HllLILSB0R6 far mm&m0r MB HILLSBORO. OKKGON. MA K. II. IUOfJ. NO. 52 UKOICATION OF Till! IVculJciit f WHUmctlc liii vcmity TrcuclicH S:iuun IHIKCH DEBT 1 VHI'KIt OUT (.limited CoB.ft.!! l''l',r Filled lb llum ti.- ... MrIIioiI II cnurcii waa I : t ..1 laal Hunilar. A l Hi" Unit - - dedicatory service, It l Mieve Ibrrn er wl" p'!'1" I'wnt. Th Uaw church wee AM, l,i th. gallery. Pr. Klelcher Unman President of Willamette t'nlvrrai l Salem, preached if the ""'" lug II I gentleman ol tnucii culture, end has i pleeeing d dre. 11 1 sermon was along I,rt)ilcl linee.shnwlng !' lrlir hip of all thing wilh t t-ftor of the unlver. Ha made the ui' spiritual applications Like tin si l.f 1 11 lliell who gel rom thi world. Mr. Human Ugen HI ou farm, worked hla way through nii.riMl ilia iniuielry. ml la nn al Ibe head l one l" Ual educational li.aillnunne in (hi lili. Feature of 111" morning ivies were lecons by lbrhii A tolo by Mr. N. Alandr, tetn.r, anireciatl II iati th.l there wee Indebtedness on Ibe ! iy gu-t. Mr iinlwn. wh w ii boyhood friend. Jinan Vnt, of Hanks, nil ill th" it y 11 Halurday. IC. II Wilson, of Orenoo, wit in town Halurday. (',. M. Chrialenaon, of Minion, a a county eat visitor lel Hal unity, (Mm. Tigard, of Titrt vttln, was in town Monday. John White, of near Cedar Mill, was kit A.rg'i caller Monday duo. Konlur, of Portland, was in twit Halurday. Itirn to tha wife of J H. ,nrung of Newlon, March , li'O'J, a aim. II. 8. R nlgers, of Ituxton, tiiiilxr Inspector for l he 1. K. A N. Co was In (own Hunlay. Hen I.ihhy, th jeweler, for watch repairing, corner Mam ana limn atreets. 4'W W.O H'ukrn.tinaol laverton'e nroirrrHiiiva rilin. waa in town 1'itninUy. Ilravy, uilchnl tram of hlatk Imiik, lor calp. Ininraof It. H.ir, liicyt la Hho., IlilUhoro. h'l Win. Jolly, of I'ortlatnl, waa in Ilia rily I tl-wtlay Ilia Tualatin PrMax Hlona Co, h nrxrii a cotiiileta net of naw niolila for thrir work, from .tlinna apolla !'. H AnuVraon, futniarlf a KmI vilU marrha.it. now of lUllaton wn in l!i count r aat laul Hatur l.y. N (J. M-?lonall,of ni-ar Kinton waa in th" rity Momla?, atwompan up .Most hi l lie iioiiru h i mi : """" " i ... . 1 - ..l l.'i y i nw churrn 01 upwani. which waa aMin ralrl I ha ii" oburrh haacoalah.nl UM.V), an.l la oim of lha h at in lha county Tba old church had ln in uaa for mora than M) aafi Among th" "I"' ,nf HillalMirn church praannt wara- Hi. DUri and llaimiton, ihhii tMlili.nl of Portland lr. JUdar, tt Portland, preachml in lha va i, 1 1, ir aul Mr. Mcpanial. pro Insnl Koworlh 1,-ague wurkrr of ('..filmd almi M.k, A iiuiwlwr of (lroa Malh-nliala wra pri-nl Hhaw. of naar ll.amton. am ho nana lha eld Pick IVrkina iilara, waa in tha cily Monday paying taiaa Pavid K Whpalar, who ha liva. M w Itidvillp, aid ha rwn lb oction devalopad from farai and ildrTtia to auliUfhau houiaa. wal up from Whwlar alaiion, Friday ud look! In on lu Argu. Pr W. 1). Wood hai furnialird tha loll iwing vital alalialic for lha (oaJ UiiHinossaiiJ Hills Take llillaU.ro Argua, II V) pr yaar Wm. Thuraton.of n-ar Kaavor ton, waa in fiwn lanl rri'Jay. John Wilt, who ha hwn a aup- portfr of tha Argua for 11 yeara, waa in Kriday, and called. I). (J. Lilly, of lha (ialea Craek lutus i, mm REPLIISTO TALHOT Think (irowth of the Grove Retarded by Action of Co. t0 K0AU1 VI (HE tSTAHLISHkU Kuardei Frra far Uantli el Fib'uir; Wcf 5 1 1 Oo Tha inmiling of tha county lard r tha tnoolh of March waa con !u ld Friday. Nn iinpurtant hind- una waa tranaarlad, ftillaida of tha uual routine woik. Following are the procnrdirig: liiilrg road in Piatrict No. 2 Waa nrdartd opuinl. Iload pwtiiion of H F Irnbrie and olhera; haaririg on report of via- er; continued to April Urm Itindof J It P,racb, ooiiiinanilar l Mallhewa' pout, (i. A It. No. 0, approved Road trillion of i M liarriaon el al; r"frfed In proawuting at torney, and later diainiaiwd. County clerk a for r!.tinry. t'2(J) r,; rcnrdxr'a free. :5:JI UJ Traicri)t, 1 1 tl I e t ro Justice t,t , in the following t"e'e, alloaul: Hlt v lir.tok; Stale vh Patton; Miala v Capp. K-iwifl of ieera on ral A ' t approved, and road order d eaiati liehed In the matter of public e-iiiei,t, Paraoti l ale; A Todd. J W ilughi-aand county rurveyor ep (Miintixl lo i"w nut road Mallory road etiiioii wan die luiaael It-'ad ti'i n (!( !! linker li J. F. Haundera, the Helhany p.uliryrnan, waa an Argua caller Halurdey. Ow. (ialhreath, one (f tha old timer of the Tualatin aectiun, waa in IlilUhoro Baturday. F. M Htarrelt, the Foreat drove architect, ami wife, were gut of friend in Hillehon laet Hunday. Hrnokura like tha Behiller and the Theeo ciirara are of the l"t eUick. WUD S(H) R4TE RESTORED Tbe Matter Viewed Frora Pttran'a Staadpaiat Tbe following communication waa received too late for publication lant wet-k, and if accorded epce to thi iaeue: A the loiter, written by Mr You can't fool an Ouy V. Talb.t, and publiabed in .. I.. . . . 4 - ..... autnoriiy n a goui i;ik' me iai ibu?oi me Argun, vwujv" Mi vMta Wallace ii visiting to juatify tbe manner in which tbe P-Utivea and friend at Portland right of way, from Hilleboro to For- and Ciackarna this wwk. et drove, was secured by tbe Ore- A M. Toelle, of Pbillipe. waa in goo Electric Co. I beg apace for re- hecity Monday, and called on tbe plj: Argua. Into farai the (jinaticn of ilinburar- , , . . , i . f'uniM,. nwiju of the roarl, a compare! with the Kane Ddlplancha, of near Center luetmet it concrmed. Mr. TalW a- ville, wai in the city Monday, and ,umri w,thn argtnncnt. that the ptta Ctiledon the ArgUI. enl policy f the road reUtife lo daily Tboen who have poultry o "" correct Iwmi on which to predicate hi will do well to call at the depot figure. He flatter btinnelf that ine atore Hichent market price paid uiaiiaKrmrnt i making a much money , . , V . vi--.lLwl.L. for the Company ai can he made. Bring chickena on elnewlay ha, cfcire,( , t,lheia m well a mj;- F. W. Walch. ir. that if the coinrny would make a Mr. Frank Bur and children departed Fridy for a few week llrnut otberie it will decieae, and villi with Mr. Harr'a mother, at there will 1 no occasion for theCom- (Jray'a Itiver. '"J1" "l cin " '"" For Hale Three good milk cow, Many people have purcha.rd home in It .nnr. On n il Dick ami a!oul l-oreai i.rove .ou ... Our Prescription Department Is our Pride. We have the confidence of the Phyticiansand the pub lic. This is increasing our trade every month. Why? Because it is the important part of our business, ana AT ALL TIMES receives our careful attention. We fill to many prescription that our Stotk is alway FRESH and I'l'RK. be ide hting comprehensive and complete. Our Charges are Al ways Right, and Based upon Value of Ingredi ents and Time and Shill required to Compound. They are not "Guessed at." All are treated alike. ; C The Physicians Trust us. You may safely do so. r 1 . ireen; aii ,... ... . ... . . . tllB( Perkins' place, two mile l lty could Ulvei in and out of Peaverlon. I). Baaw. o2 2 .ortjaua. other tipected to eullih n i 11...- rl r,f pf,rnft. their homes at the a)Kve named pi Oraand Harry Cook, of Come- completion of the road. ace, The . . i ..... .... Including Uev. Hiram Uould, aim mnnthof haliruary: Ueaina. maiea. a foimar pUr nf lha Hiliehoro h'l; female. 7 Ilirth. male, IH; cj,Ufrb. female, 11. iMnlagiotia oi-ae: Cartel fever, .; iliphinaria, PUBLIC SALE uieaale. I ; eiuall-Hi, II. Ii'.ait fviAlal til tf ... it I 'laK" w- " t tw Tbe uodaraigne.1 will aell al punni U tnA Orpington, which are I nuir AlU n, 6 v. ale ai ni raucii ok."- -- tinue.1 to Match H Tranec-ipt f.'i.m W.-el Itutte Ju- urday of this wek. li. Curl, in c-e T State v Claud Jrk n. approvd. Salaiie Krcoidi-r and deputy, fi 9S. V l Jarkeon, M Oni'iUl). tio; J K llutlrr. swss.uk "'d colircfg, M C Cr. M si; J li!ry, ii. ;o; A A Mornll, iir. A M Cdlitt, olin-e. t: Ci iut!r, iitntor, 7.S; riamintiig Imat.l, V M V-, $n; mi Jos W Maiab. 7 S". r,co Uumui k, Ul ptituaei. t4 50. tx-iiM it ' ry, etc, ls; J W l',olin, 1 end cp. 1114 ao;.lolnr .Mclaran, ji; J nmm-,, 11 Wui Tuiier. imti-r. f.U. VVitarM Inmrict Attorney J M Sliutt, t; Mra Fold, jOu; Aw C.rilhth, i K Hue, were down to the county eat, Uorlt.r are K'.iing at fsta local buyers Stlurdav. getting hille for their Bale Cin 1 found, while the latter, will never of dairy stock, whirh is set for Sat- come it ym. ii-mi. hit luai, uoy una cow, l,r MMllirll HUH, urn Hillalwro, on lha Un l.ina U iad, Mortnndale slali 10. at ten o'clock a m , on THURSDAY, MAUCII IS C.i.v h.nw. 11 u. lV Hi;l.y hof. 4 vri. 1 vo. tiUi k 11 Wm, li yr fifth, ft yr Mill tirll I- huuy, t douhl lmwe. 14 l'' ' taik, II In. Oliver pl. Jhn lrr K 111 ..r,trn ul..w. H t.M.Ill trier IH uiiuutiMilli l-eitow. iikrliKlll iiillna tor, (red tutirr. iul.irr K'"U hrtt cauldron krlt'r. V" cheat Md, 50 marks. 1 leg rliolii". gtlli.Ktoue. I oek UdiiM.m mites, inillonirt, wn.o ml com It. 3 r kei. "rt diniuiig room chair and lulilr, kit. hi u cal.lnrt. t iK- aud hot klrr atla. Iimclil, lie.ilrt. nr Mluulr washing maihiiu", I Cypher In cuUlor, ISO rug and wo rtu lrs, 1 hrooilrrs tlok llliie Aiidaliiiaii chick us, hotiwhold arllch s, h1 t.;rr and other aitir'r too iniilirrmi to tiientiuii. l.l'NCII AT MDN Term of Hal -Under I K. cash ; over, I year'a tiiiia, appruv.d hank able note, H pr cant inlereat. Two per cent, nil for cash over (). K. Hhephard, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. WANTS INDIVIDUAL BXHIUIIS I can name five familiea who nave left and mauv othera who will go. a a result of the rale, while I submit, there .. i.. u i t .Ii;..n huiuit tx-ni one tautilv move into me Ml llOn lilieil, BU UIU HUIO 11.11 7- ,,..,.;,.,. .u:. . ,i.!anl Af P.,,1. cotumunuy oy re. . .,u.,...UB 111 lu.e v.y, - - the roaJ, land, bad a Blight attack or paraly Tne trongest argument, used with u . l.ui imIi and is in the doo-l local merebttiii. to enlist their services. Hamaritan. Hoepital, wber. be is n c-rijg rijjht said 10 tie improving. rj- t.ortUll(i B),i tr,ae ith local mer- Uring yourwatche and cl-Xiks chants, would more than offt the e.ub- repairing Corner Main aou 1 nira preM.nt. rate the occaaionil traveler finds alrwt. 4flf the rate no objection to Portland trading , . while the t'ort.ainl tesi ieni win noi ea- F. M Htldel Will BOOD Ix-glO the ,abiisi, ,l10nie bevond Ihe cent and a construction of a new two Story half limit. Thu the merchant ha been d welling on hi. at thj. corner Ibj Oj. of Main and Sixth street. The VTOO,nv. while . . " 1 iMnis itittti not: Jtiitn 1 bihii 1 win, 1 . .1 1 1 -a 1 n i v.v. - r . - - . and standard .lUalltleS, now reauy Mt; Kate Anderaon lis. Chas building Will lie .HXiU It'ei.wuu u,s article will be preserve.1 a eviUence al Cameron a yards, soulb ol city i.-,t,,ttHk. u.s; W ' Iii1ii, t s; Hillsboro Pharmacy ..r.,ll- I..-.I r.., ... i.r.u net nn Krl.lli.I ol s-l, 1. i.rre:ir. -, ' ."'7 1 U1..1. I'.iion 11 6t John Vniid. rwil.l t -T. 5 id. 11 ..W IIIILImrfi l)rn. iailora wel llru.tf Itros. iS si; lclta I"IK More iH.ma. ' 4.M0 4 ; V A Ita.lcy. 50; W J k llrm h, Sa.J.; I II flIUI Jlf, S$t I ' alio 11 1 1 W ill Hmrlsuii, y, J S l.oisuag. 25. Still . III. m ,r. Ik L i tint. I .1 t...l1ka,. laast-,aaalsl III tllaVlHlIfJ 1 II fl I III l T . 71 71 ' '" IHIIIII't" I 1 " who came out to Hillsboro with lillle Vera Jackson, and the re mains of her mother, last Thur. Jay, called on the Argu last Hat day Mr. Todd lik-s Oregon very much, and may come mil to stay. Tha Oregon Commiselon is very auilmis that Washington Ciunty be represented nt the Alaska Tn kon Paoillo Kii)iii n along with the other p-osperous citinties of the state, and wh.le it i too lata for you lo In in al the opening ol tbe Ktpo'i.lon with an exhibit, a f ou negleoted this pari of the w irk sst seas n, w hop you will l on baud with rxhihiW as your re sources mMure. If any nf your p'ogramdve furm- rs desire to make individual ex hibits we will pay the transporta tion, charges an i install same with out any eipense, and will nive the exhibitors full credit for the ex blblt I would luggHst that any exhib its intend. d lor this KxpiHiti n hould lu sent to lis in seasin. For example, when your grains and grasses are gUherad null them along. Do not ho'd the grain and grasa exhibit for your fruit exhibit Forward eaoh exhibit in season and we will take cure of it Wben you have an exhibit to ship, tend same to theOregon Coin miaeion A. V. P." Exposition, Heat tie, Wash., A. Y P. Kt position Qrounda. Have the agent make out the shipping ncipte in dupli cate and mark across the f ice "fur exhibit purposes at 8"a'tlo Kxpnsi tion," and rend loth receipts to us, in csre of the Oregon Building, Seattle. Wash We will bsglad lo furnish any information desired. W. U. Wehrung, Pres. Partiea wishing house nnving, 111 tbe city or in Ihecountry, should csll on M. C. Hewitt. Main street. Mwiw.i .'Ird and -t '.h. I dependent ph'ine, (K?S. (lo,d work guaran tee.!: W3 Team for Sale Snsncf geldings. 'J and 11 years old, weight lWk), eacu tuMiii tsin ior i ikkuiK t'. or farm. Bet double harness goes with team. Prio, loOO, if sold awin. Team ran be seen al Calla han sawmill. Patton alley. P. I), address, K. H. Harper, (Saton, Ore. B2 3 Hiate (Ism Warden Stevenson, of Forest drove, wenl up to Htlem Ust Friday afternoon in order to see what could be dune lo save the lv 11: llr Mtimlot. . II to. KimiIs and Highway Johnson I'.ros , Hr, Otto Nlch Oson, 5" 3S; A 11 Todd, in to, Chris Chrtstensoii. jo; A V. ItciKrr, to; rhoinpson Ilros, 9 11. M Peterson, a s: C Aletin.lcr. ; John IVtgi r, 4;C Shw. 4; llenj Schollicld, io.4: li V Cornrliiis. 1041; Chrsier Alcxsn.lrr, 4; C li Kindt. 5. I! 8 kobinw.n, 4 v. John ('Ukliit, a; A K Stout, a; Chester Aleaan- di-r, i wi; Hurl Wilkc. i7 jo; l.iver nioic, Jo l, It.ikeUnr Lumber Co, a II. WitueCiiciiit Couit Kd Stephens, Jia; Hugh K.ns, 4 1 . 1 .1 . . 1 . . . . 1. . .. , room anil a nasement, ami niuut.u tor tne proprny owner, iu u-.. ihrouchont hi Company wants more right of way. Ihroughoni. Mr. TUh1 will find many property own- Takn up: Red beHer, and yel- ers n-ady to sell at old prices with no low heifer wilh white spots; coming ukers. 'He can couviuce himself of this two rears. No brand; no ear by visiting the real estate agenU in the marks Owner pleaee prove prop- rl?iVl?ni Mr. ertv. nav all charges, and take tiw his penrraus disoosition. bv which same away. Chaney Bne6el,hc iutiuntes that the citizen of Forest Banks, Ore., P.OUte 2. fiO 2 Orove should have paid tor tne cars mai 1 VI U tutu a wiaai vn'i right of way. Many people sold right Mr. and Mrs. F M. Heidel, of this I.-,! hi it city, leaves this week for ber borne uot t)eea for luc influence ol the citizen, iu Fowler, Cel., and will be ac- who wete allowetl to aasume that the companied by her brother, Uerbert rates would be better than that .ivep ,by . , i-J:ii ....! the S. P. What a better position Mr. Ileluei. wno win ituisiu THE COST OF LIVING Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of all Monty Received and all Money paid out Pay by Check; Get a Receipt The endorsement upon the back of your check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore. Tallmt would be in to condemn the fS.oo rate, had he told tbe people wno pllnllllg. 35, V VOII, BUI vimv, ' Forest Orove Times, printing, 1 7; Ir-wiit-tlodimii, stationery, 7a. as; Class A I'rudhoiiiinc, :fi; HilNboro Independent, printing, 5 4S- m , (load Survey-John I'nrvcs, f4; Jno A Purves, 4. Viewcta-J W Hughes, fS; C H Buch anan, 14. Court House-Light & Wutrr. fv 40; I' SChac. 4 as, Pac Tel Co, ao.jo; liwin o1m)ii, 5 50 assisUng in securing the ngnt 01 .. .. t.i . , ... . , w.. w-av. tlial Hie same wouiu nui uki j . i r..ti. u . , ..; if Supplies J K loll, survevor's office. i inins. .virs. v.iui.u.. o3 . y la.as; Irwin -liaison Co, 36.aS; UWi t o Ud with her parente for several were M,-a mitiiiutf tui atsrutor. 41. uo. Areus, ml,ntha tiiRt. wiv. , , ... . .;ii the Oregon i-.iecmc v.o. oncuec wure The Modern Woodmen 'il give . accomplishinij a de- a dene in their new Hall at Kee1 - -.,; an emohatic expression ville, on Saturday evening, March the Oregon Klectric csres to consult the standinu of the management, let it give ,o us.. u, wiy, go to taking up orchestra. Come one and all. and Xx ii a petttion from the have a good tima. The bst of or .,. to .iesisl. la. tCnr,l Ticketfl. $1 00. SUOner Mr. Tallxit assures us that Mr. Harri- 52 man has nothing to do with the manage tra, , ... n," own!!. Tiicnoi 1 I iiirm ui ,uv uh,n - - - 1 J The following item from Jamee I jCy is so much alike that I had attempted . 1 mi ... if I.. I... ..;.i;..i. V, Tallin! ttith the excuse Collection T.i- l'iVie Ooilinsn, f 75; J n;i,gon of Beedville, is self-explan- tovindio '"1"' atory:' -In your issue of March 4. r. Witness J 1' Court-Mary liruggrr. I notice mention ct an old o ocx, inent u. Haines, ot Hillsb o- IICOUI.I lie none hi " . u ,.. ..,,1 Sncv Curtis, rach IT A H.ine elk of Oregon and II tne i'iu'' ,o; w w 1k.w,is, 1.50; Chas liert.ian, .. . h been runniog for t.... i ! !u...,.li.K an ent re. 11 iMWiieliiis t.w. Win I etshey, a 30; over jears . "leal at the li I Cornelius, ,.50; W lilies, 7 VSi . . . t . II- I 40 years. I have a doc r .... brought around the Isthmus ol Panama in 1S50 the 6ret braes t l u...k its tKta pmintrc County Conrt-t.as11,rAl.plawoir, 4 ao, been running contintl to vindicate Mr. Talbot with the excuse Harrimau controlled the Oregon With Mr. Talbot's announce- tiefore me. I am compelled to con- cetle that as bad men as Harnmau 111 habit this earth. Lotus I.. Langley. P. R. & N. PROGRESS .. . .1 .... l.... I..;..1tur.lur.n , , . it . i.,i n uieorge noiscner, . - special session 11 nun in vwi r... v...- Krncat Hmke. 3 30. inrW iler tne law as u evaii.i", ni" county.. warden says, there would not bean John Harry elk left in Oregon by this time next & ht of It son river and the track to completed year. There are now but anoui L !. . lisl f7 m conBtant uge 59 yeir8 t0 that point. White Uocks add Brown Leg Chief Engineer Davis reports that the bridge is completed to the Wil HHX) elk in this stale. Persons who contemplate build ing will do wuli to call on me, as I am able to rurnnu rougn peuon sketches, or blue prints ol build ings of all descriptions Kstimstes and epenilloations furn'uhed with each plan H. M. Holland, con traolor and builder, Hillsboro, Ore. Paoilio phone, 383. M 1 1 Prosecuting Attorney K. B. Tongue is making a line record in his ollioe, and there is no doubt in Crawford A D'.tls. livery.., Pacific Slates Trl Co C.uile Hnw, plumbing Pto Attv. T H Tongue Pr l.inklater, iiistine Hillsboro Livery Co .1 II Hrown, cor olhce livery L W House, ct housi- and poor fin 1 50 6 ao 37 9S ao 00 5 00 a 00 4 00 9 75 The roadbed between Bay City and Hobsonville will be completed horn eggs for setting, from P"ze in thirty days and in 60 days the MRS. ELIZABETH FLORA Mrs. Klixabeth Flora died at ber home at Wapato, Monday, March I. Mrs. Flora was brn at Fort II. 11. Idaho. Feb 21). 183U. When . 1 .- . . 1 winning turns, nest 1a uueapeev. Member American Poultry Assoct track will be laid between Tula m.iok and Hobsonville, and with ation. J. F. Saunders, Portland, fBVorable weather the track will be Ore.. R. 2. Independent phone, cnmnleted bv May 15th to the QV No. 1. 62-11 Miami river. Bethany Although the decision of tbe eu His omce, auu u. .. . -- b t th ol(j Bhe CRlD(J ttl the "".ids of the pu he that I , b. th, rtgnt man was seiecwM : ? . . sition At the recent term or Clr- "ear uH.., w..r.. - cit Court in Clatsop county, Mr. reeideit Tongueenoured 0 oonyiouons, ana H ; -V"" were woi 1 hi have got ine nisv man wnu . indicted" had the latter not held at the grave and were con . . .u. ...l.t dnn'ed bv RiV Birlwr. taken t.tne oy , .0-- FloM waH ln8 molh 0, skipped to Canada. K.ghty cor, -horn stir- v ot ons out ol ni cases i ymy -7 ii.nriatta aditioJ to tbeCvlSuons sired, and Charlie Flora, Portland. 1! 0. 0. of near Soholls, wmnu. , r - . M ooUoty Mat vi6ilor irnuay, The spans for the Wilson, Kel preme court, Riving the Lytle road chiB and Miami river bridges are the right of . way over tbe Astom practically ready to be shipped on A. Columbia River railroad arouna tne uargn. i...:l,l.i; IVIii trill raBiilt in the Tha contractor has over vto men l.fnriuniiii ,. ........ - , , former line building down the coast working on this end. Both bridge .- , Val.lm Haw lo " tmnok. crews ana 00m eieaiu buotoio i 1IU1U l,o,..w... -J . . ' , . ua.i.m itaair Bill h wnrkintr. tne viiy ui Duaiotu ii o- . . . .,, left off the main line of the new The grading bstween Hobsonville w v r i iii.airlntftfthe and the Miami river is well under P. U Jr. N. Co., stated to a Port- way with etaUon men. aud the bl h work between the KelchiB and tne tlilHl L'HUI H VHV aiMW "s-a.. I , WW 1 4 i...!i, .... ii.a nnnat ffoin TilUmook Wilson river known ae the Kodad Nebalem Bav. following the work ib well under way wilh three beach for most of the distance, but large pangs worung a i would not cross Nehalem Bay so mook Herald. r.....i i ,nn alnnn For Sale Team 0! ponies and .1 . ' ...u ..1...... f ik. k. and harness: uonies weigh about 800 IIIB BOIIill euurc i'i u ""J 1 ' r ... , . , lbs. each, aood drtverB ana bouoo neuNJhalsrrikrnVok to the price, 80-Thos W Br0WD, 2J I i'iLj nAihaiaQt nf HillntaArn. aaat Irnm I hftTft. uinw uwi mvh. -Tilla High Quality Drug Store When you are sick and in need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True j to Name, but also that which j is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class ! of Drugs which we constantly endeavor to furnish our cus tomers. None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. NEW STORE - Opens - MARCH 17TH NEW LINE DRY GOODS. SHOES. LinKlater Bld'g.. Door N. of Argus THE (n)(n) STORE i r , 1. III uuc.