1 HILLSBORO ARGUS, MV 11. 1909 lVtr lCvera, of Verlaiort, vtalted Jihn Hw. krr, i,f Vrrl.i.rt, oouuty seat. Monday, ii nwnur.Ly TheMiller Sawmill Located nine Miles North of HillsWro, mi the Ridge, a half mile alxc the 15. 1. Cornelius' ranch in now sawing Rough Lumber Long Timbers is Our Specialty. Give thew a call. Post oflicc Address, Cor uclius, Ore, R. F. 1. I. Pacific States Tel cphonc Glcncoe 1 1 7 c J,aw " Orders. Miller Sawmill, Cornelius, R. 1, AAOAiWa'aVlVrVi'i'i ALI, NO. 50401 An Imported Perchcron Stallion formerly Owned by Reeei and Merrill. Foaled in France and imported by A. C. Ruby h Co.. Portland. SIRfc.' BRUTUS. (No. 34.759.) Will make season of 1909 Mouday noon at Wm. Barley Sr. place, Lcisyvillc; Monday eve until Tuesday eve. at W. W. Paint's, Glcucoc; Tuesday eve, until Wednesday morning, - - . - tt V t at Jo. Council., Last ot i.lcncoc; Wednesday at own until Thursday morning, at Ficd llamel'u, West I'uion; Thursday noon until Friday noon, at HilUboro; Friday evening to Saturday uxn, t Cornelius; Saturday aftcrm u until Monday morn ing, at Antun Hcruien's place, Ycrboorl. Trrmsi single service. $!Oi insurance. $15i Foal to stand and such, $2Q. Hillsboro Shire Horse Co., Anton Iter mens Mgr. - W. F. Hoffman, Groom. c VVVyyyyyyVVVVVVMMMMVV ' Wli.-n i th lariid Hi! li j In fn.liloii I Mlaa (aiii1nliir li'i'l il r.i'i' Ma lulu Il;r tia..l-..l : t III ti-WII 1 Hhv km i hk alrnki' of fnitinn- m.-aiil fur hr .iihr liinli' rd'-r ami ahe PHH Blrnli-i her fT'.rta to im.wIii. III flurat i.iiiuiif -r wi-n ill hrl tUn.iiiirK niHrrlaic Two wwk, lniiT Uliny f"tj ut Ilk mill la.- waa vulvlii ranldly from iiniliT ih' il-ft fluirra Hie bride In I irllitlii-1, nnil ir brother waa happy it li .r'i'"-ilvr l.rld- gHII. Id- Ii.imi fr'i"!iflr to Inquire to Hi iriirrM of (1m gown. Kacb lluic b waa iiwl by anilllaf eye that iN:d avitulmi grtiu4 In tbelr dark fli'h for tb little dremakr mulil aot help mp-Uii (bat Harold bad ra.-ii illiei'ly ltialrnnwM.il in lor lm trihf ii lli i!m di ri'atMtniti' of the tri-ii.-a ii ltut nil Mamie' lirlr'it hopea wr iI h iiumI In auddan lillrlil. On mom liifc- rlirlllniilitiiif ii k uk In lnnr tbf larllliitf Hml 111 Uatnl-dpli bail I . . i ! with a niinll-a UihUkIi tnlinl.il ,vnUIK I 1 1 i i at i-iiv Inri-r wbn linil Iri-vn iraMN llii( In lh liri hlnir tiHnt 'I'lii Ihmii km atfliaal, aliil i till ai wi mi I Inn inikii lliniiik'li tin' llau il'ill'li Iimii.i I1..I1I. llnrnlil wiia I lii- uuljr our u lin illiln't l'-k ralaiuiiy airli kra. ''Iii-i-r lli. all nf .kiill"" In- aalil In bbi fi (uliii'ui-il iimilirr nikI nl.irm "J'liU fi-lloH l liaa i'tiDMii la all rtcht I'm Klail, 1 mil Irll ) nu. that ali limt (h K-x-A anar ! fav.ir blui 'fsi-t tin- uilicr i liau and lb .uragr A. M. Carlila.tl.n lurnmi imkry,' (it iiji a fin tinw aLirK in front til Inn h' . tliia arrk. A marriaKa li'-nin aa i.jnj(. to llitwiaril rCwrton aii'l AIn!!a .wchr on tJi lOJi in't Tha crark Onw." hall laro "ii abut out by tha Whita Hox at .har jiumI. Mur.U Hakr, lh rnx pi'char. ciriii ui-a to ba iriatil al!f rla alloapil hut thraa iliul y hila Th Oawrgn laila put lip a ariVrt'tH GrliJiritf vatna. but bainir ui ahl In hit, tru-jr enulrt ilraw MitbiiifC hut KIMIMi f)If(. ' Will Merrill, i f Cornell!. 11 a atni f horwa U'. Thura-lay ninht Aftr araichirig Iba ni-ihlriili kiJ diliunitly, ha carna to ib cm cl'iaion thai tha annual" had ln atoiu and iiotilifd Klinriil Manrci'k, wb'i niieil in aviril dinrtiiina, and trant to I'urtlaml ti lix.k f'H 'hato Th anirnala w-rn t-r foui.d bj N'. C. Chriinmn on the; Harni road, head-d f"r Portland, and no iGel tha Hhariir Anton Kaltua htt rll'd a anit in circuit e-Mi't, aking f,rR divona' trom hi mfp, I'aulia Kaltua Mat- tie U (Jilb rt Laa filnl a likaMiil, agaioat bar buabaml, Mclvin K.j (iillert, now a reaidaM ff Nap,i Cat. PlaintifT algra that (iillmri bai i nitn in MelUmma. Auatralia,' and that hm aba b eam a war 1 of tha fart. h aiaratfd from him. and tbarafore afka fur a dCra asaint him Tha Portland AradmT boj aera ikfeatel by tha i'arific ath- lalea Ha'urday m lha rull'gf groiiDd. It wis a prittf mel ami botb achoo i put up Rood work n tha d ff-rnt vent Morria an 'ortlar.d Acadfiiiy'i Wat ruan, inning 19 point a, and fir I'acifjr Ciivrraity A R'hinon and llarr HuuipbreyH fra tna alar men. lb fonmr winning 15 pointa and th latter 12 pnidta. la ih relay ra Pacific'a Uaai, cninpoaxl of C K Koch. K RobinKnn, ii II MaifHri and Harry Hunij hreya, wa ( ioiu. Tncnuri"- wai one-half mil and tbe tiru 1:37. PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW AT OUR EXPENSE! a choice or four GRAND FREE TRIPS IS OFFERED YOU SEATTLE During the AlasKa YuKon Exposition YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Yosemite Valley Lake Tahoe Goalie- Lace. Pacing Stallion Sire, iOUtAUt Dm, Uonnev, try Cofur d'Wood. Ba, wht Ivor I200 5 ra old SratOfl toWoJ M ada. I'rrd lda' Ihathr. Iuc ita and IhMfadaa on U; Wpdndma, 0ri Oardner' at Motidlf Irl. ltarooa) & Sil., IUnnan, I in, Button. TKRMS: Fifteen Dollars to iusure, payable when mare is knowu to le in foal. tU cai Ui ptet afrliUuU. hut liul j.Hi.il !r ilmuM ilirv oe nr. A. W. MILLS. OWNER. All Your Expenses Paid If You have Friends in the Hast -who want to Visit the Pacific Coast we can Arrange it. This gives you an Opportunity For complete Information Atclr r 4 T g g Room 16 Franciaca Making at Bridal Gown, i Uy LtTTCLL M'CLUNC. (unrriaMa-l. Is-, l AaiHtua T l lierary I'ixi 1-H-J-H-H-l VVbi-n MmiiiIh WtlaciU'a auul, till' iA-m-jMrwM, puwit away tu UaripUT rpulnm, Im Inn Jiatnl and hvr frn- i-n r-.lit alalt-r wall Dlkb pciiiilt, pu ryUiJy in rhrtatlanalitirg waa aym piitlwilo. Irj i-.vkJ, a aigb tf (Uatrraa ImrM fl' l In bi-r In-art, tauil lft tti t;inl iiiuy u uumtba U-fur diploma' tiny ami liH.k up Uit Vrfi-ut taak ,( auu iKirtliijj liiTaclf aiut kwplug hir alHUT at aihmil. . Ailing ii I nt the ndvlc nf ln-r frti iidH, ab wnntwl no tlmt In trylmc to fl tut a pUca aa tFarbr,ataUiiraphor r ifovcrneaa. , Such pnaliloua wan -rio in rbrlatlanahtirg, ami dolHy ram nt lb an-eptawv of charily, So 1lit H'tuilliop tvurn atin that, had awtmg fur many yarafrom thaliitlli'o "rk of ib lltlla !tj rorarad vt-rnudn dWiipponrvd, aud In Ita pirn1 appeared h fivab. uaw Mard ou which waa painted, "Mlaa Mnmla Wllaou. Dnraa-miilii'i-." MuiiiU know that abo could aw aa flne u Hi'nin ii a rvt-r want Into a gown, and Hlie iopd that lu-r more furtuuati' Klrl lllwiUa In t'hrWtlanaUurg would Klvi hir Iota t work to do. t I'm alii! waa dikiiui-d to dlaappolnt iiient, After tba .aympntlietlc atna had pnaard iiM,da bwamo ' politely eilttoiu. what an ordinary 'vocation r HUi-li a hrliiht girl!" commented l,i'- "1 doubt If alt can any way," iiuid unotbar. , Thua Manilo got only piecework to do, and thla netted lier Imrdly tnongh to pay aipanaoa. Wut tlicra waa tttl4tt one jHron lu the towu wtm took enough, lntirel In tbi' brave, y'rugglv 'of Mnipl Vllaon to 'Jtiin-aa hlmaolf without faatralnt. Ilnrnid.itnndolph, tha .only aon of tbe '"best mh ft u (iirlatuxhabnrg, had "'""ii mid iiked Manila ever aitwe y.iti (Hum up """' w"lk f,,r '"'r ""'""e uui fiilii.iiiiii-ii- lrl.-ii.l ; ' nm-il.'.l i" ut lil fe trl 1iihii liiini.iini;i. i" uf li-iiliiiiM III her . Hie uiit man iliilu t tttWf l be ijuerj ; Ul a J.'klni: ni"1! "u can wager I your pnt'lnua life tlmt l win w umihi-i ! I ... in., cbiiu. r'." be reixiiuliil. ! Ill npl"ltiinll) did cine, but In n 1 .,i Iih least XI'.'. -l.il. A few limm tuk-a later bin fmlier anmmnce.l hi Hie iTanVfaai lab e llml III" alaier i.cn 1.... a., maiei I I,.. I.Ml.llllL' 111 V . I j waa sui"a w in". - I . .. .mi . 1.. . ,r . ii.i nl ii h In, us nn lb eve of being immlnautl fur en 'that VlM'V Wiuuai. I a-k.1- A.nt trip - tr "vmaui ni inn Ullip livnj"ll Mumio aumeUiIng to dot Why, I bet he .-mild make a Parlalan gown If It came to U!" "Ujbiit'i. the caae. WarlduwJi.donH i fat at T rlln an LI liullllliK. but Inokeil Ifotll t Imr nliite. llari'lil i;iiHed aevcrul 1 1, nra ami then euiered a prole-l ....tilt, at aalll'tl II mi.tileu ileclaloll. Itul bhiiiiii. - Dan.liilllll aellllT WM a 1I'H ' ll n...iiK ileleriuinilti.in. lie bai.l lie. Iilnl, '..ml tl.al aeUleil It. They Ih'KUU prep aralloua fur the weeding, which, be .a u w.inlil luUe liln.e wit bin n month. "V'herw do ymi expect to have your i.i,ii r..i...a ,'iiiiritrin-tedr' deinaudeil Harold ltandolpU of bla alMer the urn mint the Di-euiHtrlmoiilnl Imaile began vi.e. l aliHll leleBntnll to New York f..a rireaaniaker to eome at ouee." i-tie answered without almwlug much liitnr,,ar. iv.ii na one fliiul favor you u uo nothing of the kind, aln," be auppiieat ..i "ijillu for lie anke or tue in inn j .i,..i'i on ihrotieli the aaony of having n Naw York tailor dowu hero. Why not let Mamie Wllaou make your eo ttl.taa'l'' "Mamie Wllaivn!" exclaimed Leila nannolnh ii ausolcloua llKht In tier eye "Th. Iil..a. Harold ! i'ou aurely don't think Mlaa Wllaon eouKt fashion the tin.) i,t a-iiu-n Hint I want?" 1 Hon ! tbtnk nnrtuliiff about It," do nnmlil. wit 11 einplmala. "I know ahe ran make any aort of dreaa to a (iiieen'a aatlafaetlon. sue a an ex tiitb lb needle, and ahe has e reliant tHa. Beaidaa, If I'm n Indue, ahe'i exactly your height, Mid aha diM'an't weigh rive pouiule more or h.aa thuu rou do. by. ahe comu mKi al a dreaa over her own lluio nml give yotl a perfect fit! Then, l.ella. ulie l a brave, luirdwoi'UIng ulrl woo U hav ing nn uphill tlmo of It. We've got ti .bind rhnnee to help her, and It will be ft downright abome If we don't do ir. U'lU Kaiidolpb P"H ber uruia about hr liniiHannie hrotber'a Heck. "All rlithr. old follow." she acuuleared, 'or'H be 110 tailor from New York Mla Wllaou abtill make my wedding govvn!" . . . . . "A aUoHT ciuxoa la nn-aauai, uau old, " au a atio. to lake Ii 1 11 : l-lla will brim hUn l.a.-k In a few data, and falhrr will Ui-l 1 beiii a bouae; Ji-u'll : l)ad wHI rmr for awlillr. but lu the pint he will Khe liliu 11 K'-hI Job Willi a Kiaal !ary aitacbvit. and rverytbliig will work out o K. lont yu ae it winr' Tbi uoliiiitaiu llnalb cleared Ibe at UHwphere of aoine of it gliwut. Wbeu calm reiKiml on-e limre llarold tot Juwii I" bunliii-ft. lie made em a 1 ti.i k imvalile to MU Mamie Wllwu for Ibe full amount that waa lu 1 pa ll for lit -lulcr'i we.ldliia outtlt. Ills mother altm-d It wilbout a wonl. 'i'beu the oung mau made a bee- Hue for tbe dreanniiker'a. M:uile an awcred bla rlua aud anitl.xl na aln- lu vlUil him lu, but there waa a ana pl. li.im uilal III ber eiea lib. I'm ilieadfully aurry It b- IM-iuil," ahe euiured ayuipaihelK'.-illy. "tMiu'l let It woiry yon, Mamie, re plied Harold Uttbtly. "It'll turn out all I rl;bl I came down In pay for Ibe dreaa, bcre'a inaiuiua'a clink.' i Slio l'iW Ibe allp of paer, iclaiii-ed al It and then btiiitle.l It back. A aliulit ibante I lie. iiaary. liar old," ahe aald. "I couldn't lake ibe full amount, for the kowu boi l fiiibib ed. you know," Yea. but you're uoinu' nnuu It. he pruteated kindly, 'iVrialuly, If ou l.h It. ahe au- aweri'd. "'lheu your sbter will have ue for h lu koine oilier way, after all?" Leila have ue for ItV be repealed revtalnly not. It's for another girl now '," Another kli'l'" "he ta boed, ber eye sparkling. "Why. It wouldn't lit Just any Kill, 1 fear. "Yea. there la one vlrl It will tit. aald Untold alowiy, "for ahe'a Juat Le Un a alw. 1 do Imp ahe would like to wetir It for me. Ho you think alie would'?" He waa lookluit aleudlly Into Mamle'a even now, n ml bin Hpa were compress ed. She returned hla guxe, and aa sue divined Ihal be was In earnest ber heart lieal Joyoualy. I'm afraid ahe would. Very much. nhe whispered weakly aa ahe nestled In bla arms. A Beautiful BELGIAN STALLION. MENTOR Has Splendid Disposition Superb action. 3295-46596. Imported 1908. Dark Chestnut. Coming 4 years; weighs 1900; Beit Conformation for Draft Gets. Prdigire-Sne. Jainar. lob;! ; Sire Lady (5c yck 35J4. Ham Marie 66i. Dim, Ltse de Voor dr, 4 07, Site t'.ton de Gboy 10.S30, Ham Pan ine llautetue jjo;. M"t '. , f, It: ..aaa - J rV-r?r Thoma' Diicouraamnt. Klniinclallv music rarely nay a for Itself, and Its producer often do their work even at M aaerlllee. In a tiook en titled "Musical Memories" . V. I'p- ton tells an anecdote of 'ibeodore Thomas, the German American orchea- trn leader. It was during tbe Sunday nUht conceits In CblcaKO, while tbe city was In it disturbed Mate, owing to the great railroad Rtrike. The ooncer a were thinly atieuaeu At one end of the huse exposition hulldlmr was the concert ball, ibe other end was m'cunled br military companies, waiting for an emergency etll, 1 reached tbe building one even- lor aome tluie before the hour of open ing and saw Mr. Tbomaa alttlug at a table with bis bead upon Ma nauaa. He beckoned to hm to come to nun. I lnuulred If be waa 111. "I'm a bit blue tonight, old friend," he replied. "I haTe been tbluklng aa I Bat here that I hove been awtugmg a baton fifteen yeara, and 1 do hot ae that tbe people are any runner aneaa from where I bea-an,' a mlaa far aa my piK-keta are eoueerned I . am notao well off. , ... -... ... He. nnnaed a minute and then added, ltut. X. am going on If It takea auotlier fifteen jearar , -. r 24 (-1 i Henry Jnbneoo, of near (ileccoe, was a coonty seat caller Tuesday. Wm. Basford, of tha Farmiogton rection, waa a county seat visitor ; Monday. 1 Adrian Harper, a stockman and (farmer of the Galea Creek section, i was in town Monday. . 1 I Alfied Beasley and Miaa Ilaial Reed, of Portlaod, were gueata of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kuralll, last Sunday. j j A. F. C eiuooa, of Ibis city, will !!av o-n far his nea; home lo JCanyor, C u ity. Idaho, where be I ha b light a 40 ace tract under ! irrigation. Rev II W. Sp'eea preached at "the Faruiiigtoa M E church laet -unday He will preach at tha ame place May i.'i, at 2:30 p. m. Epao'th League Anniversary Day 'and program at tbis church, May 16, at 2:30 p in. I -j Ruiua Waggerer, formerly owner ,nf the Tualatin hotel, and wife, of ; N'ewp'irl, are in tha citv. gueets of ) Deputy Sheriff Ge.i. Wiloox and wife. Mr. Waggoner has been j drawn 00 tha U 8 O'aod Jury at j Portland, aod M8. VYaggeaer will ; remain here until tbe term is over. 1 ... - ! - v ..i -r Vi-f-.fS-'r-x-v n t r-- . i To see this Stallion is to see the finest in County Season of I909-: Monday, Gordon & Misner barn, Forest Grove; Tuesday, Hillsboro; Wednesday, Mouiitaindale; Thursday, Glencoe. Friday noon, H. M. Vanderzanden's; Friday night, Bauks; Saturday Henry Petersou's barn, Manning; Saturday evening to Monday a. m. at John Herb's, Greenville. TrHMS: Single Sen It, 12. SO; Season. $18; when tnaie Is known t he in foal, $22. .Ml: Insurance, r2.i. Care to prevent, but not responsible loraceBWts. The Banks Belgian Horse Company. G. M. Hunter Architect CONTRACTOR, Builder Kstimates on all class es of work. Dealer in Builders Supplies If you contemplate any buildiug this season lie sure and give me a call. Pac. States Tel. No 389 Hillsboro, Oregon Argun and Oregnnian, $2.2r McNUTT REAL ESTATE CO. I have city and coun try pro; erty in all sizes, from 1 at-ve to 1,000. Kle gant city property in both Forest Grove and Corne lius. Farm lands from $to per acre. to as good as you want. R. W. McNutt, Mgr. SMaaBHaMaVaiaWBWaWaVaWaaaaaBJW ArguB and Journal, $'2 25. A note trom li Lei. i f Beaver ton, this week, gives the following in relation to spraying: "In your article on spraying last week, you omitted to Rive the quantity of lime and sulphur to he usml in combination with Arsenate of lead. j Here is what Prof. Cordley, of the Oregon Experiment Station, says I 1 ... 1 Til . .11 ,1 aooui 11: tnree guou 01 uiun and Biilphur solution to 50 gallonB of water, for apple scab, ibe lime and sulphur solution should be standard, that is, it should test 30 per cent.' I used it last year, and had much better results than with ! the Boideaux mixture, as the latter mixture 'ruhseta' the apples. In .order to get the beet results, one must spray right after the bloom jfalU." Ferd 0 roner, of SoholU. was in town Mnudiy, in hid speedy ' little i luaabout. Jo1in Frendentbal, on the old; Sigler plaoe. below Newton, waa a ! caller Tuesday. He says a big; soaking rain ia badly needed to! give the crops a boost. I Annie Vandeberg, of Varbooit while playing in the school room last Friday, accidentally fell against I a desk in such a manner aa to cut a gash in ber forehead, which pen- j etrsted to the skull. . The injured child was brought to 'Hillsboro, where Dr. A. B. Bailey Ititched up the wound. L." Schwanke, of Columbia pre . oiuct, was in the county east Moo-day. DeepS ea FISH j Market Have Always pu Ilanili Large Supply of - Fresh & Salt Fish Crabs, Oysters, & CIam$i Our fish are kept in Freezing tanks and are always fresh. 1 Main, Op. Odd Fellows. HILLSBORO OllEJ - I - 1 f I - 1