The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 18, 1909, Image 1

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NO. )
VUl w " "
Mis? f'!11 UllUlor I" I
Hanarrd With Mub lla
lr K. A IWiUy waa a I'urt'and
ismtiiRr Monday.
F I.. Heaitiis, of nar (irawn villa,
was a county sut viaimr Friday.
i) M Mrlonk tbe Uai-Mala
itiarcharit, waa in town Batuiday
1'oitluiid rwpcr M) I MM W. W. JariiiUh, of Laurel, was a
Town Will hi l.clt ill counly seat taller Hundajr.
A U. Jankltia. of tMtlow Oraneo,
Htiir 10 llJ.LM00h iu town r ri.iay, ana caiiwi oo
tli Argu.
Herman Oatrrman, th Center
villa rurtchaul, was iu the city
k W Mill. liw.1.1 tin,., ftf !.
J , 1 II, II , I'....-, - " . ' - "
Ihority I T. ntr-enougn, i ri- day afternoon.
dm, l of lhs liilld Hallway, mau ruff) fu,,n0 lb, w lri0.D
tlx road ' l'u'l, " 1 ""' Portland attorriy, ellandtil circuit
M fl aa the work ttau be dotia, court, Monday.
and within the nt 10 days Atlormy T J. Claelon, of Port
aotivs ounatiuctlno will I" flarUn! , land, had bininnaa in circuit court
Trrid"-nt iirmnougb la lurilit-r
'rrsdiud with the etalen.ent that Oaatt M urray, ona ( tha olid
1 1 li . 1...... ..ill I. I.ff mi rn ilm Id 010 Ul tntt tluUr Mill CUOD. WM
i... ,.rii..H,.I II... tl that 10 wwu namniay.
,10PPWUMt ' I "
H ha company Hill nut build to the
fWaihlnilon oounty caj.ital. ll is
wall known that Hillsboro cilli"iia
lnv twlea urd riabl of way fur
tha 1'niled IUiltya t thia .lc-
nd indif iduali hava jtt coimid
Informs Muyor .Conncll he
ra hi money in tha work, and
''lhat IllllsUoro MHpla art larnly
jriw)onibl for tba Portland Iran-
cbiM granttil tha t tiltd, an.i a
stipulation of tha tranriilMt waa
; that he Company should build to
Bta l.ihby, tha jaweler, for walch
repairing, oornar Main and intra
aifwla. 4'Ut
K. C, Mullny, who ha barn
growing bona lor yuare on tba bill
tar l.auml, waa in tha city nalur
Frank Wwlhulf, a iubtanWal
fatiurr of north of KMlville, waa
in lh city Haturday, and called on
tha ArgiH
I), N Hproat, new Fruit Inapo
HlllalKiro Itlanow known that t,r fr ihi county, annouoona that
tba rtiitad li awkli K lo tiave ilia ha w I uiaka a vuorou war on tna
tarina ol tba Irancbiaa nimlitli'd. I oodliti uioib and other fruit wU,
1th the id'atl alitiiinailng In I and ficla to enforce tba law
HillalHiro roiion. Many h rigidly,
ttufc!:. J:tZn! KM.f H C.NVbiU I.,
.....- . h0f , orninitone. wbich re
n. nun. in any oni , fu hfml fo, proi,uclIOH
rolaorMty wll u(..ilfd with rail-1 . ,?"
,o.d....ilnowkand It may be ' V" X.Zlj;
rkinft eonia " ,.l I
Ti.- Jiiuaooro. vr.
O' j,i rt
that tba Uriti-tl ia working
eort of a riabl of way -chaise
Board of Tiede rtwnlly apiwinUd
. . ... . ... .,.1
. .. ,. . i ,ih h.ii..! nr Mnuniainnaia.
a Mmrolttae to go OfMra uiai ori ,n.l .7.T.T
land city cminoil, aid Ineiai upoo who ia cloaa to hie 60th Wrlhdty, lb-.oUion in od ho born lo aahingloo
tba frencbf to tha Uniud, wbich oonij, came n monaay, io a m
oiakri it ohligalnry on that road to
build to UUIehoro.
Ananl the mallor ot tha United
coming tn HilUtmro. Ha'rtary
ItU'hlow. of the Hoard of trade,
lbli a ark received a letter Irotu
f .- . ffc. I . I
a juror to circuit court, i men
the firat time Mr. HalTly waa erer
Irawn on jury
Team for Hale Bpancl geldinga
Uand 11 teen old. weight 1600,
each, (lood team for logging camp
Cite AUorne? Kvanaugb, of Port- or larm. Bel double herneaa goee
land, in which the Ulier etait-a witti team, t rie-, wmmi, ii eoiu
that to far aa ha ia concerned, the toon, Tram can be e-n at Calla
linlud will be loned to live uu to ban eaamill. Pallon alley, t. U,
the leruia of the francbiae granted addreee, F. II. Harper, Ciaeton
blub ootnteU that load to build Ore.
into Hilleboro. Mra. Bamuel Gilmore, a pioneer
of Oregon, died laat week, t ber
OREGON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE home at tha (iramt Dallea, Waatt
aeed '.)) veari. Deoeaaed croeeed
TberrKn Klintrie lima n cara cacti ,k. I' with hnr huaband.Bam
ay dally. Tl.c J a. m .and I 45 1. (Jlm0.. ,nd aettled
HalnaiHitof ItilUWo connect .romnily rl tOI'ttore, in r, 1 1, anu i a
with 8!m car al Garden Home. 1 tie on a uooauuu ibuu uimu . m
llilulMiro foritand timetaliie Mio: inglon county, but )ut wnere id
lavra HillaWo Arrlvra Portland ihla COltntT. the reonrda do not
Chaa. Matt he, of the Laurel din
trict, waa in town Monday.
F. PriilolT of Oelea Creek, bad
buiineea in Hilleboro, Haturday.
Wm. Woblacblegel, of Bcbolle,
wai in town on buaineea, Monday.
V V. I'ribnow. of above Bank.
has Secured Portland Tower WM m ctitt Haturday.
Mra. Iter, of Oalea Creek, waa in
mm law
Law Provides for Appoint
ment of 3 D.-puties in State
Minn Urmia Mrk'inno fit Port
Htpia te Makt lDrat tit u,Jfj. .igii-l relatitei in town
lag f Clly Ceaacll Bunday
A V. Bergen and Fred Von Ber
F. (i Htkea. of Portland, who laat gen, of Hiiladale, were in town Following are the main point ol
winter made an offer to the Citf Tuedey. and called. the new Dairy
C u cil to buy the Hilleboro lec
trie II, hi and waUr tdaut. cor.tin- 10 lueeaay. ue rr.M m. ,nau m uolawlul lor any
buey in bit eeclion
Strict Kalca la Kriari te Clttaliam
ia DalrUa
wbich willl
the new Dairy La
F. V. Delaman.of north of town, eooo go into effect:
waainTueeday. Ue rerwite mat n sbkll be uo awfu lor
I f . .L lm lr r i n ( akVaaV lfA 9 I . a . . . ...
gent on the part of the council to T " , r ' aatryman -bo bia milk by
give him a 25 year franobiee, be to , . cream aeparator proceet to offr or
KITV Mlltl J Wall timutuwnft uv ww , a
oa 126 100 for the olant and fran- , The ebenfTe waa kept cpeo f Qf M,j .,k flr
pay iO,nw lor tue piaut anu iran . to accommodaU early r . , '
chiee, waa io town Monday, confer- taipayere. Ow 34,K) were paid mtm comiD8 ,,om
in on that dale.
ring with Mayor Connell. Bykea
ijfler waa out acted uuon at the
lime, for the reaaon that ibe ccuo
cil did not then have the power to
give a Irancbue lor 25 yeara, wbicb
power waa later given it by the
people. Bykea informed Mayor
n. -...ll ik. I l.. ..,.,,1,1 1.. In Ititta. at the meeting of 'd doID 1 P-J
council, when he would auhuiil
uaah bid for the cilj 'a plant.
that it not thoroughly washed and
cleansed within three boo re after
Under Ibe new schedule the pa awn
ger trains In and out of HilUlioro
arrive and leave aa follow:
Leam for Portland
Korea! Grove Local 6 Ji a m.
Kbeildaa Klyei 9 i a m
forral Grove Local 10:41 a. m
fortal Grove Uial j 4 P. m.
Vi,r Bala Three onnd milk COWS.
freeb: all vouog On old Dick uee mereoi, or w cnr or ex
Perkioa' place, two miles weet oflpoee lor sale, or sell any milk or
Beaverlon. D Shaw. 62 2 cream coming from a aeoaralor
V. K. Bmitb, of Bouth Tualatin, that is kept in any stable or other
has nearly finished grubbing 00 building where any animal ia
bis rancn. uis meory is mat gruo boueed, or to aoy otber place that
is uosamlary, or where bad air ex-
Tha rmnt fin aunahiov weath- provided tbat Ibis aoee not
er has dried up the roads in maoy prohibit keeping sucb separators io
placea, and farmers are busy witb ,UUUJ lu wuonj aeparauMi uj
plowing and seeding. sealed and pspertd partition from
Rmoaera tiseioe ouuuier uu ku
Ezoellencia. Tbeee cigars are of
the beet slock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
R. P. Neil, one of the regents ol
the Ashland Normal Bchool, and a
brother inlaw of U J. Palm steer,
animals are bouse. All tin and
wooden wan and otber utensils
used about any dairy shall be kept
io a clean and sanitary condition.
n hen cowl are kept by any pereoo or
persona for dairy tmrposea, whether for
butler, cheese, or lor the production of
milk or cream tor sale, in addition to
Arrivra from Portland
Corvallla Overland
Poreat Grove Local
Pi,rat Grow Local
Sheridan flyer
Korea! Grove 1Kat
K:4 a. ui
9 .')" a m
j :oy p. m.
5 i p. ni.
647 p. tn.
Corv.lha Overland ...'.. . '. a fig t. nt. St ent Baturday and 8ucday with proeiaiona already made by law. and
- 1 - - 1 . - , , , , 1
tba latter. I eBiorcco, me auioies or oama wnere
Iiutu cowa are arui suaii oe laorouguy
cleanatd every day, and kept in a aunt-
toLibby, for prompt and skillful Ury condition. The cow a udder shall
. . ' r,... u.U .J Tkliil " cleaned immediately before each
repairing Corner Main and Third mm ,nd whfn the7odder u
atlataaala. L 1 1 .... I
11 cTvo. I uy Diuu or wnrr mm mutx oe inor-
W. 0. Donelaon is moving the "tfl' ,,!!;tte' "d
. as v tat), uij viwu.
frame building on the corner 01 u wU1 te 0Duwfui for any personal
Main and Third street, several feet who operate cream routes to acceptor
eaat on Main, to make room for his receive creamon said I routes nich has
D6W UllCKa I fmir Amv airmina frnm itta ittlt Amvl
Those who have poultry to soil of June to the 15th day of September of
me,Ungtob.beldlnHill.l,,ro,on will do well to call at the depot X:;is2rrf
Saturday, Match 27, for the pur- store. Highest market price paid unlc to Mivtt to tny erttmtTy or
poee of organization. Tbe meeting Bring chickens on Wednesday!. cream station, or to any railroad station
will be bcld Iu ibe court bouse, n r. w. Walcb. " 'f" " y
Two Drisoners in tbe county jail separated or skimmed more tban four
have latelv developed belligerent y. eicepting from the 15th dav of
tendencies,' snd two fight, have
ia ecu piato iu iud wit iun. lorneuverea must not nave been aepa-
iff Hancock IS keeping the fighters rated or skimmed more than three days.
Separated as far as possible. Aty person or persons who sell or deliver
I r fa Jam aU a ranvaa nvi fisKl atria 11 fa.tan nn I
For Bale Team of ponies and the can, pail or Other vesel in which
All oomrounities in this county de
sirous of being represented io a
county baseball league, are requtsl
ed to send tenteeenialivee lo a
2 o'clock D in
Wm Bchulmericb,
John Ireland.
Shcrlfl a Sal ol Personal Property
By virtue of an lixecution iwueil
out 01 me uirouit uurv 01 toe
1 1 . wihi 1 Kiit'ii rwrmm 11 aniii atnn iian arswi latr
County of Waehingtod, Bute " Zl dnWi.sW rtSd.iSw
Oregon, in the suit of Delia A. Pot- lb?- h. 21 nd "
t .a K O Potter Merchants Pnce S0 Ihoe. Y, . Urown, l Cream is Not More Than Four Dave
. :lU "J f . nl mileo northeast of Hillsboro. Old , if Mld at any other time of the
i- Wk 1 1' I a I areaii a a waa-v 1
6 ij p 1
7 is a tn H .Va m
H M a m liitm a nt
11 10 a 111 11 IS P I"
I 4 p m 50 pm
1 ut S p nt
i p ru 7 i p m
fl.ravea Portland Arrivra lllllaboro
7 i a m H 0$ a tn
H 55 a in...., , 10 to a 111
to 15 a ut II 3 a 111
I J p ui . .tS P "i
4 iu put J IS p lit
J 30 p 111 6 .j p m
Old settler, will probably V"".00:,
lerlhe family. " ,h
1 asasuav thairi rk saraaaan Ins-taw 1 r anil Getam.
poration, union Logging A three-mile extension of ths ber 15: or "This Cream is Not More
bir Company, Corporation, W tl-
main line of the Oregon K'.eotricl Than Three pays Old," if sold between
lamella Iron .V Hteel Works, a iU bs made lo Wowlburu this irlL.i r!r y
1 II.,as lkl - , . t. . I It 9IM1I VC UUIIWIUI IUr !) LIToUUerY,
JW" . Bummer, according to U inerai 1Kent or eniDlove thereof to receive or
atate Of the Union Manaimr Tallwt. It is likelv the acceot auch del'ired cream nnleas so
L uii na & Lumber Company, duly ma!n lin. aill h ahoved forward tagged.
t.. hn nnnUmnlata build-1 ik. 07 ,! ..f ITli 1WM I , o i ... iiu - J .k. Kvery creamery must take cream satu
, .m ".j . -uram riaieut wi aiuut, uu uc . f - . . -,
Irg will do well to call on me, as i bMt e,Sed on the fol owing per- Hilleboro branch from Forest keep ,th pifor a period of
.11. a . b..IU .sK rvAn ai I I I a iW UhiUm T tw. I.. . . . 1 I. . r . . . . . .
am auio vo iuruiuiunu i ' " sonai propnriy 01 mov.uiuu '"a I (irove 10 iSeWberg, tblB year. two days, suoj-ct to the inspection of the
sketches, or blue prints of build- Igirg A liUmber Company, a Cor- state dairy and food commissioner or his
ingsoisii uescripuons. mnuiiin poratl.m: nwu ,.....,...,.. ..k--.
i IA.,1 -lik r ... ..,.1 un.lU U. k.ila UK !) ta innta-nnmin The law provides for the appointment
ami eprtiiucanom. iua I " " r " C'lJ . Z of three denudes to the dsiri com mis-
m.i if .lunri efn . i i.isiiii atiiuvrii aa tuc j uuuina miumiai igaA vaira itrganii: uu i . . .
plan-H M. Ito.ami, M ;Jn dull have power' to do in-
. .,....., maris, uwoer uteaeo urovo uiuo i.nection work atnomr the dairies ami
iiMitrw lfntitiiiri niatcr. 111 n uuiiikiuii ... - - . i i a a - i
PaoiOo phone, 383. 62-11 KomiL o.egon, (ogether with all the erly, pay all Cbargee, and Uie creamenes. each to receive a salary of
, . , c..,.- too U. implements and niiures neiongiug leame away. vuaurj twuran, r--.--" r7,"-r "7 V'
The Washington County t, range. ooia, I a pointmentto be made by Food and Dat-
t 1 . tn tlaaa I
Mr snd Mrs, Daniel Btilmiltr,
of Forest t irove, celebrated
golden weildding on Wrdimsti
March 3. Ihere were pieeen
that time the nix cbilttien ot the
k.t.l nnnvAntimi in ibis CUV. Bat- 1 1. i . . ,.r .. ...I l,.Ii,uliia to the
URK1 w.... , - M . " - l IVHU Ui W.T 1UI " " I . . 1 .
in Wt ileleoatea to the Ur.ntors hetiln. beinir tbe same proper- 1. J. oramei, at one time a reet-
" ' n . lit . . -. ' . ti . I . . a . 1 I
dent 01 nillsDoro, ana now iu me
's Home, at Banta Monica, I
recently wrote U. J. Palma- Robert William Vandfrburcr. ated
Udies ol the ( I. align, was a feature Uuil by them awigncd to Dell a. Potter, teer that be la enjoying oeiisr 51 years, died at hi. home in For-
Itser, urday, 10 elect ueiegates w ine Krntors neri in, oemg iue unit iii"- . v . 1
their Slate ( i range, whioh meets t Mo ty mor taaged by K. o Prtter l.: I. Rm. dent of
iday, Minville,,M.y II. IWJ SgysSrS: pier's
it al A b!g dinner, prepared by tbe , tliem assigned to Kverding & Ferrett, Cal , reo
.. . .. .L 1' ... . ' ... ...:,....., lull. A Pnttr tba
ry Commissioner Bailey.
.rwl Li ti- mpnttrtr and soveral matters Notice is hereby given, lhat on health than for years. Mr. Bram- leBt Grove. March 11. 1909. after a
.j..ku.ii. m. 11 Lr .,v.ii intMr.xi wr clisoussed. the '20th dav of March. UK)9, at-10 Ll i. 84 vea-s of age, and ia en old abort illness of Dneumonia. -Mr.
an b.irn in Center The following delegates were chosen: o'clock A. M , at tbe Union Log- Argus subscriber. He hse Rone on Vanderburg waa born in Dubuque,
1 .. n arm v 1 1 u a. f vBH wvaawkwa'ai fa at saw . I . ..a a s m nua aa vs aa avmnc n 1 . 1 . 1
A li Findlev. Ueuar win; J. a. ging iv i.umir uumwauj a viait ""s11"' iowa, ana was a rarrner or occupa
llttnrv Tualatin, and H O Hays, mill about three mile, north of I or two. I lion. He moved to thia city last
nf Rherwood The alternate, are Cedar Mill, Washington unmiy, TKa R1.v rrt.oh siallinn.Samn. Ml from Patton Valley. Beside.
..l.. riinmnann. Uedar mill. I Ureaon. 1 will sen win aouvo u
Charles (i'ilnirger, Tualalin, and crib'd property to the highest bid
80I Weckert, Middleton The rr.eei- der, for oasn.
.aa lartre v attended. o. ue nonce,
couple, nine grandchildren
two great gra
Bcnmeiur was
county, Pa,Janutry 14, 1833,
With hi fa.inliy he removed to
Mudoatine, Iowa, in 1819, where
he look up a claim, Mrs Kchtnrlt
ter was burn in Lee county, Iowa
Mr, snd Mrs, Bohmeluer were ruar
ried in 185!), and made their home
in Iowa until 1878, whmt they
removed to Kldorado, Kan. Boon
after they catue to Oregon tnd set
tled In WaHhington county. With
the exaeplion of a brief rei-idenoH
in California, they havs since lived
In this state. Their children are:
K. K, II. D.and lid win Bobmelt-
ter, of Hillsboro; J, M. Bohmel y.4r,
of Hood Uiver; Mrs. L. M. Metskei,
of Taooma, Wash j Mrs. W, K. Bar
ker, of Bpokane,
Salt Lalca City, April 4, 5 and 6
The Uitial low round trip rates will
tie made via the Oregon Bhort Line
Ticket, on sale from Outlet, and
point, south, April 2d to Gth.lnolu
sive; limit, April 12ib. Bee .gents
for further particular..
F. C. Burfchoher, of above Bux
ton, was an Argua caller, Friday
A. N. Cutting, a prominent
Granger ol the Kinton district, was
in town Haturday.
Robt. Thompson and A.
Findley, of Cedar Mill, were in the
Those who love flowers will be
Sheriff of Washington County,
pleased to learu lhat for the first Oregon.
1 ....nnii.i n n a. 1 at hi niie 11 11 n 11s 1
I?: , ZB:r,JM r uths Buibank. MhtsOna Foord i. visiting thi.
the great plant wlsard of California, week with her cousin He,
the people of Hillsbaro will have, Smith, and family, at Hillside.
or one montn oniy, an opporuiu- Th Mohftir marKet for 1909
ty to purchase a few of Mr. cur- 1 al Woodburn with sales at
K.nk'a muroved tnwer seeus .ku .auk- Rhaar.
This opportunity until recently . ,n pTOgreg. ,t many point,
was beyond all expectations. , and yMtJ
were 11 not lor iii perBiavcu ruji .0 , ..
w .1.' . ... r m tinrbankV inil-1 A farmer by name of Smith, liv
ifll I 1 1 all-- ...e U nf Uwlil AAmtalkinAii tfi
mate friends bl. oner wou.a w u
be made at thh time, ine ueiva ine ci y ,V
Drug Btore baa been lorlunaie mgm, mat ne nau oe.t-u uu oK u
u ..nnra a fH nr tnese 1 ssoona sree nu mui
eiiuugu " -' - V --V kf Ua Kail otwAn TC rtanta
J- nrnn sttrfl I nMITl III IDtl I 111 UlUUrTi HH ajwsa pa, a w.. v. ..
Btieua, uu u . . - - - . . . . . .
Ltl A aM iv rt II. A BMAllR wTIIIbjU I Ll BllBIBvli VflilST
the Delta has received are lliant ahom he upeoted of being the
a II" awva- I 1 . a K . MM aawamaai n tA thfl
1.1. naKiil IThiiaarAii HffAfll DOQ UD i mill uow 01 ins aw
W with bloHSoms over 2 inohes description of the man aocused was
. . ...... m.. n.mailnna. later arrested br Sheriff Hanoock
111 tllHlunirr a hiuiibiioi v , -
which bloom the firsl Beason from and the Marshal, and taken to the
Jollv plaoe.
in this oounty, good action and a I
sure foal getter. Weight, 1400 lbs.
F. W. Delsman, Owner. 1-4
The Board of Trade i. agitating
the matter of a sewer system for
Hillsboro. No one doubt, for a
moment the value of euoh a aye
burial in Forest View cemetery.
the seed ; "11 dden Cop" Ksohsobolt- oounty j til. The fellow claimed to
,U, very rare, very choice, just be from Forest ( rove, and said he
produced; the Shasta Daisy, with waa a painter. When searched he
. . , ii . . .J u.,1 l 1Rn An hia nnraon. and
b nssnma U moneB in uiaiuwior, anu uu Qr " "
T... n. .u.trahU. Aa a I was later discharged. Sheriff Han-
guarantee of their genulnenesa, each ocok .aid Smith later accounted for
naoket bears Mr. Burbank'a signa all of the money alleged to have
r I . . m m a a I
.An .ill aland th a aeaann. 41 1 018 Wile, 06 18 BUrVlVeQ DV nvei
mitL. nnrthwaat nf Hillaboro and 2 children, four girls and one boy.
miles south of Ulenooe, at the Wm. faoeral service were held last
Beet all-round horse inureaay at me nome, uev. ooy-
der, of tteaverton, omciating, witb
1-2 I been lost, but $6,
My Jack will be found at my farm,
at Glenooe, during the year of
190Q. Terms: To insure mare to
tern, and no doubt a large number k in foal. S 10. I am nreoared to
of our citizens favor it. Of course, Dreed n,tTe. wjtn the Impregnator.
there will be a difference of opinion phonl No 76. Glenooe. Address,
as to the means to be employed toky, y. paioe, Hillsboro, Ore., R.
get Buoh a system; wnemer u m 3 14
should be built at tbe expense 01
the individual property owners, or Adam Hergert, of the Blooming
whether the city should be bonded amotion , was in town last Friday.
10 DTOVIUO Hia liuuiuvcuiou. nuu , m, , , T TT.,,
after all is said upon tha subject, Bernard Tto H-U.
the question arises where are we w" " wuut' """"
to set adequate waier auppty vo L. K. Kmrnott. wbo baa been on
tlueh the sewage, once we get the I the sick list for several weeks, Is
system? The whole thing comes I once more able to ba on the etreels
baok to the queauon 01 gew ng J, F. CarstenB, of Banka, waa in
enougn waier lor ine purpoee. , . . Saturdav. He save there
have not enough lor genera, pur- u f M h.
poses in the way thi. season.
now stands. Would it not bathe ' f
wise thing to first get the water, For Rent Store building, dwell-
and then get the Bewage syftem? log house, and barn; good location
TKa aro.ia ia in favor of both Drop- for general merchandise store. Call
ositiona. The queetlon ia how and ot address, . C. Mulloy, Laurel,
I whBre are we to ge,t the water? 'Ore. 13
Our Prescription Department
Is our Pride. We have
the confidence of the
Phyiicians and the pub
lic. This is increasing
our trade every month.
Why? Because it is the
important part of our
business, anu AT ALL
TIMES receives our
careful attention.
We fill so many Prescription that onr
Stock is always FRESH aDd FL'RE, be
sides being comprehensive and complete.
Our Charges are Al
ways Right, and Based
upon Value of Ingredi
ents and Time and SKill
required to Compound.
They are not "Guessed
at." All are treated
The Physicians Trust
us. You may safely do
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a
Checking Account. From Month to
Month you Have an Exact Record of all
Money Received and all Money paid out
Pay by Check; Get a Receipt
The endorsement upon the back of your
check is proof that the party received the
amount of the check.
Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac
count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now.
Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore.
High Q
Drug 8
When you are sick and in
need of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Are You Wanting' a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
Independent Phona, 193
city Saturday.
- J :