) ,- i T 6 hill s' HILLSBORO, OREGON. JAN. 28. 1909. NO. 40 The SBKO L 0 ft Mi.iUaJ Railway Securing High I of Way C0U101 HAIO TO HI mll LISI apt U HII4 Thfuti lb Uaeli f Jelf, mil A nulbar railroad Una it to U com pleted through Washington oouoly. R A. Ctl'U ha lwti securing light of way during the t mmi, iba deed being exaoutad on lh" ill of cotujilaU oonairuciion anu J. W. While. lf ImlWIKlB IlUltOO and iUnWa, waa In loan, Monday. J. A Fineoul, of Iluilon, waa a county aaat caller Tunaday. H. Lapeohatt, of naar Uanke, waa a county seat vlvilor, lueuy Charles ltloom. of soulheeat of town, wai in town Monday. Albert HiHilrlnir. of lWnks, was an Argua feller Monday Jim. HuMnaoD, of Kermlngloo, was In town Monday. Mr. MoOlll. mmaaer of the Ore- goo Nuraery Co. of Oranoo, waa In town Monday, A. M Cbrlalann, of Ituiton, wm a county al viaitor laal Fri day. W. K. lleitick, of Uurel, Wane .rind buaineea at tbacouoly aat taut Friday AT Monroe Ilubcr Slaya HclUcI Win SUOOTS HIMSELF 12 HOCKS LiTIK Dtable Tragedy tavelvlag a Kaacbir 4 Furcair Blrcd Mia J. It. and Earl Fisk, of Scholia, wera in town laal Fiiday. Fraab oystere and oyitar oock talla at Baoaon'a. J. Kberteon'. of Banks, waa in tba oily Tueaday. Leon Oirod and wife, of Orenco, wera in tba oily Monday. ftainhard Rohwenke.of near Can Urville, wai an Argui caller Tus- day. Jaa. Fllocin. of Buxton, waa an Argua caller Tuesday. Ha reporte (i inobea of anow at Buxton. Klriib Pwri. aa4 HO. died at DllU. Mendav. Two lona. W. K , a merchant at Dilley, and D. T I'egg, lurvive bim. Basket aocial at tba Weat Union cbool houa, Haturday evening, -. r. f, heneBt of Weat Union cemetery fund . Udiee pleaae bring buketa. Good program. Prize for baakel bringing bighettt price. Hupt. M. C. Ce and the exam Ininr board will bold teachere' miar urlv examination in Hillsbi Holds That tax Apportion ment is Unconstitutional UGlSUTUe mw ACT quickly L . , Ckaaa InpRaglai la tba Tn telle af Every Coaaty la Stiu Monro Huber, aged SO yaara, abot and killed William HelUel, above lUuka, 14 railee uortbweet of tbia city, laat Thursday nigbt about 6.30. and Friday mornlog, after davliaht. abot hluieelf through the ' " .. L- la ol coiupiaw IKH..WUV..V., j, jj Coolny. uf near I'Mliipe. heart, tbua availing capture uj operation through IbUoouoty.on hunineia in the county aeat guiff George O. Hanoock aod or before July, 1511. Joel wheu Monday. Kmruett lj lick, bU companion in ik. I to be eonelruofol, l ue- w A WmI of Hanka. oimi iu.i,... Wm I!ltil. the mur- lot kept a cret, until a couple of down to the oounly arat on bual- , . 0 WM atKj 3H ytara, and ro .t the cwurt hoai, wmmendng . ...miUikI f.,r ate lien. MolldaT. I ... ii.c.i...i n I IT.l.ni.r 10 e.1 9 o'clock a. 0Q. uiou """i - ... owow ina oia icue " :,, . . Frerb eowa for aala. Will "ia . - k uW bj workej Appucaoia wui wrueou uu.u w-u for toataJ. T. Kllien, naoia, or go.!. for bim off aod on, an 8" ' , , , . employ alwut threa weeki agi. Oo k,, .n V.ndiibe and wile, of " . ' . ... l-j unH the day ol the rnuroer ueni-i nu ( enw. weia lt the clly Monday, , .., and called on the Argua. ba lo Foraet Orote. and Hube- Chria Uoml. who flallad frbndl bad been to Bank, drinking heav in Nbrake for alwut three U. That day ha aatd aoma one tnontha. returnad to Hillaboro, btj bout bim, and, raid he Monday. to m. one, -l oa going to aU.p it " Mr T P iloihard will do lilain it. V,.,l . Wlncheter title ' ill ej v I f njwi vm aaw wwlug at hr reaidenca, corner H.lual rt-turcrd In Kcaland aod graduated In road Fourth and Jackaon HtreaU, llUla-1 . . lber-. a widow aod a son, i 42 8 looma ouwr v "' . . . ru- 4411 L..,- -k.. U.I...I ... .lindioNW. i0rm h,m- Jr..a IIoulef and wife, of North r. . ,, .... ... M H Matlbieu. of thia county, V.o.h.H, ..n U.. -.. -", " " , " .....ppn-pr .600 c.bi. f-..f Mr. uouaiey ran ma oeooHi in tu. u .-. . hi.ter io the Tuaiavin ner, biw hntflher ahoo. aeteral teara ago. and fired chat Helix la wile . . .1. 1 preaaure Cb.a Burnbam, of Tigardf ilia, beard bar bu.band about, Oon't L,bere the eaat fork of the Tualatin ... in in.n MonilaT. Mr. Burn- .hoot me. M inoT.'ana tnen oe ia croaaea oe jum.iu . cured. Mr. Caplea and aaanolataa rcul 1 Inoirooralad th Midland 1111- road of Oregon, in the Inlerwta of Wlaoonalo and Michigan capital bit, who may a on bgin oon.truo lion, atkini ro IxmUMi or outlde MaiaUnoa The loo irporation pa .rt provide for tba oanetntciion of railroad from Welaar, Idaho, to croaa Orag" t Tillamook or Cmta Bay, or blh It la uodrtoml that the Oould art Uhlnd the Midland . Preliminary aurvey ov er tha enllra route, ware quintly made to yaara ago. bihr thia road will com through Hillaboro, or how nr it will coma, ara prob lematic qutailon. In any event, another railroad would reaull In mid to tha malarial interval! of U'l M'J ".-I .... 1 Born, at CorvaUia, w Br. ana Mre. Marion Wilkea, on January on !mm . inn. Mr. Wilkea ia a eon of T. 8. Wilkea, ol ilimooro He ia now county aurveyor of Ben ton Countr. Tir Oeorae Franklin Weat, aged CH veara. died at Foreat urove, Monday. He arrived there from Aihort. Uii Mav. He waa birn Tbe Hopreme Court of Oregon baa decided that the ayaUm of appor tionment fixed by law of l'J07 ia uooooetitutiooal. The decision waa rendered tbecaae of an appeal from Yamhill county. The collection of taxea, which uiually begin in the varioda counties about tha first ol March, cannot, uod the recent be enforoed. The lUU mav therefore be greatly embar raised for lack ol fundi to pay the current expenae of government The legislature will be called upon to deviae aome mean, by which taxes may be paid. The moat liki.lv nlin. it is thoutht. will be to accept the figures of aaeeeaort for the present year. Many mina the atata will be comtttliea vt re- turn Ln the Old UU) DOtra 01 equalixation. The situation is one with wbioa tots sute nas never been confronted. Legislatures do tnn mnrS tinkerina with tax laws. nd the present condition is a re sult of careless legiaiauon. The sute, under ids new iaw first fioda out what tbe state ex h be. and then apportions to the different counties their share. Wuhinvton county's share for 1908 was about f3B.000.and tha miilage waa 3 01, while that of Yamhill county, for the same ysar was 3 91, and it was upon this last named apportionment mat buuwm See Our Full Assortment I A GOODLY SUPFLY I Icf toilet aid i n .botute oectsrity at I this rort evptcially. Whether joa .U I .t home or go .way you need them Jn.i the aoie. Th.t thia phartn.cy i the Ibttt plce to obtain them any one wm ,.tl w.n hn Via. once Died 1 II nurTailti Aid. and ArtieUa. I II I They are the kind tnai eapecwuy I net) to women of refinement. For that I II rc.Kn we invite joa to aecura your I Iropply here, knowing you wiu dc more tbtn MtUrxed. I I VT:11.U- PhurmACV I . mm ... i - - . . tw t i u r k w Tha nir i . ... i i ... a ..w m m a -nrrat. i m a a a a . . 1 1 . m. u i aiaw i a a lj. a - i iKa who a OOUUtV. IOSI porow ih -""" - i Woi uiw. r...:.v, 1 -k ,nH I -...i h.aa aiiat in tha mlod tiu, for many yeara. urv.atrlcken wife ruihed to where ProP0,?B 'r"". .k;.,i. 7 ,. 7 i .1 i . i M. . , . . . .... i .l power o aevfr.i u instituted, resulting in u ot ibe c.pltali.U. Uhlnd the va- Uooj t0gttm I. being otads on lhi bu.bind lay writhing to death u.boro being included. ,fom th. Circuit Court to tbe 8 u rioua railway proj-ctiun. to the lh, Ml4)tl(pon 0f the tax roll for u Hobfr & Th, wife 0 ' 0.1B of U,t gnDd.y preme cou tbe latter court de- rthrwmtiki; Krfh"wl,,,ooBbwd, af "eot "diDginfyorofYmhmcoaDty- ZJU" V-' V'Mrl tAlWm rn:: lief Ick ths Uf! iUJSX OREOOK ELECTRIC SCHEDULE Z in l.T wriTir. .lllD lrUr ChT.iTr SSI P- trough the kidney, did BOt toeod, the .mall holders In on h. around 11 jor. 'MJ '?d pll7fr?m "d ranged upward, proof that the of iimt tDd other land in the The 0regm Electric run. .i car eh 1 1 -Hillaboro Confictionery. f . Um mUJl bK, htT9 nMriy UU j0 Washington county alone y dwiy. The 8:55 m. .nd 145 P- SUPERVISOR'S MEETING Mr. and Mr. C. Rhode, return- pf0.lrau whrn the abot was fired lhers are several hundred acre. 'JJ'SS . ... Ti j. . uv.1 rnm wm sr.. .11,1 pk .m Tteneflel k. anil .m.ll ownerf. ..r1. .. .: iK.a rinttia 1 at ail 1 nnriiia. uibuv. sa mi a 11 aa nn uaiiiru . sw m 1 iiiviu uv ibi aw . 'rf i.nn rivnpian r luuuwa. . I -.r . .. iiuivrviv-i wiw-M. . . ,...f Wwhlnw. an sxlendrl viait to tha fcaalero by telrpbone. and be in turn nou wbo will be parties w tne sun o. Hi,uboro The road .oparyi.oia of W . hi ng- Oregoo L,d Hh.riff Hancock, tha officer at lhe government against the South- ton county ara u " . v . . rwv, hiin. one ,,: for lbs scans. ern Pacific. The latter are ol ' - Court How."'"!'? , r. Huber went to the Wm. Thorn- courte ,onooent purchasers, and co ..I: " MT.r " . " a!..... burah ranoh after the murder, and doubl win ba dealt leniently wiu , 45 P m. "lh. i.irv m.iu viwiu wk-1- 1 . . . .l. i. . . tv. ...,11 t - - . . . . 1 n . 1 1 . JT.hiu.rv ti. m ll.ll meeting la oalled at the rrquwl of the County Judge, Hon. J. W . doodle, wbo has buiiners of im portance. Which ba wianes to piece Lfnr iba aunarviaors. for their oonaideratlon. Other matters of Importance will be diacuaaed. A full allendanoe ia delred tr.bk Kalaav. Chairman. TK mnailna will Ctinven at 10 o'clock a. m. i m... m.. .ru i i. M.i.l" rm.m fieoara burgb ranon aivar ou mum..,. aMiwm " 4sv . . vjiii i mrxnair rsviumi uv auwa - n : i t .. m rna nnairn i cru.bed uy a oanocar, (0 geMn, Tn0roDurgn ranco uy Cornelius, as a Board of Trade . i i... uA.tHAff at a rata Finn) i ' ... ... I 1V"M".1. l,!.:"BflT. Ptl .TTIT fh., OT.- commits to solicit enlistment, for MfClrlD liuo, unwi u. ---- i i ni( id o" " " , thi nuoer wm . . . n Mfcwio r-" - -- ni.-. ..w "----- v.. . ... ,k Oreonn Nat onal Uuard uom- hand wa.dre.eed by Ur. lam.eaie.nnere. .na -;. . 7 hv Mond. senlof. 0G ih. Comnant surgeon. Irt"u' w;'r sheriff V wl .n,i , . - nrtwnir m Kmuictt I 30 p m... 4 10 pm... 5 30 P Arrive Portland 8 3 a m 1000a m , i iSPm 1 50 p m 500pm 7 ao p m Arrive Ilillsboro 8 05 a m , 10 co a m 11 30am 35 P " 5 5 P 6 35 p m THE COST OF LIVING Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of all Money Received and all Money paid out Pay by Check; Get a Receipt The endorsement upon the back of your check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. aaawiiaMBiBMBjeaBwavaHBVjaBjBiaHB Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore. nmcntt 01 me ueniwrm . . . . a .lit . . .1. .. .1 a attteri 1 itiirax VrllKrl O vv aa" HILLSHORO TIME TABLE 11... 1.. ik.n.a .nKnilnla tha naaten gar traina in and out of Hillaboro and trousers .rrl.. n.t mm aa follow: lite iihu Lc.v for Portland Sheriff y.A K.n Mcared and sever went tol . . . . iii.j . .. tnnan n.ra iiiancoik . .. 1.1 mnra nur .lsniuea lueir w"r """- I. 1... ,l.il,.ht anil 11U-I". w.w o . - k t a nu.nina .nd pfeaalag amoou'VL'.i:u'f,.,.i iw.fo it Uaaa to ioin. Oreear secured over uhviuot - n . 1 uer c.me qui u i.v.( . 1 ... ...... ... Jaa. ..It I . .. J:..! .! MtlAII ihon on wain atrwv u . I. m ...a Utiltai of Home Mtyie TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Vni;.. ; Knrh siven that the Pomt Grove Local . Hheti.Un Plj.i Poreat Grove Loc.l ....... Porti lirova l.cl Corv.111. Oveil.ud Arrive from I'ortl.nil Corv.lllt Overl.nit....... Potttt Orova lc.l Pcrt Grove Loc.l. H1..I.U11 ki. Porvrt Orova Ic.l 6;47 P- K, O. T, M. RESOLUTIONS , 6 lit a. to. , 911 . 01 ,10:41 w. . 111 of tn. . 4 IWP '" , 8:4 U , 9 (i7 ui. . t ol p. m. . 10 n. ui. throuKh the o .. v... 7...i I 7"l .C. A In It Court House 1 i rti run nmi tu iuc iivm ----- .u usa w a u ww 1 . . . A bad pla5e lo ths Oregon riieo- (oia the Hirriff 4he circunuUnci. Hu- h, ft, though a company 100 follows: ,.u i..aW n..r Mortondala Oauied ,, u,j ,n the brush in the emiHUrknea :n K tvi.iWHtv. I FOB. STATE PAPKRS v,,u ..-v- . ...i.e. .J 7 i....-.li,1.l.l)ori " r ....A. u.i i.....r.. nri.anMnini irmiiui 1 ani iei di nua t .- --n 1 . 1 i 'AmranniMnir nn neiuav. ituiuain :r .'!::' d.,l Mnn,Uv. UrrtveU. SimuU.ou?ly with their..- cbM- JJ, Burnbam, a foster SOU 1 .uITq o'clock a. m.. .nd continuing -wvw 1 1 i ahni w a at nrarti 111 iuc wiujhi s 1 . 11. ... n.9 naa 1 marii. 1 . .n o . . v?..rirw iirn bt 4 but through oonnectlou. were mad. J." J ( ,u(nut . 0 v,n a. . ShVte SSnpr-T' ' ".. vealett the body or tne nmnicrrr, icu...B " . - ' , Uk Wednesday Penmanship. History, against a tree, .hot through the hear HllUboro Monday charged with J Re,djngi t iraiisier 01 i)aeiwui"i - --i..... - at that place Sunday and Mond.v.Uriivcd. but througn oonneonoi by trains on Tueaday. iriuni,.nk and Marian A. TeUr 11 PIOPU"""- - - .nn.nf Wltoh Haiel.on the same date. Inaauiuch an it ha aremed filling to ' All-wlae Creator to remove from "f midst our mother, William 3. Hcluel, 1. I, -..lu.,!. . "... 1 ,.1. ..1 r..,.n 17; ..tthv Ml. Eid. r.5 all over the U oiled Slate tor large 'o IloT Thefe wa. no trouble over 1 ' , . . . 1 . 11 . .1 a m m ajnitp I - brother Maccsliec. ami 1 It nirtnrr rt aolved Itf I11UI ....1 .;,.!. U In the ease of Hube lienii -- - . ....1 1 . r... n, rtirvKi uiutc un 1 . . arrived .1 HelUel'. ranch two hour. - . . kig.on. terdcth. Theyendeavoren to no., tne bullet, but wttnom .v.... .,.,.. ' .7" j:.i,I fK- f.nt that 1 . i. ih. hu o int nnmn, iui u muiu. uioviu. l Tl... tl,.lu.r ..1 1 II V. . 1. nnt a never ie aui'wo. " 1 f 1116 young uuiiimui - Helttel had all .ottietmng . fiihl DJ.nltUT. he iB BOt be tne cur- :.i.V n.nk.m oraiy. monu.y uiu tt .,.. k... ,lil,li.l to sell vour property, let us have the handling probably ..ved f.miiv of same, w a na ve ,nHu.r . -.,, ,,, t0 (rirnda amtUll over the United mate lor iar B " opinion. There waa no trouble over or.iy. -J. " - t f-thrr re- tnd mM farms, and can mi you w. f a Rrat .rN. waj ar a guu . .. ....a.i. iiiilnk. UonDeil-lOlone . witlow, lornieny nui 1 .na pieauou fuj " That we drape our charier In mourning y 1 aml five cbildreo. Deceasea was a son f fa chickens, aud was sent to Xedl " " ...... u K.. .t ".."l iTJ . doing the county bas lie tor .our monvua. . ...l,u1 nf m itnva M at tftkpil ther resiwct. and lie it further resolved An examination tK ru I a ur before Judae Satutdav-BoUny, nne Geometry. General History. FOR COVNTV PAPKRS Wwlnesdav. February .v. . o n'rlnrk a. in., and continuing until Friday, February nth, at 4 o'clock Weunesrtay renmsnwui), nuj,vr thoRraphy, Hearting, rnysicai five chiutreo. inrawu". ""1 of the ch ckens, aua was sent w .- - p ii.litfl a Hunks pioneer. Her. , .k. I nhv. . u.;k..l.t n..l. have set :-r industrious and wa. doing tbe county o oor tB yW,itten Anthme ; : iaeo- ""'" . . .. .... I 1110 " r--r . . I .... . m,v..w nf lUuner Tha nov nas BlVoO uie iubvoi rv of Teachlnff. uraniniar, ruysiuiuKj. Th.i . inhv ni inrae reaoiuiiuu. ijv 1 ... nr .. . l. . r. r rt.iiina. i wen. lie w.. - i - - . . ... r . ' . . .---r L- MrthlUIIT iOMluu I " ... m. ....l r.rrir.l ti.ooo tn-l...n nok trntih a ind his 0.80 lo - - - - t , , .1 .1. 1 ni iirrcur mvi oi w 1 r1 ii 11 axj uuu .wu.w tertd on the minute of Banner Tent K. O. T. M., and a copy sent 10 iu rtaved family, and tie tt reaoiveu That r oui ui j - , , ... i. Ung their new cuurcn in ay - , 1)robletn .11. and lie it resolved- l'i,lent Harmon, 01 W iiiameup HUl)er was a on cl Henry uuorr, o, . couv be furnished the public ,..... will oreach the dedl- ,bove Buxton. We was born n Kansas 11,. im.ni.. P I. ,1 ,k... -Ill ha m. to vear ago. and came to uregon Friday UeogTaphy. School Law, Civil High Quality Drug Store When vou are sick and ml need of Medicine, you want not only that which is True to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob-1 tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which we constantly endeavor to furnish our cus tomers. None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al- j lowed to fill Prescriptions or I sell drugs of any kind in our ' Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. Chas. 1). SUley, 11. 0. Carsten. I. 1, KlrU, Urnville, Ore., Jan. 5, tm- u.r.v r. Haatinna. aired about UWl J r a , . m a a I. -I f 0, was found aeaa oy ueorge v. Government, Knglish Literature. on'struiv. M. C. CASK, County School Superintendent Hillsboro, Oregon, Jan. 3, 1909- FUR WANTED n..t, tn fur. Twantv nnt cent v aawjaa aa IUU U wvmw 1 ruuvd BHawm "- ; o.tory sermon, aou mere w... - ,, J; , Hi father .hot Henry uT' ' Mnndav mornins.in a small in ill dy meeting. Johnson, in a line fence dispute, about r"' . Vn ' . 0rov. -hl0h was r n.raleni. the Reoordkeep- 10 yarago. The shot not lata , , Klm tn Hva in b Sloau. T.nV anil.ntallv drove ofif ... . . Hui,., wa aicuaire iuiuh ... ' er of the Maooaiiee leni, at urwu- defenie theory. Johnson recovered ami ne had died during tne Dign. ue thB goebauer bridge near uornenus. ville, was down, Mouday, preparing lhe twome finBiiy ,,iiusted their dim- wtg born ftt Salsbury PlainB. hMt Friday, with a loaded hack, prod of death for the Supreme cuUir., .nd lnie England, and had doting the high water. He Tent, in tne imavu in. f-r--- ?.. k" -i..ir .ml r.red but little T. M. IVESB degree. Monro waa a nara aer. , k-----,.-,-,. fnr ent "" " u.i ..V r .hn.a" lUnka Hi r waa bachelor, ana c.rea !. veu -"'.T- ki.k.. .k. 1..1 .... Leave fur wro " , it l at.l, ior wom.. v 1 iown Tl rs Wm. Heltsel, of above uani. J", for womeu. At the inquest no ,ears. The past year he had been . . I 1. aa a anrtAm nsaVfllHIl III . . at it I It U ItnMin F - a 1 1 Tl.. 17 i l U aa ffaUkrt . o . a. 1 nr. uniPK a uiutivc v . . . aaiii 1 liii w rja av svwum . - .a aft I.I. 1.1 mM aiaSA MKirH II r . . a 1 t I , , !. .hmmlui V la,wl'--rf . .. worwiu. " ..k. the county seat Dy His wtte. that the atiair wm aiwj. ",18t0re. He oame from i'ortlana 10 Ul.&JTZT' a.-.. p,.i..n.t .nortamen wantmffi wa. buried S.turd.y, I. the LaF.y.tte, and lived there with T. "",u """ . . V.j .k. 4 J... iirnb.. .,..rv. under the auspice 01 45 8 varies camea. the Rftrn0 Uw ameuueu au u u- " ,Ceg ' 'Hubert remain, were . may be bunted WHO mumiu , CorBeliu.. Sunday, in w.aMnirton. Tillamook, Columbia 4 4 t For Sal or Exchange Vnnnuan. of Laurel, was in waahlnnton. Tillamook, Columbia Tuesday, to meet relatives at Lnd Clatsop counties. If such an . 1 a . . U 1 .4 ha aaaaaafl nv the 0,1. depot. amennmeni anouiu j,-.- . " Wm Rlnol. formerly engineer the legislature, there would soon be wm M or exohange the followintt Wm. Bingie, lormeny eHl" , . ... mrtiuii.lna. , b..iki neniwiru for lumbr and it the city water and l " ..w wriVaKoSl 40 000 ft. luu- tow of Forest O rove, was in iown The ,u, 01 ins nm n - dlfftfenoe in oagh, .. tJilV:1 ; Lots In Bosoows Adaiuon can w w. ,,f d.oy.,1 by the 1 Kbught from .v225 to $400, each, or Am gJS; tbb'. Sd msonable terms lou cau w .-r, Tbe decision, it la 1 nrlne 0onpell-lmbrle Land Oo. r 1DOO ami 1050 lbs. Double harness, good as new. top ouggy, good a. new. TwopCowe. pecond Street, Hillsboro, Ore. Harris during the eight years Harris was Sberm 01 lamnm t He was an excellent mu sician and had been a teacher for several brass bandB in uregon kn,it irht vA.ni aoo he was toe teaoher of a ladies' band at Forest n.nn. Ha waa married to an actress, but had been diyoroed for many years. He nas weaitny par nA whi!a livins at LaFavette W1IJ, w 0 - ar ttceived an allowance monthly .nm. annro. for some lime. His death was due to heart trouble incident to senility and dissipation. managed after considerable difBoul- . . . . . . 1 ty, to get bis team and sen out oi the water, but was oDligea w leave the hack. trnrtv-nva acres: has no build ings, about 750,000 feet fir timber, 91 mile, to nearest town, wnicni - - . . .... 1 ill have an Klectno road idisi Summer. Price, $1500. Connell- Imbrie Land Co. a A. MnVadden and wife, of I rtrannn. attended the iolnt Installa tion at the local Pythian lodge in v.;. ni.na. Mnnnav nieni. mi. MoFadden ia head carpenter at the! Nursery at urenoo. Lowney and Aldon'e oandiee always the bee'. at csnson s. H. A. HUBBEKT Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Cotapanx If vou have a farm to sell, or city prou ty to put on the market, list it with . We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS TABOO LOCATION. lnUondent Phon. 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON ?yUKV in shape to select a n"" f"'l-',Wt 1 u U 1