The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 24, 1908, Image 1

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- -.- HlIlBCWaOKEG '908- N' 41
I r n. . in Trnm t-1 1 1 1 1 i i u hi i i ii i u u iv I m
nmaiai'm nmnim,i uao. iuuiw" iiiKHi.iiu nini.inn. i. n
ran a WvWi
liitlaboro Argue, It 50 per jm.
n the
AiinuiM,'ll 11 PI IMV 111)
(UttUullUlAALrj41i)-lJI Albert Lincoln, of Glenooe, call-
w rii BUM ! UiiMiru
i MccllrtK Friday 1'vcnlnn Arthur HpUschaerl, of Corneliua,ijrokcn n Health, Concludes
ICI waa an Artua caller last Haturdav. . .
With I'nlr Attendance ,,,,. , , j
I II C. lUker. of (Jaalon. waa In
.... rminriL Pip.ut ,h"dl3'HlUfJy
5ll ",' Christmas IV1 Card., 1 cent up
I I., tl (VI .1 ii.. P...I it.....
I . B If", MV ...I l.n V I VJ ......
(laiallUt appaiaim '""
alp M Baelane Uru
to End TraR.'dy of Life
r.. Tr.mnklns tl ID UOm W-
V. BU v r
yond Ulencoe, Tuesday aiiernoon.
J. L. Foef?e, ol near Beaverton,
waa io tbe city Tuesday morning.
Cbas. I). Farnham, of Glencoe,
waa in town Tuesday.
K f. McNelly, of North naine,
waa in tbe city Tueeday.
v u HnUaU and Lei7'
INTELLECT UillB, were city viaitora Toeiday.
Anton Pautmeier, of southeeet of
College City Now Has Two
Portland Connections
Tha Hoard of Tiada met Friday
.-.nine- at Dr. TamlriMb'a oflice.
President Tamlrria reported that L , hli tUy
-.1 U........I II..... I
.ia of "0.(K oopiea every day
I'liiltiti Htini (if between Hc.hulli
and Karminglun, wii in the city
last nalurday,
Mini lidiroi U' lii l nf Klamath
Kelle, i veiling Mire Helen Galea,
P. Mtlvllla Wakefield, Well Koowe la Newton, wae in town Tueeday, and
Blll.b.ra, Jba... Bima.lf calieaonw-Argu..
WtlBB w M " " n
i a Ant Ail tinauinn km i leuioi mm mw
w M-l.ill. V.Wfi. . bon v vant. ' "
avant. and once worth bid thou
Track Laid SitordiT.bat Abttac ef
''V" PrtTeaud Operatiea
Mr. Rublo advocated a rollce in
KaiUrn pepert Mkln r r.t,uet
!,, our detcrlpUve booke, J
AUiaoder. L J. Uublow ar id Win
Wrlibt ware appointed to aollcit
Vwr.KIn among ibe bueiiiiai
men cl tbU city.
Tbe otwepepera eere irqueeieu
Money to loan on real eetate,
Trrnn reasonable. Aitulr to Ku-
rati! Uro. Hillkboro. Or. 21-lf
Wtu. Harvey, for 15 yean a real-
Arc ad e
Thm i'oinn naiiwaT ot i''B
aanila and who enent MVeral I k.a taken eff itl en
, uuu vuuiju; .
montha in thie city a few 7eereLjne t the front for a ehort Ume
aao. aearobinir tbe reoorde for Ine n R.nner baa nearly com
ia Railroad Com-1. .i.i iha new Oregon Electric
oanv'a Lnd Deoartment, commit- atation a mile weet of this city.
I .-.I l VanAnnvftr n I; . rH- I T.. urthn mr p.n anu WHO. ui
deotof tVUr Mill, waa up to tne " ' w-Mv-... - , uvu" , T" rf en,
oount eeat Friday, and called. cently, aa a re-ult of brooding over Banke, were in town Tueeday, en
. ... . k...innl hit nil in. WBKB luuw
Uave your ordera wltn J. v , - - ,
Cave for the annual nuruW of tbe field had a maater intellect, ana
S'aw Yiiar'a Orporn.ian. 40 1 r.,l nViaimlivelv. He wai a
- .v. ,
Adam TreW. who owna 40 acre. Wl of a a.vanl; bad ebaorbed the old and I'oUliua, within a fourth ol a Deal auinoramp, ae wu
W, enoura,lh. removal ol old and tantJmtt ln philoeophiM; waa a maater at ma
d.Upldaled frr.clr.1. tbewdttgoJ r , , iic: waa ooaaeaaed of a cbarm of
lawni. plntlri or buildirige. eic ,,,,,. v.. manner aod converaatiooal power
and all thlrp. which will tend to The eum o 11400 take. UOi JO, J cJ,Unc,
U.utify reeidence pre,,. ue.-now - . wberever be went, and waa. ?rad-
that wa are wrnur i railway u....... - . 0 . . Colleae. Koaland
comuiuoicll- Tbe Board will to. H waa a Canadian by birth, and
meet again on Friday evening. Jan- Jatue Church, who reoently bii f4mi. mi9d in Montreal.
uarr 1 to atart the ,ew irar P,u. 0ui from rortland and eel- vkefitld wai an attorney in tbe
w lb troper ecui. tied tear Fariuingion.waa in iuee-
I . . . a . . . a a L I . . . Xav- a -
day, and added uie nam 10 iu he r joyed a lucrative praouce. Urm Connell-Imbrie Co.
Argue teiigiuua UHi. Wllb tbe breaung 01 oia ne..o, . pQrvM
Ma, Crandall a.d hi. aaei.i.nte, however, hw lor tan. ippaa V, j-jrVnt ber hand, while
W. A. Clark and F. W. Gartner, ana irom an p m" - - ki-dliM Dr. Linklater
it I . I ' a L. .. f I a.raaa laaalft riPflB I TT1 I M L. I1B W vrl I B "
tiaveawiui nnieneu umir , r
eitH-riiog the book, of Columbia ded the daughter of a Mra 8xith
rriiiuK , I..., il. . I.., I ,,nl It Vfui tOHl tier
uuv mo "" - r-
!. ann n tim aa the wife wv a
i K I'MIH. at tbe lay
W l U wv - ' -
lor Hill farm, Mountamaaie, w
Mr. and Mra. Henry Dayck, a eon
n, f! W. Iiwe. who bae vieited
HiiUKnrn lor manv years, was m
uiuauviw - - - ,
town Tuesday, tie now uvea iu
i r vKa ho fnrmer Farming
ton merchant and poBtroa.ter, and
now ranching it, waa in town i u
w. hava a imrchaaer for a five
... ., Kn ran in!
. . r i . r i ii n n ."-- I - munrvi . h i.h hi. a iii .huivv
TuM- Sandwich laland. for year., whire oq rea8onable
10 lb I he er joyed a lucrative practice. Urmg Connell-Imbri
See Our Full Assortment
The Oregon Electric laid iUetoel
into Foreat Grove, SaturdaT.but on
account of the "V not being laid
it waa impossible to operate traina,
as tbe company intended, ima
necessary track is now laid; the
wires are all in, and trains are now
to be run, which givee the college
. . v m. - n a.
c tv two tram transits mw ror-
. i
land. This is a matter of mucn
importance to tbe Grove, as it gives
them direct communication oy
travel into Hillsboro, as well, with-
out going a mile aod a half to the
Southern Pacific depot.
The management intends giving
the Grove the same service daily
that va been established from
Hillsboro. As Forest Grove U
mVeitr Incited the new line will
bring maoy there to reside as so-
burbanites out ol roruana.
cf toilet aid ii an abaolute oeceeaity t
at home or go away yon ed Ihem juat
the same. Tbat thia pharmacy
beet placa to obUin them any one will
tell yon who haa once nsed
Our ToiUt Alda and Articlwa.
They are the kind that e.pedally .p
oeal to women of refinement- For that
I .e tnviu yon to your
upply here, knowing yon will be more
than satisfied.
6 fit a. ui.
9 ii a. m
m 4J a. in
141 P. m
4 :tf p. m.
!!. in new acliiHlule the pae-eti
g.r traina lo end out of HilLlmro
arrive and leave aa mhow
Uaves tot Portland
roreat Oiove lel
nbtrtdsa Kljei ... ......
Kotret Ore Lel
foriel Oiwe Local
CMvallia Owlaad.......
A,rlvr from I'oMlaod
Corallla 0erU4
rortet Oiove lAcal .......
ft rt roe Local .......
Bhtttdan flyer.. ........
Fortat Grove Lflcat .......
Mr. Joan Mead, wife of Marshall
u...i ,ii.,l ai their home on the
..!. Imhrla tarin. Neet Union,
December 17, l0. ttom lyphoid
nneumonla. Deceaee,! waa born in
u ill. f!ai.. Sent 30.
anrf name ta Oreaon at the age of
m ..... UK waa married lo
iuiug O
attended the injury.
County t Bl. Helen..
A lot of apple, pear, peaoh
1 p.
47 t
l.",.r,nii.ii walnut trees, all orl
claec; alao some Logan berry bush-
fur sale at the Tualatin novel
r. ,.i, I J H I. 40 41
The many frieudsof J. W. Har
trampf will be pleased to learn
it.. K ia an ferine no ill effects
from bis paralytio stroke, and that
be is able to be on the streets again.
Rev. C. A. Bias, who occupied
a . 1
cmstant atttndant upon her movn
er, who waa an invalid
While in ibis city, WekfHd
domiciled at tbe horue of K J
yt tr. - . ,J . n ( In mtllirt
uuimi . lUOuinan. HO an . -
, L . . fi L.j... f.m;ii. iih all tha old tbe Christian church pulpit here,
i.p ii won nmv wov. imDuwav iuu.i. -. . . - i .,,
'-'" - ...I" .: !... i Pt Kosrv. will BO 10
Armentrout, of the U.ove, i. me mter. X .3 K ..'".Z'f fir0v..".fler
beat deer ahot n the county, was aocompiienmen dw. u...-..
r .iVhanging gesture, with the the big choir in the cathedral at January 1, to take tbe Christian
. , u i. I Montreal, ana oau ouiis" umwhwi
Aigua, "... L .k. W.
Tk. llilUhora Congregational P'P".. '",. . j u. vwwf utodwb.
l t t. . iandt a calf to Rev. WDI1 HOluru, 1U " . y p ace, near Uiencoe, wae in iuwu
church haa eitended a caw to nev. th , maD. friend. .j .ij . na four vear
IU U 1 1 U B 7 a Bum - 7 -
trriea io .-.. - - , ,. . ftf
il.hall Mead in IKStt The bu. e.y that tney are r
Und d ten children survive, h,r. Mr... i? . ! P. -q -
Four brother., nd one nater, Mrs.
Z. N. Beelye, survive. The funeral
took place Saturday, interment be
ing at West Union.
. W. Uigr,of Park nt. ure. hii .oi3Urn in this city, all
II he decide to come lo uuiHOoro, - , .....i note 0f re.
he will lake charge of the work - - - r V' , w
January 1, I'M
an able man.
The Oroner Kowell Co. desire to
.1 tk. anrk UI "UU1U
i a go1 1 suuui
old colt to a Portland buyer, re-
1900 therefore. John Con
""""K . . 4
n.ll an d the same party a noree at
a somewhat higher figure.
Jnat oiva me time." said John
w - n- , ,
Doe Hobo, to Recorder tcnuimer-
Grand Opening Ball
Th. grand opening ball at the new
M. W. A. 1UU. t Reedvilte on
tbe evening of Jan. 1, 1900. Music
by Toelle'a orcheatra. Beet ol order
i.i Tikeu. II 00: .upper
itragood supper; goo.l h.d lor
. t.. f,i,, nns and all, and
i. iu. ,,f vnur hie, 1 rizos
for best ',, 1
tl. n - WWIrlr iillli t tn
. ft... y.. . hi 1.11,1 I .4 l'
with Salem cats at Garden M
Hillsooro. Portland timeuoic iun"
UaveslllllsWo Ar.ivc. Poitlanil
HI' , io on am
i , in a nt ' 1 " J 1
4S P
J 55 P '
tu. r..n...l r iu Uia MisH Maude
I UW ijuto, - I UD JUIIOl v. " -
Th underpicned will .ell at public hcb. tbe other day, "and i it prove Ktne Alexander took place Batur-
i . i - ... f n i - i a ii nht ' i r r-s.MHa
n iha lvih of this montn, now gti. on the Newton omer larm, i m no vmnm e--' may, ana a iargevuuu,cu. -
un tne v Tjmrel. and 2 Laid tha accommcdating recorder, ... nrnaent. Rev. Foleon. of For-
ever, iney w.u - -rr m, - nnSnilVBOn theetreete . 'A"" utM assisted by
Ol ' iu,l.H. I t-l V,. a knnliro fnr work I r. nil Tk Aal nffrinoa
o clock a. m., on i joun ewm u ..--D i ney. uoiaunjj. - -
MONDAY JANUARY 4 and ne louna n. ai tbe home ana wuimj
,l. . , , -, . v Ka.n ifn ami einreseive oi iu
Three vear old sorrel horse, iooo iu., VVhlle U auae ureear wo annua r . . :V.
inreejraruii . .,,, t.. . ,. ... .,.! intra nd eeteem in wnicn
i year om mare, i - turley. j0r tJnrisimaB uiuun. u ... p-i,.
bloated ltrcheron; j year old black y birds Miss Alexander was held. Rela-
i,or.. uo lbs.; mare, noo lbs. io head , 1018 we.ei ..j ... m.m , .nd friends present from
of goid-Hk cows, some a n"AB !.W"'k"J " M, tSa Abroad were:
y aad Mcn, - .TJaC;. ,lBr. " "T"u."uV"m :.;i .... ..nJ ifr. Robt, Alex
ander and wife, and John Aleiander,
PnM.t Otove: Miss Eva Enirick, Arling-
K.... m,u. F-nreal Grove will truck, J inch. Mitchell Pflter Roscow. who for many
- . - t t I . Iku ItHPK. IJUK KYl .a r. a .
oome for tile,
i.b Rmith. a son of the Ute
- - , , ,
Geo Smith, who owned a oonauuu
claim a mile east ol Hinsooro ,u
the early days, is in town, an,
yeara. He is now living io Foi
Valley, Waah., rm ooui
the old boyhood scenes. He notes
many cbangos
Dr. G. B. Whitney, the ex oret
Grove dentist, and who last Thurs
day, was convicted of manslaugh
ter by a Multnoman uoumy jury,
the victim being MUb Mabel Wirti,
was Monday sentenced by Judge
Cleland, of Portland, to serve nve
years in the Btate peniientiary, ana
pay a fine of one hundred dollars.
Whitaey look his sentence whuoui
making any statement, and his at-
in.nii vara oivfln fivB daVB in
which to move for a new trial, and
get ready for the Supreme Court.
Whitney wae very popular a ui
Grove, and the girl was noted for
her sweetness of disposition and
her rectitude. She haa neen a res
ident of Portland several years be
fore har death, whicn was oue iu
Kinkinnde nf mercurv. ciyen ner in
cipeules, by the dentist, who wae
her alliance.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
forest vtove; oii o v
ton; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Underwood, Mr.
Mr. Sm Hall and sons:
Mrs. Frank Ruffner and dauga
AU in Washington County. Oregon, and all within the ten-milt ctrce
of the City of Portland, Soil of the very best; no rock or gravel,
atdchilla or white lands to battle against. Good graded wade to ev
ery tract. Most of the .bove tracts all cleared end m higli state t f
cultivation. All suitable for raUing grains, grasses, fruita and Teg
Ubles. and if intending purchasers will only call at our office and se
cure a round-trip ticket to the tracts we will show you what Uie soil
will raise. We will also show you 2 1-2 year old winter apple trees
that will compare favorably with s year old trees in other part, that
have been advertised aa great apple lands.
We are selling thia property at the remarkable price of
S75 TO $L50 per Acre, Stump and Tim
ber Land, and $150 and $250 per acre
for Cleared Land.
Small Cash Payment, Balance to Suit Purchaser.
We also have a large list of fine farms at prices that will interest you.
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 Starh St. Portland, Oregon
Neil Monday, rorem v.v. - - , . chUled pl0W) rt.,,r ww, ---- atld MrS, T A. McCourt ana aangnwr,
vote on a 12,000 school hou, ine ----3 8teei lever harrow, a dou- years has been Bcnooi awwi ... He,eni Mrs
old one being inadequate for the lhove cuUiVatots. shovel rfow, hoo o th9 Hillsboro schools, has just Hazel; Mr. Thacliy nas su u nreaa, a tons 01 j n- nnighea laaing ue euui vcuoo, ..... - -- rfK,i,
nw bUI ding I" " I:.,,.., t00 nuTOerous to meuiion. wuiu (uuuui Bo , . iNoiano, mm. n. """-".1
Zl-2i a. it ! i "illBb0r0 Un00 0 . mt 4 low, years, This is an tncrease land , Mrs. Lulu Memland fa
with her 627 ol school money age. Tem8 0 sale: montu oM5 over last year s
Adolf Siegriat returned Friday per oent, per oeu un ltie a.. Garnish, Dallas, and W. H. Wehrung,
Adon oiegrie HewaB over10 A and 306 females. Mr. boscow p rtl d
orning from LiOriwJ utw yom 0ffnM geveral hivmg
1 tbe train whion waa or k v'uratli. Auctioneer. mora than usual of school aae have p00ular Young People to Wed
moved out of the district.
Leavea Portland
Soo a in........
SJ a m
10 15 a ru
IS i
3 30 p m 3 '
a 50 p 111
j ix) p ui
7 ao p in
Anives HiU''?ro
8 05 m
ioio a m
'" 11 30 a m
.... 35 P
thankful that
molest tbe passenger !,-
Sid themselves wUh robbing the
cured several uuu...v
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Mra. Kliiabeth Runyon. of Dil- Cards are out announcing the com-
.. . - ! . i 10 u. iHH nii or miss mauu ouiu-
Uiir.Wiiitmore.tal to tria toy, M V"Kon,,u" . ai niatrlnl Attorney E B.
otsi7no wn"'' J m ed at vneiamuy nomo, u..u . . -,.hr-tRj
..... i imi.nn m ohm . . jj.j n TitiM thn nvent to be celeDratea
niaryo""- - In 1KK3 sne WS weuuou vu x..--. iwu6v, .
r : r. ,.nnand Foreman L'ffirjEP.dd who passed away in 1894. at the Congregationa 1 wn
thV ic,dur.r,?&d. uBn
V the construction to this ; oy, Jonn r , - " 3 " i7 Kli.a Card ol Thank,
"D . m:n.w nn an e' I " --- - - , o... nni oniiuiou, ouiuiu. - -
Tnnner and Mrs. Gertrude Hall
Card of Thanka
. i.,!.. lander our gratefu
Z'Zr,':. nv kindness
,,1,UV :".."... , bnreave
rxtenueu ue una - , ,
ment, the death 0 'JxfiZ
daughter, Mies Maude Ktbel Alei
ander, and return especial hanks
for the beautiful floral offerings at
the obsequies. Vnnnn
Hllliboro.Ore, Deo. 19, IMS.
For Sale
' . W. at HlllS'
Three horBee, can A alla
boro Livery barn, Corner 2nd and
Washington Btreeia.
.all. riuht of way
that h eoompany ib o a -
wardof25thBlnlo tailing the names of the lads wno
are .hooting the
Kleotrio line poleB. wmpany
U determined to put a Btop to the
E. K Colestock, wife and child
have moved from woouou...
fhV. pSoe, and Mr. Ootajtookjj
holding down a chair in the Second
street barber abop.
are over in Tillamook, on an XIe.te7ley ct al . toHaoaRaa.
ionJd tr o. jonnsouiovu--. - nmS!,tn, 30 a iu v. - -rr- m w.,. , ,.. tn ,v.v nnr manv
- I . . k anai iijotnn' nit. dueu 1. uuui vv utnuo v ,uu-
.-W ahots alter me "V" ."i u s,iih r"' w" n..;Bh u- v;nl. .aaiated us
KagTn "was the savant .of the crew 0cs,7auda 10 S Hn iSi
nhTtT5 T "of ?ni Chaa. Parsons, Melbourne, wqui of the late Mrs. Mead, wife
Indiana, and he can g Latin- n ViowMet alto Fred Gienbemer, AuetralU. and mother. .
Anybody can Make Money
But it is a wise man that
saves it
It is the First $100 that is
the Hardest toSave
After that it's "easy sail
ing." We would be very
much pleased to have you
call at our Bank and re
ceive a Beautiful Pocket
Savings Bank, with our
We pay 4 per ct. per annum, and pay
you the interest three times a year.
Cornelius State Bank
m M Mead and Family.
West Union, Ore , Deo. 21, 1908.
-thakthaiBoing -Tjaaininiolbrookdic.. .ujj thu biff turkev
nen wv , r t n Johnston et al to tv a nitrv, iubuj - " j
. . . Til a HA f lraw HlinflKV 1UU
... a. a. v n m nnrinr. wtHa. r n u, mhmm j w
in sec i i o 1 ouuwt .-- . ;
red Grenbenieret ai 10 jeunc w ChristmaB birds were carr eo -w.y . . . . ,
V"::. th. shrubbery from C Bun e j. .J7;J . - - " -a400 Mn nnmberi. W. tt. layior m L - - - - of ilnd,ln
iuu.- - . t .m oroui-.w , .. ff . TheBnOOl lortne -' ,u.
ui nld oreenhouse k r i - - I c II Bchritteiai w 7- - .. hoanitalB ana sanatorium iu
the old K""'111 "ant.1 shrubs P-T,.t,io Add to Tisrardville aoo gs c.ah nriae was a tie, the even nMpia uu
Offering ... J "2;-; I ,Uo J R ReeheV et al to Mary B WO
vmAR lor BBlo UUDBp. I " . . . .1,11, .A Vnrrat Rrove....
have a lot ol roses, bu be, (euoD M
have a iov v i ...... caiv
naroiBeU8,peonaH,e. - 1 0fUia.Brairy.c --"-;
Kaa nlantt. Will Boon E W Hatneset a. to j
buod;noeofbloomsrMrs Ago
- .' . ,.,ni,.n t al to Marv E
07lf fkv'";:fKC Tf r.rnveiooo
ant 1154. JSP? Tl .; k
. ''alarm ivi 111 v - - .
T.ndM No. 34 has eieoi- - Gfiffin d 1 e t a...itso
d the following officers for the .en- 0w Hftwkin8 etal toL DBohn
v ma uansin iisii&u" 1 ataiiit ui buvv . , , .
suing year: ' 1 o iilkM, B Goldberg to Rosa Goldberg part ot
iner, ui uo - n. qi.i
" u.-ara Co. When there ton uioca, r oreei,
is another big shootfestthe trio will Wayne W. Holcomb, a brother of
shoot off thedeadioca: ana one oi the Bethany HoloomDB, ana wno
11 . mill rtnvn the "V . ' 11 knin ttara aa a hnV. be-
mgiu win c" - 1 was wait uv -
ingasonol the late sstepnen not
" ii. w. f! T.uce. nrelate r V... . .1 fn r w Haines. 7.46
vioecnanue.'.. k. F : .......1400
J. H. Or?'. "Jl Ind r!LVIr oiorfce to Ernest K Langetal,
T. Rewell. keeper 01 ,rouu' " j m Tisrardville Add.. 500
V . . n. Hnhn merlch, master u. f" , Administrators
flnanoe-Dr: W. D. Wood, mas r "-of sec 31 1 i
nnanri , M.nn maater
A, UarDer, ou".".,
uw D :. . .
in Via installed in
wlth S'Pjthi.- Sister.' lodge
, lot
n.ew offloerB
Tannarv. at
v m
twrt of lot 31 IN llgaravu c
arstens vrtv"""
; F Willis, part of sec
1 . . .1 to v.iat Lanir.
l "7i w
Dan Bailey, of Blooming, was in
town Monday.
We des re to plaoe nejore me iu - -7 - ,ttornev. for
vesting public of this community comb, is 0 oe of J"
ZcoyAddition, ThUpropBrty JJ&
Btreet Station, and will oe ine noo t. B. imDrie nas oeeu eut,
..... m Y ' 1 1 . 1 1 . w . naa TiiT.iirM. I - i. nn ar nirm Hum. juim-
H1I101 nilisooroiu icw ubjtp
as homes ereoted thereon will be County, near the government
auhieot to building restrictions ifrjfttion project.
The oniyooeau u uB nuh Rogers, with mer.iv.
property vuo y . . , , wa8 in town luesaay muruing.
.Kih mi can net on eaBy terms. 7 '7: 4 . R.inn .nrl tha!
See Connell-Imbrie Land Co. for
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
Tf TP- rlo not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Havintr been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
juv.wU.- -o 1 ,
nriTir -nr-pnared to SUDOlV all
mir wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full Hs
of tablets, pencils, slatea.cta
SCWOOl DOOM wm -i;-
Catsli Oalv. . PwaWvWy n vrww.