f 1 The Krggs. JnllLLSBR HILLSliOKO. OREGON. APRIL 1. 1909. NO. J U XVI. UMY IIMUU, LKAGUK OHMNIiJ) i utlnutoii llllbiri, Itcnv- IIiidUh niul inMirl kn. )h1 will HaE T0 mVU U a lilies' tlliUialia nieellrg 'f lVlTi Krnt Colicii, n( Itiiit'iti, m In loan Sunday Dr A It UaiUy iitl Port land. Monday, on liuliiiMi C Zirrher Jr.. of Oder Mills, we a county mat caller, Saturday lleo. W, Kelly, of YineWnd, wa IIiIMiuo vlailor Saturday. H Ubby, Ihe ifwnler, fur watch I rr pairing, corner Main ami Third 're-l. 4tl Horn, to tlm if ..f T J. HiM-k, of tJaelun, March 22, I WW, a daugb- trr. Th HilMn.ro l.tiuilor C 'i mill ,1 M' Return' Seven True and Two Not True Hills Into Court MAKES HOME KBIOM MISIUTIOS. Several !ui.roniirnl ire Humnlfd tt ue slide it l'r Farm Honouring i the rport of the "... national name bmiiI.ImI at I" " nmning on reular time, Oran.l Jury fur the March term of Lrt h.mr.S.turd.y efi.rnn..n " WO,kl"11 f"rH'- Cifruil (Wl TU Ju" """" I iiKntinn t11I l order by Weirbman, of lha Scholls it, report on lha 2olhof tbe month, Anion Herrnen. of Verbooit, waa a Hillsboro visitor Saturday KoUrt Aleiander, of Forest Orove, waa In town Tuesday. W. H. Hens, of Portland, was in town Tuesday. J. Wolf, of Creer.ville. wm Id th city Tuesday. Robert Banka, who managed the Banks hearhall team laat aeaaon, waa in town Saturday. A. V. Mill, of the Hanks neigh borhood, waa an Argu caller laat .Saturday. Two fl of anow ia report"! In the mounlaina. Mwean drove and Tillamook. : HOMER OF 1851 DI&S AT AGE OF 94 Mm. Elizabeth Jackson Pass . es Away at Scholia WIDOW OP ICDGI BYES JACK103 Griadieai Officiate aa Pall-Bear- art tt Faatral I meeting i, Hohnliueriih, of Hrinigin, j John Ireland, of Itanka. wan Im.m iriniHirery chairman, and i li liuild, secretary. On nm t cm in ill" of l waa ap Mra. Mizabetb Lraig Jackson, a Koreet pioneer of lh54, Jied at the home of her daughter, Mra. Sarah Km- Albrl Brandt, of near Morion rick, at Scholia, March 26. 1909, (lixi.ul, we a Saturday. llnnry IUyiiihiI, of Horeal (in.ve. had ttielnea in II tllklxtro Saturday Bring vour watches and clock jnled on organ! flirt at folio :, tl,,1i (, lf()l)()t , skillful . . . I . . Jll.f John Ireland, of ti'enville, we in town Uil HalurJay, to atlmd t'.e lituxhall tneelitig. Jwrt Hank, of the Itink "K gti Danra, at the Ureenville K. I), r. M IMI. auapiiva uf the Bank' Outlaw 1UI1 Team, Saturday eve nt.. g, April 3. Tirkela, l (), In cluding nyler eii'ir. 3 Mia lUrthe Juhtion, who haa a elenngraphic poeilion at MrMiun loiinty aeal viilorL( wti discharged: Iti TIIK I'llllTIT Cul'UT OK 't UK MI'ATK nK uHKliON, KnK WAxlllNliToS riil'NTV T.illie lluiiomtile Tlioa. A. Mcllrlilf, Jii.lKr of llir atiovc imim-il I'uutt: Ue, C.iaiiil July, ilnly riiiiulrl ami iu to lii.jiurc into all rrinira colli- mittr.l ur Irtab'r in thia rounty. rnieita, f VerliKiri; K d. An ,im. of lleaverlon; Cliaa Itar ! i.t I ia Itanka Uti'.lawa. and nrt Itanka, of lha It ink "It-gu a . t he imiii mil Iff rrmnr.l tit king permanent ol'"ir of ai'i(in' 1 ilf nl. r. mil I . . ire, limiHiro; wirair, krlon Hillali iro; Klecullve Cum- lteo: Chae. Barren and IM-rll i. . ii ... if Uika.nl rtanaa, ami Anion tier loa. of VerlKirl Baaidti'inna I i ......I i.. e ill'ljll! limn ..." Itmn with relnfenre lo playera. , the National l,eUa III lea ap- king in moat ciee Irlegatea were prraent I'mil t ton, rattnuigtcin. ero.iri, inka and tlllUturo, and there I M lllll,e,.Toogue wml ling in Tort murh anthtieiaam di-playil URi Thurnlar night. In!- the I. Kd (iiilniaa. to wit. That tarlmve rrlimird M-ven line hil!a, ami two ii' it ten" In! That r hava raamliifl into llir rou- litlona nf Ihr olliira nl the romity roiut IwMinr, ami fiii'l all of annl nllirra rlliri eiltly t un liii lr.l hv tin tmperllve otfi- cria an. I r liml til vaii'U ol the culm- ly clrrk'a ami ahutff'a ulfu'ea rutirrly Ihi amall ait'l iiiatlniualr for llir lni- ura of (he nlluY. ami we rrrniiiurii I aged lit year. Elizabeth Craig waa Inrn to Kentucky, February (t, IHI 'i, and waa wedded to Hyerl Jackeon, May 24, 1 S3 1, later moviog to Virginia, and thence to Indiana. In 1 S.r4 . tbe family croeeed the tnoaa pruaonl The irSrdtile game will lm arringul later, the (Olive pommltlee to llieel In llthira tint Haturdty.al '1 t lo further arrange mat let a It a further decided that the gaim imlil Itegln ah U'. 'he lirel nl ly III leagOtt III frliaial 01 leama, aa .iim; Binka, (wo luia, and one each from IhlUlm Karmingt'in, lleaverlon and rUiort Millelxiru will al nnri- jriceed lo nrganii a team. There grod material here, and iherluti lotild receive etrot g eupporl, aa it dotihl will PUBLIC SALR Station, waa an Argue caller lait Friday. Chaa Barrett and John Ireland, of Grsenville, were in the city Hat urday, to attend the haeeball meet ing. Th MiuiM fMialmera. Holman Ferrinand Karl Hou.e. of Horeet to Oregon, Milling on IheU ami to (;. name ilnarn f om the (J.'ove. Idunation land claim 2 mile aaet of :z 'z rss; .r ocoe, .her, nu ..ui l.ut.tul.oii l,i tiila county, rraprclfully 'ID the IUalallO river In iri.Mt the reiiilt uf om mvratigaiioui, a oline launch, "0prey.' For Rale Maaon A Hamlin (om Farm." iuet aooth of Hillaboro chapel organ. A bargain. Or will Her bubnd. Judge Hyer Jackeon, trade for liveetock. Mra. F. Bock die.1 in 1873, while eerving a term tnann, Beaverton, Ore., U 2, Boi M Wa-hingtno county's treaaarer 8 ), Wheeler Station. 3 5 s had previously aerved as coun- Tk. u-.i.ri Raali r.n ih a if lunge, am was eieciw w me week aold the J. W. Price 15-acre tract, 1 milea from town, to Au gust Diereix. of Greenville; coneid eration. I3!KX) H V (ites and daughter, who vieited Klamath Falla, Ore., and California points during tbe past few week,rturnei home laet Sun day. Mr. Galea aaya that the new railroad going into Klamath Falla will be finished lo that place in about 30 daya, and that 100,000 acrei of land will be watered in that eeclion this bummer, by the government. kiifra fr.im mv R. C White t- aWrS horn, and Orpington., which are near Grant. P.M. and MrrSarab upoa r.-niit imiiieJiateiy. ami liml out rareiuuy orwu lur en )iruuuui.iiiu i cuuiva, otuum. vium vunumu wttethrr Mr. Walker haa Wen pahl lot D, atandard qualities, dow ready were: W. B Jackaon, Mrs. Mary Ihla work, ami tf ao. we wouhl aaKi;eat r. ., ..,!. anuth nf nit J Wttkaa Mra. T.tniaa Keleav. diairict, were to town Saturday, that I... eaute oi u"uld pk, Hill.boro, Ore.' Visitors wel- Uura and John Jackaon. ; l-Ting l.ea. V?t?TZl L.. 49-10 DfOA is survived by thirt-a For Ueut Store building, dwell- the couatv j.l. a.,t auKK-at mat a new ComrajM:OI,.r ButDer tnj , granacDitarfn, ten greai-grana-ighuea..nd hsLJiaud OC.tion U pfc.l ,e " .... .ii ;ki i... -w -iih cntia.as ioiiows: v.rana-cnuaren Tbos. 8.. L K , J p. and O. u ville, waa the gueal tif her parent ttt an a hlilmnal vault I iiiimnliale!) llin laat of the week. piovnle l fn each oihoe. We alaj liml inal tune ia no rum " Hmnkera liko the Schiller and the rr in the a-ur oiln fw On- nf - Kl(llencia Tbeea cigar are of keeping f the la'uah'e rrrur.liof Un file ml .UKk. Vou cau't f.l an ,,r't" "J authority on a g md cigar . amojeat ami leo.uiim u.l Ui.t a fur Mr. A. B. Bailey and Mr. and !( "' "' f.ii.u-ly p.- Mr. K. B Tongue attended the I'lenly of fruil tree at tbe Mor- ton' GreenbouM, alo cabbage and atraahorry pUnta. Kale will miu lie ready. Calihaga mail order at lendrd to. W-i John Fiaher, C. H. Terwilliger, i at .ill- a . I UI 1 ami I.. Hilling, oi ine nuorwouu Vi.lril fix Mill (lllllT. We fiml the wile in the nuivryur'tc llire inailr.jiiate ami nut i. ilulc, ami aii)(rl thai a lirw aalr o null lie pioviilnl I-" th aafr giiKilmg ' the H'nil.la of lh.it ullar k ! lur We alo liml thil Hie notra of the lair 1.. C. W'alkri. fuf the lail veal, have Bid Iweti nut upon mum, ami rrcom Oregon LegULlure. lie wu aleo one of th i leading attorneys of his day, in this county. He erioyed the distinction of being the first county judge of Washington coun ty. Tbe train with which the Jackeoos croeeed tbe rleica, was not moleated by tbe Indians, who were particularly hostile that year. but a train which was only 24 hours behind them was attacked, and all the people but one boy were murdered by the savages. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mra. Jackson, three only of whom survive, vit: P. M Jackson, Hill.boro; Eugene A Jackson, of ill erll al liHio rain al my are In Helvetia, A III ilea north L. . tt!ii i i...:i i oi Minimum anil i nine rnei ( enrne, at Klo cliK-ka m . on HArt'iiDAY. Arm i. r te hrilrra, ', inn nhl. will all Ii h iu np-titi. 4 rowa.'.h-rarv-ltuihaiii Jriari llnlirln, one Willi rail al ohr lir.ll on, (till two will he Ml In June, Jriwy-.Shi'ilhnu-Mif In dull, I i raia ulil, I vrar ol'l ha luiK, wrlghl Imiu( vmi limlr lll ami iltiiililr, uihhI wnlillr Imrar, 1 lite ahrrp, I Umh, Kr.l ('In .lrr Iii.hi I W, with l lii nti, I iloru rhli'kriia: W cutler, kimI aa nrw; (in null: uptitv hup, hit ham-la, lo Mi In nf a-ril pit fa i lluiliatik); four l gtl milk rn. aeu hnime furni'.ure, nu.l other artii lei B ouiuriiiua to iiiriitiiiu. Term Under tit). Caah; id ovar, 7 inonlha' lime. Iianka f..r general merchandi. atore. Call ""7JW J1" or addreaa, K. G. Mulloy, Laurel, We alao fiml a great manv of ihe of ()rn l-.t I Cicer ami in lcl iiraily all of llinu, ia.l- . , ly in nreU ol kalaouiinliig, mm woui i Tltnee iliairilig to enler into Ihe that thia I tiumcdiatelv alleuil t. .ml will lake their Mohair lo Mar-led to. irainpr Feed Store This i the ay to get the lop price tor your product (Signed) J U. Heaell, Thoe. Gonuell, K. B. Tongue. Tb neil tiieeling of the Wash ington County Dairymen' Aaao- We have a No eiamiiieil Into Hie cnmll- tiona of the county poor farm, and we liml Ihr aame l it an ami well kept, bill in need of new br.l.liug. and III build ing ttadly in need of xmeral irpnita W would uvrHt that Hie tiuildinK be lined up, ami underpinning fiie-l, and a up all one night last week, with ahot guna waiting lor tbe return of vT.u afkn wim.' , . D i ... k u Wilkes, Mrs. Klete ochulmerich, of a Portland chicken thiet, who stole . utm. r .u.... r., t.:L.. i- ik. .;v.k,i.. Millaborrt Mrs. Anna Holmes, of hood the night before. He bad I roriland; Mrs. Nellie Pnrdin For .w. -wi-l ,u. eel Grove; Loren and Lira Jack- .!! . .!L! . 'r ..;.i..T wn, Hillsboro; Mrs, Norma Link. i .k.i t i.-ii-Ki Mrs Flossie 8lon of Ban Fran belter lininilaliou put under the chilli elation will H.he!d in 'lillalwro. uey. aud that U. i bull. lit. be m.dc n, .t hav.Vmm. loo aoon for h:. " C J Mra. hstella Booner. of . i.i,, iu. r,ia k I Scholls. Great grand children purpose, and be left the fowls by I . . "f ... :i.-Z L.i- ii. i k i ik J Marion F. Wilkes, of Corrallis, Or win rumie.uB. u, , u . Rku I ' ...I r ..i .1.1. & I l a. ni. .n.n no h. nil 1.1 hl ""' -1 I I fL . , It I 111 O P ti 'I lll" V mm -, . . iiitiuniiiK . v-...... , " v . T T I T.l I on April -.IU inn programme i 1 iiouiie abouhl he buill In ulace of 1 1 .:..-.,, ,mniinn uewa, uynn, ipdi aim '" will U annouucel later. the old one. and the brn ahould be ie- " v Wilkes, all of Hillsboro. Lyman a a. tf I . 1 .1 I a m I i-t at 11 I IT If llfll I I ri.,.. .1... ,. imnitrv lo ee.ll P "!r" ! "ve. D . ' . ,? f . ' 1 earn for a leMpan oi geutngs, r , son oi Marion wines, ie me " ' umlrr it inuiriiiaieir. ikhuc h h iwi ,. i.i .:-ki i rjin .......... ...niV.; . . I J mul It yrwiB mil, "tiiaiil nnv, .irai-iiw .iumiin each. Gi-hhI team for logging camp The funeral was held at tbe o nave p.niiiry mi . ( h.m.ediaielr. btfore ii i. too , ... C, , rnn I-.... will do welt In call at the .lepol Ule I : " , " 'A L 6 tw? i.? V.T .. v tore. Higneel markel price paiu e wroui.i reiciiuny auuam una. our Bring chicken, on Wedoead.y..- J'"; . S , alch. Jacob RafTcty Allen Dtlley K. It tletb Kred W ilcox Allan Rice K. 1'. Simon W. 11. Wilke OHECON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE Moor A Slyer, the painters whoae, .lock of oil and building was leatroved by tire laat Thursday morning, have started In buainesr actio al the old stand. In view of itmir hard luok. Ihe boys will Ie note, tl per cant internei ; 3 per .,-,.;. i- ,11 the work Ihev can tk. (Urn. hi Kli-ririr funi an ran each i.. .i; r i. .1... ' ' '-v Y" : r :. inn ii, ii ii inr i-nvu oyer Ti". I.uoi h at noon. MoriU Schmidt, owner. Kr Itimniger. clerk . i . iorniiu. auctioneer. .. .mi u.. u'n. 1 fit I I a SI 111111 111 111 I I millll W. Baa. a. tin ami Jolly place. Beet all round horse in I liia noiintv. irootl action and a sure foal getler. Weight, MOO lbs -F. W. DelMman. Owner. 1-4 or (arm. Set double harness goes Christian church Sunday afternoon, with team. Price. $300, if sold Rev. Beery officiating. Interment soon. Team can be seen at Calls- was in the Hillsboro cemetery. ban sawmill. Patton Valley. P O. The pall bearers were all grandsons address. K. II. Harper, Gastoo, of deceased: Loren and Claud Ore. A rrovement baa been started byl- tbe normal echool towns to invoke the referendum ru the appropria- lion made by the last legislature V2 3 Jackson, and T. B.,L. K., J. B. and G. Wilkes. HILLSBORO TIME TABLE . .- .-i . . ... ...i.. iion miii nv ine iae. itwiaiaiure ."?'...'!...... ii.n.i..,i .,...i nr.nniiiu- f.-ir the flret-nn Atrricultural Cjllese. I llrtder the new schedule the Daesen- The Black Coach S'.alliun, Simp . , s . ,;,r,,rn Honie n,e . T u..... 0 tne aiate ... :n .nd out 0f HilUboro ..-,1 ... I o. . ....... ah:.:.: : .....i I ' . .. .! -. . : . .. eon, win eianu iuie. ri.am..., , H,iiiro rorimii.nuiirta....- im.owa. (jr,n. . out in a letter addreessd I arrive and leave as follows 1 1 . i L a II al luK.van al nil ' 1 . . . .. t a 1..-1. 1 I . . . . . ... I mites noriowre oi i.iiim...... -. . - vri lllllsiK.ro nvr.vra . .....nun lh aT.DBm of ihe State. In WbtCb Le.Mfor Portland 7 s a III .to l MUNGER -tonuuk n exonptionally attractive we. ling was that of Mi-oi Kloruioc ongtie and lUrriaon Me Kirov V- ' lunger, both nf thia city, which inok place Thumday evening al )r. and Mr Giy LmibardV resi enoe, l)vie mreet, Portland. In ine end of the. large drawing room in altar 12 feet in length was erect id and covered with an enormon urkish rug. Above wub htiilt a ergola of asparagus and woodland erne, while the lane was hanked (Willi pnhilH n, JiiHlHf lili.s Bnd ompltited by two long altar mir- ors. J he oereiii.inff waa read lv Dr. A. A. Morrison. Mi. ItHiiha (Tongue was the mnid of honor and John McPherson tbe bet man. The library, where the orchestra was stationed, was dttoirated In American heuutin and the dining room was in lilies, of the valley am1 n.iflsmatd buds Serving in the atler room weie Mre. lUlpli Wtl bur and Mrs A Ifi Itookev. The bride worn an nvnnnl.ionnll o handsome gown ol Direntoire satin, "hloh was elaborated with nrin cesa lace and cut on whth lines A Hlmy veil fall graoefully to the "em oi tibr gown and was held in mace with , Btiiking pearl orna nient and orangn blossoms. MisB Bartbft ronciie wore a Dirsotoire (town of shell pink faille, out doool lette, and carried bridesmaid rosea Mr. and Mra. M ononr loll (or l'i to California, and up in their uro will reside In Hillsboro. J. J. Hill, who leaned the Tuala tin Hotel from the former owner, lufim Waggeuer, sold the lease to Mr. Hunt, a new comer, wno took charge ye.terday. Mr. Hill think of moving to the souttiern purl ol the state for the henellt of one ol his children's health. The Portland Daily Journal is mnking itcelf ridiculous with Its . it 1 tl'..lna ..oooraiili oil oiunuera. euuro- Hillnboro Argus, $1.60 per year ha taken Hiriina grounds asainet the .. i . Tl. n.uin Sheridan Fiver ur .J, u :r" ,:T. Fortat Grove Local Agricunuiai uouege is me oniy iu- toAtX Grovt stillltion of learning in the State, CorvaUie Overland....... which file the farmer boya with a Arrive from Portland practical education, and thus fur Corvallia Overland ther dignifies their avocation. The Sa;;;;;;; wnoie ining savors ui epim wma. u Sheridan Flyer...... tbe part LI me normal scooois, ami Korest Grove Local. if the matter comes to an issue, tbe people ought to vote to sustaiu tbe appropriation. Persons who contemplate build- .11 .1 . m.ll In null nn m aa T , , , , i i u it wit. nwii vi. " . i Mre. Gresnburg and family wish to . furnish rough pencil H ,Vi a III 1 1 lo a tu I 45 V " 3 55 P 6 15 p in Leave Portland 7 ui a ui 8 $5 to is a in I jo p in 4 to pin 5 3'iP"' o on a III ii is P 5 P " 5Pi 7 an p tu Arrive Hillsboro 8 05 a tu 10 t o a in it 30 a 111 35 P 515pm 0 35 P " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Card ot Thank Our Prescription Department Is our Pride. We have the confidence of the Phyticiansand thepub lic. This is increasing our trade every month. Why? Because it is the important part of our business, and AT ALL TIMES receives our careful attention. We fill ao many I'reacriptiona lhat our Stock iaalwayi FRESH and PURK. be aide being comprehen&ive and complete. Our Charges are Al ways Right, and Based upon Value of Ingredi ents and Time and Shill required to Compound. They are not "Guessed at." AH are treated alihe. The Physicians Trust us. You may safely do so. Hillsboro Pharmacy THE COST OF LIVING Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of all Money Received and all Money paid out Pay by Check; Get a Receipt The endorsement upon the back of your check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore. Forett Grove Local 6:5i a. m. 9:1a a. tn. 10:42 a. m. 3:4 P. .... 4: P- 8:14 a. tn. I 9:57 a. m. a:o7 p. tn. s:ao p. m. 647 p. tu. thank the f riendj for their presence l..K aka As hi ua nvinta nf Kllilil at 1 a aa. I. Al "W'HWt v" '' v" ami ginuue-. ai win ' iDgB 0f all descriptions. Katimstes Work on the P R. N Greenhtirg. h .,an s M. Hi from Tillamook to Sheridan, is pro- erton 0re., March 2C, 11)01.. JZX haM Hi gresmng at a rapid rate it s , " . .a . IIMI I ! - hereby Informed tnat nitieunro i on the map, and that the P. R. N Go will not make a detour of eome 50 mllos for the pleasure of going through Sheridan MORMON CONFERENCE Salt Lake City, April 4, fi and 6 The umal low round trip rates will I . -..!.. it... II.. Illi.ivl Mm 1 I - n ,,,.1. IIB mailBVia 110 uihkiiu nuun uiiidi Bids were opened by County , f 0 , and Judge Goodin points south, April 2d to tith, inolu- McClaran last Friday for th- con- - K ,b W. ""aoh o for further particulars. ilHInn vii.ii house. This is the bridge that leu last week, precipitating a man by . f U ...,.n an1 hU liim monamnui fru.. ... .t..t ,iao!,aa a ih hid of the creek, a distance inn un iereigui ei.....j Card of Thank 10 me om "i mo uii 1 . , , - , ,. 1. . 1 of shout 12 feet, but without harm to thank those ;o o li,nd'y aul- to man, horses or vehicle, ine eu, am ... . ' n n Uu.annar I inn his recent bereavement, thi 424;J S Lorsung. $2.)5; C. K death and olMiquies of bis latej Pott.,32H.7r,. The contract was wife Andrew Benson awarded to Lorsung, who will be- Cornell, 0 e., March 2',), 1909 gin construolion at ouce. The - - structure willlHi a aiity foot span, B.rn to Mr. and Mra. P. L with straining beam tiusj, and will Benefiel, 0 near Banks, March 22, cost $295. I909- lrl- Mueller et al, part of aec 13 1 1 a 1 w 4970 Loui II Irson to Thoa A Fltut, prt of sec lit 1 si w 10 Georgia Hughes to J L Higginboth- atu et al. 10 acres iu sec 31 1 1 n j.jooo furnished with John B Bailey et al toCLHinnian, Holland, COO- panw iiarvey waru ic w a3... 40 li;ilukAn n oaran A cooper 10 maiiua icnuu- Hillsboro, ure. . ,,. . anJ , . hIoek 6 Pur. PaoiQo phone, 383. 5211 (W's "Add, Diliey. : 1 ur ir ur.K..,n ..a nn frftm W A Snaw ei al 10 u Myron ooozer, W. II Wehrung was out from Jot KlnnMWOPd Acrtage l8oo Portland, Tussday. On Friday he p;n Miuer to J J Fiaher, h 5 Nich- visited the Oiogon building and ola Add to Garden Home 675 grounds at the Alaska Yukon fair. Ceoh-.c King to J FUh . lot ,, and found every thing in gooa Wm H Butleret at to Cvnthia A shape. The Oregon building has a weacott, lot it blk 1 Gaston, and dome about 30 feet high, which an part of lot ia same blk 950 : ;ih riraonn lllerinau stmier 10 inch vampDcu, ..m ;t ot . 47 d 4s co,?eni e.. neeuB uu ui""""". , Milly llarknessto Cha 11 Usborn ihe ciroumfrrenoe of the dome is a ge f ne ec 14 1 jn 4 1 ninture of Mt. Hood, and mountain C F Fraiee et al to Fauay u Mamn- all Hone in color- ton, part of Geo Richardson d 1 C...H50 ed sraBeea grown In Oregon. Oo tha onnoaita eide are dairy and . - NOTICE farm Boenea, including tbe repre sentation of a huge dairy cow. Mr Wehrung says the effect of the ar list's work will be striking. He hones to have all the Oregon ex High Quality Drug S tore When you are sick and in need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True to Name, b,ut also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which we constantly endeavor to furnish our customers. None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. Mv Jack will be found at my farm, at Olencoe, during the year of 1909. Terms: To insure mare to be in foal. $10. I am prepared to hibits installed by May 15, and breed mares with tbe lmpregnator. stales that the exhibit will be one Phone No 76. Qlencoe. Address, of which Oreginlana may well feel W W. Paine, Hillsboro, Ore., R. proud. ll-3. 1 T. M. KERR H. A. HUDBERT Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FARGO LOCATION. Independent Phon. 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON