Utween Salmon and Tavlor, Portland. Thi lace haa rhangtd hand store the wat employed theie. Mra. Koae'air also tContiuiied on next page) Jacob and Fred Loeli, of Ore rco. ere in town Tuesday. Remember, tbe Oregouian and rgus, only $2.25. I, A. Fuhrmao, of West I'nion, was in the city on buainrs, Tues- y. Jobn Meier, of Bethany, was in town Tuesday. Fred Scbomburg this week pur chased a ten-acre tract between illsharo and Cornelius, as an investment. . Herman ('oilier, of Scholia, mhoet hotue was burned some week ago, as received the insurance on same, mounting to 3(h) Dance at W. 0 V. Hall, U'en- coe, May lickets, including supper, 11 00. Toelle's orrhfstra. Kverybody invilwl. 10 11 8. A 1). Meek, of mar Olencoe, aa in the city, Tuerdav He re ports crops much revived by the late rsins, and is sorry there is not more of the needed fluid. Last Surday the Clencoe club defeated the Roy. by a score rf 7 to I. S A. D Metk wb umpire Gillenwster and Dsrety Lr d'.en coe, and Delplancbe and Cop for toy, were the batteries. Father Kittenhoefen, of tbe Yer- iort Catholic church, elate that two women purporting to be Sisters f Charity have beeu sohcting funds in this county, and that tbey are ot what tbey claim to be, and aveno connection with thcburch They are Ibe same women who ave men operating in other parte of tbe state. Kmil Kuratli snd wife were in 'ubuqite. Ia , when last heard from, visiting Rtv. .C. Ltube, wbo formerly preached at Bethany, r the (t-rman Presbyterians. Rev. Laube is now a processor in tba Dubuque University. Mr. Ku ratli and wife will next visit Can Ion, Ohio, where they have rela lives. Hilleboro isexpanding greatly in tbe line of new buildings. The uildicg boom u as great as it was last year, snd many Gue residences are being constructed, la the east part 01 low n are iwo new grocery stons, and a number of new streets nave neen openeu to me puono Several streets have been graded ana oinerwine tmprovcu. aho gether Hilleboro is moving abesd, not with a spasmodic boom, but in healthy, normal way. Since the sutvev was made through tbe Scholia country from (ireenburg station, some wetka ego, by tbe farmers of that section, to get an estimate of the traffic let tbe guidance nf prospective road build ers, there has baou hope that some OJropuny would take up the nm ter. Within the week, sirua rati road men have been miietlv going over the route ol the survey, taking nntaa. hut wi 1 not rltuplose their ot j ct. Many people in tbe Scbolle anntinn think that thft Orcffin KIki .;; ! k, 1,1.1 ih. n. n I D 1 ,,1 1 . near iigaroyine weetw.ia Blooming, and tben turn south lo ward Nnwhere. That the O K has ench a gem I- ! 1. II 1U viow IB weu ruowu, nuu duuuiis people hope that they may be found ou the main line. STAKDJN COURT Temporary Permit lo Operate United Railways not Good SAYS PoKILAVD C1IY ATTORSIV Psrtlssd hit st Right t'sdrr Isw Is lisot a Permit City Attorney Kavanaugh read to tbe Portland City Council an opinion, last Thursday night, in which be stated that that bidy bad no authority to grant a permit to tbe 1'aitrd Railways to operate their line lo Burlington, or to rx lend the time in which tba Com pany may complete tbe line to Mt. Calvary. A revocable permit was given tie railway several weeks ago to oper ate on tbe finish! portion of its line.- According to tbe terms ol its frer cbie tbia cannot be permitted until the Mount Calvary spur is oompVt'd. II Wittenberg appear ed fx f ire tbe council and slated it would be impossible for his com pany tn build the rpur by July 1, 100), tbe date on which it ia re iuirrd by tbe franchise to bs finish ed. Headed for an f xleniion of lime until July 1, 1910, and in the meactime for the privilege of doing biuineea on that par: of the line al ready built from Portland to Bar lipgton. a dietanca of 14 miles Ths council granted the permit to oper ate cars and referred tba riquest for an extension of time to I1 e elrt committee. x The cTly attorney now says tbe council bad no ngbt lo ieeue a per mit, as it cannot amend a franchise olh-rlhan io the matter provided for by law. All franchise ordinances must ba published in the official city newspaper for 0 daya before paeesge. An extension or lime cannot be given, in the opinion of the city attorney, except for suffici ent re won The excuse made bv Mr. Wittenberg were that people. wbo own land on the propoaed right of way to Mount Calvary want too much money for their rights. Since the above was put in print, the Council, evidently disregerdirg the r pinion of the City Attorney, passed tbe ordicancv nermat. iltenberg, who represents the Company, stating that the Com pany would take all chances on a suit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leaves for Portland- Forest Grove Local 6:5t a. m, 9:1s a. tn 1041 a. m. i-4 P. tn, Sheridso Flyer Forrat drove Local , Forest Grove Local Corral! i Overland 4:69 P- m. l-eavet Portland for HilUboro Corral lit Overland 7:10 a. m 8:5o a m IXC p. m Forest Grove Local , Fcrcst Grove Local Sheridan Flyer 4:10 p. m. rorest Grove Local 50 p. tn STATE GRANGE CONVENTION The state grange had an intereeting session at McMinnv He last week Several important committees were appointed, as follows: Conservation of water C D Huffman, H. B. Alderaon, W. J Edwards, Mra. Miunie McClo.ky, tire. Minnie Birtner. Conservation of forestry A. T Shoemake, J. D. Clutwood, K L. Clyde, Mrs. Sarah Merchant, Mrs. 1 Jane Armstrong, Denatured alcohol C. K S pence, T. H. Davis. J. U Uenry A memorial was drafted asking that the Willamette liver be made rrtHI tt0ln loiig iul(f. Reaolu ti0Qa were adopted opposing aBtate oonslilutional convention; and lor t0e maintaioance of but one Nor m tohool in the elate; one in fa vor 0 n6 jthneon road bill as amtnded at the last legislature: ti ramminw an swnm ss) i, Ution in a voluminout report, made the statement mat tne taimer paya more than hi share of all taxes because hit property is visible, and favored an amend ment to tne state constitution permuting property to be classified so as to retain uniformity in each class, all public uttll ties, coiporations and ptivilegee to pay their full share. J he committee recom mended the election of a tu conimitsioa and urged a campaign of education In all subordinate Grange. BAND CONCERT I ne uu;sDoro nsnu win renaer tbe tollowing programme ai ine bandstand in tne court nouee puza Fridav evening: nu aiarcu. riuuciCBD iriaa obuu nam I . . , ... , T ' t. n t u.ll. Overture. Neptune's Carnival... Stimson o Mlirk. Amorosa (chc) Navarro Waltz, Wild Flowers Klfer I InternteiiO. liaiubow (luUuu)..Veiinch Hoe ,t ull Wtyn March, The nth Regiment Lincoln li'maie i High Q JALITY Drug Store I When you are sick and in need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True to Name, but also that which j is of the highest quality ob- I tainable. Such is the class j of Drugs which we constantly i I endeavor to furnish our cus- i toraers. 1 ! None but Competent reg- I ! istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or 1 - sell drugs of any kind in our Store: j The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. fill Mini LbiyJl: W JUlS) SLAUGHTER PRICES! To mahe room for other StocK 1 am maKinef a sweeping reduction on the prices of sail lines of Shoes. These are absolutely the greatest values in Footwear ever offered in this city. Just read the following prices For Ladies $1 75 Reg. now $1 35 2 00 Reg. now l 65 3 00 Reg. now 2 50 Reg. now 3 50 Reg. now 4 00 Reg. now 4 50 Reg. now 2 45 2 05 2 65 2 95 3 45 $5 00 Reg. now $3 85 2 OO pairs Baby shoes 75 cts. now on sal Misses & Children 75 ct shoe $1 00 shoe 1 25 shoe 1 50 shoe for 60 cts for 75 cts for 95 cts for $1 15 175 200 2 25 2 50 shoe shoe shoe shoe for for for for 1 35 1 45 1 60 L.70 JOHN DENNIS. HILLSBORO Watching their Watches When Gen. Shafter had completed the invest ment of Santiago, word was sent along the five-mile line of battle, "The attack on the intrenchmentswill be made at 4:15." At 4:15 every American soldier's hand went to his American watch, and every Amer ican patriot on the field said "NOW." History tells the result. A good watch is needful in war as in peace. Modern life, whether on the field of battle, in Dust iness, or quiet home, is measured by fractions of min utes. "Pretty xkar the right time" will not do, in these stirring times. Get one of my American watches aud go by it. If yon have a watch that you can not depend on, let me make a perfect timepiece LAUREL M. HOYT WATCHMAKER j And Jwlr FOR MEN In men's shoes we are making the same quotations, dollar for dollar, as in the opposite col umn. Good, durable shoes, and in style and money savers. in Price 50 to e at 4Uc Sale on Boys' and Youths' Shoes $1 50 shoe for $1 20 . 1 75 shoe for 1 40 2 00 shoe for 1 35 2 25 'shoe for 170 2 50 ahoe for 2 05 3 00 shoe for 2 3s Graduate Optometrist i - I si , ! t ' i . 1