I IX lnllLLSBR6 1ULUSBOUO, OKKGON. JAN. 21. 1909. NO. 45 'IrL you a -- iGftl'JL MEKTINli OS LAST SATU Nearly W Voter Pnrllcl I patcd In the Meeting '4 MUCH lriRET IS TBI IttCTIOJi . i, l.ihti.itJ u Rata DiatrUt Vint - f.r 110,000 BILL HAN ACT TO AMEND GAME LAW F. C. Atdrleh. of near Meitger elation, waa in town Monday. C. A Yergan end r. K Atkltie, of l.turfl, were in town laat Satur day. .. v...i.l. ..t il.. ft.. ..lull!. uelahborhood. ... In town Uat "cm of J. II. Scwcll l ltl- Saturday, bodied In The Drnlt Freah oowa for !. Will trade for goal. J . T. Mlteo, Bauke, WOUD Oregon. 4Jtf Horn, to Henry Sloffere end wife, ( B.lbauy, O..., Jan. , TO i i.S3T- BOARD OF THAI WILL I'AKE BP MILITIA CO. Uakl 14V IKON CLAD laughter. Mra. T P. P.uihard will do plain eewing at her reeidenee, corner Fourth and Jackson Streets, Hille faro. 42 tha Fiat lpl later oaal U Mia. l;ore it Hi. oJ vlalled Ml. Ou Fuon Allwrl rtt'hmiill lo.of Button, n. In town Uat Friday, I). M. O'Ponnall, of Linton, waa In the o'ly laat Friday. V. P. Oelaou, of II u i ton, waa In low n laat Friday. M. Chrieleneon, of lljiton, waa In town lael Friday, ('baa Kretuer, of n"r Cornelius, ( l I waa In town Monday. F. Willi, of iUtika, traneacled hueineea In town leal rriday. Will Endeavor to Have Com puny Formed Here TialtSlE AXD LONG COUUITTtl Ort.eliitiss biu Hratea Flr Depart- meet yuaruri A bill fur an aol, euiUhlylog tba idea, of Jaa A. Hewell, of ibla city, baa Immh forwarded to ihe Weeh- ii-t . i. imrton count delegation In the MUre . w.iaway ana ig.nuai 7 v.n.Un.l Or...... J.n li:ilalur, ana probewy win . , " " (Vigil Ooaol thelargeelchol olactioua trbrKI in Uia rily, .H-currKl on Ut BatunUy, at a oial mating 0 DiaUiol N 0,, bunilra.1 aoJ forlyniua volera wi.r ('twill ,Da .rticii'atKl in tha uiwliiig Tba role on ih jrwUion to buy UdJ anJ tot a ! aobol hou Iferaouwa al-f-.trJ by vota of nrf N,0 ,utll,0. ,.Uor, 4,.j ' ' 8d 10 t On tha propaaltlon to t(jlfle HuU(, 42 5 7 ' 7,. " .1. ..11 1 I uirua. Buaii i"o imni AlUu wvra aiveu a lin to win I M.nUv of tbl wifk Oltawar i Introtlurihl by Sotialor WikkI It ia 4 a raiilut ol Multtuuuah county. ,fignn.l aa an auiinJuidiit to tba For UarculM giant pow.lir, (ua aiUtlng Kama lawa, anil rovltM and cata, Cbaa. K. HraJUf. nv mraoa loini upon In build auannn to tba ohl acnmii ... f ,.orlUnJ WM , " " . . ., K...:Mtf Uit , ' A,,,'n" ' ""'nu'w" maanor, an.l upooOMjvioliou lfora tba Argua. houaa, aud providaa hratmg plant 0 iowo ovar Sunday, tba guaal of ' J , , , J aaplic uoka. at Coat of not to lh Adkloa. ?( h 1 'V. 'UU U . tbM , "-r,U kn.W0 i.fl . ... ill. lintii nm iaa man t., nor I ' Taian u by b. undaraignaxl. a ht 0f h,u u i,,,,,,, waa bay boraa, blind in ona aya Ownar lUcouoy Bo U-,h a n to pay rhargaa. J. J.Hiulih. Ur- oor ttJ( u 25 daya. Tl Frank Himiwon, of Hmlh Tiula- Tlw tlUUIoro Hoard ol Trada bad tin, waa a county anal vlaitor laal another routing mauling Friday Saturday. night, and tba altondanc aud au- Horn, to tha w,ff HarUn Klly, thuaiaaiu umik a new rra io llilla- I , P.Mf.i, a iniro tiubMcity ami i-ubllo iiirit. Sevarat naw rinxulwra i iiod, and a iaenbark, of llnrdvillfi c maiituilon waa adopud. Tbla Aim Um monthly ilua at fifty crnta jnr iiiontb, with no tuinlr. ahlp oharga. Anyona in tba coun ty can becoma a tnatubar by algo- ing tha wrmlKrblp roll. Naw (ifTltyra will U UcUd In March. F. J W. I- waa a county aal viitor laat S uiday. Wm. Hall and F. W. S.gart. of naar Tualatin, wara county aal vlailora, Saturday, and rallrnl on and a xcead 10.1, ihara waa a maj- It of 23 io tha alTirroalWa. It th. iah of many of tba vol. tha north pari of tha dialrirt tolnt'liua, R. 1 ln-ra, bava a n 4 t .. . it . nnaU not Ua than .., nor mor. baa onanaJ a cWIng and .rra)ng "" " a v.m.M....7 oi ui. na.J in bop on Main atrnet, 011a Uoor aaai uragnn .-auonai uuaru waa iaaeu 1.7. .. . ... I .. . . . 1 ti. :l f.-t: .l n two I or llouia tyla Hiauraiu. nuua up, ami 1 riurni iainipi mu ba bill I and irouarra ir"ard in workman. t)ecratary long weraappotntil aa a .l.im..Mli n..n.U.,r uiiiii Ihr lika mannrr (iiva him a call. iM CimmlttiM. to con far wilb Unvarnor " w - . , ..I.....I.-.I., 111 Many onlona bald in warabouaea part of any ona having knowUdg to im building r'ClMl in . . ,. t .!. I f North UiIIaN.ro. wr.ua a . n.j iri.y , ., wf , n jurn-1 0f attcl, v.,Ui.m tof tba la liu . aura 01 a giXM prioa ior ina unnuri 1 Aimrnay 01 ina tioiuh, aim 1 jl f . raiuainuar. mania in tha old building rbma of tha paopla in tha north and of tba district claim that tha Jacob Hollua, of tba North Plalna, who ia in Paudridgn, rannaaaaf, livaa, ia ixrled bonis Hawritaa tbatwhila ba See Our Full Assortment A GOODLY SUrrLY totlrl ! ia an aUoluU Orcmally at Ihla reorl icUUy. WrUrf yu atay .1 horn or vo you need tbrrn lual the arnrir. that ibia puartBtwy ta Ilia (cal flaia io oWaia lliciu aoy ona will W-II jnt wbo haa ooca atl Our TotUl Alla wnl ArikcUa. Tby ara tba kind that eacially y tMral to woman of irfioamaot. Kor lht rcaautt invlu yoa lo arcura your aupply beta, kaowiog you will ba mora than aatU&td. F. K. Hartrampf la agnt for praaanl aiu of tha aohool building "Tha Dairy Maid" I'raa.n Hapara ia ouila a diftam from ihn tntr lor. and Intarnational Gaaolina vidra a pnalty of V nor mora ( pnjt,.ing bla viail, "Orrgon la tha than tW, for a tallura l- ao Mum 0ll ' ,,, f(,r him." tba Proaacutlng Altornay. I t ad ' . . . . . I M.1 ... I I ,1 . u..l I L.u. 1 m Hillsboro Pharmacy Sea tba aatrplaa on at 4i 4U , - . . .!!. 0 tha diatrul. north and aoiiui, r.nginaaj tod that children living In tba at- hibition. trama north part, hara lo coma too Th- w,HXron 0f tba World baa (ar to acbivil. Tha actual toting waa: Chatubarlain and Adjutant (ianaral rliir. to aicartain tba a'.apa oacaa aary to tba forrnationof tba militia Mr. AUiandnr athibitad a draft of a man which will mora than llkly ba ad iptwl, and a atarao aaut to aarh of tba county aat nawapa- Tha Woodman of tba World hate p-ra. for na on anvaloiHM. Tba ooa-half of tha Aoa imp ad ukui ptibllrbiHl poaiara calling for a big drawing will aboaj all ilia tranapor- I TlJC OACT TT 1 MtO tba violator .-f tba law. Tba bill ia initiation carainony on February Ution linaa, and our proiimlly to I J flfj, Vjj 1 VJF LrJ Y JJXV inUnda.1 to braca up, and at Ihr !?:t. at which lhay aipavl to InJuct 1 oruami. M naw mam. Adiournuanl waa lakco until mm turn ia uiw rtai i"". - 11 ..--. - - - . A 1) Cridna. Slala oraaoi- two waa from January 15, or Fri lau John II. UraUI. and tba In- u. .... . ,.rtl. . iha anlhori tar. baa char.a of tba movamant. Ny. January su 1 namamw.-uip dllioii, th infurrtaut will racaiva To bond diatric'. Ya No ... 1 - auranca will aoon ba in tha banda il, li 1i 11 iala to tba vat: a ..I JO of tba arntow. tidaof 10 Fr.l Urvwnburg. of Orenburg raward lor tba inf..rmrr Mr -a L. - .1. ..f Ik. aaa m i f . a 4 I mimmk I Si VIWW Ul III! I . 1 a 1 a 17 "i iatai"H ' -. . w . ' - - - f I r,ll,tlBM, roan a natura, ami proviura ... ,hnm4tl , . .. I aa 1 ilirniifrri wituwti aa ."iiwra, wara frotan Kuratlt. IlavM Kiiia in mia rouniv To buy ground and build ttalion on tha Oragon Klaclrlo, waa nawati. uaa many during tha rwrant cold anap Num- Km.ul wi Ka, J l Tawin, a i: No .. . 8fi io town on legal buaioaaa. Monday. tiraJ jf trtpaaara and ha M of j,tl ,,.,,11, hv l-awn founJ "" r;0,!"' iL'im's J Yaa , 63 . wm ampaniad by Kd. Ml po, bill la a. raauil nl bl. ,lnc h, ,0 m,u. fLi "'ftaV Ta Wli and Joa Uarniah, of tba aama tbougbt on tba aui.jaci. ajr.ult ba a gcd thing to protart c Vabt. h fattar aua. S A furry, -n""4"" 1 I. Mi.hWbooJ. .jj .4ttl, ,irda for a pari.nl Of two A K I'.lra. Wlllla Iral.ml. V II Mllkr. S a ................ . ... ; It Tmiih ami mturtirkl yrara. l 1V.....1. 11 11 ii,..i.i U' U' tt'rlahi V ...---.---- - .-'...' ' . . . ... . .... M . - . . mn I... .'. ......... - -. Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of all Money Received and all Money paid out ATHELA OLIVE STOW I 1 . .1 . . lv.IJ.1 Im... I .aai naiuru.y ruu, ""--'. I, wi,i ,,r,. foraaUfof tha naxl 30 which aitami 10 i.a Angia - r Mr. Tongoa ramrU Roa waath.r in "I? 'T 7Z ' u" l Tha loniaipacUd Chinook ar II. K Witkra. T I' llMihard, Wm (5 ll.ra.l m! Uat Thuradav n ht. Kaln aay. 1 "". J " v.owia, 4 laat I Mraiuy nig ni. wain Ug,,,,,,,., K1w Ih.B-MI ,M M,. ii naariy an man, ii wmi .. 1. r ii.mo. ii i k CorBaiiua. Mra. Athala Oliva H:ow,.ol aoutb ol lower California, Mil U plaaaaa w :K" ' f , " Pmna and by a warm wloa. wntcn cauaaa o t R lmhiia, j v Conorll, lm Kmmott. H.lUbro, dievl oa January H. gat back to Orafon, avan though il " 1 Jf !ott ,7 U. tamtraiora to riaa rapidly, and on ll.,mar Kni...t. HO "'. ""n!'' 1MB, agaJ Hij. C.d waa ?. having a litil. fr.ak tmlter. a Tbl. Irnr lot ii.l") Krid.y building. In tbl. .,t, - .Uh fV.ri.clrr.V K boroio NatVifSSP,0cl 21. , f (, .trj of Tfij . .Ub aood room coltaga, wall flat roofa gave conaiderabla trouble, MuWTO.0i j Wllke,. , v Trnllieicer. m childraxi Ca born to tha p ., nd .Uh lK,lh tba 8. P. Co balance on lima UkU oi, i0od' bul , , .1 'it & So... ilia . Stwa. It A "u.- I'.mh a 'ianu, wnn , Jr -... naianca on uuia lB.nai. anca waa cauaati by the 11,..,,,.., t m k.rr it 11 lulnl J A lot. Sr:.n,".:,.KT.n r-'r01"0. A.iol ''"'nu,ll r .mnlof mercbandia.. iTw o" f, W M DtUW a . fW Wf-" ' h.. Ut. HaAM M lhMl IlIimflDI aa. .Ian. Mat I 1 If atli. I Hit lit all . . , I f,ll'lll'"'VW I IWIUBIH MM "Baa. waaa-w - - I . . JA4'fttJft. if V 1 KIDf laHlOa J H ICnICT. Fay oy cnecK; uer a neceipi The endorsement ujxju the back of your check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. Start Today t o Pay by Check. Your Ac count Is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore. Mn. Cifb Marlin. of Hilla X boro. aJ Ciaiel U Blow, of Far Call on D.nrvivora. Tba family NoasJ tW iawinain, wbera lhay ra .J H llcnaley. HILLSBORO TIMS TABLE Uenreaenlative Purdin.of Jack aon county, a member of the tre- ant leaialature. ia a cnnaln of Mra Jane K. Barrett. Of thia OUT, ana it..!., .h..,- .ri,lula tba naaaan. l,Hra tba aama relitionahlp to Hon. , tnd out of n,Ualoro la Wa a ' i II . I - a - ..la I M ... 1 Ira rurain. 01 roruann, lorwei.y ,rrVr) bDj j.,, M fau0wa: rea dantol tbia county, nr. war . ,...r.u..i I . - 1 te i m m't a "t liwM'r Ul the folloaina Uaialaiion lor the ryman of lha Senate, ami 111 w0ri Croat tcat 6B1 a. m. IN GOVERNOR 3 MESSAGE . Nntwawlaii bff conalderatlon ol lha preeenl lagia- Hohollleld of tba Hmiae, ara Mb Hl.tn.tan J l,e..... 9 a.m. ft Norwegian, y onnaiiiara " U'aahinatnn oountt bdV. tha far- roirat Orove Local 10:41a.m. , burled at Aroee Inure: k'i.IK.Ili '"'i 4:41p.m. itraJar afternooo. Siti.-t oWrvanctof the Jl.tct nrl.nary mer living at Matnaln na comllia OvcrUa.1 4 i p. " 7 pWat in the elrciioa of a Uotud Sutca th. Inter at Aatorla. Of the five . . m Pr.UBd d.a-tora In tha Igialature, Waab- ..... iJII'lttUIP gaff ma IWUrvnillH IX l)ulforo.ityofcm,ntyta.l.onlo,.kt Uj Ufa. Forrat Orovt 'bf. " V" T.n.l HiL. KcrrtCWuve uat 01 convicia ia " Sheridan Flyer s wp. 01. go toiiir.r iam.nr. ...h,. - A jjj jj,, IntroJUCaU In rorfrt (Wove Local 6 47 Arrivea from Portlaod- Cortnllla DvriUml . . . . . , luteal Local 8:14 a. ui. 9 M a m. 1:07 p. ni. much to both Hilleboro and roreal ,.rtiln. Grove. F. M. Haidel, JK Williama. ol three and ona- 1 Hillalwro, Ore ' ! tatil the year 18H1, when half milea aouth of llaaverlon, Uiau .'Sived to South Dakota, and on the I2lh I oat. aged (51 yaara, . " . . ....41 f I i . A at I lie fat Hit A .r. C4.ma-,.!,1 '..I " jii ... 0- Ch.h.rl.l. recommend JAV n oere ana rraiumi uu ji7 " S f o tri9f death, with her buried at theatre 01 inecoun y f aaoghl-.. P-ab Marlin. Da- Williama waa 'r...l ... at r (,1 lha Prea I birth. Ue waa .1..- i a it U'K.n.1 Thnra.l Djienan cnurirv ,ntrou, n. i-, . - nldu ior 0 yaara altar Ck. jg io uregou, Btata Game Warden H. u niav- Sanaunr whao the united with the Contra-1.,,.,,,, ....ta in the Governor and laliooal church io Ifillaboro. o'legigUtura Ibat bie office haa ma which aba waa a faithful member. lh. mtM 0f collecting liWOO lo . OL. l - 1 f .L. U . .... u..i.l - menu"r m fine, lor W violaiona n ina n- ...... (',,.. to nav tba volunteer, of n:?' ","r,, u. TBi.w..tor d.j ?r.i7.,..;. v;t. h; c. . w.r. bo b.. not I lb lunerai iwrnion waa iirrat-ii i mw. llauria mat lOBUora r -- r .1. Blinll,l . ,i TK. . a a a. it . a a I. I - I B7I 1MB l " " - -1 II Hr HI till 1 1 BJ IfTTIl UU 1 1 1 1 mu V Bl WW7VI t B aa Dyuev. l. F. liii.oapai mo ,boolJ -0 inl0 tba proaacuung U.,100, --, . .;iirnn.,.u011 0i Mr. noaella Zurcher. aaeJ 45 fund.. a tba . uU could bet er m irl, mim .hich will be di.tributid year-, died at her home near Beth policed. Tb. ri gte';." c'ommU.io., ;mni iha following at', the rat. i. any, Or.., on S.lurd.y night J.n alone netted the .Ut. over f.ri.iwu L fr, 50 for e.cb day'a aervlce during uary 10. IWil.after a week', lllnaaa A bill which orlginatad In ui.i Appom ...cn u ; tha war of 1847-48 John Mtnto, .op county, it i. .aid, will be Intro- X" m of UtS. taduairy in- father of Poalma.ler Minlo.n! Port- duced lo tb. leglalftture, having for rtul ot n(j,idotla eoKagrd In it. Und; Cba. Hold., Klloo K. Hack- ita rjurpoe. the dtf iaion of tbiaju a complete cole of wairr lawt. el. widow of Jock C. Uackatt; diclal diatrict. Tb. idea I. to leave Kaa.ra.Uo. of the ' Ml'Mouri A. Cort.eliu., wife of WMbinglonand Clkama. couo. water power. f,r lb. lueflt of .... pub ..noraig u fjorneliue; Mary J. Kei- tie. in the old di.trlct, and creaU a An .mpio,.,,' u.Miity act to pioiect Ult widow of John B. Kwizur; new On. IO oe oouiptnmu ui empiuyea hi mt i""j Amanil. ivaeee, wiuow ui niim 11 Reeae; Mary K. Uarnahan, win- High Q UALITY D rug 3tore il p. .... MRS. ROSE ITA ZURCHER Congregational church, at 10 . m laat Saturday, interment in the Odd Fallowa' cemetery, at tbla place. PUBLIC SALE Th. undersigned will aell at public aala at the old W. Bronaon farm. 0 milee eaet nf Kill, boro, .ml 2 mile, wett of CVdar Mill, on tba Porlland-CorDell ioad,t 10 o'clock V ' u- of Columbia and Claleop J Rratrlction of a.l. of dcwlly wrpon. m.,on VlV -tt JudtaMcBrida " "l .. "7 .1" . ""1 ,.r II Ir.m Ctmahan: Pollv C MONDAY. JANUARY 25 nn iha bncb la tb. propoaed new .,, Willamette I'alla. Butler, widow of Iaaao Butler, aud Brown gi-Miiig, 5 yrt., tjoo; brown I clitttrici , .nd ft new Diatrict Attor- Creation of a non partlaan judlcUry. trab K. Hoh.nlr, widow of P. C. gtMi..g.4ya., ij-;gry hor,9 yre.,1 hft to oom. from ClaUop ratar protection for bank dtMilora; .. . w Mgaou, Cornell.!. 1300; hrown ma.e, 6 y.a., r, my M. Txnn. .ha Prn.a perhapt oy u.t "'" . ... ..ri. borae, 6 tu , 1025; 5 K'10' uulk r..i, ;,i, ...if ...1.. . r...i. in t aryj 1 frul. in Match; Mitchell wbroii, .rj0 wbich I. COtnpfMied of .11 four ,(tlona. pully C. Butler il tb. widow of tb. 3. hack, ntw ilouli McCormic waukre two levrr uttrr, i - wyrar UP".' 6 loioeimKerwaKon, 3Himn-K'Mnr iha nountiaa D.mea, Will DO BUM - " ale ta.o tiuli.r. 01 mi. c.iy. , top hiiiinv. art double work lmr- r . .c. l . na. In.ll. lu!rculoaia. . - . ... , 3 art. .mule iH.Kity harneat, et jec 10 u a Urw . ... ju , J. H. Voder write. Irooi liniv .la Iiiikkv lmr..e., chain barneaa. I cil uielrict, uui in.naa a Rroa. ... ftnf(. r.rtToC SCHEDULE h.r.l Orauon. to the Araua thu k i)ii..Ur, koo-1 aa new; Mil- i.-aiiua .ould he done In bl. one, - J, i"iu.. mower, Milwaukee bay rake, ',,....... the PrMWUting At . . . ." ... 1.1 14 inch nlowa, cultivator, a eleel "j". u. ..i, 12:10 The Or ' rjerlrlc rune ait era earn "Kolieri J. n urueiie hi.ob . Imrrowa, eprinKtooth burrow, fee it Wrney wero "-a- - - I ,v t . Jt. 8:55 h. m. ami 14.I p. m. that bo had nollnwl tb.l BOIOI.lon an kU- K't'i'lcr, 6 Kr. clilrkena, 1 ft monin, aim "; Iniln. . U-llillauoro eonurci prouimiy .moi (he ten-penny DAtl OU acka, 1 h re riKK.'ig ami ahafl, 3 haa to l.ay hotel MIU .OU travelling f llHr t i.anlcn Home, jne ' , , . , , ,l , I Kram .acka, new atSrl range, orK.n, JJ' "'..f which t th. ...d of lha UljL-.-iortlan.l ti.ncUl.le follow.; the nght .nd I want to UM Uomr(a, "K" Via him . .in.ll aal.ry, ,,,,0 Arrive. rortl.,n.1 V J "rJ'.i."1 r u-h at norni. wine uf Ht't tlO and under. Tcab ; 'rreW on. Ka'i fc-bnk- blenote, at 7 pat CCXL t:" :; V Gottleib Zurobwr,Qn:?. B P. (Joroeliua, Auctioneer. John V.nderwal, Clark, FUR WANTED Caah lor fur. Twenty per cent higher than laat year. Leaie fur at Corwin'a Hardware fltore, or ray raaidence, Drat houae ovor tb. Klectric bridge, we.l 01 town,! 45 8 Charles K.meii. Karl Kink, of Boholla, vlaiteil the county Beat, last Saturday. .km .a foine to oon.Ider that he t. Knav with court huainea. nearly the whole year. In .11 the timber tai oaaes lo Columbia county trie! during hi. term Uat year, he jn .11 i..,i Ana nf the caaea. and had f county employed apecial counaa, U would have coel 11 irom ao . j . itfvr km ti now ia. the I J" I cuting Attorney get. lea. jr." . .f!. dad not in a exneneeau wo year', work, than the 1 Jo thia county, whone trav ;t and office eipeneee are nail 1 the county. Tb. bill todw! ike di. t.ifltUiaid to beln'f ltatere.1. r an Aalnrla lawyer ' (want, to w, ... . - . P.a.iu.iiL ina AIT I ior iu 1.1 i'ii 41 I. a : i ip" 5 iis p if ISP"' Lrnvce Portland f 7 00 a .11 H 55 a in 10 '45 a n. I 30 p ui 4 to p .11 30a hq. 10 00 a u. II IS pni 50 p m 300pm 7 ao p in Arrive. Ililln!oro 8 oj a ui loco a m 11 30 a m 35 P m 5 upni new diatrict. 7 ft .uiiiii aiamiM rA..., rmnrm.'v:-i'iiimmmv9 , ' inm i n imih. ii i i - ' 5 30 p ui - 6 35 P "I J. C. Smith, who wa. down from near Groan villa, Monday, e.ya bl. eeotion had about four Inches more of enow than llilmhoro, John CawrHe, of North PI nine waa in town Saturday, der th. beadlna: 'One Graft That Mey In Lopped Off and credited to tha Arena. What ia the UBe ol a deputy inapeotor.ridlng over the couotry impeding1 mtua aim lau tor aa. who when be get. inio 1 'one horee eaw mill,' don t anow ao Ineerted nolnt log eaw from a ibin alaaaw.or when he eee. a detached engine mint be ehown how the .team ia conveyea irom me uouer to the cylinder. II the present ieg- inlature wants to do anything for the common panple.let It apply the at. for If anyone, but the deputies, I. kannflttari bv their work, your ID aaa a j . hnmhla anrvant will have to be shown." )oeaaed was the wife ol Peter Zurcher. and a daughter of John Stabler. Romtta Zurcher was born j 0 Canton Berne, Hwitmland, and came to the United States with her parents, l.ter Inoallng In Washing ton county on May 7, 1870. Grow ing lo womanhood in tbis county, abe waa married to I'eter Aurcner, ho. with three children, survive.. Deceased was highly tsteeiued by 11 who knew her, end ber death nroved ft shock to the whole oom- munitv. Deceased was a member ol the German Baptist church, and was prominent in ohurob eflatrs. tier lunerai ooourred at 1 tie liar- man Bar,iit church at Bethany, Tuesday, the Baptiat mtulaler oltt dating. Interment was had in the Cedar Mi la cemetery. I he tuner I was largely attended, and lioral ofl'erlng. wars numerous. A num ber of friends of the family attend ed from Hillsboro. Whcu you are sick and in AT J . uecu ot xucuiciuc, you waui not ouly that which is True to Name, but also that which is of the highest quality ob tainable. Such is the class of Drugs which wc constantly endeavor to furnish our cus tomers. . None but Competent reg istered pharmacists are al lowed to fill Prescriptions or sell drugs of any kind in our Store: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. The following bop contract, for 1)0) were filed with the oounty recorder. Lewis Carstens k llein- rloh Peterson, of Banks, to H. L. Hart. 10,000 lbs, at 10a; Jobn F, Caratena, of Banks, to Harry L Hart, 20,000 lbs, at lOo; Henry Cop, Foreat Grove, to H. L. Hart, 25 000 lbs, at 10o: Jntau Friday, lUnks, to H. L Hart, 8000 lbs at 10c: Geo. Ruppreoht, Sherwood, to H. L. Hart, 10,000 lbs, at OJo per pound. Fred Berger and Peter Groesen, of the Helvetia and Bethany neigh borhooda, were in town Monday, on business connected with the Gorman losurf noe Co T. M. KERR M. A. HU Are You Wanting a Home If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence iu town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS TABOO LOCATION. IncUpandent Phone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON ' naa.aaaai,1,,M . . I , : S "aiiawaajiBw -we(,aa-