1 The HILLSBORO tfOL, XVI. HILLSBORO. OREGON. MAR. 25. 1909. NO. '2 wmm in W u subject jimdtcd by IK llMlchlnwon J t Dairymen'. Meeting ASS0CI4II0 rOKMID S CO. fumltal Trseewiaaini i I irrtlb." "ere Ue ttr , jl lb dairymen' meeting hld al Vat Grove, Haturday.Dr Hutch on, ihe government eiperl, talk- ( on ib uJiH tf "Tuhrculoal f Cattle," to a large d ilrl llilll(MI. - aald in part: f'Tuberculoei la not tranttiileal fruiu one animal lu another lj retlt. The infection I raua-J by fwe of lb animal, and on It )iiTrypJ by ihe fecal Dialler when It iiioUt stale. Tubercular germ lien tiptMNMl to the direct rays of )n un fur a period of 12 hours ia kltl"l, end It I therefor of the Watm ImlMMUnct lu arrp lilt cow I'liU i a lirau and aauilaiy rouillllott. lUtui L.uM liav plenty ul hibIihUI, Many fcliyiurn In (fit rail har !im walla tu Vr mill tltr of ItirU t mi r oa, which not ily ullmiU waimth, hul ('tally !( krri It r Inlet a-r ul tut barn IB (immI ulll Ion ID urn way lu (iirvrm m culiait Ih catll It lo krru t lie twin .uu) aauttaty rulldtllou. THlt tllr vrtHlv lUltyititn tt Colutiitf lu uti taUtnl, inl urwrt am! hrtlrr aani'aty wlhwli at Iriullltii, rvrivarht (," t.sutc Ixlry toil ruod ComitiiMtourt W, liailty, ff I'uilUmt, vat prtariit. 11 lalkrd on III auhlerl of III m-w alty which lit thought would tr ul kurfit tu tlic dairy liitrtralt of I he ita r llir liHTllllK, a Trtl AaMK'laltun Wat foiiitutl, wilh t) lurmlwii. Tbr Olli will I Ibc taiut at lliuwr lu tut unty IHiltynitu t AuuclatkHS Thr ilt luiim-lore will do lll Iratlng lirf aaauctattuut of like charactrt II Ut oi(uucJ in lli counly. COMMISSIONgKS' COURT 'h following proceedings were hid til ad turned meeting of the unty board, on the 1 3tb inel fflliuu llnmin MrlKTf, thaitgt nl inly t.avd. C U llurliauaii, A II IwM I tlx county luturyof aiixmlrl to rt Marcb 14. al lu a. ni , lu vitw ami alt Mill luail Kfx(i of C.to Hrhttkt rt alt, on Ituait , conlliiunl lu April Itrtii. I r Allra trfunilta K ll, tilonrout rMinrnl. I'cliticin V Iiavia, rtfuml taart, rv lui rri) in aura uf li So, wtoug airmriit k ircial eoa.l Ul. Ilny r, Mrwitf trfuiulrtl f i.'i, rrron Vn tawMinrnl. I'tilliua Kaatrrn lii Co, rancclUiiun Uici fur IHoi anil luoi, 00 K of N k of Skc 16 T 1 S K 4 W, oi.lntd llicrllfil linlcml Ibat 5.6 be rrfumlril bcli J A I.yman. trrunruut tcbuul lai lu lt. No jv. Jnaaa Ar)(al of Jackt'inyille, He. IITIJV ivni)wm : a 1 1 1 1 ti n v 1 1 x n .iiivn it aacoMia. a 11 .anion Ub the ill II I I I il 1 rtil till Wilkaa liriM Abtrart Company. it l.la, of Itaavarton, waa io lha city Monday. II. M. Hpancar, of Ilaavcrton, waa a oouotj Icat vlallor Monday. A lot. i) lllaknaly, of (he Laurel nelghkorhooi!, waa io town Friday. T. H. Perk li.. of Button, aa io town Monday, abaking bar.d wilb friend. Bring your watch and clnrka lo Libby, for prompt and akillful repairing Corner Main and third Stfnsstlonal Trial In Which ,lwta- AKl INDIAN YOUTH DKOWNS C HUTU "NOT GL'ILTYI Dauulitcr Accuses Futh.T Albert Koreatand (i :o. K.a.ler.h"l'MOIBE- BHIXCS Gl-L IX COtKT of itankr, vitited ilillkhoro Friday. Jaa Kalon. of Tualatin Irana. 'ht lory Arrived at a Verdict Wllbla acted buaiueaa lo loiro Friday. Haif ia Hear M Turner, of Itaoka, vlaitavl the county eeat Friday. The trial of Andrew llWh, a far- Ada Wer-t, of U Crande, are visit II. II. Kogere. of Cornellu. tuer, living on tha Barnee road K relUvea and friends in Hille tranaacted butineaa in town Friday. L'ar the Mt. Calvary cemetery, io tha eitlern part of tbia county, re. W. II. Webrung and daunb- ter, of Cortland, epmt bunday with Peter Boecow and family. For Hale Three good milk cowe, freeh; all young On old Wick Perkina niece, two mile weet of Beaverton I) Bhaw. 62 2 Hermt-n 8ifgrit and wife, Dee Attempts to Escape From Oificitlsof Chemawa School ll'tiP) r'KOM BOAT AD IjlSKSl Victim waa Cbn. Waltaa, an Alatkaa laoian, Ajfd Twtaty-lw Vtara Joa Iligglo, of Koy. bad buai- neaa lo town Friday forenoon. K. Thomaa, of K let, on the Ne bklem, waa in town Friday. Uro tbia week. Hmokera like the Hcbiller and tbt Kioellencia. There cigr are of the it etock. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar. lUaverton ia to have a bank. oliargrd with the crime of lnceet, preferred by bia daughter, Hota Koaa Hoerth, aged about 1G yeara a v a 1 1 - m wm a ' ...i.a...a.aa.n.e.aaai.. . .... . innniin, 01 rorrei wrove, 01 an", wvu um a pi ui tk, but dim now UtlUbr con . - .!',. Hill I I . . . . ..I . .... waa a mitineta vianor 10 iiiuaofiro 1 al wrtk, and ended wilb tlie atruction. H will be located on rM,,,T- nroriiDt ariuittal of the father, the weet aide of C. b lledifw etore the chane. Chaa. Walton, an Alaa- Hee Libby, the jeweler, for watch whe aood narue waa aunuortrd br Plenlv of fruit trwa at the Mor kan Indian, tied 22 veara. waa retiring, oorner Main and Third WTm r,,,ul,ble witneeea. It ftp- ton'a (Jreenhouae, aleo cbbage and captured, but broke away from bia 'lr0Ul 4"' prara that the father Laa been aep Jtrawlerry plant.. Kale will hood cip,or tD(1 rtQ lQ the rir wbere Four Indian boyi who bfcame in volved in a row at the Chemawa! Indian training school, in Marion I county, ran away frjm that ioati- tution Saturday night. They were pursut-d by officials of the acbool, a 1 and 00 unaay morning were over. takn near the town of Tualatin. Many Tualatin citizens j lined in! Our Prescription Department Is our Pride. We have the confidence of the Phyticiansand the pub lic. This is increasing our trade every month. Why? Because it is the important part of our business, and AT ALL TIMES receives our careful attention. CarlU Her, of Timber, was down Ui tha county eeat to pay laiee, Friday. Levi McDaniel, of Dilley, who has bn dangeroualv tick with blood oiaon, la recovering. J. A. Lindtay, W. J. Amend be ready. tended to. Cabbage mail orders at 4Stf arated liom hi second wire lor a I at. 1 ia. I f. . aaa ft at rwi Irnl ti rvm I l"MV Ul luui 1 traai a, a aj lit, uwiH I . tj t f t . I r... :..!..- .u .I...-K... r... ..-k-. Born, to the wife of VS alter r " " . 1 Thorn nl I'nrl Uml in rhrnarv. minima rin.1iu l tha lattxr tin "i " , - - iitfji . : l.i 1. -: 1 - be jumped into an old boat, tod using his hands for paddles, tried to crots the river. Seeing that he ...IJ l. a I X- - - I ! ii .l 1 wnuin jh overiKaten 11 ne iutbu id away Irom bom., fcbe was taaen . - ; - the boat. Walton sprang into the In band liy her stepmother, and "'7 ,, ' A ' river and sUrted to swim tn the aoon afterward, Hoerth wa arre-t oonoeite bank. Weiahted down br and W. K Fouiree.ol the jwyer ! on lha atmve charge. Ibegin'r For Kent Store building, dwell- bil, clothing and heavy ahofS, he ton eeclion. were up to see the lai tealnnony waa contradiciory, ami linR houHe, and barn; gooa locution gnddeni- threw up hie hands and oollm Uir Friday. unupKrted ty other witne. lor general merchandise atorti. van goCk. His body was recovered, but t k. I. k ,v II I .W.- auuougo CTiurnve ui a uaiuag ur Buumw, a. v. rauuuy, mu.n, j,r)j WM gone V alVOO had enlist itout. wvi-i, "". t, rhi,-j,r w. iir.liifil atalntt ()ra 1-3 l. l ,k -,.v,l r. . I iV A B Davie and John Uedlioh, of ", l . ",K i. . u,ia,..a . " T.T. . "ir . ti i . 1.; 1.. . : . " Mr, li. u. iiuiid returned rn- f"i muiiietui iwtcu hu dhluh, .vi.miu.u r"u"7. "uu tardener bv trail, and "ell edu I. ' . .... L ..... i .k.i,. -k. K. V,.a - , ; ,'..,. , aay irom rroeeer, bbd., wurrr 1 j - u oatra lie 1 upwara 01 w yrara m . . .-.i, K u r, ovolved In a row. and with three I. i a tin ti. f I I I- ....... I l.u II. i..l I " " "-- , , r.gga irom my n. v. v 01 1 im- ir, iu m poor noanu. iuim . ... PKiiii. others ud. witn me above result home and Orpingtons, which are a straight story The lawyers for . . . .. Coroner Brown waa notified.bat ... . a . I . k . 1. .a I '11...... BkhA kana t.nn IM Ia I I I carefully bred for eg, production lh deiri.se did not cenai 10 itn .'"7 ,1 """H""'" '"""learning that there were many and standard .juallliee, now ready plicate tie at. pmo brr a being, IhH uu."" u '" " urr, witness to the drowning, did not al Cameron, yards, south of city cause of th trouble. It dfv-h.p-d iore. n.gneei mar prw paiu b(),d ,n ioquwl. The body was park, lillUboro, Ore. Visitors wel that the utt-r h.d a iuongiie on """J" ukeo back lo Chemawa for burial lioortb a fafin. ami unting lo iiu " H. T. Bgly and n U Hpetcer, T. A. Tuniat and eon. John, left New Photo Cailenr at Coraellua Portland, apjared for the dt fend Kriday .over the Soulbern Pacific We fill to many Pieacriptioa that our Stock is always FKKSII and PL'RK, be aidet being cotnprcbentivc and completa. Our Charges are Al ways Bight, and Based upon Value of Ingredi ents and Time and Shill required to Compound. They are not "Guessed at." All are treated alihe. The Physicians Trust us. You may safely do so. Hillsboro Pharmacy oome. rJ iu Cba. Braoeeci, Klwr J. liroal, A II. Halloiao, Henry Ohrtman, A Pelera, T. U. Vincent, F.C Wil son, Oeo W. Taylor, Jno. I. Young, John Campbell, J. W. Moteback and Cbsj. Krager, of the Sherwood section, were io town Friday, and helped out the lai fund. THE COST OF LIVING Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of all Monty Received and all Money paid cut t 1 1 r ?a- anl, and Bagl.y A Hare for the ,or ijn9 Angelee, Cal , where tbey Pope, the Hillsboro Photographer, I V2N DV VJlcCK, VJCl A IXCCCipi nrnjuru nun. mi i i ir r flnrciBi i 1 1 1 i ir,,L.Hn i. rr ha ta.ns. i k.. n u u. .t i rw - r 1 " in Bmi iuuqu uiibii iwi ww 1 uma uucuvu up t ui suiyU kbiibit ss 1 hi of tbe latter btaltb. Taam for Hale floanof teldina 9 and II yean old, weight 1MX), each. Good team for logging camp counsel, rroeeruiltig Altorney is.. B. Tongue having been retained in tbecaee before bia eliction. Hoerth thanked the jury after hi acquit' tal, remarking lo one of ihem, "I knew I waa innocent all tbe time. The following named jurors eat ConR'eation.l cbu in tbe case: M. J. Chrisunson, I. eight, to a large audi Cornelius, in connection with bia R. A.Uma nfPnrllan.l ka. UIEDITO DIU310. All IM OHIW been engsged by the Congregation- iD V doDe J firet c1m al church here, for tbe current tap-roo-dt profeional photogra- church year. He preached at the PD". mr- - tD.nf,n wu urch Sunday V." " oiuuiu. i;.... Mr. Pods will be at Cornelius in in tbe Cae: M. J. Chrisunson, 1. -" a- " nt mon. each week. Thuradaea. Fri F. Carslent, Jaoob Smiib, John A Mission will be eiven in SLMar and Satnrdava all rfav. and or farm. Set double harneaa goes Ktrnna, August Tewe, J. II. McNa- Matthews' Catholic church. Hills- Sunda. -2 m R n m All kind. with team. 1 rice, 11 sold mer. U. L Uirchell, J. J. Krebe, boro conaoiencing Suuday, March of view and scenic work done 00 aooo 1.. - urn ...uii.i, ...... 1, v, iuu i. vuiwm. . u. luu.nuiti dt Verr Rey rrior Aueineim u. days; aleo enlarging to any 111 uurrva, r. ... 'a. o , v..u, waa eirciru lorriuau . S. U. 01 St. UentulCl a AuueT, Ml. I All work StriCllV first CUSS. Or Ansel. Ore. money refunded .... .. . n n . n. I I I Takan mr Rrd hmfnr and vel ature wisely refua-d to further a d lh.B.WMheJul.ih. nassen- low heifer with white spoU; coming he normal scnooi octopus, ine . . . . ..11 1 The endorsement upon the back of your check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. ' " aHBawaWaawawaWawawawawawawawaWaWa Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore. Ore. 52 3 The rpecial session of the lrgi IECON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE V'O'fK"" Klrctrtc runt tla car rarb y dally. Tlir H:j a. in. ami I 4$ . m. ami uul uf Hillilxiro eunnrcl promiilly llli Salem cara at Oanlrn tloiur. Tlie llilwio 1'ortUni! Iiuirlablc fullowt: er HiIUImiio Arilvra 1'ortUni! '7 15 a in. H Jo a 111 JH Wa ui 10 tai a m li 10 a m It 15 p m I" 45 P W i 50 P" f 3 55 pro $00 pro , 6 5i a. m. , 0:11 a. m. . 10:41 a. m. . 34 P- i" , k ba p. ni. , 8:4 a. ui . 9:67 a tu. , 2:07 p. m. ertr. pay all charges, and take same away. Cbaney mnehel, Banks, Ore., Route 2. 50 2 i'lln in. V"i I'oilUml it on a in , 55 i o 15 a ni 1 jo p ui 4 10 put. 7 to p III Arilvre llill!oro 8 os a 111 10 co a 111 1 1 a m JS P 3 13 P I" juut. 1 ur . , . . tarn wara Nn hrann: no ear . . 1 . m. . ...in. in .mi nil, i i .mirn 1 " j - . - , matter will com. up U the people. . V." " V. follow . 0-ner plea.e prove prop. ana iney win soine iv rigni. tait .... tUUhaabeea burdened too long J,0"1.11" ndtooheayily with special legie-LhrrUn v,tt.... lion, and the tail ayera are get- Pomit c.roe Local og tired of it. Tbe Argus ia not, Form Giwt Loral nor will it under any oiroumstanoea. overland ...... bssnspoiogiatforapwclal leglala Q Uo?. " tion. foml Orove lxxal i . . 1.1. k..:i J 1 11.....1 r 1 ..1 1 araona wno cuuiriuiuaw uu u- r""""""" " ' f 1 - . 1 -iii .1, -.11 .n .a .. i Sheridan Flyer s: p. m. tbia time of the year count more n,8 waa aeaicaiea itsi ouoaay . 1 " T.k ' -n Korett (irove Loral 6 47 p. m. lh.n work don8 ATDZ ihe sum. by the cougregatioo. Bihop Chas. IIU aoie a lurniao rouau uonuii 1 1 . " ... o.... . t,..i.j . 1 1 ki !.. k..:i.l mer months. oruno, "i rorwauu, urrscuau Sieicoea.or uiuw vnuw ui uu. u- MRS. MARY GROSBN . . . ... lh rfairatnrr aarmon. Followina i n 1 . : . it a . a 1 s rw 11 1 1. n .l ui.ii: o . 1 ""'""ww" j - ngsoiaiiaeecnpuona . Miiiuawa j De DUCa voacn oai.ioo,oamp; . - UrMmmm nd s,ifioatlona furnished wilb l . . p eon, will stand this season, 4 . . Rfl w c K ...io. ....... . . . milaa nnrthwaat of Hillahom and l .. . . 7Z"' I l:.i...l U.imI U a aa. a, n h W LVaaB . 3 3" P m . 6 3J p m Advertised Lettcre Stra Una AlUno, Mary Clark, S Coimi bit, Mm W I'ranti, Mini Cell Hem neil, llinry Joaary, Mim lleaaie John (o, Win Mcl'cr. 0 I. McCrarkrtt. lid Miuen, Mia Claia It Payne, Mr Alice jliiley, Clm Mot Tormauirnak, LUla Voytahl, Hrlaiivraof Millard V White. H Bonrr, Kruia ilrau, Wllllain Heard, ami. lUulay. Morro ltoaroni.1i. li S ,000111, ftiaiki Boakovich, Joaeph Chal hi.M Ki .. Lf t.. . . . . 1 .1 1 . j...... ..... 1,1 r.Mrilfll yt), JtlC 1 1 Mil II - loo, J O Hamilton, Mri C O Kennedy, Jult Lyona, Mra Kva Ungley. Klley -.u.ii.cau, r ai Miner, Muyor A I (Ktaimoo, O W Nelaon, Mia lova tllten li ratteraon, Mr Wilfur Piper, Mr uella i'cateraon. V. A l'.M.r,,, rima M Hubiiiaon, Miu Martha A Skciriee, Mita "ar rspeucer, j c Tucker, Mia N I Tboinat, Mr Dent Wilaon, Chat 11 Wai ir, mist uaiel Wall. H. P. Cornell ut, P. M. March tl, 1009, MORMON CONFERENCE Salt Lake City, April 4, 5 and 6 Th" uual low round trip rates will b made via the Ornonn Hhnrt Una. Tickets on sale from Oden and points south, April 2d to Oth.inclu ve; limit, April 12th. Bee agent '"r mriber particulars. Card ot Thank We wish to thank the neighbors and frienda for kindness and svm- Pthy extended us in the loss of our wife and mother, the late Mra iary Urossen. Peter QroBeen and family. NOTICE My Jack will be found at my farm, at Glencoe, during tbe year of 1909. Terms: To insure mare to be in foal, $10. I am prepared to breed mares with the Impregnator. Coutiiderable work has beo done Phone No 76, Gleccoe. Addrese, on roads in the varioui districts, w. V . Taine, Ililldboro, Ore., R. durina the mat few dava of floe D. 3. 14 1 . 1 weather. Taoee who know, claim thai work done on the roada at I The new Methodist church at ..nli nlart H II Ilnl and. COO- . 1 1 !i 1 ti n 1 r . lirosaei). uieu l Vun lauuny DouiB ., , ,,. . ... uiBiriut ruvi. i.uwuuu, 01 iun- traolor and builder, II.ll.boro Or.. Waehington county, Tu'T nlntl land, and W. N. Barrett of Hille- Paolflo phone, 383. 52-11 1 r l Jollypl.ee Beet alUound hoMe boro touching on the financial in- A .urprlM party w.i given at . h 0- o BerD in this a debteJueee of the church, which ihe homeot Mr. and Mr.. V tlock JSlwrt.nd. JDn.rj S2. 1301. In f K.n Owt; 1-4 "Ported to ta ,900 U ol Wednesday ave, March lOtb, in u... 1885 .he imiuigrated to the -F. W. Delsman, Owner. 1-4 wnich WM Bubecribed wlthin t Ui aha mintori . - . . a .1 I ill V . auiilf. Dun taw u pa a - aw waaw honor of Mr. VVll ocka sixtieth 1,1.1 rft.tee. aud made her home Ilillaboro. Forest Grove and Mo- short time The building is mod birthday. The evening was spent . A.W1.. r..v k'i,.a Thara u:.,.,;ii. k.. .)1m iK. Lrn and noat about I2G00. and ia w . . nai IIU UDin'lUH V 1 J I - " I LII 1 kl II I 11 lu UBIU VVUU nwvia UV I - -t with social amuse menu. Uenoatw he WM mttrwi lo peter Groeeen, Bme day at the Alaska-Yukon Jhe only church building in the refreshments were served. Inoee Au who ,,.ilb ,our t?, ani juiy 14 U ihe date wt town. After the morning service present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ...u.,... iurive8. The children It ia understood that the railroads the ladies of the church inyited all Robinson Mr. and Mrs. li-L re: Kred P., Kleie R , Anna A will give special rates on the days present to a substantial luncheon, Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. nti Matilda F. Onwsen Her age dedicated lo Oreaon towns. The which was spread in Odd Fellows' u.ig. nr. an mra. I'Uirgnru, mr. wm 45 yetr t month and 2l dty(1 gute Ffderftlion o( Women's Clubs hall. Several HUleboro Methodists and Mrs. J. V. Jameeon, ti wit- UM.-llw,d wag , member of the has provided a hostess for the day attended, and enjoyed the occasion. I'H-a. una nmumii vm. 1 u..i.-i..i.n 1. itrrh al Kutnanv I .... ...... r. ...k iiMmn lAa-n I .... n . i . 1 I, 1 . n,.- alamln Rnlilnaon "'u' "M " y. tm """" W.Li. rulliam ana Wlie, 01 IvIBlB V Wr rmr t and w always willing to help in Many HilUoro people contemplate ktni tre gue8U of o. W. Barnes and Ytlraar Ullegara. 8mday school or otherwiue. She going to thB Fair, and it would be and family this week. Mrs. Pul- Those who love Ilowers will ds was a loving wiie ana a una ana nice thing tor the Board 1.1 lracie ylhm M tjejr daughter. Mr. Pol pleased to learo that for the first model mother, whose death is deep- to arrarge an excursion to cover iitm jB engaged in locating home- and possibly tbe last time during My felt io lbs home, ana in toe the Hillsboro day. Uteaders on government lands now lha life of Mr. Luther UurDans, neighborhood, wnere sne was uign . , Anan fnr aatilamant on th fiilatt the great plant wlsard of California, ly esteemed for her good qualities J f.;uL, ?whoVohbed He and three friends from Clatska- the ,eople of Hillsboro will have, of heart and mind. The funer. 1 H Rinck at Bu? me .eoenUy filed contests on a sec- rorone month on ly, an opportun- took place Thursday afternoon at be joti-Mi, tioI1 in the 8iieu, and sUnd a goo.1 ily to purchase a few of Mr. Bur- Bethany. Services were conducted J "'J Jne icVd 5ur7 b1ow to win out, as the original bank's improved flower seeds. n. German bv Rev Lehrer, of j J before Judae Mo- homesteaders are not now on the This opportunity until recently the German heform Church and ? land. Mr. Pulliam says he would .aa bevond all exDectations. and In Kunlieh by Rev. A. W. Rine- Br de, Baturday. and both pieded .. ,..,-(V1ft High Quality Drug S tore When you are sick and in j need of Medicine, you want ! not only that which is Time to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which we constantly endeavor to furnish our cus tomers. None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. were H not for the persistent Uloris h,rt, 0 the i.urman rresDyienan 7 T iu Uided ha wins the contest wVl. u. n.i..nV.nH.Lk..,.K P,ii.n,l ini.rmant follow, was sentenced to a term of 18 tided he wins ine conieBi. OH iun ,,a,. .... .... . v... . , BnitAnl:Kr- .nd ; rkall Vamntnn .kn H- nM. mate trends this tjler would not nng in the t.ermao rreeoyienan r v" - -r- " r.," "T..T be made at thl time. The Delta cemetery at Bethany. 'h8 8' ! ll1" a hl"! ?! Drug Htore has been fortunate oapuoi, oaiu.ua, Mu "T wu,so mouuay, wu " - l k t .ami a r. nf thnaa TO ORGAN ZK LUUN 1 Y LHAIjUb uny wtu dcitw uu. iuui I BUUlO uiiuuci iuu uwui iuki im nouKu i - I Tk. K. hava h .An nonfined In .Ik I. K.Ia. tha Vnaa Thai I- . y una. t.Mav. t HAITI Ift Inl I I a law av j o ' w w- - -- 1 iikui JKi a.w " aaiMwa) awv , BDHUe, IIIU UK" v..-. ., ,-, 4al a mnntka j,,,. J. uZa k.V.m ff U.Ma la... nubile. Atnona the seeds whion 11 nommunitiee in this oountv de- . ,. 1 J.V .V j "".rr w. . The Delta has reoelved ar. Giant , " of Mn reprMenled 'lo . l '? V L? ".ST" Double Orohid Flowered Luutj baseball league, are reiimst Peas, with n diameter a WhlOD the zia, very rare, very choice, just through the wall of the jil and I tha leg. The child was placed un- hloasoms T over 2 Inches T.y aT l teeaptured der an anaesthetic, and Dr. Dot MTster TarnaUon? ? T k 1 iZro n within i week. The boys formerly later extracted the dangerous sub- ai?.?- !iSSdinffU -tance. The parents are at a lose BT' ZZZ U It P"f.e k0 TO" " t- "" r. It to do petty acts of a crim- with the needle. know how the child came in Lni k. k.1.1 i ,k krt.,.o .1 em"" o - - ZUl fkM.Jir,m,m" Minal nature. The, are not v.ciou tdn-oma f, inches in diameter: and 1 Wm Hh,. Wlrh. looking hoys, ana prooaoiy are v.o others equally as desirable, as a John Ireland .-l..a f lka,U iMtitnanaa atatntS I . , . ffU.rlUiDfJ Ul IUOII KTIUUIUVIIOOO, vanvu 1 I . . . . . . . t . . W. II. Wehrnn. .a. r.,,1 from banket bears Mr. Burbank's signs Hon. S. A. D. Meek, of G'encoe, sideration oy tne Juage.as ine sen ...1. . . -7-0 li ,n I . ...... ...11. T.,.a.l.n 1 1 anna ait nnmniratlsclV llffnl. inland, Tuesday! I lure, 1-2 was an Argus caller Tuesday. Don't forget the danoe at Gleo ooe. March 27. Toelle's orchestra. Tickets, f 1 00, including supper. W. N Barrett and wife visited Portland, Tuesday. T. M. flEBR H. A. HUDBERT Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Cmpany If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FARGO LOCATION. Indwpwndwnt Fhon, 195 HILLSBORO - OREGON