The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 9
J. YV. Swecnty, ltUnd man,
Milllaa ft Half Wtu
Th ucoaaul Udder on lb no
flolhfd work of the Pacific Itall-
at A NavIalliD Hallway line
Utwean Ilk!Ulxio toil Tillamook
waa J. W. 8eeiy awl lilumauer
Btta , I'wlUnJ, Ham r ay ia a lo
ci! contractor and hm la lo furnish
bond In tha turn of II.VHKut loin
curt coiuolatlou allotti the lima
jrilil. The Ullii (t dI the con
Irart mvm about Iflfto.OWi io the
couiptnj Hwitney'a I'iil ( f mil
lion tod a half dullara being that
luuob under Iba lo million dollar
tatlmate tf lha eoiloeara Andre
McCabe, now fliiUblng ciilrt(i
ehova Niton. eurmitted figuree
30.01 1 ! lha Hriijf bid.
Tha onntrector aill haa lo ei-
Knd '200) t't waajwt road ind
Idpea for preonel u in tha j.r
cullon of Iba ork. and there aia
bul 19 tunnele lo br.
Time ought to U f-ixl In Vah
lnUn county I hi maimer. ilb
two toadt hing rohtliurtiHi,
cartel both being in Ibtw county
Tha eticceMlul bidder on the con
trail (ir rnolrii(ion ill bavatn
employ from I MO lo 'H.U) roeo.and
man teatue to fluleri ibwoilt ol
building tba road, Tha road mut
ba turned ow lo Iba rg ralifg da
y ailment of tha I. It A N, by
una 1, UXi'J Tot contract will I
lot largaat individual ona ever
handled lo Ibia aula, and iba oon
tracloi will hava lo man tbii ga in
uidar lo gtlaloua by tha lime
tiatutd in iba com rai l. VVbiia
uiotl of iba wen employe! nm
blf will ba non reaulenta of iba
county, many ol our fartnere )tl
ba employed atiih leatua in grading,
on boib tba I. It ,t N. at.d tnittd
Hallway, and considerable of tba
money paid lo teametore will re
main in ibi county , ami he addrd
to tba local circulation. Moieover,
tsarobanla along tba Una of tba
road, might lo ba benefitted in lha
uallar of tba purcbaao of euppliea,
AlUua mat dafaat at tha banda of
Managar VVlrU'a Colta) Wat Sunday
aitamoon by a icora of 4 to 2, in
tba best contested game of lha tea
aon. Tba Col ia opened lha gatna
by batting tul thraa runa t IV Coo
caonoo In tba 11 ball of tba ur,
bul tbaj mada no mora runa until
tha aavantb. a ban thay aoorad ona.
Alblna aoorad ora in Iba aacond
and OLa lo lha fifth.
Tha only ahow Albin had of
wloning waa la lha flrat half of Iba
ninth, whan tba thraa bag war
ttllad with no out. R. ltnon for
lha Colli fannul ona. and tba t ext
man drova ap infield bit which waa
handled to third, than luck to etc
ood. Tba forcad runnar lo acnnd
waa not caiuht out. but be itrnped
off tha bag, and waa put out by the
aoond biiiman Tha daot ion waa
oloaa,aud Aibioa aaya it will con
teal lha aaiua
lUtUriaa-Koraal (i ova Col ( a,
Koblnaon and Kelt; Alb na. Cm
cannon and Brock. Bnuck out,
"J Kobinion 5. hv Connannon
baaea on htlla. off K ihinenn 0. oil
tWaoi.on 2; hlla. Colta . 4, Alblna
i two haea bits, Kelt and Hngga
Kit ak tit A IK.a.. k t ' rUJ.n.
otr, (i) Jtoif Jsllltoii, () II llolliniti,
MraUUy Mueller, Mr C II Norlhrup,
CP Reynold, Mr M Snyder, Mr N
tiel, DC Wettleon.
II. P. Uoruellu, P. M
I will noil at public auction at lha
i uiiitbura (Jreamary, ona blook
aoutn or the Homhern I'aoiflu depot
1 o'clock p m., on
Bay borae, weight 1,000, good for
""ggy or dell vary wagon; top bug
17 nd buggy haraaaa, aood ai new
top buggy and finale harneec. lb
Uilk oana. froin I in 10 aallona
1100 milk boillea. auarta and Dlnte
cooling tank. .1 ourda of 10 inch
wood, houaabold gooda and other
niGiei ton numaroua lo mention
K. (I Stabele, Owner.
H. P, Corneliui, Auolionaer.
, John Piaber and wife,-nf Yet
Dillon, were io town lant Saturday
Biro, to L U Ruahlowand wife
ot Hillabaro, Or., May 8, 1909,
Q, weight 8J lb j,
John vitiitfil the iiielropn
it, tail Kriitay. j
Kemeruber, tba Oretonian aid
Argun, only 92.25.
io. Pilterfon. nf Portland, waa
n lb rily !i Friday.
II 1. liiirchi ll, wa in town laet
Friday fnun Heedvilla.
Jamb Wieniar, of Portland, for-
iwerly nf lieibany, waa in tha city
l r rily, on liURlneea.
Vom f r aale: Can deliver four
oot nr wood In any iiantitr. In
ba ritv. K. ti lleidnl. I', if
Itjfn. to tha wife of Fred Cald
well, April 27, at iuiton, Oregon,
an eleven pound boy.
Horn, to tba wife of Will Hid-
diuk of lliiitoi), Ora , Apiil 1, a
ntna pound dang titer.
Coma unto u, all ya that have
and or lie mi- ut ), or are ))
fig for bargain in red eatate.
inline I,n I
"UurlaTorouiv Tin ker." of Port-
and.rame out to llilleboro. laet
Friday, and epent a fw daya with
Hruokera like the Schiller and the
Kitllenria Tbeee cigara are ol
tba bt uck. You cau't fool an
authority on a good ciaar
J It. Wilkea returmd laet Fri
day, from a Hying trip over to the
Alara country, where he had bni-
lliing your watche and clock
lo Libby, (or prompt ami tkillful
epairmg Corner Main and Tbiid
I reel 4'Uf
The Oregon Thre!ier'e Aa-oria-i
n which met in Portland lat
wrek. honor! a Waabiogton coun-
ly man, Arthur A Flint, of Hcboll.
nb lb poeinonnf vie prea:dnt
Tbvea wi'bing wimmI for neil
Fall'a deliver will du well to tea
1. II Mchuirl er lfore plaricg
their ordr. Hi fuel comea from
the ttl liuilon tir.
fjanka will celebrate lha Fourth
ol July, Ibi tear. Jot. Hnluilmer
ich. K F. Willie and Oil-i Oalaway
have ban appiitifd an executive
conuimtta. A big l'tbell geuia
!l ba ona of Iba nam fralurea.
We bv a Ana, A room milage,
nut complrtei), wl'hin a abort d
lanre ol the f 1 1 1 It Plreet Mation,
i.r ll;17r, on eay term. liubrie
.and Co.
Millard l.iwnedale. well known
n ibia c unly at an enthuelaetic
orobrdil, lal week wild bit fa
uiuii apple orchard in lamhill
county, coneiettng of JUii acre, to
orlland, Heattle and Halern capi-
talleta, for '.75,(KM)
We have Hi I aorea of land about
Z mile from 1'niled Klectric Sar-
vev, with a gootl boue. Mtn ami
outbuilding; goxl, young orchard;
fine epnng; cloe id ir.ho il ; on 14
I), and phone line, wuich ran
be boiiitht for US pr acre, on rea-
aouabla term. Iiubrie Land Co.
Under the new law paaetxJ by the
esielalure, the rfllce of atock in-
anector will ba abolished The law
oea iolo O ct June 1. Ona of the
. . . . t 111
pilnclpal ciiaugee io me iw win
U coQioiidation of the ofl'ice of
tale veterinarian and elate aheep
The Kpworth Leagtia held a
aooial in lha arlora of lha Metno
diet church laal Friday night,
which well attended. The
young peoplotf (he league bad
horl programme, which was well
received. Lemonade ana omer
light refreahraenta were served,
ami a p!eaani time waa experi
Fnrtv acrea line laud, 9 cow, 3
belfttm. calvea, chicken, hog and
everything eiee thai goea to make
a Ural cue income larm, nan caan,
balance h yeara, 0 per cent, 'Jj
milea from town ou the main roau
mbi In f.and Co.
Sam Moon, of the Centerville
section, wa in town early wonuay
morning. He reporta that bia a?o
Hon waa vinllid by a heavy raio
Sunday night, end that the hills to
the writ of hia plaoe were covereu
with snow. Old settlers claim mat
this ia tha moHt backward Spring
ever experieuned in this section ol
Oiegon. It oertainiy naa oeen ma
ITnr aalecheaD: Team, mare and
bnree. mmd work animals, 2.HJO;
ihrea and one-half year gelding
halter 11 ih weighs aboul
9(10; 3 milk coaa, good m'Uker?,
.1, L.l i
Iresh; two 'i year oui neuere. nm
bred: thorouebbred Ootswold buck.
2 years; 1 imos, graueu
Cot.8wold L. 0. Brown, (lwa
....... i . i
Hill) Cornelius, O.e., Koute t
Ind phone 25 Line 9. 0
The city 1 to have street eprlnk
ling by contributions of Ihe busl
nea men of the Dlaoe. A. P. Lu
ther has had a sprinkling wagon
m.l and will keep the city's bus-
inees streeta lre from duet Ibia
nmrnAr. The amount charged will
be small, and the benefit will be
a reft t. Marshal Larson has an
nounced tbat the etreell are lo be
cleaned, and kept clean,
In I'ourRuad Dintrictit Reject
ed by the Couaty Itourd
ib id r Break Rea4 Allewt4 turn
Ncrdtd luiprrrmcU
Tba County Board mat last week
and transacted the uaual amouot
of bueineas.
Kid ware received from Gveroad
diotrict), vin: (italuo, Thatcher,
Cedar Mill, Tlgard villa and Hber
wiod fir ct u tiling and hauling
rock; contract waa awarded T. P.
tioolio, lor rrubing at i mton; all
other bid were rijtcled, and the
County Judge waa ordered to re
advtrtia for further bid.
Application of Forest Grove to
conetrucl pipe lin, for water etip
ply, along county road; granted.
PetiiiuD of F. H Myer for vaca
tion of Jubraon tract, near Hed-viil-;
Pelilioa of Ko'jt. T. .Simion for
l'iUor licena at lluxton; sranled
Appllration rod ili-trio ''.'
for lX) toward improving Hhady
Brook rad; allowed
Road viewers report on McC r
mick lo-l tx-tied, and road die
allowrd. "
County receivl a dfl from the
Invee meDl Co , of l'.irtUiid, t ) a
tract ai!j) public iiigbwav
near Tigrdvile, fr change ol ro.J;
C. F. Tigrd and ll A P.ielh we e
viewer to meet My 21
Rftad prlitiona A C AlrxinJa
ard othma, aid Oregon Nicetry
Co, red eoticl lime and accrp'.eil
(ientoo J. P. lrn.c iil Hiale ve
Henry Uruo; approved, 6naof $10
to be paid Trei.rer.
W.J. II Beadb.Com. J. B. Mat
thews Post, allowed $15 for funeral
eipenaa of L K. Bullock, indigent
fund Fuueral expeneee of A. J
Raymond, Hf; H. O. Fitch, $3i
Petition Wtu. Hays for refuod of
'.ICS. accL clerical error; allowed.
R. W. McNutt allowe.1 (25 for
relief of Uraybill family.
Road petition John Carlson and
other; report of viewer read sec
ond lime, and road ordered eetab
liebed. Road petition John Martin and
othiM, rrc'djO. W. Marsh. Dan
Baker and A A Morritl appointed
Road petition John A Johnson
et ale; rejcted upon advice Proee
cti'i'ig Attorney.
Couoty Judge waa authorized to
adveilisefor bids lor several bridges
and Oils
Claim Allowrd
nruro: C B Taylor fbj Sc, Jno Bocker
oo, V K Cornelia 4S 00. 8 M Holland
on. J H Trullinger 6 00, C J limes 4S-
00, I) Kuretli 1; on, Alovin (lhiirr 30 40
R J Kwiiia 3 oo, J F Kerr r M Ileidrl
U ALII Hi KnratH J 00 each. W V. Hart
j) 00 I J Vamlebry 1S20, J A Vandehey
43 jo, J I Smiih 54 So, J Kaimia 4b 00,
I Krrlia 5a 00, Anir lw 5t 00, II 1.
Uun lttll 00, I T Voiititf jo 00, 1) Cor
win id 00, T M Kerr i, C krln 7 00
V R Cte t Ho, T W Mnrnn 80. L 1;
t rt nil 65 Bo, N J Chrislmsea 6t 40,
W K Newell 5 40, J I! McNamrr 61 Ho.
WitQaaaraIVter W alien Ho, I'ha
nsram Lewi Kouca Ward Kenrl John
Mi'Hee K W Haim t Hao Buikhalter Jno
ThornlieiK i 20 earn, A ItaMwtn nl
M utile w Kln 60 earn, ard Down
1 00, Hcutoii Howmnn lr J l Tauiieeie
3 no eacti, C Gorduian Carl Wedrkhi
l 70 each, Ur Cartlwell b 00 Kvnm Ln
uiont 4 00, II II llawlrv 8 do, J W W
ley J Ho, Bud Dilley 4 Ho, Mark Butler
i to, Win J.lclity j 00, W J Urrug i 50,
Sam Oil pi 11 a 00, M Marker j ao, KaIw
V altera J 10, Waul lous a 00. Lor
oner' wilnmsts' S Anliu Harnett Mc
Kee F M Kniitlitrii Marire Kusrh J-o
I.ovk'li, Knbt 1 1 n mt 1 50 each.
Knad and Itinhwiys (i W lime is
ba. C K Btadley yo. Oomiell ,V Co 31
$0, I'innis & McFre 3 aH,T M Hrell St Co
10 5S, O&WS V Co 44 35, Sec Venlt &
Metal Co H4 Ho, Weitcott llro 67 KS
Kmil Rer'ncu 17 60, Jim Wolhscblegel
4H 35, John Strlblch 5 70, 11 W Whit
more b jo, Btt.irliiie Co 44 34, A
Hernial) 10 00, C W Jame ao 00, Her
irert Broa 41 34, J C Hill 10a 04.
Koaii viewer j a limine 13 bo, ii
VV Manh 13 co, A B Todd 6 00, J W
HukIici 6 io, W II Cornelius a 00. J C
Miller 6 00, Aug Kumlbetg a 00, L A
Rood S o, J H Sewell 15 o, A it Todd
ll 40. Chutuuirn K I) llappb 00 Hugli
Suiith 6 oo, Mark Butler K V Sttnon
Geo Holsheimer Geo Butler John Catlton
11 DeFord Arthur McCorniitk a 00
Witnesses J P Court A Gaatnur 3 10
H C Smith 4 40, J J Mtnitu Geo Smith
each 40c, J P Vamlerzanden a 00.
Relief-W J K Beach U4 00, Ir A B
Bailey 10 00, Dr F A Bailey 14 so, Mr
tin .Vandehey 60 60, A H Snraner 1 Ho
Briegs Broans 10, Frank iti Borwick 1
15, licit Drug Store 15 to, R W McNutt
as 00, tuunbeth Bielandb oo, Jane Rtur
ilotl a 00, Ann r reetunn b 00,
Court House J H Saunders 10 00 A
M Collins 10 00, Sec Vault & Metal Co
5a oo, City Light A Water aj 78, ind
Tel Co 10 45.
Assessing II T Buxton 54 00, A C
Alexander 99 00, C E Peichman 36 00,
S N Poole 98 00, Win Schendle 66 00,
J Kuratli 7 00, 11 B Tigard 7H 00.
Refund tax-J T Kook H 00, Geo A
Wilcox is ao, Tho and Msy Connolly
13 09, II C K Meyer s Ho, Kdw Benson
3 16, Hugh Finnegan 6 oa, J B Hanby
6 61,
W B Taylor ch 919 04, Geo A Morrill
ill ruff l oil. J ll I ti I ' a v -v i 4; im, M
C Cr anl etc Ho "H, M C" t'v trav exp
i'i 'i, II V IM-Hord rliHititiiaii J , Art
Mi Ckihiii k l wi. Mix (,'rMii'UU in
Iiki im. Win Jckou Irmsiirrr, 50 00, T
H Tongue bill tip ji 00, Wmkli Co I'iiIi
Co priutiiiK a fit, Kilir .1 (".lnin 7K 00,
IhlliUirO I'lmrinary H U, Willi Irrlnil
rrr 191 60, J W B.ilryclrik jjH 2j, 1IIk
Aru 41 00, IPo f.ivpry (Vi oi. Wm
Tupprt janiU r AS 00 Cue Metre Trlto
7 45, (iro II Bilire Awu olfi i .Vi, S
i'iilry 76 50, i A loihnr (Ufilorjffi jq
00, Frank 8)nipm ct ct 2 t, V. V. 1U-
Krjr livrijr 4 00, a lirrnio 10 7, iiiw
I ml printing 18 3s, '.! Sc l'tiidlionmie
nnnliiiK IVi 00, I. AI A'.rxainlrr 10J fo,
( J i'almatrrr to 00, Irwin Hodton S Co
upplir 3 75 J K iill Co H '', Mc
Namrr A WirU livrry 1 50, J K, Butler
li( olfi 61 no. S T l.iiiklti r i.liv 10 00
K c Brown cor 9 3$, I', c Brown mr 41
( i 1 ge r i of jh fit ST H&X
rir it io, w r. ifMuutn von u-t 17 09
John Baldwin drp lif 6 , w H Stiat-
U u fruit Inaii 40 js (j''o 1 Uncock aal &:
drpsss oo.(;rollaDc.Kkt,.s3 r.Oro
lUncoc k 40 50, W .1 Uutoer rem 4$ 30
J..l1nMc(.larnroi.i41 40. J Yv 1.00dm I
aal and em lit f4. H !' koi;cr linilirrt
17b M5, K B Brattie ilil 0II1 0 00.
J. L DulTielJ, of Buxton, was in
the city laet Haturday.
Reuben Foeter, cl Portland, vis
iil H T K.D1...r,,l -If. ,!..
Jobn Htimnhreva of Purll.nd
T.r.. .i.c.u. . uo v.ijr, fuuu.j.
t. I . il. u 1. -
J. H. Kleinke, of Koutb Tualatin,
a in town Mouday.
Cbas. A. Maluiaton, a Vernonia
farmer, was in the city laet un
Richard K. Wiley, of Portland,
visited the latter part of lant week
itb bia utber, W. V Wiley.
Hon. Chas. Tijtard, of Tigard-
i lie, wan io the oily Monday, on
Take a look at Boecow's addition
oce it has ben cleaned up, then
consult us as to prices and terms.
Irnbrie Land Co.
II. Uuntemann, of eouth of Job's
Croseiog. was in town last Friday,
Court Reporter Runyon and At
torneys W. N. Barrett and l!o. R.
Bagley went out to Glencoe Mon
day afternoon, to take the teMimo-
y of parlies to that neighborhood.
The Yamhill couoty pioneer
ill hold their annual meeting this
year at Amity, June 2. The pro-
gram has not been completed yet.
udg9 T. A. Mclmde will be in'
ited to deliver tbe addrers.
For Pale One ppau of horpes.
weight alwut 1300 each, aleo good
arceea and weeon. Vtt. $300.
. K. Bloyd, Third and Maple St ,
Hiiisboro. .9
Marriage licenses were iatued rn
.1.. u.l : i. t.:.a.i ..1
, 7, V 1 J"ru",fBU
rare, uarrie r.aiuunri, anu 10 as. mile, ouliumly, ami 10 miles tranavenie
Walter Kinder and Lotia Ilamba. ly. 4;ive rural mail route extend from
. ....
Will sell my beaultlul home,
cheap. It quire atreidence, Third
nil . nin n BtrKBlo nr ailitraaa W
I. Connell, .101 Kait Ninth Liu-
coin, Portland, Ore. 0 if
Edward Tillotsnn, of Portland,
representing tbe National Caen
legieter Co, and formerly at the
h tail nf thrt Hunartninnt i,f mnsin nf
Willamette KnivBr.ilv Slm i
ia town Monday.
. . . '
The Fourth of July fall on Sun
.1.: . .i j: 1.,
j iuii Jem, nun . uiiuiig .i iuo
aw regulating holiday p, thu Mod
Hay followinj: wi'l b a lyal holi
av, ami moet of the clebratinng
n the county will, it ia likely, lie
beta on the last named day.
Taken up at my farm, 1 mile
south of Newton, 2 1-ycar old heif
ar nalvea. and 1 hnifur het'.n 1
aril 2 vr-ara iH . all ora. nd Jreva
1 .... .
wnercan have bame by Roving
" J " ' ft- - J
property and pajinir expenfea. J.
8. Steinke. l,M2
The following vital eUlintioa for
tin County were reporttd dunna
April, l!HK:- UoDtagiouB dueimee
, " . , . n
lypoom lever, 1; iimercniobi-,
uieaclea, 2; emallpnx, i . Deaths
Malta, U; fomalee, (1. Births
Malee, 1G; female, 11. W. D.
Wood, County Health Ofltcer.
South HiU.Wo Or.enhouBe ha
a roou BPBoritteiH 01 pinnis 10 een,
at a very reasonable prices Shrub-
1 . . . . It
bery, roeo. hardy pinks, pan?iae,
1 nee, cieiuaue, wicunae, coryaan-
ineiuuiiiB, 1111 ne, ivy, peiiiuae, nouee
plant; alKO crmetery plftola; cab-
bge, tomatoes and kalo Call and
eee ue, 01 oeyeum ami p r
etreets Mra Anea Uaropbotl
Hiiisboro. Iod. phone, 1154. 52lf
,. , , ,1,1
ine iiiiiowmB real eeiaw aeaie
are reported by Kuratli Bros., for
lsatweek: Mrs. U. Delaman bouse
.J 1. n.V hi tn n oui.0r
11 tounn. u.. it
11 vi awu Mca.o ia u. w j , Kn ll mrr
ll, Tnuu, ii-. iuiiuu uii iuvu'U.
PptmKiirff honaA b nil Inf nn filK
m -
iiu wit, tiuvu, tfun. iimuy iu
ICnalarn Tnvwatnra Kll nnrno 1111,
n...i.. u:n aiofivi. ri ur n
r ..; 7" ' ?' " ' ,
10 vnKiier Auruner, nouse anu 101
on 10th and Oak, 5l)0; I M
Humke toGao. CramburR, lot on
5'h St. between Oak and Fir, 300;
Darana Hat. In MoRnan 4.'t noma
Cadar Mill i'fi'iriO T Rri.lopa In P
LSflar Will, fb.AW, J. Uridgrt lo t.
Rahse, house and I lots on 6'h and
Fir, $1400. '
I'ost Master B. P. Cornelius
Succeeds Himself
Well ad Favtrably Koewa Wab-
ieftta I'taoty Salivt Sea
President Taft Friday aent in tha
name of Hon. B. P. Cornelius to
puccvhi Limf ji an nuieoirot roev
Cornrlius has already served four
,v. : ,
ftrid tM.comlng term Will
round cut a life of political sctivity
v. -(.,mun,.1 ..... .
uw w ' 1 u . . . .... ,. u.,Hj jia n
WDen " JS60,
as his friends call
was a ehenll of toe county.
B. T. CoriM-liu wa horn in Wuhini;
ton Countv, Oregon, erven mite north of
llil;Uiro. in iSvi, and ht t a ton of tee
ieoi. 1. n. .onieiiu, ine
rr of Oregon' let Regiment in the Yaki-
Iudun W aia. B. V. ere.l two term
I an Tvht-titf and wan elected to the House
cf K-IWUtive io iSoa. In iSqj he
lec-wl t'-onnty Judge, completing
the four vrnra of that oilier in 1H0H. In
ck3 Mr. txroeliu wa elected Mayor of
llillsboro, and ha errvrd a the city'
execntivc several limea.
Pottmaater Corneliu own a hie farm
near MountsiniUle, which he leaer. and
hnndscuie home on Base Line Street
in town. In 1871 he eVled Father
v v -if ';,-!(
Barrett, a sister of the late V. R. Barrett
Their children are as follow: E. P.
Cornrlius, in the' real estate buaiue in
Hiiisboro; Mr. Elmer May, wife cf the
O'cncce jpierchant; l'red K. Corneliu. 01
& Co. .occeseor. of the Schol-
: w z"z,
I a.vr aviiuj, wiiii. wi aui uv Sit ivuuif
rower wunani. ainonie.
i lie niiiiooro oiucc cover oik Ktrv
tory, extenJLug across a section of a5
the home office.
His present office deputies aie, Mr,
Susie Morgan. Mivs Bertha Hesse and
iuiss lira iiiimon.
Crowded out Last Week)
Lvinau T Wi'coxetux to Detroit Trust
Co, true is in t 3 n 4. 1 10.
Kluier T Counelt lo J P T.miesie,
Iran in Hillahnro. 6ft:
,1 .1 Hill to L N Tompkins, part of
Block 3, ilulstxiro, aooo.
WT 11 T- . 1..- . C t lfUU'lM,lH mi
w." ' 1- -v.v-
Xo,, joue donation, 7000.
Frabk V Metcalf to Alfred A Baker
So a sec 14 t 2 ( 3. So.
Vetem Oregon Trust Co to hdith P
Dobbin, Tract 3 ViiinoU Place, 1500.
Allied Lundqmai lo August Tews, part
Block a, Roedville. 350.
Minnie Kaiser to W m S Klvnu.eUl
l r int in 100 acres rec 1 1 3 1, Soo.
1, II Sauimon to Greg Stewart, part of
Caleb Wilkins donation, 4400
I y i t . t a t i.i...ii - -a t
.'ona i"P-" aoool. pnii 01
I nt.L . t.".m.i
Mason w Moxlev to Matilda S;eart
5 itt acre sec ao 1 111. iSoo
in lllk 40 l orest (.rove. Z400.
o V Cooke to 0o C Rrnst.3 45 acres
hee n t 1 a 1, n$.
' "f -''B."' t'"
part Blk 11 Cornelius, 1050.
A 1 1
ty Kluabeth Dooley to L J Crepa, a a in
Uec 31 1 a n 3, 400.
Albert Hartrnmnf to Dora Taylor, lots
6 l-"7' "7 "'.Soo.
, Klpctric J(, a(U, Tinafdville. io.
HX?i. "
1 - r-y ' j 7 7 ". ' " "
1 u H I'aikin to K A l.amewell, 10 acre
tmrt in sec a6 1 1 n 4, 1
I v J, ".
.Khu i,m,..ih r. r.nibl tri f
ink 17. Hiiisboro, 500.
Christian Kjaer to Mertnus hnckstn
" GardeB Home, 400.
. . . . . , p
jlattie A Ross to It K Nicholson, part
lot 3 llk 40 Forest Orove, a6co.
v i. i icw ma 10 a Keyuoius, irci
rtf.vertou-RetdvUle Acreire. too.
C L DeWitta to A Allen, tract in lot 4
ie r,.,'Re' 1 r
Bert J lown to Alvlra Loudon, 40 a
v '1 " '
I B1. . M tL (tuAn
cniirucou lllriltir
Leave tor l'ortlnnd
Forest Grove Local 6:5i a. m
. Sheridan Kljer 9:1a
p0rest Orove Local 10:41 a. m
Forest Grove Local 3 4P. m
Corvallis Overland 49 P- m,
cav Portland for Hiiisboro
Corvallis Overland 7:30 a. m
Porest Grove Local 8:5oa ni.
FoMst Grove Local 1:00 p. m,
shcridun Flyer 4:10 p. m,
'Forest Grove Local'.... '. $40 p. m,
High Quality Drug S tore
When you are sick and in
nceil of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
i is of the highest quaCty ob-
i tainable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
j -
endeavor to furnish our ens-
None but Competent reg
- istered pharmacists are al-
j lowed to fill Prescriptions or
! sell drugs of any kind in our
t .
: The Delta Drug Store, Hiiisboro, Ore.
1 1
Hillsboro's Busy Progressive
The C. C. is rapidly gaining the confidence and good
will of the people. That comes to us by reason of
Our aim will ever be to give the very best value
consistent with good merchandise, and to make right
any error or any article which does not give satisfaction.
Many of our customers tell us they can do much
Setter with us than in Portland
This stands to reason, as rent, living expenses,
light, taxes, etc., are much lower here, and all these
count ou the selling price.
We have another shipment of those excellent values in
Lace Curtains. Notice these prices, per pais
Lace curtains 2', 4 yds long, 30 in. wide, 39c
Lace curtains 2- yds long. 06 in. wide, oOc
Lace curtains, 3 yds long, 40 in. wide, 73c
Better ones at prices accordingly
We carry a well-selected line of the well known
Topsy Hosiery made by one of the largest and beat
equipped factories of the South.
Ladies' Hose, Fast BlacK, Special, pair, lOc
Better ones, 13c, 16c to 23c.
Childr'n's fine or coarse ribbed hose, IOc up
Misses' hose, fine guage. Lisle Finish, of
ten sold for 25c, SPECIAL ISc
Boys' hose, heavy ribbed, a "Hummer,
2 pairs for MMm&5c
3 pairs Men's Tan or Fast Blach hose, 25c
We aim to give the best worh sox for; 5c
and 3 for 25c found anywhere.
Emerson said: "If a man can write a better book,
preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap
thau his neighbor, though he builds his house in the
woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."
I am ever day proving the truth of ihia saying. Only thia week I
find that I have been visited by pec pie I. ora tha following
towns: Dayton, Carlton, North Yamhill and Forest Grove. Sure
ly this is proof enough that I do things as good, if not better. Ihan the or
t dinary optician. During the past u years several thousand cases have
passed thi-ough my hands every cne of which haa added some Using to
my experience.
Investigatiou, Study, Daily Practice: these are the
points which strengthen the Optometrical service I
render and these (together with the great care exer
cised in every case, no matter what price is paid for
the glasses purchased) are the reasons why people
from the above towns, and others, have sought me
out when needing help for their defective sight.
And J,wlr