The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 18, 1909, Image 2

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    fcWKY - fc It
OhJ Official I'?tT
Uin Ery r f
The Crescent
Phelps and PrKer.
High CU Vudrrille
Friday Eve, Mar. J 9
a If
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X '.' I -'?- '. -..- r
; , u .
.' , vi " ! i ' t ' i" ;.
,'- r :
ffoyal Hawaiian Quartet
Is liztv. Ezglis'z aii HiFif-
Is Li.r; ii':"-c CctLtij.
7';z'--z:z -rii ":;it Lire
GtTr.iz Cvrrediii it Itizctr
Wilson nd CameTcn.
kt.-.z. Artists
Price-s. 25c and 35c.
Hillsboro Feed
and Chop Mill
FOl'ITH ASI ;aCjl-j5 T-
t ij;. !." i ; : '
jiVf ;r f : J
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-xi i't tit :er:
'z'.' ts c : 5 tic c". ".
Cleaning L Rrpinng
5a.: - iiszyrn Gzi-iz'.tz i
Aug. Tews,
The Tailor.
1 H er tie Scbz'ntrxb 5: -
i t -t i 1m: i . f . Lt t.
I inn fc:.f A a
.ur .- ,ti !--. io: M J- . i loa-Mr Mr ii--o.t. 1 ;-m.h. ;
. -. Ji H--". .:c rw ;.. .! H T ia
: : " nix e ao ; ."wti. iac- L ; f.vri!
u . r- .- ui MfcS. ; U .oi.tM ut jt-i .-.,
: , t- J,, ll "! -.. vfi. ta-5
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Custom Grinding I
of ti Orewt Gwrt A gut f?
Of'. JVf Lb fVxsir.T W,iijx
4t4 tt ITU 4i vf iiizt. iyft
la fT f Ea Ei.yj.
l MSB f tv vm. i4 ti fsnri
trim tt IJt& 4r tff jfirta ;.i. a
to 4;rtJ s,4 4:jTl yjfx
UlMu tuts Vi uXue u.. t ra-'
iri4 bj-'j .! p.'iaitt i- a:
-, r( ii j-Tjr ,.f f4 t
'". tt iK.-ifi i.T of t- Cyarr
lvt ik HI iv.",. W'i.cSr.r?.-.3 0-5
tf. Oryi, at tivt tasr t-a cer ti a itut ri
K-jftieatt Yuartef -f rioo M. tAsh r
2 fxitb. f-f:f 1, ,t of tx
iter., rastic? thiw rath 2i t'A.
nA flirt Una u, ih. niirtA Madi.
ufrth'tfLkti'ftj t rAk ; ilt-nr-t
t Zt vAm, to Oi la. f,r
tiUB'tttt. rtjtitiuiuf Uirr; if-j of iaj-jil
tc" vitt Uj aibotia ac
4 .".; Uirjn. Vi tzlMj tt birr
Is-' Ba4 nn aiid ffr tjj. coti
aivd x--r.wr f gait aa4 gj wriL
iJai-1 i u it,. mbjt to re
&a(,t-b a orr tatatr of Or:?'ik.
tirtl at Huiftifirf,, Ortgoo, Ifci
4 erf Xw-.h, Wft.
eij-vrlfr of Wswbitirtoli CViLty 0r-
bAounr a ha&k,
A.tonir fr Kaiatis.
1 xj;..i.
!yJ. a J
V.i in 'at .sr J
i - 1 : a.. Latnr i ; , .u
", t '-'"U La. OK. m J5 ti. MM. tU. Ik.
:.- fccta aod r SJVt.i4;?i ii-fb
' i "3- . . - w .
.' ft i tw-. Mtt . r- i !t iwt-.i U4 11a. at tStfim:
.rt It. W tr . T 1 X. fc. '. kA
! . s i;.iT a j viw.-i. .1 H jr: aa.i
jfVS v. r - - . -- I "-:c
ta br H'vfa-.. E h..-.-
' aid Hvi v, ,-!. .. t:..
"ir' 'A ri- r -i hi,. --.
'1 UJl at H.";ir'.. 0-r ;fa !.-.
!'-s 4a ir , Mar. :i' at ;
H f 4a r. at ?h- f .r-: .:r -x"
-U-l Tiar tfc trttfttr '-- tl
lsnf::;,ii r. i a , fc -a.?, it
st irt Mt ft fSL it- h'r-ii--Vjr
j-r;1J4 os, a.; t cvr
"i. OfM c ti I -it 4at of jar
at J City p f,f 4n
14 fiat j? i t:n, -y!
I " taa;sc '- f-:r:r.vaj ,f
I f?S-ui rr i-a4 -r.-.4 : -.-
'.Tt 'f tlit -war! ft a,'"
'i arv.Tari f'r apt-.:i,' 's
jr of of4r as 4 a
Vj?X .t4 s;f i
VE-taia. J Crai
"ar-tr L. O Ixr-.-.a-.
X'itlt i hrbr flvD that by rv
oi no kxHMUtn, ifctf and ordfr ol
aaife Uud out of and under th t-zl
A lb Ciretiit Ourt of the Stat 01
(nr,u. for the County of Wsohlni-ton
dated the 17th day of March lSi
In favor of Ceo. K. Baiey and W. G
Hare, plalntiffu, and aafnat Meloda J
WVIward. Jamea W. Woodward and
EaHtem investment rnmunr H.f.,4
anu, for the aain of tihJM) cfu and
the further aura of tMM ith intr
et theren from the JStb day of
March, liOi, at the rate of 10 per c-nt
per annum. Id me directed and d
ilvered, cooiinanding me to inakf c.aie
of the real property hereinafter d
w;rlted. I have levied upon and por
uant to Mill ereeution. decree and or
der of ale I will on Monday, the &h
'Jay of April. IWj, at the tyjath fox
(A the Courthou in Hlilaboro, Wash
Ington County, Oregon, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. in. of aald day, KeJi at
puhilc auction to the hlKhetst bidder
for cash In hand, all of the following
described real property, lying beliijr
MfJ altuate In Washington Oj.jntv!
Oregon, and more particularly de
scribed follow)!, to-wit:
Ail of the Muthweat quarter of the
northwest quarter of Aectlon fourteen
township one nouth, range five went
of the Will. Mer., containing forty
awen, to satisfy the hereinbefore
named cuma and for the coku and ex
penea of aale and ald writ
ald ale will be made aubject to
redemption ax per utatute of Oregon
Dated at Hillaboro, Oregon, tht Tth
day of March, ViO'j.
Sheriff of Wanhlngfon Count v, Ore
liACLEy tr HARE,
Attorney for Maintiffs.
. wa ti, rhar.
Ti'jt to EaJd i"js day of it a
It !? tWh-T a:.?rinr.z ti-ir
'ar.f i-d
Ed iat a
'..'. d
f IL 4
Marr A
fcarr ;;,
5- la 1 w.
Uf'Ki-.tfiiii tl .-ae v u ;
i.tajc. fjr - - w-iw.. v& 4jm im ijfia
16 t. . ''-rt tl f.fciM LL91 ,4 4
.r i j- A-i-r..: ;c. i S-Harfre i. .: u-jr:ar m or ib ;
ie v '. 1 i-i r vf A : - '.a iW a a .'i u.
avl . yr - iitf.rvrx .s . -r ''11 Af-. w titr.ta j
,.. jttM -e-iaj t. trf , 5iiT I l'-ri. i f, ua '
I'iv ;ii Ljri! a. 'rf M .' SU lf-t- irib 2
-1 a:S- -. I 4a 3v; 'fcnvt MTti, :
e da
.e-i3i, aiary A. crp&tt. n a eo-'
widtM of the i?tat A (trz',u. atd
"' a Hfit. Idiho. ar.4 taat
of tfcii ordr and a.!
-ftke caxaot t tad on .aid Mary
i. Cfrj6tr. it i further ordrd that
aid Marx A. Car;-nter i- w-r-i .
fW order and aid no'.!'. by fiVica
ioa ttereof in the HilUboro' Aran.
nc a week for ii kf:cew!,i S4
rwit5Te wek, tannics with th
mye of ald cewtpa'er dated the l-th
day ff Marra. ar.d endinz
me lisue thereof ut4 the ifh da
"''t:! and a coov of thU ordr be
in an r.v:oe, ware!? 3id
4..ected to Mary A. Car:eiTr
it:te. Idaho, her reiirtf-rr ant
'irice acare. and deii'rsit jn tl
powi5e at H!'!.ooro. Orgoc. ;i-t
sa-ij prepaia. Iort.w:?.
rated thin lTtb dav of March, jj
THriti3 U,.IiBII,f
Circait Judge of the Fifth Jji'ir;a
Mtn of the Stare of inu,.t,
v.- ju;Kin. rei:t;oner atiO At,-,1
i. iyJU;i-.a j. ( rar.e. Marv ,
Carpenter. L. O 1,-nhim t",,.
lacksvon. Elmer Barrett, E'Se Barret'
jarnea Barrett. JJo-.d Uarrett and J
. Jackn. Defendaritx.
T,. 1 .... 1
jv juja j. i,raoe. .narr A. Car
penter. 1.. o. Ix-rsharn, rivan ,ak
. Elmer Barre't. EfflV Barrett
jameis uarrett. Liovd P.rrt-tt -.r,! t
W. Jackson, the above named Mt-ni-
! ts&r K't '.1 .! t ' !
fc'' '-Q ( 1 of a-l .a b.s ( vw t
...t r: . . v.r.. T . (,. :
Stw tva U -i '-T r-nr..-rdl t. !,. . i; n s&tM .K.l'i fa
' f rMf-l a J oa t j Us 4 ' w sTMi r."l an . s i w
i--jr'i-r A U'.T;rM of utt ruc, ; l mc.m 4 trr"r at '
C0BSJ7. OrMT. tt kuH ciattB or nrs-t j : t-sran mor-fc 4. i. ;
'jit tti may t a4; 3 i-m;-4 t jr fiw-re of ! . i ; tbrrjt uti a 4f m t '
:b a LZ:&i Cn. ai y ai ! .Ba5 4. t T, UaT otmk
1 A yo p:-ta uc Mec. ;at I : l J w c. js -b ; tt '
.1 y,.a fa-: to m pir a--.-i -wr, vii. ""'"'f ti- ! t !-
r--Bt:2 wiii ik a d-M re aca-at 'j'jrj j s"b Sj4c- 17 ai?niw tat, .,3 ett ;
w4 e-a of yju ti, t j a--l 4.Ti.-. ..f.a; uamm ius d" "
itsal Ui p.-oii? m ta owner :B tW in ! r musiiir. m .( .bi: imwd xj;t ,
. -yf .. of m rlwriM ! 4 "rr a r..; trr.w
c4 iaa y wj ao-J ea- i- .yf ttaie do in- I i'X'-rt mtouto mm. T ; rtuutM,
r us ot rpt r ta. w f r catai or lftf a'. 4rel 1: au.t
Jn '.pa ii prr-uM or any part nr r '' tt.?-t twuta j,(rm j,
-' Urw,f. ao-i 1 1, at yoi aa4 M. h r.( ; :n-i'' . il"I rt.t.; ttr
y an -1 a.; prwt or lo ca-m J Jws -ft n i&u wt, .IT thai-..
y. tcr.gti or tyJ ytu r,t r.tler ofo 1 reiijn tfern atb 1 -I.'
r,fir fe.?1 : rr .a Buiriii'. ... I
. - . . ' , u
aumrtnir; to tU.r ! '"rUt -urcer of mmisi h-tt (.Ww
as-rt ! iM Jr. U L. Cttt mm tt:i u n -n
howers in March and cold
wet feet make people cross
and disagreed.
owever, the weather makes n
no difference at all, when L
jou arc "Well-Shod." Inl
nly those who have worn the
"Tilt-Kenney" Shoe can ap
preciate their value,
Yery man wearing a Packard
" woman wearing a Julia
Marlowe is Satisfied
hoes for the men; Shoes for
the Ladies Shoes; for the
Boys; Shoes for the Babies.
Home of Dependable Goods.
Between the Drug Stores
1 j
$ for $ Our Motto
ailetr,pt:r. to asrt
UAimif or
fii.'.g of
r. T iI.Lr4Kf ir.
' 'ji 1 1 v. r vt. 1 - - it.mi ij jir .i r i r
'r tsi or ta.1 -p-.o :.! cretn 1. ..r ! riw.a Laal.oB InJ f ia;m- ,k
i .f.-ererji a.lvrn to tlx j 1 'w rf rn:mit
rirbt or tit.e to, j trvit vri of AMi:lJ4 Me. Har
r,T iaiv or lATI-
i.e 01 1 . p,a:z.t:; trw.n or 0r un4 j nrb lnw , j rtiaia
i. ivru -iiieT .i junaer ortet a loay
T.TV ctiajua
I . . ' " " 'f iTrwr WK, 4 1lAJ:
diajk, u OREGON FOR
W. C. Jackoon, Petitioner and Appli
cant, va. U.ulBa J. crane, Marv A
Carpenter, U O. Demham, UlvRtie
Jacktftin. Elmer Barrett, Effle Barrett
James Barrett, J.loyd Barrett, and j'
w. Jackuon. DefendantH,
i'pon reading the petition of W. C
Jackiton m the above emitted cauae
nod It appearing therefrom that the
Jr okw,u.: You and each of vou
will please take notice that pursuant
to the order of the Circuit Court of
uie r.taTe or Oregon, for Wa,h;nefor
County, in the above entitle-! profed
!tig. dated the 17th day of March jy
the testimo'.y of the witneH V A
Bailey, will he taken k... '11,.'....
ib!e Charlea E. Runvon at the Circuit
.oun room in Hiliaboro, Oregon, on j'ttn dav of v.ay 1 Mi'i ... ir
OCIOCJC A. M. f,f thut .t . .
.. - - ijti
me testimony of the witness. Lucinda
ja.KMjn. W ho taiten l.,.f,.ro u,
orable Charles ?! f'nrnv.r, ..1 .v.,. v
of Kaid Cucinda C. .lar-kron. on.- u,u
wet of Gleocoe. Washingtoi! Count-
Oregon, at 3 o'cltx.k K M. on the 1
-Jay of May, 1909. touching ntw
suit, action or proce-.-dirii' or oorn'ble
coritroversy to which the applicant. W
C. Jackaon. expects to be a part , that
ia nieaner te lnntltuted and 1 isin
tained by you or either of vo,i r,n
rernlng the real prox-rf v dctihed In
the petition and the order of court a
copy of which order in herewith wrv'ed
upon you. And you will therefore lake
notice that nuch testimony of aid
wltne.e will be ta.Nen at,d redur-e)
to writing and read to and Kul.wiil-fd
by Kaid wltnent-ps and cettilied lo bv
Bald Charlet E. Runvon. and in me-
uiateiy ttiereafti-r with ih. .....i...
of the applicant,! he order of examination
ami notice
and proof of (service thereof, will be
filed In the office of the Countv r-j.-rk
of the County of Washington, iit-.a ..f
Oregon, and thus perpet;,t(.d uhe
used by the applicant, W. C. Jackson
in any action, suit or proceeding or
possible control
or either of you against hlru'lii ai.y
1 JKj.jLjmmn'i r nm f,T . r.r in ,. .1 ; .u . : : 1 r ..a r-h. a.,it. 1 .
.flOfwwMKe. 4157 cIiaim: iterm i;h
.rxioioaa m wrrwl upon jroo by Ur a4 minatrt rhi ,
pot. i- ai.on in tee H;it,ro Aff i by or- more or to, to iher mutrof iayry ( r
- J- .ioor,n, CVuntjt Jttdr 'h'nne down Um cvntrr of inurr Cik'
. a''" J:'.'nntT- tt.a.1 '!"' W aiiiWinrr4 thlw.f. UJj
avl daxl us. arf cay of Mar a. 1 j or l. to to, rKtti t.ltB.
wnKbordT rja:r roa to appar and TJ U':of rKbi of tn -a.-,lif
r.eron or Ufore tt ipira:i.JU t r,i U:;aT A Saruon t.Uau- th.r,.
from ih da-wof th tini pub.i.a
iifii, w w:t: on or oefor Aprii 'ei
' hag ley & Hark.
Attorbcya for FjuiuJ.
H. P. f-ww::, PiAioufi,
A;rt A. W:!v,n r.,l vr .
Wilv,n, t.w wife. 8y!reti' E.'wiio,,,
.ra May Ji'.klruand J-,ho Jr, J,,,,,,,,
ber rj.i..l.nd. W. A. Pmilip,. Sell fclito
Wa.tnp and Richard Re Waltrip. h-r
b'iatnd. Keutn eeHn.n, rtta V
rriiii:j a,, xnowo m !tc-i - sa il
a? known l?-r.,,.a v w.t,t.
n and Jhn McPhern. be huii.and"
..1 'j r iivin, uerentjanu.
1,vn M"- Allrt
1 C. t . -"r jiay iintinn
. uf,n nJ",1"r',' h" hubnd. W
v uvV,t tnt-i"r boaUnd, ft.
iT?;, ' F,"f" known l.oe.,m
Vhtrvm ai't f,.it,. 1.' ,
tand. ami Gn f u-.i. ... .. t
f,a;i.el tlefn.laip.:
In the nar,, of the Hut of Oregon
1 on and .-n 0f r,u .re hereby eoml
ii. 1 ' "" uu appear in
the above nil - .j
, , : " .v uu answer Uie i
Amende Cp.aint therein filar ag'
you o r lfore the tz,,ir,t.on of ,ix"
weeka from tf,. ,u. ..t .L.t...
tir, , f ,i . I yvriiu. 1
, ",nj! surimon in the llilini.
in , ""J Poi:ea'ion thereof boitig '
in the w-.u r.f Ur,.i, 11 i. ...... 1
tberer.f rt.irt rh. v.k . ' '7 '.7.',
toit: on or bOrl a . 5f uv . JTl
I .tnd you wi.ipicAttk.n,, jf'
riAintin Wi I ar.n ir. r . ' ."
..i.a.r .1 7: ' T lor n,e
f..",,'' '.rWit: "r d;f fat the!
of he following dernihd rMtl' ,
s;;"' rr'
. ; . . particular y Ue-r.-ntjed
a fouoW, to-wit:
ceginmng at the M.E, carrier of the S
, 1 Of hep !j T .9 V tl i trr . ., wi7..tT'
bene W.Wiro,,,.,,,, y
terof the tmdd.e cbau,, of fj.iry Crwk
bene, up the renter of naid creel Tiu
ft thence 8. to the center of uM hJ? E. rrMJs to the pla. of ul
n.tig. cr.nta.nlng And ft a
youandear.bofyou have no intere, i,
Dona t- Ir"e 1 1 n.inul. - r..,
ing tb tosrwlary of w d r;-hi of
to the wt ..ue .l lb ,1 K.,jB1B iv,,.
nejut Jr. fnaxin 1jmJ Ciim; toew
nrtii f'.ilown.g the writ line of mi ) Bn
;an m CoiTiiiu Jr.kji;Ww,n Larx! ijri.
-4 clttin. irinr r,r im , . k. -
eo-is-r of wid Bnruiu Corrieum Jr
l.ra on Ua.l Ciaitn, the pia of tjrin
n.Of, r-.,iitaaniog 11 afi, l)Kjre or !e
tbat yon and each of you lo rmiirl u
appearand ae( fcrth by way of an.a
j vutir.i. rgcu, mi. ui-r-ret or l.n
,Uj,,. ,, !W,. may t a-ljudica-to,
and for a dty-r forerer barring at d
prvAntiiug yon ar.4 each of you and aV
persona 'ia.a 11,1c ,y, tbmUga or und.r
you or eitt-r of jrou. of ail right. Utie. in
trt. Ci,m fcnrf iir-n r,f in
ail premiaea. a-i.I for au..-b otbr and fur.
Uier r.ii.f mar be immf. .,.,1
r in the preni !.. K K
i ninumrnoni 11 irv. upon you br
pubii.urrfi by orrlrof the Hrmorabi
. ...,nn. ( our.ty junge of Washington
Jaunty, male .1.. d.,1 at Hi!
Orefeou. ua the 2h day of January, 1'W
ami wtocb orler reyjuirea that y,i at,'
peir and answer on or before the hmt
ration of rt wek fro.n the dale of the
if") WI""""" of tlii aumuKiiia m tl.t
fill .rT.V trJ" "mh: " r th
l'th day of March, VU.
Bley A Har.
Attya. for Plaintiff. !
m m m m
I Bahing
J Powder
I Pached in JARS
and jelly GLASSES
Chemically Pure.
For sa!e by t-rers.
r rit-ht or titl u.... i.i ' ..tL"1 '"
ytd DrerniMs, and that you and ewe, of
you be forerer barred and preluded from
ela.ming or attempting to claim
ing orattmnotinir ' "V. "
-r,ghtorta,eto.or-cuimor U,T'
said oreito,, or any part or parcel thlre-1
7if .riVVl . frthtr
Thi. J "7Trj niproir
Jhis Kumrnoimia nerval u, v'
uuuuruition. r,v r,r,t.. ..f u.... r
11. Co.,m. j,wi. ,.Vu".
Wl M aniiinircof) (Jon (it
Orrigon, tnarle and daterl on the 3rd day of
March, !!, (,, and which onier rerpiirUJ
Attorney for plaiuiiff.
1 by
The best and most
lasting on sale.
A full line of the
Satisfaction guaranteed.
A verv fine line r.f
Single and
Double har
ness in Stock.
Now that vSpring
work is on try our
Sweat Pads.
Manufactured By
C. M. Eppley
G. M. Hunter
Estimates on all class
es of work. iJealcr in
Builders Supplies
If you contemplate any
building this season be
sure and give me a call,
States Tel. X 3,s9
Hillsboro, Oregon
Have Always on Hand a
Large Supply of
Deep Sea Fish!
Also Huy Veal, Chick
ins, Mmton, Pork, ami
! Farms
Second St.. Hillsboro.
I have city and conn
try property in all sizes,
from 1 acre to ryx,. j.;ie.
gam city property in both
I;orest drove and Corn
lius. Farm lauds from
Ho per acre to as good as
you want.
I have a choice lot of fine
farms in Washington Co.,
"men arc lor sa c. rmhn.
dk places of all sizes and
prices. Those seeking for
homes should M my list
which covers tli
atu-tjvc retnoti in a-.
- ... WIIUII,
Banks and Vicinity
I" a niters wish inn i. ...:n
do well to call and see me
as I have
... r ivijuesis
for farm lands
wanns, Oregon
I a ot 1 Sal. e Rf4t p(Pt,ty
N'Mb.l. t.rrl,f hJ h
'! Jnr IrnUr. K t r Mtir of llawl
VVill ar.J OM.1u.0t of ! l.cUsT.
Md. "lii t J !,,. l inHt lMifJ
I ', rn.l.r. I n,l i.i.,,l ,a U
.unit l'.,uii .,( 1; . ,t,i f lf.f..B.
Wa.1iojftn I uul m. ih. Ci.l d.r i
l '.' i a..tli,.ri,, :g ,. rt ..rrlr
td p. m' of lt l
br... .,?. .InrnM, ,. kj
Hay, tbnAitl, day ..f Aixlt, lM. at 14 A. M .at ih. ,,!(, d., .,f iba
lourt HuumI.i l.; ,f., r.n, il il
X! ailluu tutba l,,g-,M bel trte
al In 1,., ,i , lh. ,u;lu.U)
f'l. rv. (,tt, ,,i im,t
allu.i. W.,ig,in ,uM? ore
I particularly d, flb4 M mj0-i. U
liimmr-H, .1 lh. ,utbwt
f.rt...r, r,. ,. I H. I; J. ,,, u. L
Hr .aiul rMllllll.g U...I.. t,.h W t rta.,
I.i-n.-. a. ) ,.,... ,i,r,K, U,. , cy
to U,., l. , M w,ih, , lhmft
rtim i, .,,.u, , B
;!'"- " "' Ha . ..t !-.,, ,.i,,ti ,lt,lfc
tr, Ni4, r. ,,,
i Ml Traft
l!tt a p..rtia f ,h j, ((f i j,it
It I mx fun an.) !( j-, x J t ' V
w.i!. .r.. .ir r:f.i r.,; ,;
,.f , , , , , H .wm.ri.
l"rb. fc,tPihi.f ih, w.tiitwMi e..,,,,
aaiJ arrtbm l, r,,,,,,,,,. u114 fc,al,
atoi.g Ih. .. ,. D, ttM) W.,HU j,
lhn.w wmt t r..., th.. .,rttl T, r.h,
tt..rrM i r..l.i to. of u
nitif , roiilainin. arrr..
-V I Tr-t
! II. tl,Hk T.. X..rihHta
Arf."M..n to llll!l.t,,. .0,,,,.
That Mi, (-,. ,,,1,1,, k
e"HBrei.,t,.n by lh. i.,..iy u-irt of It
iif urrg..n fr Wail.tontoii onatf.
Oat. at lOli', lrrtf..f,, thlaitd
day of Marrb, n.
. JAMFX jyi.AV,
r. rtl..r of lb latl Will and Teatan.nil
r.f M.mrm lllla..y, It
tagly A Mam, At..riy.'f..r KiMiibf.
R. W. McNutt, Mgr. II
"Jf 1
irk nnl l
nwu(f , rorfBi r(V(A
Kooms to Let. Hoard aid
Lodging. When H
call on the
Tx Home Stylo
'or a good square meal.
tJIillsboro . Oreg0Q
Wall Paper
Paper hanging
Arc nt for the ALFRED
FEATS' wall papers, the
lst on the market. See
iy Samples.
w. ii. tXylor"
K. F. 1). No. 4. inde
pendent Phone. No. 515.
1 mile west of
Mr. and Mr W. B Dilin, MU
Ann Boz ami fl
ynt d in t roilianJ, Wedcei
ly, lo atlei , the ap Hin. of iheif
h;otber, Jhn Dicker, to Mii
Ktherine Tbooipiu, op St Pl
ilck'tf eve. v