t;, - - . KOTICE GOOD NEWS 0. II Marr, t! cto;i, u io town M;r.jr. Try a DeLaval YOU CANT SAVE Oa your rai!r.i! f.irc. The law the ctMismon AH parti aboee ecjtiLt with a.t j4Bj Hili' rn PREFERRED i- , , it as j f n!'! 7ir 1 Dr A. T Liia'.ater. . . , . .... Ooc3 ae trair.4 :a ' til. as-i j bd bfcti 4-i n i- .. . ,r Ar,f.n Vrtrm r-t . k. X-- . If t-3 r ;h:rk;-f Uve 'Wa nir.'f ST ov t- ihr ! Ur irr .h fTCtt t lh DELAVAL tari:i !h:i te-h:r. to ! t r cirar. !, the ckw: k-Kroer the c-fr; ;:,e4. The Best Separator in the market. Ur w.'A x:cw t!.e ia cwaijt!tg u? whet fea m ;rt'.i n-lietthe HtUn! k Kr u 1 Mr Co:omer, n .;; jt w 10 tnmt.'ctte the itbt ttjf. "e poinn f.) pbIt ia th -I'KLWAL- Mas & Conoer SUMMONS STOCK Goods i:;n:a ir.frfrts. X-t .ace n( " as.' a;h rf ViiiWIiom JMi.T- the ;?; p : --- r d. c. Adair. 0r s.uh ;n I THE CTRfTrr "CRT of TATK Or f H Ioei C. t'adai, PiaiBL?, "iaer Kene? r t - - W - w r f r Here of.3 re:;rg Part-' MJ n ot Mi-.aau:ni:. : h wat ia town Monday, with bu-ic ' . 1 ; I 1 1 i L r . i . . carrier ffi:x!s cxjual rates a a'! rai!ro.u! liues 5IHIU OKIGON AS V I 1 ; :1 -l! !. fi i ! V ,3 . : 1 a . Tftii Mi.KwBf rr4 m to 1t i ixa ru.f id ts : to iftt'r, tis 10 town M i turtj w Sk! ud enter- re-ererf lit thre hu oer 'xtaiir- u;ofj0, ; For .! bj ii d,:m Tnct, ! r Pfci;iip. cd oiher 'rtl.tim . 1 i. P : f - r,.e II.il -,.V " W-i. NV York, oJ tgecta for th ----- - - . - - . - r c m Aiori, vi4;trd hfr irtodmoiher, Mrt I T Pkl !; j . . . J Hillsboro Feed and Chop Mill 7 f Kiextr tae na:e Iaa' J J. b. LORSliVG muk.Mth. j Cofltractor and BuBder o0RE A HOOVER I Large Barns a Specialty f '- id'p"t phone 151 Kood i K. frvsh and Cured Meats I Hilbboro, Ore., R. F. D, 2 41 s l sT'Ki L. Boxxev, Prop'r ChopjMog on S4iot.!. th,:T KlM'RTH AND JACK.mN STS. Custom Grinding : ------KXT i i uunave monev at- f .fcrii.h is nr, s I 1 1 'Jj on tX pijrueoU. M0f e' "ith f"0 Cornelia,, M ter you have paid your I ?s, i ou nad better : S invest in a pair of those : iw !prmg Shoes: Ji SKIVED AT THE STORE OF f Frank W!- V... i ua. -r u (ITtDia- litioral mprTiioo 0Tr rod thi Jtr, hich tiieoie to the F.rm u-g'oo diilric John Bucbrrp of Tbe DH(. " in ton the htttr pM f utt u iui iitiniij 01 BtGIs. fir . . " r ,' .''nB AND PROMPT ctfTrt h-mnol rprwenUtiTM. m mtr- P LosstS SKK T.xptJer,ehou!dr,mea1b,r that ;;?entT.LOnTdou & Lanca uomauic V.O FOR THE . Best Fire Insurance ... pultun, jiidj , j r ,,r p-opleareHkiDg .jnUfof thL '"l.lbooe. won-, tnd the efhsriTg office h rcl"c state phon, jut.LsBORo JOHN DENNIS i i 1 r! " t0 Wear' style ad shape. nd will give you comfort and 1- P m r,v"iuic. 0 fHA , nftAoverloH a can of H SANBORN'S FINE COFFEE Ik . ? jdrtH,e tCSt of yea-8. and relieves k lrZd Clin Remember that DennU I heeps the best in staple a fancy Groceries I JOHN DENNIS fBoth PW Hincn,! JJj. w ' "'JUWKVJ I SUMMONS Hillsboro Commercial Bank A. S. SHOLES, President GEO. SCHULMERICH, Cashier Are Doing' a Conservative anKin Business CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000 SURPLUS, . $10,000 Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on oavings ana lime Deposits t-n crodd Bine Ux pyirg be The Coni. n.;.- Will meet 1Q Fural n..,.-- .w. '-N TK CIRCVIT COI BT l-tii mira fti'urdi? in thia .-i. of okkgun kiu Vii and Dairy Commiwion. w ashixctos Cui XTY " !)ey will be Dreeent anrt aJ Mn Chai Bjtaaj, rf McVinn TOn;ZiHul'll0"n ,'f'oJ''' vT.J?:;, Geo Uohlin, of y f ?u r o , .aiiiu, visr.ea Mri. A J. herein h .Jl . , , " (""'H" JOT, of thi, city, Uil suoday Mra. LgbJio rerently retard tbmZ,'?1 ?"' . from Aliaka, where ebe md h, hem 1 "'"'f L"r , El HchuLerich, of ScbuW fei'HE cb Bros, l.ave, thia wek far a ,lef-' iiU and rTaliTn tnp to the mMdI. Weet and Sou.h. r.LJrXrt.fur h' tiuru m Ka -i . I. . , : -n aerm kr. In;.L la ""T"' r"I0n 01 tbe that ,hTbe . '(,,1nd P''ntltt. t DItfed 8tatM huh h. v.. u 1 " ,n' " " ream,,. hr i..-4. tug W1y IB Oil nl I mm? mrm timtitfr Pl-asare pnrelj, and that is EdVNrmmo,TbVr,,t PV'ion or ih way of Ukioe a teat. d.f5T" hf r'"ty-hih Geo. Cb.harf... . hrrr U60. K 'hinL.I.I. : . ""r7 IUumiU of t. er Governnr of K. ..... rs Mtwi ,u, " 1 "' ek secreury of S'ate Benson ha. tl'. UlTrT' b7 of ceeded totherffif rii.i..i-- T tov ei,.ui"j: . u'"??. w l' Mondav. he ha.ir.. Ur, I., i ? .. 'h J. -tinabeI. ioaton Hiinrl.- t -""'"'rwriaintiir, . . uiu, woere be ex- oecta to h . . nil IM ffLA r a . ir I uuu.iur ua uaica 4th. Ken . -i j "u,a- 11 IS the vnr-wis fllK WASH- "vtu baiicci mnih ei - i i ii.rttv (vti'vwi. France. Mi.k.....V. . "'" '" Kremn r,..- .. . -n-. -vuurrvia epeDl 1,5. T,. r... .. , . . -uaiii, W.U.WU a year before the peet wa. moth 13 DOlfmnnna in . ,r . . " " "jbu, na coo- ct w, h itf!ivd8 0M . 80rt of raah like DOlHon ,.V Tk. n.. ticunura.BoiVcrnVorthe" Dew neflt anrl .HI . ! , 106 . ""K" ioroai ;npnnit, ehould it appear! J is feared it will. vv ' 1 fn IK ik. - . ire w::. ' wn: Vu weak.-.fKr' k T,!h date or. ered for the (ir., .V, ' U" thitnot,,- ... V'''0"' Plication You can save Iu time, tr.iil exjinse au! fatigue by inist iuj? ou the sh, att est route, fastest trains anj Iktvi service. Simj.Iy see that yuir ticket reads ia Southern Pacific THE 0. R. & N. OKtGON SH0K I HM AND Union Pacific tvrj fn,(jr f ,r til nmf..raiHl a. viiiUDklatum f t), Mrn(er it prm i,e.l. -o rt,aiie l rr. I, ne.-earT 1 Ik.,r ""'aha. K.rifcw T liKa,; Ihraii .-.i,! He. t,..,, for 11 ..lr Ka and .Niulh. P. G. VICKERS. Agent HILLSBORO. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORE. SUMMONS Hi llsboro, Ore. Be a Booster! Let's muhe 1909 the best and biggest year for Business in the history of Scholls. It can U ,!(.uc. We can do it. If y Hhc UIir Stc re, if our ser ice pleases y.,u, tell ot hers if ,,, tell us STILL WE CROW! Why? lie-' cause this is a stmuK, careful, safe athl succrssf,,! Insiitutina. It is a kuu, active, tip-tUtc M.ie in every particular. Your jatron.tKr uill K ,sc. come and apprrciatcJ, and your ititerests will aj. ways le carefully cousidcrcd. We are Selling AtfenS for the SIMPLEX cream SEPARATOR ol the self UlanciuK kind. &-c i( al Our Store. i Yours for a Q D0.1l always KOWELL IJROS. & CO. SCHOLLS, OREGON BEAVERTON REEDVILLE A - . THE PASADENA OF OLD OREGON BEtVERTON-KKEDVIT I v irer 1-AU0.ACaEA0BV5EM .idehill. or white tanda to tattle ,l 7 ! ' r r8ve)- ' cultivation. A1J .oit.ble fij Sj " tleared and state of table., . if intending phls Zm' T frUiU a"'3 V cure a round-trip ticket lo STS. " Ur f ao" -, wilt raise. We will alao .bow yoT 7, ,V J'U What the 1 I tfaatwill compare tkyrs l . J have been advertiaed a. ' " ther 'hat for Clead Land 5 per acre un uu, iq wear ar overcoat whil ; a..." 7. "'.al 'I, tni an-ilra it l i, ..: 1 -r- v uuo piace wnere Vrt? :iDl"-.over tw" uo u gaiiBnd that Oreeon thj. only plaCe. The Lo, A32 weather m nn .1 ' . r.n ,TOVlrr l.un Htof f prBsnt, and t is a co rCl ,u me tDlle(i stateg Mrp. Anna W T.oU. j. ,. t. L " " 01 erin h r t n .k- 1 . "mains wil ----- K.v ,u, uuriai. and reeapct6d "rive the Jaa? of this week. K.n . 8 .?! Ukanlon. : """mem will ru - - "'dic cerueterv vaau mil IW CiI . I 1 s aa. i , vuo late u, r- Jackson, a eon of Mr. and Mre. W H. Jack Ron !Sk : . ' the future r.o ,7. 1 '? parents B,. I" I" 2 Wad: at the residence cf W. M Jackann upon the arriv.lof .k! 'J .V800' f he ti;7urt of (,,r"dn' J",lK WaHhin,., f1 "V CfHiiitr of 518 rh.,h.. - Attorney for I'lainltr OreKon. '-oriinierw, Portland. Small Caab Payment, Balance to Suit Purchasef Shaw-Fear Company n a a . 5 l-a S,arh St. Portland, Oregon k NOTICE TO TAXPAVpdc V... U. r. " . ureiron. will .or collection, and navm.V t taxes, on T,.D,i.. i, . " Pa)"nent of and all who make f,,ii J ,3, W ta. before March flT f rebate tf t n.. .l '9.'.WL11 'eive a can ma-fcbv" .'r.11. April without inte "igmlay ' ty, and the rema,Bi." ,.. f fnal. "Mil I L "''" i!l la. 6i,iir ..r,,i';.G: '"scoot. Executrix Notice Xotine i. k..u,. ai,,erf h.: ;.",7A'""-'" the nndfir- tlie Hute OF ,rZ,l"e rj"n.t.?r V""rtf te,:' .d":i aa Amir.- r,.. ... "r"ri,al1K, known charge of her duii. .. ...;. "I"'n lnH u drew c:i.rn..?ff,."f" aJ' k"wn a.s An eether .''t "".Mine to me. tol toied this Feb. 19 iv Eiecn t ri r ,Vr . 1. .. . . ?j?T K NH E V. "'it (tfTad ri K T,wta' censed. "ovait thretenn, de. Kl.UIare,A,tyH.forKxe,.,ri1. ..Central Meat Market t-mmu I T BROS., Prom IN THK . IIUI IT rot'fiT OK THK 1 or okkoon. Kou WAsllINoTOM (lil'STV Jarot, An. heiibrermer, I'laiutitf, ) Amaiia AKhanb nB' i.tmrii. J In tllA nam r.f t. - atoe .u,,l, " '"'. W" "' re herehe re,,,, .1," war I'l-r an, at. tuera,,f - ".niieati.,,, JJ Ale rn,e.w.r.11(w ;;' "I will ruw rcir.i..r. . "" and tioteW ....i .. e(.ierl th. re,W ,r. .l"'.c-"iror Uvwit- f," . , ' 'i' claim. the bo,,,,, of lu Plaintiff and .efe, . m Vnlf . " ""'w"' d furtne, ,..l,Ir 1 ' "H"r eeru rnnet ""irt "'"r The dale ,.r 1 1.. ., Kebruary. Z,!' f""rth l!-l e.k for.perio. ol.i,. IT f "' ""' I Mwn ,jfi ,1.71 "X "l,w,"'e we.,k. b. entitle,! c,rt n iie V. , . "i ' thia third iIhv t p.kJ."'1 ."' ( ''t-eni ChaM. J. .VhriatH,!, Ally, for PJaintltr, W. Ii. DOLAN Vcntila,o,s and Chimney Tops to irder Wclal aud Cou.jH.si. ju Rl-lfiut, Warm Air Heating Apparatus Cormces and Skylights flcneral JoU.iu. Tualatin Prcs;ff1 otone Company Keep eonatantly on band a fi. -pptyof fre.h7me.Uof.3 klni! A Mew Erm Hmu. We er than th-. VLkT'l. u P'cet low. hepaat. Coll in and aie nw1'1 'B (Jhe nnnr "r..-i . , .. noiei Ml Street, Hlll.bora, 0reg,., Manufacturers of ce ment hollow blocks anient filling, cc. me"t brick, scp;ic tanks, and a general Pnbing business. Main and Fourth. Both ,.hone AM Work vAsy,t Hillsboro - Oregon MAIN STREET mr rcp.. inn .....r"! n a 1 UflffltHAS - I I .. II m.cansrK,uownafiamcra I 1 Dy paytiiK a little I IB each wee It I Bat J J V K I I- li I iy i 1 Cmitils 0 1 PLUMBING - AND - HEATING Jobbing a Specialty I estimates on Work I I Phone, 315 T r r " I ' L ,f trCMet 'healre. Main St. j T. M. riEDD "" I Hrnl .otir;a u, (,U,r, tn the CV., i. K0.n within lZr '?..8!" "f Or. , " the Matirof tlm ,",7 ""L ' "'""y dern.ann, d,Ka"j W,Ul " 11 "t life-- Nolh'e I. '. HlK.ied ha, K j" ' I the nnd.-r-orthal,u.... ,?,,.,'0",u,l I'lmiriiKf present name ,t , ,T '? .'""'I'xl to Win. will, ........... 151 '." I'nn and. o.. I , ,..M,ji;r VO lflil.ru .i . ' "i within all n.onti,. V111 verl uay or fehn 'I iliily tanb for fur T uayor fehriiHrv. n... hih,rthan la.f " 7,Per Wnt AdminiMn.u,, of ,hp .,,. . .' lrW ,t fwi. J'.oar- " e fur ?5""ri. deBflaaed Hie my mide"; torV' -y lo put on th, TO:7 L7f.'ly. ' "i il HUH us. !-"!'ACOl0CAT,n HlLLSBono . OREGON Mioncia. Then. lu" "AHtHUtck. V . 7r 1 """K"! weaiortown. ih 8 Charles Kamee. ,1(.r.r,u. ., ... . tr J' A llorneiy ft,r A,l,tl. Rrlinsmk.. it. Argus, o,kli mm and Are You Wanting a Home? vxr , r can ou ti,e I Wt;bfoot Rea,t- company i j" ...tve a jarni to sell "s"1" are o autimeti. ' u"u iuoi an authority nn a good riCttr ' B