The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 40
mm nm out
Tuiiiicll Tin ninth WmII In
Hen l'ait -l Ihc Jail
FM(iiiv H(iiiiiH, After I'ih Hit
r iii.ffir Fiidy lltnnn k
took evening in m I In four rl
ourm in rouniy jil. Afi-r
lucking lb" door llwwii tli ofliie
ami llm juil, he Itimitd hinmelf with
nine (i It'u'" dutiee for !ill n liuur,
iuUmlii'K to goln Uirr end gt llm
diiliK uxiri which Id" rnU wrr
mrved. Alxml '' mii.uUi Ulrr
he hrerd Uiiug on llm dmir
ftii'l oining nariin, wm mt by J
(J. liriMiku, one ol llm iri(inr.
who Mid him thai Fred Ki, Kfnl
like and a boy tamed Huriiliatii,
lb latter in d r chickrn pirating,
front Tigardville, hd , A
hula ah mi 1H im liiHiniiri through
lha lirirke In Ihe rear room, elmwfd
lha melhml nf ecate. Tha limk
look iUc litlln alixr 7 oVIm k in
tha evening, and aidd t lha emu
ing derkn, lha mm rarily gut i
tha wimnU Sharilt IUiu-mIi im
mediately nnllliml deputim all nvrr
lha nullity, ami with I'rpuly Hher
ill W 'l'k want nut in wr.rrli t.f lh
(ugllivaa They watched Ihn rnal
between Cornnliu ami llilUlwiro
fur eome hour, hut failml tu liud
lha man. Saturday night, liur
wereelolen frnm Orrim ami Hugh,
two fariunr living near lUnka
Thaaa warn ridden to a ninl nrai
Orencn, ami than alatidMnd Kig
uring lhl tha eed inn wer
gulng toward Cortland, hherifl
Hancock fill in imwl of the day In
tha latler plara, and hail '.ha roaila
watched. HmuUy night, Ittirtiham
wm captured near Tittanivilla, ami
Monday morning, Km ami It ice
war taken by tha Portland police
I lha hiiiiiH nf Km' fihr, on lha
Kael aid, whara tha twain hail ar
rived lha tight More. MierilT
Hancock want down to I'm timid
Monday forenoon, and 1 y ihe no m
hour lha man wrra in lhir old
iUarlara. Hrooka inuM havn ee
caped, hut bit Utile four ) er old
daughter wm Maying in Ihn jil
with him, and h would not leave
her. He U in jail awaiting the r
lion of the grand jury, on a charge
of etealing from Mra Unigfr
The inipliunrnt tiaml by the Irio
in making a hole in the wall were
two irona and a imr nf old acitioip,
which tlmy had In eome inaiiinT
aec re ted.
Kighteen bead nf dairy rowe; on
the (Irint liolcnmh place, near
Helhany. I'acilio Htalei.' jhune,
Karoiera' Uli'.l.
I.. A. Jnhneon,
lliilbrmik, Ore , Kmile I.
1 will willingly pay In any nne the
urn of f (H), who can lend In the
trreet and conviction of the guilty
liarly or uarlini whn cent me a
blackmailing letter on FrbriuryO,
I W.I, containing ohfceiin language,
inaitlting my wife, and making
ttiiirdermi Ihreala upnn my life.
Ralph U lCdwrwdi.
Hherwond, Ur, l( I) 4. AW 0
Judge Kindt, nf Klntnn. J Bny
dr and Krank Unwell, nf Sohi.ll,
wnre in the city, Tuieday.
Hheriiun llhndie, of IWdville,
waa laet Mondny sppointul a dep
uty Hherill' by Sheriff Hancock.
Mini lv Bailey entertained a
company of friendn tt whiet, Hal
urday night.
H. V. (1Ihh and daughter, Mine
Helen, left for Klamth Fall,
Mnnday, where they will remain
for a ierlod of nix weeks.
J. T. Morrieon, of nrantB Paee,
who three uiontha agu bought the
lieverich farm, near Hillehoro, wan
In the city TiiBuday.
Tue warm raina which have pre
y 'A during the paHt neveral days
1ve melted niuch of the nnw In
the iiinuntaina, and aomo of our In
Ml weather propheta are now pre
diqiirig nti early epring.
) Hervicea at the IkptiHt church,
nuuuay, are aa followe: Hible
)hool, 10 a. m ; all are welcome to
an hour'B atudy with our claegea
Special dUoiiUree, II a. ir.j fur all.
The young penple'a meetimr, at
C:30 every Sunday eveninR. It la
the youna nennlH'a nnnnrLniiil v and
,"ecial aervioe. The laat Her vine of
the day, 7:.'M; a diHcnnrpe by the
i'iur; aunj :ot, "I be Uifinrence
"ing Near and In the Kingdom
0. II, Davhi, paator.
II (! Tod I, i,f (in.itnville, waa in
Uih city riday.
Jidm Vet Union, waa
in lha city, Saturday.
(! IHiiniiin, nf near KIiHitiiing
waa an Argua callnr, Haturday.
U. O. Htevanain, Stale ! (lame
it i ...
anin,n r tir-nl Urove, waa In
llilliilMro, Saturday.
8e l.ibhy, llm j wltir, for watch
repairing, corner Main and Third
trrnlH. 4'H
Mimk Itlauclie ilk viaited rela
live in McMinnvilla, Saturday
ami Muii'lay.
I'ring your watchea and clock
to I.iKl.r . for prompt and ekillful
repairing Corner Main and Thiid
trefl. 4'Uf
ii Mait-I and wif. of Port
land, and formerly of Jlnevertoti,
wurain tha city Monday, and made
Itieir annual rail on the Argua
A nul Monday in Waahins
ton 'a birthday, and a I no a legal
holiday, the rural mail rarrirr will
n it rover their nuiiee on that day
F. C Jidiumin, the Hiulh Tuala
tin mwiiiiII man, waa over Satur
day. He aya the mill ia running
an alternate crew, (iral logging ami
then culling, all winter, and he tt
p'ct a big run on order neit
Th neit meeting nf lha Korea!
(irovn Hortictllltlral Society will he
held in the free reading room at
rori-et drove, on Saturday, Febru
ary 2d. M . l,owridel, dialricl
frnil inapector, and N 1J Hproal,
cnuMy fruit inpector, will be pre
ent and make addreea.
J. A. Mcllnnald, one of the Na
du Inn pioneer, waa in Hillalmro,
Saturday. II Mr the Nehaleo
cjiinlry i all right, and that o
pie over Ihrr will lie greatly bene
oltd by the 1'. It. ,V N. road, when
flniehe-l. H live within '.I mile
of I he road .
Notice lo Woodmen of the
World: You art rmioMd from
thi date to pay men t a and
due al Kmmott Brother' Market,
Main Street, liefore the lt of each
calendar month. By order of the
("onaul Commander, A. W. Mark.
K. J. Slyer, Clerk 47 &0
Chaa. Church and wife have re
turned to their farm, on the river
road, I mile from Farmington, after
an abeence of three month in
I'orlland. A wee young man came
to Mr and Mr. Church on New
Year' day. and Mr. and Mr
Church, eenior, will now return to
(h"ir Cortland home.
Scott Cornelitu, aeeor of (Mat-
p county, wan In Hilleboro laat
rrlday, and called on the Argua
Mr. Comeliu 1 a brother of I'oet-
mauler Corneliu, and a native ann
of thi county. He ha aold all
hi holdiug in thi county at a
ltnki figure, and will continue to
reeide in Clalaup County.
The funeral of the late Ievi C.
Walker recurred at Foreet (J rove,
Sunday. The aocielie of which he
waa a member, occupied the length
of a block in the funeral procee
Inn. He waft a member of the
Odd Fellow and Uehrccaa, and
the Arlieati Many people from
Hilleboro attended Ibe funeral, in
cluding the county ofliuiala.
Judge lienrge II. William, ol
Portland, delivered the Lincoln
birthday centennial addreee at
hret drove, Friday. A nuuiter
of Hillelxiro people attendiil The
addreeH waa hifihly tntereeting, a
the Judge wa Attorney General ol
lha United Stale during Linoolu'a
adminiHtration, and waa able to
throw many aide lighta on the
character and aocial life of the
"preat commoner."
The court hmi oflioiala contrib
uted a beautiful Moral pillow corn
pored of carnatioiia, Roman bya
cintha dolden date Maea and
itilipe, interHperaed will) amilax
and aHparngua ferna, on the occa-
ion of the funeral, Sunday, of the
late I,evi O alker, former county
aurveyor. The 11 iral tiering wa
conatrucled by Mr, Morton, of the
Hilleboro urar-nhouaa, and waa
beautiful mce of work.
A very pleaaant evening w'aa
cpnit laat Saturday, at the home ol
Mra C I . luiiiBun, corner of Filth
and Fir atreeta, with a St. Valen
tine' party, given by Mine Marks
and the Miaaea Gipple, The eve
ning waa epent with muaio and
guinea; alan a content in which Mr
A C. Adkina won tirat prize, and
Mr. Carl llunaeo got the booby
pri.n. A dainty luncheon waa
aorved. The pailura were decorated
with Oregon giape, ferna, and fea
tonna of red heart. Thoae preeent
were Mra. 0. P, Runaen, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Bunaen, Mra A. W
Mrka; Miarea Neva Marka, Ruth
and Jeannette Gipple, Mary Hei
del, Maud (irillilh, Beulah Nioode
mils, Or Whltmore, Lula Donel
Bon; MeBHiB. A. C. Adkina, Frank
Paull, Mr. Phelpa, Ronald Vaught,
Klngaley Ly tie, Ben Cornelius, rCd
win Morgan, CharleB Follett and
Kay Euumolt.
IllliOlil) 1I0N0KS
lixtrciHCHBl ('rt-Hccnt Theatre
I'ndcr AuspiccH of ($. A.H
!laag mi rprtib' Enllvca the
The lK)ih aunivereary of the birth
of the "great emancipator," Abra
ham Lincoln, Preeident of the
United State, during the time of
lb reliellion, wa fittingly celt
brated in HilUUiro, by a relebra
tiin at the Creecent Theatre, under
the auxpice of den. Kanaom Pat,
(J. A R and W. R C auxiliary
The Hillhoro band ftiroiehed in-
trumental muaic for the occaeion.
R v. Lindsay delivered an in vi ca
tion, followed by theaor g "Ameri-
Ci," by the audience. Rev. Bry
delivered nn adIre. a, the eubj-ct ol
hich wa "Ihe Buttle nf the (ii
aula," which a well rn-ived. A
male urtl, cnnMeling of Meeera
Bump, Puiif moor, Alexander ami
Baird, rendered: "We are C mting
Kathwr AhraLaui," iu go.,l atyle
An addreo, ' Life and Character of
Lincoln," by Rev. Belknap, waa re
plele with patriotic utterance and
hiatorical (act. "The Star Span
(I'd Banner," by Mi lloyi, Mr
Belknsp, Meeer B iird and Bun p
wa given in an rff-clive manner
H. T. lUgley f dlowed with a hilf
hour talk c nlining himae'f Urg.-h
lo an auilyne of Lincoln' fiinti
Geltyaburg fpwih, which ha lit
come a claniic in Amnion liter
ture. lier. Ivi (loeed with an
appropriate ten minute talk An
other aoiig wa rendered by n
male quartet, after which 11 v
Liodeay pronouuceJ the Iwnedic
lion, cloning the exerciee, which
collectively taken were highly cred
liable lo ali concerned
The (krrvoii Klrctrlc rum tu er each
T daily. The K J a. m. and I 4$ 11. 111.
Itmiu out ol llillUro (Siniucl pruiuptly
wdii oiriii mi si i.ariira iiuiui. a up
IIiIUIkmo I'ortlaml lunrtatilr fullow:
l-mrt IIiIIhIkho Arrive I'orttnrxl
7 s a m 8 ,v a 111
H ,Vi tu hi u) 1 m
11 lo a 111 i) 15 p in
1 45 p i 2 50 p m
3 55 pt 5Iui
6 15 j ui 7 jo p 111
f.eavr Portland Arrive II1IUW0
7 a 111 S 05 111
H 55 a 111 10 c o a m
10 s a 111 11 yi a 111
1 3" p ui i ss P in
4 to pm s 15 p 111
3 3" P in 35 l '
The properly belonging to the
set ate of John II drahel, deceaaud,
will be roUl at public auction al
the farm of late John I!. U rebel, 2
mile eoutheaal ol Hilleboro, at
Rock Creek Bridge, at 10 o clock
a. 111 , on
Illiu k mure, 9 ym.. writ1it hIhiiiI i hmi
llm ; liny liorre, v ) . ri);lit nliout 1100
llw.; S u rinlcil Jrrx-y mlik row, j to be
hrali curly in March; j-yr-ohl Jrrat-y
lirilt-r, to b: frrsli in Mnli; t yearling
grailcd Jersey liellt-r; a b uiuiittu old Jcr
try calve; j-yr old Jersey hull; McCor
illicit mowing itmchiiic, practicully now;
new t'liainpion hv rke; slump puller
and aK) ft. wire cable; giinleu cultivator;
4 do. l'lyiiimitU RiH-k I'liii'kt-iis; Mitch
ell witou, slmost new; liiuk, epnty
pump, sickle Krituler, lot of grain sacks;
also plowi, luurows, milk cmis, double
Imrneas, together with other itt-ni too
numerous to mi-ntioii; hoiiH-hold goods.
Term of Sale: All mini a under
$10, caul); atima over $10, approved
bankable nolee, 7 per cent interest,
payable one year from date.
Elizabeth Grahel.
J. N. Grabsl, adminiatrator of
natateof John II. Umbel, deceased
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Miaa 0i Waldrop, who once
lived in Hill boro, and who will be
remembered aa the daughter of
Rev. Waldrop, a Bapliat minister
who held a pastorate here, is now
playing an engagement with the
Maxine Elliott company in New
York City, Miea Waldrop haa at
tained to a high place in her pro
feaaion, and bids fair to be a star
in the near future.
Miaa Helen Gates gave a dinner
to a company of friends laat Thura
day evening. Covers were spread
fur twelve. The following gueeta
were present: Miaaea Kva Bailey,
Tennessee Weatberred, Anna Dean,
Faye Corwln, Kva Weatherred, and
Meiers. Carl Heidel, George and
Cheater Alexander, Or. Piitenger,
Adolph and Fred SeigriBt.
1 R. A. Caplea, of thie county, waa
married, Monday, to a Miaa Laura
A. Buck man, of Portland, ami they
have gone to Washington, 1). C,
where Mr, Caplea will be private
aeorelary lo senator-elect Cham
berlain. The Argua extends congratulations.
IHiarnooK 1 licenmrig 'near
lner" aalooni at J'Kleacb jryeer
d. drahhorn, of CiMijer Mouo
tain, wa in tou, Saturday.
Tin. Madinon.of n-ar Farming
ton, wa in tha city, Stturday, and
called on the Argu.
8. C. Spencer, the Portland law
yer. recently bought a farm near
I il ley and I improving it.
Call on Libhy, the new jiw eler
Watch repairing a apecialty. Cor
tier Main and 1 bird Mtreet. 4'J.t
II C. Munger, of the iuhruille
Carriego Top Co , Portland, epent
Sunday with friend in thi city
Herman Prahl, of the North
Plain, wa an Argua caller, laat
Mr. and Mra Geo. Front, of
Hilleboro, veiled Mra. A. Jackaon,
of Forent drove, the latter part ol
lat week.
For elove and rangn. come and
ee Bchulrnerich BrOB. We carry a
complete alock, ami our price are
the lowest.
d. J. Palmateer, who haa been
laid up with sciatic rheumatism.
for aome tiuia pa-t, ia able to le
out on the alreeta.
For Sale A quantity of clover
hay. Inouire of Geo. Biersdorf,
4 mile northweat of Hilleboro.
Pacific Stales' phone 315. 4S y
J C. Crocker, of Mountaindrrle,
wa in town Saturday, and called
He eay fall grain ia looking line in
hU neighborhood.
Plenty of fruit tree at the Mor
ton' GreenbritiM, also cbbage and
strawbery plant. Kale will hood
be ready. Cabbage mail order at
tended to. 4Stf
The firm of Moore (.- ;rtear haa
been dissolved, Mr, oreear retiriug.
The new Grni ia Moore X Hoover,
S E Hoover having purchaeed Mr.
oreear'e interest.
Lost String of graduated gold
bead, on evening cf Jan. 30, le-
Iween W. O. Doneleon'a reeidence
and Hillaboro Hall. Finder please
eave at Argu oflice. Reward. 4l,i
The dedication of the Methodist
church ha been postponed to
March 7, I'm, The principal
apeakera eiuld not get here on the
date formerly given, hence the
Kggs from my S. C. White Leg-
home and Orpingtons, which are
carefully bred for egg production
ami ttund&rd qualities, now ready
al Cameron's yards, aoutb of city
park, Hillaboro, Ore. Visitora wel
come. 4'.' 10
W. C. Jackaon, of near Glencoe,
waa in the city lat Saturday, and
called. Mr. Jackaon is one of the
heavy tax pay-era of the county, and
owns a una tract of land along the
line of land along the line of the
I tilled Railways.
Matthew Patton, foreman of the
Base Line Lumber Co , waa arrest-
rd last Saturday, on a warrant
aworn out by R. O. Steven'on,
State Game Warden, charging Pat-
ton with exploding dynamite in
Galea Creek, oontrary to the pro-
visions of the game and hah lawa
of the state. The preliminary ex
amination waa held before Justice
Baruea, Saturday, who held Patton
to the next grand jury. A bond of
$200 waa furnished by Mr. Patton.
The United Railways will soon
lie thrown open for traflio as far
west as Holhrook, according to a
'ortland paper. Sixteen miles of
the toad have been finished, and
next epring will see great activity
in construction iu Washington
county. With two elcctrio lines
aithin a few miles of each other
on almost parallel lines, thinge
ought to be lively in this section.
Considerable employment will be
furnished men with teams, in grad
ing, during the summer.
Two complaints were made
againat the Southern Pacific rail
road company, this week, and for
warded to the Stite Railway Com
mission, at Salem, in which it ia
alleged that the company issued
commutation tickets between Hills
biro and Portland, and that it has
since diacoutiouad same, to the in
jury of many commuters in Hilla
boro. K. J Godman was one of
the complainants. The complain
ants aek that the former rate be
J. 1) Shorb, one of the oldest in
habitants of Washington oounty,
and one of ita earliest pioneers,
died at hia home near Gales Creek,
Sunday evening, at the age of 87
years. Ue was born in Carroll
county, Marylaud, in 1S22, crossed
the plains with an ox-team in 1864,
and with hia family aettled on a
homestead in the Gales Creek
neighborhood. Seventeen years ago
his wife died. He is survived by
the following children: ' W. 8.
Shorb, of California; .Mrs. Addie
Burns, of Aome, Alaska; Mrs. Mag
cie BrowD and Mrs. Alice Coflin,
of Condon, Ore.; II. T. Shorb, of
Wilson; Mrs. S. C. Lifferty, of
Giles Creek.
rmuvivn mpivo
rpi'i.'nhit? linn mi
u L 1.' 1 1 1 1
Tax Rolls in the Il indsof the
Shcriir, for Gdlretion
The Talal Vatuititos for 1008 Annual
t. 112,553 CM
Sheriff Hancock ban announced
in another column that taxes for
the year l'.lOH will be received at
hia office on Tuesday, February 23
The usual rebate will be given to
II who pay their taxes before the
V.h of March of the present year
The valuations for the year 1008
amount to 12,553,608 The levy,
aa made by the County Board, waa
mills, distributed aa follows:
State, 3 2 mills; county general, li
brary and indigent, 3 mille; county
school, 3 8 mills; county road, 5
mills. Sheriff Hancock will have
full force of deputies to attend to
the taxpayers on Ihe opening day
It ia expected that many people
nil take advantage of the rebate
Notice is hereby given that Ihe tairolls
for Washington County. Oregon, will be
oin for collection, and payment of
Utt, on Tucsdav, February it iogq.
slid all who mike full payment of their
u neiore .Msrcn 15, 190, will receive a
rebate tf 3 jr ctnlum. Half payments
can lie uude by the first Monday in
April without interest charge, or penal
ty. nd the remaining half can be paid
at any time prior to the first Momlay iu
Dclober. lyo. Where no payment is
uude by the first Monday in April, 1909,
the tan bexme delinquent, and the
statute requires, from that date, a penal
ty of 10 r cent, per month on said tax
until it is paid.
HlicrirT and rx-oQicto lax collector for
Washington County, Oregon.
Itillslioro, Oregon, February 16, 1909.
Notice to the Public
Notice is hereby given that E
Wenatrom. of Laurel. Orenon. ia
not in the emnlov of the Scholia
Telephone Co. Ue ia not author-ix-nl
to receive money or transact
any business whatever for the
company. C K. Kindt,
Prea. Scholis Tel. Co
Dated Feb. 15, 1900
Van B. DeLaahmutt, who waa in
the city thia week, and who by the
way. ia an old timer in the illam-
ette Valley, speaking of the proa-
pecla of the Oregon country, eaid
that Washington county is on the
eve of great development, and that
ita proximity to Portland, a city of
250,000 iuhabitanta, would do great
things for it. Mr. DeLasbmutt fur
ther aiid that the people of thie
county do not realize the wonder
ful development which this section
is bound to experience within the
next few years, "lou have just
begun lo grow out bare," said Mr.
DeLasbmutt, "and it requires no
seer to predict that Washington
county is destined to be the leading
county of the etate, outside of
Multnomah. Ihe man who owns
and in Washington county, has
only to hold 00 to his property to
become wealthy."
W. P. Fauli, a retired hardware
merchant of Dallas, was in the city
the tore part of the week, and ex
peots to move to Hillaboro, to re
side permanently. This will make
the third family from Dallas to lo
cate in Hillaboro since the first of
the year.
The young lady friends of Miae
Grace Ballard, whose marriage to
Mr. Norman tireer will take place
Sunday, tondered her a linen show
er party laat Friday evening.
Herbert Weaver, of Brownsville.
a brother of Mrs. Claude oreear,
Bpent Saturday and Sunday in
Mias Ooa Foord returned home
Monday, from a two-weeks' visit
with Miss Cora Teft'c, at Beaverton.
Miss Pearl Smith returned home
yesterday, from a week's visit with
her pareuts at f orest Grove.
Peter Josey. of the Helvetia
neighborhood, was a county seat
visitor, Tuesday.
Will and uso. Daretv. of near
o'.encoe, were Hilleboro visitors,
Theodore Bernards, one of the
solid farmers of the Verboort sec
tion, was in Hillaboro, Tuesday.
Cuuntv Clerk Bailev has issued
about 50 hunters' licenses since the
first of the year.
Mr. and Mrs. Eft". Sobieffelin. nf
Centervule, were in the city Tues
day. Judge orjodin visited Salem. Mon
day and Tueeday, nf this week.
0. W. Jamea. of near Cornelim
waB on the streets Tuesday.
Our Prescription Department
Is our Pride. We have
the confidence of the
Phyticiansand the pub
lic. This is increasing
our trade every month.
Why? Because it is the
important part of our
business, and AT ALL
TIMES receives our
careful attention.
We fill to many Preicription that our
Stock is always FliKvSH and HI RE, be
sides btinjr, comprehensive and complete.
Our Charges are Al
ways Right, and Based
upon Value of Ingredi
ents and Time and Shill
required to Compound.
They are not "Guessed
at." All are treated
1.1- .
The Physicians Trust
us. You may safely do
Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a
Checking Account. From Month to
Month you Have an Exact Record of all
Monty Received and all Money paid out
Pay by Check; Get a Receipt
The endorsement upon the back of your
check is proof that the party received the
amount of the check.
Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac
count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now.
Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore.
j High Quality Drug S tore
i ,
I When you are sick and in
! need of Medicine, you want
I not only that which is True
j to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
' tamable. Such is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Are You Wanting a Home?
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the
Webfoot Realty Company
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper
ty to put on the market, list it with us. '
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also
make a Specialty of Business Chances.
Independent Phon. 193
Pharmacy j