The oILLSB VOL XVI. HILLSBORO. OKK(iON. AI'KIL If. 1009. NO. I 1 ON P. II. I N, AT BAY D.itfiK'H Arm Thenm. Iwh mul Drive oil the IUmcs MkiIII Ami t It r Klag'udrra On tlm Hih iit. IV) Hungarian ami I'iiIm wul)fil on Win wvnlvrn ii.l tf llm I. K t N rilni.aiun, i par Tillmi'Mik VMy, iIwUim! fur incirn K". "I1"1 '""'K (umhI, wut on lim war lb itli shotguns. Viiibatr mI mvol viri,afil ilruvn ij IT llm foreman ami walking w, thrrlftiiK lu kilt thttii If ll"7 ''''I 11 " l"v llm work. Thay tliu tlruv lh luro imilivr out of ttm IIiiUoiiviIIm lun Dl, alitl cliail tlia futriuaii (o Tillamook City. ShMill CfKimhaw or in tru drjiulini. uruinl lliMn with 'nn li-ur',inl mot the nut III, which was llmhul with tirluiy aoil "iUg tui," ami lurnril Ihr llile., II arrt"l Mir (if lti ring Irtdrri, ami ixk iIimii to Tilla mook. Korinaii Ia lUrkir mi rmalfll with scantling, while an automatic J) lnl htil In Inn heail O.hrra were toll to gt out or thejr wotilil Im kil rl 1'iie riol ere struck lor 'i Mr tlay, eflrr rmwiving raiee of 7'u r l jr. only founlajre frevuii, ICirb on has gun ol ei tne soil, ranging from a Winch's; lo an automatic iinl4tt Trntihle ie ri i-l when the itsgnrs are iaii ulT, ae they have eeveral harrel of wine cach'j aar The ringlraitnrs of Die m h will orohahlv gel a chanr In work it the foundry ruiii at Halrm ll ie eaid In he fact that iitarly allot the lirerk end II ungariana fo arm), and are a ilangeroti dare when arooeod , KBBECCA J AN P. PASSU lloWra Jane Kemi'i, a iinr ol IM'J, died at her hoiim ir lhi county, about even inile weel of I'oitUnd, HiiinUy morning, April 11, llHf.l, agr.! H'J yar. 10 m. nl he and 1(1 daye Mre Kannu wae hoin in Kentucky March :U. 11'.! Whn eheeae 7 yeaianld the faui ily amlgraUil to Indiai.a In the Hiring td l4il ehe, in iwiitiv wiih two of her hr.ilhore, Thorna and Hoherl Dniny, Uft Indiana for ()rgnn and rroectd the plain hy oi-teaui, reaching the Willamette Valley in the Kali of lHJ'.l Hhe taught eohool at KoeUr and Wi Ie hurg, in (' C'liiniy in Inland ISVI April 17, KM aha wae marrixd lo Augutu Kan no, aud iiuiumliatrly afterward eel tied on a dunation land claim of MO acree teven luilee wrel of I'.irl laud, where ehe Oonlinued to rneide until In r death, and Ihe claim ie elill owned hy the Kenno family Her htihhand died Juno IMS 4 Mre Kan n n wae the iiiolhrr ol ii children, hmr of whom Mirvlvr nauvly; Mr I I, MoreVk, of Ueavertun; Mre J, I) Wtlinol, uf I'orlUnd; Augua im J. Kanno. of Portland, and A'oi 1 1 U Ken mi, of Milwaukie Him aln leavce live grand-children and one great grand child The funeral wae held at A.nee thaml, TiiHHilay furennun INSTITUTE AT GROVE Teacher from the weHtern narl o Waehingliin (Jjunty met at K irect Jjrove HaiunUy at a local iriHitntte. The attHiiilaiice wae larger than ex Jiecled ami irigrHiiiiiin fur the day proved profluhlH Ut ih aeeu). hied pedagogiiPM At lli morning eeeeion Mie .Mary K. Karuham, of I'aciflo UtiiverHity, gave a talk on "Literature in the (iradea." Pro leeenr K. J. Hadley, nf Portland, gva hie ideee on the"Man ig-meni Jf a Hcho.l aa a Whole," and "ArlthuiHtio" wae the euhj-ct treat ed hylVofeeeorH F. Hill, of Arlnla. In the afternoon th chi'dren of the Koreel (Jrove echnnl prceented a literary and muaiutl programme, whioh rellcUd credit upon the lo cal Uaoher. "ItlunderH in Our Everyday Hpeech" wae the guhjeoi 0' an adilroHH hy Profeator Hall, and ' ( I logr aphy " wuh the theme of Profesitor Hadley Profeaenr IC. C. Taylor, ol Pacilio Univereity, epoke n the "Relation of the Public Hohoole to Higher Kduoalinn." Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas M Lay, of Honth llilleluro, April . 10'., a daughter. Mrs. H. II. lvis, of Portland, "as in the uity, Hainrday, looking alter her property interests here. For Hale Four graded Jersey heifers; one fresh, and balance soon to be Iresh.K. (I White, at east end of Oak Btreet, HUUboro. 6 0 Krank iiM-bir, of m-ar Hi-holla, wa in the oily Haturday. New line of ladiee' hack coinl e at l.ihhy' jewelry eturo. f2-tl lUruird Oateriuan, ol (,'enler ville, we in Dm ity Tnnday. Mr It P, ('iimeliua reported 1-iiU ill. Mn. V. 1). Culld. of Porlland. I vioting reUtivee in lillohiro, thia wwk. Hee I.ihhy, the jeweler, fur walch repairing, oorner Main aud Third elreel. 4lt IC. W. Heine, of Kureel Urove, attended the Council meeliug Kri- ny night. T. It, r rkine. the will known Itiixto.i merchant, wa In town tail Kri. lay. Ilriog your watchee ami clockf lu I.ihhy, fur prompt aud ekillful repairing Oorner Mam and Third ttreet 4'ltf Ihttxcllve Joe Kiley, of Portland. ill the eu ploy of the (). It .V N. C.i,pr( ihrough town Kriday t)r. Mamliall will he f.mnd per inaneritl located in the ollice ol Ji.ll.Kitl iV Marehall, dentiet. over Wehrung'e elnre. Ir Marthall ie uT.iiior hi the firm of Marahall A JifltMitt, I'r. Ji (fcoll retiring 5 0 I'aitix wiehing limine moving, in the city oritt Uie country, eliould mil on M. C Hewitt. Main etrret. h.twee.i .'!fd and 4ih I mlrpeudeiit phone, ll.'SS. tixnl work guran lerd . f. S lUevertno eent the firat aepara- gu lo il.e I'orilatiil mat kel ttile ynar I he lieaverdam land of thie cmnly produce more of it than any i'hr place in the etal Herman Olaeke, of l!-lhany, ie managing in l erciiernn ntailton Carlian ('ii)uelicol, owned by I.. K UrailfO'd, of Halein. Ihi horee will make the rearon in Waehing' Ion County. Hei Mr. li'aeke for In nil a. I'-gR from my H. C While Ig home and Orpmxtone, which are mrefully bred for egg production ud etandard oualltiee, now ready at rameron'e yardi. eolith of city park, IlilUhoro, Ore. Vieilora we Come. i'.'-iu SyUeeter P Ueeder. of Porlland, tlnn week, petitionml the county lo he eiHiinted adminiatralor of four erlate in tine county, aa fol low: Kile M. KMier, deceeeed, hi wile; hi eon, l'beler Keeder, dceaed; Kellliie IC. Filt and Kd- ward Katil, twilh diceaeel. Hie id i to probate the relate. Kd ward Haul died in 1 ',!'; Kannie K Kaul in I'JOS; Cheter Keeder in l'.Mll. and KIU M. Reeder in l'.M) The irorly all lie in tbit county. I'ereone who contemplate build ii g will do well lo call on me, ai I am able to furnieh rough pencil ekeirhee, or blue prints ol build ii)Ko!at ilencripliona Kelimatee and epncificatioui fumblied with each plan S. M. Holland, con tractor and builder, Hilleborn, Ore Pacific phone, .IK;!. 62 II K L Hay, an old lime Hillebo ro boy, and a eon of the late Win. Hay, wa a Hillebiru vieitor Kri day, alter many yean. Mr. Hay ha e ne nt over 20 Tear In the Kaxt, with the Penneylvania Rail rued, and lat Winter he waa ap pointed Superintendent "f 'I" Daradian PaoiGo Pining and Poll man eerviee, with t flicea at Van o iuver, It. C Whila in the city he wa the gtieet of the Hare'a, who are relative, and he had a busy day greeting hie oil Inyhood Iriendrf. V l eeema well to eland the ravtgea of Father Time. Hiro leavinir IlilUhoro. Mr. Hay hae travelled extensively and a few years ago made a trip to tuba. Twenty lo HO 000 torualo plants Irom 4 to 8 inches high now; 1.000 kale iilanta now growing; 76 000 osbbnga plaula ready for delivery. Orders Oiled by mail or express. There ia plenty of time to plant Iriiit treee, shrubbery anil roses. A line lot at the Morton's hiiHfl. ( i reen A U The new c iunty road maps are about ready to be delivered to the County Court. Wilkes Hros have junt recti veil a shipment ol me oiapit and are preparing to put them in hunk form, itaon map when complete, will contain 26( ehfots. 2l:i0 inches, which will give all the oounty roads, water imurBen. donation laud claims and .nb divisions, tnitether with the nresent owners of land . Towneitee are also given, with lot nuacbers and lines. The County paid Wilkes $2 000 for threo of these maps, two of wh oh will lo in Diueana wnue, aud one all blue print, the latter fur the tine ol prtoinot assessors The map has taken a vast amount of citrefiil work, and rt tl .ctfl credit on the compilers. The new map will ba ol Rront value to the county ollmia s. and tuoee engaged in ao stract work will rind them India nensabls. Wilkes Hros wtll ! the maps to those needing them april mm of TUB COUNTY II )AHI) toard Allows Numerous Tax Refunds V. U. SfKATfOS FKl'lf ISSPECIOB lucril Trafrt f UUlrlct Fwoda arc Uadt Follnwing are the pr.ceding of Ihacounty txiard at the April term: R. (J. Hlaple refundrxl f:i'i 62 on double aeeeeement Pelitii.n Chae VaiiDoren, refund of laie; 7-' refunded from e h.xil lit. No. 1", special; aeed in wrong dielrict. A M lirubbs relunded $1 76 Irom hool l)il. No, 16, aiee4eed in wrong dielrict. J K Uayni refunded M V.1 from Forest drove city tai. an account of property Ixiing outide ol city HlUlU. W II Mi l'uriiiii k rl W, ptlillim; IHtilKiii tut nrtitnl aO'l rctrrtnl to I'linr- rutiiij! Attotnrr, alto j-tilion of J lin CarlMiii. Tbt lollowunr I rmisft-r nf riMt'l ilulm t fiuuli writ- nMrml to 1m- iimlc: I(it I tu llt 1 ll", t ) -t I lu it 6, I lot,. )lt l'i In lliil ). f-i i. I' Hi 17 to tfi 3'.. fsl.Si;l'it i?iil'ii a. f joo; lum ii to M, fs. lht IHtn j. fi6. tit 14 to 5, V"". I't 7 t' IV f Jo; I'ul '.'8 to V ft; Mill to lo x) flit, II K nrilernt Unit U II Mclmiiu.k icnui jiriitlou lie rrreivetl. ami thai A TuilU, J wrl ami t uunlv huivrmi M'rtnll lie pxiinu-i to ii-w mil mmrv alt) truiKri rua.l, to meet at lieinioii); ilul, Aul I'ft. l lo a in. K S Ai-i.imlrr rl a'. roi -lilnui rre'd, J A liiilnn, ii W an-t Co Stirveyor nnptM tn vh-w ami lorMe to il lu Inwt a liriii:iiii( Koit, Apr i. l o(. at 9 . in. Tilt foUoolrik! Iuiicnit wrir up piotclaoil ti.ll iin in IIiINIoio J l' Court Sltr x Piatik Sioilh ami U in Van'lrliry; im- K M Kill, miiiit t II II Wrlbuii, mis v Del Catilr T II Tongue, twIHion 'of rrfiiti't of Un, or, It ir 1 lii 90 I irftiiiilcil. Onlneil that wm II Strallon Ik-ap- (tiitf.l ft it 1 1 teeilor for Waili Co, ti II W itlivromw l'viiilnl iiui.I n fVIVlf of I lint j. Ilrtiuna Metkcr, triKitt of viewer of tot.l o.uitniif.l to Apr 17, 1919. A M Met ill, ruail hied end ac- rrptnl, ami J (' Miller, J V,' llit;lir ami I'o Suivryor ajipt'd t view ami locale, lo uttrt Apr io, iyy,l l-K'ieg point. I; I, I'kiaoiM. lelioil of vimni trad a trcooil llm ami accepted, eawnn-nt or- lered eitlaniiuieil. Claim allowed: KoaiU and lniliw.v-A It Twld , I W llnslie M, Ilemlrick .St Son J ?s, J ! Adamift Co is. B a'l Co jS 75; Mc l;iliir llnm 1 S. ) Ii lUilry 2, John Slrilnrli 7 90. Src Vault & Metal Co 47 -S8 and S, J hntoii Hie i 05, Conrl- nun Htm 10 40, Mint l.l.r Co 10 s6, M IVtriiion S 7$, ileal! A I'o 7 Jo mid 37, Beach & Keller 9 49, I' (i Gardner is. 0)111 PiH-ketl 4. N S I'nckelt 17 50, llho Com )Unk I yo, ha K Iliatllry, 7 16, Willi! llatdwuie Co s, Jacob Keiclini 7 64, Sunset Co ii to. I'llnlitikr Argui t9 so, Hillntxuo In deeiiilent 4S i) and Washington Coun ty Nrt l,t so. County ollicial. lary anil eipeime Kcconler 141 h$, clerk 179 jSi atsot I o 1 15, C K I rti'liinaii lu aes.r' oilice 7S, treamirr 51 15, aurveyor y o, uliool tnpt 111 5, W llUooil health ollicer 9t 4, Win Tuptier janitor 40, Julia McClaian coiiutiiuioiirr IS yo, W J lluliier com J.l 95, County ,lulge J W ('.00.I111114 70, nJiertH anil tlepnly jHj 70, Imaid of p. iftotiei lol. Relief A II Sner 65 15, V M Robin toil 45 K5, W O Uonrlaon 40, 0 K TiKil 8 is. IH ltit Drug Slorc 4 40, L)r Mom- fool 7, Geo W Holt , A H lUiley 6j, Ii II Hand t 7S- Mart 111 nndeliey 110 50, Pioneer Plug Store H is, Victor 11 Ijiii- lier IS, Ubo Aulo Giuage ft 50, Shepard Son 8 in, HIuiiIk-Ui ltielaud 6, Jane Mm doll 2, Ann rreenian 6. Kefuuil of lax A h McCiiinsey t S4, O IrKellv a 7. limit Miller 4, Cluu A Miller 3 18. J A Dickaon s W C Jacktoti 8 S. Heirs of ltehccca Miller I y4, J C Miller 10 v.t. T Meacham 6 79, Sam JolinwiiiS 3ft. i i-eue 2 05, Mairiiliikalm 1 1, 1 A lloii.9 os, r. v. Latotuette 5 77, I.eo Scliwandt-r 4 8t, It T l'.itit . Collecting taxes J K Butler lit, F I IlencU 117 S. B V IKiane 117 fxi, lillie C.odnmu 1 1 j, A C Shiite 103 50, F B Sic grliit 21. Juror I F Havnie S 40. W Tliomit tou 7. P M lackton t 30, Jhs BihiIv 5 60, A B Flint j, II Van Dyke 4 00, W C Jackson 4 40, Ziue Woods Jr 3 90, Win Itjucaeiu 6 10, A W Hall 7, I r ltuxton 4 m, II R liiiunott t, Win Wilson 5 80 tlioiup Cone 4, Fred Wilcox 31 40, Win Wilaetjt 80, R 1" Simon 30, I'll Herb 31 40, Allen Iii ley 31 No, Allan Kue 31 o, Jacob RalTety 32 10 Witness circuit court Cbna Vandcr- wal a, Kov Mulliu a, Mr HriigKer j, lini urn Iliiigger 3. Xtuicy Curtis 3, Kruest Burke 4, Hoy Richardson 4 (to, Kli How ell 5 40, Win Boucsein s an, John Milne i 30, Aninrose iiioriiiiurg 3 30, .1 ,1 Meacham 4 40, Win McCoy 4 ao, Thus Stevenson 4 ao, Mrs Mury Dilley 3 ao, John Siittmuer 4, Mr Nellie Foster 7 40, Mr Sclmeller 7 40, .1 no Mrimcli 3 20, lr Diuiinick 3 ao, A C Sliute 2, Mrs II Knittle 7 60, l'tuil lVoplcs 3 80, Mis M Foester H, Mr I.owiU 8, Geo Kirkwcod 3 to, Geo Meacham 4 Ho, lleury Meach aiu 4 80, J F Hntiry 3 ao, Mil William sou 8, Fred Bruckler 7 20, Chsa llracesco 8, Frit)! Furig b 40, Carl Larsou a, I. It McFarland 6, Geo Hardy 2, Chin Van dcrwnl 2, Mra FSavnge 8, J W lglilfool 93 ao, Addison Williams 5 80. Witnesses Grand Juiy Percy Hughes a, F, F Tiiompsou a ao, Mury llrugtcr 3, Nancy Curti 3, John lhrig 4 ao, Kiiiiua Urugger 3, 1) B Adams 3 80, Peter Van dehey 3 6 , A Gassner 3 60, 11 1' Corne lius a, Walt Taylor a 40, Mrs M li Mc Dowell 2 ao, Jno McNew 3 50, G M Mc Dowell 2, Geo Smith 3 70, Henry Smith S 70, Mra Wheatley a 70, Mrs Jno Mc New 3 50, Mrs CIihs Bradley 2 40, Isaac Allen 3, A J Hoy 3, Chas Bra lley 40, Andrew 1'ietsou 3 ao, B l" Cornelius a, Jut llorwiik 2 No. Junt 3. AV DonaliUon H. M Mtinkei. Jo, J S lti lev 3 Ho, Scott Allen J, H Hunt 1$ Wllnettrt rottnty court - J I' S hold S lo, Dnn'l I lery I 10, A (itttner 3 10, X A liutmier I", I GtMin r 3 in. WltueM J I Court - Boyd Iing I Jo, I.nla Suillri 3 20. John Vandi ln y J 30. Klde Smitb J . I, F ("anient. et timljrr s 00 I) I) Iliinip, eoll tar IJ 00 Thot Tongue, Ditt AtlyolIice jo uo C B Hudianan, road vtrer.. 7 40 Pacific Stair' phone - 8 Vi ll W lltrne. J I court H 5 li V lliritet. J I' feet 1 JJ Tlio Wilkrt, conuty couil J fxj Httgli Roger, " '" ft "O (i li Hancock, refund J Jo GO Hancock " J "7 Itnlrprndritl Trl Co 10 yi Gen Morrill, turv roa U 6 00 Will Sc-hrndrl, nttet:ltg . iH II II Tiganl, " J7 S Pauley. " i 60 J J Kuralli, " 3" " I.tght Ac wat'r, court houte J7 06 A C Iionelmn, " " - 67 7" McNamer Hrot, l.ivery 3 00 1-'. 1. McCoimnk, Malionery 8 yi I turn k Corwin, juitor 185 HllWIrjio l.iveif County 350 llu.liotig ,V Co, tlHlinoery I 00 ) J Hill, circuit court J JS J K toll & Co, Utv - Glatt to Piudhomnie, y - y ' T R Katclilfe, regitlertcg 4 f R V I'otlt, elecliont 3 50 Byron l.tnionl, circuit it K G linger " " 4 4') Win Wrket " " J bo Hugh linger " ' 6 00 G A 1'atWrton, lupptir 8 75 I'eter Zun her, A V I Kir 10 00 Mf It Cardwell, exp trit in tin C B lUroer, J I'd 3 Jo Wni t'glow. grand jury J 40 John I' Wilton, wiIiicm 4 00 A S Dilley, irane - 3 7 F W Johnton, witnet 4 00 John McClarau, W A G J 4 80 Editor Worid a. of the Nw, was dwn from Koreet Grove, Monday. Public dance at Hilbhiro Hall, Hiturday eve, April 17th. Toelle'i 0 cheetra I'twdey A Hnley bought Black' Iraying buiineee, laet Friday. We buy wool and mohair. C B. Buchanan A Co, Cornelius 4 1 Chas. Wil'oughby, of norib of Hilleboro, wae in the couuty irat Monday, bhinglea, eand, gravel ami ct u,er,l at C. H. Buchenau A to, CorneUue. 4-7 Attorney C. J. PchnaW.of Tort- laud, bad bueineee iu circuit court, Monday. Forty head of farm, draft and driving horee for eale; 5100 to HiCO Merrill Broa. .V Wolf Broa., Corneliue, Ore. 4 C C. C. Hcbarz moved to Bank, Tuesday, wiier h will reeide lor a ahile. C. McC.eary aico moved to Banke, Tuesday, Smokera like the Hchillcr and the Kxcellencia. Thwe cigars are ol ihe lwt etock. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar J. II. Miller, of Shady Brook, called last Saturday. He reports proepecta fine for a good prune crop this year, in hie eection. Thoee who have poultry o eell will do Wfll to call al the depot etnre. Higheet market price paid Bring chickens on Wednesdays F. W. Welch. J. J, Kuralli and wife, ol I'hil- lipe, were in the county Pfst leet Saturday. Public at Hilleboro II!l, Saturday eve, April I7th. Toelle's orchestra. Mra. John Grossen and daughter, Mies Liiiie, ol Phillips, were guests of the Kuratlie, the fore part of the week. Chas. True, of the Tualatin neighborhood, was in town Mon day. Mrs. Mendenhall returned last Saturday from a visit to relatives in Sheridan. Kmest Haas, a Sheridan druggist, waa in the city the fore part of the week, visiting with his father, Ul rich Hans. Many fruit trecB are no in bloom. Those who have investi gited, say that there will be an average crop of fruit this year, tx- oept peeches. The cold weather last winter practically kuocked that crop out. Frank Wallace left lat Sunday for Hammond, Ore., where he hfte a government position as yard mas ter on the jetty. This is his third year on the work, end last year the mvernment dumped 4 000 tons of rock into the ocean daily, aud this year the daily rapci.y will he in creased. Mr. Wallace sayB few peo pie realize the magnitude of the work being done at the mouth of the Columbia. tr you want photos that are pictures such aa you would like to send to Kastern relatives, or hang id your best room, go to the Hills- horo Studio. In the finishing pro css, harsh lines ttnd deep wrinkles will be softened or eubdusd, freck lea, soars and pimples removed crops-eves ana crooned noses straightened, blind eyes restored oltl people mmle to lootr yourger ard young people handsomer, with out destroying the character of the face, II I'. II. GLEK CLUB (iooj Talent and a Fine F.n tcrlainnicnt STl'bENrs ALL IS GOOD VOICE indieici Sol 11 Lirgc at Eileriaii mrit alrrittd PaHfic Uriiver-iity' Student tilee Club gave a brilliant entertainment at the Crescent, Saturday eveniop, and the attendance waa cot as large aa the excellent numbers merited, and m'Jhio lovers who wereconepic ujue by tb -ir absence missed tbe real (uuoical trial of the eeason. Tne etudents were all 'in giod voice, and I be individual, aa well aa the chorus work, was wtrtbj of metropolitan precincts, and a bet 'er financial support. Tbe Mieeee Goidie Peterson, Alice Bewell, Ce cilia Greer, Blanche Hai bison, Amy Thomas, Liela Hersbner end Mix pah AtierneiLy, in their individu als, rendered their numbers in voi ces thai give evidence of natural talent, and no lick ol wholesome trainirg The work of I he male quartet was heartily appreciated, while the violin obligato by Dwi- neli t'lapp, for color, finish and tecb- uii ue, was a revelation to bis aud iiore. Miaa Sewell and Miss Greer, whose bcniee are here, acquitted themselves to tbe satisfaction and appreciation of their mu-ical friends and hearers. Miaa Frances Clapp presided at tbe piano. The program: PART ONE I .Cantata .. .Smart King Kene'i Daughter CHARACTERS IOI.ANTHK Mia Coldie Peterson MART A .Mis Celia Greer BEATRICE Mias Alice Sewell SOI'KAM.) Mia Blanche Harbison COSTRALTt 1 ..Misi Amy Thomas PART TWO I (a) Conlata: At the Cloister Gate Grieg (ty Gypsy Life Schumann THE HOMKLKSS MAIDEN Miss Liela Herscbuer THE ABBESS Miss Amv Thomas SOPRANO Miss Mizpah Abenietbv It Ear above above Pacific's Waters, Male Quartette III Violin Solo: Grand Miliary Fan taJie Leon.inl...Mr. Dwinelf Clapp IV Go to Sleep my Honey Male yuartette "Little Papoose," Radcliffe College Song "Morning Song," Smith Col lege Song Cheer for Pacific, Football Song HAIL, PACIFIC HAIL! V (a) tb) (') (d! PUBLIC SALE 'ill sell at public sale at my place in Helvetia, 8 miles north east of Hillehoro and 4 miles east of Glencoe, at 10 o'clock a m., on SATURDAY, APRIL 17, Five heifers, a'j' years old, will all be trvsh in sprine; 4 cows, Jersey-Durham and Jersey-llolstein, one with calf at side, one Iresli scon, aud two will be fresh in June; Jersey-Shorthorn-Dur-haiu bull, x year old: .vvear-old bav gelding, weight about 90O lbs, broke sin gle end double, good saddle horse; t white sheep; t lamb; Red Chester brood sow, with 3 shcats; 3 dozen chickens; hay-cutter, good as new; fan mill; spray pump, lot r:irrel3, 10 sacks of seed pota toes tHurbank); four 10-gal milk cans; livers house furniture, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Under $10, cash; 10 and over, 7 months' time, banka ble note, G per cent interest; 3 per cent discount for cash over $10, Lunch at noon. Moriti Schmidt, owner. Fr. Boeniger, clerk. B. P. Cornelius, auctioneer. , JAMES EUMOND PRICE Died, near Hillsboro, April 10 Ivw, James LJoiond Price, aged 85 years. Deceased was bom in Ludlow, New Brunswick, Canada, June 6, 1824. Ou Jul; 6, 1S51, he waa united in marriage with ne becoa A. Sbarpe, of Woodstock. New Brunswick. Kleven children were born to them, ten of whom are still living. In 1S55, deceased united with the Baptist chu'ch, of oodstock, N. Is., of which church he has always continued a mem ber. In the year 1895, he came to Hillsboro, where he resided up to the time of his death. The funeral occurred at 2 p. m., Monday, Rev. Ij F. Belknap, of tbe Methodist church, preaching tbe funeral eer mon, interment following in the Odd FellowB cemetery. Advertised Letters Mrs Ablfowsnu, Mra N Burlingam, Mrs It A Brown, Mrs John Blair, Mrs Martha Chalmers, Mrs FA Duncan, Wm Fletch er, J-sse lUyes, lim Hanson, Marsliel Hunter, John Lyons, Wm McFee, Mrs Lura Miller 2, Louiee Michels, Geo N O'Btieu, Chas Kobinson, Frank V Smith, A mm Sims. 11. P. Cornelius, P. M. Our Prescription Department I Is our Pride. "We have the confidence of the Physicians and the pub lic. This ii increasing our trade every month. Why? Because it is the important part of our business, and AT ALL TIMES receives our careful attention. We fill so manv Prevriolion that one Stork is always FRESH and PI' RE, be side btinjj comjfehenMve and complete. Our Charges are Al ways Right, and Based upon Value of Ingredi ents and Time and SKill required to Compound. They are not "Guessed at." All are treated aliKe. The Physicians Trust us. You may safely do so. Hillsboro THE COST Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of ail M onty Received and all Money paid out Pay by Check; Get a Receipt The endorsement upon the back of your check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore. ! High Quality Drug Store j 1 j I When you are sick and in j j . , I J need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True i I to Name, but also that which j j . I is of the highest quality ob- i 1 I ( i tainable. Such is the class j of Drugs which we constantly eudeavor to furnish our cus tomers. None but Competent reg I istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our j Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. T. M. KERR Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Cmpany If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FARGO LOCATION. Independent Phone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON Pharmacy OF LIVING H. A. HUBBERT i , It tit.. 1