MiLLp.BCf0 Ar.uS WA. J3, 1909 ITOI'IKI DTI 11(10 CANNhni 'IS IIKRH fill l!.ivc it l OjHinti.-i I-hhSinimH-r II I'.ople mil n io he to ui-mmf 1 Robert O. HteveriNon. of Knreat jj(iro, Hu t.ame Warden, we in i i I I j '. I 1 iiuiennm, i u I y . on ouainea Mr. Htrvriirfuii ataled while her that ih n Kame law are halter ob enrvel lb an al any time in the hie lory ol l lie rale. He it at preaeul aijil.rln 21 deputise In various pa. la ul . m:i, anil during the aumrner "on e ill employ many aa iV) men. He alatea thai during the recent i.pnu eaanit aa many a (til elk wire kille-l by .Hi Jt i ill Aic He Inn Prepared by the I. K. At N.OIlicluh loiuuia Ktpitetnt a Oi inn Vaau- f.tlurlnK faiuiiaT . I I.. ... ....I ll,,i,..ll, l,( ar. l'vioa" inufacture canning machinery, have let-n i" the i ity wrrk peat, nnliriiiC t miole a liuit end vegetable oau- r Uillhur They were the Hoard of Trad Ual Tbura- i it . .1 kMiuHil I !, tirl inn I that body, who iu render all L.ii.i. ...;( urn. The I'Un nf Cm, inn ' - promoters la It ut In $12. k) cannery, which .ll I abU to In J I all the fruit anil veg-mebl Ll,.i nf thia rotlon fF Winn W IKaruiera will en" ii',"d " l h vegalah e Cf" auiul.le U t kming purpneea, oin'e the r nlel Hna ia ai.aure.1. The id will tw I the iiil" to on oitil operate I lor ihemaelv. he (,mpny mum a limner allratilre of Hid, proceed to rreol building, , in. lull tl mcMtry to iinrv, ihe aiihnriii'.iona to lie il rumii'tf dn a the wmk pro ae It i h ii t' l'"el iinlMr of fariura in ihe erheme, whan ihe cannery la eteiiHtiil ley will I the rhirl hetietli'iarie The Argil haa urged Ihe eatali aliment ol a cannery at thi place lievinit that It would rraull in kal irooil Io Hi I'onitiitiiiHy. in j - r Irion wave, whirh it haa hereto p liiilnl Ml'. W hethrr the iiinuura auooeril or not, reeia ih the ixMiple. Tha'w canneriee tlifloK eetahltahf J alt f.vr-r the te. atnl. wherever tried, have felf.irmly iieeo nuwaalul. ANSOUNt EMfcSr ..,,1 il.. i H,,. ... .Lm U lhaaaaad Mia wilt bi Implarto l t,,wn Tur-adav. tr at Kflilir. tor two tliuiioaud ol tliii Maine animal . rn.n Ul tl.n llil. Sumiiif r 1 w ir.l ,,f (UUm C.tmk wail Uaay Vtara llhin the lunlera ol the Plate. I ln u'edneadaT. on hnaineaa. U. ...I II .. 1 1 I , , .. , ... .." " :.. HaiKirioh-ndent V.. K. I.ytln. of thli Kahert Fr.nU. of HchnSU. waa in Col. T. J. Bramel, the wll known l'"U"" ,MU"' "'""""'I ' , . 1 A . 'l..l f.- ' .-A laiuhtereil lor their hidea very "Hy, alalea thai etuuiaiea are now wie my jwiwrn.;, .uu inn uu iiimiuio ' "" lew are now killn! ruit ol aeaaon.nMiing prepared fur a big oonlrarl ssanu monica. uai , warco ir.mi- and lha "deer hog" u ri trembly 0l ln, i N. eiUtnelon. which New linn of enmelel warn at ter UiDg a aofferer for yeara from raful how be plieahl. av.K-aion. l i( .j th( l)MUlf, of 40 Kuirick Corwin'a. 1-tf bi,rl troubla. He waa born In I now rrprerent the Hpirella oor. ., f ,.... nnui... It,.n, u the wife of H. A. Rich- Miaaouri. Fehrtmr 21. IH'24. and - - , j i7fj ui inniiiai'l l"'i wnM aaan.w i - . - j , - at, fonnar y repreernie-l by Mra LrJ al Klnlnn. M.rch 17. 1!KW, -Ka . ,nUnr man ioinrl tha 11.11 U I'.tli inm M. ,tl ..n In milir " """ v.iw . .. - ' ' . . , , Wninniim Krl.Uv. March 'J'ali. ami iiliiiulni throughout the eoo W will diKplay pattern t l trim n.l hata of liel atflea, Iteat quail and wet vluea. louiin-p!' kin and ludament will h- grrallv w - li previa 1hI II Utirn it t o . Main Mt IHIUImho PUBLIC SALE Clover and timothy aexl, at H. H. (ireer'a. 61-2 Horn, to tha wife of A. Neyhart, Hillrhiro, March 23, l'JDO, a eon. Hee thoww clnthet line reeli at Kiurirk tV Corwina'a. 1 tf Kugeno Delplanrhe, of Center villa, waa in town yeeterday. (iw, Hhirtey, of I-aurel. will plow Oil. T. J. Hramel, Formerly of Ilillfiboro The Hnnday Oroginian contain a picture of Mip Flr'rr Tdi;ii. daughter of Mrs. K. M. Tongu, of this city. Miw Tongue w-,11 b inited in marriage, this evening, to II. M. Munger.a wl kno'an young bur-ineea man of Hi. 1.1mm. The ceremony wiil take pine at the AT UIH EVO npbi. 3 acre hop yard, thia Hpring. LIVID TO KIPE AGI OP EIGHTY FIVE John H. I'ieren, of Helvetia, waa hunn, whrre ai-itrate ineaeure- lb" contractor, ih now iiuny iuau nienta ran be taken, and you get a linn the work on hia preeent con- or.el l inet the leiiuireiuenta of -trji ..,, .n.l i. Ll . I .... I I . - I ' 1 your Mgura. nana ,wiai caru, or . . Hnl.hw.1 to the 20 mile phone call for app tintu etit Mra M laughter. American armv which waa Inrad- (lo to (Jreer'a for garden and ; Mexico. He waa in the battle " I v.:-v. l.i.t- .,.,1.4 u..i. wuiuu l nil p.oiu.j IUUICU i j Anna, and ae one of the aidee, pick- He keepa them 61 2 K Caudle. H.llaboro, Oregon, !" The latter eipec a to l-gln K fib and Jackn Hire.t. Inde traoklaying tieymxl ttie M rune ieinl"iit phone, !s H 5 poet, nrit Friday. All the bridge At 1 have derided to c.nllnue rnt hive teo wimpli ted up to No. IH, millinery bu-inrea. I will open up end the latter nmnb-r l tVmf for 15 , at It. H. (ireer'a. rueeday. March .'.). wiih a nine, iing ununen. uu me J uiarnooa new, up-to-ilata line ot rat, in the " '"o"" field Hedi. bulk. Mi.. P.arl tfml,. (if PArtlarid . ia Tooting nor iiunni, i m iih. Olann, thia wetk. Kigalor Breeding Black Minor ca and Brown Lghorn egga. 11 W) 61-2 the Mexican commander' J. K McNamara and wife, and land wall i,..,r alore. neit in hve lieen Uniehed. and 4 mile ol Mr. Lauer, of lortland. epent ellei.o-. 1 mrdiall invite track laid. A f-.roe of men an Huuday with Mr. and Mr. K. W. .il my friend and patnma U call employed on the wcrk The road and nee my line, before buying. and haa bum from lillamoo a ure tiiem U: they will t Uity to Miami croemng, aim wr Irratnl right Tliey cn alo tee mtpany a rnguiwra em no- r eating a permanent line an-unu (Uriba'ili, down ihe bch t hia i the line roceuily given th I' K. A N C. . by a drrieiun of lb. Oregon Htiprerue ('oiirl . Trie 4U mile contract Marred l on thii our new line of up to date wall pa per, al the name lime- Mr J. I . I'litemon, ('orueliue, Ore. 2 ! Hon't ur apray that you don'i know anything ab.ul Tly are dear t any pnee 1 have been in the ory buiue for yean, and Mo ire. Guaranteed ktle awl, grown by Wm. Hchulmericb, fir le at I Hchiilmrit h Bro,' Hiore. .V2-2 Cba Adm, of Laurel, ha a gar g of 60 Chir amrn grubbing and clearing land on hi p ace. For elovo and range?, come and ae Hchultnerich Broe We carry a hwel bt. H'otl filtf cotiauuclton work. POKTLAND MARKET ,, y praya.aayoti know.bave given brr- h it tUn inlo Ul, N. ..tufartion nend f.r prices in nfcl(.,u ivr- Tfa- jiUl, r.. am """V". Button train al tbi end of lie n. . hjne um, V)iry iher dy f. r Mike Ha'pln, while engaged in lilaeting tump near tilenooe, Krl day, wa blown a dimaoce of two or three rod, uy a priinaiure ... , mUr.t i... , , pluaion. Beyond Ihe h(H k and a I wiiuciwi., prr ln 4 " ffw minor ecrauhi. he wa not In- Timothy iiy jumi. jr tit bun up III ticap woree coiiiquertc waa almoat ttiirculou. aa he wa bending ove the luip when the etploeion oc curred I.adi: Bav your energy It mean life and health. Wby kill yourself cluanitig houe wbrn th Vartitim IIoue Cleaning Troce 1 the work Addre A. t eud of the line wid take the road o-mplfte Uck, inl our price are down to Hi mou'h of the Maun in the loweet. H4in Mcon, of the CentriHe diatrict, wa In town yeaUrJay, aaying "hello" to hi frirnde. Brick for nale at Oak i'ark, 1 mile weet of Hillboro. Addree I,. H, Hiion A Co, Hilbboro, Ore gon. 2 6 Counlv Judge (itodin deeiree wooden leg, which waa left on the battlefield. After the war waa con eluded Ol. Bramel waa in Califor nia for teveral yean, later coming to Oregon. He wae well known at Aitoria, where ha waa for yeara a gat to the front. popular caterer. waa a aiep- father of (i. J. Palmateer, of thia pRorrawioNAU I A. BAILEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon fifflce Reiley-Morgan tiliwk, upetairi R'Xuna 12, l.i and 16. Be.ii1enre-tiill.-west Mimer HiMelliie anil Heootid Hlrww. I'.lh 'I'honea. Mr. (. S. T. LINKLATER. M. B, C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEO Ofln. nfta!r ovrThe JVUa Vrvg flora Rfceidence Fail of Conrt Kovw, In the coninr of t'.ie 1U k. reeideoce of Mr. ami ombard, of i'orCacd, Mr. Lorn bard being a nixler i f tht- bride to I be. The eervice will be read by Rey. A A. Morr!'in. Mii I'tha! Tongue wiil act ax bndmaid. and John Mci'LriioD, of I'oiii.i.xi. will ofbciate a groornsman. The Argue tndnrg congratuiati'm. Foutb Uilhboro Gfenbouse ha a good aeeortment of plan' to wll, I at a very reaionabie pnct. brirnn- bery, roea, hardy pif.k", pni-e. Iiliee, clematie, wiiiUru, curyean- themutij, bulb, ivy, peoniafi, house WVSAAArr,wy plant; aliso apargcs roots, cab bage, tomatoes and k!e CM! ar d aee ne, corner of Hvfnth and Fir r-treete Mr. Agree Circpbel;. Ind. phone, ll."4. o2tf Mra. L. R. Hick, of Calif irnia ho once lived in Hilii.b'iro, ha? leased the W. H. Wrbrung rii deuce, at the corner of Wathing'on and Hixth etreete, and wiil f-tb lieh the Hillt biro Matrtity Hoe pital. The lsase ie for one ytar. eVVSrVWAWrVieirVVS- JAMES niILLlPF.TAMlESlK, H. I'. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON burgeon Bouthem Pa:ittn Kllrol f ';iiiitAUoi In KreiiRh or Kngilnh. .- He piair. over L. M. Hfyt tVa. lor uurlh aide of .Vmu 11., UiJIehoro, Ot. A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9 Bailey-Morgan Block. Both ttionc. ITillshnrn. Ora. DR. W. E. PITTENGER with an option to buy. Obtr tunij maternity caa- i 1 be uken, liter Kooma 10 and u Morgan-Bailey Block. n, but no COntagiou Caer wi 1 b- r. vfarMnniiEmra. H II.LSHOKO OBItUO? ammv WyVrWeeA i. R. Bmglmr W. O. Harm O AC LEY A HARC ATTOB.VSYS-AT-l.AW Eooms 1 and 2 Sbate Building RILLSBOaO, . . OBEKO.I. received. Trained tmrwj wil.' b in attendance, ad ihe rice-"iiiy Ut aeoding c"e from tbi plac to Portland hoepitale, ;il bs obvt atd. The boue cp''.os ten rooms, and ie on the line of the Oregon Electric. Doe f be like chocolate? Th daintiest and mopt ci-liri tirf of all are McDonald's Salt L,k Choco- rWrVAVeAWrAe' lte. Yiu can get them at the Delta. 2 tf Richard Wiley, a well known E. B. TONGUE ATTORSEY-AT-LAW Hiibboro boy, was this week com- A Morr,n B1kf niiiw mi.sionrd Caotaij of ComtjaoT C.I of the Hiil Military Antidemy , vvyweWV WeVM V rL?'.0;!1;!! John m. wall Ul gt B.U UIO iilliOlilU I I I- U" Ot tender congratulaticns. Richard ATTORHBY-AT-LAW is one of the bright boys of t be office Cpetalr. Baltey Kargao Block Acaaemy. ana is poruiar ai ncrxr, m well. Millsboro biys aiwaje hiil fur the construction of a GO f " " iJ'- i$ " l. .1 :.u f'..V al r.mirMew.. called to C'cml.ay. ,,u r "riT'Z:. l.'XTA Another car of fence wire just Hi. t.cape from ; "7 -J".;':, ;:;"u - T:"" Xi.V:':.. Z.:-. XT:: received from the East We can CWr, Wr. Krm..,.; 7..,.i '''a11 " "V'ZK ..-.T-Tl. Xn.rnrn',; JOU anything yon want in this u.n.i.l. Crtaiiiriy. per n. M'T i" ; w ? line at prices that beat tbtm all litiii, ir itwc i"" ire anything in this line, come the veterans of the Northwest, and ,;.. p ikla knmnr mad himl' ''y - ' - '"" H . .. . ,' many friends. Fred Greenburg. of GrWnba;g's ri p.. I'll rum. in i ui tnuu. w wm - oul yewterdfty i L : .. V. Will FIHll HIM fHULU UCIIU Ui rUICBtl . . . .. i.a aaa ra w .i.. I ... " . eal ivm wlnff fhglL Tim fll nllT 1 j wao i . & n"T. "rove, before returning to Portland. .--'" neer of hie section, and hd work !. Uaued out of ami uiul.-r th arat Kor tale, a nuantitr of first olaae u. Rramel had man friends M hard all hie His. Mewaejaei HUKltlFF S 8t.K. m, of I'ortland, was . . . . .. SUtion, died of m-art f.lnr, Mon- lV;Li"??orl S ' d'y 22r VJiYi: 'sad aboul c0 inch north of Forest ... , .... h. feU t...... years. Mr. Orenburg wa a p. Room, t aal a. HILLS BO RO, OREGON. W. N. BARRETT ATTOR.NBY-AT-LAW Orno: Mala Street, opp. Court Boat. HUXSBORO OREGON AVeeeVWMeAAeA THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW til ell at nudlio rale t my krro. :l mile eal of Laurel ai d 1 111 weet of Sobotl. al 10 o'clock ru , on TlfKMDAY. MARCH .'10 Vaitnl JtrMryt. vli. 6 ruwa, cunriK HHm; It bri(ri, H young aillr.iow, have line trl. bud. Sn rara, ij ml U. U'W '""b. driving knar, j yr, l yt colt, tntt ow, 10 .- )oothi pig. I'tiaiupluu Inmlrf , orerly ! mom i, Uiiiinll, Mitt-lirll wagon, !rk, buggy, carl. Paiibauk n'alra, lir w. plow, hayrack, Anna liairow, milk rt, lUlicock milk trtler, 11 !ll!e, tt ami toola, X cut ww. l"y. fkt, atiovrli,, ciilct prrw, fent opprr, t'. 8. Ciraiil iMiiatitr, Vi lb. Simple! riram arparatoia, Jtu alitt u lb. caclty; liarrel llluru, Imltrr aiiker, lot fun! lot Won, tilitotbv py, 10 Hit k ru, Incubator and brood I, holguii, nllc, luuiirbiilil and kitch k furniliirc, ami olbrr artictra tM uu )t ion. In mriillim. fTtruu of Hate-All under 110 10 and over, li month approved likable note, at 8 per cent. '2 r nl off caab over VIO (in Bonner, Tiuilioia, IU-i 70,01 fuyZ'iSi,V!SI b''' to "e .J,,T- b.t. iho ai rW.l hi. d.Mb. .od tjW in Ih.p. Io .t j r th. his M Blk, Ctd, Eoc ,. . a s Ui'Klllito, piaiaiiB. wm. hhhimiu, . . i pjmy nc Olu vennu wug u.ijt - - , , I'atrone, Ma-Min Rrjod'a div. No. 155 2 4 ht( cheery word for everybody regret hie dea h. He w furvived tKU .. k . lulnh Kirbv lot hi . . . : .v. MilL Hn.h. a former resident of "J " --v- - . ".:..r7J Admim.trator'. NiHic. Rhode Wand Red Efg for imi.nun . .... ..... . ' 1IIB Mill w , mm . w. uin vuuu.j, -- -- ., . I, . ,. .... i,,-vv VCTrOIVlDX- DTTVTrTV . -t . i. : i i I ...i .i ... .iAiirin ih ihMt'mm i n.t- i i :.i r . . aAhl. Kni, ik h.f.hf aivAii luu urn uqiiw ntirn nil nnrnAnee i. nir f i inr - . . . . w.. lei. eiriaing nia ueau i.uni m ' t"v" "" rornana uusimni ioi mmt .nm '-- - rr. ;v.. v,.,r. r ---o r--i - --- . ...r, ..,1 a wound, which Hm III" IMh .lay of Mrch, 190M, M . bg arm..d onc() '"Ly.;'iiXM prlCS on tncuhftlor lot..- aMOw ...... m, - i I.,... .... ... . ...... .nnxm " . T . nuuiiiiniu vvx.i... v""" -I-K- I ..- . v.. .11. . ... ... .... rendered him u..con.-ious for aome " ' Jh 'L wi ;r mo; e. Ue is ipendiog a few days adipiratr of ihe ui or Morjca Mr uraut Bacon, one o.ue nor ine omy eraauatea ana iiicuaea ewr iornenua, on me vrmnwui , He bad many friend, who Hillsboro,' - - . Oregon VVVVSrVVWSWrrVrWVVV Dr. S. M. REAGAN . . . I. i. ,u "", 1 , . . !1 unit. lr. lannemeweni unwu m ni.11(,inil m ui make :il of the real wtlD J. A. imone auu lamuy. Ihe mill and dtrfaid Mtny s nroiierty hereinafter deecrltied, I have levied upon and tiiri.uiini to nam ei- Ojod For Hale Five Urge draft horses, Io0 to KitVI lb, : to ? year; two will nnke nice matchetl team. At Coniiwli' l.lyery Btable, Hilleboro 'hieti borara abaolutely light, al I Preaching service at the ICvan- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ... .. .. .. I.. ...... . I A.I..,.. a. ni. or naiu oay, aeu i puunc nucnou buuiuj i.riu-u.. Io the highest bbbb r for cash In hand, R H all of the following described real CoCJa B-B BM1B, IDS newesi irriini ' j imnierl)' lying, being and ultunte tu Oinuy OUl. ue aure o noec. gehcal church Mutiday morning by w.nhiimion County. Oregon, and more Made in various rich tUvora, freeh .-..-.riiii - - . . .1 . the pastor; tna euoj-Cl win oe narilcularly deHcrlbed an foiiowa, o fr0m ihe nan. Try them once, and t n Robin aon tt al to EC Hurlbert, Life' Univereity " This will wit: Un.i'll V.t Den of Sweets I lot a8 Willow Brook Farm f bring to a close Mr. I.indaay'e third Commencing at a ata ik roa ' v r . tiaslor of ihe church All " ,,f ,h0 ,v.h,, C R. McCalley will give read '". ,.. , northcaal quarter of wction l townnhin , . , , ,, members an-t irienna are coruiauy . mlh ranR , WPHt 0f the win . 'u '"V .7 Invited to thia service. Mer , running thence iwuth 2 rods Whitcomb Riley, at the Christian am! thirteen feet to the railroad iinm; church, next inuraaay evenirg. m. Popular vio- U I'. Cornoliti, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALK ly order of the County Court of lie Stale of Oregon for the County a Wnahiiiglnn, the undersigned ulminiftratrix will eell at tmblic iuctinii t the J, W CoiioUmi farm I mile aouihnait of HilUboro, 'I gille north of Farmingtnn, near kid Hare sawmill, at 10 a, til., tin . SATURDAY. Al'RIU M. I'.Kil Dark liny marc, l5"; cow, yra, fnali i Mv: t cow. In lin k, couiiiiu frcab in s rail, graihil Jeterya; j-yr HiiiIiiiiii cow, III mi k, litih in ridl, i'yr graded Jeriry pellet; good an m w wiilr tire lU' Mili ll ll wagon, luiggf, gdud 6 It. Champion uinnrr, nrw i mni.iiiii mower, Imyriike Jiraiu ilnll, John llcere plow, atrel leve larrow, apriiigtiMitlt burrow. Habcoc tullk tinier, 4 in ii,il, milk cms. i eli ilraru liiinieaa, io mil. barrel cbimi, 1 ton l ... . i. .. i . :n .i..vk, nn,, mi iiiudiiiy ny, ioi nun ilea l, fanning mill, j ilor, chicken, to H!. kettle, ahovela, fork, padei, aickle grimier, j atamk nf beea. amlille, double uaipoiiu buy fmk, piilleya ami roH', and other aiticlea tmi numeroiia to mention, I.UNCU AT NOON Terms of Halb All under if 10, oisli; !() and over, 12 months ap proved bankable note, at 0 r cent 2 per cent t IV for oaeh over 10. Mrs, Alhnrta Copeland, The duly appointed AdminiHlra- triiol Katateof J, W, Copeland, Deceased. B. I'. Cornelius, Auction! er. Wm. Karnhani.deetaned.ami all penoua having cUiuta aiiuunt aaid eUI are hereby noli- . -A ... ..-u... .Ua... ... mm .ilh (.mn.r Zurcber and family. Of .onebara. at th law olflcaof W. N. Bar- of road. 51 2 ecnllon, d.cree mid order of ante. I Rl'iville, Wash , are visiting rela- rail, in HilUboro. Oregon, within ais w ill on Monday. Dm l'Jth duy or April. ,m npar Helvetia. Mr. Zurcher ft5 Maroh 17. nw. isu, i me bouiii ulii oi me v..i i ductin ib i u rf at Kltt- houao in HillHboro. Waahlnalim Couo ;fu f ,rme, W.ahinff on ly. Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock ville, and is a former Washington We have special bsrjaia tables for men and boys clothing. Ccme 1 1 1 . L J . -..,- chare H I) KARSH Ail lna 1001 at mem a&a gei pric-e. Admtniatratoruf ihe Kalaiaof Ilora. H. Wehrung A Sons. " I rB..ii...... i n , . .. ,. . ,l: W. N. llarreU, auy. lor Aamiuiairaior. i isjftuail IS oresgmg oui in iu county. Last Hucdy the rarmirg ton club defeated th Juktown olub by a score of 14 to 4. E Rehse and H. Schu'mench f,r:rec i the Farmiugton battery, while In gram and Olson pitched for th other club. Rehse, the FarmingloD was in good form, ted ., ... fi I . aim iniiu-.-ii n - iiuuiiu, nr Have Hunteman Rrna. do jour th,lrP ,mrth,.aat..rly ndn; thence .-.: i ftt g p .....i,.i .it i nnwer nraver. n.v rruiu m ih n urn or lie ..' . . n . r' ." ": "... I..."' . .'.- ..V:V"i:,.,V;. Vee of land. lo. mciuamg oa meiou. Me -t0 M s Allen Mnin. March 27. The entertainment will be worth pt blk 8 Forest Grow 6S Tickets II CO. E VOlirWhlle. IWn'l rotes II. ll Will Win H Rmgla ct al io U I. uinruan, 10 .nn will bn aore to net It done ultinlnK. containing tlircn ucres of land ' . .. .. ... . . i I ...... il...,- H)i thn wnrehouae and mono, i l"R i - - ' ... . I .i ni.,.. in u.iiurv Ihe here- m r. II. . I U. I' 111 k III ..'". r armer J,m ' ihefore named mmm and for tha cotit i,. ih treat of the season. it . lt..l,,m.n nf llliiiiin nor. ami exneiiHe of mile nnd anni win liriilipii v. - n. E M Poudrav et al to Mr Kaaie M Tuoper. lot I and 3 blk $ High- . , . ... ,.11 . m a iun i-ara auo. iiiuo .v :..i o c t-r,i. .i .1 . 1 V Tnmtikina. H PllCOer, 4 Ituin. w m ' ---I . ' I , i . i - , blk 6 Oak Grove Add, HilltKro..iaoo airuca ouv w uim Harry Halneaetal t A txannin. The Moilern WoodtEen will eivf C.In unn7w:r."..:3S7 U dance at Cedar MiH. Sataay I. UJOU UIUHIO. Everybidy in- Sixteen year prac tical experience. OFFICE. HILLSBOKO LIVERY CO.'S STABLE No. 1 Ot&ce phone: Pacific States 501: Ind. 21 Ro-iMeuee phone: Independent 'M COMMERCIAL HOTEL ITnder Sew Manairerneut Rates, $1.25 to $2 Per Day C. E. PUIGMORE, PKoeHTirroR Second street, hillsboro I . ,,. :. i it,. I f , knee 8alil aale will no mane Kimje, i n. 1. acciiieiuwiij tut m " " . " demotion n per Btiilule of Oregon ' . .til. l. ....... r. Hvi.l.U in. I 1 ..... ... ..... J..UII wniin iiiioijjiiig, i ii;i II cling a pa'tiful wound Dr. Tarn-lof-ie wa called !o dress the wound. Steam cleaning, dyeing and press- .1 a . . .. t Kaln tng, a I Hie Acme parmre, iiu treot, next dour to l8 liomeoiyie Ueslauraut. Give us a trial The .tenia. "1 Hated at HillHboro, Oregon, thia 17th ilnv of March. I'.ldil. (iKO. it. HANCOCK, Sheriff of Washlligtoli County, Ore. IIACI.EY & HARE. Altorney-B for rialntlfr, NOTICE Found, at Bethany, a plac to gel White Rock and Brown Leg horn eggs for setting, from prize wiuoing stock My birds are sub ject to inppsclion at any time. 1 guarantee satisfaction, or money refunded. Member of Oregon 8tate Poultry As'n Phone, Ind. Beth any No. 1 J F. Saunders, Tort- land. Ore . R 2. Mil tract in Forest Grove - '5 J. W House et al to A J Roy et al, n PhiliD Haseler. a former rsident t V blk 18 Simmons Add, Hbo.... 0( this city, died at hn hrrre near Vlo'.a Starkweather et al to Lulu J T u March 21 Doceaped Allen, oart blk aS Forest Grove.. 8oo .1b:,r. aLttrc9 iK "eceaEea A W Smith et al to Geo H Behnke. was born in i'eoria, 1:1 , bo years lot j second biectnc Ann, ugaru- jjro. lie movea io uiegoa v uy in ville 1ST0. and tn Hi! ahnm n 1S90 Jw?ls?!.,ta"u"SLV.fcT'n-. Hi. first wife was a siatec to Mrs. W. K Be'lroodet al to H A Klep- Geo. ann, formerly a reridtnt of stein et al, t in Sec 30 1 1 n a. ..1500 this oity. He leaves a wife. horn Goo O Sloau et al to A B Caples, prt jj9 mftrriei a(ier leaving Hilleboro ai 1 i. savior uiciiva vw DR J R MARSHAtL Dr R L Jeffcott MARSHALL & JEFFCOTr DENTISTS We are Piepared to do High Class Dental Work. A New Office with Modern Equipment Wehrung Bldg. HILLSBORO. ORE. E H Rotermund et al to Frederick Mr, M.A Biid, of the North grgj rjjj IMa... accidental y W from a W J be ,xbU or 0 w haU in Glene, last week Frutful lud ( 10 acr poroh, Kndaf -.and uflrad a frao- ,'r" 'i,,, 0 ,,ltraclei, by her. was a pleasant affair. Several R j Lyone to C F Smitl lure of the left forearm. Dr. lam- 7 T (1 Mescham. songs were well rendered, and the ao Hillsboro ... Full blood Buff O'pirg'oi f gs W Brampton, part sec ia t I s I w.. nk jof 8et,tino; 13 f )r I. few moie r' . .1 . V I ' II. l.M 1.1 . I ' ' . """"i"'" ... ui. .A.ia,. r., t. n r' IIU11C.O ou iwcirin ii't s acres). Smith, part block iriw reduced the fracture. You cannot rral xi all tbe ei ini'ile goodnee of ohooolatea until 1 . .. I . I l'- Uu 1 .k. so Mounlnindale, March 24, im band executed some pleasing num- PJXVw.WS liera: jtouuku u. vui, Add.-Coruel u 75 IP'. . I....I ..,u,l Mnnra ,0 Al vi.r'a you taete McDonalds Salt Lake . 8 , . k lblg Chocolates. Cet thorn Ahe nD. The buildina was gutted. The Delia. jlM.g. building, $75; paiuts and oiU, Roy tlreear, of tbe HillBboro 1 125; no insurance. Tbe lira de Phsrmaoy, is now a full Hedged panment did good work in keeptnR .u.iouiut He iianHed a sucoeesful the bln from spreading. K K aa - . - .. . t-. . , , -. ... n... exsmination before tne uregou uoiestocE, toreman oi mo Hoard of Pharmacy, and haa re- company, sustained a nroaen nose, ceived hit) certificate. and was cut about the face hy tue . ..... .... ..i.n..i nrk m.- nonle of the note, wnicn wae sua iioren u'l emu i ...... Onion Bets, at Greer's. 51 2 Publio danoe at Hillsboro Hall, Bilurday evenina. April 3. Toelle orchestra. 2 3 Bargains Job lot of the (anions W L, Doualas hbooH. in natents, vioi kids and velonrB, to close at M-76, at H. Wehrung A Sons. 2tf Utn. Manaaer Talbot. Sunt Coolidge and Auditor Ntvlns of the 0. E. Cn. were In town Tuesday. U was learned that the new depot will huon be constructed . denly thrown down from an adjitin ing building. Moonlight skating, at Hillsboro Rink. Saturday night. Muslo iy band Skating iaoe. Small ad mission at door, Mrs. Klita BenBon. wife of An drew BeuBon, of Cornelius, died at weight about 1250 lbs.; price, sftt5. Mpiire at Argus oinoe. oi Leo Sohwnnder. one of tbe old ..i . . V. . .. L. l...... Mmm Settlers on ine orcra mium tulmUle, was lu town Saturday. J. A. Chapman, one of Middle- ton's old-timers, oalled on tbe re- i ......kin M.liinlav IBiuu0 M- Knmo M.rnh li 11)09. Don't go around with dirty feet, Hef malen mmn WM ReiJ) and when you can get a foot tub at Km- ihe WM born in Ireland in 1814, riok it Corwln's. coming to Amerioa in 1859. She (htfritd Schlaefll.of above Moun- wedded her husbnud, who survives, taiudale, was down to tbe county n Portland, in 1879 The funeral nest yesterday. will take place Saturday, 10:30 a u n real estate, m.. at Cornelius, at the Clsrman lumiujr w ---- - Terms reasonable. Apply to hu ratll Bros,, Hillslwro, Or. 21-tf S. H. Bullock, ot above Banks, waa an Argtis oaller yesterday. which goes to the school fund. A oi A Finney et al to Geo Stephens number of Hlllboro people attend part blk 3 Fairview Add.Hillsboro-isoo ed. Miss Haunschild deserves NieU Jensen et al to Ibeodore J F credit for the fine programme. ; n;Mrw ,nt. The matter of a coonty fair is d Roes vs. Roes; Krumbeim va again being talked. The details Krumbeim; Holmes vs. Holmes; were worked out .last winter, dui divorce cases reierrea to uunyon when it came to subscribing for Delude vs. Delude; Houston vs. stock, there was ao apparent lack Houston. Hohle vs. McKay, de of interest, although several of the creejjury discharged until March promoters olHrert to take unerai 20; Ord Castle, indicted tor assauu blooks. Washington oounty should ith dangerous weapon, pleaded have a good oounty fair, but it not gulity, and bands fixed at $500; take monev to make it ao. " That true bills returned against Df C. L. Is the only thing that appear" to Large and Wm. Bellinger, charged belaoking. with eelhng liquor without license, a.i...i...:i. nlea' of not guilty entered; Dr. from his trip to the Middle West, Urge indicted three ttmee lor yesterday morning. He visited " Texas. Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mis- Tniv.fur head horses for sale souri, Tennessee and several north- j r. Connell. These are nice, em stales, ue uruuuuumw omnn.h hnraes. and weu Droae ana homa the most progressive ol the . .1. H or see can be seen at southern states, and Arkansas, the .1:11 Doro .fM Sunday, Prices Lutheran Church, and interment will follow in the Hilleboro Ma socio oemetery. Hillsboro Argus, $1 50 per year slowest. He states that Oregon is well advertised, and that many eyes are turned this way, and pre dicts a big immigration this season After eeeing the greater part ot ths Middle West, Mr. Schulmerich is of the opinion that Oregon la beat of all. reasonable. There are five cases of small pox in tbe Stout family, near Reedville, and were placed under quarantine, Sunday, by Dr. Wood, who also reports a caae In the Ofleeby fami ly, at Roy. Rhoades, 9kh and Baseline. 2 tf For a snappy style h a spric g suit, perfectly tailortd a;.d ras..n ably priced, visit H. Wehrung fe Sons. 2 tf The annual conference eersioo of the Uuited Evangelical church will convene at St. John, Oregon, At, til 1, Bishop W F. Heil, of Chicago, presiding. Mr. E Traylor has been elected lay delegate, and will represent Hilleboro Evangelical church. The Delta has secured tbe agen cy for McDonald's Celebrated Salt Lake Chocolates. 1 be hne&t choc olates in the world. 2-tf Pie social at tha Farinington school house, Friday evening, April 2 Come and eat pie with a pretty girl. Somebody will ee. that beau tiful burned plueb sof pillow. All ladies are requested to bring a pie It you want fish for Lent, go to Greer's. 51 2 Public dance at Hillsboro Hall, Saturday evening, April 3. Toolle orchestra. 2 3 Horses for sale. A few head of good, general purpose work horses for sale. Inquire of Hillsbori Liv eryCo. j Frank 11 1 Oyster House! Is the Place for a fine Meal. Oysters in any style. "We serve meals at all Hours. SKort or ders. Call onus. . Especial attention . to theatre parties. Tables for ladies. Best coffee, in city Main Street, one door East Shute's BanK Fresh fish every Friday and Sat urday at Moore & Hoover'a meat market. ; 47-if For Rbnt, cheap, 200 acres; good bouse, barn, 2 acree orchard in irnnd barinir. 25 to 80 acres clea. ; Mrs. J. C. Lamkin is recovering all kinds of pasture Ioqairet K. front a severe case ol grip. ' M. Ueidel. - - - 2 So