The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 06, 1909, Image 1

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,anlH (.rove Ihuinit
ri-cjii Von i5
FtUM ;!, J'Hy
,! lV. S
ft HI
Thti nHri't tt b Form! drove
jiimtolll-" I"' b bV"' )',', ',,,,'K
March .".I, I'm"'. " It'. I'-". Tlir
rM'Ml Hi Hill'"1'" (""I'lllx"
f,,r tin () r i' d, 1 H'.
or a ftain f H'0"' lh,n ' v,r
thr. previuti fi-al year, AiTnnl.
iug In llirm ll(tf". IlilUhoro )ra,l
y oilirr town lii ihemiinly in
111 UialUr f I"1"'1 11'1" rroij.In
U margin uvt-r ifuvi i.iU
1111(11, il i llU, alliOllt.U 1I t!t l.'l
Tlii 'H K'vn t'" l',lll'ir " ',r "'
I tin growth of txith Jt"it wlbln
lhrid imiintl I'Miiiin r M
KIiI.iiy, of ifovp, iof the
opinion Inel '' wl" bava
(rcB dtlivrry within two ', .r
vldtd ill" Mill) ol itnt i-hll
liulil. roinnir (' lhi
rlly, i of ilm ante i pu ioii, iUi
mfrrpia to IIiIUIi ri Tim Argu
in broad nomnh I wot t ie blh
loan K"' f" ti v-f If th lc
leading ton of th eoooljr in
I'rrirfi in population and bttaimM.
the whole county il grow cor
rwinlii (fly. lIo w i f lvt the
receipt nl itiB Hilluli iru I'lminllii r
by luunttiM, f"r the Ul li tal year,
mhIuu Manh 31. VMM;
April. JtH .
May. 1;MW I'.H'H
Juty. I'Kis
AUt'lt, l'.Hf . .
H-j)tftiirr. nON
OotuUr, I'.HJS
NovrtnUr. 1'H H
luir, I'" S
January, I'.Mf.i .,
February. 'MH
March, I'M"
( 1-llMK, . lUllkll. W It k i II
( l M ili'Uv
i'l. HmiUy, of l.i-inyvi!t, nn
in lb"ii'v Monday alternoon
l M Mllihl. the ilatld.l
Hit-M Imnt, in in (Iih i ity Muinlay,
gt.-elii g fdi-iiiU
I'. Jirkmr,, of Tillamook, waa in
tli lily. Ihn Utter part of Unt
Mm K t Hcbiilumrifh in work'
Inn in lhn llrrl drirllliMit of
II T. liw olticn
llrry H-ibr iot unu, of I'mlinn ',
out ti HiIIdIicim, M)oily
ni' miig, in I.Ik rnl loutii.g i r
A ii.mriiiy IIiiidk kii imiil
M iiulv t' Aiigimt litrin, Hfi
'-,' nl l'ortiillt llffiikr1 bkimI
1 r Muling M
.'i il .v
. ::7rt
4.: tu
. t.'i ',i.i
4 V2 'IS
.... r.
hi Trt
l'., I Ml N.'l
thrr ynr
M.'-l (l)
ti l St 1 K,r
Fallowing 0 K'llK.llt'l' of glltlli
to Iwj.Uynl by tbeCoumy I.tgu,
wblrh in rotnprwful of th two
lUtiks rlulm, FHrtniiigtiin Mini Vrr
Iniorl club:
Th Outlaw will jiUy l lUnkn,
July -1 ; at WrUiort, NUy 1G nJ
Jun V0; ni Kuruiingloii, My .''.o
ml July fi
Tbn lUi.k txim' He l.pJul" in t
ily OmUwt, My '.I iwnl June -7;
Verbixirt, Jium ti mid July 11,
Krtiiiiig(on, May 2.1 ixl Jtin Kt
VrrlxMirt will cihhk Imtn wiili
t)ullwe, May T ml luno 13;
Hnkn, My :U)erol July IS, Farm
Ingtnn. May 11 ami June 27.
Farmlngtou will in turn !ay
Outlaw, Junn I', ami July II;
lUiike, May lii ami iuu 2"', Vnr
boort, May 2 ami July 4
All iKinlpoiicd ganinw w ill Im play
fil af lr tbn rhciliili linibcil.
The IlillclMiro Athlvtin CiniiRiiy
llltd arlinlfn of iiiporiorti n M m
day with tbii8niniaiy of Sute and
Couuty CUrk. The arlirlf el
forth that the eninrp'Ut) lut i ih-,
ud dccniiation in which tbia cor
puraiioti proiiRCH to tiigK(r, iH tbf
purcbaon ol rl and purnorml prop
Hy, lLflhllil)t.aa (if OMlil.K. IfHfilig
enil npxraiing athlflio iirmuuli", thf and eonelruruon of all
hulldinK and upiritrur,turea nnn
ne eary for ihn carrying on of th"
buninoHfl of th to pur
ohatie and hhII notmi, li uidn, tHock
end mortgftgna, to end
hypolhfcaie reel and permmal
property, to borrow and loan iMHiny,
end to Hiiplny capitnl eixl labor
necexBary to onrry on the buHinHi
of the norporatlon, with th right
loexcrutii and deliver nil mwanary
pepers, donuruentH, dwedn, niort
enB and oonvnyancH, of pvry
name and nature, ohnraotar end
deenription luo-SHary to carry on
the hneinrrm of the oirpnration, to
Rive athletic t xhihilionn, Bnd to
oonduot haea lull end other fporU
end aimuenuntH. llillnharo in
named aa the plane of IiiiMiiohh,
end the Inca'ion of the ollice.
The cai.iiiil atock i 2K)0, di
vided into 20(1 HhareH, eaoh of thf
per value of 10 oer chare. Fred
Cornwliuo, Cban Koont., Frod Hei
del and Fied Hewell are appointed
in the articled, to rpin etoek hook
and receive nibmiriptlorH The
incorporator ar W (I Hare, W
W. Itoeoow and Win Neleon.
Ilimg your wairhmt and rlnkt
l l.ibby, for pr pt and nkillful
fejuiriog Curlier Main and Third
wtTfctn 4',Hf
Tloiii Kiorirk, who worked laat
mi in on r nd Ull fir the I'. H A' N.
A.intrai'tom in rillarixMik nunty,
eipfcln In go over to th cnaal and
wnrk on the new road, thic tuiumer
For Sale band of goal; ale.t
1I ri.ii.l'its and graded Jereey
,.w --Win Hohulmeriih, IlilUho
ro. It 2 7 10
Work li'irce, g.iid and true,
'..ul!l )rar old, weigh ll.V).
F.r e cheap H I', Hmborn,
(ii,o mid qtiallir id 1 lee raelof Hill
li .ro, on lle I. inn rotd. H
J. I , ll'tlieli, wlio live aeven
mile et of IlilUbiro, having
built a lrt; barn, i now adding
oi. n i f lb largmt wind mill in hi
tfighhorhiMxl .
Tb.iee who have ixxiltry eell
will do writ to call at lbs depot
Ktiitn lliaheel rmrkel pnre paid
Itritig chit keix on Wednesday!
F W. Walrh
Dr. Muiuf ird, of lUi.k i finih
n ii hi ridenre, which "a tarl
edtfll II ib. Hank in luild
ing an addition lo hiebu'eher hop
at the name place.
For Sale tine epau of hore
weight alxiut I3O0 each, alao good
hurneM and wagon. rflc, fJOO
V., It llb.yd. Third end Map' St
Mil 'M r,y
The lhrn) iineter regitred Nil
d' gree in llilUb.un, lit SuniUy
at d Monday w nratly a warm
Snnw i torn 'e prevalent in pri
of the ! Who wouldn't live in
Or got '
Will 'I'll nir Iwautiful hc-me
cheap. Ii iuiie at reidence, Third
aod Lincoln tr-eu. or addre
II. Connell, ;i'.U Kael Ninth Lin
coin, I'lirtlai d, Ore, 6-tf
Ira Harritl will hhI Jai. Ma
g-udrr behind Ihe preicriplion
loun'et in the Hella Drug Store
lliie eumuier, while ICrneet Uiown
take a ttfi ouui.l", and gnte tan
red up for the benefit of bin health
I'arlif wUbiutt hnuite moving
in the city or in the country, ehould
cill on M. V, Hewitt, Main ulrcet
Iftwreu 3rd and4lh. Independent
(.hone, 03H. (i.iod work guaran
Mr. Cuiry, of Clinton, Oklaho
ma. arenrrpanird hy her daughter
MiM K'nie, and eon, Verne, arrived
iu II, Monday morning
M r. L'urrv i the mother of o A
Curry. Thev expect to make their
home in thin city.
(ieo. Peteraon, employed in the
Donald milt, near llanka lent weei
I, t one of hi llnRera in the big
mw of tno milt, while altenipliug
Pi liul'ten a guy, i.far the big ctr
on Im r dien.
Claude (icria, a nephew of Mre
I.non (iirod. of Orerco. wai in tbe
cilv Monday, with Mr. Uirod. am!
called on tbe Argue. He i from
Hinlen Inland. N ,. and will
epend the Summer in Oregon.
South Hillehoro (Ireenhouee bai
a good HHHorliuent of plante to Hell,
at a very reaeonable prices. Shrub
bery, roptifi, hardy pink, paneiee,
lilina, rlemntiB, wieteriae, chryean
ibemume, bulbe.ivy, peoniae, house
plant; aln cemetery plaole; cab
bng, tomatnee and kele- Call and
e uc, corner of Seventh and Fir
h t reel c Mre. Agues Campbell,
Milleboro. lnd, phone, 1154 .r2if
s l avmii) the AuricuMiual
("ullegc Appropriation
Sennit tbol trwd Wtiil to
If" Malt Aid
Tin following resolution were
pHee at the et eeeeimi if I'nino
na (irange, which wkh held at
Scholia, Il wek;
' Whereas, a ni'ivemeiit is on too'
wilbio Ihe etain to "hold lip Ibe
appropriation of the lat legi'lature
ir the Oregou Agric i'.turil ColIg,
herefore, m il reeolveil, That we
era biartily in favor of thoroughly
ripiippiug and providing for efli
ci nt service at the Oregon Agri
cultural Cnllegn, and be it further
Unsolved, That we condmn the
movtmect invoking lh ltef-ren
dum on the bill peered by tbe 1hI
egirUlure fur the i ii)ipmenl ann
ttiinlainanc of
liege "
The rnliiii.iii
uuaninioii vote
eaid agricultura
wa .'i-ed by
Che li Havee.
John tty Welch
J. II Collier.
. fc.fn
. 91 n.
( 4 a.
Y4 P-
Remember, the Oregoniitn and
Argue, only $2,25,
Lravr lut I'ortlnnd
Kolcl l'.lor l.K ! ,
Hbtii.Ue F!)d . . . .
roitil trove I.imi .
Fniril I'.rovt hI .
Coilli Overland 4'')
IfBvn 'iniinl fur IlilSlmr.i
Corvalli Ovri!n. J:J" . in
Forrat (Wove Lnral v'm a m
Hi rt (Wovt Uh uI I :ou l. in
8)itridu Flcr i p in
lotfU (.rove I.icnl 5 4" p- m
Mra. U. L. Via, of Portland, vi
ited relative in town, Saturday.
Tbe Forel Grove Colt aie in
cluded in Ihe Tri-Cily league, which
la oowpod of th folloeing cube:
Albina, roieet drove, St. John
it vi' t
ami ncouver, am.
(ioternor Benson has appointed
Dr. C, W. Lowe, of Portland, well
known in Hilleb m, a ru mler of
the Slate Hoard of Optometry fur
two yeara.
I.. K Wilkes leaveK ibis wrj-k
for Helena, Montana, where he
will work the balance of the year
ae Kiauiiner of Surveys, in the
etuolov of the Oeneral Land Oflioe
ni the i nilfd mate, wrs nies
will join ber hueband later in the
The electric line are raising the
valuation of faun lemls enormous
ly J. D lUjotiee baa purchased
the Jacob Shearer frrn near Forest
('rove for $12,000 In a ffw days,
Mr. Hhodti aod his family will
start for (iertuany to vioil hia par
ents, whom he baa not teen for
over 20 years, and will be gone eix
At the family home at Cornelius.
April 24, Mra Kva Slelh Lowther,
aged 2D, paed away, She was tbe
wife of li. F. liowtber, aud leaven a
young son. She wrs a native of
Iowa, being born Sept. 2, 1S7S)
The remains were Bhipped to N rlh
Yamhill for burial The Lowthers
came toCorneliua from North Yam
bill about a year ago.
The "Shepherd of the Hills," at
the Creacent Theatre, Saturday
oight, drew a crowded houae. The
ompany put thin popular drama
on the boards in splendid etyle,
fully justifying tbe expectations of
the local managers. The tcei e is
in the Omk mountains, and (he
olav is full of human interest. Ko
land W. Hatlou aa Davy Honey
cutt," the village ruBtio, and Hilda
RobertBon, aa "Mia. tiibb.v tne
village goatip, and J. B. MoCowell,
aa "Deacon Turner, with a mort
gage on the church," played their
respective pane 10 me bsubihcuou
of the audience. Ihe characters
around which the greatest interest
centered were "Marion Ford, an
outcast," by Mh Laura Heimlich;
the "Shepherd," by Mr. Hilrlretn,
and "Roland Strong," the minister
Bubool-teacher. Mr. Hildreth waa
especially good in the simple part
of the tender-hearted old man,
whose eoul bore with meekness a
great aorrow; Laura Heimlich, as
"Marion Ford," played ber pari
with bkill, and showed ability along
emotional lines; "Roland Strong,"
the young minister, waa the star
of the oompany, and exhibited a
true conception of hia splendid
part. The audience waB liberal
with cvidenoee of Hb appreciation
ol the phy, and the management
PuelpB it Parker, are to ie oon
gratttlated in bringing a series of
aood attractions to MillMoro. J lie
The wall of the Donelson con
crnte building, on Third and Main,
are slowly going up, and Ibe
structure will bi a beautiful ad
ifition to Ilillnboro'a business
hoiiRss. The ouiside wall looks aa
though tbe cement blocks were
made of uniform drepaed etone, and
presents a very handsome appear-
Jos. Brandenburg, who recently
sild his home in Orenco, has pur
aliased three lots and will build a
o ittaae thia Summer. A photo
graph gallery baa been started at
the shove place, and work is also
progressing on the Oregon Nursery
Do's new oflicB and packing sheds.
The new hotel ia nearly finished, public has oome to take them at
.nd Orpnnn t fast, ass ii ml nir the their word, when thov nred'ict aood
propor tin us of a town. 1 tbingB iu the line ol entertainment. 1 meeting adjourned.
J. A. .iiiiiii', f llariif
Hridge, was in the. city HAtur.tay,
Jacob Katb-ly, of M'.iinlein'lale,
visited HillebrT'i, Saturday.
K. A. Wolf, of le low Keedvil!,
was in t'lwn Stur.lBy.
Kd. J. Ward, ei-i:i,utity commie-1
sioner, wa in the city from Canton,
L. J. Creps, .f near Hanks, waa
an Argus caller, Saturday. He re
ported it very dry up bis way.
A. Krieger and son, J. A, of
Verrionrt, wrre Argu callers, Sat
urday. Wood f .r wl-; Can deliver four
fool fir wood in any .juantity, in
the city. F. i H"idei. (', If
Mrs Kempin, of 0-wgo, and
ber daughter, Mrn. CirirteriS"n, of
north of i!enc-ie, w-re guosta of
Mre K. H. Poole Jhia week.
Smoker like tbe f'cbiiler and the
Kxoellencia These cigars are of
the best stock. You cau't fofil an
authority ou a good ciar.
Fred Stetler altd John Schaer,
two well-to-do Utters of tbe Moun
taiudale section, were in town laM
Friday, and called.
Thoee wiuhitg woim! for next
Fall' delivery will di well to see
H. D Scbmeltir before placing
their order. His fuel cornea from
tbe In-st Buxton fir.
Hev. J. T. Abbott. Sunday;
School Missionary fir the Oregon
Conference of thn M. K church,
de'ivered an addrees at the church
Suoday night.
Jas. H. Swell and Hn-i Has
uiuesen, of east of t. wn, will raise
no hops this year. Mr. Sewell is
etimum-fnllowing his yard, and
Mr. Itasmussen has plowed hie
yard up
City Marshal Carl Lareen de
servea crelil f jr bis work of clean
ing up along the streets by burning
rubbish, etc. If tbe people would
eee that the street in front of their
premieea id clear of rubbish piles,
the town would Lave a much better
Nordetrom, the Tillmo ok man,
wbu brutally murdertd John l'flrr
sou, a walk'iUii boss on the P. R.
.v N. soioe" months, tear Til-
limook CUv, was Int-d ust week,
and the jury faP.e-,1 t) tkiiM. II?
was immediately placed on trial
again, with the res-u'.t that be was
coi.victid ol murder in I ha Grt
Dsn Wiltrout, of tUle Cty. was
lined l.'by Justice McRobeiie, of
that place, for shooting grou-e out
of season. I ha grouse ate not al
tcgetber blameless: tbev have i
haliit of "homing" ut people, which
h some tiniws resented, aod then
the game warden's deputy earns a
The V'orsNt Orove Colts will go
up against the crsck Alton ciul
al Forest drove ground, next Min
dy at 3 o 'clock A red hot gam
will surely be the re'ult, ss both
clubs are out to win Per.ous
wishing to attend from this place,
can go up and ecu th game aid get
home in good timo.
The president of the Tri City
Baseball League has appointed Roy
Cook, as cue of the otlicial umpires
Tbe old Cornelius baseball fan is
one of th best versed men iu the
game in "his county, and tbe
prehtdent wsa weli pleased with hid
work at Forest Orove. Cook i
absolutely fuir in hi decisions end
if he errs it is because be fees tbe
play wrong.
For saleeheap: Team, mare and
horse, good work animals, 2200;
three and one half year geldirg.
halter broke, in 11-eh weiuns about
WOO: 3 milk rows, good milkprs,
fresh; two 2-vear old hnfer. not
bred; thoroughbred Cotswold buck,
2 year.-"; 15 ewes and lamb, graded
Coiswoldi L. V. Brown, (liwa
Hill) Cornelius, Ore., Route 2.
nd phone 25 Line 5). 5)
Tbe Argus was in error about
the date of the next meeting of the
County Diiry Association. The
meeting will piaee in rlillsno
ro on Mav Hi h nrxt at the Court
House. Dr. Withvcombe of the
State Agricultural College, Corval-
lis, will probably 19 prespnt anil
maketbe principal uddreas. Should
be fail to be present, another good
speaker will be s. cured for the oc
A Pnecial meeting of th Board
of Trade occurred Let Saturday
night. A letter wn& read the
manager of the tinned Uiiiways,
which waa rather non committal
in its character, but which gave
practical afieurauce that tho line
would be built to HiUsburo. C. K.
Lvtle was invited to talk. lie
stated that he had nothing o( much
importance to communicate, but
with regard to tho sawmill enter
prist, thought the men intorested
would Bubunt a but to the counci
at tie meetirg Tiwday nigbt. Some
other matters were discussed by
the members present, and tbe
l(Mtltm;ers Threaten Life of
Circuit Judge (iolloway
101' MY w EXT'DRY" Bl'1 15 "f IT'
lurira b Iticult lo Ibtaia and Wilata
Hide Away
Our neighboring county of Tilla
mook, ia in the throe of a Ggbt
In-1 ween the law and order element
and the "bootleg" element, and aa
a climax to the bitter fight which
has Is-m going on for some lime
paid, Judge Wra. Galloway, Circuit
Judge, baa been threatened with
asca'sination, if he convicted cer
tain persons now under indictment
for violating the local option law.
Tillamook county has been in the
"dry" column for two or three
years past, hot "bootleggers" have
continued to ee!l the vilest kind of
li.ri'.r. and have thus far escaped
c'jnvicbn. The local papers say
tht tbe condition ia a eerioua om,
boys ar d girls being found drunk
on the streete Men who know
about the boofleggers, aeera to b
afr'iid to give testimony againat
them. The present condition ia a
thousand time worse than under
tbe license ayitem. Judge Gallo
way Mated in open court that be
hid been threatened with assassina
tion, and bad been warned by bis
friecda not to appear on the streets
alone, or to attend any place of
public report. Tbe state authori
ties may be cilld upon to take a
Inu l. Judge Calloway is a fair
Judge, and tries all case impartial
ly. 1 he better element u with him,
without regard to their opinions as
to licerjse or no license.
High Q UALITY Drug Store
When you are sick and in I
need of Medicine, you waut
not only that which is True !'
to Name, but also that which jj
is of the highest quality ob- j
tainable. Such is the class '
of Drugs which we constantly '
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al-
lowed to fill Prescriptions or j
sell drugs of any kind in our j
Store: j
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. j
Tbe Oregon Electric runs six cars each
w.-iy daily. The 8:55 a. iu. and 1:45 p. m.
tinins out of Hillsboro connect promptly I
w.lh Sa eiu cms at Garden Uome, The I
Hillsboro-TortUm! timetable follows:
travel Hillsboro Arrives Portland
7 15 a w.... 8 jo a m
5 f5 a m 1000 a Ul
1 1 10 a 111 12 15 p m
t 45 p m a 50 p m
3 S5 V m s 00 p m
6 15 p m 7 jo p m
Leave Portland Anivti Hillsboro
joni m S 05 a ui
S 55 a m loco a m
11 s a m 11 30 a m
t 30 pm i ,55 pm
4 10 pin S 15 P m
5 3" P ui . 6 3sp m
Th Karmington and Verboort
clubs played the first of a seriee of
gimea in tbe Washington County
Leacue. at erboorta, and K.
(i.tetter twirled the sphere for Far
mington. The fiiet three innings
brought no tcores for either club;
then Farminglon took the lead,
aud up to tbe 10. h inning, the
ccore was S to n In the lUih. er
boort rapped out the winning tally,
nid tbe game ended with a score
of S to 1) ia favor of the borne team
Farmington lost with a score of 8
to U in favor ot the borne team
Farminglon lost the game by wild
Summer Rates East!
During the Season 1909
Southern Pacific Co.
To Omaha and Return - - $60.65
To Kansas City " $60.65
To St. Louis and Return - $68.15
To Chicago and Return - $73.15
and to other principal cities in tbe East, Middle West and South.
Correspor.dingiv Low Fares.
On Sle June 2, 3, July 2, 3, August II, 12.
To Denver and Return - - $55 . 65
On Sale May 17. July 1. Autf. 11.
Going transit limit 10 days from dale of sale, final return limit Oct. 31
These tickets rres nt some very attractive features in the way of stopove r and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side
trip to many interesting points enroiite.
Routing on the return trip through California may he had at a slight ad
vance over the rates qnoted.
Full particular, "lreping car reservations and ticket will be furnished
by any Southern l'acitic local agent;by Pratt Vickkrs, AgT , Hillsboro, or
Wm. McMurray, Gen'l. Pass. Agt., Portland.
Executor's Notice
Administratrix Notice
Notice is hereby given, that the under- . Notice Is hereby given tim mo unoor-
signed has been duly appointed and con- sinned has beeuduly appointed aiiinU'.-
nrmed oyorueror me ioiiihv 1 oun 01 i.innrnmHrmii'i.""".-
.... .j . VL.Au:..... k.i . .Iu..qo.1 awl h.a (Inlw rtllui i ti tHI MM
. , ,-u 111 . ,-,- I Vile nuie ui unrmra. lur n vuiiikkiu uuis, ... M- - ....
uiruwB uy men mwun, . vj mwi. County, Kxecutor of the estate ol Helen sucn nanumsirainx.
who usually blavs a fine game, tnd M. Whitten, deceased, and has duly Hiial-j Now therefore, all persons having
i 'r hrieil aa such. claims asainst said estate are hereby nou-
iu uie ciuD uerman
waa behind tbe bat for Verboort.
v,. .h.,r..f,. ull rann havino itied ami ren aired to present we same 10
Bernwfde claims against (wi'desiate are hereby roti- :me. tofrelher with proper vouchers tiiere-
tiedto present the same to the undersign-, for, at the law omw ot rsagiey nare iu
theShate Ruikluie in Hillsboro. Oregoi,
1 , , mfij :i i,J, lor, ai ine law omcesoi nagiey tiareiu ; numu i iutom u in
jviugn a uvhj. n. ravui iv.o iiumr i tne shute Building. 111 Hillsboro, ureeon, Kaiea uns niu uv oi ;my, uw.
n,l hia rpcionatinn to Governor uu or lefor six mouths from tue date 1 MAKY M. UKKhft Bl utr,
1, 1... u.:i. w hereof.
ately appoiniea J. u, uampneu, 01
Administratrix of the Estate of Fred-
leriidt Greenburg, Uoceased.
J. J. WHITTEN. i Bairlev A Hare. Attorneys for Admlu-
Oregon City to the JodReahip of hiu!' Tel'd est j "!'
this Judicial DiatriCt. Ihe OU- a Hare. Attorneys for Executor. T j v Will ,.f
preme Court left for Pendleton laat 1 n Jthrritv Zw
Saturday, and Judee McBride ao- Miaa Wand. Todd, of Forest Bsnka' wew iQ tbe 0lty Butld?4y-
conipenied it and waa eworn in aa Grove, waa the guest of MiBS Cf cilia j James Brady, of Cedar Mills,
one of the bench Judge Bean, ot Greer, over Sunday. was iq the city Buouay.
the new Federal judgeship, opened
ti tiret term at Helena, this week
Tbe Oregonian atatej in its com
uiercisl columns that the bop crop
in the W illamette Valley this year
will be short of the yield of laat
year. It ia claimed that many
hills are missing in yard", tbia
spring, which it is thought waa
due to the oold snap of laat winter;
A p-ominent hop man of this coun
ty telle the Argus that it is to
early to estimate the damage done
in this county.
Mr. Sholes, president of the Cor
uelius Stata hank states that the
bank people have bought 100 Iset
of tbe Banning property, fronting
on Main street, and that they will
build a bank bunding and three
etoree. this eumuaer, one ol the lat
ter having been already spoken lor
by a bupinets man who wants to
lease it for ten rears. Cornelius is
erowing rapidly.
The Sherwood club which made
a fine record laat year, Beems to be
in its old form tbia year. At
Sherwood last Sunday, the loca
club defeated tbe Portland Qun
' bunch, 4 to 1. Baker
Sherwood's pitcher, was in good
tbape, and pitched a winning nan
Miaa Nellie Johnson, of Foreet j Fred D. Adams, formerly ol tbia
Grove, spent Sunday with Miasjplace, ia now located at Foeeil,
Willabelle Moore. ' Wheeler County.
Down in your strong-box there are probably sever
al pieces of Old Jewelry that are doing no one
any good. For a small cost I might be Able to
Modernize them into Desirable Shapes and
Styles, or, if hopelessly broken I will make Cash
Allowance for them.
Let me Show You What 1 can do.
And J-wlr
t -
h r