I - Hill. bono a nous, f cb. s',, ioo OicliuidisU to Si.y Alt Ul Sailu I bit hi W ill Kn'oue III law Tim nw (!mtnty Fruit ItinjnH tor, II. N. 8nat, if Itnaverlou, rniiiU tlm ln!loing otxiiiuiinlontliin, whirl) it yi van for th imuifIH of orchard lata lu tliU rminly Tim ftuil In diiatrr lu Walilnstnn county In a Kriiwiug utm, aiul fruil r"i lnvn IcarniM Uial It ys ti kwi down tlm pila, wltltill lufml I tin Irrrn Kullutfing ii Mr. Hjrni' leitnr: "I trliih tit call, through tlm col. ti in ti it nf your ainr, tlm allmilioa of Kruil lriff' or any olhr who lia fruit irr, orntiimrtUl trwa, nliMilm, etc, lufi-aiml with Hail Jim-o ai'aln, tliat now la tlm liiim to aprny for aamo, wliil llm triwavto, an jrt dormant, it mill Uka ln iray, and lm linin (u aiv iuiillh a K'xM j ilt nuw, (Inn wlmu tlm trviNi ara Iravnd nut and llicra ia nmUi'gnr uf injuring Hit in. TIkwh Iki Lava old ucharU that ara in fueled with acala aiul have dona Holding in tlm pal tin yuara In rlean Iheiit ii, mutt di aoumltiiiitf I Ilia year, if the orchard ia oonMrml ol an vlu rut it hark ami auray thoroughly with Ida winter apray, In f toari itir iro (Mirlinn via: Una pal t-k mhi lion In H gallon walr. If tha or char. I a of no Value, grub it out ami hum it, Rat it oti nf night, Tlm horli-ullurit if Waah, Ho. ara fully arnue In their ilaiifr-r, In rr-aard to llieaa old worthl In. featnl orchard, ami ilm mmrry ia rman llmm up, 1 tier ara thou- aan.ta or inm irwa iIiib ail oui in i a . . .I.tt aa. .. ttaanlngtmi umiuty tola ai rinn and il ia for tlm orolis lion of theee i at well aa thoae, that hara and ara doing their h,l to iinpfore their orrtiardfand raiiterlean fruil, that aoma thing tntiat he d om, and with thia ohj-vt it) view, it U the lotention of the undere'gned to in dune, it pihU, mm ami all to oliey tha law without having to call on lb law for help, hul if not La will enforce atid law ! N Hproat, County Krult ltie(:Uir. MOSCOW S AUDITION Heft locate.) lot; Only reetrirted dialrlct; Huro to inrreaaa in valui'; Cannot he norlle.1 for drainage; Only one hl .c k frmn electric elation ; Worth mora than pile aked. V aell thtea Iota on veiy aaay terrua Coiinell-Iinhrm Land Co MKINNBY - SMITH Mr Herbert K McKtntmy, of Port land, and Mia Mabel le Smith, of Korel tirova, were united lu mar rlaga at tha home of the brl.!' aunl, Mra, Knitua M ("Kinney, Kiiat atreet. llilleb iro, Monday, Februa ry '22. liMfj. Uv. I, K. Helknap, of tha M K. church, iifluiating The brida ia tha younee! daughter of Mr. ami Mra. Hugh Smith, of Koreat (hove, and la a aieter of Ml I'earl Miwilh, of llm Argue The groom ia tha yotmgeet mm of J. N. McKlnney, formerly In the livery hualtifia h thia city, and ia ll known hare, wbera he epent hia boyhood dava The young couple will make thi ir home 1 ill I'.irlUn.l ik- I.. . ...-..., ni.i'iTl ft, It. (llll IIHI, the xiiiiin of foreman fur tlm Cudahy Packing Co. Tlm Argna eitamlH congtatiilalioim. Diiiolution of Cn-Partnaialilp The wtnrtdiip Imretofora riiHtlng Utwien J. U. (Irerar ami K W Moore, under the lirm naiim of Moora (lrear. h llillahoro, Ora , i thia day diaaolvud hy mutual conaent, Mr. (War retiring from tha firm Dated February l, ll)l!) u K, W. Moore, J. U. (Ireear, PROBATE Ouarilianahlp of Frank Mayer, he Ida minded; Cha Metier required to ippear iu oourt Monday, March . MMiy, and rhnw cause why he bould not he remoyed aa Diiardian herein. Kt nf Mohiih Diilahoy, deed; ex ou'or authorized toineert the letter in linu of the initial "u in the " of Chan l)illl,y, ho m to nke the name read Chaa A Dill, boy. KHtofHarah 11 Hue, tlood; II mil Lvr "CPfived. cnnie r ieler Henften, tlocd, unl ucot approved 4 Ktff IClia J Llchty.demhi.e. "lion for the partial distribution Died. M. M. Harvey, of the North 'Jiins, waain town today. Fnuera are getting ready to now pfiOR grain. The ground in pretty "et, however, just at preHent. A. Whitcoiub and family line "k moved into the bungalow, re ently huilt by Mr. Howe, near the Bchuol house. IliIU iritriMlta-f.il hy Ki-rator W. I n il, wliti h iir,! ,! , caum law, were; 8. I! No, J Kngulaiinn aala id ( ' m tn rM h I f'nnlMiiiiU for liTe-tH'k H II N, I'M I't lawful tu i.-M.it ii Mi I oil It' ana ou the hicl m ay u. ly nM. i : i,-'.itui to tlm ai.ro pruilioii of Uo. 1 1 corporate pur p It 'pifnHuuiiv,, r;r,wr j lni'.i:..i a I, li a.-i..at ,...i:ii,i; WIllCll Imkmiiiii -, 1 1 it.Cft ia nil VI L I. I ... i .1 'i"- m i ii i-,uer anv lull llm Vahii'Kiii 'unty iM'-tfillnn. a ho ly w ah on tlitini In i f no'inoiiiy. CMilnf Miitriiicer llavm. of Ilia I" It A N. Co , paaml tiirouuli town lu.iay, cnrouie to TilUiiio.k county, wlmr he R wa to look aftr company tnV.ttra. A aom weather oomlitlona are fivnrliU, the aurvryiiiK crnn of the (,iin puny will taku the li. M ami run Mime tit wmt in ainiiintir Willi ilia ponelriii'linn of the road, or th nrraler part f it. Imi, HilUlu- fo ami 1 'ilUtnnnk, ihix y(.,ri thf. aurvayora will l krpl huay A tlMW'ial nmntiiil! of the Kuard of Tia lii In run iiiimi'i d fur hi.ii M uiday iiinli, al the City Hn. i'reaident V. 11. Wehrilnif. of the Alaaka-) ukon Fair cottiiniieii) will he i reietit ami adirira tlm llitllil tlpoii tlm ail'i c at an ( hi In I for WaahiiiKton county, am Hie l.fiiftiln o ,..ived hy prop eily advertiHinjf tilH county am a-aie Meetloit nix-na at 7;.'!n aharn Tim fatrnara of iherouiity armirKul i ie pnaeni. I now rriTiHiiiiil tlm Snire'U c or. art, formerly rrpreaentni hy Mra iiaum i ettiim. hnirciinn In ymir home, win r acrtfatn nmaaurn iimnl ran le taken, and ymi irt a roraet to limet the rr'liff limnta of your Injure p nital raid, or pinirm call fur aio. until ent Mr M K Cau llif, lliliaboro, (regnn Fifth and Jackaon Hire!, ludo pelidi'lil phoim, fiHl 4ii 5 lUfknt Social -Modrn Wnod Itmo of ICnedville will ,mv a .a-krt eocial ami entt rtainiimnt, in llmir hall, on Saturday evening, Fehru ary 27lh. The lilitiire rriiented 10 "riiiK narkeia l.wt IhhIv cmnr ""u va a goo.i tlum 4v,ri W. W. Itoarow eold hia Imp cro of Ual year to Harry Hurt i f I'ort land, the lattnr oarl of lal weik There were 10J lulia, and the price reallied waa , cetila ier pnUnd A nuuiler of tuntraota have lieen made in th'a cHmntr. f ir thia vearV crp, at liij cent, which ia better than any pri otl.-red laal year. For Iteiil Twnlv elcbt acree n) good, Imprnml Und. ruitable f,.r dairy ranch. l,e.-e cm pay rmt with lalhir. Two houe on pi!c Imiuiraof John ilendricka. lt.av ertoo.Ore, It. '2. I'i ,12 'reaching eervire at the l!u.'it church al II a iu. .Subject for dia- cueeion: "Tlm Condition of Swing and Ku joying the IStM " t'ninn eervicea at the Conereitalinna! i hun h al 7;.'tO p. in. PIkiiIv of fruit Irt at the Mm. ton' (Inenhotiae. alo cahlmee and etrawlerry planta. K!e will a.Km lie ready. Cabbage mall ordxra at t' llded to. 4S A hall will lm given at the Man- caWe Hall, (lieenville. on Satur day niyht, March (I, for the bciiflil of the Uanke Outlaw bacehill team Popular pricea. Kvrrybody iu- vitfxi. r,ori The Connell-lnihrie Land Co thia week eold the J C Maier place near Hilleluro, to J Wat eon, of Kee,lville. The Rev. M. J. lU'.lintvne. if lUllan, will nreicb at Laurel church, Sunday tnortiing, and at liaeldala achool houee, Kuuilay evening We elill have a few htreaina in clothing which we will eell regard- lee (d coat, to clime out aiiim, to make place for Snrinii arrivals. Kohulmerich Hroa. K II. Collins thia wci-k bmieht the K I., (iodman property in thia plac', and Mr. lloduian and iiimily will move to Portland, where he baa a real relate ofhee. For atovea ami ranee, come and et-e Hchulnierich Broe We carrv a omnpb'te atock, and our pricsa are llm loweel. Jamee It. Knodell. nf the Orruon - ... ---- n Autl Saloon Lea huh nf Oregon, will ewnk at the t'ongregntional church Sunday evening. Loat (lold-filled ICIuin move nmnt watch, Hunter cane, plioto- praph in caae. l.enve at thin oflice Keward, f .r. i'.l fit) "Uncle" Thoe. Tucker, nf Port- land, mm nf the ninm-ere nf tide county and Btate, in spending a few daye with hia duugliUr, Mre. tianl tier, In Hub oily. For Sale Aleike clover peed. Mo per lb C. P. Wunilerlich, Center ville. P. 0. addreee, Cornelius, Ore.. It. 1. 48 At Wm. Thompson, nf the Mono- taindale sawmill, ranie nut from Portland, lueBilay, where he went nn hueineHH. We have laid in a full Buimlv of pipe and pipe flllinag. If you de rim anything iu this line, come , C I , -II. onu ece tie. ooniiimencn iirnR, I. H. Hmith. of Forest CI rove. was in town thie afternoon. Minn Emma Vduns. of North Hilleboro, baa returned homo from a Wiuter'e vieit in MinneapoliH, A. Krieuer. of Verbonrt. we an Argue cnllor, thia nfternnnn. John Ibach. of near llanke. was in to.vu today, paying taxes, LLl5;ii!'llim l.iinn Oiviiii I.Uctiic H is i S. I'. I Km I OEN. .NUNtl.tK lAUt'Jf Kkl'Uh-' fill. IU')',ioii to (iiliu.iiu, Mtra Ilia I'.mtiou (iiiirl Managi-r Tall.ot, of tin Oregon IC!w:tiio, appe.ru tu think that hid ruiiipitiiy haa rmrin-ii aoine tii. j i ritiriem, and hu rk rpc,f)r the letter which fi.l .wh in order that tlm u1 neral public may under, taml hia view of tlm ei'tialii.n. Tlm letter: V. lour A - Srvrr ll IlllMi tr i lilly ll.i 'i,ri l f ',(.,.., .pr lin.r ht-ril JMl,llli!li(; julii lm rrit l.iiii tin- i l.l.ilni I' nlvui loiiionty ui. iiiiinllmc li tn w i:ii ir i.n.il liil v i I tlir S.j.n hr i i ',n in. Cm ' mil. Hi in M lllllll.iK lll .1 I Iimj I .miiiihiIhHi.h I.iIi- lin y ti l.l III li i I 1,1 1, .1 .i mir riiliiin. .- inn. fli it rily Ilium, (mlii y, ami llir 4n y of our inm j.ntv 1 luie, im! In ii j,iy tu tin h nit. i In i,i .my ailic ,- l.iit In I tlt;,t In I n i Hr alionlil tin mi. Win tlirr or linl our rii l IIIIC llllil I' ill i -.1 I I. Hi- lit,- I'lli i. llip vtiil.Mi .,( tln-j- ri.iiiiiiiilniii.il i'r Ii ll Nillllll lll I'.ii Hu . 1 lu ii,l L now. We Imw lac-c-t i iiM-Mtiiiu iitrr t, vcni In S.ilrni, nm ilmuiji i!i,(t tnm- tin-Snuih ern I'm i. i-I ii. Imvr i,i. ilu-.ji (iimiiiu lull-ill liitr In Hi ill.il Siiiillii, k I( ,;, j!, iiwi M" and otliur i.itiil, ii'i't lliimi; !i a jjicit .lr-.il of tin- li-riilmv, niil'-!i- o( tin w'll.ii'in iIii-iiim Kr r uif tln-ir ( mn H lili.l, lilif I li . H, 11, 111-, kl illui s )K in; ! vim ri.u r, iiiiiiiiiim iii, Mp iIiiij.i-i, Hnliin .in. I tui.lrii 1 1 !,(- m, i h, vi lli-wr iiii-i III" in.ljii.In il c..iiiiiiHt-tli'.; lIf III rll.-i I v li llir Sniillii in l',,,i!i,- Wf Will III lj t' I ill II ill llllu llllls'a.til f.l inn in.u- ... rr 1 v. .. 111..11I l: 1 f-rr in t lllIK lllll 1.111 llllil l-illrnt I.IHM-. ,l!ii v. t l..ivr la trl He t tlu in. In 1. in ii i.iii- i'. in -lil)nil al mn- oiitui (.,.,!,!, I l illlr- ,m.l li,;,U,l,. Hi,, u',l w. I, an tin I llir- idli at Hm, lnnr hIiO i'hI ill - S CO I. .1.1 M l n 1,1 I lLll ll ll.t lll III I f f.it Imivrr. In i,ilii-r .,.iU i- hu, hr-vrr liiiil auv tu. Ii" iiM,i-..riii!.V In, , ait-l in tm.ftiH r..li.iv iAU-k in i II. i t in.! it!i c I'lil 'linn III li. tiii-lif iii I .In ll"l Ml- uliv r -linu:.! ) liilnlJi! fi,r tlir Olrviit i uii-lttiMii. r nr.- (-vlo iui .v ki. il-. til to H i- i ..in Ollttrt- alii! ill.- .I.l.-.r i!k-i In llir II,;!,! . f way Intel l!i ( l i-.n'it tut into I in (imvr. .11.1 li.it it nt l.ciii Jt lit.,, I,.. I. Ill" nlnnti-.l 1 1!: i. mt vioiii.) i i.l I'm altrtii-Ul to t.ui'.il lulu I ..ir-.! ('.!.... tin M yrar, I Ulirti- (In- niouui,! n! Iiiilicv H i'.'i -.J Ol llir lii'l't ,.f :i li on hiiM l inl tu I . ,!,--! t,i,.i,. vt.l- Mititrlliii ( ti- f , ,, iiii.l win'., !'i i niiiimi I r - i . . : i ( , 1 1 r l.i :. I r. inai. t u'ly al lli.it linn , ll our viiii imp .) i, j i;r. thr i.tm, nut iti.il it n.-l tin- I .,1.-1,1 lirtn-e p. ij.tt w;i otilv it Irl'r uvrr one third of tin-t.tn.1 of i.i- !i-i tin , it 1! t lim l.'ilii t ic 1 1 v. rr w mi d h-i- v.li .1 11 11111II ilium 1 f vji tiilioirr1 tliry -tr ual IJT olilir.l il imtr I Irt-iirve the Smi'hertt l'.u ifi.- fmin the f t ii ml 1 hi 11 1 i.f r.nii-iis.i!i.,u for (- .i tarnrii, mo llir tiUX Hunt;, ii-i.l 1 think tin- jh-oj-U- hiiii!.i nut , -, i t tint Ihry nhotild lie r.tirlcil Innu Port; md tu llil!lioru for lra tlmii one half i.f a cent -rr mi!,-, or nlmiit i j rfiiH i-r ridi. I lur iiinioflitv ha ntnitnn I, 1 a fivttl Cill.-ll tlfiiliV Idlliljilil nit 11111 tnl!rit.1 01 tlie cimtilt y , iimiij; thcUstuf m,tlrr 111. IICHVV kill I llllil tilt- !Tt I.f t.jllljl inetit. WV iinht litve lliroH-n ih-viii 11 lin fhr.lv,rointiml-d with 50 f,u.i. r.iil and thru- or four thouvtinl iltili.ir iii.Hur cart, inntr id of 70 Miitml mil and lhirtn-n tin iiviiul d.illur inu.r i-rx. and Ik-pii aide to inke llie tunc U lun-n l-,r cut (Jtivc and I'orltimil aNuil tu tiiuii. and t hnrirf a Ii-imt rule than in in r tli-cl IKlH . tint I do not I.1-I11 i-i- Hint in llie L in, I of M IVHT or t-iiii.m lit lh.it the projilt- want, l lu- i:ttr tlKiulil In- CuintiiriiMi -r. ill- llll tin- -i in- li liilrlrd and tln- 'itiipnii-nt iiu-d, and hy apply inn such a low lir its toe i iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii inic ol tin-Simtht-rn l'm-ilir nut i-oiiiKinv ruiild mil enter tin' Grid at il-i prrsrr.t Htitml.tni and tnKP a living. Il ia our ami, Ik-Iiiic unotlirr vt'itr llwl. to L'H ( nr toad tliuruin-lil v li-il IhhIi-.I mid ill n for 1 1 11 vhnie in tin- mn. 11 line, ntnl. if Ihe Irnttic nt nil warrnnts il. to have a tram I ctvm-it pi rtlnttd ami Potest CroM" t-vrrv hour, nr hour and thirty ntttiiitea. It t'ost lis lit percent of j;tos entnim;a to njirtale llie I-'onst 1'iniif IntiMini in Iii-i-i-nilt-r. and the rates now 111 riled, mid the rxtia haul fiotlt ItllUlmrtl to I-'iiii-hI llrove. uith ll-i- I'oti.litiun of the track and the trallic he- 1iij dime, show a wt- are ent pay'nj ot-r-atliiK rxiriisrx, I hepe that mum- dav. mid nl 110 ruin-nil- date, the tinU'ic will I. mid up on the line no that wc can cutt- wlMti'llt 1 1-. uitlltiltl leitilrillLl i.r , ei-.-rel ...... ... .... ... ... -Hri-tiii; nur srtviee, put in lower lutes tlntn ate now tu t-in-i t, nun I nave every rrasuii to In llrvr l int tilt- S,int hi-tti l a filic feel the kii mo- way mid an- willing to do iltlVtllliiK for the l''otet drove pt-nple that thrv can tf thev call make a livint; (Hit of the tales, I tin not la-lirve tlutl there ia a hiiatneaa limn in the City of l-'orcst Drove, who ih lilts to do Imsin ss for nolhii'K, and 1 am ante that the do not expect our company to. I ln-lit-ve that the eatra and spit nilid service, con pled whh the woiidi-rliil Krowth of coui nnin'tiea now nppurriit, to l- derived f 1 1 m 1 an rh eti ic lint- into l-'orost drove w ill, within it year or two, mom than ten times cotnpriiMitc coinplainers for the loan of a few iititcasoimhlt-, nou-pnying rates. lluiidreils of acre have hern npi-tieil to tract settlement since our iidvctit into thia territory; property hrlween llillsho ro and l-'orrst tttove is clin nin hands regularly at rt irolit; Hillshoro, I under stand, has erected sunctliitiK like seventy-five new hoiiira the past year, and he-twct-ti I Miry Creek and l-'oicst Cltovc llicre is a huildinn hooiu, rsptvinlly nt Cotnelins. The advent of our line must have played a partial part in thia devel opment. The success of the railroad and cniutnunitiea means hot It must piillto Kfther, and the mountain out of a mole hill idea in this into matter, teems to.inc the wroiiil method toward the Kailroad Companies. So that the nailer may he told lir.st-haud I will snv that the Oregon Klei'trie Kailway Company is nn ahso Ititely independent corpnriitloii, ami is 11 it in any way connected, owned or ilotuinated hy the llarritnau or any other interests, Yotoa ttitiv, City V Talbot. Portland, Ou, Keh. 17,11)119, SKATING SkntioR at the llilleboro Uink Fri day and Saturday nights, of this week. jamea uorwic.K. 0 KPPi VI Hp. wdr an Argus cauer, lut'saay, a . 11 m a I lrivel your money in Oak Park at . Ih, happy. John Hiimpbreya, of Portland, ia how et pplij ill llillahoro. Out Park ia- mm mile wet of ffilMx.m. N. K Wt, of piuhin, had buei in ililuboro, TumiUy. H. Iiitvia and (juy Meaainj(..r, ,f l.turel, were in t'lwn lueaday. Krar k It owell, of .Scholia, waa in town I tmniay, and called. Father Hu ;holr,)r vieit-d Port- laml laet Tueaday. (i. C. llirtley, I,,' Dilley, waa in town i iiemlay. It- M. Ilullock. of H.nka w.a uown to the city 1 iifHday. J. J. Mearham, of Banka. waa in town yetnrday. W. II WehrtinK, of Portland, wan In the city TiiHaday. ien. W. I'atteraoii waa out from Portland, Tuesday, on buinH. Full aaanrtment of lioet carda and a'hiinm at the Hillehoro Confec i "imry. '). I. Fletcher, a well known Portland cuiiiiimiciul man, waH in town Timfday. Fr-eh li-h every Friday ai.d Hat tiriUy at Mi.oro ife Hxiver'a meat market. 47-tf Horn, to the wif of Frel Htark. imar Sclm:!, Oregon, February 13 I'-'t-'i, a eon. Money to loan on real eatate. I'erina reft'onable. Apply to Ku ra'Ji Hroa, II illaWo. Or. 21-tf Have your clothea clnanivl and pire-i-d at The Acme. Ladiee' work a eiecialtv. 47 f,l Frank Petrxilka and wif. of li nu luiitioi), were in (own Tuee- lny. M A. Ki-ofild. of Rtuton. wan reiti red at the Commercial Tues day. Write or call on K. W. Hainee, Fireel (Jrove, and he will ull you a'xmt Oak Park. j. W. Hinea, a well known Bux ton man, waa in town on road bus itmcm yeeterday. For choice Oregon grown rel or white clover, or Alayke aewl, aee C. K. Iledse, B-averton, Ore. 50 1 Brn. to the wife of haao Knneg, Laurel, Orcn'in, Fehiuary 22, 1!HW, a tt'rl. O K. Shei.tiard. a Mortondale firmer, waa in theounty eeat yea ti-rday. A hi-itatVaer, of 2 milea eaBt of lii-avnion, waa iu the county m-al yeeteruay, ami called. H in tbw? Corvallia Cream ery li'ilti r, To.: per roll; dairy hut t r, f.-V. at (irwia. 48 51 Lit, us Brown, a eon of P. O. Brown, the latter at one time a fur niture dealer hre, waa in town Timed ay . The columnaof thU paper ehould toil you where lo lind an energetic r-al eeuie firm. Conoell-Itubrie Land Co. ie full of energy. Dare at the V. 0. Hall. Glut.eop, Saturday night, Feb. 27; tii'kete, incluiinir suotier. $1.00: Toellr'e orcbt'eitra. Mr. BrewHter. who botwht th t n Itraut L-indein place at South Tua latin, haa taken porStesion of Lie hear home. Good, clean, red clover seed for e-ile, nt I''o per potiml Inquire O. . Mmeh, Corneliun, Oregon, Route L 50 3 Win. HanRon. of near Scholia. cut a gash in the ball t( his right tool, ins latter part of last week, while trimming a Dr tree. Dr. A. B Biiley was calltkl. For Hale He cleaned clover eeed. No. 1. at 12c J. W. Van,Wvl. den, Roy, Ore P. O. addreee, Foreet drove, R 2. 4-Sif This ia a good time to make fence. J. W. Vanderveldan. nf It iy, can furnish cedar nosta. P. O addreee, Foreet (irove, U. 2. 48lf Dr. tleo. Merryman, of Klatnatb Falle, w ah a ouoet of Dr. and Mrs A. 15 Bailey, Wednesday. Dr Merryman was State Senator from Ktaiiiath county in the late lecta- liture. Sheriff Hancock ie busy receiving taxee. He is anisted bv Geo. H. Wilcox, IL'rt Doane. Fred Baanh. Fred JSiegriet and Jae. Butler. On luoedav. the Grst dav. the receinta wore -1-1733 Gl. Don't let thin Baeeline street (map flip through your fingers, t tmn proved mid ta thia vuunitv are held at l(KK) Connell-ltubrie Luid Co. The bill inlroduced bv Snnator Wood, of this county, to turn 00 pir cent, of the rod lax back into the town of Foreft Grove, Hiilsbu ro and Comeliua failed to pans in the legislature. A fire ocoti'red in Sunt Case' house at the Grove, Monday, caused by tne upBetting ol a lamp. The blae was confined to the interior of the house. John Vanderwal in 1110 iiuusH, jonn vanuerwai went up yesterday to adjust the I08S. r - ti i: - ' -i . I mi. lUUIllt,, WUU IB BltlU 10 TCP ttisent a Los Angeles investment : 1 .i 1 in turn, has recently purchased 450 aciea of farm lauda in Washington mill Yamhill ivvnntiaa tin .., I ----- - .. . . . wuMuva.c, V llll c.hamii t.ir hta lirm all nt ll.a I .,. .-. ..... . dii.g Stout holdiugs in thia county, CLERK AXD SHERIFF DHAIV MARCH JURORS I-int of Thm-i w ho Will Serve on Jury During Circuit Court UK BEGI5 U0SDAY, MARCH 15 I'aual tbe Farmer tlrmeat Pitdatnl- aatea la List On Wedneaday forenoon, County Clerk Bailey and Kberiff Hancock preceded to draw the jury list for tbe March term of circuit court, which convunea here on tbe 15th Of next month. Tha man Artmn are repreaentaiive farmers and buir,es men of the count y. J.rnr. l:r'ly licaveriUm J. T. Hut ion Fofct Croe A'1" l'icc N. Forest (itovt M. J. ClirlHtl-liiriii i.,il, T...t.il Allia Inllry Nortli Fore-ft Grove WJ" 'y Columbia lllisiii Wilkra Dillty lloillrr Kmilnitt nu-rrii.nl V Il,ll.l.. I . II. IL-rlj hl. K . K. Mllion. Ilii-rrhi.l li Il,ll.l ,.. "...... wwu .id Wo.nl Jr.... S. Millnlioro t . Al . Itthliarifi W. C. jton.'.'! C. N. Jolllimu.. Keeilville Columbia Ihllet 1.. 1'. C'artt-n... Henry Vanlirke Bnk .N. Korert lirove J. V. II.niey.... .S. I'oret Grove J llinri . Buxton J If. McNnier, livcrymim. Forest Grove L,'-..l 11'. I Prel Vilco flank A. V. Hull, inrrrh.-inl ..-West Cedar -N. Ilillaboro -Bank 1. M. Jarkftiiti Charlei Ttylor 1. b. runt Willum U'iiw,,, ...,Wet Hotte .. (ialea Creek Thouip Coue Reedviile w. K .Nrttr ...Gastoo 111. UoUftrtn. Illrrrhinl fn..,.; Walter Thompson .Kast Cedar . i:uell .(iajton John llitrtmattn Cortieliu Notice to the Public Notice is berebv civen that K W'etibtrom. of Laurel. On-von. la not in the emrdov of tha Kkniu Telephone Co. He is not author hul to receive money or transact any bueinees whatever for th com pany, c. E. Kindt, Tres Scholia Tel. Co. Dated Feb 15, 1901. Adv ertiied Letters Mi Ida Anderton (no address), Rivera Amleiawi, J DAdkim, SIraJoha Baloir, Harry Btker. A C Brown. W J Raker Co Mwn amenta. Mr Bradlierrv. U M ("happen, Irene Claudy. 11 H Davit, Mn n un.nn, air i, a Uuncan, (j Kisen luttir. Roner Hint Afrent of U S Co, Walter Freeintn, Helen Gage, E P irecn. J A Howland (wroog addrea), H 1 JeBoiima. K Krahmer. C Krahmer, Ned Kitttou, J C Kaegi, Grant King, Viola Lewia, (Ksear Mnnn, Mra I) F Mc Clnre. Mm Walter Peddicon, Wm A Rahn. Beriha C Rahn, Mra Alice Stark weather, Mra Kiel Sboota, G B Tavlor. Rev J R Welch. B. P. C-orneliud, P. M. SKATING Skating at the llillahoro Rink Fri day and Saturday nights, of this wei-k. GREER BALLARD The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ballard, of thia citv. waa the seen a of a tretty wedding, Sunday, Feb. 21, 11H.H1, at 3:00 o'clock p m., when their only daughter, Grace Irnia, was united in marriage to Norman B. Greer, Rev. L. F. Belk nau tifliciatine. The hride waa Kowned in white Svlvan lawn and carried a bouquet of Bride's roeee. ivetroehuienw were served, after which Mr' and Mrs. Greer dtnart ed for a short trip to Seaside. ine presents were many and beautiful. The sroom ia the eldant mn nf Mr. and Mrs. R. II . Greer. The bride iB one of Elillnhnrn'a imm. plished voune ladies, and th han. py couple are receiving ihecongrat- uiauous nt & noeioi inends. Upon their return thev will take un thair residence in this city. Those pres ent at the weudipg were: Rev. and Mrs. L. F. BelknaD. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ballard. Mr. and Mra R. II. Orer, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hare, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Thome, Mra Belle Martin- M Resaie and Jessie Harrington Jan. nie Reasoner. Wilmoth Jnnea. f!a. celia Greer; Messrs. Damon and uooert Ureer, tJhas. Schomburg, ueeter ireiana, rrea Ueacn and Lynn Ballard. NOTICE All persons indebted to the firm of Moore &. Greear are requested to pay their accounts at once. 4J K. W. Moore, J. C. Greear. Aldon ami Lownev'a fin can. dies at the Benson's Confectionery. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchll nl Spokane, visited their daughter, rars. JS.UW. neneon, this week. A. Koetiu and Fred Greener, of Buxton, came down to the nnnntv seat yeeieraay. Harold Tavlor. who haa hiwi at. tanrlini t V. a Am.!iiIi...aI -,..!! -a """" " aiuunuiii vjunggg Corvallia, returned home thia week, itb rheumatism. Hanrv Hnomfa mnA :r. r , ' -e,''v auu WHO, Ul "looming, were In the county eeat, tmuv today. Mrs W. J. Gregg, of north of town, was called to Vancouver, Wash., today, by tha serious illness of a daughter. Stephen Davis, of this county, this wek, filfd M,it j circUll court aoking for div,.rc from hio wile, Milia IJ.via The couple were marrie.i jane 1, l'M)7, and the plaintiiT allfepg 'cru! and ir.hn man treatment," and other things that might with propri-ty m leh out of print, i'laintit! a .!( (.., ik. custody of the minor culdrnn. F Meenineer alao auks f,.r . A from his wife, fva Minger. They wmo uiarria .ov ju, in thb w.urity. Flaintiff allegPa "cruel ar.d inhuman treatment." Minnie Win kleWk alo ewks a divorce from M. D. Wil.klehfck.anH .IUj.j "in. human treatment" as a cu-e, and prays to be allowed to rMumA her maiden name of Minnie Louie nenng Tbe following real estate sales are reported bv IC 11 rati! Urtm- I Heifert to J. T. Morriaon. 40 acre near Karminaton. t."Xi0: (,.,. Hull to W. W. Church. 40 .rr... r... Laurel. I1300; O!, Witil-fon to ivoae ttllCOX. lot In M II.Kr..n -VO; Nels Lareen to Henrv Ti.l. e 20 acres south of Hilieboro, 2'2.'o' The immense aiitirrrri.itini,b made b7 tbe last leeiB'atura ardi- aDlKlintinir to the tair.a. Ar. nf Cr.. iiaie, wno inriked f. r moreecoLOiny in their representative. Mnrh racial, as well as freaV M'l I! I .r. was passed, for which there waa nn excur-e. Alter aaddhmr .n ,L,.. ednees of abriut f 3 r capita on every man, woman and child in the stale for the next two years, thai body wound up by imposing a dol lar tax on boys over 15 years, who may want to Men. Had the legia lature repealed half of tbe lt now on the statute bo,lr and made a reasonable appropriates for the state institution and ait journed, it would have done about me right thing. A fine Olace of 22 nrrea In vartt for two years, 6 miles from 14 miles irom lortland, on Oregon Electric, right at the Station. IS acrea nmln plow, 3 acres of onion laod, good orchard, fair house and nw barn and 5 chicken h 150 per year. Con nell-Imbrie L.ana co. Tbe school election hld I n thia city last Saturday, to vole on tbe proposition of bonding the district lor nu.wu, reeulttd iu favor of ihe bond iesue. A total of 161 vntpa was cast, 101 for the meiFure, and GO aeainet. Bonda arid thafnr. be issued for the amount and wits the money thus obtained an annex ui me main ecbool buildiug will be constructed, and olher i ments made. The judges of the election were: Henry Schnieltzer, R. B. Collins and Frar.k Kelesy C. K. Deichmau odiciatfd as clerk. The hours were from 1 to 4 o'clock p. m. Hercules Stumninir Pow.Ier fnaa and cape always on" hand ' Get our prices before purchasing Frank & Borwick, Retdvilie. 42tf There has ben consi -lerahle lue. ball talk of late. Manv of our fant. are anxious to organin a club I' has ben fuggested that a mating be called at an early date to c m eider the matter, and see what sup port can be had. Hilieboro ought to have a club this year. It bae good material for a club, and the town also contains ma n y euthueiaa uc lovers ci me game. We can eell vour land or home or we can sell vou land or hnma men win it ber O'onnell-Imbrie Land Co. City Marshal Carl Larson arrest- ed two men this nftmn,in r.ir orderly conduct. They u?ed vulgar and profane language in the pres ence ci passing ladiee. Oae of the men nailed from Comeliua and the other wbb from Foreei Grov. They will have a chance to explain be fore tbe Recorder this evening. Dr. J. E. Adkins. of HiiUhiir,-, will be in his Portland dnt1 nf Bee Saturday and Sunday, until further notice. 49-0 The Scholls Telenhone O.n nf Scholls, haa begun an action in circuit court for the ivfltiRfiinn nf certain books of the Co. alleged to oe in tne bands of the defendant, E Wenstrom, also cf the Scholls neighborhood. The Ladies' Aid Socletv. of tha M. E. Church, irava a tea at tha ran. idenCS Of Mrs. T. R. Imhrie Wert. needay afternoon, which was large ly attended. 'Ihere were 02 ladies present. John H. White and Mra A m an. da Dickerson, of this county, were maruea at tbe ferkins hotel, in Portland, Feb. 21, by Rev. R. D Benham. A license to wed waa iaanad In Walter Thompson and Mabel Mar. tin, of this county, by the County Vterc, on too. 21 W. Mohler. who sulil h la farm near Blooming to Mr Krahmer, nas located near LaFayaite, in 1 amniu county. Mrs. Jas A. Imhrie pntnrtaina this afternoon, in honor ot Mrs. Scadding, wife of the Bih"p of the Episcopal church of the Northwest. Sam Raffaty, of Portland, a na. tive bom Washington County boy, waa in town today, paying taxes and greeting friends. H. II. Clark, of Forest Grove, was in town today, shaking hands with old friends. The Oregon Electrio line has 30$ miles of roadbed ih this county. Grant Mann, of near Cornelius, was iu town thia for t noon. PROFWiOHAL. F.A. RULIiY.M. D. Physician and .Surgeon Offl Pallor-Morgan hlm-k, urwtatra. Rooma U. 11 and IS. KMilmti Hoih wiwt fiirmr llanellim and bacoml Ntrwta, Buth 'I'hunea. S. T. LINKLATER, Id. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offloe iiilaln ner Tlia tiella Dnia; Utora JUalitariee Eait of Court Horn, to tba oorner of tba blork. JAME8 PHILLIPE TAMILS IK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON yuuulUi.on In Krnrh or Knrlmh. Of- ncm lltJHtaa.ipal na T VI IJ..a l'. I. north aid of Main Ht Hlllalwro, (r. reeeVaeVVMVyVVWM A.B. BAILEY, M. D..D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Offick Rooms 7, 8 and 9 tiaiiey. Morgan Block. Both Phnr,M. Hillsboro, Ore. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Rooini 10 and 11 Monraa-Bailey Block, atrt. Over Dannta 8Ure. HILLSBORO OK EGOS fiaav A Baal,, W. Mmrm BAG LEY A HARE ATTORNHY3-AT-LAW Booms 1 and I SbaU Balldinf HILLSBORO. . . 0BEG0.1. E. B. TONGUE ATTORNHY-AT-LAW Roome i, 4, h S, Morgan B!k, Hillabero JOHN 21. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Oftica Uprtalra, Bailey Margaa Block Rooma, 1 as! a. HILLSBORO. - OREOON. A ii Vi vvvnftAAAajm W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Omca: Main Btrt, opp. Court Horn. HILLSBORO - OREOON vAAaeaAeWMVMVv THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Cpatalra, Rouma t. 4 ad 1 Hillsboro, - - Oregon Dr. S. M. REAGAN VETERIXARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Thr only Rraduated and liceased Vetar- "uisooro. , sixteen yeara prac tical experience. OFFICE, HILLSBORO LIVERY CO.'S STABLE No. I Office prmuear Pacirlo State Sot: Ind. 219 neaiuenee pnoue; Independent 243 COMMERCIAL HOTEL Under New Management Rate, $1.23 to $2 Por Day C K. PRIGMORE. PRopairroa SECOND STREET, HILLSBORO Dr J R Marshall . Dr R L Jeffcott MARSHALL & JEFFCOTT DENTISTS We are Prepared to do IHko. Clasa Lteutal Work. A New Oflice with Modern Equipment Wehrung BUlg. HILLSBORO, OBE. C. F. L1BBY Jeweler and Watch Re pairing Repairing a Specialty Satisfaction guaranteed Main & Third, Hillsboro. Wall Paper And Paper hanging Agent for the ALFRED PEATS' wall papers, the best on the market. See mys Samples. SEE MY SAMPLESI W. H. TAYLOR R. F. D. No. 4. Inde pendent Phone. No. 515. 1 mile west of HILLSBORO, ORE. Another oar of fence wire jot received from the East. We can sell you anything you want ia tbii line at price that beat them all. Schulmericb Broa. , A. E.' McCumaBy. of ntr Mono taindale, wu In town ytttuisji , r s 1 1 4 ' - ' JL