Tiir .Hills BR VOL. XV. IIILLSiiOKO, OREGON. DEC. 10. 1908. 11KAVY ISEIUTIIIN DUE NRXT mm Net Guner lulU About llillnhiiro ii ml Vicinity ' GAKUtN M'OT OF NOKIIIwtM" Mm Hill.t"! gtl Waat IVplf Krotti Miaaraata S'lt Wei WBH I J, Uuhl', tfeii'.l'inau re oenllv f"' Laln-ull, Minn, aula hihI lii b ugh I ll "i'l 1 1 i tlif it .,ar in thin rity. liKt'M he baa lo rated in the light 'fl'f Oregon lt aleted, tl.la week, lhat h wa attracted loth Kufcehi- en-lion by tbe advertising t!n by L " o" un it people In lb Kt H mo til the lileretui Mt ' IIm! bop nl II r fountl, end other c.iIiiiiumIi ties aluinel in -r'uHi'-M Mr Itnahlit eave com tn unities have dom mot harm than Kw'l y i trg-ratlttn, and f'rn I" tell I hi Uutb about Ui country ami en.i ! Mn.diliMii. and new rtuiirrn who fait to find thin pictured upon their arrival nut Vrt, nalur ally twk iiiniR other I iMny in which tiieelll. hK-kiiK (( W "fli IngU.n county, hei Mr Ilui.lw finally located, h said- "Vou peo ple out hefe haven't ailvertieed inucu, Itui you bsv the Inifttt. ..? lion In Oregon. in fo, I regard H m the garden t it.e ninth weal, and I am in"'" l'' pieaeed with IlilUWu ! vi ii.iiv. i ui writing my linpreiiti f Oregon to Inn or ihre pap' in Minne" la, anJ you may h'k fr large number of nC"iiin i thi' ty neat summer, when -he i.nifnr rale no into ill'tt 1 have wnl many via f H.IUImro .mi thaniuiilv lo lrifti.ii tn the Keet.snd brn )ur board ff trad. ..I. II. nH literature. 1 "ill until eoneiderebl el it l" l""!1 ftutiou l' cnn. to uriK'tn, n bo hv uiftiin to urliw chxI bom." John I'Hl.ri(iii. of I'hiliii'N. in town HutunUy. r. Y. (,'utii.vff, mm i, Hihiilln' iiifnliHtiU, wkm su AriiiiH (llnr Hluriy . For I Four room Iioumh. iww. uim liHUiiin, on (orunr !l',)x',r.) imj l I'.COINI, inrnm. Mr. rii.I Mr J. C. Hmith. of nr i rcu villn. wern in iIih city HtturtUy, tul cnlli-il , I. 8. Ih hln. nroiijiiiHiit lUirv i into ol Uin l.iUlmny m tlull, Win in town Hlurliy. J 1 1 1 1 kh Md iiih mil J ii iiiii hih. ii Ul Ii. ol imr Ken viil, rn in lown Ini-t KaliifiUy, ilnrn, to llm wif (,f WnlM-ter Trunin, of Offiiro, Oinfon. Duo. 4 I '.HiS, mm. Mr. Hynkr, iif ('otiilon, Ore , Ktittfl "f I'r nil Mr F: A iUilcy, llii wwk. Win. tauti'Mll, nl rnrtliiii"!. in vihiIiiik hiM fmlii-r, lli'V Jiim ('nun- Ihim, ki i.kiiriti, Hi m wwk. Tli y of th ithRTi'tfit if lunl, hut it in i-aKy WklkuiK to til of Urn city iiroiierty we have for !, Lonnrll-I rnliriti L ). Tim l!illhoro I'rt hh Stonn Co hitvn uiovril thfir lniiMiiii; (lh liitrhi-y nhoji) to thttir own IoIh on Mmn htiwt, kiii! will eiilnrft It. Hmi kt'r likntho Hchlller iml the Kiiflli-niiH Tliifw -i en 1 1 ar of ihe ImwI xtiK'k. You CKu'l fool an uihoritv on aixxl cigr Mine Slriwi-r. ilnuuhtur of tfni- Uir Hlitiwrr, of Porlltml, vifiteil h fmiiily of I'r. r, A Jtnilfy, met Sum) ay . Vnnn to loan on rfl wntate Tfrni ri.a(iiiahle. Annlf to Ku ralli I'r 'mi , HillfUifo. Or. 21-lf Michael iliMihr, an finplnyee at the Hi Mi:ro Cnndeueer. accnieui out ruin of bin fiwl in the fit) valor, Mouday, breaking one toe ami bailly bruiaing the oihem. Dr. A, 11. Bailey wae calleil to attend lo the ii jurieti. Mr J H ltiehon. bn ha latftly relurnnl from a couree of eliidy in h,y.iiiia U ami anaUnum in me Kat, ia now prepared to (jive the i i n .rti inline treatment lur lubMetiliwk DHice in the Teiuile ion lllmk, Koreet drove, Or. MA ii Iff A LAS K A i olf r ION John U. Willis, of Washing ton County, Honored COYEKH F.U1KE ALASKtS DIS1 KICT Fiiat Went to Valdu a Prputy I'oder Hfilc Sow Ibitf Thd Bernard, of Forest Grove, was in the city Haturdaj. l I. H. Maxwell, of Mountaindale, waa a county seat visitor Monday. E. Hoy, of Hoy, waa in the city Monday. V K. Groat and wife. of Scholia, I were in the city Monday. Mika Wat-tier, of Helvetia, trana- i acted buaineisa in lown Monday. MimOirivl i dautrhter of Leon Oiroil, of Orenco, ie attending ecbool in liiimtMiro, to is winter. WASH. CO. LAND CO. BUYS URGE TRACT Cornelius and Hillsborp Men Buy Spring Hill Ranch TBE CONSIDERATION WAS 122,000 Big Tract Will bt Sab divided tad Said aul la Btmt Bctktra Jdlui U. Willie, who waa ruieid in thii city, and who for several years huh htt-ii up in the Alakan coun try, ban juet ben appointed Col lector of Cuetoma for tbe entire Hietiict of A!aka, with headiiuar- tere at Jutieau. Mr. Willia ia the aonof Mre. K. M Willie, and tbey formerly reeuleil on Main and f'ttb Hirtete, juet eat ( f the Connrega- tinnit Chuicb. YtitinK Willie traduated out ol the HilMxiro public rchoola and for a few yearn taught dietrict acbool in WaHhineton Cnuntv. Hie broth- tr -in Ihw, John Heeijle, formerly of line place, Uler of hi. Helena, wae collector at Yald- at, and young Wil lie went there ae a deputy. Hi? tHiciincy attracted the atteniion ol the chiefs of bureaua at Waebing- ton ami he Kin given promonon al ter piomotti n When the Alaekan collecinr rteigncd lant week, t resi dent KiKieevcll at once apK)inlea Willi- ai bia mcceeeor. The new ci'lieclor marri d Mie luthain a former IliiM'oro girl, and be in a broiher of Mrs. Me Dohhe, and al-to of the late Mm V I) Smith. Hi nuny frieiult lu re lend -r their congiatu- UtioiiH Uuuiiph me Argua. HILLSBOKO TIME TABLE I'eraoni deelring 'k, fir r aeb wwmI ran have aaine delivered at the following price: Kir, I bt, K (HI, eame eawi.,1, M i; aeb. K ft . ft M, aame ,,k- 1 " . &0l), eatne eaed, ?ir'l- H,;lb .hoiiM.-ll. U Sohti.eluer. -itf ' MR. VERENK SIECRIST Died, in ; IIilliaiM.ro. on Let Friday l.Ki .h.r !n,i7"rititf illtn'ee, Mr M,aH w " i Varenw Htg-iet, a pioneer of thic cily. Dew-aeed w hirniu van Inn Aruall. Hwi l!"rlind, JaliUIJ in ur.'i mhin lit A'neiica in 4 Hl'iil, ata .t"...- Him wae married to Adoil Kiegriat In Hi l.oua M., Mrrh 12. 1873 the bueband dyti R m tbie city in 1HSS A brohr, Jona nui 1 at aatiLluat ! t Mil ul. Th follow log children euiviv: Mr. Otiln Hbute. wifenf CHhir A. U Shute . ni. . in. , m. VTA- of tb8htue Hank, Hilleboro; man Urn) WilHt", I r"r. V; and Adolf and Fredrick Hillnho o Mil. HiegriBl joined th Congre gatlonal church of thin city when itwai flrHt organird, and w faithful and devoted meinher. Fuiieral nervioes wero held l IM fmily reeidenoe lent buniUy.oj Rev.JFoUim.of the ForeRt iJfw Congyegational Church and inte ; ment wan in the Ddd FUB Cemetery. I Catd of Thanki Weleire to thank :onr 'Iriendf ami peiRhbora who tendered m aid and "i...u .i.,.i mie hnreiivenieni. ;ae7hTdhuM7lo. our father, .. ! . nr.:. Ut 11 Murrlll. ine iaie win r . Dated at HUlHbnro, Ore , Poo. , iy!'A. A Morrill and Family il found. near Hill x..,' nn,.i. oirl'B Reenter Inquire at Argua olliua and prove Tin, ( rimer Unwell Co. de-dra to ,av that tbey are nut of all ei' of Imin tile, eicepl in ana i. mi-u ii il, 17th of t uh tnotiiii, now ever, they will have a full aupply nf all aijti. l'bone liefore you cmne for tile. ki . liiu eather'uiK of the tax . . ..... ! ,i Mk Minn ville lant Hatu ,lay, the county wan represented being practically unanimoua m Hflnliment, lor a 0 mill tax for road purpoeee. Fine lot of 2 lo 3 year old fruit and nut Irene, grape ana wir, viuee, and more than KHI kinda of rot-ee, many or the laim aim Fine cut tl iwera tor weuu.un- Criep lettuce- i nunrnu, .... nicklo. MortoiratirtentimiHe. ..- The grade of the old Win Reed railroad eurvey which followed the o unty road mar the Alex (. .rd.n i it,. Nurib Plain", ami whioh baa b.en an inconvenience to t-avel ever einc it (traded ly lleed'e paper railroad ooinpany.hae . ... ' . I...I ,l,.n tn a Uv4 with t.pen K',, " i the remainder of the county road. Kor Sale-Two and a half acree . :.!. ,,i uii room honae, ce Will. II . ! . ..:. .ml liret r ana in tvnrv rnupecl. tine wood home bo.iee 16x- '21 thIH property in - Ternm I" o' l cll-v UmxU Connell-Inihrie Co. It In predictel by a Portland pa ner that that city V re-idence boun rturi will extend over into the Tualatin Valley, in thta county within a few month. Ten yenre will make a great diff-irenw in the H.ipearance of the country ad. cen n,na of Portland to ruriin.i" - . :-: real eetate men are now advertising villa traota in this oounty, and aiinh irdi'LH n it mftllV I1H nwa , mnpped out and placed upon the market, eany m "i For Sale-Six room house, in .i nn with nam anu good buy at fl.'iuu. nel!-lmine t.o. The O-eeon onion market is look- nil UP. Aimwt"""""- iare produced on the beayerdam pMoe of onions aflVols Washington county people more than all others ?r the stale. The Confederated Onion Growers 01 urego,. .. ... . , 1 i, i u.inrdav. ami HIS- rornanu i j , cussed the outlook for prices, , a ml 8 n. n t.t inn urunciD w" M I .11 V it., atinatlnn.' It ft nopeim - v.-- ! l.-ll.toil I. hilt (iBllrr Hiurn prevail. Growers in Oregon no oneer iear mo wr , i Kia growers. The yield this year 1 ii-u. ikarar v fmpt killed was ugi.) u" i .ki. the crop in some places in this county, me currouv f1 1 - per hundred. I?..,lr the new eclutdule the uas-en- gnr traiuH in and out of Hillboro arrive and leave as follows: Leaves lur I'lirtliiml Kotrt (;.oe Local Mien.Un Fljer J'oiot Grove Local l-'orrat Grove LK1 Corvallis Overlatnl Arrive, fmiii rorllnml Coivallii OvctlaiiJ 8:4 a U'.i....l HrrivA 1 .fU-.l ........ U.xil a Firtt Oiove Local a o7 p. in. Sheriilati flyer s:ao p. m. Forest drove LochI -47 P- ' We have iLauiries fo- improved i and unimproved larms. 11 you think of buying or selling, see Con nf l!-Imbrie Co. Mianea Hueie McKinney end Fam ily Johnson, of Portland, vieited in tbe city over nunuay. Shooting Match Saturday, Dec. TJth, beginning at 9 a m , on the farm of W. K. McCallum.one xile southeast ol Heedville. J Cheater Williams, of Portland, and formerly of this city, was in town Sunday, a gueel of hia grand mother, Mrs. M. Moore, and K W. Moore's family. For Bale Six room house, cor I, am and chicken UOI vy-v. , houee, covers two loU and is the btit buy in town at $1300. Terms. Connell -Itnbrie Co. T i Van debev.of Shad? Brook. who bad a successful operation on one of hiB eyes by Dr. Connell, of Portland, lasl week, returned Mon day, to have the other eye treated. VI ; Ri.l.Ionn and wife, of St. Johns, were in tbe cily Monday. Mr. Kobison recently oougn 1113 John Iverson place, southeast of HilUboro, and ttiey win move w this county, soon. Taken up, at the Goodin place, i mile east of Glencoe, a black sow, with slit in right ear, ana novca in lefl ear, weight 150 lbs. Owner can have same by paying charges. ra ft E. W. Barnee, uienoe, tv o. o-v See Our Full Assortment r , 6 5. a. . tn a. . 10:41 a. . 34J p. m. . 4:09 p. tn. ui m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C (' Slmy i t nl to A II Hirrc-11. w'i of tre JS t 1 ii 5 r,u V L luel to W I. Hyers rt al, u a tit sec 31 tin 1 15 L Itini.u to Herman Kwhnki', 10 t, t 1 a w 4 V C Hrown t iixto J 1 Northrup. lota 7 and K. l'lk a Thome's Add Itlw.. 500 T 11 Twiil to U I. iwan, 1 acres ... ii Tavlor d 1 c t 1 a 4 w 4.?o Mary KeiwiiJilin to Clara L'rit., n,4 of , the se'V of and lot 1 we 1 t J 11 5 '5 A It Hogers el u to H C linker, lots h -,l t Cornelius Knvirona -ioixj K V IVi-ri nlKHin et m to K .1 West, 1 a in Win Wilson ill c t I n 3 iro r Wi.il..r in M Turner, w of hihI ei of s V sec 0 1 a n 3...J000 J K S aver et al to !, A cvover, 101 jo in Millnril & an cl.uyver tract... 53s Tl.os llolliiiRwortli et ux to llenri- i-tln Kile, S 03 10 in ueigrr ji .1 1 o 1 1 1 1000 K A MincciuoviT et ux to K. M Cat 11....1.1 1,1k 11 Hohnttssul)itivision2soo I 1, liullock et ux to Win l'ielle, 11 4 Ol Sfl4 Sl'C 2 t 2 S 3 "i Will Mcl.cod to W C lVterson, tract in DilK-y : 1 A l!i!,"l,ie el ux lo CllHS West, II V, of lot 3 Ycrick sulxlivision sec ai t is 1 -IJ5t I, Manning et ux to Chas Freer, 10 a in C U Wilcox a 1 c V Keen et ex to Krauk Schilling et at, tr inact 0 B Dustiu d I c aSoo llt-tiry lLuifoidet uxtoE A Hanfoid, part of J A Cain d 1 c (44 acres).. .2800 Mark Noble to James llickiug, lot 19 11.. i-f j ciiKil i visiiin 4 1 OOO ilL .lt - t Mark Noble to Henry Hicktug, sj of lot in lionaris suuoiv.siun o Peter Ziireberet ux to John Meurer, 81-100 acre sec 30 1 1 n 1 'J NOTICE All parties whose accounts with me have been over six mouths out standing are requested to settle. 11 m T I.LI.i.. lr. 13. 1. liinaiBie-r. OREGON ELECTRIC SCHEDULE The Oregon Klectric ruus six cars each way daily. The 8:55 a. in. and 1:45 p. m ....i., .mi of Hillshnro connect Dromptly ...;n, Kutf.ni rais at Oarden Home. Tbe Hillsboro-Portland titlietaiile louows. leaves Hillaboro Arrives Portland 7 as a ui 8 30 a m 8 55 a in 10 00 am u loam iai5p.u 45 P a 5opm 3 SS P ui 5 00 p m 6 is pin 7"P,U Leaves Portland Arrives Hillaboro 7 00 a in 8 .05 am. 855am 10 co am 1035 am 1130 am 130pm ; a 35PU 4 10 p 111 5 IS pin 5 30 p in 6 35 P m For Sale i,nena nan be aeeii at Hills I II1CD . - boro Livery barn, Corner ana ana Washington streets. 01 Hillsboro Argus, U 60 per year. Mrs Josie McDevitt, of southeast of Hilleboro, sold her 39 acre ranch lo a brother of Augnat Reverman, lately from California, for $16,000. The farm is known as the Masters ..I.Aa mr. IB in ft. tivation, with good buildings. The price is considered, by old timers, to be a goou one. For Sale 20 acres of the beat val- - i-.-.i ui.tui Witch Hazal and fJJ JBI1U -' t Reedville. All cleared and facing oo county road. A bargain if taken soon. F. A. Markley, owner, Witch Hazel. Six surveyors left Forest Grove, Monday, and went up Gales Creek with men and supplies. They re fused to say for whom they expect ed to work, but it is believed that it is an United Railways crowd. This is the second crowa oi survey ors to go into the Gales Creek coun- .iie.i.1 the. riant tWO Weeks. Mr! Hill probably knows all about ii. Dtin vnnl tola in Hilleboro and lUJ jv-vaa see them grow in value, instead of a ace brush Connell-lmbrie Co. sell lots of lota. An old time "print" visited the rolls n nice. Saturday. He work ed on the Oregouian years ago, V..n that iianer hnutrht the oreBB now used by the Independent, in this city. He iB one of the old ..ViaM ( hand oorxmofiition. and nvuuut r has been working all over the . ,. - YT 1 Northwest for 2D years, ne naa passed through Hilleboro many times, and says that each time he sees marked improvement, but this is more evuiens mis iaei inp. Ia. kJolaSauen room house, on rtnrn.r Int !)0i200. barn and chick en house, and fruit trees, good loca tion, cheap at ?10UU. lerms. v,uu- nell-Imbne Uo. tu Hilluhnm Rnanl of Trade has advertfsed a meeting for tomor row (Friday) night, at the Council Chamber, ana aetB we ciuziub ui the town to attend, as business of :r.t.nra win he consiaerea. iuii'v ""vv . Among otoer inings iae inatw Southern Pacific Company will be discussed. New comers are ooraiai ly invited to bs present. See call in another column. mil Wavhardr said. ''If I had in- M.ol.l BAma mnnnv in HillBboro property a year ago it would have been doubled now." Don't be like Way back. See Connell -ImbrieC0. The many friends of Rev. James p.mnhall the ninneer nreaoherand teacher, will be borry to learn that U. .,(lc,l a alrnkA nf liaralVBlS. last Saturday, at the home of his brother, Geo. Campoeii, oi near Laurel, where he was visiiing: m the time. It is thought that Mr. Campbell will recover, but Dr. F. A. Bailey, wnowaB caueu iowuouu him, ia of the opinion mat ne win have to give up his vocations of teaching and preacuiDg. air. Campbell is the pioneer Christian miniBter of this section, and few men lo thia county are better known. Chas. B. Buchanan, Jasper Reeves, D. Barrett and Albert Bunniog, of Cornelius, and John W. Sewell, of Hilleboro. have Just finished the details of a large land deal in this county, involving the purchase of the Spring Hill ranch, of 773 acres, near Dilley, for the sum of $22,000. Tbe tract waa a part of the A. H. Johnson estate. Tbe buyers have formed a cor Doration. styled tbe 8pring Hil Land Co. and have subdivided the land into small tracts, ranging frnm fi In 4ft lr.rM. which theV Will place upon the market, as soon as certain improvemints are maae 1 be uompany maae a goou uuj ml nna nf i tin investors waa recent i i-.fT-r.vl fl 000 for hia bargain and refused. This big ranch, like other onea in thia county, will soon ho a ihinir of the oast, as the in- iim nf immiffration. and the popular demand for small tracta, will neceesitate tneir sud-oivibiod COUNTY COURT The following claimB were allowed by the County Board at tbe Decern ber term:-' t court tl 50 Max Crandall, sh'ff's office - 5 L V Carstens. cruising - 3 o i . i; oo Cflaas & Prudhotnme, supplies s8 4 ( F Cooke, oowder suppliea a 6o Johnson Bros, lbr, roads 17 3 Fred Haase, witness insane - 3 an Anna Dean, court house as JooStribich. bridges - 1 65 Glass & Pnidhonime. shfTa office, ao 00 Willis Ireland, recorder and dep...l36 65 J W Bailey, ckrk and deputy -a7 ao S C Killen. printing 6 5 M V nW roowtration 1 70 Geo Wilcox, assessor 100 00 Cap Guiles, janitor - 43 00 ...ii 1 v 1 1. 1 1 . - 1 f . " W U Wood, relief. 1 5 IVelia Drue Store, relief 5 75 frtiraw. registration 13 60 I. r Walker. aurvevOr ai 80 - " 37 80 G W Marsh, viewer 8 00 A II Todd. " 8 40 Elmer Purdin. surveyor'a office.... a 00 Thos H Tongue, office supplies.... ao oo 1? t L'nn. aacj&in7 ami eoileetimr a8 00 rit -tr lioht. November ai 50 W M Jackson, treasurer etc 100 39 Argus, printing and sta 3a 50 ..in.Um I ivrv On liverv hire... S W J K Cittl Co, surveyor's office - 9 o McFarlane Bros, Dnoges i" s 11 v Mef.raw. roads and elections aS as J H Brown, livery 3 00 Baseline LOr uo, mr -. -a T k Al.Vwlt r.liff a S C S Aydelott, refund 5 5 Lucas & Bundy, court house I a5 n.nr-nrk nheriff and deo...aa5 CO V . t " V. ' . Tti M rms' etc.ai OS C H Fry, sheriff's office 1 5 Geo G Hancock, refund 7 16 Security Vault & Metal Works, r. 11 25 tr a 1,'i.fAct riiM a Dr W I) Wood, witness a 00 Pacific States Tel A Tel Co, c h.... 17 80 I . VMi.r liwrv... 10 Bo V., V 1 1 1 M 1 1 ii...... 1 1 .. . - ...... Ind Telephone Co, c h . 9 75 Irwin HoUson UO, recoroer a owtx .0 w M C Case, salary scnool supi 70 00 " " expenses " " 34 00 J E Butler, recorder's office 14 00 Pharniacv, reliei - i Bushong A Co, recorder's office.. . 49 x Forest Grove times, pnnung..... . y w . 11, 1 . 1 r.,.l 12 rVo 1 v oaiiiry, iciuuv. - - Klections J w aicKooeris 3m;, u u Holliuger $1 50, A Benson 3, S L Hol lenbeck a, Thos Connell a Mark Cox 3, C F Tigani 7 50. Roads and highways Otto Nicholson iU7, Beall Co 6 30, i5 and I4 ao; F M in, i u- lr l.uila ai Ha. 1. 1 Raltz lllll lu -j..- -,, . 1 17 a5, Rowell Bros 3, Groncr & Kowell o ... u IT n r.ar.lnor tt CO. J K Bllt- u 141 1 v - ler w 50, 1. W House 6 ao, Beach & kef fer 8 64, L M Butll 30 32. Jbn Nyberg 97' 13, U Hanna 17 50, AugCrepsgi as :. 1 . . o u R,,f h.nan S l)an Baker 8. Sam Waltua 136 75, John Wolschloger 9 J5- .... C A Lanikin, coun nouse a Forest Grove Times, printing a 00 J A Inibrie, assess and collect 48 00 ... . ,1 .I,.,!.,., u 1 nn. 1 -.. O A uu VnH5niV.CUIMMvviiiB.. - Guilts and sons, court house .191 S John uennis, - a A C Donelson, " " 7 00 G A Patterson, " " 3 00 R H Greer, relief...... 4 ao John McClaran, sal etc.... 3a 00 V,J Butner, " " - 33 80 J W Goulin, " " ;",w? Jurors Geo W Poole S 60, Wni Crowther 6 ao, Ora Gardner 5 40, R L Robinson 0 40, jno Anueraou 4 sv. nu-..o... n. m. r.l.lwell 6. Dr S niluNV. r - - R Vincent 5 60. C F Tigard 5, Rosa Ti- k Til..l.A Twaiaa t Tkraa TTolnw C SO. I H Maxwell 6 40, Mrs Uglow 5 ao. Chaa Meacham 4 40, Hugh Sparka 7 ao, Claud i-.;... . x- Kr.nlt Rar 1 M.HH Haw- lev 6, B G'Kosper ia 60, Henry Hnber 13 60, wtn wcrueisou i, 11 60, Kd Stephens u.Guy Morley7 ao, Hiiahea A. Dr I P Tamiesie 4. Walter Pevilin 7 ao, B T ii t Ml H Whiwler 4. U G Han- na 3 ao, Uwia Davidson 9 ao. George Sloan 3 ao, Dick Baker 3 ao, Katherine Minor 3 ao, Rva Strong j ao, Jack Latla 3 ao, Win Freeman. 4 3. Millard Motley 7 ao, Marlon . Markham it ao, J J Schmitt ia 60. Tna Rnhinann. nf the Farming- ton section, was in town Tuesday. r. .ml Mra Alhrt Frulav were mt. - - dorrn from above Banks, Saturday. A GOODLY SUPPLY cf toilet aid. ia an absolute necessity at this resort ey- Whet!"J0 t at home or go away yon need them mat the same. That thia pharmacy is the bert place to obtain them any one wilt tell you who hae once used Our Toil-t Ata. nd ArtieUa. They are the kind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we Invite you to secure your aupply here, knowing you will be more than satisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy FARMS AND SUBURBAN ACREAGE 18 i- acres on the rich Reedville Praire; all cleared and in a very hiKh state of cultivation; all well fenced; large new house, new large barn; good outbuildings; two good wells; faces on two good public public roads. Price, f65oo; $aooo cash, balance easy paymenta. 160 acres. 8 miles northwest of Portland; ao acres cleared; ao acres very liaht brush and pasture land, balance good heavy Umber, eatl maied at ia M cords of wood; well located, within I l-a miles of the Linnton and Hillsboro streetcar line, adjoining good pub he school, never-failing stream of water; soil rich and land Uea-well. Price on ly $ 100 per acre, with wood enough to more than pay for the land. Can be nought on very easy tetms,. 160 acres 10 miles southwest of Pottland; soil rich; land lies well: lecated on two good poblic roads; 10 acres cleared; 40 acres s'Mhea and ready to burnTbilance very light timber; place .11 lying suitable for cutting up into 10 acre tracts. Price only fl 15 Pet acre. Can be bought on very easy terms. We are selling Beeverton-Reedville acreage in tracts of from l-a a cre np. at prices from $150 to $150 P acre, on easy terms. Our rep resentative at Wheeler Station, below Reedyllle, will show you over the property. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St Portland, Oregon Anybody can Make Money But it is a wise man that saves it It is the First $100 that is the Hardest to Save After that it's "easy sail ing." We would be very much pleased to have you call at our Bank and re ceive a Beautiful Pocket Savings Bank, with our Compliments. We pay 4 per et. per annum, and pay you the interest three times a year. Cornelius State Bank THE DELTA PRIG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carrv a complete line of fine sundries. Tf we do not have what stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Havinc been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to suppiy an your .wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc C-fcuu.! Hoatlia will t BoM f Cash Only. lalUveiy 1 I 'A property. ...jL...wiii-n -- v-i- WW3? w-W-W-""