The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 17, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 40
U WW -
tjcvcrnl Criminal nit J Civil
( Uxnen Over
yjiliU t'u,l
U CewplsU Tt'M
Circuit court adjourned Monday,
B,mHliliy fl"' eeotaice e
pond upon Johnwm. Tim lrtu
IwImI three eek, and waa busy
eat. The calender was not all
-rd up, several criminal ml
civil case being cxritiriued to lit
u.fcb term. The fullow inn buei-
Bl-i m transacted up to the lime
of adj lumtnent:
Orrntx mr vs Hurne, default and
eecree, to qulellltb; Clepp Clapp.
rftcrea of divorce; llsieltitie v I'l
f f . ju lj('unl grsntnd; Tetuieaie v
kfil fortxilueur greld; Cuflild
t Miller, ' ly eheriff cunltnnril;
K wbtf r v Ko-hUr, der granted;
Bate Hoertb, accusal tit a statu
i ff na. trial aet for Mrrb ! H,
Slat v VUllger, "t for irUl March
27 Huw v MurcbliKo, set for trial
on' March 2fl; Fll'crofl v Union
Ijudnit A Lumber Co . t fr tr i
il, March 10; Phillip v lleidel.erl
for trial March IT; 8tatv F. xand
la.lnaan. Button store bu?ilar,
eat fur trial, March 20; Grover Cale
t i WCunnr.ll eberid. wl lor
trial March 22. ltMW; W It fat v
J W Connr.ll, wl fur trial March
M Vendabev ve Tbatchaf,
Mi for trial March 24.UXM, Haglev
H.llonWk, l fur trial March
85, 1909; Slate va Welburn, et for
trial Match 31. I'.KW: Delia W Pot
Ur vi K 0 Potter; decree of fore
slosore; W li McKsdowney it al
a Irene Guitar, ibcree uutrtint ti
tle; Holleobeck va lleidel. decree
of forecloaure; mate of Oregon vi
0,uing lo, ordar mad reducing
bail lofUWOeaab.
Grand Opening Bail
Tka trand opening ball al tbe now
II. W. A. Halt, at Ueedville. on
theavenini of Jan. I. UHi'l. Mueic
by Toella'a orcbaatra Ht of onlt-r
fttirahtwKl. Tickala, II W; iU jHr
ilrt acted iuooar'. auod bal fur
tha Uama Cutna. one and all. and
bat tha lime of jour life. Priiea
for beat walltaa. 40
Tkf Clmnn Klnlfli- lull! II CUtt fl ll
ir dtly. The SS a. ni. and I 4S .
b.iu. mil nf llillaiuirii iHtnnrct urollit'tlv
llh SUlcm can at Oatdrn Itumr. Th
HllUboto rwrtland UmrUhlr follown
Uavrt ItitUtxirtt AftHTl r.rtlii'l
1 ij a m J
HV in. (.iooua
li to a m H IS P
145 P JSopm
1 sj p hi S I'
i 15 p 7 " Pm
Utttt Portland Anivn llill1oro
7 w a m o$
5Sa ut to ma m
to 5 a m... li 3" a i
I lopm J.tSl'1"
4 in lim S IS P
5 3 p u . S V M
For Sala Argui, tl W par year
Krnwit IMvoRt.of Uaadville. waa
u town Hmurday.
Chrinliiiaa I'ual Carda, I rit up
to II (HI, at tha i'.ml Card H.itar
(iao. W. Hlawart. of Dillaa. aiaa
a county visitor Friday.
('. Mill, of ItiavrL(,n. u In
town taut Haturday.
II. 0 Todd, of Omit. villa.
ii town UhI Haturday,
Hunia imi-y furtuna if Hera cimt
out on tba Klrclric Monday.
C I.. lUncnVI. of Manninu. wan
n tha city lal Haturday.
K C. llurBhiilttr, of Huiton. wag
a county wat vimtor I ait Friday.
Monay to on real nut ale
Vnii rraiuabla. Anolv to Ku-
rati! Hr.a, Hilllmro, Or. 21-tf
rlr Vanilrrouvaritia of Vr.
boort, viaitod tha rounty faat Mon
Ix-avd vour ordt-ra with 1. W.
Cava tha annual ruimhcr of tbe
Nrw rat a Orfgooian 40 I
A. Hundhom. of Morlondala.
eHi of tuwn, was in the city 1 una-
A la Iv rrrvnllv found, nrar Hilla-
li ro (iTa Hon., a tfirl'a aaaatar.
i ijinrn at Argue oflice and prove
prorty. oaf
Kvarrtt Crocker, of tbia i!ar.
niovrd hia bouchold gooda to
.cut a, luiKilay, where lie will nere
liter rteide.
Hhootina Match Saturday. Jrc.
l'.iih. Ixi(inriii)a at f a in . on tbe
farm of W. K. McCallum, one rrile
eoulhreal of Kenlville. Av
Mr Cbriatenaon. who livea no
Garibaldi Ave. in thia city, i crit
ically ill He i 4 yeare ol age,
and there in little hope of hie
The Mclunn alore at Hatelda'e
near Cooiwr Mouiitaio, waa rohUd
lar-t Hunday night. Bune goodi
and a um of money aere taken by
the tbievta.
Jury Out Hut a Short Time
In JohnHon Cuh2
Ml W
WalUr gbmoo Mutt pay Lift fur Uur
dtr f Ftidue
Thria hnrana nan b aeAil tt Hill
boro Livery barn, Corner 2nd and
Wanblnglon atreeU. i"
In all probability Walter John
eon, tha oondruined murderer, will
ba taken to the penitentiary at Ha
lem within tbe tiext few day. A
death waloh attnnda him oinatant and night, eothat no oppor
tunity may be given him (r aelf
destruction. After aen enoe John
on broke down completely, and
evidently reana the utter hope
leeaneee of hia oaae. The dte of
eiecutlon baa been aet on Friday,
Feb 5, l0tt, and will take place
within the oonOnea of tbe peniten
tltry at 2 p. ra.
lleinka Petera and Klleit M.
Kllioann nf thla nnuntv. Were lliven
a lioenae to wed on the 14th inet.,
by County Clerk Bailey.
ftlln Ilarl.imnf ThI limed 8 110
' day from a week'a trip to Bhaniko,
Bake Uvea, and other itastern ure
goo points.
Hlllabnvn ahni.ld have 5000 in
hahllanla mtlhln the HCXt feW
J ari.
Ala. (UrAnn nf the North
Plains, waa in town Tuesday.
Mr. HelUboyoke, of Farmington
wti an Argue caller Tuesday.
R. Oppliger, of Cornelius, was in
town Tueaday, ana caiieu.
M. Olbekton, of Gaston, visited
Utllaboro, Monday.
D. W. Marsh, of Forest Grove
was In town Monday.
R. H. Graer visited Portland
Wm. Scbulmerich, of Farming
in. attending the meeting of the
State Dairymen's Association in
Balem la.t wwk, and report an in
Wheeling eeion.
Itiiln Wacnener and wife, of
Newport, who are spending the
inter at Newport, were in the
city this week, the gueet of Mr.
and Mrs G?o. H. Wilcox.
Th.n.a M W. A. Hall at Red
fiiU lii Iwn completed. It is a
tine structure, 40xKO, and one of
tbe neatest in the county, me
bovs will oien it witn a grana
opening ball, Jan. 1, UMW.
4 ,U,ni ami atatinn oo the 0. K.
Railway have lieen located on the
Green Hale plaoe, west ol town
The place ban been platted by K,
W. Hainee, of Forest urove, ana
the elation bears bis name.
ft ia Mtimaied that the Johnson
I will cost the oounty
upwards of 1H). Parks, one of
tba witneeees for the State, came
from Kantern Oregon, and the cos
of hie uiileege and attendance will
be over ti.
Tii. firnoar Rowell Co. deeire to
cay that tbey are out of all siss of
drain tile, except ju anu i muu.
m., ik. i?ih of thin month, how
ever, they will have a full supply
of all ias. Phone before you
come for tile.
leading from the
enaine room to the various oflicee
B . . . LI ... in tmn
in the couri nouse omw uui m .v
dace, Monday, and new pipe nae
w.n nrdend.the old one having
beoome too thin from long use.
Guilty of murder in tbe drat degree
was the verdict returned at 7:2'
Hat mil ay evening, in the case ol
Walter Montgomery Johnson, ac-
eued of the murder of Elmer Per
due, in a lonely cabin near Timber,
this county, during the nigbt ol
July 3, this year.
The iurv received itscharae from
Judge McBride at fiuiU, retiring
then for supper, and at C:30 began
deliberating on the fate of the pris
oner and at 7:2J the jury an
nounced that an agreement had
been reached, and court was re-
cjnyened Kich of the 12 jurymen
was (Hilled and eacb acquicju in
the finding of the verdict. The
iurv was hack in the courl room I
bour and fli minutes after receiving
The prisoner received tbe verdict
eilb no uienlay of motion
Hhortly after one o'ch ek Monday
afternoon. Johnson was brought in
in r, id r i for sentence. Judge Mc
Dride announced that be would
nvrr ml the motion tor a'tew
trisl. Proceeding, be raid: 'The
nrieoner will eland up." Jobtnon
rore to m feet, whereupon the
nnnrt id :
"You have Iktm convicted by a jury of
twelve Watlimj!"'" v.umy riuwuiu ue
aim t( uiutilrr. Yuo had an able lc-
frnr vou could nol have had a tietler
rtrfniM-' and the verdict whs that you are
omit i f iiiiinlrr in the lirt decree
ft"" v - . . ,
Thia i the acvcutn nine wiuun i jcara
thit I hav licen called upon to paaa the
.ninir. iirracrilwd bv law for crime
nf Ihia character. Ill each instance the
crime waa the result of either ht'.enesa,
ttuth-ift, or (Utuipatiou. Jlnishouia lie
. i.hi to rvrtv vouiik man in this court
room and they should remember that the
"wages of iin It drain." U it uiT Jung
ninii that you shall I remanded to the
Viulunt hut thrown out of the window of
a lodging-bouse where he roomed in
rortlaml. JUinsori told ine omcers
where to find these articles.
The Sheriff twore that he brought into
the county teat the iron whkh is yet be
lieved to be the instrument with which
I'erdue was slain, a piece of wagon tire
al)it jo inches in length, made into a
UllMur htMril aunoort at the BurKholrer
cabin, and that it was covered with hair
and congealed hlood.
Dr. Iltnet, of Forest Grove, and Dr. V.
A. Hailey, of Hillsboro, the physicians
who rssuiined the skull for the state,
staled that in their opinion no bullet
could have caused the severe fracture at
the hast of the skull. There ia a portion
of the skull gone and the physicians
think the break must nave rx-en very ex
tensive, more than jioasibly could have
been made with a bullctt.
Hut one witnese was sworo Hat'
urdav. Brice Wilson, of Timber,
swere that be and two of the jurors
examined tbe cabin for bullet boles,
but found none. Tbe argument o!
counsel for the defense waa tbe most
eloquont beard in the courtroom
since the time that August Wach
line was tried for the murder of
John I). Ledrick, a Cornelius firmer.
o: e. re
Makes a Total of 7ti Miles in
The State
Verity, Balnea and Ceraellas are aw
t.l . At m v farm alviu
' id.nk and wh te heifer, 1
monlh old While ppot in fore
head. Part Jersey. Owner plee.e
oall and pay chargee--A. Bund-
berg of east ol Mortonaaie,
gon Kleotrio line. 40-2
kvki I. ilnn of hotiB werr
sold in Porlhnd, Monday, and tbe
hop market appears io ne onua
..r m,,.. nf thn hons in thieooun-
lv have been sold, although there
' ... u:- Into halns
are still soino cnoioo w.. -n
held for an advanoe in price.
fi.. irnra. Grove ooofeotionery
store, owned by F. W. Kmersop,
kJ.lKl Mflf IT 1HV IIIKUSl cajljw
between $30 and J35 n m I
, t.v.n The thief enter-
Si the building by breaking the
Klass in the front door. The rob
ber evidently knew where Kmerson
kept his change in a eaoa,
from the money mi.
i. xfn-,ll of the Oregon
nn.nii ntates that boys
.. , -i ih. tin of the electric
XVe l-n shooting the
glast inoulators on im
st..nnn,aii aava this is an ex-
Mr. BIVJMU"".- j - - , ,
tremely dangerous matter with the
men employed in m -u c.-..-
m 'L.. r;v, ). killed b? Phock.
asiney x,.BU. -K1,-
Another point is ma juo du.
Re liable to be arrested on very
serious charge, as the law i very
rigid on such matters.
u'..i,,.wri,m rnmitv iail for a not toner r
period than to days, when you will be
I ..... a- ...
COiiveyea uy ine prujirr uiuiiam iu n
Ui. imu, ut , rtu. ureeou. wucrcua
i;.ia ihr Mti dav of February. l4oq, as
provided by law, you will be executed by
ing liangeil ly ine neca uniii you are
Kri Wilfon. of Timber, was the
first witnaKKeworn Thursday morn
ins and ha testified that on July
2, 1908, Johnson and Perdue were
at bis bouse and purchased pro
oialnna Jnhnxon introduoed him
ulf an d he beard tbe defendant call
hia immntninn "Klmer. This was
the last that be saw of either until
.fur tba murder. He oould not
id-ntifv Perdue.exceut as to clothes,
hen the remains were found, as
tbe man who was with Johnson, as
ihh.-kH wan too bad v decora ivoped
Hnrnner Brown told about find
ing the body and about taking oil
it, aluminum badges, wotcn eerveu
in l,lntl(v Perdue. According to
Johrrson's confession, given to Sher
iff H.r.cnrk and the Multnoman
oounty oflictale, he and Perdue
Blent at the Burgholzor cabin oo
... at n m
the night Ot JUiy a. ineyaroee
the next morning about 4 o'clock
snd Johnson contended that he and
Perdue had words about bis not
being looaled on timber land as
agreed by Johnson, formerly and
,.riar to their leaving Portland
f kill.! Perdue and then robbed
of about $140 He then
dragged the remains into a deep
ravine or gulch below ine aesertea
cabin, covered the body with old
nl.nhnarda and brush, and depart
cA for Riixtnn. He reached Port
land that evening, taking the dead
man's mnnev with hint.
UIWU a J at.
Johnson's coulesston, mane in uie
u, Tnnniv Jail, and siened bv
Johnaou, was read by Deputy Sheriff
t.n.rH nf rnftiana. in mia couies-
.1.... ii,,inn told how he and Perdue
had 'quarreled on the early morning of
July 4. and that reraue naa caueu joiiu-
son a vile name ana nun ium iu mm
i.i bill him. tnhnson. accotdiuu to
bis story, then ahot I'erdue with the
rifle he nan in uis possessiuu.
......t uiith .Inhnson and I'erdue into
the timber above Buxton on June 30, to
locate on timber lamia, jounaon Deiug
ti.. w.inr swore that the rinff exhibit
ed In court was worn by Perdue; that the
watch was Perdue'a, and that during the
trip Johnson awl feruue were me dcsi
of friends. Cosper left the party after
Fischer did. on the morning of July i,
the others of the party leaving in the af.
Parks, who corroooraiea tosper on
many thiiiRS, loaned Johnson a revolver
before leaving. This wituess is the one
who made J hnson return biin some
money after the slayer naa returned 10
Portland subsequent to killing Perdue.
xi...i.. w.Hlinr a resident near Tim
ber, swears that he saw Johnson and Per
due the day before the murder, going to
ward the Duigholcer cabin where the
1 :n:.... t..u mac Two hova. Helmut
Davis and William McPherson, testified
they saw Perdue traveling toward Buxton
alone the next day. This was in the
Sheriff Hancock corroborated the John'
... Qlnn and swore that the defend'
ant identified the watch and purse which
be'onged to Perdue and which the de-
V. O. Hare, a son of Hon. W. D.
Hare, associated wilh his partner, tieorge
R. Bagley, made his maiden plea in a
murder case, and he covered the case
from every standpoint of advantage for
Heareued that lohnson
was not a quit k thinker and that after he
hail killril Perdue, as a result of a ouar-
rel. he was in a chaotic state of mind and
that it did not occur to him to surrender
to the authorities; that he filially con
cluded to cover the evidence of the kill
ing and being in hard circumstances,
took the money be knew retnue nan on
his person, secreted ihe body and left for
n-ot wi R. rtanlev made a forcible and
eloquent plea, and dwelt upon the fact
that Johnson nail located reruue on ine
iimt-r Und afterward thrown up by Per
due, and said that Perdue doubtless was
angry at not finding what he had gone
after. He attribu ed Johnson's actions
after the killing to his confusion after
taking human life, if even only in self-
defense, and contended tnai nis oniy
thought was to get away from the scene
of the tragedy.
District Attorney f li. longuemane
the final plea for the slate, and asked
conviction on the grounds that Johnson's
motive was robbery, and that his con
tention of a quarrel waa only a conceived
defense. His closing argument was a
masterpiece 01 logic.
Johnson's mother was a constant at
tendant at the trial, coming from her
home at Uuts. His wife and child were
in the city during the court s proceed
; Thf ifr however, steadtasttv re
fused to see the prisoner or to laia wun
him. This attitude she has maintained
ever since Johnson's arrest Since that
time she baa been living with her par
ents, who are very worthy settlers in the
Glenwood district, ine cniui, wnicn is
about 2 veais old, was taken iu to see the
father last Friday evening.
It is confidently expected that the
Oregon Electric line will be com
pleted from Hillsboro to Forest
Grove by next Saturday, although
it may take a day or two longer,
depending upon weather conditions.
This will give the Oregon Electric
76 miles of railroad in operation in
the Willamette Valler. The 'last
four passenger coaches, out of 1
total order of 25, arrived in Port
land last Saturday.
Forest Grove will be given ser
vice identical with that ol Hillsbo
ro tha traioa leavine Portland for
Hillsboro and Forest Grove under
the present schedule. The running
time between Hillsboro and Forest
Grove, a distance of six miles, will
be 15 minutes, putting tbe latter
town witbin one hour and 20 min
utes of Portland, with six local
trains operated in each direction
Thn Hrove will hold a MlllDCa-
tion when the last spike is driven,
and it is expected mat uregon
Electric officials will be present on
tbe occasion.
The Jury
Henry Kanona Blooming
L. W. Honae Hillsboro
John D. Mickle Gales Creek
J. N Grabel Hillsboro
Cbas Johnson South Tualatin
Geo. Zimmerman Glencoe
John Schaeffer Hillsboro
Andrew Jack Hillsboro
J. A. Hobbs Hillsboro
Adam Hergert Blooming
Fred Hey wood Cornelius
K J. Johnson Hillsboro
Lat week the Thatcher road dis
trict voted another special five mill
tax. The improvements to oemaae
are designated as follows: One
half of tbe tax will ne ueea in
building a macademized road be
ginning at the city limits of Forest
Grove and going north on theooun-
- . . ...
ty road as far as tbe lands wul per
mit and at the same time insuring
a good substantial road. One quar
ter of tbe funds will be used on me
Hillside road and the balance, one-
quarter, will be used on the main
road beginning al lnatcneranu go
ing north. Newe. -
Fine lot of 2 to 3 Tear old fruit
and nut trees, crane and berry
vines, and more than 100 kinds of
roses, many of the latest and best.
Fine cut flowers for weddings.
Crisp lettuce 2 bunches for a
nickle. Morton a Greenhouse. d-u
At the regular meeting of Gale
Grange held December 5th, the fol
lowing officers were elected: Maa
ter, Mr. Daniel Baker; Overseer,
Mrs. Ella MoPherson; beoiurer,
Mra Austin Buxton: Steward. Mrs.
Gertie Pollock; Assistant Steward,
Mr. H. L. Bates; Chaplain, Prof
Joseph Marsh; Treasurer, Mr. L. J.
Todd; Seoretary, Mrs. L. L. Todd;
Gats-keeper, Mr. M. K. Dilley;
Ceres, Mrs. Allan Ktcs; romona,
Mrs. A. D. Alexander; Mora, Mrs.
D. B Adams; Lady Assistant Stew
art, Mrs. J. W. Hughes.
Dr. J. S. BieboD. who has lately
returned from a course of study in
hospitals and sanatonums in me
East, is now prepared to give me
beet modern home treatment for
tuberculosis. Oflioe in the Temple'
ton Block, Forest urove, ur, am
Rufua Waggener this week made
a Bale ol the Tualatin Hotel build
ing aud the quarter block on whioh
it stands, to Perry Foote, late of
New York, for W.uuu. Mr. mil.
the lessee, will remain in the hotel
until his lease expires. Mr. Foot
will make some changes in the near
future, and may erect ft modern
hotel building, at the expiration of
Mr. Hill's lease.
Lee Mead, of West Union, waB in
town Tuesday.
Under the new schedule the passen
ger trains in and out of Hillsboro
arrive and leave aa follows:
I...M for Portland
Forest Grove Local 6i a. ra.
Sheridan Flyer 9:1a a. m.
Foirst Urove Local io a. m.
Forest Grove Local 1-4 p. ra.
Corrallis Overland 4:69 P- m-
ArrivM from Portland
Cnreallia Dcrrland. 8:tta. tu.
Forest Grove Local 9'-W m-
Forest Grove ixcai 7 P-
ck.nJ.n ni.n :io o. m.
Forest Grove Local 647 p. m.
Thn Orsiron Dairymen's Association
last Friday elected the following
officers for the ensuing year: Pro
fetaor F. L. Kent, ol Corvallls. was
re-elected president; Mrs. S. A.
Voaknm. nf Marsh field, first vice-
president; A R Morgan, of Lincoln,
second vioe-preeident, and Carle
Abrams, ol Salem, secretary-tress
11 ror.
Plndces. which amount to $150
per mcnth.were given to the salary
nf a. cream expert and instructor.
Thn next legislature will also be
called ur.on to appropriate the Bum
in ss . 1 4Vh. J... w.
f O.UUU per year vo aoep um uwj
rnarti in tha field in this State.
Among the addresses delivered
was one by Dr. Jae. Withyoombe,
ho urged tbe keeping or oniy
anenial tinrnoee cows. He also
urged that dairymen produce all
their feed. This they can do, be
said, and he oritloized those who
pay $19 a ton for alfalfa meal con
taininff liner cent protein, when
thev can raise vetch hav for $5 a
r " . .
ton with 12 Der cent protein, ne
agreed with Wm. Sohulmerioh, who
aaid that the day of cheap mm
feed is past.
All parties whose accounts with me
have been over six months out
standing are requested to settle.
Dr. S. T. Linklater.
Schmettzer'a Wood Yard
Persons desiring oak, fir or ash
wood can have eame delivered at
the following prices: Fir, 4 foot,
$4 00, same sawed, $4.50; ash, 4 ft.,
$4 50, eame sawed, $5 00; oak, 4 Ik,
$5 00, eame sawed, $550. Both
phones. H. D. Schmeltrer. 37 tf
John I bach, ol Banks, was in the
city Monday.
Mrs. Dewitt Merrill, of Farming
ton, waa iu the city Monday.
Hon. G. W. Marsh, of Center
ville, was in town last Saturday.
John Fisher, ol West Union, was
in town Monday.
' P. I. Lilligard and wife, of Lau
rel, were in town Monday, and
D. W. Benefiel. of Latourelle
Falls, was here on bueineBS last
W. R. Harris, the County Fruit
Inspeotor, was in town Tuesday,
from Forest Grove.
A lot of aode. near, peach and
Franquette walnut treea, all fird
olase; also some Logan berry bnah
ee, for Bale at the Tualatin Hotel.
Inquire J. J. Hill. 40 41
See Our Full Assortment
cf toilet aids is an absolute necessity at
this retort especially. Whether you stay
at home or go away you need them just
the same. That thia pharmacy is the
beat place to obtain them any one will
tell you who has once used
Our Toilet Aid nd ArtieUe.
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we Invite you to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
18 i-a acres on the rich Reedville Praire; all cleared and in a very
high state of cultivation; all well fenced; large new house, new large
ham; good outbuildinga; two good wells; faces on two good public
public roads. Price, 16500; faooo cash, balance easy payments.
160 acres, 8 miles northwest of Portland; ao acres cleared; 20 acres
very light brush and pasture land; balance good heavy timber, esti
mated at ia M cords of wood; well located, within 1 l-a miles of the
Linnton and Hillsboro streetcar line, adjoining good public school;
never-failing stream of water; soil rich and land lies well. Price, on
ly f too per acre, with wood enough to more than pay for the land.
Can be nought on very easy teims.
160 acres io miles southwest of Pottland; soil rich; land lies well;
lecated on two good public roads; 10 acres cleared; 40 acres slashed
and ready to burn; balance wry light timber; place all lying suitable
for cutting up into 10 acre tracts. Price only H5 per acre. Can be
bought on very easy terms.
We are selling Beaverton -Reedville acreage in tracts of from l-a a
cre up. at prices from $150 to $250 per acre, on easy terms. Our rep
resentative at Wheeler Station, below Reedyllle, will show you over
tbe property.
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 Starh St Portland. Oregon
Anybody can Make Money
But it is a wise man that
saves it
It is the First $100 that is
the Hardest to Save
After that it's "easy sail
ing." We would be very
much pleased to have you
call at our Bank and re
ceive a Beautiful Pocket
Savings Bank, with our
We pay 4 per ct. per annum, and pay
you the interest three times a year.
Cornelius State Bank
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We also carry a complete
line of fine sundries.
If we do not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will b
Cask Daly. Positively 00 Credit.