The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 08, 1909, Image 1

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y injihhjiVjIi
TiHtlmoiyf IIm Accomplice
wn nt On rubor ittctl
It tki'H ''', !''
lid K AirrM'4
ft.- r... nf lh Kiel v. ItrooliB
rame i'P ThurnUy fi-rn.M.n
Itr.aik wa charged llh l the!
of I'.HKl from Mr. ISruggr, ret of
IllWD. Ae there wa other
with Hi crime bejond 'he teelimo
ny of hie ii'ped bi'C (ni.lic-.. th-
daiie-hler of tbe old lady linger
Jude MelUde liftrirtttl th jury
to bring In a verdict ol a .initial
Th j'ry ""M"'
lo li'g i-rNiti'. I. r l riii, i
J Krebh, N J. flrll-n. J H
U.-Vimar John 1 ' V I il
k lira ill Cha. Tavlur. I!. I. Birch
II, Aug Tew. Jacob Hiniih ml
Th- Krr Hhortly anr m m
did wa rendered, which gv
UriHik hie frhlm h w rear
r-il . Hlitritr lltncick mi a
rhara of lewd and laaciviiHH M
habitation wilh the HruifgM worn
n, who was the ifoouung wil
naa 111 ill fllfltlM CU" W N
Itarretl iml M It Hump appear-d
fur the defendant In the Aral cae,
ami ib Male wa retrrei t"'l by
K H and T. II. Tongue Allrr
bli r erreet. BfKikt waa taken to
bit olJ iiiarler in the jail.
I will noil at public rale Hi my
tilai in Helvetia. H mllwi north
teat of IlilUhoro and 4 mile eal
of (i'.eticoa, at SO o'clock a m, on
HA mil) AY. A I'll 1 1. 17.
Fiv hrifrta, t, )' ol't. ell
llr.ll In "I"!". 4 cm. .Irrct-Ililtllalli
i. I jrit-Hiltln, tm "ill' rail l tine tun. and l
lr.)i III June. Jriarv-Miuitliuiii liir
haul bull. S vr ol.t, I trai ni l ht
...I.I,..., arll.l Unit iKI U. lntiLr mil
glr ilouhlr, kI Mr Iiuim1, I
Mbit rrp, I Uih. Kr.) Tlirilrr
Willi J luU, 1 ilixrii rtnrkrii.
Iiy cullff, KknJ If; l" "'"I- l"
iuii, lot !ilr!. lo i i'l rn
i llufliaiik I. fi.ur lok'al llil'.k rn
dtvef bout fiiinitui. mul utlirr aftii'lr
luo Bumriuo la iiirnimn
T.rm-t?o.Ur $10. rob, $10
ami ovr. 7 niiinth' limi. Innk
bU nt. It -r ent inlirnii; I pr
cnt tlitoou'it fr cih acr
Lunch ftt ii'M)n,
Murili Hihmiili. nwiir
Kr. lt.MniRir, rlrk
H. I'. C'roB!i. iirlionnrr.
To Mil I.. K. link..
Ilrnlrv. (. l.
ii... Mil I h lli k - W'e. Ill'
Uilirl Mil S.HlHy of Hoinbrnok mi'l
llmlcy. Cl , iiiuTirly irjjnl yom k""nK
v vim hvr hrlil lilurr III out
iM irlv, mil III our brrl (but vo lnn
mil fill. We know our lo m i i"''
Kiii cf llir roititiiuiilly with biiin 5:i
r.l vnur fill ii rr lot an. I r I'oliL'f tHllalr
llir oriiule of IlllU'wri, l)ir(jmi, 1 1 you
liavr iln lilnl In iriUlP III Hu ll llii'iM.
Ix il r.,.Ki-il ilml r 1 1' II
.Ii.. .... i. m ..r ilmtttia ihr antrll
ill.l wntk Hint you liuvr ileiie nuuitiK tia;
for lli liiiiilm yuiiilli, mill biiinmt
Will. Inraa Ilml kull liavr lllliUllill 1 1 HIT
of urnl, mill llial v.e Imvr Irntnril fiom
vi. u the iiroix r anirlt of I'lma'imi Imli
tuilr, In tinir of Httnl Klllli'linil Hut
IfiMwl nml a Irivciit with foi future
natitilllraa vnrl uillt villi.
Mt. V. II Smith. 1'iri.
Mm. W. II. ol"l. Sic
, & Til . Ml.
, 9:11 n. til.
, in i . in.
. 3 4 l.
4:hj l. III.
I-avr fur 1'iirtlKiiil
Knicat tiiove l.iKal , . , , .
kilierliUn I'ljrt ... ....
Forrat (irnv Local
foreal dnive l.oi'al . . . .
CorYitUii Ovcrlaml
l.rve I'ortUnil for llillnhoro
CotvHlll Ovrrlmnl V1" '"
Point Orove 1,ik-I "'
Porl drove Iic! 00 p. m.
HhcrliUn Plr -ia !' '"
Kortat Drove 11 5 4" !
Mv Jack will U (iitiuil lit mr frm
at filenoofl, dnln tbe year of
wm Termx: 10 innurH mro i"
) In foal, $10. I am prppareil to
breed tnaret wilh the Impregnator.
I'hone No 7(1. (Jlenooe. Adilrw,
W W. Paloe, Hillnboro, Ore., R
D. 3. 14
lUiBAr ol mohair In this county
will be pleased to learn that a mill
ha been alartwl at Bel wood, near
Portland, for the manufiiotiire of
inobair cloth, whioh will give lo
cal market fur tbe product. Hither
to Oregon mohair has been "hipped
to Boston markbtc
Mia Marl Tinnnrnlht. of Port-
laud, visiteU the Mibbbh Wallac
over Bunday.
MIhr I.U Patterson, of Portland
vtBlted relative In tbe oity over
Hill, h im Aftn. II ir V"r
II ni, to tbe will' of Win Z.(!r,
lUnka. Ofi. , March 0 l't f t , mm
Mo ir V IIiiovi t' uii-al mirkft
will hiftflr b 1 IihmI on Kutidtr.
Hi l.ibby, llm jrwi lrr, fur wich
repairing, corner Mair. ai d 'I'bird
trt. 4't.l
i. J. Ptluit'.nnr an 1 wife v i tit d
Portland Tn-i ty.-
Ilolifrt lln knr, of Jii.k, who
K'llil hi pUc to l(l'"V TIlOII.UH, i
no a leaiilmil ol MiiUliiro.
New line, rf liii' luick fomha
at l.ibby a jnlry nt r. .r.'-tl
P. irn. In the wiln "f ' rit Mann,
Mr ('onliii, Orrjion, March '7,
I'M '.I. a datiKbter.
1 1 r i 1 ar vour waiclir and rlncka
l.i l.iliby, for pniinit and nk'llful
ppainiiK i.iirnrr Main ami iiunl
ttreel I'-l
C llidmold. of aiiuih ol (lurnnli-
ii. wa in town TiiKNiIay. and call
nl on the Argu.
Hniokora like llm Hohiller and the
Kiclliicia Tbfe cigar ar ol
the lwl eliN k. m cm t fool an
itulbority oil a good tiga'.
For ale. a email fruit dryer, a!-
u a ItnUval cream separator No.
il neaily ne. V. V Ame near
ItMbanv pfiwbylnrian chuicb; ad-
dreee Hulbrmik, O ..
IbmiMwln Lavu noultry o rell
wid do will 10 call at l!i d ot
ttora. Highral markfl pfiie paid
Hriiig chii kn ou W eilnemtaye
V. W. Walcb
TU J k to 11 mliiKil lull club
Infl ated tbe lldvill -ho -I tenti
lat Haliifday, cnre Iwmg Id l 'J.
ICno'i Jack, p tcher I ir the JacK-1
lin club, atruck out 11 men. 1
Caul. I'illmieer and Pilot Chan
l.Mnkin ran '.he gnolino Uunh
Ouidft'' up tbe Tualatin a fr ai
(Sirr,liu. Ial Hun lav The "Out-
da'' tore ar tind the lxnd in gr-t
A bin croad of roloiiUla Ult
Omaha on toe ."M'h fr O ejjno
They will crime 11 poniard and
atler ihtiitlghi.Ul tbe all'y All
the railroad r-porl heavy liavel lo
the N.irtbwet, Oregon gelling uxei
of the i.ew comer
l.iu..! Jarkeon. a Ir tber ol
I'fKatun Jckon. etarted from hie
home at tiranl I''!. Iat wiek, to
attend tbe funeral 1 1 hi mother,
the late Mra KliaMh Jackeun.
but owit g to a train wruck. did
not arrive In tun II" la vi-itn-g
h ire, ibi week, wilh relative
Thn Iml.rie I,nd Co. recently
old the John Will k'atch of '.',
acre, located eoulhweet of town,
acroe Ibe Tua aim to H:cliri
M Hling, of the Okanogan
iliiwn wif i ibn miilhercf Mm 1.
K (lolham. of tbie ritv. The on-
aiilnralion mi $7.713 Mr. Witt
intend takinff life easv and doubt
1. a 11 uvea to town. I he company
lao mild the Skeelrf 'JO acres near
rVhnlU to W. W. Ja.jutth.
Tbe oamiline launch "Opi.rey"
wenl up a tar a 1'uriieliu. on Ihe
rualatin, Monday afternoon, and
found Ibe river well open to navi
j.iion. The tiartV rompneru
f L. W. limine, Dr. Pittenger,
fhaa Nelaon. Orville Wilkea an 1
(M,a I.ainkin. On the return trip,
xsaaaoi" -
however, llie engine fniled to work,
and the biat came clown in hwih
h.,r, nn the current, the pnrty ar
riving h"ine about o'clock at
night. TniH was the nrm moon
light excureion cf Ihe eeiiecn
K l.lrth.litv mrtv waft givcu at
Ihe home ol Mr. and Mr. II. H.
Huge, at Karmington, b h inor i f
their daughter AnnaV eighteenth
birlbday, on Siiiuruy eve, vpru .
The evening waa ep' iit io p'V' K
games and iiuimo Pelicnte re
frechmenta were ferved at II.
Tlim-e present were: Mr. and Mre.
Higii, Mr ami Mrs J jiwuoem,,
V aw t ia UnhHH. lOIVA UoblUHOIt, Kvft
I I'l u ----
Ingram. Hrtilie and lma Kamna,
lather Ktnar.el, uiive v-ampom.,
Kllie and (irace Clark, Maine
A,i,o t.nnlaa and Arlena K rt It.
(1,1 Scbulmerich. Anna Horp,
Claud and Oecar Johaneon, Kdgar
iilu Kddid Hoge. tH). witny
W'm. and Henry Iet-
achman, Frank and Herbert Hohul-
morich, and Peter I'enne.
Tbe laet will and teetnment of
the late lClinib 'th Jackeon wiih nd
milted to probate thia -venk. The
will beiin date October '2(1. IMS,
and afier Riving $1 each to the fol
lowing perpone, Wo!., riemon anu
Eugene Jackeoii, Mry W ilkMR and
Burah Kmtick.atul grand daughter,
Floe-Hie M Jackeon, w .pica me ve
u..i..n.i nf her tiriDirty to her
graudeon, Claude A Jackeon, when
he ebnll nave auameu ma own.
year. The will whb executed in
the ureeence of the late ltaUigh
u,.,i .nilVV I.. Bo e. of Portland
liliObV, ...... ' . ,
Frank J. Turk, ol Portland, is
....o,i .I PTiictitor. but an he was
11 n in vii - -' , .
Dot a reBidont of the etute ai me
..f ika .rnnntiiin of tbe will.
mucin ..." v " .
the Cen t has een pelitmned to
appoint Mm. Sarah Kmrick as
executrix of the eatatn, whictt ie
aaid to he woith abiut 3,UW
1,Mli!iijTiiJ mn
S. P a 11 J I U. Si Join In
it New D.p t N.-xt Suinmcr
r) osr FK)M $T to $'..txx)
tt H ilt Peo'ml l poo Praliiblr
htinht PttonKt
That Hi'.leboro will get a union de
pot Id. a eiimmer 1 D i longer a con
je-titr". Tbe Houtbern Pacific Co.
and tbe P. it A N Co. have al
ri ly aulborired the construction
ol a building toroel all tbe way
from $ 'J .00) to $.'i,0tK), the actual
f'..l, hoafevnr, will depend nponthe
proba'i'e aiii'iunt of l)iiine which
tbe ojlb-rn lo get in freight
tr imp rt.ttion. The c impaniea do
nit care to erect a building which
wdi Ih nnr Iban adeiit for Ihe
p'ohable needi of ibe company for
ynr to r ium, If, however, they
are anirwl id enough butinees.
they will put up a building to cost
n it e tlian I j IKK). I be I1U1I1I
in 4 ill b" modern in arcbitwtore
and tihuuld be a credit to tbe town
Il will hi two eturie in height, the
upper (In ir to be occupied by the
P. II A' N iilhcee, and the lower
ainri-- by ihe Siuthern 1 citi'
Varhoufs will bo conatrucled
which will ht ample for tbe bui
mm of the citv The Argut i" in
formed, on ifonl anthnrily, thai toe
union it Ih buill trn-
c mire rummer. II tne !u-in4-r
ien ol th cay will guarantee
e mini h tring. lliere 1 nnic
l-iubl hut what a f its I) building
en be cured fir llUlelnn
A Ii I r. Ii rt al In H I lUllcy. I It
..1. l . . ....... f, Ml
n a rTi nv
A U l.ralxi et III (O iHll'lllH
No 39 K of P. pmt h k S I' iiox
i; VKriier rt in to f I. Alio "
u. HUM ami 14 Mock i I lioinr
A.I.I liiU.linto Moo
Tl... Ta'.lml rt nil to lltllilia I'lieii'V.
Ii.kll laiiMita Auil v.oiiriiua o
I .. 'i.-li,.u rl hi to N Hoover. 6 b
a in U S Till.lirr il 1 C 410
I II M. raiUn.l rt u to Mark Co,
ju a 111 rc 6 t 14 UJ''
('. I. Atilatl et "I to M:itV I'lltrMKer,
,..l ,.f I.IW 1 Thnrlic'k Aid) HIiO... SK
I'. I- I'liflv rt in to Pavul Morry ri
', 30 111 C llriilKi frinrr J I C I I
. 1 a 000
A It Car lock, rt ux to M J Kinney,
ml IS I 1 II I W W
lame I Hint art ux to A W Mill
to n III wr I I I 11 4 IV"
H p lilrv et ux to P Crriiiliriiirr,
Uni t III Pairviev. Aihl Hlllalwro. .. 75
1' 11 T.....i,l ! m iu John Hick, lot
ii K Tii'itrttvlllr Ailil 47.
j ' - Tr .
J VV Piivr rt HX lo Aug Hlrtlcfc. 15
1 f, n nn- as I I II J 3""
u- 1.' v..i, .1 u to J Wilkr. lot I
hlk I UiKhlitlul A.lil llillslmro... loo
.1 111.I1 l.r-r cl ut to John M Mimu.
,,,,,1 . I K It Lollifolt il I c t 1 a... to
Win Kn it rt ii to hliner Msmn,
lolHil eml JJ hlk JSWf'l l ort-
:,,i,,i 1 1,1, .ins as
Win Butlrr rt l to X K I'ruchell,
tut 7 hlk a Caatiui IV
Mml Slmnti' 11 el I lo J R Caplca,
pnit Th is Nay'or "let 14 w..... I
John (.mule rt ux to 11 m aiiihiu rt
..1 11 i.u a wi 1 1 1 a 1 1 3000
Hntfl rt to Nettie lU lliuirrr
ml li k 3 I'oreai i.rnvc ,i"u
N K S'liiiulH- to Nmnia .-m-iiuiii,
ii. 1 1 t j ami s lilk ay West
portl.ii.d ilciK'it" 5(
S;ilriil Hn.-v.rrv Co to Mlw l.oilcii
tmil hlk I Timliili" 75
li Hsie llovil tu Win Hovil, InU-rrat in
riluti- nf Micluicl Hoyil a.l,3
Kilniuiiil Ciinu-y tt uxtoC Victor
ktiuliiln. lot at, aa ami ai .Miimru
nml VimScluivver tinct - 4'10
Inv Co to Komi i'iiimd, lot fit North
Tifnnlvillc 3a4
1 1,- u,.am i.u rt 11I to l'li'il Schoiu
U-iK, lot 4 b k 4 Sinimnioi Add Hho I
K J rHlninrl ux to .Marina V.011111,
tr in Su wait Jv Tucker'a Add Hho I
v Co to Maitttie Mc-
Vmi I111, It 4 hlk b ti.rncu lowiuue 1 10
1, I) Ash'cy to R 0 Morse, lot H
town of lUnvciton -u
v Co to R. ilil H Bond, lot 3 Willow
llionk PatnU99'cre) '35
K 1 Wmte et ux to O P Holmau, lot
. I.ll- A, Meter ncir triu'ls ,l0
Soott Hrrlrr lo O O heeler, part sec
HI 14
Win M Uild (Adin f A II Johnson
Hst) to P S Myeta, 310 a in J W
W0111I1 diet t a
The Oregon Klectric runs six car each
wav (luilv. The 8:5s a. 111. and 1:4s P- hi.
,.o .,r iiiiuimrn iMiiiiii't't tiroamtW
Mllliin'.s'. - . -
... .... ... f...l,... tt..fii. 1 lie
WU1I rU'Clll rum ni fii.
llilUUoio Portland timetable follow:
U-nvcJ llillslioro Arrive Portland
8 jo a 111
7 as 11 in
8 ofi a in
it to a 111
1 45 P"
J 55 P "i
6 15 P tu
Leaves Portland
7 tx) a in
8 55 a tu
10 35 a m
I 30 p m
a to p m
?3'i P
My wife, Mrs Plizy Meecham, has
L.ft rvi vr liMil (lit d hiard and there
fore 1 will not bo responsible lor
any debts contraoteii ny uer.
T 11 Meachain
Mountaindale, March 24, 1909.
Win. Kina. of near Beavertnn,
wa an Argu caller, Monday
Dr. C B Brown and wife, of
Portland, were in the city Bunday
We bu wool and mohair. C B
Buchanan dc Co, Coroeliua 4-7
P.obert Weatherred hugoneover
to the Hileti to stay one limlier
claim until next Kail.
Kbiniriee. sand, gravel and ce
ment at C. B. Buchinan ft Co,
Corneliua. 4
Born, lo Mr. and Mra. Ceo. Jack,
Karmington, Ore., March 31, 1WJ,
a ion.
Kortv head of farm, draft and
driving horeri fur sale; 1100 to
jr o Merrill Bros. A Wolf It".,
Corneliua, Ore. t U
Connell A Co took poaaeeaion of
the Schuliiierich store, Mouday
n.orning The firm is composed of
good husinee men, and will do a
good bupinet-s
Boecow'a addition leads all por
tion of Hillsbro, a the most de-
sirable place to build your borne;
easy terma. Imorie j,ana t0.
It ia cl timed hv a resident of the
Middleton district that fully MX)
rhickena have been stolen from
that section within the past three
If vou are looking for a 5 or 10
acre tract for garden, fruit aud per
riee, we have it, reasonable and on
easy terms, clone to town Imorie
Land Co.
Marahal Larson picked up two
inebriates on the street lueeday
I took them to the city lu
Both were fined, one djing time on
tbe street.
Wa have a beautiful, full block
f,.r aale. two blocks from car line,
nrvin which vcu can doume your
- r - . . .
monev in a abort time. Imbrie
Land Co
M Wnldeon. a railroad contract
or, and Chris. O'Donnell, who had
,if m.uit Ihe uridine on
v. . a w v. ". - - 1.
the Oregon Klectric between Garden
Home and Mil sboro last summer,
and Walter Inch, an engineer, ar
. . . . . i
rived iu town Mouday night, ana
left for the front on tbe V. K ft
Tueedav morning, to figure on a
alice of tbe big 20 mile contract, as
sub-con tractors.
The Black Coach Stallion. Samp-
... . 1 .1! A I
son, win siana mis season, i
miles northwest of Hillsboro and 2
miles south of (ilenooe. at the H m
Jollv place. Bst all-round horee
in thia conntv. cood action and a
sure foal getter. Weight, 1400 lbs
-V W. Dalaman. Owner. 1-4
Hiiuh H Welbm. who was
fmnd euiltv last Thursday, of as
aault uton l!eo. Ledlord Jr., aod
fined $:00. was re-arrested late
Tbureday afternoon on a charge of
nr ur. alleeed to nave pecn com
r- i- ' . . ..... ,
.,-itiA.t during his trial, tne aay
previous Welbon waived tormai
arra onment. and was Piaceti uuaer
$750 tnhde by Justice Barnes, to
answer to the next grand pry furnished tbernniired bail
aod, with his attorney, left lor Se
attle, where he reeidee
Vou from mv 8. C White Leg
boms and Orpingtons, which are
n.fiillv bred for ess production
v,a.......j - .. " ,
and standard qualities, now ready
at Cameron's yards, soum oi cuy
park, Hilleboro, Ore. leilora wei
come. -''tf
Hardv M. Pitman, who died at
T.anrel March 20. was born in ret
tua County. Missouri, July 25,
itm He nerved in the Civil
.if.... - - - .
War, and at its close waa married
m;. V. K Tate, in 1S65. He
ttl ll ir-o I
moved to Kansas in 18CG, then to
Oregon in 1S 3. He leaves a wire
and eight children Wm. Pitman,
Hilleboro; F. U. Pitman, aeuwooa;
J. M. Pitman, Beaverton; J B
Pitman. Buxton; Mrs J K Lilly,
(tales Creek; Mre. B. A. Collins,
Turlock, Cal.; Mrs. J. u. "arriB,
Oaeton; Mre. C. . Palmer, L.urei
Puranna who oontemolate build-
.'.il i1,t well lo call on me. at I
am able to furnish rough penoil
a t.'tl
sketches, or blue prints oi uuua
ingsol all descriptions. Estimates
and BpecificetionB furniohed with
. .. j
each plan a m. nouanu, con
tractor and builder, Hillsbaro, Ore.
Pacific phone, 383. 5'2 1 1
Joe Botkin. a Portland peddler,
.i... i..i ulipil hia avocation
WUll j. . - - -
in thiB county, and mde hie head-
ni.iu in the vicinitv oi iaurei,
, T T I i t. .T..
id suspecied oy vonn a. wrutc,
tk. Lnan criminal lawver. ol
UIO Tf li " - m
Portland, of knowing all about tne
murder ol Nathan Wolf, the pawn
broker, for wnoee ueatn a man
named Martin was oonvioted some
time ago. A man named Had-
oliffa, according to a Portland pa-
i;c nn si. i.mrei. naa lou jei-
frey that Botkin boasted to bim or
a hold he had on won, ami bohiu
has since left the state 1 be Port
land lawyer ia of the opinion that
Wa rai the victim oi i nuimiu
auarchist society. From the best
the Argus can learn more is no
merchant at Laurel by name of
Madeline, and the informant proba
bly lives eomewhere elae.
K. F. Peters Clo:s for Oregon
in iKhate With Washington
Dccisito Readtrcd is Favtr sf Ort(a
Law Schsel Teas
Students ol tbe Oregon Law School
won a victory over the Washington
I -aw Hcbool boys in tbe debate
which occurred lo Portland last
Friday night. Tbe question was:
"Resolved, That tbe Dee Moines
Plan of Municipal Government
Should he Adopted in Portland "
Tbe Washington team had the af
firma'ive. R F. Peters, a Hills-
Our Prescription Department
Is our Pride. We have
the confidence of the
Phyjiciansand the pub
lic. This is increasing
our trade every month.
Why? Because it is the
important part of our
business, and AT ALL
TIMES receives our
careful attention.
We fill ao many prescription that our
Stock t a! way PRSH and PURK. be
iile rini( cotnprehenaive and complete.
Our Charges are Al
ways Right, and Based
upon Value of Ingredi
ents and Time and Shill
required to Compound.
They are not "Guessed
at." All are treated
The Physicians Trust
us. You may safely do
Hillsboro Pharmacy
.to oo a m
i a iS p ni
a 5 P '
5 oo p m
7 ao p in
Arrives llillsbero
8 05 a in
it) co a in
11 30 a m
a J5 P "
5 5 Pi
0 J5 P
boro boy, closed for the negative,
and cited some ol the failures of
tbe commission system as tried by
olher cities, and refuted a Dumber
ol the statements of tbe affirmative
Mr. Petera now resides in Portland
Last Summer he was timekeeper
for the Oregon Electric construction
force between Beaverton and For
fwt drove Ha ia a gradual ol
Pacific University. As a boy be
resided oatbeThos. Connell farm.
just adjoining tbe western bound
ary of. tne city.
Married, at the home of the b.ide's
narenta Mr and Mrs Wm. Schul-
merich, Karmington, Oregoa, April
4, llnjy, Mr. uiauae uooi, 01 wk
nelina. and Miss Henrietta Schul
meriph. Rev. Beerv. of Hillsboro.
otuciatiog. Over 60 relatives of
the r.mtrartinff nartiee wars nreaeot.
. .av vw O I .
and partook of the wedding dinner
after the ceremonv. The bride
and groom are both estimable
young people, and tne Argus ex
tends bearty congratulations, nr.
nd Mrs Cook will leave ink lev
days for the Lane county ranch ol
ths Shoestring Land and Live
Stock Co., of which th bride's
father is & director and stockholder.
Mr. Cook will manage tbe properly
Over 92UU in presents were re
ceived by tbe happy coupie.
At th HUUboro Studio
Hav yon tried the new artist
Of eastern renown,
Who makes the best picture
For twentv miles 'round.
At the HUlsboto Studio?
He masters hia basinets,
Aud doea his work fine,
Aud makes anything
Iu the photograph line
At the Hilleboro Studio.
If yfcu" want any photo,
And haven't the cash,
He'll tale dry gooda, groceries
L..l fetlU AS VlattVl
ruti iimi wi
At the Hillsboro Studio.
Don't wait for Peath'a suminoua
To call you away.
But come for your photo
Without more delay,
At the lhllsboro Studio.
Yes! Come whether grandly
Or shabbily dressed,
Sit still aud look pleasant
And he'll do the rest
At the Hillsboro Studio.
from 4 to 8 inches high now; 1.000
kale plants now growing; .auuu
n.KKaoa nlanta readv for deliver?.
Orders filled by mail or express.
Tbere is plenty ol tims to plant
in, it irAea. ahrubberv and rosea. A
fine lot at the Morton's Green
house. 4 "
T V Faiilooner. ol Portland, a
cousin of thsTrullioger Brothers,
ol this city, spent a day or two
with the latter tnis wees:, mr.
Faulooner is connected with an
electric heating .company or ron
l.. .V.lh la lnokinff for IOCS
tion for a big manufacturing plant
somewhere on th Willamette river.
Wm. Daugherty and wife spent
. . . t . a ' r i 1
Sunday, visiting inenas in niue
i,v. Mr. Dauohertv is a mail
tnavt v af
carrier of Portland, and Vio irei
dent of ihe Portland Carrier's As
sociation. i
MioBoa ReHaia Sohomburs and
Eftie C.Ddman visited Miss Lola
Railing, near Roy, Sunday.
Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a
Checking Account. From Month to
Month you Have an Exact Record of ill
Money Received and all Money paid out
Pay by Check; Get a Receipt
The endorsement upon the back of your
check is proof that the party received the
amount of the check.
Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac
count is Earnestly Solicited Start now.
Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore.
High Quality Drug Store
! When you are sick and in
I need of Medicine, you want
i not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
! is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
1 tomers.
None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Are You Wanting a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
Independent Fhonw, 19S