The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 25, 1909, Image 1

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    Ihe ..Hills
rflLLSIJOKO. OREGON. FEU. 25. 1900.
no. no
Kdw. Hayie. 0' norm nam. L Ul I I Ml IV III' 1111 I T
Thntih Wn.ihliiRtti County
When Weather lid Klht
Kid H ttl tcM-b ( Two
He4rr4 MH
Regarding n announcement l'ur"
portion to ootim f"m President
Oreenounh of Mioula, Mont., of
b United Hallways, that hi line
would huil.l u to Tillamook fn.ra
Purest (lro. Chief Koulneer L. U
Wlokeraham of lh United Hail
way announoed to a Portland a
per, that h doulilwl very much
that Mr. UreenougU had made
uch a etalewenl
Orlalnly no " here h bn
Informed of uoh j'U' Ji m etui I
earoely think Mr. (irwntough
would ilili It a a fed without say
lng something; t u," "hi Mr
Wloirhatu. "W ba enough
work on bend no to kp u lujr
lor some tiro tending to now i
II ba ben tn open secret fr
eomUmlhat the United Hallway
Intended building, lo Tillamook,
but no cfllnial announcement waa
ever made of that ootuw, ami it la
balleved that lha right of way h
not yet bean secured. Mr. Wicker
ham aald that hia company bad
raoeived a potiUnn from rldnU
of Hcappooee eaklng lhnn lo build
lha Uoa through Boappooae, bul
that It waa out of lha way d their
. intended attention and ba did not
Iblnk any Una would b built down
tba Columbia rtw. H aaid the
dl(Houllia of building a railroad
Iota Hi. Helen would probably
preclude lb road Ring there.
Tba motor for th hw paenger
oar hate arrived at. J ill b placd
io tba eoaohe neat weea. inenai
taatlng aa far a Holbrook bt lwn
completed and aoik will Marl on
14 additional mile of Irack biwn
Holbrook and Korail Urra eo
o lb weather will rmit. About
AO man are now at work in the vl
oluily of Holbrook. The company
baa arranged to eeotire It electric
Kwer from th Portland lUilway,
ghl& Power company and Mr.
Wtckarabatn aaid lht lha line
would probably alway ha an lrc
trio ona. .
Ha aaid lhal it would 1 leal
to hava an electrio Una at lea it 200
mile long, although that would
neoeeaitale the construction of other
nnmmt hnueea aliina the route All
of tba oonalrue'ion and njuipruent
ot tba Una ha n procured with
an ays to keeing lha 1'nited Kail
waya an electric road, according to
Mr. VVltikerehain.
(J. W. Allen, of Knavirlon, waa
an Argun nl,er Tuooday.
J II. m". of Tualatin, wa in town
Halunlay .
J. W. JkiianNioii. of iIjwii Karm-
Ingtou way, wa in the city lavl
Wiu. Ilaoltelder, ol nr Ulnncoe,
wa in towu Monday.
Win Chalmer, of North I'laina,
oelloil Moixlty.
Frank Kline, of HeaverUin, wai
In Iowa Haturday.
IC. Carver, of nar (llencoe, wa
in town Haturday.
I,. M.Miller, of Hcholl, w in
too, Huuday.
Tho. Talbot, of Corneliu, wa
in town leal KrnUy.
Win. (letter, of Laurel, waa a
county eal 11 Haturday.
John HarlwrlK. of altov Hank,
a rallor at tho Argu ollioe,
J. C. Miller, of lha Aicde ec-
lion, wa in lha couuty eat tail
Dintriet Attorney K. II. Tongue,
room pan id by Mra. Tongue, i
attending Iba circuit court term in
CUlp oounty, thl week.
Hee l.ibhy, the jeweler, for watch
repairing, corner Main and Third
atroet. IJtf
John Wunderlith, of Hank, wa
down to th county aeat lat Krl-
Morri KuuJhou, of Shcr.
wwkI, Fa tin lo I'ay Fine
Ctifftatrd by Tell f Aaltail la tauil.
U VUtU Guilty
Those who Fish Must pay a
Licence of $1 (X)
Call on Mhhy, lha new jeweler
Watch repairing a apecialty. Cor
nnr Main and Third el reel. 4'Jtl
I wilt willingly pay to any one the
aum of 1100, wtio can tean m ine
arreel and conviollon of the Ruilty
parly or parliea who enl ma I
l.lmkmillinB letter on February (I,
lUOy, containing oliecena language,
intuiting my wife, and making
inurderou thrett upon luy life.
Ualph U Kdward.
Bherwood, Ore , U. I 4. 4'-' 0
Leoo W. Waehhurn with HleHnn'
"Uncle Tom' Cabin" Compyny,
begin an engagement at the Unm
eant, on Saturday, Feb 27th, when
the patron of that popular houee
will are thii time honored play in
all it auperior allraoli vii-H
"Uncle Tom " Lhn Ktn of thin tiur
Koaeful tory, i portrayed by A. K
IcCruder.Htelaon' original "Uuulf
Tom," probably the belt known
Imperroualor of thi ceUhrated
oharaoler in the world. The work
of competent player it further en
hanced by beautiful fttaga eetling
and new electrical devlooa. Col.
Hawyer' celebrated pack ol Hibtri
an bloodhottnda la one of the fea
ture with thi company. New
and novel ept-oialliei ara introduced.
John F. CariU-ne and wife, of
Hank, were down to tbe Dr. Uer-
get funeral, Friday.
Ja Barrett, of Portland, wta lo
lown, Friday.
J. II. Fieher. of abov Button,
attended lb funeral of Dr. Berger,
al thi place, lt rnaay.
R. W. Ciana. of Portland, for
tnerly a well kuowu reideot of Ibia
Ooiiuly, wa io tow a Friday.
Bring your watcha and clock
io Llbbt. (or tron)Dt end ektliiui
repniring Corner Main and Third
ilreeta. M
Chaa. O Hoe, of Foreal Orove,
i book baud with friend in Hill
horo, laet Friday.
One hundred acre farm, 65 cree
cleared, good building, 2 mile
from Hank, at a bargain. Writ
(,. V O (liliai. liankl. Or. &0
John 11. White and Amanda A
Dickcraon, of Foreal Oroya, pro
ciirtul & inArriaiie Iicenee laet Fri
day, from the obliging bounty
W. K. MeKldowney, the new
txMtmaaler at Foreat Cirove, baa aa
I mimed tba duties of hi office. Mr.
Atwrll, tbe retiring poetmaater,
held the oflic lr n year.
MfttlilakTI WAN Waahinatou' birth
day. "Old lllory" waved In the
breete trom the courl nouee lug
.i.n Thra were no liuhlio eXT
clae here in commemoration of ibe
MorrU Knu leon.of the Hberwood
aenlion, waa arreeled by O. B Park
er, ol McMinnville, a deputy game
warden, laet Friday, and brought
to Hilleboro, charged with the
crime of killing a beaver. Knud
aoo, wbo ia urimarriod, pUeded
guilty, when brought face to fc
with the pelt of hi victim, and
wa fined 150 by Justice Barno, or
25 daya in oiuoly hmtiU. Not
having tba oaih, and bmd;nn
being hy, Knudaon choe tbe only
available born of the dilema, and
wa Uken to the oounty jail lo
aerv nut bi time. He took hie
fate uhilotorihieally, remarking m
a matter of fact way, thai when b-
bad wrved hi alloled Urn, U
would then hi lime to go to w)rk
Knudron iatald to he a hard work
ing ffllow, and ha olaintinl in hi
il(er.a4 tbal be aet a trap for a
oon elong the river, and coi
deulally oangnl a heaver. btn
on liilormed on him, hence hei
in jail.
waa In town Haturday.
Jobu Fisher, of Weet l.'nion, wa
in towu Haturday.
Frank Bimuon. of Hiuth Tuala
tin, wa in town Haturday.
F. M. Kuighten, of Forest (irove,
waa in town Tueeday.
Henry Freilagand Adolf Rutncb
roion, of Helvetia, were Argue
t aller. Halurdav.
Mr. and Mr. Karl Wallace, of Oaly y.l Derr miy be hilled Dariig
Portland. viitd with the V allacee, Opt Scatoa
Mr. and Mra P. Abbott, of Senator W. I). Wood, thi week,
Portland, vieiUd relative in me
city, Hunday.
Mr. K. II. Roteroiund, of New
ton, wa an Argua caller laet Hat
urday. Ham Moon, a leading Uck and
dairy authority, wa io from Cen
ttrville, Haturday.
J. C. Bechen. of Weft Union.
give the Argui an epitome tf the
gtme law as revised by tbe lent
leginlature. Here it is: Open tea
eon for buck deer alone ia Augutt,
Beotemlier and October ot each
year. The killing of r-potted fawn
or young deer of the lt year i
aUicily prohibited. China rooeten
Nolirt ia lictrly Rivrn llml the taaioHa
for Walimgtn t'oniHy, Orison, will t
0m (or lotlreium, ml jwytnrnl (
! , on TticnUv. I'tt)fuaiy ll. tyo'A
ami all who malt full (laymcnl of thru
Ui Ufre Marrh 15, H ive a
rebate it Jpel rtrnlum. rial ymeiu
ran I m'le by the f"it Mon.lay m
April without intrttat chare, or penal
ty, and the remaining half cn t
at mii i imr nrior to the firtt Morula in
Hctoorr, 1909. Where no aymrot i
t. thi. 6ti Mon.Ur in Aoril. IN.
the ta brcciuee Oelitujuent, ami the
tm miuim from that itatr. a Oenal-
ty of to pet cent, prr mouth on eaitt tai
until tl la pam.
1 ...... j . i . V. titf
.r.i. it. ii....'.iv,
ShfrirT amt ei-otlicio tat collecttn for
Uaahington County, Oregon.
Illllarioro, uregon, reoruary io, iyu.
. lj . i ir.i itiiimi rrnm inn i.i-.n ni
wa In Ine county aea, naiuruej " v
afternoon. October to tbe l'j'.h ol November
Few raali pig U eala.-Jamee of each year. Native pheaaanU,
Berwick, li mile north ol Reed- grouse and quail; earn a above,
ville. Limit ie 5 birds a day, or not more
Rev. Stewart, tbe Methodirtmin- than 10 bird on any 7 consecutive
later of Bank, wa down laat Fri day. Ducki: In Washington
day. to attend the funeral of the oounty the open season it from tbe
i... ... ' (fith of October to the 15th ol Feb-
..... i . Unarr. Limit la 2o oer week, sale
Oregon j-.uciric omtiais ctm . , , . .
out Wedoeaday, in a special, of due s a o, ' hf
in comoany with the Uouoty uouri ;.""" "' ' , . ..
... H 7 ... ., ; ....... -ii I Kiekins: Ooen season from Apnl
ana Purveyor aiorriii, ineijv;vr.i n . , n ,, .: u
tbe cro.9ing over the county road 1. to Octolier 1. Limit of catch,
in Washington County. The.gree- T3 par day Vv b under 6 inch
ment was that no grade should ex- nnot be Uken. The hcenee for
"Id 5 per cent, at road crossings, honUng . bX.'LlVi
and tha right of way will not ba ReaidenM of the state must pay 1
ligned until thi is eeUblished lor. lh WJJfl!!?
. " ... . j inula s.t Nnn-fMilent bunt-
It it onderetwl some oi tne graoea "-"- . 7,,
... . m , era musi oay viu ior tiweuio. ah
are as high as , per cent. "ale rMJid Jts of tha state over the
Tbe young folks held a social at Jj9 0f yearo mllBl p,y t Hcenee
the home of Jacob Michell, last j-,,r filing All licenses must be
iiiuinuay rttuu n, -..-- ODiaiOOU irom Win vuuuiy Vina,
ing for lha benefit of Hi. Matthews the applicant muot file an af
Catholic Church, conducted by tbe fij.-: oettinB forth his age. and
young ladiee, was concluded. Mrs rMidenc. etc,
t i.-.., :t L'..-.tli mmm lha rwinlflnt nf
Ufiiiii " -tj . ..... r - -
. - a,.
a fancy skirt and Mrs. tmrn ac
KinnHV won a handsome sofa pil
' .... . . i
low, which wa neiguea ana maae ij wjjj
i ir I v..n. ta.n.n . r n I
oy mefoauim n.u. "ew u
Frank Riechard.
Our Prescription Department
Is our Pride. "We have
the confidence of the
Physicians and the pub
lic. This is increasing
our trade every month.
"Why? Because it is the
important part of our
business, and AT ALL
TIMES receives our
careful attention.
We fill ao many 1'ieacriptiona that our
Stock U always Pit RSI I q1 PURK, be
iiflea bting comptehrnaive and complete.
Our Charges are Al
ways Right, and Based
upon Value of Ingredi
ents and Time and Shill
required to Compound.
They are not "Guessed
at." All are treated
alihe. X'm
The Physicians Trust
us. You may safely do
Hillsboro Pharmacy
ae!l at mv lata 1)1 ace. 11
ruilea northwest of Hilleboro. on
the Leisy ville road, at ten a. m., on
Roan mare, 9 veara, lojo; sorrel mare,
it yr., with foal. 1050; gray mare, 10
yean, loo; 8 months colt, new set work
lr hmrnrsa. chain harness.
ludiaus. farm Uuck and a farm wagons,
Uuder tbe new schedule tha pasien
gsr trains In and out of Ilillshoro
arrive and leave aa follows:
Loaves for Portland
Forest Orova Local 6:11 a. 111.
Htieridan Flyer 9:i a. m.
Forest Grova Local 10:41
Forest drove Local 3:4 P-
Corvallli Overland 49 P-
Arrives from Portland
Corvullli Overland H:J4 a. 111
Forest Orove Local 97 ul
Forst Orov Local a "7 P-
Sheridan Flyer 5 P- m
Forest Orova Local 6:47 p. w
W. 0 Galaway, of Banks, was
In town Monday.
I'eter Oottleib and Loula Man
nlng, of north of town, was In tbe
city last Saturday.
Parlie wishing house miving,
in thiicltv orlo the country, ahould
ll nn M. C. Hewitt. Main street.
betweoa 3rd and 4lh. Independent
pinna, tWS. 0ok1 work guaran
trad: UJ
Hntnra liarrelt. Wood, and
.-...-ani.iiv (iriwr returned borne
Hunday morning, and will settle
down to private lite once more
Tbe legislature did not ad hum un
.! 0-. 1.. . I 10 oVtrvok
111 oaiuruy uir
it irriito.hiiv. onoe a resident ct
tUm Arcade school house section,
i.ft that Ketition three years
ago to work in the wines in Arise-
na, paid old Irienos 01 me aoove
neighborhood a visit, the latter
part of last week.
C. Whit" Leg
boms and Orpingtons, which ars
carefully bred for egg production
Ln.i atindard oualities. now resdy
at Cameron's yards, south of oily
park, Ilillbboro, ure. viBtiora wbj
Wiu. Wehnke, who left Idaho
some months ago tor Aioerta, v-su
ada, ia now yilng iln J000,
Fisher, ol near West Union, and
.i.i-L- nttimn 14 an naui. no
a ill settle somewhere la Washing
ton county.
Woodmen of the
11 tlllVV w "
Yir.i.. Ynu are naiiesled from
this date to pay assessments and
dues at Kmmott Brothers' Market, Htraut riAfure the lat of each
iiimu 41.
calendar month. By order of the
Consul Commander, A. W. Marks.
K J. atyer, Clerk. w
The remains of Dr. Berger, of
Banks, arrived on me aiternoon
train last Friday, and were taken
i k the members of Tuali
111 vuniv " 1
r.n.iua A. K. AA, M.. of this
city, and esoorled to tha Masonic
cemetery, wnere iney werw iuwi.
according to tne rttuai pi tno ma
1 touic brotbernooa.
Tbe booklet if sued by lie Wash
ingtou U-iunty Uevelopmeni league,
nl nrinted bv the Sunset Masa-
tine Co. of Han Francisco, contains
a number of tine illustrations, but
ilm dwtorintiv matter is not a full
as it might be, in fact it dues not
give tbe information u wnicn ine
teople are entitled. Ibe map 01
H'aahiniriiiu ootintv is fair. Lees
lhau two pages are devotetl to the
fruit induetry, and Miiieimro, me
connty seat, and principal town of
the county, gets but 32 lines of
mention. Oaston received 26 lines
of notice. In the list of illustra
tions are Marliu'a onion crop, tbe
Porter hop yard, Bagley'i hop yard.
and a "paying on scene ai me
Uttar van!: a fine Ilolstein bull ie
shown on the Carmuhael place;
. a t 1
tlao Frank Chalmers' nne nera,
and Jaokaou a herd of UoIsteinB at
Uleucoe; Wm. Hohulmerich's South
Tualatin herd of Jersey are shown;
also J. W. Conuell's (arm and dairy
hard; three scene at i:ove uas
farm, one showing a summer irri
gation crop; Merlin' watermelon
crop; Ibe Ktce onion new; me n m
Bagley hop house; Geo. R Bagley'e
Cove Oaks irrigated corn crop; Wm.
UnPnnrt'a firm: a scene ai ine
Oregon Nursery, near Orenco, and
Mr. McUiW Uue Dungaiow; tne
iisn.Krn nnblin enhool. and the
Court llouje; (Ironer & Rowell'e
tile factory at Scholls. ununoro
residence get no showing.
Tha marouerade at the skatine
rink, last Friday night, was well
attacked, and there were many
skaters in evidence, miss II
I 111..... ulin i. " VIB nlvn
niBcr, o nw.ti v..., uj,au, fam uuck ana tana wagons,
the lady priss as tbe best sustained 0len t,u(jgy, 6 iui;k cows, three coming
lady character; Dan'l Ronsso, Bret f.tsh lat of March, balance fresh towards
prise, best attained male cbarac- Kail; hcifcr, 3 yeara "a Fall, freah
r""" ..... . Ur' t vnrlinir hlftr 1 calves:
ter; Arthur C. Adkms, most cotnt- Hjn bu-a 8.monthj sho.Ui
Cai cnnracwJr.reproeriinuH u'"- I61I01. riymoutu Koclts cnicuns; spring
.-J Ua V n . U.rWa aa"Sia Hnn- innih li.rm tilr hiirrow. (-ahovvl col
auu mwB ,i.i.i.if- r . . , t , .
. : 1 al.. i .. 1 ilval.vr c ton matron soles: 1 lo-ES.1.
a,ns, was aaaignau .w " . I miiv rana. nlows. too sacks Butbsnk PO-
tbe most comical Jaay cnaracwr. ... .'. t,,i w-haina
Tbeneit term of Circuit Court small tools, household goods, 7 tons tim-
' V,-.. nn th I Sth nf othv bay. loose; cook stove, heater, bed-
"i" !, - stead, springs, tables, Untlonier, cup-
NUrch. Tbe Lecielature added an cn.,c, rockers, tanned fruit. dish-
additional Circuit Judge to this es, 8 gal. jar, 4 RI- j. -Kl- i". f001
district which Is composed of cider viuagar in barrel titcnsion ladder,
..'Ul,1' . .L. Jl nimK!. i6 ft..aud other articles too nutuerona
vt asiuuguiu, v.ivMu-K, r,", to mention
and Claleop counties, ana ny me gaie-Under $10. cash.
lermsoltheb.ll.oneoi ne.uuges rf k w
mnat rrn i n in either Columbia or 4 "' " ,LU .
Clatsop counties. , No provision nol. 7 Per MDl- j c
was made for an iUonal Dia- melius, Auctioneer.
iLSia John W. Connell, Clerk.
i 1 .1 - U I tl,. .UaIa al'ioftninl
uo mo wdii oo -i. ...v., . .,,i..Pk.i..
without additional compensation. 1 smr a. a. j,
i-..... .i Tim tian rburch. will nreach next Bun
IDS UlllHCl w uui umucu. uv .
(lrt.rnnr will anno nt an addition- dy, " roa
Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a
Checking Account. From Month to
Month you Have aa Exact Record of ill
Money Received and all Money paid out
Pay by Check; Get a Receipt
The endorsement upon the back of your , ,
check is proof that the party received the
amount of the check. ""
Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac
count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now.
Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore.
The Oregon Rloctric runs six cars each
way daily, ine 0:55 a. m. ami i.a3 ,.. ....
trains out of Hillsboro connect promptly
. t -1 - ... .1 fl.r.1.., Tile
who rraimi -" ' ..........
Hilleboro-rorllaud timetable toiiows:
Leaves Hillsboro Arrives rortland
7 jsaui 3"'
H 00 a 111 IUUUB Ul
it loam ui5P
1 45 p 111 a 50 pm
3 55 pm - 500pm
6 15 11 111 7 u v
Leaves rortland Anives Hillsboro
00 a in 8 05 a m
55 em lotoam
10 s a ui 11 3 m
I jo u tn 35 P
4 10 pm 5 15 P "
5 30 p ul - o 3S V
Mr ami Mra H. G. Guild were
Pnrtlan il visitors. Saturday, clients
of Mr. Uuild's mother, who on that
date oelehrated ber HOlh birtbday.
n nrtnh and A. V. Deraer. of
the Garden Hoine section, were In
town Monday, to pay taies, and
0 tiled on the Argue.
n IT. Libbv and fanalv spent
Sunday with relatives near Salem
Tannh Rnlohen. of bevond West
iTninn. was in the oitv. Tuesday,
shaking hands with bis friends.
al Judge, to eerve unUl the next (Please read it) and at j. 30 will
IrWnsa tha oueation. "I Tbere
general eieuv.on. PunUhment Af m Death?" Special
W. 0. Donelson is preparing .on . the mornina eervioe. Bible
build a one story building on the l chod ftt 1Q a w H gmith.
oornerol Main ana inira Btreew, g inlendeot. ChrisUan Kn
just aa soon as the weather will deavor at 6:30 Mi88 Qertrude Ray,
permit. It will have a concrete Pre8iJenL
foundation, .nd will oe nu 0, ni j.
..." -rr.,JS " two vears. No brand:' no ear
UonelBon will occupy tne oui.u.nK -
when comp eted witn nis uuaer- ' vl,
taking goSs He may conclude Hf. W M J jj
. 1 . l :.. n n. .1 I r.lUO -! v. . 1
ir:ii. naa.u mr,r ImiinesH Banks, Ore., Route 2. oU S
IllllfiWIV a 11. w wv.v - 1 .
i L M 1- I... .A4 Tka,sAij naAOt. I UraattAff wKf) hflB FAritiRli
DUUUlUKB lUT lOU. 1UV1DIO A Kun h in. av-iu Vl a n av mw -
J 1 l. ..k ki,;i,l;n(a anil I f.- OT. nnrth fit ffnffiftt firftVfl.
the demand will increase, instead was down Tuesday, paying taxes
of diminish, llillsboro is bound to and visiting with the Argus.
be a big business center, and the h h poultry to sell
people may as well prepare for it. m do wpll t0 c,n at the depot
Washington county dairymen et- store. Highest maraei price paia.
feoted a permanent organization at Bring chickens on Wednesdays.
Forest Grove last week. The of- F. W. Walch.
fleers of the organieition are: Prea- Paul rjeck. one of the rustling
uieni, m. PiHiuiiuniuu, ,.w-F. ranchers ot above UUley, was in
ident, Carl Pfnl; secretary and T d ln Uxe9
treasurer, 1). B.Adams. Prof. 1) ,. . . .
1 .u-j..i.... f V have an old and true horee.
aaonoiry.CorvalliB College, wa the and a light, good buggy, for eale
principal epeaaer. ssnori epeeouee o..P, . -j 7 '
r . . 1- i. ur;K Hi Ultoro. Or.. R. 2. Box on. 5U
were mauo u ui. uuuuiu.pi .v( .
A. T. Buxton, Carl Pfnal and oth- Christian Siegfried nd Frieda
ere. Mr. Sohulmerich paid a com- jaugi, of this county, were granted
plimeut to the oounty newspapers, a lioenso to wed by the County
saying tbey wore ooing a gtauu ijlerk, this weex.
nrk and that their reports of far- , . ,
, , . . a .. uernara usteruian, 01 v tmwn,
IT,': Argus Tuer day. .
some one in the audience that ooun- Hon. G. W. Marsh, of Center-
try newspapers should give better ville, was in town luesday, ana
accounts of doings of special interest called nn the Argus.
to farmers instead of gossip. "The Theoiore Vndehey, of Verboort,
weekly papers are aomg B WM in tbe oounty seat Tuesday,
work," said Mr. Sohulmerioh,' they lng Uxeg
are oeiping us m uruiuuu 1 .... ... ,, n, , .
terests of good dairying and are our Jake Milne, of North Plains, was
best friends." ' tn town Monday.
High Quality Drug Store
When you are sick and in
need of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
None but Competent reg
j istered pharmacists are al-
lowed to fill Prescriptions-or
sell drugs of any kind in our
Store:- V
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Are You Wanting' a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us.
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
Independent Phone, 193