The nllLL NO. f HILLSHOKO. OKWiON. Al'KIL 12. 1909. vol. a i- . : , - -- - - - t lytic I illrtiiHMk HmJ f,t a Hitt Slice Huili J A. KuiiMitit. i.l ikalmi, wa in town Ui Kii'lity, V bur wool ami mohair- (! H Hitchanaii it Co , (Jiirnt-liti 1 7 Dkii Uiav. of HiuUi Tualatin, n Arfu ert Uat Halunlay Nrw lit Mu( la li' back r nttib at l.ihba jiwulry itur, 2 ll V. A. Veibimrt an.l ifinf Vrr- liort, wrro In tliB city Monday, ml raHfil. hhiiiI. aravi-1 and c- . It. Buchanan A Cu , 17 . l!arrlin ayatfinwiU fi'tunl 1 ir.iuyyi tin irf lit taMad iuilluR l Or.11 Cln.f ol ll.ii ... railroad '"' ' lh" I'1" .. ..1 it,. TilUtuiHik lin". fr film - - huh h I"" ri''" -I I,. ...mill'nlll lIlB limV mail that will 'V Portland dirm-l '"" '...mloilimi with lh" C'. 0 'in trv that I now r-rvl if regularly , .uimm Tlcre rmiiin alntil 27 tuilv f TilUiixM V road to Ilmalir.l llr tl l-rnnl on. tract l ' l ", lh" ,0', " cmutiUitl. Thl 27 milt will 'but IrM Uiau fJOmiMH, a iavr I, lh rharaoler of lh work t" I uml-riakm. In lbi 27 iaili ibtiw li lunntiU Ki U driven through IthaCoaal mountain and lh ! 7-nraot lhwoik i"f H" rieavcut ?ihi.iIIii deter iillnn. Tl. U.U1..IV. tiilnied peciitm "I vli r-d rutm 'i through lh l''t "f l" : ll..,. .ml haaVV til l ai d till twill I ntrar. Ilig lMdg ,. . . .k. .... .mi. in .Im.n a .1 .11.11 111. III w i. .ill ...r.v tint Ir.rk OH lUHIiei" I .1 L il.. I,. II. Mnrth of llie I work lo tmaoMiii l'bel t ihroiuh I riK-ky country. lha mean th m .v tng ol largn t'iatitltieii 01 rc, ami Ihia i U i'riiv oik that i n Im uiulertaken in railroad building lUd for lh" cnii'letion of lh Tillamwk road havn I f... l. 1 1, ll.rriliian dll.riaU, mnmru mi and ttxy will l omied Aril.' and lh ponlrail awarded nm Iheteader A liUllitn-r of railroad lonlraoli ra ate aulut iiliog boU for tho work. UK AT H OV UK. VIA n. V l Via. aded t'7 V ea ra. one I of lha rily'a oldeal .yiriti "(! 1 uneof lhiPountyl" known rit Irani. iaoed away at bia h-ine at Koreal (irue iuddanly Saturday .....ri.iim at an ratlv hour. He had lived In that fit? olT and on for '20 year. Dr Via waa horn In AHwmarl County, Virginia. Auguel I'l, oil when child timviMl ailh lii tiarenta to Mieaotiti. whrs be grew to manhood. H gradutted from tha Hi. I.ouia Mrdical College al Hi. 1-mi. M. , oml ha b-en fn gagrd ill th praolii of nindirlt.a ner hiiihi, hating grniiri 10 1M72 lie fiiet caiim In Orrgou in 1HH, and t.rao'ired in Korect ( iroe. alier a limn h returned to MUaotiri ntl returnHl lo the l i rove in I Mm Dr. VI 1 wa t one lime Coroner for Wih ngton County. IU w uiember of lb O.'iler of Mamma ll U.vna a widow, two H )DH. Onv Korent, of Koreat irove, a Mu lent at the Ui tver!iy of lfrg n n.l f'nllpuR and lto !. of I'ort land, md one ilauglitnr, K.tIU. of Konwt lir iv llo'.i) eona are mar ried Th funeral wan hnld Mon dav f 0111 the fauillv reniilnce. tin d.r itm ..Ni.n'ni nf ilia D.'dnr of MaaoiiM. Sbinglea, ineitt at I, Cortieliua. J H II ihinaoo. a grower of iri . l- in the Karininglon uottrict waa in towu Matunlay. Itrinir our wa'rhea and clock lo l.ihhy, for irouifil and ekillful teiiainug Corner Mam ami muu nUeela 4'.lf Cbaa. I.iudon. of tlove li'.ructw, waa in lon Monday. H baa b.rit mi the ei( k lil for aome lime paet. Thoee. who have poultry to aell will do wi-ll lo call at the depot lorn. Highiwl market prim paid Hiing rlntknna on Wadueadaya K W. Walch. A SESSION SATURDAY 11 MclKcr HimdOidcrcd l.stab lishcd I.ant Omnty HRIDliE HIDS KMUIU HV COlKf Imbiit Hold FcUUm Cara aver la lh April Tciui lon't f irgel lh dance al the M. V. A Hall. Ileedville, Saturday eveimu, April VI, umler me au ajdeva ol Ihe MiMleru Woodmen. Ilekrl. II (Hi; eupper, Jro. All are iovitml. Mm 1 1 mh School will play a niairh game of baeeball on Saturday, April 'ii, Will) Uie I'llley Sfho.d oiuh, al the Hilleboro Ciiy I'ark The game will b called al 2 :ui. Kor Sale Doe pau of hor, weight about i:Si each. aUo good ai.d WailoU. 1'ric. C. U Hlofil, Third and Maple St , liilieboro. ' UiJa were oned lal Saturday by the County Board, for lh build itgrf four bridgra in the vicbity of TigardvilU. Ci tnbir.alinn hi I wire niaie a follow: J. H Lor eting, I7H7; K K. Ueatmner, (J'.7. I.'i lioth b'd were r'joted hy lh t iarl At the aame uieeting, thf . 1 1 ...i.t. Mougtif roU waa ouerwi reii I Tl. rnad nelition (if John CarUott waa leteivml, and John W Seaell, L. A. Rood and the County Surveyor appointed to view oul and aurvey the road The road (te- lition of II K. I'nbrie aad olhera a ried and oontioiml to the May lerm of theCounly Hoard. The Couuly Court h ordernl the binlijiiiir of a ti'ic tank f ir tlx U aUo orlerel the m.nitiuption of a cement fidewalk from Main elreet to the court houee d.ior Walt Taylor waa given llo Thorn Sim, of Krming'r,n, wa in the city Mondy. IVter Chriten in. of ertt of Ifel vetia, wa in town Saturday. VI r. W W. Wriivht and daugh ter, Florence, vi-it'd in l't rtland, SaluriUy. Word fir Bile: Cm deliver four fiint fir wood in any ouantity. in the city. K. i. Undid. 0 if I, C. Hrown, of I it Hill, couth of Cornelius wt in the city last Friday. He I.ibby, th jeweler, for wach rejiairing, corner Main and Third aireet. lljrn, to Mr. and Mr. Y.. I. Mationori, of tiicton, April 1, VMM, a on. i II D.irland. a well known farmer of lht Shady i'.roik ctclion, wa in town .Saturday. Forty huad of farm, ilraft and driving horm-e for 11'' to 10( 0 -Merrill liroc .V voii nroe., Corueliu. Ore. 4 ( Frnl Delplanche, one of ihe thrifty farmer of the Centervllle cection, wa an Argue caller, lat Saturday. lUrrettand daugh- M nf l'orlland. were gutHtc of Mr. Jane liarrelt, lt Saturday and Dr. W. H. Hare, of Portland, viciied with relative b Hilicbjro, LL B. ENGINKEK SAYS ROAD IS SUKK Reports of Newspapers to the Contrary Were not True BQAKl) OF TKADB TO CO OPERATE contract. OKKCON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE Tlir (lrr(au l'.lninc rum l Cr r ' ... .I...K "VI 11- H t . 111 mi'l 4', . in liallik out of lltllaliixu c'iii"-"l prcuiiplh with Salctti t' t i'.4tdt 11 llonir. TUr HilUlwio l'..rtUn! timrlal'Sr follow; lrvr IllUxtiuto Arrive l'ortlnn.l H 1 S0UTHEHN PACITIC Ij.ivr. fur T'lirll.nil Korril (.rove l.tx-al ...... Hlieri.Uu fytt Fuml Grove Local Form tirove Lik'hI CorvHllln Ovrilaml l.rnvr PortlKinl for Corvnllla Overland 7 Horn! Orftva l.rMn1 . . Slim a 1'trenl firnve Lwal Slierlilitn Hlyar , Kortut drove Local ... 6 ol a. ... 9-t' , , , , 10:41 a. 111. .... H P. " ... 4 1'- '"' llil!lioro ni 111 t .00 p. in 4 :10 p. in 5 4o p. "I J. II Thompson, of Mountain dale, waa In town Saturday, look inir for a ' i.rnftvHi'inal bull whack er." He neeiln a man to wieKi the goailntick in hia logging camp. Ap plicant need not have a diploma. Soolnlouv rnmirla hut one lienilH " (table nf more v'Korouti language than a "ihBoker," and uiai i " animal of male pereuacton mai m IbhIb printing ollioec. Dr. Marahall will be found Pr manently located in th "llice of JelTontt .(r M.ruball. denliHlH. over Wehruna'ti (tore. Pr. Marahall Ib aunoeaeor to the firm of Marshall A JelToott, Dr. JtfTcott retiring, o M Hoala T. Mn and J. B MoNair. nf Ahlnil. were nutH ol Jne Apiienttte and wife ihif week. Mru A nnlwiate i iinil her huHUnd the latter part of lt week, and they expool to go to houHekeeping Boon. Kor Hale Four graded JerH-y heiferBjone freeh, and balance soon lobe IreBh.-IC. U White, at mi eud of 0k Btroet, llillBboro. 0 C The tri cily Irafsue game ojiena at Foreal t irove Sumay . al 2 HO. lib the Forel drove tain and Alhina aeconHetaula Admbaion, 2-c and a Kama aorlh while. Wm Tuppei'a roan t Mik a pin Monday inorninK, with Ihe mail ....1 .it.rhiwl. dctwu toward the tie- tHil. where the animal waa caught, and returnetl. NolMidy hurl. i-io.i ti,..rharl. Dft tiiy County Clerk of Clataop Uolinty, maur ihia city il ' f"uy' t.tuI waa lh goeel of hia coucin, Kd. Lure, during hie clay. C While Leg horn and Orpingtone, which are carefully bred for egg production ami ctatldar.l .Ulll!e, now reeuy at Cameron a yard. cottltJ 01 city park, HilUhoro, Ore. Vieilora wel come. ' MieaOra Brown, of KeUo, Wash., ....1 it;., ll im ied Hrown. ol ror .. 1 :'... vimied their aiater, Mice p., mum., Vivian Brown, and other relative in the city, over Sunday. L-....L U'aii. ma. of Portland, of the Slate ComuUHeion ....... i -.i ami til r air, now IU hp i" "1" ----- - in town led Sunday, the gueet of It (i liuild. 1 n c rhomaa. a former well l...... man. now of Wa lltinu ... 1 in- vv..h wniea Hal ne ua irr viii", " , u !..... I .i.iuonteil a PIirtiiB Agent of thellMieral Land Ollice, T.i. t..,i.,,i.rira al BiKikaue, WHO I" - - - , Wanh. Hie frienue here will be glad lo lm f hi p-ouiuion. White HoX b?al the Sunny-ide Colic, of PoriUoil, laat Sunday, at Sherwood, acore r toll. Todd, for atterweoj, incur, a great amat.ut game. nd 1 arm It, 0 the name oiuo. n r..ot... atrong t the bt. Tne viaitor. had no chow from the ctarl. .. ... ti A Atklna. well knovrn ivev. ; . i.l here ne a popular minieler in the Imtal M li Chtircn, now i.T" ihe l're-byterian pulpit t Maup- ln,Wiconcin. Kv. A'"""' "ur hiuh in the Wirooncin Preehytery. n. 1. 1 u, .iiinn tlieannual and cuooeeueu i" n- - Htate meeting, M""'0" " . . i held in hia home city. Here's lu to you ivu... Ancon, "ttltcreer j" you be." , For Bale cheap: " "'""" horne, good worn animat, -, fh,e nd one-half year gel. ling. 1 t..r.tra tn lan weiuiie uuv natter ' ...:il... mill. II milk oowa, gotvi lunar.-, (rM,h;lo 'i year old he era not hrd;thorouRh..reu;o.u : - tin 111 V 01 HW a in """ m it mam S I' 1 45 p m J 5" I' '" I 55 l 6 15 p m t.ravri I'ortlaml 7 no a III 5S a ui 10 15 a m t 'P" 4 10 put 5 P m , Oil l III 7 10 i in Arrive) HilNlxtro S u$ a 111 in t o a 111 11 Ji a m -lii I' '" 5 tS V Bl -. MS P m Card olThanka ti,. .m.l.r.ianed deaire to expreec I lie . their deep ipp'rciatton t f the kind ..... .r .1 avmnathV eXteniieil tnem on the ocracion of the funrral of the ate J. P. Cabow, of Scholia. Mra J P Cabow end family. Card ol Thanka Sincere thanka are due all friend .h. Win.lneni and avmoathy ex preyed on the occasion ol the death of our lieloveil omnium mm lamr., the la'e J-m K Pnci Mr. Ja r. rnre, !, f. Prltf. Mia S 1 IVdrn, Mr. I'lii.ip Chrl.t, Mi. II- M. Hire. ).. A. 1'iue, H.N. I'tiie. . K. Vticv, . A Price. A . R I'ncf, V. ll. Price. 2 years; 15 ewes and lamb, graded CoUolde-I, C Brown, Iowa Route 2 (19 Hill) CorneliuB, Ore Ind nhone 25 Line .). The local Woman'e Kelief Corps . '. iU Hillnboro teaohere enierianf" - ,, . 1 t..,n.. pt. the ( range Hall, ftl lllliuucuu .- Uet Friday. Tnenwiuwr.u. .. 1 a....0 nnai were also invited, Ha w,ll as the .nembera 0 the HillHboro band. A nice gonial tune waaenj tyedby JJ- lunoheon was giveu tu f the service ul the teaohere and tllfl band, on Decoration Day and other 0 A. It. ocouBBionfl. Judge Crandall, Commander Morion and others made short ppefohee. H L. Halvornen, of Farmiotflon a-a in town Monday. Chaa Bieling, of near Roy, was in Ihe city SMurday Fred 'Ia'pt r, of l!ton, wa in tou Monlay. Ak l)r Lowe to ehow you the latent thing in nose glBeB. Herman Collier and wife, of Soholle, were in the city Monday. Urn tiik. who is rapidly Xiuua J-' ' " gelling into the pioneer cIbbk, was In town Saturday. Smokere like the Schiller and the Kxcellencia. Thoee cigars are 01 .t,. Block. You cau t f.tol an 11 W a.'V" - authority on a good cigar. vir.vria were made the pant week to leaae baseball groundB in this ..:. l. iu haaetta eiunuf impi", but thus far they have failed to get Btiilable grounds. Have Dr. Lowe relieve your head and eye ache with a pair of hie : oLaana They COBt 00 more than others, and you haye (be benefit of hie skill ami over to yeais experience. Fred Shield, who works tor it-. K. Bohmeluer, badly wrenched his right wriet, while eoutlling with Ubi Sunday. The wrench occurred where tne wriat had formerly neen oroaeu, and the injury was dreraed by Dr A. u. Bailey. D..r.0 BtiiiViino linune moving, l IU " B , ,j : v,niiv nrlu thecouutry, should It! - . n u n ilnwitt. Mainetrel, can mi " v. - between 3rd and 4th. Independent phone. 03S. flood work guaran . A i) o vueu . Married, at the court honee, April h HKM), by County Judge Ooodin w'. T. Hailey and Mies lfi M. Har UtBton. The groom U 2d ,nA ib bride is 17 years of age nuu - Sunday. He ha been practiduii a month in the Shetland Buibliug. Andrew Heckmanu, of near Bethany, wat in Sttunlay. prtig hia county eeit friend with that rxnial emile that alwaye 'Biays tint " If. Lowe, the optician, who i to l.H in Hillabiro. "1 bur lay, April y'l haa been c-iminc hTe for yeare, .ml Ik Liaekillaod honenty hae built up a larte and lucrative busi notB. t....tHlweeri the Christian ..Knri-h .rid the tidWUlill. a gold l.vr.L.i K-iib mnnnsrain 'J. L. K. Kinder please leave at h. L Mc ,'ormick b Btore UowarJ. ' (Mrrnil Court adiourned lat Sat urday.but Judgo McBride left the term open so that hecouia return for a day, at a lime, u neceeeary. The Clackamae county term began last Monday. Dintrict Attorney K. B. Tongue went over Monaay morning lo be prei-ent, in bis official capacity. II vim want nhotoi tAk.'n that are "Bjteaking likeneeW ?uoh a Blrangers Would netrate n n.r i without BKir.2 an iniru- duction to, go to the Oulsnoro Studio. K a.nnf Krank MeleHeck, who ivee on the McCormick place, near he Rood bridge, received a Iroken thigh, lant Friday, caud by a t..Bo rn,l acriTir la linn on tne little fellow'alre. The child wae only jearB of age, and wae at tended by Or lamiecie. K M. Calef, a newomer, who bmght a p.ution of tbo Jann bow ell place, 1 mile northea-t of town, i. nUntmir 2 acres to email iruu -ill an acre or two of nun "... - atrawherriee. Hi8 neigltDir, . n.n in aetiinif out 10 acre? to Clark's eeedling etraw lorries this spring. Mr. Calef rill put lOacree more in pmall fruit next year. lTnrl drove will Runtuit a prop ,,,iiinn tn vote bonds for 170 000 r., . n water evstem to the vo Itll w.." J ters at a epecial election, to tie ne.u ... , , . . . . t . tnr v ine man la in kbi r., tliA'n eutmly from Clear Creek in the Soda Springs district 1 UU If" Buxton Hill, and will have a ca pacity of 2W,0UU gallone. w 11 tlnllie. nrrsident of the Forest tove board of trade, baa ntdd a committee to obtain tight of ay iu that city for the United Katlwaye electric tine, aim .... .linlt funds to nurohaee termi nal grounds. It is desired toobtain a Bum Bufficient to buy 10 acres, lo cated three-fourths of a mile north weBtof town. The following men are on the committee: h. . Haiues, chairman, J. A; Inorn burgh, C. O. Uie, II. J.Goff, W . H. Hollie. A. (1 Hoffman, S. (i IIughe,J. F. Woods, Kd ward Sey mour and M. Peterson. tuo Washington County Mohair dooI sold 555(5 pounds of this year s ' . . . . 1 .1 T U . l'. (!.,n clip Monday, w t j . iy of Portland, wbiou goes to .ue stock now being accumulated by it., mniialr ninth factory recently established at Portland. The price 9, n ner tiound. wnicn i ouite a Bubetantial increase of the the nool last var, whioh was 18o. Following are the names utitulina the wool: Mrs r n n.ireham. J. v . jacaeou, . C. Beach. Ladd it Rfed, C. RehPe, W W. Paine, Jos. Connell, lnon. Conoell, Jas. Sewell, ina Wood, Geo. Johnson, Wni Sehulmerich. Win lUcheldor, Thoa. Seins, Wm Chalmerp. F. J. Williams, JftBper Harttand Paptr Waits t idrrrtiw blilrbira aid Canny The Board of Trade held a meeting Ut Friday night. Kditor Batee, of the Pacific Northweet.of Port land, was present, and presented an advertising propoeilion to the Board. Hi scheme was to pnot a thr.uiar.d copies of a wrile-up tf HilUhoro and Waehingtcn county on the tront page of bis paper He rl.imul tn have a circulation of ldOCO opiee. The Board voted lo nay 1100 for the write-up, with Ihe idea that it would appear in the entire insue. 1.000 of the paperi to be sent the Board for mailing, free of charge. But alter me meeting, Bitc claimed that bis proposition ... tn r.rint but 1 000 CODUt of tb issue, whici would make the 1,000 coiiies cot the city 10c a piece Th committee on a reel room and accessories reported progress, and hopes lo have a repari at nexi Many letters of inquiry . .. r pnnnnj to the w cetary, ana ii. U i creel deniacd f irlilera- tur descriptive of Hillsboro and the county. A copy cf the resolution recently Our Prescription Department Is our Pride. We have the confidence of the Physicians and the pub lic. This i&. increasing our trade every month. Why? because it is the important part of our business, ana AT ALL TIMES receives our carefnl attention. . . .. r-i-J rv . - nnti . ., i. .!,!.! nv ine i nruanu v"u"- cil, which allowed the foiled Bail- ways to operate the noiebed por i mi nf ita rra.1 was receivea. President Tamieeie etatert to ine Arona that be had talked with PKwf IT n iri n er Wirkercham. of the ., ' . ..... foiled Railways, recently, ana voai that official had positively aid that it was the intention of the United In ho itd into Hilleboro. and that the newspaper reports to ihe ,.r, eie entirely unauthor .nd without tounaaiion i fad. Ha further staled that the Pomnanv would send the Board an i iattr tn the rfTdct that the t'UIVIatl ve rnrn.n .nnlrl build to Hillsboro, rd ankd that the Board co-operate with the Company, in securing r'iizht ol way of this city . . - r,r HilUiuirn did more AS II llinnc wi .v., ...... ---- to wctirt the franchise for the old Oregon Traction lompanytn roniami man i t with the cromise that it would be built to Hillsboro. hventual- ly, tbe Oregon Klectnc bcugn; uie in- tereat ol tne traction v-obiiu, i. ;. . ih. rr.nrliise. which baa re- wivu i. , reutlv len modified ao as to allow the .... tnrncrate its road front Portland to Linton. The aasurauc of Kinnneer Wickemham it gratifying, to .... i . ..,.1 rnlt in a mrnd' say ine ivi, ' - , thenadanu tliils i . i. a amer rT rifr. i urir una uv v ixirg . '" v- . i tiimr hut anni f 'fUni? on tne .. .. . . 1 tl.. I n I A . 1 art of IlulMoro lowsru mc -un-. .;i-,.. nnfii th unauthoiizetl new- Ikauwnia. - . . . .iumre.l urhpn It WAS .i.ta..1 thAt the President of the toad ha4 . . . - i 1.1 trt : i ti..t rna ni l wiiiini uuiu v- SIIU tun , Hillsboro, which, ol course, arouscu ... Hl nma inn rnnii ltlllllC wunv WU1C HlHfyH"" ----- -- Hi.Uboro jx-ople had onginaliy uone w secure the Portland fraiicliiae, together with two surveys irom rornauu iu . i"u- . . . Following are the mipcttarti sections ..r n.. r..o.,iinn which Branleo ine I'l 111. ------ - o fniled Railwava the privilege 01 operai US I1IIC IU Section 2. i ms teuipomiY nriviVg" to operate and run cars ti Rranted subject to all the term! and pro- . orMiilitinns mntaiiied lit said ordinance No. il.HS. nd shall not be construed as an auieiunneui w u.c tit.rAi imr meiciv .an vu.- lir an. l' v...--.. - . . noraiv suapenston of the proviaions ol said omittance mimiiug imv. . .. u.. iit tn Mmint Calvarv Cetue- lO IX Wiuui.. -w , . i .1 .i.. .. i.. nf ilillshoro before irry ami . , cars can be op'rateu wunm iue iiuj.v v.. . i ..f l.nrtlan ,t .n d It nimH not be ineniY". ... - -construed to re'ieve said company, its succtssors or assigns, front completing . i ;... a M.mi Calvarv and to the city of Hillsboro within the times limited by the aaut ormnance. ocu. j. n-i.: .h.u ! .iihiect to revocation llll". I. liuu j at the pleasuie of the Council of the CUT 01 loiumiu- We fill o many prescription that our St. V t always FRESH and Pl.'RK, be aides being comprehenaive and complete. Our Charges are Al upon Value of Ingredi ents and Time and Shill required to Compound. They are not "Guessed at." All are treated aliKe. The Physicians Trust us. You may safely do so. Hillsboro Pharmacy Remnants 3c per yd beginning Tuesday, April 27, we place on sale a i ' tVtr Calico Remnants n. large nua""1' ...ww - atfain at 3 cents the yard. These are stand- ard calicoes, all colors, in i w u ,,.v--. Come early, as tney wont last mmt aa. THE C. C. STORE. Just watch it grow! Linhlater Building, Opposite Court House. IIGH QUALITY Drug Store T.i . in an nnotneer ol tue 1 HO iuuiii ' - - , . ton,nd the bn . o.uu. . A1 liinoolni j Ja. Harper, a well iuowo , . MTM:eriIBni Peter Mrs. K. W. Wallace, of Portland, viBited at the home of the Wallaces the first of the week. Mr ami Mrs. Fred Ztllv. of Port land, were EU-ttts at the T. R. Im brie home, over Sninday. T,w llawrse. one of the North Plains hop-iroers, was in town Saturday. - tv,a w.irftst ('.rove Colts defeated . . . ,- 3 the Banke Outlaws last ounoav, at the Grove, by a score of 8 to 7. Rnllock. a well known log ger of the Buxton section, was in town Monday. J. W. White, of Banks, an old time Argm eubgoriber, called last Saturday. ( . runt Mann one of the fine stock ..... nf Viia rtnuntv. was 10 UIUUIUIDID from hia home near Cornelius, Mon day, and called on the Argus. XT r auiuiW Ann lav nnlv. Thurs j. a.;i 07 iif r.nwe. the well known eye sight specialist, will be Hnt Tua allD. in Wttieuuiw. ' He does not go from house to houtfe. When you are sick and in need of Medicine, you want not only that wlncli is True to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which we constantly endeavor to furnish our cus tomers. None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al- lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. ; . t i V