The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 04, 1909, Image 1

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to stknd mm
lit IUlltli HahnnJ Oili
er Improvements This Year
Nt Vaik ltrctof It Vlli Orge In
Nw work fr th present IWal
yaroathlrg'n Klwiric amount
ing lo Ulww-n IIMMKJO Bml I2K,.
(KM) 1im Urn approved by the til
rtotor In N" York, nl General
Manager Guy W, Tlb.l ha givm
ordere fr the hr-glnnlng of work on
tht Improvements at mice.
The money will be mih1I
larga'y lo "clntni up" w.irk left
from th Oral yer'a opi-ration of
ih naw lino. It includ mm'
new rqulpment, new elali ma, hal-
Uatltia work and the laying (if
bml fiurmileaof Inilurriil and
Malrack Announcement wl
ao mad) Tuadey that Hi Postal
Telegraph company will bi(ln op
ration over bub thfi Hlill and
Koreat Grove divUino of the Ore
on Kiaolric this wrek
The lergiwl item ill th btldgal la
for th full belUallng id lb" H.lla
lioro- totrti Grove tlirlaiori When
completed laal wldr thi divUion
in partially lallaid, but i
navar iul lo Cl A" h lib
rock bellat Ibal iba main line 1
(hhr item include the elecl'iral
equipment of two haggegerere, with
li.'i borwit"r niotora, an Uial
lbt oars will anwrr th purpose
of looooiollve ami b eld In baul
tteina of fmir or fiv car each; th
wiring of all abetter nation tn that
they will I lighted by el tridty
stringing 10 tnllea of addilione
feed wire; conatructiou of a stand
ard elation al GarJeii Home; gen
aral "drrirg up" of iba line
laying of ilrain pipt-n, new crolnga
and elnillar iuipMvettient.
The financial backer of lhrou
paor will pwlubly be In Piirllam
tha miiblU of thi month, when tbn
talked ot attentlona to Kugna and
olber point will ba considered.
Tba undrigned will ll al tmMir
aala at hla ranch ail mile et of
HilUboro, on lb IUm Una Iliad
naar Morlondele station, at ton
o'clock a m , on
Ory hurar, It yr. ijoo; hay Uatte,
yrs, Itiio; black liofur, II lH, !av
LofM, u m, KMKi; kh in) k cow
(irth, b yi. nr Mili lirll wkuii, urw
Mitchell -! llW, ,Slulrlkrr lop
huygy, art ilmidla htur, 14 loot day
rack, 1M11. lllivrr plow, Johu iHrr K 111
Kt'lrti pUiw, )H lotilli levrr Imriuw
Iprlniitootli I'anuw, npikrliKJlll rulliva
Iur. (reil ruder, lulibrr wkhi ulirfl
jft val. raul'lruu krttlr, y Uw. cheat
rttt. Jitaack. t UK cUkIiu, KfimUlona
a oak lir.lrmioi uitt, clntlonirr, ward
r)l cuiich, 3 riK-kr, rt illniilng riKiin
chair aiil talilr, klti hrn catilnrl. miir
ami hl Whirr atta Htiirut, lirnlrr, Our
Mlnutr waoliiitK macular, 1 Cypher In
culmtor, 150 rx attit lit) rKK j
hroolrra Murk lllur AinluUmun chick
rui, IhhiwIkiI.1 aniclra, pwl aii(rr ami
othrr arlirtra Iimi iniiiirruii to inrnlioii,
Tarmi of Hala -Umlar lfi, oaah;
oyer, I ynar'a lima, approval bank,
kbit nota, H por onnt tiiteraat. Two
par oant. oil for caah ovnr $10.
0, K. rthepbard, Owner.
II, P. Cornnliua, Auctioneer.
II. H U i.!.ir. of iSuiton, caina
uu to iba county aat, Monday.
I. M MilUr and Ualpb Klrby,
Hobolla, wara in town Haturday
A. K D-lbM, of Hrgbera, waa
0 town Tuaadty
M L Hayn, of I.aural, waa lo
town Monday.
llanrv CballamiuU, of Cornnli
ua, waa a c unly aeal yiailor Tuea-
C, I'.arrrlt. of n'ar Middlaton,
waa In lowu Iba (uta part of Iba
Win T .Jki. of lUnka, and It. H.
HiurdTaiit. of Conillu, wire Ar
gua cilUra, Monday.
C. H Murbanan, of Cornaliua,
waa in lb oily, Mndy, adding to
tb tal fund.
John (!oriifliua, of naar Cornell-
ua,wa In Iba city, Turaday, driving
mighty Una tram of borara.
ITaw ainall piga f ir aala. Jamaa in i Ira north of Read
ilia. I, K Caralanaand wifn, of (lron-
villa, wara in town Monday, iouia
bna aliut rrgaluad bia health.
t?ll on I.ibby, Iba nw jawalar
'A alch repairing a apr-culty. tor
nar Main and Third atriwta. 4'J.f
Miaa Martha Luck, wh 1 baa bn
at HlmrwoMl for an rilondad lima,
rrtiiriiml to her home near (Jlenoja,
"March cam" In l.ka a Hon,"
aura aiiougb. If tbla old aupw
1 1 lion holda ginxl, il la due to go
out "Ilka lamb," which ia Oou
automation devoutly to b wihed.
Uring your watchee and clock
to I.ibby, for prompt and akillful
repairing Corner Main and I bird
attaeti. " 4U
Mr. Mendenhall, tba meat cutler
l MiMira .V Hoover', ia apattdmg
wek with relativea In Hberldau,
and K. U. lleidal ia U-bind tha
blmk, until tba former' return.
For Hale Taam of poniea and
bar nee: iMimea waivh about H(K)
Iba, each, g xxl ttriveit and aotiod,
prio. IHO -Thoa. VV. Hrown, 2J
mile norlheail of llillaboro.
Herman Olavka.of Bethany, waa
caller Monday, and alatea that
the Cedar Mill florae Co. hi aold
their bnraa, Couuette, to Oeo. Wil
liam, of Portland.
I'artiea wiahitig houaa niiving
in the city or in theoountry, ahould
11 a a a t ' . ai .. .
call on i, u. imwiii, maio airaet,
betweeii3rd and 4th. Independent
phone, (i:H. (ioul work guarao
teed: ' W 3
MnllH $KK),(HM) ()K-ru House
fur Mttlc Town out Noith
alia H. Crrnirr, a Calatir, Tbiak bt
Ua Ultllaat
Juliua II. Crarnar, of Mountain
dale, waa adjudged inaane Monday
by Judge Uoodln, aod commitU-d
to tha Aylum for tba futane, at
Halem. Dr: Mnklater waa tha ei
atuiniog phyaician. The complain-
ng witnea waa C K. Reynold, ol
the Mounlaindaleerciion. Cramer
ia a carriage) painter by trade, and
maginea that he baa a million dol
lara. Among luiproveuienta be had
uapt"d out for Mountaindale wa
a IIUO.WQ or hoin. He alao
had a deluiinn that there were two
oarloada of piaooa on tba road from
the Kail coneignnl lonim. Lrataat
waa Urn in Miuoia, and i it
yrara tf aga Ha claima to htvt
brother at Waterf ird, and another
at Ilillaburet, Washington toaBI
In tha Jail Monday afu-rnooo
Cramer aang from Uuapol iijuitteV
and afierwarda prayed for theoUaer
prlaonara, winding up with a jig on
tha jail 11 m. He waa taken to lb
Aeyltim Monday nigbl by tw
guards from that invtilutlon
The Oirgon Hlrcllir nun Hi C'i fjcfe
way dally. Thr 8 SS ',, ' h
lialn out o( HillJxiro cuiinrrl piuiaptl)
with Sa!cm can al (ieotrit H"'ttir. 'Taw
Itillahoro d'urtlaml tiuiruhlr fullowa:
Ixarra lliUitMro Atrivr Portlaad
7 15 a m K y8
lUi 111 io.ia a
It mam n 1 5 P
1 45 p m J fm
6 U P m 7 '
Uavr Portland Anivr Hill
7 u a iu
8 5$ a 111..
u ij a m
J" P w
4 10 pui ,
3 3" P
. . Sojeaa
11 3-jeea
i SP
..... 6 jjpai
A. I!, (iarrlgu. of abjve lUnki.
wa in town Friday.
J. H. Lilly, of Galea Creek, waa
county aeal visitor laal Kunday.,
J, A. Kineout, of Ruiton, waa in
town 11 Kunday.
N. I'. Oaknrman, of near Reaver
ton, waa a taxpayer, Monday.
John I.iveiigood, of near Iletver
tou, waa a county aeal viaitor
Mr. and Mr Win, Johnaoo, of
tha I'eaverton erctioti, were in Uwn
Horae foraale (2oo work mare,
weight about I '27 J lb.; price, G5.
Inquire at Argu office. 51 4
K. A., of thi city, baa a
clock which haa been running for
ovtr forty year.
Wallace Marh, of Cenlerville,
waa in town laid Friday, with huai
rut at tba court bouna.
W. K. Dweioger, deputy aherifl
fir the lira ver ton dietrict, waa io
tha county aeat Monday, paying
Richard Wiley attending Hill'i
Military Academy in rortlaud, via
ild bia father, W. V. Wiley, the
lltrr jpart of laet week.
i, VL Brid-etof bwTMi Job s.
oaid tba ImI of tb week kU
14th pilgrimage to Mb Arftu'
I' i K
Krnw ,
A '
part I
Kore,' '
mah i. - "
cidadU,. llIIIWTl"fJ U.IUIUJ tuui
neither party can re marry within
fix months aftgf tbe divorce bu
bn granted.
Chaa Pierce, wL
Contraotor A, J. MoCabo wan down
from the front, above Buxton, Fri
day, and aaya that be expect to
ttniah bia i'acifio Railway v Nvi
gallon oontmot within 'M or 40
day unlnHri he encotiuter Imponsi
ble weather. He want on to Tort
land to apend Hunday. Mr. Mo
Caoe oberuuio countenance waa
mhelllahed by a KotheringKy green
ekypieoa, and while in the city he
we the envy of the local Beau
Bfummels It ia understood that
Oeo. Kilfnathnr will hornw the
chapeau for the Ht. Patrick'a day
parade in Portland.
Under the new aohedule the paeen
ger traina io and out of Hillaboro
arrive and leave an follows:
Lravr fur Portland
Koreit Urove Local
HberiiUn Plyer
Porrtt Grove Local ,
Porett Grove Local
Corvalll Overland ......
Arrive! from Portland
Corvalll Overland B:i4 a. 111
Porett Grove Local 9f7 a in
Fort Grove Local 2:07 p. 111
Sheridan Plver .vao p. ut
Forert Grove Local 6:47 p
, t.fii a, 111
, 9:11 n, 111
, 10:4a a. 111
. 3:4 P.
, 4:f)u p, 111
Jonn Bellinh, of Ruxtnn, whb in
town Tueaday.
Bee Libby, the jeweler, for watch
repairing, corner Main and Third
The Argua i in receipt of a copy
of the I.mhI Mercury, brariog date
of Feb. S, 11KK, containing an in
lereeting account ot the diaaaler to
the Flatuborough fialitug coble
from Miaa Mary A. Himpaon, of
Kngland, woll known in Hillborn
il waa an intereeting number, and
the Argua exlrnda ita thanka.
For Hate: Regiaterrd Jereey bull
Id month old; Dam, Knglueera'
Kile, No. l'.H-.CV.I, big milk record
teal over 5 per cent; aire. Golden
I, id, No. la.'iOl; alao February
calf, eatne breeding. A. F. Delb-
luf, owner, Hegbera, Or. ol-l
Mr. and Mr. Fred Bchotnhurg,
f thl city, calibrated their eilver
wedding, al their reeidenre, laal
Hunday. A number of Invlteil
frutt partook of a bountiful lunch
at noon, and epent the day very
tleHntly. Ueaidea many with
lor their future welfare, the fall
mable couple were the recipients of
aome beautiful preaenta Ihoa
preeent were: Mr. and Mra K
Fulls, Mr. and Mrs C Oroce, Iter)
lurney and Mia Florence Hmith,
of Portland: Miaa Bertha Raeae,
Mr. and Mr. C. Rehae, Mr. and
Mr. Herman Kamna and children,
Henry 8chmnllxr and wife. C
lllaarr and wife, 10 W. Moore and
wife, Juo Vanderwal and wife,
Wesley Paino and wife, Krnest
riuley: Mise Willabulle Moore
and Jennie Lilligard.
Dr. Plutntner, the well known
Portland physician, in speaking to
Porllaud newrpapur about the
sdvantagH to be gained by inter
urban eleotric linea leading out o
Portland, recently said: "Beyond
u there will be hundreds of pleas
ant acre homes where poultry and
fruit will be rained for theoity mar
ket, once the people of the Tualatin
Valley tan come in with their stuff
to sell. The present Haletu eleotrio
line does not reach the bent part of
thin country, but it shows what
ohanges an electrio line can ao
oomplish in a short time in the
region directly served by it. The
3 uithflrn Pucillo is now construct
lug a bridge near Oswego, to take
its freight oars Into theoity by way
of Milwaukie. When the track 1
Hnished to Willebtirg, the train will
no doubt ha taken off Fourth street
and a trolley service instituted that
will build up the Tualatin Valley
in a lueaHiire little dreamed of by
the old settlers who have been
living; quietly on the pretty hit
Card ol Thank
We deaire lo thank our friuitlafttl
neighbors who ao kindly aa!ct.j
ua during the ill new and euW
quent funeral ohaequiea of the late
Julius Luck.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Q. Luck, and
Olenooe, Ore , Feb. 20, 1900
Defeats Willamette Univers
ity Team 2 to 1
Ttaaj Circa Baaqaet
Ilmick Hall
The Pacific University debating
team Friday night defeated the
leim from Willamette University,
Halem, by a 2-to I decision. Tbia
is Pacific'a second victory over
Willamette since the organizition
of the Willamette-Whitman Pacific
Debating League. The question
under dieooaaion was, "R-aolveJi
That for American Cities under
200,0m, the Commieeion Plan of
Government Known as the Galves
ton or Dee Moines plan, ia Adrit
able." Willamette upheld the neg
ative and waa represented by Bar
r'son, leader; McNees and Beckley
Pacific was represented by Gwynn,
laajdar; ttopa) aod R L Abraham.
Tba Jtjja vera Car. f. A. Lame
aae) I U. CaJf. of PortUaiud
Our Prescription Department
Is our Pride. We Have
the confidence of the
Phyticians and the pub
lic. This is increasing
our trade every month.
Why? Because it is the
important part of our
business, and AT ALL
TIMES receives our
careful attention.
yaor A. E. ftlfot, f Bacwe.
diately after the debate the
hg team waa tendered a recep-
t Herrick Hall by the Liter-cieties.
We fill to many p,ernption that our
Stock ia always r KlvSH and Pl.'KP., t
ile bting coniprrhrnsive ami ccmpltte.
Our Charges are Al
ways Sight, and Based
upon Value of Ingredi
ents and Time and SHill
required to Compound.
They are not "Guessed
at." All are treated
alihe. 'm
The Physicians Trust
us. You may safely do
of the condition of the Bank of
lord, in Ibe Slale of Oregon, at the
it buaincia, rebruary 5, 1909:
Rt tourer
and discounts.
arcuritira, etc.
Dg houw, furniture aod
W fCS..... i(,t,,.,MI((lMt.i
real estate owned.
k rout a
l, tat rwaianu
Cash da
$ J.57 00
6JS 93
1.770 00
730 00
J.639 69
9 4V4 6
.4V5 47
W X Hrowii to 8 T Bowtrr rial, lot 1
hlk lj biiuoii Adit lli.lauwru pJSO
C r Tigaulel ux to II M Abbott el
al, pail of c j t 1 a 1 w ojoo
J I) Kooactal to Ja Nichola, pari
ol B Catrhlutt il I c t 1 u 4
M Burger el al to Allic Burger, ir
in tec 31 t n 3
K.itabclti Koaarr ct al lo Ja II. toy
cl al, patt ol A Hill d I c I a 1 3 795
tiro SAlleuelal lo II Umber,
part ol blk a purest (.rove - 65
II Bchnke ct al lo M L Wollc, ue
U 01 aeU arc 7 t a 1
i' Hamilton, tiiulec to M Kinney,
iuii m( id iu loo
T l talluiau to Mime laltuiaii, pail
blk 1 ( lirove - '
I L Liua.lay toC Aaoiacher, w S 01
hkV actio tn 2 7
Uon Ciiiod el al to P Kumlret, 5 a
io lwiac lhiiler it I c l I n a ?
l' H UrbB ct al to Ino Buchaoau, 10
. I.. Ml VV L'alL- nuir il I c t I n ... 000
O S l'aisoo rt al to K A Han, part
of arc 17 t In 4
Maria nweeketal to Alra weea,
luil acca 14 and il "l olber Html
Sabra BeiJao rl al to Juo W Baxter,
.v.. 1 1. iii iu Fulfil Grove io
R C Rowi rl al to Uoia Caiuplwll, yo
a iu e.- 10 ami II I 1 a 4 w
Levi Marnti tojotia T Martin, part
arc U I 1 4 IM-Sacr)
u-11 liorkni rt at to A M Hocken,
aw V blk .o llockeir Aita to neav 50
u. i' in M uibrtou et at, a a in
tl.l k
Oreifou Nuriy Co to Peter Jossy,
i 01 liieiico acici a
Alba rt McCuuiacy et al to aaraU r C
Kuoali. w,4 ol uw.' ec 13 1 a
The Threnhermen of Washington Joe. Brandenberg, of Kwt Plaine,
County held a meeting at Forest was in town last Saturday, and
Grove lat week. A county organt- called
lition waa tfl'.cted by the election
f the following ofheer: Pres., A
Flint. ScholU; Vies Pres., E. K
Schmeluar, Hillsboro; Sec , M. H
Henderson, Cornelius, lhe ap
pointment of the executive commit
I 1 Ml I .J,
Win, Hchulmerioh.of Bjulh Tua
latiu, was abitent most ot UbI week
. .. . ... in
on lnstiiuie worn. run iu
atiluiiNi were hold at Tualaliu
aherwoud, Ksieoad and tUgle
Creek. Mr. ttohulmerich uaudied
the subjaot of "Dairying," aod lour
AirrioullUfal College professors cov
ered other subj-ots of interest to
the farmers, these institutes are
brooming vtiry popular all over the
Willamette vaiiey.
8. N. Poole, of Middleton, was in
town Monday.
Ben Keen, of Sherwood, was in
town the first of the week.
0. B. Krwin, of Porllaud, was
business viaitor here, Tuesday.
Dan Ulery, of Cootier Mountain
was in town Tuesday.
Job. 8ax, ol nar Sherwood, was
in town Tuesday, paying laiea
John Crocker, of Mdiintalndale
I 11,500 00 1
4 00
Individual depoait lubiect to
check ao.95& 13
Ilctuand certlhcatr of depos
it 1,519
Time certificates of deposit.... 13,104 00
Savings 1 pewits 4,119 41
Liabilities other than those
above staled 14 10
Total I 5a.3a7 35
Fire Dept , was igajr, Tuesday. Capital atock paid in
Mr. Pierce is an wjkjbs Washing- Dividend onpam
U n Co. boy, aoi VM In the mer
cantile businee at Qffjtnville, with
bis father, yea's ago. 41
One day lant weaV while Ralph
G. Kdwardsand fa roily were epsnd
ing the day at Taylow"! bridge, some
paraon or persons -tatared their
hon.M. near Sherwoacl. and stole
tn i ,..h O.. lha EasJa nitfht State of Oregon,
: r7 ' Coontvof Washinuton. 1
louowing ino ruuuery vt ntuwc, j j.teJ j Rpler, Cashier of the
thieve stole I I chickfM ffllt of a atave-named bank, do solemnly (wear
tljck of 50 The thierCS tlf liable that the atve statement is true to the
to be apprehended soon. ; ' l"Tj.Mr Cashier.
W: - I
Prof. Scudder, Of th)0 A. C, Correct Attest:
.ft.r i aminff WahinBti Count? L. S. McConneU John Conielmann
I - ...!."..!. :UL.;.l uireciors.
on, given as hi. Vuanaa Suhscrild and sworn to before me
contains ibe rigm conawtwions lhU lSth rtat of February, 1909.
chemically to Erow the CtvaU Of ap- A. W. Hall,
.... " - 11 I nii!.
nles. The Ariius has repeatedly notary ruo.ic.
u.i.l that annla irrower need not
. n . .... ... I m n I .11 t 01 1
aa to Ho Mi Kiver.lhe Yakima Val- u- 1. nncaeu, 01 ouerwoou, wm
ley or Southern Oregon, to raise iu lowu Saturday.
pnte apples. e have the eon ana j-cqK Jackv. of bevond Olencoe.
the climale right here at home. WM , county seat visitor Saturday.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a
Checking Account. From Month to
Month you Have an Exact Record of all
Money Received and all Money paid out
Pay by Check; Get a Receipt
The endorsement upon the back of your
check is proof that the party received the
amount of the check.
Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac
count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now.
Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore.
O. E. Shephird, of near Beaver-
ton, was in the county seat Mon
0. Algesheimer was up from
Scholia, Friday, and called on the
tee was deferred, and will be made Argus
when the organisation meets in I c. JaeDer. of North Forest Grove.
Hillsboro, Saturday, March 13. LD(j j0i,n Herd lei n, of Blooming,
Sheriff Hancock picked up two were Argus callers, Saturday.
boys in this city last Uriday morn- Kmmer and U. Gassner,
ing, aged S and U years respective- 0f Cooper Mountain, were in town
y, who gave meir names ae iwie nMt tpdy, looking after taxes.
IDU Anuur .v , .
r....i-J 1 . IA IV,.. ooru, o iur. iuu iuib. uo.
rOIU I Uimim, iuu nam ...oj li:llV t
1 w ( .-arW Tha hnv nrnved Oliereperger, nuisuwu, vreKou,
u? runaways from lhe custody of hbmoij 25, 1909, a son.
the Juvenile Court, of Portland. Those who have poultry to sell
Sheriff Haccock communicated -m j0 wen to call at the depot
with the ollicere ol tue cour;, who 8tote HiRheet market price paid
the mult inai an omcer came ouj Bring chickens on Wedneedays.
and took the boys back to Portland p Wt Walch.
. H A ftuwiAftiMt lrain I
UU All BtlClUUUU aaawaa.. I v Q T iU- annfarti
The Crescent Theatre, under the h :U8t finiBhed a big barn, 42x60
new manageraenv ui 1 ueipo fwt 24 foot poste, for Charley Ura-
Parker, gave its initial performance B0Uth of the Minter bridge,
last Saturday night, when uncie wnich i8 0ne of the largest in the
High Quality Drug 8 tore
When you are sick and in
need of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such is the class
ol Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish, our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg-
tslered pharmo;t3 are al-
1 - 1 iptions
kid in our
Tom's Cabin" was staged ty tne
Waahburne Company, lhe audi
enoe was one of the largest, so it is
said, in the history of the theatre,
and speaks volumes 01 praise wr
ihn new management. 11 suoee
Taken up: Red heifer, and yet-
low htifer with white spots; coming
two years. No brand; no ear
marks. Owner please prove prop-
. . .1 o tKa ertv. pay all charges, and tali
ineni ooinpauioo Bin ar (iu - pk.;.. na.ii.i
i ii-l IW. . n.h n nnmnanv. eaiuo wt. vii.uvj l
nuuio r-" b..i. rv- D... O Rfl
more win uo uu I ;
The play wb well staged, and the , R D xhorne last week sold lots
" 1 1 1 ! . a I. I .... ....
actors were an goon in mmr paru. g j0 and 11 io block 1 to fit.
Mule Klsa SutlifT. as "Eva," was Wll.a nf f, 120(1 Tt la
extremely clever, and won deservexl igypj that Dr. Haas will build
applause, hdna Clare maae an one or more houses on the lots pur
ideal Topsy, and Louis Rosevelt, as ohaBed jn ,he near futur6t
"Phineas Fletcher, the Quaker," . t
Jack Stewart, as "Legree," and &ggi irom my o. v . n uiw ig
OtiaL Knight, aB "Lawyer Marks," horns and Orpingtons, which are
and K L Sutlifr, as "St. Claire" oaretuiiy oreo mr egg prouuovion
weie artists in their line. Mention and standard qualities, now ready
should also be made of A. T. Mo- at Cameron's yards, south of city
G ruder, who faithfully portrayed para, musooro, vre. viaiMirewei
the character of "Uncle Tom." 'come. 49 10
Vi' i
Hillsboro, Ore.
yy. Vm iv mm
w Store is
io re VJpen
iwihi mi iMmmlMli.
t (
Itreete. 4Utt
I sides fur Buoh a long time."
was in town Tuesday. j