The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 04, 1909, Image 1

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I i
NO. 47
Informed Hlhvy Men Say
It umy Mciui bi i'mjat
U Crttict
Tba Unliwl Railway iwp
pegging away lb nr-H"""' '"''
Itatwaen Portland and una plane
Tb contractor and their .rk.r
tr cll.H-liiy worth anywhere,
from fl l ' mill'"'1 ' dollar,
and they arn taking tM'k a agairirt
their work, That iby will U
right oil until they have built th
Hoe t Hilialjoro and Fowl Grv,
nl then have gMki plying p'op
ml lion I lb judgtu-nt of promi
nent railroad men Tbe line,
coming ee it do, itrutigb th
Pblllll end Weal Uuln aectioii,
Up on of tb rloheil portion id
the County triil tbr will be no
rlfftl in the freibt or itwt
Many think that lbr in anoth
r egancy behind lb lin than
ihiMM ti.tntiUrlv uiikihI to b the
promoter. and by thw who o
pculatil i tbought lbl it I
properly lined up with parliea win
want euothr Portland connection
lih Han Krenciaco. end. el the
huh time, lap lb coaal fonn'ir
ln.uthiMterniifi')!i. iirMri"
la nut noaetw a iiittitne roin
...tii Inn Ai leaal. tin mailer what
Iu, tlm fui ur nf lb lint. It
.111 nt into Waahintfloit County
Mrly In tbt Htiniror, ard tbi
muni much tl tltia aeClioil. It
look a though lb ma t ml(bl not
l .iM it (Ui further than I.innltw
end thbilnM ba nral! hi
team road.
l .nt ..11 i i.uli'id aalt at mv ra
idenc in Hillslmro, 0'"Ko, fn
Oak Sheet, letwen Kiralfl and
Kellroad. al I o'clock p m , on
NitH ..f hiiiwa fttnit It V f lil. Klll
.1. ... ..... III I'l lml
fv.llitlit u. tmiW, IXrjr
I .Iimiii tfmiilit.iilion lllt .w fcfOnU.
kllrhru iM.Uml, t.m.kcw.t Uifi.lH1
mill oliirr HK.r uo ininiru -"
l,, T. l, 1AI.I.MA.V
H I. Cornel iu, Aucllmiwr.
Job n Uittnr, . llflvrli. wa in
town Saturday.
Krrah nalra ami oyatur cock
tail al llniiHon a.
Willi. m IJuber Wanr, iBwl noar
y Hfi, di4 al Kornat tiroye, Friday
mominir Ha wan b rn in Norlb
amplon County. Pnniylvani.
Marob 2, 1821, wbera he xpant hi
imuhiwwl ml than camn to Tur-
Im,iiI1 .hrr b lived iwvaral
yaara. and waa them married n
Ihih in Mlm Crolina tliltimr. In
IHfiU from 1'anmylvania Mr. and
Mr. Wagner caina ta Hi HleiiH,
Or . mmkLnlrm all vrftra. and tht
ramovad lo Kur.t Urovo, wbera
lby hava ainca rwlileiii.
About lHH'.IMr. Wagner
Urk l ie lh firm ol h ft Ca
tiluln k irnnnial inprolianiliiineloro.
and later ba opened a atora ol bl
n.n akldii ha nniiiliiolexl Until hi
health failed A widow and the
faUn.lna rhil.lreii atifvivn hinr.
Mr. R K llargwr and John and
i If .
Mat Wagner, roreai urovr; m"
Mir I'nmnrnv lUinlur: Mr Jn
nl K'.lni. Almr,len. Wanh.. Mr
NallU Wira, (Irntham; Frank
Wagner, rorllanU
Ihanaw mhedula tb iiaaaen
gar train in and out of HilUboro
arrive and leave aa lollowi
Leuvei for I'urlltnul
Foritt Urovt
HhtrtiUn I-'lyer
forest Grove Local
Korcit Orova Locl ........
CotvatH OvcrUml .......
Arrive from Portland
Corvulll Overlaml
Forttt Grove Local ........
Vorcat (irov Local
BhcrUtan flyer
Hliilr v Habn. of Moiintaindale,
waa down to the city Hatnrilay.
I'nter Yandabev. ol VerlnMirt.
waa iu the county aeet lat Fiiday.
J li n Ivatntia. ownrr ol tba bin
Klward' ranch, near Fannlngion,
w In lowo haluruay.
Ilenrv ('baltariiirbe). id Cbeba
lam Mountain, wee a county aeat
Vlall"f rn.lay.
Juliu Aibabr. of Hotitb Tuala
tin, w in tlie county real leal
Hufk l.iiebv. a former (irren-
villiie. and now of Mmirilaindala.
araa a rounty el viitr Friday
A. I. (irxlxi, who nettled over ill
the. I.sun l aet tiooa little over a
year ko, wa iu town Haturday,
ana callrHi on the Argue.
Yalenliuea! Valentlnea! Alwut
! 0 valiitinea lo cbooae from
am ? and plain from 1c to 1 1,-Q
IIilleiMiru Uonieclionery.
Frank William, one of the
nullnr of IlriMik. wa in
town Friday, and made the Argue
oil u a plvaaant call.
Kd. Corneliua. a aon of the late
tlorneliuj. and who now re
eidea iu I'oilUi d, wa a HiiUIoro
viaitor, the lent of the
Lliipoln (!ler. recorder of the
city of Corneliua, wailown rnuay
Corneliua will vote on a new my
charter in April -the old one ia de
Itt.kel MMMkl at the Weal Union
hool bona, Halurday evening. nr lienefil nf Went Union
een.elxrv fund. Lad ie tileaee bring
haketa. tiomi program, i mi lor
baaknt hrioging htghrat prxe
J r. lUdmn. oaner cd the big
Freeman ranch, at Weal Union,
wa In town Saturday mornicg
It.xvathal thii tn'PDt COtd 0BI
! niiL of nUra hre look like J.
C. ba Income acflimtlinad rather
C. Hboade. latently relumed
frmn trip to .New jereey, fftyr
il,l (Ireiriin'a ere.teel advertiee
uienl conciat of our ple, which
ult W ttmra a li ifh aa Tfi rente
pr dcien. or thte time wbal Ibe
Imi Iwal proiiuci nring.
Thu OreHon Btate N irml Bchool
at Momnoutb, ha it out invita
i loo to the February graduation
Heroine, which occur on the firet
day of Fehruary, VMM. Mia Kf-
fie Oalliriatb. of iuaiaun, wu
graduate on thai occasion.
Tlmr in a aaneral demand by
taipayei for the publication ol
the deliiKjuenl ta liet, bafore tba
Sheriff certificate of sale. Under
the prenent ayalem parlie have no
.,,!, nniilwalmn ol toeir ueiin-
I a t i 1
iiiency prior lo Ibe eaia ci men
Umlrt. It ie uelievtHl iDat me teg
inlalure will re-enact Ihe old Uw
Sunt. O'lliicn Heprt I'ros-
pcd for a New Depot
BMtla M a Kcat Kw far
f Farmer
The Il .ard of Trade had another
rouniiii" meeting Friday night, at
the city ball. A letter waa read
from Hunt. J. 1'. O'Brien, of the
Houlbero I'acillo, dialing that the
com i n y ei peeled aoon to have a
ioiul depot with the I'aciGc Hail
way v Nayigetion Company, and
anking the town lo U patient until
aucb orovinion could l made.
The committee on iiubiio adver
iMng rewirted that Harry Murphy
had drawn a cut I r envelope, and
proof from the engraver would aoon
be here. Tbia cut repreaenta the
banpy farmer, aumunded by plen
ly. and a big dairy cow complete
the i fleet ....I u.t uw v fa,Mirtrl
1.. ...,1.-,,.., ,tli li,.v. I iiaintrf lain
ami Alj -4.o. I'iner. amt Ihe commit-
tr on tllltlnirOlK rriMciI tllal Inrm
l I,.. I -.I ih mil
Mayor J. W. Connrll. B. W. lUirri
ami ):. II llalnl wrte aiHliilnl lowc
h.l altalltfrlnrlll ClHll't Im-uia.le for a
jrimaiu-iil rrt room, with toil.-t ami
lavalotv nvilete lor lariiK-ra anu uo ir
rM(itiliftt Hkn trails 111 ih t'llV.
... . . . . .
C. KhiMi'le. rrrrully icimoea noin mt
t. . irxiiin: lliui lie knew of a hotel
in 111.- Kant 1io wulll-J to Mil Milllf
.... ... L.iirl mil h.'ip ttntvidrtl llttf
icOiie, linally, woull lane na.i uw
rto.k. Ur. uiirir, . n . nsui, ..
I l'...l n.l I'mhI Wiiralh cn- an-
I " ,
.ini.i m rnmiii,tirt' iu conirr wiiu
!, . t. , . ..i- i.... ..,. .-..,,1,1
I .I,... I It T,.inlrlr ll.fV.I I h.l I III
oulil lke fl.tjuu. ami Mr. Kboaile
likeai. nf llieMoi k. 1. Corwiti. L J.
Kiuhlow ami M. Slooie eie a.jKimcu
lo arc Ihe couut-ll aul ak lor ciuorce-nii-nt
of Ihe aUewalk eir.ttnaiiari. Ja.
... . .... ...I. ... l...l.
m iieii!wi-i n i . riurii mm um.
Iwii. ltiuiiiitril a romtniUre to
0..iw.1i,.m1 alt. .! fur rhanle etc.. am)
eie aulltorur.1 lo rliuoiac or rtjcii,
l,i ft. 1. 1 llifti, wnrlliv.
The ttoanl adjourned to nieel on me
arCiMiil Putlay 10 rrnniary, ai 7 30 p. m.,
....I t...,.t,,.i Tainiraip iut rimonltsioll'
el to rTiucl the pn-cniT of Hilliloto'
Imlim at tlie inrruiij;.
fintlfried Hchlatlli wa down
from Mouotaindale, Friday.
Lnwnee and Aldon' candiee
alwaya the beat at P.eueon'e.
K. C. Mulloy. the Laurel bop-
grower, waa in town Saturday.
W. McQuillan, of bslow Newton,
wa in town Saturday.
Henry Cop, of near Greenville,
waa in town Saturday.
Miaa Marcia Wade, of Portland,
waa a gueat 0! Mia Ktta Hchulmer
i h, over Sunday.
C II Buchanan, f irmerly county
coromineinner, waa down from Cor
neliua, Friday.
(iabriel Knaner, of Mountaind&le,
waaagueatof J. W. Connell and
wife, Saturday.
Have your clothea cleaned and
preaaed at The Acme. I.adtea
nrk a nrieclaltV. 1' ol
Thoa K. Corneliua. of Salem.
waa in the county eeat the laal of
the wek.
Freeh cow for aale. Will trade
for goat J. T. Killeo, Bank,
J n Miller, of the Arcade neiab-
Inrbood, waa in town Monday, on
legal huaineaa.
Tiia Vt'aahinstnn county leffinla-
live delegation menl Saturday and
Sunday al borne.
Harvet Humphrey, of 1'orllaDd.
friend in the city over
Miaa 11 a Paiteraon and Kv
Calchinge, of Purtlaod. viaited rel
ative in the city oyer Sunday.
For etovea and rangep, come and
nee Scbulmerich Bro We carry ft
complete etock, and our pricea re
the lowest.
H. B. Huaton. of Portland, for
merly a leading lawyer of tbi
county, wa in tbe city iaai Satur
day, and called on ttie Argo.
AlUrt k'enhn and wife, of Bee-
verton, were io lown Monday, and
called. They were on their way to
m taxlWis
The olJ Law of Several Years
ago Practically Re-Erncted
Beard af Hree Will Eeili Caaaty
Aaactaintau at Oacc
See Our Full Assortment
k V
The new fta?ement lw wa paa
vl by both bourse of the legislature
the latter part of lftt week, and
the elate board of toualization.con
liating of the Governor, Secretary
of State and State Treaaurer will
now proceed to roualiie the fteeee
mente of Ibe vrioucountieaof tbe
tate, taking the last aeeeeament ft
the bftie. Tbe law which wa
knocked out by tbe Yamhill de
ciaion was where countie were on
the percentage baeia for eUte tX
and the Dew law practically re-en
Ma th law in farce before the one
.hirh aa declared invalid. The
utu r.rMftr will be levied under
lold yetem of ft certain rate of
Mil on tbe total taxaoie propwij
of tbe atft'e. While the pr6ent
Writ fvf f nnalization is in session.
it will have power to eobpoenft
Hnnni Aaamtaora and Judge to
URtify in regard to aaeeeemente,
which it may consider too low. It
will aleo hftve twwer to raise tbe
aneeeement. Tbe law require 111
nrnrj.rtv In tn aaeeBfted ftt it Cfttb
value, and the board, a bove
slated, ha tbe power to determioe
tbn fact. There will be no hitch
in the payment of taxes to Ibis or
mkar pnnntitM. nnw that a new law
baa been panted, and the fact that
iVafchinptnn coontv had a reason
ably low valuation last yer, ought
nnt in ImM the Uxnavers any
money, provided the board 11om
it to stand.
cf toilet aula ia an abnotnte necessity at
thi retort eicilly. Whether y 00 aUy
at home or go away yoo need them jual
the aame. That tbia pharmacy the
beat place to obtain them any one win
tell you who baa once osed
Our Toilet Aid and Article.
They are the kind that eapedally ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we Invite yoo to aeenre your
aapply here, knowing yon will be more
than aatisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Sarah I.utotta Baldwin, wife of
1 w lUl.lw n. nf ForcBt Urove.
diet! at her home rriday nmrning,
at the age of 57. fhe wa norn in
(i.iiinle. Ill . and came irom
lilinikia lo IS'.H) The funeral wan
,.,,i,w.i,l from her late remdenoe
Sunday. Profeor J. W. Mreh, of
Pacilio Univeralty, ollioialing.
Dan Rurkhalter. of Farmington,
.aa a munir aeat vieitor Saturday.
I). B i thinking of moving to the
city in tbe not distant tuiure.
John Pewell ia talking of build-
inn a naw reeidenctf tbi Spring, on
lot bought ol . M. ueiaei, on
south Main street.
6:ru a. in
a:i a a. m
10:4a a. 111
v.ii l). in.
4:60 p. 111
H:M a,
o:f7 a
a:o7 p.
5 ao p.
Portat Grove laical .......... 6:47 P
The club ma-ipiBrftdfl dame
given UhI Saturday night wa well
attended by dancers, and ft UrRe
number of spectators were presnt
While no prines were awarded, Cal.
Jack was given the honor of repre
ai.ilr lb a auatained cbarao-
ter. Raleigh Walker and MisBts
- a 1 H It.. TAnl
Manohe Langiey aim jene 'a""J
nr uv...i (inu Ifarvev and John
ill u , xir . v.iu'.'i - - j .
Humphreys and Mr. Shafer, of
PortUnd; Mlnsea BhIs and Jensie
Harrington, of Cenlerville; LeHter
Ireland, of Green vine, were prencua.
u. .n.i Mr a A P. Stover, ot Port-
mi. -" -
Und, also attended, and were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. T. u. imune.
iir:n..,l Tnnnae kaa nualided as
a rural ranU carrier, and will take
the plaoe ol Mr. Tiptoa, on IIilln
buro, H 2.
Tl.a iiura milk and butter bill,
..... ------ .
which carries with It an appropria
ii..n nf itUKX). for tho invment 0
;u,,.w.ia'i aalari". bids fair to le
.,., v.. - - .
..,.. a law unnin ine next iw
1 nuin w
d iv . 1 1 ha established new rule
ol dairy inspection, and ham re
celvsd the iudofSBtneni 01 me iea
log dairy counties of the state.
Han.liimun Smith. Mine Host nf
the Banks Hotel, was In town Sat
urday, and called on lhe Argus
He eays that me minuet vu.
..,.i0 tn Imilil and onerate a mill at
Banks In the near future perhap
hs goon as Spring opens. I ne cam
i.inv Im a a Irnadv bought two hut.-
dred million feet 0! limber above
Banks, and it looks like business.
ci.arvnnit has omanizel a Good
,.1.'. ,...'. -
Templftr lodge, and elected the fol-
. . Ii -Ll..r 4 . n
lowing nlnoers: 1 aai cniei wwy
Ur, J. C. Smock; chief templar, H.
1 i.'.,.bi e' vlnn.ti mnlar. Mrs. R
14, ' ------ r .... .
n Mnrhack : sicretarv. Nellie Fitcii;
KHHiatant eecretary, Mrs. u wen
rait; financial secretary, Mm. iv
11 Hanoo' Lenaaurer. Cora B Arch'
o.'. .rahal V. V. Hehwilt: aisist
ant, Roy 1 Hmockjiouge uepuvy,
J K. Morbaok; guard, George Mur-
" ma- in L.1 -a-
dock; sentinel, Mrs. m. a duiu.
No ill but baa lie oompeneating
efl'ict. The cold weamer Mir
ienoed some time ego was consider
,i b nmonnianii as a son 01 1
climatic n 111 otion, nut irun raieern
thu belief that it did
killincr tree nests. It
h believed that many a codlin motb
....... ..alhnrari tn hlri tltlDUV Iftinem
by the cold wave, and that Iruit
trees will be taaen care 01 inie yur
with muoh greater eaee than for
many years past, and that less
spraying will be nquired.
A recent bulletin publiehml by the
Omertit Kaneriment Station at Cor-
vallia to "Thousand headwl
kale" a ft cow food. The alwve
oaiid plant i ixieuaively grown
io W axhinglon Uouniy, lor ine ue
nf rl.lre hnrda. Tne fullowioz clip
ping from Bulletin uu, ougni
to prove interesling lo farmer anu
"Tli.niuiu.l.lieaili-tl kale la Ix-tlitf reCoK
..i..l a ...if. tif the tiiiMtt aliinblr atic-
cnlrnt dairv fecla in Western Oregon.
. ...... t.:ll ....
It w llltroillicrtl lino uie nnnmcur
v.iir. i.v kltlmnl Scott, of Milwaukie,
Oregon, aonie 2l year ago. It i a very
luirtly plant, at.ui.lliig a lemjierauaic 01
,.. .)...,. nluive rero which makes it
available the entire winter in the Valley
mulrr ordinary comlltsoua. ine piaow
growtoaome four feet In height with a
wiile spread of leaves, a aing e omni oi
ten weighing .topounda. A yield of JO
to 40 tona ol green kale to the aeie ia not
uncommon. ic p': rciiunc
anil and are transplanted iu July from
.....I in Mnv iir lime. The woodv
lalk la cut Willi an axe ami me aaic
Imulcil in and finl green during Hie wm
r,..,.. 1 ij., ,1 wr t.i Auril.
li..nnral RiuilvlK K1IOWS KHIC IO lie
.;i. 1,. .,.,,i..iii nvprasiiii? atx)Ut I S per
.....I,... ii, f-li uiuiuleaiid about ai
v V r 1
jier cent oil the ry auoaiauce.
uioat bicad lcaveil plants ua ani 01 m
.. ...1 ,taalMltt lilt lliull.
Calculated to the acre yield of 30 tona
iheae valuta altow that approximately
ja5 pouuda of potash and 115 pallida of
plicaphorn: aciil eiuer nuu uoi
...... ..r n.-ro of kale. This shows
liun v. . ' - - -
theplaat to I a heavy feeder on these
pliint I001H nun proves u.i -. -
rich soil lor lt auccewiui grow in.
Tbe Oregon Klcctric tun six cars each
..... .i..ii.i 1 Hi. n't. a. 111. nun i.a.1
1 r,r iiiiuimro connt-ci nromntiy
linnin ..... w. - .
.. 1,1. c..i.... ut'ti Home. Hie
nun cHiitin - -- --
Hillsboro -Portland ttmctable follows.
r ,,.,.. Hillsboro Arrive Portland
7 a5 a m 8 3"
r.fiam 10 ix) a m
u 10 a in iaiSPn
1 45 p m a sop m
t 55 p 111 5 00 P m
S Ti u 111 7 P w
Leaves Portland Arrives Hillsboro
7 00 a m 3 5 " I
855am 10 co a tu $
,o as a in 1130am -1
130pm J35P"i
4 la p tu StSPtn
5 30 pm 6 3SP
VrancU Marion Sharer, a pioneer
of 18.V2, did at bia home near
Wileonville, on the ' met. we
ceaaed leaves a brother and tWter
ftt Tualatin, this county.
Grand Chancellor Gue. C. Moeer,
of Portland, and other grand lodge
nmr will nav an official vieit to
Pboenix lodge. r0. o4, on next
Monday night, February 8.
Provided the Knights of Pythias
build this Summer on their Main
street property, K. M. Hetdel thing
ol joining them with a new two
story bncx. Mr. neiaei may 1
build another residence on uib
Main street property this year.
Notice to Woodmen of tbe
World: You are n quested from
bia data ta nav assessments and
dues at Rmroott Brother' Market,
Main Street, before the 1-t 01 eaco
calendar month. By order of the
Consul Commander, A. W. Marks.
E J. Slyer, Clerk. t ou
Tb. i ami nation of John Mas
ters, a wood dealer of tois cuy,
charged with the larceny 01 some
wood which be nan previously eoiu
to the city, nd claimed by lhe
;i authorities, ended last Thurs
day evening, when Justice Barnes
held delendanl to appear oeiure
the next grand jury. Bail was fixed
at 1W, wnicn was iurmuou.
u..iu .(1 Har anneared for the de
fendant, and T. H. Tongue for the
atate. Several witnesses were ex
a mined on both sides.
Wautiinoton Grance. No. 313.
was installed last Saturday, at tbe
Arcade School house, as touows:
Master, Chan. A. Miller; Overseer.
J. C. Cory; Steward, Frank K
ifttAnt Steward. Albert
Lvnn; Chaplain, Mrs. M. Lynn;
Treasurer, Dtnne Harvey; Secre
tary, Mrs. Sadie Harvey; Gate
Keeper, Marion Wescott; Ceres,
Kotice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Wash
ington County will hold the regu
lar .lamination of applicants for
atate and county paper at the
Court House in Hilliboro, aa
Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a
Checking Account. From Month to
Month you Have an Exact Record of all
Money Received and all Money paid out
Pay by Check; Get a Receipt
The endorsement upon the back of your
check is proof that the party received the
amount of the check.
Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac
count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now.
Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore.
r- u"i!tiradae. February I
loth, at 9 o'clock a. in., and continuing
.. - .ft a I
uutil Nuuraay, reuniary iiu
.lrU n nt
w .nei y . 1
Wednesday Penmanship. History,
Spelling, mysicai oeograpny, r.c.uiuK,
i'....i. ..i , ..r.-
thiirlay Written Arithmetic, Theo
ry of Teaching, Grammar, uooneepiug;,
rursits, vnii
t? PrivinWv nMHrat)DVa Com-
i line; 1 iiriv.vfj;,
position. Algebra, Knglish Uterature,
Satunlay Botany, Plane Geometry,
General History.
ia ...,;., Wmlnailav. February
tVUIUI.uv...g ' , - . 1
.1. r. .'.Iwl m . and continuing
until Friday, February tath, at 4 o clock
p. ni. . ...
WnlneUy Penmanship, History, Or-
thography, Keaamg, rny.-i w.5..-
P Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theo-
... ..r -rJnl,;.,., nrammar PhvsiolofV.
IV Ul isn.u,Hi ' " 1 - . o-. . .
" Friday Geography, School Law, Uvil
Government, f.ngnsn uictbiuic.
You-s trolv,
County School Superintendent.
Hillsboro, Oregon, Jan. aj, iw
Card ot Thanka
M.rrlaan linmiseB were ispued by
nnnnig Clark Bailey on the dates
named lo the following fersonB:
Arlbnr Hm ih anil soDnia 1 nipps,
Jaruary 29ih; Page Patton ftud
Kmm Kilter, reD. lei.
Wrd Kundret. a well " known
aluuimaker ol Salem, has
bought i acres of land at Orenoo,
and moved over. Mr. Kunuretanu
wife are estimable people, and
would be a credit to any commmu
Mies Anna Weir; Pomona, Miss
nnr.inn- Flora. Mies Nellie
Gordon; Lady Assistant Steward
Mrs. M. Williams.
Riiab MnndAnhall. ased 87
V J'' ' ... 1 c -
years, died in Portland, Jan. 20.
Mendenhall was oorn in uoio, uu
came across the plaina in 1850, set-
1 no first at iireson uuv. liaier
he went to Amity. At one time he
owned a sawmul Boutn ot lown ana
he and his partner built tbe nouBe
now occupied by ur. taroiesie.
Main and Third, in me eariy ix-
a t Mi 1
ties In laovs ne own a souoouer
at Oregon City and sailed it to
San Franoisoo, when ne som 11.
Ilia wife died about in years ago
Four Bons survive: Ed, the cele
brated criminal lawyer, and A R.
Mendenhall, Attorney, Portland, K.
J , ol Newberg and C. J. Menden
hall, ol Buxton.
We deeire to thank our many
friends wha so kindly tendered us
.;.i .ml avmnathv durine our re
cent bereavement, the death ot the
late Mrs. Ulrich Haaa.
Ulrich Haas, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Inbn Haas. Sheridan, ore.
Win Haas, Claremont, Iowa.
V ti Haaa Salem. Ore.
Mrs. Emma Hunter, Hillsboro.
Mrs, Elizabeth Lincoln, Ulencoe.
Mrs. Lena Wilkins, Fortiana.
Erneet Haas, Sheridan, Or.
Washington County Pomona
Grange installed the following of
c... ia aorua for the ensnine Tear.
last Wednesday, Jan 27, 1909. at
Forest Grove: Ma4er, B. K. Den
ny, Beaverton grange; Overseer,
M aiina OuUinir. Butte cranee; Gen. Thorrnson. Leedyl
' Vi.j- ai.. v:i
range; tnapmiu, a, t-iu.j,
edy grange; Treasurer, J. L. rail-
3t. Washington grange; Lecturer,
nr..-n,,atin Kuttft ir ranee: uaw
IUID. v. v.. , . o '
IkAinAP. W. E. Barnes, Leedyl
Sacretarv. A. N. Cutting,
Butte grange; Cares, Mrs. Maggie
rnn R.avartnn irraniie: Pomona.
Lmuui, o m-1 - I
Miss Eberhard, Beaverton grange;
Flora, Mrs. Julia uison, niueooro
grange; Assistant steward, mra.
Ferd Groner, Scholle grange.
Numerous petitions. re being
siened and sent in to the Washing-!
people in this oounty, protesting
... nil inv r.nanaa iu iuc k.blud
laws which will allow deer to be
chased with bounds in thia couniy.
Gottfried Zuroher, of west ol
Cedar Mill, wb in town Monday.1
High Quality Drug Store
When you are sick and in
need of Medicine, you want
not only that which is True
to Name, but also that which
is of the highest quality ob
tainable. Sucb is the class
of Drugs which we constantly
endeavor to furnish our cus
tomers. 1
None but Competent reg
istered pharmacists are al
lowed to fill Prescriptions or
sell drugs of any kind in our I
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Are You Wanting a Home? 'i
If you are looking for a home, either a
farm, or a residence in town, call on the j
Webfoot Realty Company j
If you have a farm to sell, or city proper- (
ty to put on the market, list it with us. j
We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also j
make a Specialty of Business Chances. j
lndopamdanl Phona, 193