I I H11LS1B0R VOL. XV. II ILLS BOKO, OREGON. DEC. 31, 1908. NO. 4'3 j etrAL utnllwi lCj Mil mD CUAKDIAS , Uiial Delltft la Weilib i.B.OuJs'lii'k. jdned by Cbae. al" to iu"ltn . ..... .f f .i. ItMBtb I'urwr, en elderly woman, l8Jldot"f b ' 0f lb liaverloti union king it,purr recently made a will, ln Johiiwm lr legatee bt Uur waa HI, end became 1 mm, runnitii away, end doing tbIiK that nhowtHl for the Wing 1 1 t the eat tint In lier il miml. During her time oind one of b.r tin Wehich was In hl ctiatmly Q lwk ot I Mint Minify, end die Wi llikt be wee nle legate U L. ...I at. .!. (.,) tht Jobnaon had entered rwptaule, at.d the bit) her at ny, H T. iURty, ouet Johtieon tbe place, ami ela proceeded kit Ouderklrk, who twupied r bouM of here, not turd tr . . i w, r, rimer maua a nw illdiit)!mrUiiK Johnson, end the it tai brought at once H their ttntion atend. then the tld ill it gtkviJ, ami if ltrytHl H. T. Hiley, a tainted by a U.li attorney lor Mrs roreer. Cbu J. Hchnabel ia pounl Oadorkirk ami Jtbnon. Th hu bi t one day In enurt, end ba cuiilti'lr.l nil Monday if Purwr it tlill too lit to I in ft, ilLUHOKO TIMS TABLK l a f 1'etV thenew echodutethe paamn- l. . . I i . . ... VI. II I . trams in ami oui oi nuiiMn te ml leave aa followa: Un (w I'ntiUuil CtMtilO! IH I, M ... Ufof Litful wait Gmvt Wl ...... I irtm Ifom I'nittanil - XmnWit Uvnland..,. K:4 a. m Croe Iak-hI v ' kit Ciuvt Uft-al , , , . . t 07 p. m, tti4a IMjrt 5 p. w lrH Ciott Ut 6 47 p. 111. MRS. CKO. KIRKWOOO 6 Tu a, in, 9 if a. ui. to 4i a. m, J 4 P. . 4 .)p. m. In. Jnt 8mirot.rvill KirltwiwJ, MhofOfo. Klrkwxl.di.l at Kar- I0rv, Dro. 21, IIHW. Hhe w in UotliMar. BiiUfabir. Hcot atd, Ptbruary 2U, 1HW, and wat M'rinl to (iwiraa KlrkwmMl, Nov. X ISM Kur cbildren wera lrn tbt union, nns of whom, s Uugh- i Mrt W. (. Doualton. inournt lot. Th ytar of their roar N tlmy cam to America, anil tax to Oratfon in ISUlwUlion at forni Ornve, where thy nava "wit reaitiaj Th9 raroaina wera Mn to tlm l',irll riDclnaralinn. Ughter, kiul id IM Jmm and KrTlToflpTon. ""Ivahur, DMemml naa k wmnun of atrnna 0,gritT and ifrnnroaehahln fbar- fMml had rainv friend both 1" Ulllahnro and Korent (hove f buihand baa the aymyathy ol ) rge pircla of friemla Abraham 7. '"i wa in town Salurday. Prwih now for ala. Will trade gnli.-J, T. Killen. Hank, "gun. 42tf Jlo Iverem. who mwnMy V(I to Hi. Jnhna frnm nnar thin lJi aa in town Tueiday. t Harry Oulld. with Hohillor. wap IBI Sunday, the gueit of hie par ot.Mr. and Mra. a. G, Guild... ; y A. Marllo, of touth of the 'y. was in town Saturday, anil '"d on the Argua. Frank Wall an nillk fKa nAuurn. nt .work at Hammond, wao in oily lo epend Chriatmai with 'ii family. Mre. T. P. Buihard will do plain ?w'njt at her reeidenoe, corner f"un and Jaokaon Btreeta, Hills pro. 42 6 I Al, MoCnmaay, the Mountalndale Jwmll njln( WM j Tueaday eve ?. Hit mm u thut down lor MolbUye. IMarahal W. P. AlklnBon lays CmI 11,9 ,lar olty mftrBha1' rni0 he has carried for eight r-art uarl iAtata tftke the post January 1, I 'A full uuartar hlonk. one block Ck m I8B0n just the plane "a your home. Can't be uu "" in the city for iH050.-0on MnabrleCo. HilUUiro Arua, $1 .V (.r ,r. Walli-r Zuerclmr, n( nnar VmUt Mill, Ma in town Mtiii.lay. Mia Oua Koord viil-l with lrind in I'orllaml, over Cbiiet mat. Money to loan on real tat. Teruu rvaxiitiabla. Apply In K u ratli Hroa , IlilM.,,, or. 'il tf Mr and Mr I'. M Jackaon via-Ui-d Cbriatiii.a with Oiivi-r MoIiiik and wife, .f I'ortlami. Mr. and Mra. Kd. Kvereat, of Ht. John, wera gurala at the J. It Wtlkaa bom ilm fircl o! the wi-fk. For llrcul ((iaiit owdT, Uiw and rapa, ae Chaa. H. itrailUy, near Newton etation. I'bora ii'J, I'acific HtaUa. 42 5 KreJ Z.lly and wif, of Portland ej enl Cbriatmaa with T. H Iml.rie and family, K. MoCormirk, with tba Orenon Nureery, waa a cutiuty at visitor Haturday, Aba (irnaann, of northxaat of Weal Unioti, wa iu tb city Mon day morninft II. L. Flint, ol nnar K boll, u in loan Haturday, aud panaxd the tima of tba day with the Argua. Andrew Wann, with the atraat cleaning department, ol I'ortland, aa mil Hunday evening, the gutwt of relativea arl fricndn. Wiufiolil McMurphy and l.ura Horden were married iirceinlier 27. I'HJH, at the bma ol Mre. Alma Haelya, Uov, I.aDow ofticiating. Tbi. K. Comaliiia, cd Halero, wat in ths city laat week, bnikiny altar tba aale of tome horaa that ha and Kred Conmliua brought d.wn from Kaalern Oregon. J.ilin Miliar, wild and children, were out from Monlavilla, Chriit tuaa, gura'a of Orandtna HtHun iiroan and family. Tba (ironer Howall Co. dwira to ray that they are out of all aiti-i of drain til". eirpt 10 and 12 inch . On the I7tb of thia month, bow aver, they will have a full eupply nf alt ait-n. I'houa be'orj you oome lor tile. N. Womer and Frank Atklna, of near Laurel, were in tba city Mon day. Mr Womer teye that Win ter grain b looking fine thit tea eon, and there it no anow on the Chehalnm mountaina. Dr J. 8. Hiehop, who baa lately returned from a omirae of aludy in hoepttala and aanatoriuma in the Keel, ia now prepared to give the bwl midern home treatment for tuberculoma. Oflice In the Temple ton Mock, Koreet drove, Or. 3hl A lot 100200 feet on Waahing- ton etreet. In heait of city, fair hmiaa. for 11300 Thia properly ie ilr worth llSOrt today. Moet be aold iiuick. Connell lmbrie Co. Foreel Grove, Monday, by a vote nf Hi l .1:1 dm'idml to build HI-. 500 tchool bouce. The eite and grtiunda will enon ba selected and 1 1,- hiiildinff will be modern in averv reeoect. The old building ie to he maintained for the interraedi ate grade. a I ' 11 " iu I I'orntcr W'aMilnnton Oiunly Clcik in Vaudeville PUYS Wiril BEIT CO. OS KOAU Patti at ibi Wrrk tt Ibe Orplitain, I'ertlaad KugeneC. Hughee, raised at Iforeat (Jrove, and who wat elected county clerk in IHMH. and terved two leruia, after which be waa engaged for a year or bo in the mercantile bueinem in thia city, it now with one of Lohan a 1112 tiroducliont. and ha playa at the Orpheum, in I'ortland, all thia week. Ilughea Uft Hilleboro about H yeara ago, and went to New York After being in Ibe Kant eeveral year he married the leading lady in a theatrical company, and he ban b-en at the vaudeville butineaa ever aiuce. Hughee waa ii'ieeeaned of a great dal of ability, and made a good county clnrk. Ibe lutuntt tn him be engaged in Hillrboro faili, liowever, and llugh-a .'eft for the Kat. Hit whertab.iuta were unknown for toma jeart, when linally it waa learned that he waa on the etage in London and New York City. When the big circuit waa mada he and bli wife eecured an engagement and the company rolled into I'ortland the lat of lhwek. Many aehing' ion Cmnty people attended iheOr- pheum ibi week to tee Hughet in hie new n la Tuend ty'a Oregonitn ey: Mr. " I Mrt. Crtir Uuifhri. tlie for mer an Ort-Kon bciy, hy the wr, who wai I'oimt t'lerk nf Waabinktim Coun v in tint) iroiie by, before he Ixrame a big 1 t l on tbc vauileville iitKe. Kive a In la rum. comeily ultetch callea "Mip- nrfMinit the Prew," which i calculated tn nuke a vraven iinKe amile and the ntirnial liumau being laugh outright and often. Mr. and Mr Hughe aeem to have realued the very eenr of comedy and their nlorti are calculated to route the entlnuuim Ol the moat exarttng andlence. PUBLIC SALE The undereigned will aell at public aale on the Newton Womer farm, 2 mihi aoutheaet of Laurel, and mile! aouthweet of Bcboll, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on MONDAY, JANUARY 4 Tlirre vear old aorrcl horac. 1000 lbs t vear old mare, I650 aluioiil full blooded lVrcherou; J year old black horae, 1450 Iba.; mare, 1 100 IIh.; 10 head of good milk cows, aonie lirsn in reoru :id March tent from 4.50 to s pel iftit:s choice heifera, t yr. old; Aler ,lrrn l'olandrr bull. vearliiiH Jersey bull calves, u tlioats, steel farm truck, inch. Mitchell wagon, a aeatecl hurU bm-uv. Uel plow, chilled plow reversible disc, steel lever harrow, dou b!c shovel cultivators, shovel plow, ho ..rra. j tons of oats. Ai ton of chopper oitts, 10 tons of hay, about 1500 cedar noat. household furniture and otlierar tulei too nnnieroua to mention. at noon, . Teiinl pC,3lrSLianAk.t l.unch Peter Jacobean, of Ienoi, waa in the city Tueaday afternoon. C. Viohl, of near Oak Park, weet of town, wat in the city Tutaday. Geo. Zataman, of North Plaint, wat in town Monday, and called on the Argut. II. II. Hall, one of Shady Brook's pioneen, wat in the county teat Tueaday. W. T. Hiatt and KUie Fray were wedded at Bherwood, Cbriatouai, J. 0. Bmock, Justice, officiating. W. H. McCortuick, of near Lau rel, waa in Tueaday, the gueet of bit aon, K. L. McCortuick. W. W. McKlroy, a civil engineer, and who hat worked with hit boat n Montana, waa in town Tueeday the gueet of L. E. Wilkea. John Berrie, the oldtime engi near, now reaming at norm 1 am bill, wat an Argut caller last Sat urday. II. K. McKinney and titter, Mite Sueie, and Mitt Julia Cooaway, of Portland, epent Cbriatmaa at the home of Mrt. hmina McKinoey David Wenger. of Helvetia, and who wat road supervisor in that section for yean, wat tn town the ortt of the week. Geo. W. Kelly, who ia making a specially of walnut raieing, up in the Yioelaodt eectiont, waa in tba city Tueaday. II. A. Hinthaw, general freight agent of the Southern Pacific lioet in Oregon, wat in town Saturday, greeting the frienda he made while local agent at thit place. Duck shooting waa at ite zenith Sunday, and all the local eporle were out banging away at the feathered table decorationt. All report fairly good luck. Auditor Duucin, of Whitman County, Wash , baa been a Hills boro visitor over the Holidays. He ia looking for investment in wild land", out in the mountain districts, Peter Yandehey wat in from Verboort, Saturday, en route to Port land to visit hit brother, J. A , of Glencoe, wbo hat been in the hot pital with pneumonia, but who is now on the mend. Robt. 0 Stevenson, state game warden, wat in town Saturday, and made the Argue office a pleasant call. "Bob" eayt he it having but little trouble over the district these daya. 'Madame Norelli, well known as the wife of Dr. Ernest Barton, has returned from the East, where the hat had a year of triumphal sing iog with the big stare. Mrt. Bar ton was for yeara musical instruct or at Pacifio University. It is said "A Prophet ia without honor in hie own country," yet the man who buys this three acre tract with 6ne house and barn, and all kinds of fruit, will be honored for his wisdom. See Coonell-lmbrie at to price. Mrt. Grace Black, wife of Chas Black, husband and wife formerly of Hillsboro, came up from Los Angeles the last of the week, for short visit with her parents. S. D 1.. . 1 t tt. ni..i. .1 .4 V-IiJ Li 2t I- t: Oregon Agricultural Exert is After Fact ASKS ALL ABOUT OCR BIS PRfJITI Will Alas aetd ant leftraitiea te all Wba Hay With it If ANT DATA ABOUT POULTRY RAISING See Our Full Assortment WaahiDgton County farmers are re ceiving a circular from James Dry- den, of the Oregon Agricultural College, which askt questions about poultry raising, egg production, etc The state is importing eggs from the east, and the college directors want to ascertain the trouble, if it it possible, in order to change this to an export basis. The Argus advteee all wbo get the queries to answer them, as they will then receive valuable in formation as to poultry raising for beH results. The questions are: 1 What la the size of your farm' a How man lavinir hena do on keen' 3 Wbat breed do you aeepr 4 How do you house the fowls? 5 Are they confined in yards? 6 Do they have free range on the farm,' 7 Deacribe method of feeding? K Wbat animal food, if any, do yon feed? 0 What ia the annual cost of food per fowl? 10 How many eggs are laid per fowl during the year? t How many years do you keep rcur laying beni.' II What has been your experience with incabatora, II any? it Do the incubator cbickt do aa well as the ben-hatched chicks? 14 What was tbe lowest price re ceived for youregge and poultry in 1908.' The highest? 15 Do you ship any to city markets.' I 16 Do you co-operate with your neighbors in shipping? wny? 17 Is tbe poultry looked alter by tbe men or women ! 18 What ia the average death rate among the fowls and what ta chief cauac? 19 What la the hardest problem in poultry-keeping? 20 Do ycu consider poultry-keeping profitable on the farm? a 1 To wbat extent do you tbtuk tar- men should engage in poultry keeping? I 32 110 you raise inrzeysr now many 1 each year? 23 What per cent u turkeya hatched do you raise? 24 What is principal cause ol losses in turkeya? 25 Are you interested in a home- reading course in poultry culture? BIDS WANTED a goouly iurrLY . , - V '- 1 cf toilet aida ia ait absolute necewity at thia reaort especially. Whether yoo stay at home or go away you need them juat . the same. That thia pharmacy ia the best place to obtain them any owe anil , tell you who baa once used Our ToiUt'AteU and Artielwsi." . They are the kind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. Vor that reason we invite yow to secure your aupply here, knowing you will be mora than satisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy BE AVERTON REEDVILLE ACREAGE THE PASADENA OF OLD OREGON BEAVERTON-REF.DVILLE ACREAGE ALDRICH ACREAGE ALTON ACREAGE ANDREWS ACREAGE KIXXESWOOD Sealed bide for the clearing of one acre of land, same being school yard of DiBt. 84 it, will be re ceived up to Jan. 15. 1909, by the undersigned. School board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For particulars call on or write to Henry J. Christeneen, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 3 42 3 OREGON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE All in Washington County, Oregon, and all within tbe'ten-mile circle of the City of Portland, Soil of the very best; no rock or gravel, aidebills or white lands to battle against. Good graded roads to ev ery tract. Most of the above tracts all cleared and in high state of cultivation. All suitable for raiting grains, grasses, fruits and vege table!, and if intending purchasers will only call at our office and se cure a round-trip ticket to the tracts we will show you what the soil will raise. We will also show you a i-a year old winter apple trees that will compare favorably with 5 year old trees in other parts that have been advertised aa great apple lands. We are selling this property at the remarkable price of $75 TO $150 per Acre, Stump and Tim ber Land, and $150 and $250 per acre for Cleared Land. Small Cash Payment, Balance to Suit Purchaser. We also have a large list of fine farma at prices that will interest you. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 StarK St. Portland, Oregon leaves Hillsboro 7 5 a uw, rmrfrrnifTirrTnrornaTtal 'shrubs and vines for tale cheap, laiao have a lot of rosea, bulb, tenon aa narciestia, peonaa, etc,) and green house plant. Will soon have an abundance of blooms. Mrs. Agnes Campbell, comer Seventh and Fir 8ts., Hillsboro. Phone, Independ ent 1IM. 'u A vlait to the Southern Pacific depot demonstrate that tbe travel over that line out of Hillsboro s not nearly so great eince ine au- vent of the Oregon iweoinu. u has been a loss of perhapa (.5 per cent, in the travel. v i. about it Agent Vickers, use .on.. 11 i wri ip had "nothing to aav " 'We're taking in lota of .h . he said, and that was all ne would venture. rr.... TMnW onndliotor On the ni. n.AA local, was "mobbed" ... nu.i.im.i Kva. aa the 0W train pulled out of Portland, by -! .. Ant) AI whom was Chas J Schnabel, a Portland attorney. The oonduotor was presenieu wi. -One lantern, euitably engraved, and k-waaman was presented witt) . naie nf alovee; The conductor was voted the most accommodating man on the Weet Hide train aery.. it t hi. Si. and wife, of Port land', were out Sunday, guests of af.-'itnir. ltlair. of North Hinsno 'u. ruu ia atill on the oom- r tha Orenonian. He Pr",:", . a,nerience with two holdup artists, and says that be happened to nave out ",lVu . tha time, and stood the two blRhwaymen oil unti he 1 ....Au, a oht. when they unceremoniously departed. Alter .u.. RUIr bouaht cartridges with his 15 cents, and when Summer comes he win Duy me uu. r,"VwTief; C Kuralli, Auctioneer, , JAMES J. CROSLBY James Jesse Croaley, aged 52 yeare, died at bis home in Foreat Grove December 26, the cause of death be ing tuberculosis. Mr. Croeley was horn at Macuuew, in , ana enme to Oreiton 35 years ago. A wife atd the following children survive him: Percy Uoy, Uiyde LeBter, Ferrin Carey, William Henry, K Ina May, Ruth Leavie and Jesse A via Croeley. all of Forest Grove. Of hisimmedt-ite family the folio ine brother and sisters: Harry n mains. Taocma. Wash ; Mrs. A T rviioa. Portland; Mrs. Charles Bell, Seattle, Wash ; Mies wuua Croeley, Taoouaa. interment toot: piece raonuay, in the Nay lor cemetery. A NEW DEPOT The following letter will explain itself, and was received last week: L, A. Long, Secretary Board of Trade, Hillsboro, Oregon. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of recent date in regard m iraDrovement of our depot faoill ties at Hillsboro. This matter will receive due consideration at our hands. Yours Truly, J. P. O'Brien Mr. O'Brien is Superintendent of the Harriman lines in uregoa. tiKiiben Foster, a Portland ac oountant, and formerly with the P, R fi N., C. K. Lytie general man .or tn the earlv.dava of the rail wav. was out Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bagley. The Oregon Electric runs six cara each way daily. The 8:55 a. m. ana 145 p. tn. trams nut nf Hillshnrn connect nrouiDtlv with Salem cars at Garden Home. he Hillsboro-Fortland timetable follows: Arrives Portland 8 30 a m , 10 00 a tn ..12 15 p tn V, 1 5 P m nrn 500 cm 6 ij p m 7 ao p m .eaves Portland Arrives Hillsboro 7 00 a m 8 05 a m , 8 ss a m toco a m 10 25 a m it 30 a m ; 1 30 p m -a 35 P nt 4 10 pm 5 5 P m 5 30 p m -. 6 35 P I Harvev Miller, who is a son 0! ohn Miller, and who ia attending chool at Whitman College, Walla Valla, Wash., was here Tuesday, be guest of his grandmother, Mrs 'usan Brown. Mrs Tannock, who. lived for ears near Glencoe, but now re idiog in Portland, accompanied y her eons, visited CnristmaB with drs. Jane Smith, of South Hille- oro. Chief Engineer Geo. L Davis, of the P. R. & N. was in tbe city Tuesday, returning from a trip over the construction work above cux ton. Mrs. Amanda Purdin, wife of the late Hugh Purdin, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Beside, visited with her mother, Mrs. w. k. car relt, over Christmas. Connell-Imbrie Land Co. have 'jqneummated the following trans fers: 8. B. Huston to K. u. uar rampf, house and lot opposite the Murt house; L. M. Tompkins to J. Sensley, house and lot; ueo. a Srown to K. C. Grooe, 10 acres nd south of town; Phil. Muter a L. C. Waibel, houee and lot 99x 200; Frank Fessler to L. M. Tomp tins, house and lot 99x99; B. Bu dl to Fred Ennis, house and lot 10x198; R. P. Simon to Mrs. Dan 3urkhalter. comer First and Oak treets. lot 90x198: G. A. fatterson 0 W. 0. Donelsoo, undertaking business. THE COST OF LIVING Is more Easily Adjusted by the Use of a Checking Account. From Month to Month you Have an Exact Record of all Monty Received and all Money paid out Pay by Check; Get a Receipt The endorsement upon the back of your , check is proof that the party received the amount of the check. Start Today to Pay by Check. Your Ac count is Earnestly Solicited. Start now. Cornelius State Bank, Cornelius, Ore, THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want In stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. , t We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be seld. tor Cask Onlv. Positively wrtnH. -I ' , -,"1" 1 ' 4- .-m a-