i at t.-i ?(! 4i H jc,r :t r Standard Bred Stallion r j HK1KT . Gl ILD. lit- County Official 1 a per MciUNNEY BOY! Shoes Special LAD IKS' '25 c 11vm- 12 1-2 Cents. OnfortU. Tn5, anil 1'atrnt l.ea titers for MKN. WOMKN. anil Chililren. a: k laaae BT7 HtmtAAt -T- CtlLO A NdlUr.T A'i3 sad Jvs&i " Jiarc! SUMMONS 15 TH r:6rrT CoCRT OF THS TATE OP (RE'5 ox wa-hitox fC'Orr l'rry Fx. P.a.E:if t .. rf r:- t. lift (t r :i J I . :--- .r MM !a -Ua r: i TH .S r P V! Vrrr-aJ J . J Bo - cf 7 5 dan of h R;.t a-... FtT .-.-n o' "r i-s I ; ; r'TtTH U.:t I:-,, l it Ii kxae. br R;.!''; a.:- r:rt!i dav vt ftciiTiin,. ;:o,, KIN.NKV. -. VKKi3;, j fcfj4 !r.t -f rc;3j:r( .,: ., : in 1 : l A la . r ar'- K-r. i:s. a.- r-."; : I '.x a' ii'r.! P.-:a:ct a r: !s- x l :.sai iiv, M'r t.-.).Uf ; K.rat lK,3 VtoatrTa. b A ;Cin! a-t . f.rr c.; W .-. a-' 12 '-. . r : - f , ci.. -V C Ja:x - , ;r' r t'--r.,;A.-.t. ks4 a- -z ' . , .: is bu-- :-. '. -. :a aT'a i.!t. a.-0 - - - ; 'T-r. a :;-; XZ f isn. r.J- -t :f TJi- i , - .,f -i t ;-; - ' .. vr' "i :..-- ;-r-- - .. ; i .: r.---.-. .. o-- -. r r4 - .--' .j-. . Wx.i tevi r.,..r'. aj: 1 ( --- - ii---ts tr i .-r xa . ' " r : ". a . i'h JJ us . r: - r.t j .. i -c .-! !" I .1, , " aa T.oi Han an Hart. h -.f. Mt-ni-la s T.u o-i f'r H Timj. h: t j h&4. Uicy mjw.'hv !; i :. H flu fr s S Asa . ?sr.;it J W Wi!fs4 rurtmis Mwl. hJi t.'i, T LK't aM VbWrv hJ . Mary E Lrr aad ltrj l.Krf. nf huriMnrf. W U . !- UtzM A Jvt Wkt ".'.ti J act. br ta.'iiu4. sraj t J a. .k F..:o j-itie ul "arr..! Job-.-r.fl. her Scf.-A Asanda i ii ar-i Kooert S h h -o-i. Itt-mt A fwirtand. Lse- McMaaa-i a-1 John fv Vcala.-).. her b.'.id. jirJi Trno ai H-ori E.i Im, feer hr.a.-,i. J i..a A WirfUiX. rane J Af.r,...J a-i A C Af-aboi-i, br axaravwi. Rda.i l-m '.am 'i'jtA and i, br hc- tard, J-.no D Wilcox. Ara.nnr.ta Wilovt Sruoi S Uoox. jr A r-ri. P'sat. .Vir. AniV).i Win:. Joaa Le x awi -aran E Ux. b w.fe. r-a H Krtwar-1 P liw-.i. lnoi. raraa ait-T asd ;-. hr b.-aband. M;!iard 'h- i Hn u hi if. LnoLaa 'hk. H ay Wni:-Ke-Ur and Jrda I. Ktr. hr bisaraaJ, HucicLrryii Lw.;a Lrnsx. "i4a.. Leo ftx,tiri H ! Eao.xa i Lcoc i, ;.', hi H jwkh. itm F Lri, rharMu 1 A i M 'near Af.iur ha C'ir i:o n1 p arJ J J .WcM-i,-l. br arr.4. A,i Ho4wi. B,. Hnd'bs. Hu(a S-xiaon ,rj.J H4i!, is w-.fa. uk) Ma;js To Ttx Hart an4 Hart, h: u', Miiii Tiix aa1 fyer H Tito. ar bMtmwi. Lufj mstr. :e s;J:.r arvi J-iita H .-u:r. bin .f. Aor.a sai--fai-lt. W E iaaiwU tn, Rrt Nr.l, br ft'ira4. I.aey Mc Mataan and Jobn lj McUanai W huv tnd.raa Tr.b arJ (CcHart Eo Trh ar htiajan-l. Jbo & Lrwj ani a.-n E Lonoi. h'n .. Iari.i H Umax. K jr1 r" Usoox, Eita.ior Lecx. fearaft Whiu T arwl 3e'y nr hiri, Mii- iafxl W'bst aul Whua. h;.i m jt. Lou- wa Wb!. Mary Wblt -Enter aj.-d acMcr, rxw baaJ. HiU Lenox. It Urnox, SajonM Lmk,x, Oo F Ldi CbarKitta i Ar an4 ' a tr haauand. Ciara Edith Kam a.d P C faxa, hr hoarja-jd. Adah Hvivrn. h.! UwUnn. Hurh H m4od aa-1 H iAnm. ka wtf; Mattie Hadjion, Mary A Ford, and Franca Cofiauilft. furty-tvo o tbe aTt DartM detKianta In tfi Na rf uj, 0f (y. yoo art-i each of yon art a-,y v.mrcrt f ' aod Wjuimfia o and tpra: in th awr enuiid ojn and antatr th f,rr. plaint tbtmn Bld aajnat jvj o or fr.ruaipiratkn of lix wrki from tttadal of tiw liw jwbiraj!n of tfal wkwh m tb Hi.isboro Argu- tb dau of th flrnt poblkalioa Ixicg lo lq oar of March-li), aad to date the Jat pubhtation being Aprii 22. .t. to-n-wi or tore tbt itnd day of April. " and ax np m yror ntr any Internal in wuufwwraim or iien ddoo ill rit tKa b a . l. it . i mm r if as i; : f. ( EC i a.y'i IJ ! ssts to tt e a""i 7 r. a i : i-x. mia. Ajt IT v.i ; est j r.:s. to the .jr . irr- ffr -frj"r:rt r.".-m ,!!. !") fe.-j a.- r'. a : A v r a. 'a r ra ifr.r. of f a-..i al....-..-.- .jrr- u ;( !a r-tr.rr!'.-a '.-if -! : ; V U' r Jirkv's if. JVa-K-t. .'-tr t.' ar.-! a-.; in r( to ff.e I. a- i that 'ar!f 'ir.-. as i a--r. .fir, a a..-: r-:, as;. - fr-.j T r- -,,-!, r- f.3-'.3 ii i- '. :. .. t frTjV.-rnr. to C. Jackson. . akn, hy lb mann a. rtha Eanofio-balf ofaJi of Lota ne . rr r. fan!) Rej-s ia "Sat th . "f cru.'ri!Ja1n ir ':.n oat.: a' ta?a. l.j 6. N r.n;..,. 'itr.' r r !s i-i .jif ir.t Aa-J : f ;-t: a:d 'rt.i-r; ; :n rv r.-fld. it t '' ."..-; a.r,.-j ji-, f. A- r.vr t., b;t 'f ; r'---:..-.; cr ;. :n 'fcfi The as Uk-n br Hnntrabi (.a ."jr. and reduced to an'-.- nrs..f-r j,rrjieJ I.v ;a aa the eljai:aiti.,n of I.uc.ndi ('. Jack oe a a iT;ei, U an-! bere.y jjt a. ioa'-ri. aci hat i, teuw.rt)t of l-nrin'! C. .lirk.i.n to'irhicz u. h n.f ahi'h th aptiMrant, W j tp-ct to i, .art .. t.e j O'jrahie Char!-. K R im- I on iB'i reduoed to anfiriif. in th.-! r Kwr!V. r,y law. And that j n.,r.r i,i the faid F A. flai!" v i at HilUtKiro. '"rcon. on fh -of Mai-, ja.-i, at In olit! V. II. of aid dav. at the Circuit foMrt hat the tel.n,riv 0f the I C. Jackson t t:ik n ! ter here- on the premie h-r.-int,. for- d-cnbJ one rn:e a est of r,),.n . I cot- urezou. on the 1 . h dav of !'". at 3 oVIcy-k p. M. of '.aM dav and that notice of th- time and piac- Ol tr.e UKII1Z Of II(h tcvt.rr .-. u j . l 4 x:er is i u bf-.-c--.! T:taoi. br Aoat kattlr a! r" Ti.rd I3i Ka n ht. K VIasnlr:no F.t rrof to- t dan o in. roar:i L.m Iura iSiofvcg'-r.l v, Lars.at'rf McKinney Boy is a Handwmr bay Stallion ,X ' t3-! fc'li a4 rth I!oo an! h. th ' c.f Will MaKe 1909 Season, beginning Apr. 12 . r Mondays ar.a .Saturdays, at Hi::; I uesdays, at the Li '"ft c; : . in; ; - e- ol Thursdays, at Glencoe. .ivery :a:).c, iW.i'. crti't:. -vine lays, at home, oatbc Hor.-.er Or:::". miles nor.hca.st of H b.n Lare to rrcvent, but n r arm f..r Ac CCMCKtS. to -ab....-r.aK-'1 in ?h- Responsibility Season, $20. Insurance, $25 ART. LYONS, HILLSBORQ. mm 'wo dK rs Xottli (,f Benson's Confectionery C .J C. If" i Loniinercial Hdtrl - . -wta. in ;ars ati'i iu'acco ui We handle -Hazelwood Ice Cream-the kst Soft Drinks of all KhvU LOWNEY S and ALDON'S FINE CANDIES c:tv. t0,tl. And said Lucinda ,,r wnt '; of and "i.-aeis K-.ied. wurn-d br ih.- fr " lt" -! a roi-y of faid Powder of Ctmieyaco. of Waibinnon 1 ?0ti,Ce be rTw! u1 a 'he d Conntr. Oreayon. tbat io-b cJa;m o? rixbt I fn'laE". LotiUa J. Crane, jjarr w till nay ad-adMsatH by dor of! CarTnier. U O Ivr-ham. flv..'., , ' J en"fied. c"urt. yoa aod ' JarksoD. ETimer Barrett Kffl.-. harr-n plaintiff will take TdrrW? imllrt'r W: Jack"- 001 )M than five d.,v,- andea.-ijofy.Hj adjudii,gac.d decr4mx 1 pnor t0 sa!d '",h Vav. i!.,.'. thattbepijiniifrmtneowMrio fea aim ! Ar"1 u '""her a;ip.-arinz ihat the d-- f'V . Ul,'lat,hOT dwntd j fondant. Mary A. Carpenter, w a nor tSl?lS.Trmr.!w?yMhT,D0 in t the State of o il trrt in or rifbt or tttl to or ela.m r ' reid. t cti.,. ia.v.. ... . ' 1 uenoponaaid premise, or anr tart ori.Ji .V !U' anu lnal Ir- r is at i r.. w. r . . . . . . court in the Stat- ui 'ir-ton. lut.-d thin lTih da-.- of ilin h J V BULKY. Coimtv flctk cf Wa-.hinitt.-i 'entity, Or-ion. W. C. JAf'KSOX. Apphran BAG LET ft HARE. .Attorney Pir AppUrtnt. I!" SUMMONS IS or;onal w.-rvice of this order and b.oii F "-.' UWni. IDG HiAt Tim nH rL ... I'm and all person ciaiihin? or to cisim ! cotlr rannot had upon said Marv by, through or nnde you or eithtr of yoo j A- Carp,nter, ft Is further orders! that 7 c'wi biirwj. iitrA .i k i t'lie of tlep,iMirr th-eiu or thereto and ! lMa ot tor anch other aod further orrt ,..iiat of j,i . "-3 - chikivijiioi - - ' --. ""tun oruenti mat -V . . J J'ncaaed roin "u -ty a. carpenter be .,.rvd with or t'ra" to 1 thifc "der and gaM notice hv puvic- ' or lien or ciaim upon id rireoi ' ' 3 r W k for Kix """ "ive and any oart or narrl thanmf mAl.. ... .k. ! consecutive weeks. Wn.i. -.i.k .... of said newipjij-r dated the is,th n.ay Jiarcc. is-i.. and endicK with eqaity and '""""'i ma proper in ro. C(jriciocA. 1 't''n moot Is wn-e-l upon you br publication in ttu Hilil,ro Areai by or derof Hod. J. W. (ioodm, County jjd of Washington County, Oreeon. made which order requires 00 to appear and VZZ:V'" ''ff" th expimiolTof ,ii ek, from lb, dilM,f tlj(.,'nm b)i tiori hereof, to W,t: on or before April 2 BAG LEY 4 HAKE Attorcea f.r Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE, Xotioe U hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree aod order of sale IsKUfed out of and under the staj of the Circuit Court of the State of OrfcKon, for the Couoty of WwhinKton, dated the 17th day of March, Wi ip favor of Ceo. R P.ac-iv n,i a. Hare plain tiffs, and againBt Meioda 1. ';""'" i, jumes v. wtxdward and nneBtrnent Company, defend antg for tj,e sum of J.iO.OO costs and the further xurn of MM with inter est thereon from the lith day of March, I'm, at the rate of 10 per Cen! Pr annum, to me directed and de livered, commanding me to make bale ,, , r?al Prty hereinafter de bribed, I have levied upon and pur suaut to said execution, decree and or der of ale 1 will on Monday, the l')th (lay of April. V.m, at the iouth toor. y. v-ounnouse in HiriMboro, Warh inxton County, OreKon. at the hour of ten o clwk a. m. of said day, sell at auction to the hiKheat bidder for cash lu hand, all of the following described real property, lyinp, being and situate in Washington County UreBon, and more particularly de scribed as follow, to-wlt: AH of the Houthwet .jtiarter of the northwest quarter of section o.,,-.,.,..,' towtiHhlp one Routh, range five wesl of the Will. Mer., containi,? forn Heres to satisfy the hereinbefore named Hums and for the cost and ex penses of sale and said writ 4 Said sale will he made subject to cubujuuuii as per statute of Oregon Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 17th tlay of March, 1909. CEO. (j. HAXCOr'K KE,lARrrt0nC0UUty;0r! Attorneys for Plaintiffs. e tnereor dated the 2f:h d;,-. of April, 19'i'j. and that a copv of ,-,';,'( notice and a conv (Jf this r.rr'.'.r ,c .... THE CIRCUIT COCRTdFTHP STATK OP OREGON, FOR WASHINGTON COCNTV. H. P. St.. weij, piaintilt, Albert A. W:!on and Mr. A!'.r A VVi!.n, bi wife. Sylteat! K. W,!.,, or May Jinktinand J.,bn Iv j.llJt,, , Uri IIHIrtOU. . A. I'hllllf!. h' K.!'(i Aa!tnp and P.i.-haH R. Waiinp h-r hiniand, Reobru Bwnmn, lbe,ra V Phillip auu inown a. iilec,n v. vii -.n.aiiMi Known a J.'er,. -. Mr ii.j aonn Mcrberson. ner hu and jtiy y Wil-on, Iiefendant lo Aliiert A. Wii.,ii and Mr,. Ai!rt i''rni.hU.v,!r','"r li'tkm . iH" J""- her himUnd W A. Wiillip,. Neilw Editt, Waltnp and l.iehard Ku W:trp, her hubs-'l. i:. Phillip. al.j Known a, lr . V ilv,n, si, kin, Reb;.-x V ,,-. Pheronsnd John M, i'hero.. her'h-u-hand, ami liny y W.lo,ten of th ab,n name-i defendant: In the nam of the r-uie of Ortton ou and each of yr, re t,erftl,y 2,,,,'. niand"! and re.inire.l b. I .,..1 ' ' the above ei.titied Court and n,aVr 1 L W II I -i.i,., t., " Ji -tin A . . I. 1 Fair. I'J V-h i'f I'uigr! 1, ( 'ii. F I liiifKlj.,;,-r ''er Ka'H.an, J ii. N v S!..n a . 1. J 'Mil. Kit V: IS lliiirr ii-r Uri.l. ... u,rr,Ta u JIarv A. Can.-iiter femes. Maho, her residence and po-t office address, and deposited in the ixnui'Hiie at HUiBtioro, Oregon age fully prepaid, forthwith Oared this 17th day of March is . THOMAS A. McR-RIDE. - lrtuit judge of the Fifth Judi, uiHi.nci. or the State of O-e IN THE CIKCriT f'OfRT STATE OF OREGON rr f annaii I. Wan H.. t. Hurfh )', neniiaii. ai I! .-... Rinrir. A .U.u W N J-..l..,-i,. v hiork, i )i r. V. K I. ,-.r! l"t 'I',?',, " ,-4," I- Kre.1 H fall H H-naaj W le.t, K F ""imp., .i'ljn. u- u.-;.:." . . io"",- "f, ij" tt " " ' ', . 1 a"ii. Kri.-st K ( ' J " "!.. A "-Mm.lii., ";." ----''Hu l.in. C M .vti,, N K.,,, H' l!'"i". MiSt.,,!5,.vs,,1 :-.k IVtr.iika.Mart,,, Mart.!!: 1- ' i' 1. 1 in-rwui, r re. i,r.... 1 n . . , Ch,n h.irr. 1 J M, l'i...i' ...1 '1. At.'li IVlri.k. 1.1. ., M..-r,.ti nidi-,, Miivr;;; i.in.lhan. i:, p.:i 1. "a r"irv li Sti.ni A A lraiirlii, A lan, iwii,,,, I'll, lr.il .(,. i... .... II ., ...i ii ... 1. 1 , . . e"r". ' "a J ' " ' "HJ'lillK, II llilM.r V.i U. ji.i. j pih. jhn K,I(ir I . ,..! it may .-i,rn : Xuli. 1. le it -.1 l,iixt.m l'f;,,, Watii.rt U Jay ,,, May. .e , T o, of -lay, tire-nt lh f,,,,,..,,, ",. . """ " - M.irit.i.M v,7 ... '. I.'ior. in limp,,, pr,, u- ,. ! I -: j ! I"- New Spring Suitings and full Line of Dain ty & Inexpensive GINGHAMS! Skirts Com plete Lin of the Latest STYLES Prices $a.50 to $50O Special Men's Coif SHIRTS 25 cents $ for $ Our Motto BETWEEN lilt DRUG STORES ume ependahle ooiis " - 1 . a a ir-m mmm w I EPPLEY S Perfection i Bahine i Powder 1. ... TJL" , ",c'"ru"n or .;x I ."in wit; ijHK ri ult I Ulill 01 e t' ri,. .;. i..... ki. u - - J ' " um .-juiiimon 111 the liiiislKm for fia!t I iiiUiin . oiiritv iij.iinri H.,.. ....... the fetate .rn...., .... u .. . IV -.1 HI, i. 1 1 1 ilf Of 1 . .iti Is Pached in JARS and jelly GLASSES Chemical! v T a 1'itr saie tire. y a! inkers. pol icial on. OF THE FOR t lll'Ol P.o Pre. g'ti ."r n.j ot one yev from il. 1. 1 11 the j- WASHINGTON f'fil'VTv W. C. Jackson, Petitioner" and' rj tant, vs. Louina J. Crane, Mary ..a.l,,.-,H..-r. 1.. (j. jiersham, C!v-3 lacKson, timer Jiarrett, Efhe James tiarrett. i.iovd Fi n. Jackson. lj.-fetuii,o. To Louisa J. Crane. Marv i, Cur penter. L. 0. Hersham, I'lv-eV Jack" son. Elmer Barrett, Efflc Barrett i.7 r " 1 ' I ' ''-arret t and ... jotmx.n, me above named 1 ants: A Barrett, '.arret f and J J. .fenil- lam e . f , , 1, ,..,.. uati ,1,1, 1 T t i .lay ol March. !:. 1. 1 . "'"'i I. unpvili, Api 12-ley .V if arp( AtUjn.iy, !,r a 'li Ore aiion, ue of irant ph. ant. ... r e IH.I1, OF .Mareb 11. W, ,,ld ,(, j,.. piiblicatiot, thereof being in the (,.,' ).ere.,f dated the ath day of Apr , r, u.- it: or before the a.,h day of A nl' l'.;nd you will biMUW ke mftl( J" Plaintiff wil Hin t t.. 11.0 c - ' : rehef pravei t,r aiJll demamled n , Coiiipiaiiit.to-wit: for a decree that the P-al-uin- , the owner in fee .i,,lf,)e of a of the PilUiwintr dwriW real proiwrtr a.-ViVi ..V u ' ". Particularly de scritd an follows, to-wit: Mer. and r m.:- . V ' tt,l,,r ' ! ? !'"n' " "'"It the th..,,,... .. .1.. : . '. ".'.y i reek .... ...... n,,. . .nier ii said . ... i . .. .- .. . ... ik.,m ,r i, aliiiitoii iiirnir-.. iirfi-iiii ....I i .n.;k ,1,;. ti.e under., , " vin-.,,..... 7''"! .i,,r ....'i i tu iiorn in ll i, t &Mtitiiiitn r, ir, I-.. " . - -.. ..... (iiiiiiieH, man rme Sherifl'i Sale you pursuant ness. r.urrinda taken before Hon- ORDER AND NOTICE IN' THE CIRCUIT COt'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASHINGTON C0LNTY. W. C. JackHon, Petitioner and Appli cant, vs. F.oufBa j mn MaryFA ( urpenter, L. o. Dersham, L'lvssec' tfavaauii, cimer uarrett, Effle Barrett James Barrett, Lloyd. Barrett, and j' VV. Jackson, Defendants. Upon reading the petition of w r Juckson in the above entitled cause ml It appearing therefrom that the mil... :ton foiinly, on the loth IN THE NAME OF THE STATE , 1 '" an" '"'h of piease taK- not fe that ... ,i... . . . " ,. ., ' "" ' ircuit court of the Mate- or Oregon. fr Wa.hinrtoi, Coin y I,, u1(. above entitled proceed 'grated ,i,e 17 th tlay of March, VM .... iuiii'iny or the Witness F A Bailey win he taken before ' Honor Charles E. Runvon at the cir,., it Court r.jorn In imiu.r n. ... ... l',th day of X ' iZ , " And tha, ...c t. -nuiiioiiy or ,ne wltn '.. Jackson, will ,( ' "U'.imitl I.. A'AfV r.r. i oieiicoe. Washln Oregon, at .1 o'clock ('. M iV OI Mat? .v.., 1 1 - :t - piinrriur controversy , which the applicmn. W ,nv!a;;k":,n;.';xir,!i ,o party. i,at ' ii , . ' ",MI"'ted and rmin- .... joii or either of von con cerning the real property d.cihed In the pe it ion and the crder of conr I copy of which order Is herewith served notice that such t.Ktii.,nv or Hald wltnes.e, will 1,.. ,aKM, ,,)J 'f,? to n.l Kul-scM,, " .ii-nhes ana certified v.nai ii'h ,.. Kiiniv.M i (llnlele ,v, ..... D-pp.icant.theoMerofexatil Z and notice and proor or service thereof, w! h(. filed in the offW of ti.o . , of Ik. r . . '" i"'K Oregon, and thus perpetuated (o be used by the aniilid.nt iv c- " In ay... ...il ' ' ' '- '' KSOfl ... nil, auuon, bull or possible controveisv or either of ujtjrHwaion with th. ii..s . Y' . the..W!K.,;,xlo,i;rI-.r': ning, coiiiai:ijiir V.? acVea' a ,.,i .i . you ami each oyou H "l or right or title toor claim or lien il si'lpreiiiiiw,a,..I that ,., lfl " f TO,, be firerer barrad ami prM ,., ,,, .,; i, " J """" nv uitereHt ii, or right or title lo, or claim or l,e ,K said pre,m-e or any part or par t her " , of arfverse to the ti le of ,i,t i'u ' hrn .... a : : - " "aintin ri . 7. ' arm proper 1 his suiiiiiions a serv-.l '.. .!.... -a oi i .- . . . '''eg,,,, flr UnlV' t'Uli oi -evenly .in ,l,,llurU ....i . , . ne.it,, a;l the further sum of , . I f! lar, ami hve cent, c.tM, up ' .m..t rendered j the J,ti,fe ','" rl"'Kr : ,1 "' '"""" of the Peace and (', , fable ilHtn-t, WHt,iTiBt,, i:..',.. V " goil. ami il,il . ' .' '"" .' ; . .'.--il,il..il ami 'or lb lay live red io saiij execittioti, I will "I uav o in Manufactured By . C. M. Eppl n SALEM. OREGON. 4 ; a ,S , i - , l.kei, ,"' if ""r' of tlm.StateorOreg,,,, heC,ntyf Wa,bi,,tu,n, o u.e p ,' e l, I bavelev,e. upon B, ,lr!11Mt on m.i.iJ.o i... I'Ml.. mt I l.- ' . ofihe,:..i :'. ' rT,-,"" """ ""or sniiiiiionM i i.i:.,i '. i the hour ..r n, ..i..i... ... "'ton, hi publican,.,, i.. , : v y.n., ; ., ." ".V"" K '""' ,, c. I . .... "" ! vv. (ioo.1-' 7 " ?v i-""ini auction to the Oregon, made and il.w' Z 1 noed -a , , "V ' , !? '" "" warr-h, l!,.and whicl situate i w. i ' ... . .' "" K """"" "ll or lielore . .. ".. 'nun r u l-Hcrilie. at f.. dav higheit bill you to apical- pru r. V.sM. and BAGI.KY .V HARE Attorneys fr plaimiu-. IX 10 .y Irrnie- Petition for Liquor License THE f.'OI'NTV CfiTtttT nu H ,V "HI-WON. V,,K WASHINGTON COUNT TV In the matter of the application of (..herl thanoZ ."'''"'"ti.ie. -r.. . i f. ' : .' ".".""i rrec net: . i u,c Honorable 1,'ounty Court of H,p ' to T j lie lI'l'rrMllf (.(.htuin . ters of liuxto,, iVeim- w J.41 v" minty Oregon, and consUtiHa ' P 1 , voUirscfasW lV"i!!.!.": ami '!'l P"tic,larly,i,;,bHrZi, Y"7Tj .ViUM..'";''."."1 Vies. Ia"'l claim ,,, Heel Ion .' "I- North, ljH..g..4 W.nol W il C ' o" a, H. :"'"1 U'" N"rtl'e,t c I .V .mil" r"",""B Hi-lies HOl.tl i I - ,'.',''l,'rVv'- 11 w':l"': thence es I'ONtii, ,:, .V. :".'' angle del. u-. ..i...... .. .i.' ii. e nortli e-. ni aitlilV Ills S4(ita.r G. M. Hunter Architect CONTRACTOR, Iiuilder Ivstiinatcs mi all class es of work. Deale r in Duilders Suppli If you contemplate. fllly ''"iWitiR this season he sure and ivc mca call fStatcs Tel. No 3,s9 Hillsboro, Ore 1 Price Meat Co. MAIN SIR KUT II U'C Always on Hand a Larc Supply of Deep Sea Fish! Also Buy Veal, Clil'ik tus, Mutton, I',,,, an, Ikcf. HILLSBORO, ORf. . ulot Saw of H.a. Pit l l.rrrl.y f.v.i, li.it b ''"l Jan.p. 1 1. lai . Fi 1 r I Mill and lr.(,,,r,,, M J i.f iin 1 I .-. H.a.1. if.ulerr.1 ., ! um. Ulllf 1 ..UK f ll r (,,.,, ,,, ,hJ " ...nf.,(i 1 .Miuiy ii 1,., iiik Mar. li I aullM,no.s I . aaw FiM-utor I.. , . ,( , pr..ily be,n,f,rr ,,, Jay. ti,s a, ,Uf , Alfi -ra A . M . at II.. m.,.,.,' ,', rt II.iuh. In l.il .b.,,,, pul.ln- i.i.(a, t.i to, . , 1 an in Bl u( (ir ,.,, ,4 rrn, .... ,. I I" H'..ii!, , I ';! partl.-l,,ar.,.l. ,M I it : 1 4 iff J vs. running iIIMw ,,,, a.fc t kli (i... ,.r . k lib llnr ..( .,i, r, ,8 . "' "nil. bur oF I l.:Vi..,v .,. : " s'ti'l road 1. 1 1 V'i ,, V w""bh1 co ner or tract of1 , and of 1 acre conveyed by I S ,, ' ! Phi an. wile ii. r u.n'Ti i.- 1 tso.,,1, iK , ;j"";":..ur' r tlHet.X.-lj S " ":,r" '? i-i HOrfM. IllMPf .. li.,,. 4 ...a: - rem before , ..,i 'TT.'. ... . '.' west acre heginiiiiijj the 'id being filial .rT , co-t and , . . ' .'T " " ," ';or the and having actually reside n aHj7" re Hai'' i " XI ;i,eda',,e'fr,iJayH $mM" g .' '"i;"! ' I Oe r1'' t ie date orthiH petition and the , . '''".'I at Hillsbor... n-i, '. , McNUTT REAL b:state CO. the lilin tbermif L'.V,..i.i . .... . .'t'' of tltlonyour HoraCle i', " liwnsa to ell spirituous, " " , a ..." ma tliu.iori. 1.. i- i! . vi ions ami rit. red 1. 11, . Hillsboro. Orevoti. on 11.1. r.i. " ..ui EO. G. HAM'iCk- 'lay of Mar,.),, iW), Nher.ll of Wash i, is,,.,',, Co..'o'm ""(.'ley A- Hare. Attorney r .; . l.ioceeuitiK or broiiirhf. bv von "Saiutst hint 111 gallon, 111 Buxton Preeinn w.. : ' "r bounty Oregon, be fc-ramid a,. i T 'X S ",1 "h dV, ,' 1:". r,,7v,r"? "h their po. f ' " "'M, I II I. l. i J-'. .Attorneyafor PlalntilU. Hav HimtHman Bros, do your. 'lip-; ' , win iMsUra 0 Ket it d ,.n. Argun and Otfigonian, $ i 25. j jr.rraef i'355 &1H ,rhr""'' I ll-IO - v. i i- ; Tin ....... "1L1I- sizes, i.'i titv nroiicri .. ;., i . . , . I I' I" 1X11 li 1 "i i'M trrove VC Cltv ntwl Jry property in ;,) from I acre o, , Kant lull l fil-n '"J- I'arni lauds fr.m. 'oieracre to as mHH as i'ou want. i i Farms for en i I i Sale! Hi.ive a c-l,ju. of fi j Washington Co., I -"v r sale, cmhra- I Clu of all Sizi,s ail(1 n 8 m- stfliun for J h;m? S,lould my list -u ' d",,1VL' in Oretjon, nh. and Vicinity ! l,:,,,l,;irswwiiuKt.scll will I1 -H i to call and see ,e, I 3S 1 h.e ay reiiests I i'lr farm Imwlo I I banh9, Oregon ii ., ! Tra t .1111,11..,,. I. ,j ax nun i., I. H. K --- .ami (ulimng , 1'IVIK M. K' Ibr wnali e4 U, '"' " pla nil linnn.f m.'ia ..r '"d r,. I i'rii, ihiii,,,,, f , r II. I oiiiluri a, a jf ,,, T m Will, il.r., .Um ,,,. ,,,,., . u.iimrn, II, , ,,, t- , I" Mr ii.ini, , a.nilb.-at aald r,- r,Mltlltf aioi'K Hieent lln M,,J , """'" ii r.., tbeniT ii,,rl ""'""I t r.it ,,!.. W ii'li. riii,ui,ilii( I) . fra. Ird Tra.-t i.i ' 10 and II, Bba l, T.nNuC- Aii' iii..,, i MHIal,,,,,, iif,v ,. lata. I, I .,,,,1,1 ilf c"iiuri,mi.,ii by ll,, c,.iy rurl' MUteof o r Vr'n-llti-ln Dle. al llilllBirfi.tirrgi.ii,.iBli' 'lay of M,., (., JAMES l'.:!.T 'e i,t, t,r , W ,, T,t . Mm,m nillami. il.....l "Kley . Ham, Alti.meya lulli'f Wall Paper And Al.l'RKt .1,, a ets. i 1,1 1 1 " CINutt. Mv -aaawaw Komns t, Let 5(artl ail(, """.M"'K. When Hi call on i hc IXoiaat titifiry L) tylo ifinetnlier, thn ArgUH, only $2.25. Or, Kl'-STAURAN'I 'or a I'ood cri ii m .... i " "ii""i Jiicai. Main St. Acnt for the 1'IvATS' wall paints Iwst on the market. S my Samples. SKI- MV SAMl'Ug W. II." TAYLOR R. I', ll No. 4. ludc iHJtident I'honc. No. 5'5' i mile west of HILLSBORO. ORE Knoo A. MiIIh, of in H' i Korwit Hrvlr,i. will sW t Mrnh Hm, i'avtilio Univarfi'V I'aclfio Univitr-ity. at .'5 p. Bif Mondav. Ann'l A ' Tho snl.iwl1' "Kor-Mt f! iinuwrual inn lh I"1 Hillsboro . - ' i turn in frn. ami thu jiiilillc gsR"1 Oregon. tjmiuvUeU.