The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 29, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 7
'-Lilf .. : ,cju' ' , -C as mi'
iy on llcul
(bill Uica ltl Krll ('
A iignlr net h-red last
Halurlay t b"" ,f Wm
Tola. i'l nrr Hi) i Ion, which r
ultl i lM" 'tb
'man, a lad an! "I'lul I'i yr.
;Thn Ulhor. Win. Tola, wa blaat
lug slumps "it
:liKiit to hi houae. and lha ni
.... i
wai mantling al wlial n i
Id l.n aafa dint alien, when a charg
,f dviiamit. which llacd un
a luui, l pltlnl. A ch'itik
lii'l 'iarily ujn the lop
."'iimtl knorking him dtiwn ami run
'tiering biiu un mat it U4 The fath
er carnwd lha In lha limim. antl
Wl (or I'r. Mumford, if Banks,
4ainl Uur I'honrii Pr.
'end Tamiwu. Tha hysiciat iliil
VerythitiK in lhir iw.r fr lha
rflifl of the htijr, but th count' aiun
gwai ro arvnra that lia Wtltt rr-irain
!d conati. uMirs. dying rarly Mon
tlar morning N' hiatus ran pos
sibly attach lo any one for lha
.jBcrnlriil, a it waa una of ibra
singular hinlnits which ordln
ry precaution cannot aard against
h'lia parenta ar HIM with gritd
tuer lha unfortunate occurrence.
C'nroiiar Itrimn was calUd to Iil-
Jny, lata Haltirday evening. Id in
.iiira Into lha dralh of Joatph Ap
,Jin, who dim) auddriily nt'r thai
il.laca.alx.ut 7 o'clock Saturday eva
;nuH PiHirarad had han in tiaual
Jiiailth, until lha dy prevlim,
jwhin ha complainad of aathtua,
wl)ifh hrtU(hl on n 'i d itihl It y
'alerting hlinal( in driving aotna
IliH'k, which gva him irnuhlr
jlhatlay irinu Ha at pjtatl out
Hif tha houa alum I 7 o'l.lm't, into
ifliuilding tixar hy, ami nit liaartl
groaning ahtirlly ftarward, hy a
girl who wa tlaying at lha tc
Tt) girl auiniuonntl aUtatr ol
fiiaiKhhora, ami tlm n:an mi taken
to tha hnuitfl, whara he a tm tlifd,
I without rPKiiing runariotianrvii
Tha ('uronar, aflar an axauiination,
1ih i-lrx) that Aplin had tlifd from
I natural cauaaa. lia w m agatl 75
iyaim, and hia wifrt dial on iha H h
jdf UhI inuiitli, D. caaaad lanurvlrftl
ihy una daughtar ami to aoti,
'rmiit'lj: Julin Aplin, Itellirgham,
in i ,i i .i' . .
vttun; amum Aplin, rortiami,
nd Mm Van Malar, )illay. In
terment wan al li.llcy, Monday,
Hied, near I.urel, Oregon, April
!i:i, r.Hi'.i, of droiey. liolfried Mat
thee, aged 71 ypnra, '2 nionlha and
V.S tliyn Drciaaed aaa horn near
llerlln, (ianiiany, ami catna to the
I'niletl Htatea when a young man,
Ha hail Wen a rieidont of the I. mi
re I section fur a period of .12 yearn,
prior to hi deitti. ll aurvived
liy five children, namely: Charle",
John and Henry Maltha. Laurel,
Mm V. H I.anthera, Portland,
nil Hermnn Malthn, Clalekanle,
Ore ln'eiinnt wan at lha itaptiat
cemetery, at Laurel, laal HumUy
I-Nvri fur l'oitUinl
roinl (,rne lm-m 6:51 a. in.
Hlnriclir I'ljei 9:11 a, 111.
form Ortive Local 10:4 a. 111,
PoieM (Inivi I.tH'al 3:41 . I".
Coivulliii UvetUmt 4.9 p. 111, Portland for Ilillnhoro
Corvallla Overland 7:10 a, 111.
Hotcit ('.rove Local H:ro a 111,
Hurtut (Jrove Local 1 :oo p. 111,
SheriilHii I'lyer 4:111 p. 111,
Koretit drove Local 5:40 p. III.
Marriaaa licennn were leeued on
the 2t;ih iiiHt. to John Hohreckler
nd Anna Hohon luckier
See I.ihliy, the jeweler, for watch
'"pairing, oomer Main and Third
HlruetH. 4!ltl
John Winters, a Mi-xioan war
veteran, and for many yearn a res
ident uf the Middleton oection in
thin oountv iIIm.I M.ind.iir at. hia
home in Portland, at the age of 78
yRra. lie oroeBed the Plains In
1HM He nmlormtail In hid fiarlv
'y" from Wetzler, Pruseia, and
ioog up hie reMilenoe in this conn'
He it aurvived hy neven chih
Jrn, four Buna and three daughters
The Hons are. Kranolu V . I.ewi L
J"hn W ,and Andrew J. WinterH,
wnue the daughters are, Mrfl. Jas,
C Dvis, Mre. Clara It. O'Connell
nd Mri. Alice Clark, Interment
M. .bikini lURftfa.
H rti, to tha if of Antcm (itioa.
of l,mt Hill. ?ii. I'M I'l a
I tit M a ii ii , of iinar ('oriialiiia.
oitintynat visitor Monday
Horn, to .1 ,lio ('liallacomha and
wila. of I wa Hill, Apiil 27, l'.MC),
a (laugh lr.
W. K. Adkina and wif. of Port
land, viai'ad with ralatlvnaiu II ilia
hum, HumUy.
Vut Sala A tiainl of goal; alro
10 ra(itarad and graded Jeraey
'" Win Hdiulmerich, Ilillaho
'o, U 2 7 ID
J. II., of Manning, wa in
lha oily, lat Kiiday. Frank Mar
tin, a I rothar of Mra, Fihar, of
Anu'lfa, lalaly viaitntl the farm
Thti who ha vi- poultry ( all
will do wt.ll to t all al tha drpol
lure HihMil inarkat price paid
Iliing 'hukiina on Wrdnaedaya
K W. Walch
ll J 1'almaUar ami J T. Voung
have l t.n alrctatl hy Moult tun.a
I,"tlg. I O O K a dxlaitaloa lo
lM(ira,.i Lid-", which luaaU in
ami will imilil a near two ttorv
h..ue ihia iiiino-r. to in the
neigh Inirhot tl o I I.'mM).
K'gga from my 8 C White Itg
horna ami Orpiiifrlnna, which are
ftrrfully hiel for fg pruluction
and rlandard tUaliliea, now ready
at ( aineron a y artla. aouth of city
park, Ilillnhoro, Ore. Vinitnre wel
coma 4-1U
Nearly a hiitiire Hi'Uluro pro
pin witnenaed (ha game of haaehall
al Foreal lirove.laa'. Humlay, h-
(aeon tha Colli ai.d tha Alhina
cluh. Tha Colta were taken in to
tha camp of tha vieilora hy a lore
I i lo
Mra A. S Hall, wife of the
Superintendent of Ihu City Water
mi Light plant, who uuJerwenl
Mirgiotl operation at tha OmhI
Sauiaiitan llofpltal, at Portland.
nil week, la reported lo ha out 0!
langer, and improving nicely.
Iii Mm, of tirar Oregon City,
ind tiiK). Hardm, of Poriland, were
in town lint Friday, looking over
the town and adjacent country.
(loth are pletanl wtih this part ol
the atate, and may later own a
piece of Wehit.itc.ii county real
It. II lireer purchased fifteen
acre of the Froat tract, I mile norih
of town, the latter part of last week.
I'be grocery mora will be conducted
hy hi sod, N.irinan. Mr lireer
a Hi build a new house on the trad
purchased, ami try suburban life,
in the hope that it will benefit his
A big game of baseball is ached-
iibii to take place at Koreit drove,
next Hundny, when the St. Johns
Aptiallea will meet the Colt In
battle array A re I -not game w
promi-ed. The game will lie call-
ed at p. in , and Hillehoro people
can go up and eee the nme, and
(ret home in good lima. 7
Hpcretary Ruahlow of the Hoard
of Trade desires lha Argus to an
nounce that an adj turned meeting
of tho Hoard will be held tomorrow
night, when matter ol special in
tereet will he brought before the
miteling. Ladi-i are especially
invited, and the general public,
whether member or not, is cordial
ly aeked to attend.
County Commissioners Rulner
ami Mcuiaran were in mo no
Mondav. and held a eeseion with
Judge (loodin in relation to bids
, LI.X 111 1.
on roca wora wnico win
peived at the May seeeion of the
Hoard. Contrac'n will be let for
cruehing of aUitil U.IMH) feet of rock
at quarries luoatcd at Oaeton,
Thatcher, Cedar Mill. Tigardville
and Bherwond. these dietricts
have voted special road tax, and it
is estimated that enough rock will
b.i (juarriiil to make 5 milee of new
Macndsm road. Read notice to
contractors In thie innus.
I i rant Mann, of near Cornelius,
a lew days ago received another ad
ditiou to his herd of Polled Jerseys,
from Hpringlield. Ohio. The new
arrival is a yearling heifer, and is
known ai "Pinalawn (i'teen." The
animal is registered, and ie a beau
ty. Mr. Mann, it is understood,
will take his herd to theetock ihow
at the AlftHka-Yukon Fair, this fall
In fct, his herd will make the en
tire Northwest Circuit this year
Another importer of fine registered
llrtlaielns to this ounty is (Isrhord
(i letts, of Iowa Hill, who has four
h.,ifr and a bull of the above
breed. His herd is closely
relate! to "Colanlha Johanft' the
r.nmiiinn in oh cow of the W0NC1
I.. 1 not known whether Mr. Ooetze
a ill tako his herd to tha Seattle
f,iir, or not. Washington oountv
ia oHitiiiii Bome mighty good stock
within its borders, atd that faot
1 wo l .ta on l.incolii and Third HiT ha given f7?00 anl the Amarirai ll.
will help her dairy Interests
l.nMcrn and Caste ItrccJciK
Donate Cjhi an J (hips I'li.h
Orrjia Fiat Slick w ill Hale Fart f I
Crrat fib.blt
Thaoflu ial ratalogua of tha I.iva
Kiick Hhow of tha Alankt-Yuknn
Kair will m ready fur tliKtrihu'ion
early in May, and tbia will include
ill trcfttary irifnrtiiatinn regard
ili ! riee, rlaeeifjcalion and
aaartla Cor.i'.nielinn wi.rk on
ihetla, atalU, pmldtK-ki ami yardu
will I completed long bofore the
opening txhihit. Theaa will lie
open to rxhihitora ten U) hefora
tha a how ojiane.
Among the donatora of prir.
m'Ua Icom Jqa ripof ition maDaga
, . . . . .
Aberdeen Angu !'ater' As'ici
lion, of Chicago, ,(NN) Th li-i
of i ml iv id ul d .lulora up to t'a'.e i-
s follow:
American Ha"knv H'ire Sofia
ty, New York, N Y. (inerney C
One, S,c "Silver in. dal for slal ioo
and to are.
The American Aiaociation of lm
Mirteia anil HreetUra lil(in Dmft
Horaea, Walanh Ind J I) Con
tier Jr. Sec. C.nh priiea l.'UJi) ami
two reere rihhona ailh Rold nml
at of IIO I value
American Clyiltxlale Alio cia'.ion
(Miicago, R It Ogilvie, W c. Silver
Iterinan Ilinoverian Oldei.biirv
('oarh H'irrie Aa:cialion LifivMe
Ind. J. Cauih, See. Itm) cah
Percberon Society of America.
Chicago, (ieo. W. Siubhlt field. Sec
' H Hold medal," eilver cups and
IS.' cah priie.
Percberon Registry Co , Col urn
bus. Ohio, Chas Olenn Sc , 17
Hold ami silver medals.
American Shire Horse Associa
tion, Wennna, 111., Chas. Hurgeae,
Sec , 10 Silver cup
American Hulljlk Horse Assofia
tion, Janrtville, Wi, A. C. (itl
hrailh. He;, 2 Gold Medals
American Short Horn Hreeders'
AeBiK-iation, Chicigo, Jno liroves,
Sec. 12 MX) cash prixes.
American Abertleetn-Angns Breetl
era' Association, Chicago, Cbss.
(i ay Sec fl(KK)csh prixes
American Hereford Cattle Hreed
ere' Aeaociatiin, Kansas City, Mo.
It U Oilvie, See 4 Silver cup.
Red Polled IMtle Club of Amer
ica, Oothatn, Wis., H. A. Martin
Sec 1,100 cash piitea.
Ilanip-hire Association, Cold a a
ter, Mich.C A. Tyler, Sec 280
cash prixw.
American Oxford l'oan Kecord,
Hamillon, O010, W. A Shaler.Sec,
l.ltK) cai-h prixes.
American (Jotswold Registry Aa-
nidation, VukeHha, Wis. K. W.
Harding Hr-o. 175 ceh prizes.
American Tamworth B.vine Kec
ord, Ann Arbor, Mioh., K. M. Ball,
Sec , Silver Cup
The Oregon Klrrtric rum si can each
wnv dailv. The 8:55 a. m. ami 1:4s P. ni.
trnin mil of Illllsboro connect promptly
with Sulrin enra at Carttrn Home. The
HilMltoro-l'orlliitiil tiuietnlile follows:
Uavt-a HillalMUO Arrives Portland
7 aj a m S a m
8 W a 111 10 00 a m
i 10 a m i )S Y m
1 45 p m 50 p m
55 pin 500pm
6 ij p m 7 J0 P
Lrnvra I'ottlmitl Arrivei Ilillsboro
7 un a in 8 05 a m
8 55 a 111 loco a m
10 15 a m 11 3
1 30 p 111 35 P in
4 10 pin 5 15 P "
5 30 p m 35 P m
Card of Thanki sincere thanks are due all
friends for the kindness and sym
pathy expreseed on the ocoasion of
tho death of our father, the late
Gotfiitd Matthes
Charles Matthes,
John Matthes,
Mrs. W 8 Lanthers,
Henry Matthes,
Herman Matthes.
Jake Bttttus and father returned
from their trip to Hums, the latter
part of last week. Jake sums it
up as a oounty where they have
"nine months of winter, and three
months ol late fall." In going
through Bear Valley they saw an
antelope, and the country was
alive with geese, jack rabbits and
sand hill craneB. Aft ir looking
over the cointry Mr. Bettus thinks
he w 11 remain In Washington
county, "the best country on earth."
HlllBboro Argus, $1 oO per year.
(eo Itinl., of near 'ileuct-, wae
in town
Jaa. Imlay wa up from near
Retlville, Monday.
T. H. Pars'nia, of l)illey, was io
town UhI Friday.
Nick Kemmer, of Cooper Moun
tain, was in town Monday.
If. C. RupplfS, ol Buxton, wsb a
county eeal vieit'ir Uet Friday.
New line of ladie' back -coin be
at Libby'a jwelry store. .12 tf
Mra. 'ireenburg, of Orf-triburg
Station, was in town Monday, on
legal busineea
Rjrn, to Mr and Mrs. Oe. T.
Yarley, uear HiiUlioro, April 21,
I'Mf-i. a daughter.
Hhingles, sand, gravel and ce
ment at C. Ii. H'icbanan .1' Co ,
Cornelius. 4-7
C. A. Lefellier and Krnma Witt
were married on the llthinst,at
IHoo ming.
Horn, to the wifd rf Manuel In
gram, auith of Reedville, April 23,
VMV.t, a son.
Wood finale: Can deliver four
foot fir wood in aov uuantitiin
rolte, wa oil from Portland last
Friday, shaking handn with old
A Urge, dark by horse, for sale,
very gentle Wm. Hanenohrl, 4
block east of M in ter bridge school
bouse. 7
Wm. M. David and (iladyg H.
Peltibone were married at tbecourt
houe, April 2:5, UXrU. County Judge
J xxlin ofliciating.
Hmokers like the Schiller and Ihe
Kxoellencia. Theee cigars are of
the best stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
H. M. Tunetall, ol the Phillips
neighborhood, who bought a (Uar
ter block in the Bihcow Addition
last fall, expects to build a 2KX)
home on the tract this summer.
Partiea wishing house moving,
in the city or in thecounlry, should
call on M. C. Hewitt. Main street,
bstween .'ird and4lh. Independent
phone, (I3S. U.iod work guaran
teed. .IS
The estate of the late Dr. W. P.
Via, of Forest O.-ove, was admitted
to frobate this week. The httire
are Mr Fauna Via, wif, and I
F. ami R L Vis, and a daughte',
Stella Via. The estate consists of
real and personal property value !
at 2S00.
Harmon Wilcox, of Portland,
was in town lt Saturday. II is
associated with the Nalsor-Wilcjx
Lumber Co., whoee mill is located
in ihe northeast part of the coun-
tr. The W'ilcoxe recmtly sold
timber holdings io thUar.d Colum
hia counties for ISO.l'-OO They
still have severul hundred acrs of
timber lelt, which surrounds their
For ealecheap: Team, mare and
horse, good work anini!, 2200;
three and one half year gelding
halter broke, in ll sh weighs aboul
!H)0; J milk cows, good milkers,
fresh; two 2-year old heifers, not
bred; thoroughbred Lotswold buck
2 years; 15 ewes and lambs, graded
Co'ewolda L. C. Brown, (Iowa
Hill) Corne'iua, Ore., Ron'e 2
Ind. phone 2.1 Line 0. (V9
David Marsh, a sou of Protestor
Joseph Marsh, of Forest drove
took an option on a f.-irm of 2(!0
acres 2 miles north of that pl.ic,
known as the Littlehales farm
which was purchased seven years
acobf Mr. Littlehales for abjUl
0 per acre, and the placet sold
last week for f 1 00 per acre. This
is an excellent stock ranch, aud
was bought for dairy purposes.
Swift it Co. announcp that they
plan to begin actual packing oper
ations in their new plant at Port
land in July. This brings to the
surface the necessity for thelarmors
of Oregon to grow more hog.i, Pig
can be raised until they are three
monthB old on vetch or other rough
age at prftctically no expense other
than for pasturece. A fat 200
pound hog in Portland today ie
worth !flo..'Hi cpn, live weigiu
The packers will have to get a sup
ply. Must they semi the money
for the hoga to Nebrask, or will
we raise them in Oregon !
Mrr. Ann M. Smith calebrated
her 81st birthday anniversary at
Forest Grove, last Saturday, she
is a tvpioal Oregon settler of 18.12
hale and hearty. She came to the
Grove from Li Grange County
Ind . and went there with her par
entB from tho place of her birth in
Ohio when a young woman. It is
said that Aunt Ann Smith walked
almost the entire way across the
continent. She was marriod at
McMinnville, Of., to David Smith,
who died at Koreat Grovd two years
age. She ha ono eon, Milton
Smith, a Portland attorney, ami a
daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Wiru,(if that
General Manager C I; Lytic
Return From InpiCtionTrip
taiiipiov ha Setiicd all Right of Way
Suits in Tillimoik
C K Ly tie, general manager of the
P. R A- N., returned last Friday
from a trip to Tillamook county,
whither he went to iospct work
haing done on the Coait er.d of the
road He was accompanied by
Chief Engineer Davis and Attorney
Wallace McCatnant, of Portland.
Mr McCarnant atteodeJ to sever
al right of way euite in Circuit
Court, all of which were settled or
disrai-eed. Mr. Ly tie inspected
the work i.ow being done by con
tractors from the Hay eastward.
Cl'l" C,-SriHl.tkli8 week for
, I T M M. aa ...
work. All the right t4
been secured between Hillbboroand
Tillamook Bay. The route trorxj
Hillehoro will b to the 27 mile
poet, to the head of Castor Creek,
thence following the Upper Neba-i
lem river, at or near its source,
thence via the Pennyer to the Sal
monberry. thenca by the Salmon
lrry to the main stream of the
Nehalerr to its mouth at Nehalem
Bay, thence along the Nehalem
Biy to Pacific Coast, theoce down
the Coast to the mouth of Tilla
moik Bay, thence following the
shore of nilamiok Biy to Tilla
mook. The road ia practically
built from Tillamook to the 10 mile
post eastward. The tuonel at Hob
sonville has been completed. An
other tuonel at the 2-1 J mile post
has also been finished. All con
tractors are under bonds to have
their work fioiehed by June, 15110
The total length of the road will
nu miles, mere win be a
large amount cf trestle work, but
no extremely difli:ult work will be
Frtd Rood, of below Newton, was
in town last Friday.
Bring your watches and clocks
to Libby, for prompt and skillful
repairing Corner Main and Third
elreets. 49if
Geo Carter, late tf CoffeyviUe,
Kansas, wno purchased a 4 acre
tract in 0k Park recently, called
last Friday. H is pleased with
this part of the alley.
For Sale One span of horses,
Wtight about loMX) each, also cood
harness aud wagon. Price, f 300
C. R. Bloyd, Third and Maple St ,
IIillBboro. 9
J. T. Fletcher, of ah.ive Forest
Grove, was in town Friday. Mr
r-letcher is ooe of the county s pio
neer school teachers, and bold the
championship belt as a ' Yarn
Leonard Weetfall and Opal Shaf-
fir, of the Sherwood section, aged
respectively 13 and 1G, were mar
ried by Judge Goodiu Monday ai
ternnon. The children were ao
compnnied by their parents, who
kindly gve consent to the license
and marriage.
For sale: A ten months horse
colt, eired by Kiuggo, he by Norval
lving, 2:12i This colls dam was
sired by McKioncy 8818, 2:11 i
eire of 1C iu the 2:10 list. This
should make a fist hoy, and be
should get inside the 2:10. Has
bad good care. Will sell reason
able. Will also sail the dam, a
fine, speedy bugv horse C Viobl,
Ji b's Cioseing, a mile west of Hills
boro. 7
The bids for the Uillsboro School
bonds were opeued last Monday,
and the highest and best bidder
was Jae. H. Adams, of Los Ange
les, Cal., whose bid was 5 per cent,
aud a premium of $475. The
amount of the bond issue was $10,-
000. After the first five years, the
district will pay oil the bonds at
the rate of $1,000 a year, until all
have been paid. The Hillehoro
Commercial Bank has been desig
nated as agent.
A hoire belonging to Carl Grib
ner, near the 27 mile post above
Buxton, was burned last Friday,
and the fire spread to some tcntB
owned by the P R A N Co., near
by, with the result that two or
three weie burned up. The fire
was undoubtedly of incendiary ori
gin. Some Greeks who were dis
charged by cjutractors on the P,
R, it N. are suspected of knowing
how the fire started. The Greeks
are a hard lot, for the moat part,
and are always ready to throw
down their shovels and quit, if
things do not go to suit them.
2. -Jill -m
Our Prescription Department
Is our Pride. We have
the confidence of the
Physicians and of the
public. Thisjs increas
ing trade each month.
Why? Bee ause it is the
important part of our
business and AT ALL
TIMES receives our
careful attention.
W'e fill o many F'revription thai our
Stock i always FRESH and FI.'RK, he
ai'les being comprehensive and complete.
Our Charges are Al
upon Value of Ingredi
ents and Time and Shill
required to Compound.
They are not "Guessed
at." All are treated
The Physicians Trust
us. You may safely do
During the
To Omaha and Return - - $60.65
To Kansas City " $60.65
To St. Louis and Return - $68.15
To Chicago and Return - $73.15
and to other principal citits in the Eat, Mitldle West and South.
Correspondingly Low Fares.
On Sale June 2. 3, July 2, 3, Auguat II. 12.
To Denver and Return - - $55.65
On Sale Max 17. July 1. Aug. 11.
Going transit limit io days from date of sale, final return limit Oct 31.
These tickets pres-nt some very attractive features in the way of stopove r
pr vileges and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side
trips to many interesting points enroute.
Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight ad
vance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, sleeping car retervations antl tickets will be famished
by aoj .Southern Pacific local agent; by I'RATT VlCKERS, Act , Millsboro.or
Wm. McMurray, Gen'l. Pass. Agt., Portland.
I High Quality Drug S tore
i 'ZZ
1 When you are sick and in
' need of Medicine, you want
I not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such Is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
F. M. Btarrett, the Forest Grove
architect, was in town laBt Friday
C. J. Russell, of Banks, trans
acted business in the city, last Sat
urday. T. 6. Perkins, of Buxton, was in
town Tuesday, on his way home
from a business visit to Seattle.
He states that Seattlo is bjomiog
in anticipation of the big fair.
Rates East!
Season 1909
Pacific Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John Boose, cf
Banks, celebrated their thirtieth
wedding anniversary Sunday, Ap'll
18, when a number of friends gath
ered to wish them many happy
returns cf th day. The ocoasion
proved an enjoyable one, and the
honored couple were the recipients
of many useful presents.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
If. T-
A ...
t .
"as at Middleton on TutBday.