Kilos. ii JnllLLSBIK - m . VOL. XV. HILLSBOKO, OREGON. DEC. Ii. 1908. no. :m M IIUYKK Ilrtt Purchased 17 Acren mi J In in Hie Mnik:t lur More CtfMV S4WMIU1 will I'KOHI K I. Norlliriin of Kh.,l n Kink w in lowii lHt Friday. Win. HurtiiKim. of near Verboort, wan in town UhI Friday. Win. Kiwun, of CiwUr Mill, was in Imu Unt Tl.unday. Abe llolroimb, of near Win I Co ion. vitited the ootinly eat lant Saturday, Hm ( oiiti U li '1.1 i SION AHORTIiND Met Yesterday for Data on Oregon RihI trtrk Tftttlt Will ka!rt ()w j uua.uuu Feet Lumber The Kulh I.tii'l Company if Port Uuii 1 buying c.ii l'abl fnn lari'l nrth ot town, along tint line of the United Railways turvey. It t lfriiml that llm l ne land coin pan i ft pu'chatiti a"ncy of th tulKl Company, several if lh tluckhtlderi in tl.aiailaay roiu pany Uiig icor r utot of ih laud company. TbeCompany ink bought th Waibel Ml toro liaol near Phillip, paying the o nr ('itl It la also uiidnralood that Will Jom", i llit Mrtion, wtt tiered I pr acre for bit hi) tcrt farm, which waa ffu I. Tt. I' oiled Railway Company through it ageuU have purttawd withu. ihn lml few month oer ITlMi acre of farm land in thia muni. and are in the market f ir m r. h Jt trident tUl the ( '..m . n r i pact to carry on a land buiniii oounwlion with it railroad enter prise, and the result will be bun dred of small farm in tbl coun ty, which inrane lh end of the bin ranch in this part of the i-IH". It mm long ago predicted, lhat the Willamette valley would I popu lated with truall farmer, who on 1.1 mags of il the nrhnut section oo Mirtb Tbi prediction i tvsn no being fulfilled, ami ih trol Uy linM ara bringing about the ohmgd. Referring again to the l'oil4 Railway, it I Mid tbat work on iba rnl of th big laontt, which i on tb ilivi.luii Una of Waabinuton ami Multno- uith o ountiM, will txMiii tmgin. The wMt ami of tba tunnrl will boon tba Kirmin Krtigr ilr, aiul work will go on tbtrj all winter. Tbr traatla oar li-wk t'rwk, it id wli' rnalatl by tba niginn-r. will r qulra 3 tKKl UK) lrt of luuittor, nl it la uoJomdHxl tbat tiirtl of tha enntracl for lumtir will l ll l Waibingtott oiunty Mwinillt. OHRGON ELECTRIC SCH6DULE Tht I )rr ki.ii HlrcliK Itliu nit Cr ruth T ilmly. Thf H:J5 a. in uml i S . ' llama out of HilUtMirtl roiilin t iuniUv ith Sitm cam at fJanlrti tlumr, Jhr IIIIIhIhiio I'oftUnil tlmrUlilr fullow l.ttt HiIUImkO Itiibrin (!n aluioi fr rottaga l .ui ban.r of MilU loro ArriM. Horn, b tba wife of Hunry Hmitb, "f Uoy, Or., Nnvamber IV), l'.KjH, a ilauxbUr. ('ban. I.aott, of (), Hutlon ririglilmrh x il, na in tba city laxt Huiiiiay. Win Maiaijxrgrn.of Waal Union, a in town Munday and tnada tha Arun oinia a ileant rail. A i.ic thing to immhI to your friniid a jihoiograph card of your hoiiM. Hmj Tout Card, bmit it. 3Jtf Nirk K auiinr, of Coor Moun lin,and who i tht (lionear bop growar of that taction, wa in town Monday and called. Hmokart likatba Schiller and the Kti'd'llpm-ia ThifB cigar art of the Uwt tx k Vou can't fool an authority on a good cigar, II W. K. Scblolttnann. of north of Bfavurton, and J K Hullivan. of ooar Crdar M i 11m, w-r in the city MninUy, acd calll. L M. Ilimll. to whom the citv aaardrd a contract for furuiiibing planking for tba street, wan In tba city laitt FrulT. He otmra'ai awtnill alxiut li milri east of tht city. Ttkrn up, at the flood in lct, 1 mile fal of Uleucix.. a black tow. with "lit in right ear, and notch in Ufi car. weight 150 Ibi. Owner can have name by f aying cbargea K. W. lUriiwi, (Jlence, H. II. 3o 9 1). H CtHiley and wife, of near I'bitlip, returned Monday from a week m vint with rtlattven in Ha letu. Thev were acoomntoied home by Mr. nd Mr Her, Mr. Cooley't parenlt, for a two weeka mil. For tale: One doien thia year'i Rhode a and Hed Cocktrrln, very fine Mr. II. Huntenun, I tnilea noulhwwit of Hilleboro, acroeii long bridge, I mile aouth of Haaeline Oil o riad. to The little 2 yer old daughter of Mr. Lay, of thin city, iit irom a table to the uW. one day the lal ler of Uat week. nd broke the finht forearm. Iwtwoen tha writl and ellow. Ir F. A Bailey wa called to reduce the fricture. V. K. Mulhy, of Sherwood, wa in town Sunday. II. F. Smith, of Foreat Orote, was in town Monday. Geo. 0. Hloan, of Foroat Orov, wai in tht city Monday. Geo Hathornt, of Laural, waa in town Monday. Tkn. i.l tkaVnrlk Plain DU. WITHYt'OMRE GIVES HI. AID waa in town Monday . ItfUUIl iuikh(wi vviuquuD, -an Argun caller Monday. Mfiaage la Congrtt J. 1). Uuiee.a druggiet of Lintoo, wai in town ltt Thursday. be Farm Life ('onimitHinn. an I Amino Wabnrir of Karmino- pointed by iVaident Riwefvelt, wa ton, was in town Saturday. in I'ortUnd yenterdy, holding Daniel Baker, of between Cor ne- baring a to condition of Oregon nun nd Forest urove, waa in tbe country life. Thert art aiz mem- cl1" monu,y- .rul i hi.. J. H Crawford ana wilt, of have made an eibaumive atudy t,f urewoTiiw. w m vu, M,7 rural coodiliona. (iifl'ord 1'inchnt, y" the National Forestry Kipert, i Albert Hchmidlln of Buitod, one of the memtx-r. The Agricul- turtl College, under the direction of I I ti':ii I... I I - . 1 1 4 ,0i. n.u.yuoui.m, iu'uwij Ftrmington, 7 5 m liUn iii II lo a in I 4J p m... J SS P w 6 IJ p 111.. l.tavra l'ort'an.l 7 oo a in ,., e 5J a in n a j a in I Jo p m 4 10 pm 3 30 P Arnvr litl'nl B ,10 a m hi ii m U IS p ii' JS'ipi'l J l Jt Ml , j lo p m Anivm UilUtioni H n$ a in ,.iu u a in il 3a m i .t5 l 5 15 V 111 t SS V Tim to Plant Fruit Tra Ptrannt who have not placed their fall order for fni't trtwe, will And I .ton (lirod. the ootnDknv'a ent t the Nureery (IroundH, near Oren oo, ready to help them mrike a in fection. Thin in the - time to do planting. 35 if Rev Danald Macl.ttch n, wl Jir, war tpy , pioneer raid ono of the oldeet and bet known Methodist in Oregon, died Haturday, t tht (lood HatnaritHn Hoepital, Portland. He wan in hi Tilth year and had been retired from ac tive work in the minittry for the paet aii years. He U survived by hit widow and two daughter. Mi Mary MaoUchlan and Mfefl Mar garet MaoUohlan, who live at 215 North Ilayee etreet, Ht. John. Mary It a practicing physician, and Mar iraret la emnlnveil in the Portia nil Public Library. A brother i' alo believed to be still living in Nova Hnntia U.n Ilonald MaoLAOhUn wai born in Argylesbire, Scotland, June 17, 1831) He oume to Nova Bootia with hie parents, when but o years old. iieeniertu in lull In MliiaUainni in IKOt). Dtr Ing the Civil War he was a spy for the Union Armv. He was married In 1 K 7 .'I In Mina Hiirah M. Sleeper nt M.mnhla Tumi. The family moved to Oregon in 1R91. At times he had charge of pupils m Tillamook, Canby, lieaverion, p Helent. North ymhill and Ma math. A email amount down and a lit tle each minth buy" you a beauti ful place for a horns or inakea a good Investment: Connell-Imbrie Co. 38 CITY TICKKT WAS NOM- NATED FRIDAY NIGHT John W. Connell Nominated by Acclamation for Mayor GEO. SCHl'LUERICH FOR RECORDER A. U. Carlilr, Ed. Scha'mtrich aa j. B. Tralllnger fer Ctuscil J. J. Wbilten, of near rhiUips, wu an Argttt caller Monday. He hat juat returned from a trip to Sauvlet' Inland. Dr. J. S. Hisbop, who has lately miumwl from a course of study iu hiMiliill 1 and sanatorium in the Kat, is now prepared lo give the i.ii nmiUro home treatment for luWoulosi". l"ice in lhft Temple ion Hlwk, Forest Urove, Or. 34if l .mi K. i.l nliiht. Mist Ila n:..r il.tiuhu-r of Cornelius lUa aer, of Ibis city, lost her footing and r..n ,i.n a lliuhl of stairs, break ing bar right arm just bove the -.Iii Her tinner lin was also CUl and several teeth loosened by the fell Dr. F. A. Bailey was caiiea to attend to the young lady s in juries. J. C. Milier. of the Arcade dis itil tar a a In town Monday, with a . . . .I load of prunes, wbloti waa me iae nt . nnnMfeoment to a rortianu grocery firm Mr. Miller sold three tons of line Italian pruuee iui ... and three fourths cents a pounu m . .rnniirl of ttllg C0U01V no iiiuiio " . . .i i.4 f,..t, an aociation."and HUOIIIU iiniu- : pool their product, and gel oenr price. iw.on wishing to tile their .t.ava tin (I a largeetook laruix ; , , of line tile in our yard at Scholli. We carry building biocaa dih u. - .Ari( k to eel . Those intend- ing to build will find a large eup- nly of lumber at our yam, r- 1 . . . i 11 Innlr nwar are invitea to own . Kfnr nurohasing l na Groner-Uowell Co , Bcholl;. P. -04 address, Hillsboro, ure., iv. - uilik hit a hutohertd bog, V 11110 BUIO-."l . . - one day, the latter part of, last on J'a .,-;. -holiveeon the j o.'Hare place southeast of towh, allowed the tmioner an"" . . l . i. it that the noint of V1'":: 'X hia le t wriB. the anne - - i ! k. n na arioir. MTn,i"" 3 and Dr. meoiaioiy u' P. A. Bailey took up the artery and dressed the wouna. , . . ..,ad to show you I am now - the Chas. Stevens & Bros.' sarop es 0f the new Fall and Winter Style- Bilk nd cloth suits and dress kir e. i . . anoAiai iiriinra lit tvw MM.r7 Ladles. own seieuviuu " . j .u:un'a floats, also misses ana - "; ,,-, .t corseis uu uuv.- glad to bring my goods to your house upon request -Mrs. M. K I,, r-jonlant nbone. ra uauuie, iuur- r 27-88 684. day. II. L. Halvorssn aid wife, of I r ariiiiiiu lull, wcio I u w.u md Hillsboro, baa been lending all ios- H.turdaT sible aid to the body, and Prof Mrs. Svlvia Tucker. of Clarkston. ake ha been deeignaled by him Wash , was in the city Thanksgiv. assist in placing Oregon eondi ing, the guest of her parents, Mr. on Iwfore them. Curtain it is .n.t Un ti Pnall that the twelve iiuosiionH. e far as . , . , . 1 . I A larlv r.Aantlv fminii near 1 1 ll la- Wanhington County i rfincen.ext " - - .... . . . , ' born Oiwra Houkb. a fflrl a sweater. win oe answered as lavoran y s in ; -r - - p - any other community in th.N. rth- Ioflulrf l Ar8us ofllce "d 9 west The ueHtions are: P. .i. f i i i.i I Iti. .nifliAi in HniAnai ParV Aft IUC ItlMII IlllllirP HI yuui llCI(UiIl- UUJ nvicn,D i - - hixxl ai gol they ihcuM h uu.ter place, Virginia Place, Oak Park taiaiingcimiiiitoii.' Additions, and Hill-boro Acres Aiif the acbuoU in your nfiKUtMiihiKyil , ' ,, ., p.M training buy. ami giila aatiafuioiily for W Selling-agents. CODMU- ii le on trie uiuir - iiuuuo vu. Do the fmtiiri in vour urivhtOthnoi ... . . n . f get th return. Ihry' ahonld , m rDUimericn, 01 BOUIU tua- fioiu theaaleof Ihrir uto.luct? latin, was lO town laei raiuruT. iki the (i ucia in your neiKbiwMicKMi Mr, rtohulmerlcn, witn otner dairy- receive Iron lUe lailnwoa, uignroaua, m. f ihia Knnnts will attend the toilet liora..elc . the irrvlce they tea- . . .'-,: nu aon.lily thowM haver ua.rymen a Aaeociaviuu, Do the Urme't of your tielglihorbood meets soon at Halem. receive (it tit the I'oiteii SlU Po.lal . . ....... . . . aerviie tuial tttcphoi.e. etc., the tetvice A "DeeetriCI BgUle and Dasget .. .a . I a I atOI they reama!jly abuuut eipectr 80CU1 Will lit given oy 108 oner- Ate the farmer, an.l tl.e.r wivea to your WQ0(j Kboo at the A. 0. U. W. conimunilv aalul4Cl rllv oruantwi to ,. i i r u l promote their mutual intetrat f . ' "aay evening, iucr Are the tenleia ot larnia in your ueigu- m'u wuu-w .--n-. borhixxt making a aatiaf.ctory Itting? aioo 15c. lath aupoly of farm lahor lo ytur . . , ne.KhixKhoo.1 aatiafactoryf The United Railways Co. is push Are tha condition ttirrounding hiied jog work on its big 3,000 foot tUu labor on I lie farm In vour neightiurhooil . iKa .iir.uilno nnrni ia Rot. tl.f:torytothehireitman I tin. ,rai alakea out a iar weet. OD Ilavatht larmera in your naignoor- --o " , .7 n, . ., ..' u IukhI aatiafactory facililiea for doing their tht Tualatin Plaint, as the Batch buainraa in banking, credit, inaurance, elder farm, Del wee a Uienooe ana c- , , . , lenox. l' I. It,, aanilarv rntlii 1 1 1 All flf I II Hit HIE lUt twuoa' .w. -..a. tht fauna in your neighborhood. W. N. Merrill and two children, lo the farmera ami their wive ami nf n-.,lan Home, are tick with familieainyourcciKhborhooil Relfth- ., Th cftniel0 thiacoun- arlorniulualiniptovenieniaau....-- Vnm R.n,.n pW Icrcourtr at mucli m tuey anouiar j, - Mnitnoman county, wnere tuey a. a a. -v tT 1 i. i . uLr.i v.r.t nontracted the disease, ur. wooa .-HUH1CI1I .www- - I , went down me tasi oi me wee, ana I .:.J il- t I - Paranna deeirillH 0k. nr. Or aBD H wood can have same delivered at Karl C. Morton and Zoa A. Mar tha fnlinwinff nrioes: Fir. 4 foot, leer were cranted a license on the The nominating mass meeting held at the City Hall last Friday night, was well attended. Mayor Dennis called the meeting to order, and B. P. Cornelius was elected chairman Geo. Schulraerich was elected sec retary, and Dr. Pittenger and Cal. Jack were appointed tellers. John W. Connell was placed in nomina tion for Mayor by B. P. Cornelius. There being no other candidate!, tha rules were suspended, and the secretary was instructed to cast the vole of the meeting for Mr. Connell. Nomination of three councilman was declared in order. The follow ing nominations were made: Ed. Scbulmerich, A. M. Carlile. J. B Trullinger and Geo. A. Wilcox. Mr. Wilcoi withdrew hit name, and a motion was mads to suspend th rtilea and have the secretary oast the vote for the three nominees. Geo. Schulraerich was nominated for Recorder bv acclamation. For Treasurer, A. C. Shute, L. A. Rood and 0. W. Barnes were placed in nomination. Barnes sleeted on the first ballot. Thia oomnleted the business of the evening and the meeting ad- jourued. The men nomioated are all representative business men ot the town, and will see that the city's interests are taken care of in the right manner. 1 here were tew candidates this time, and mqet of the men nominated were not anxi ous for the offices. The election takes place next Monday. Two of the old councilmen were re elected, which would indicate that the last administration waa satisfactory to a majority of the voters. Mr. Trullinger is a new man, but a taxpayer and business man, and will make a good councilman. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS See Our Full Assortment r A GOODLY SUPPLY cf toilet aiila it an abaolnte necesaity at this retort etpecially. Whether yoo ttay at home or go away yon need them juat the same. That thia pharmacy i the beat place to obtain them any one will tell yon who baa once oaed Our Toilet Aid and Article. They are the kind tbat especially ap peal to women of refinement For that reason we invite yoo to aeenre your aapply here, knowing you will be more than satisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy ti no amn awed. $4 50: ash. 4 ft.. 9.Mh hint., to wed. Licenses were f 4 50, same sawed, $5 00; oak, 4 ft , &Uo granted to Wilbur II. Hayes m aamn aawed. $5 60. Both .hunts. H. D. Scbmeltzer. 37tf HILLSBORO TIME TABLE 6 hi a. to. 9:11 a. tn. Under the new sohedule the passen ger trains in and out of Hillsboro arrive and leave as loilows: Leavea for Portland Foreat Grove Local Sheridan Flyer Forest Grove Local Foreat Grove Local Corvallll Overland a r,l.... frnm Porllnud Corvallla Overland 8:34 a Foreat Orove Local Fcrent Grov Local Sharldan Plytr Kort.l Grove Local and Mary Tappan; Claud J. Wil liama an d Mabel Northrup-. Ben iamin S. Smith and Bessie John son, the latter part of last week A ronatruction train of the P. R k N. got ditched near Bay City last week, a large rook getting on IVtmnrlla .TfKKti-n to F H Herb et ux, $ a in sec 12 t 1 n 4 w iooo H Mccormick et al to Wm H Strong lot s6 and 27 Spencer' Home stead SS G F Sanborn Co to Consolidated Timber Co, part of sec 4 t I s 5 w and other lands o Henry StoflVrs Sr et al to L H Sam- mons. part of CaleD w litins a 1 c 1 I m w (44 acres) yw J H Hoffman et al to P K Johnson, 15 a in sec 4 t s 1 w - 1 Geo R Baelev et al to H J Lyons, 80 a in see 7 t i n 2 w - j"" v t Win. .ma i-t n t tn K l Lvons. 6 .8 a in R Williams d 1 c t I n 2 w 760 wm Ladd acinunistraior o . o jdu- rhannn. ?7t a in sec a 19. 24 and 30 t 1 a A w 2SO0O Alice M Skinner et al to J M Parker, 6oasec3at2sa w -9 vu j . .. . . . ' . ... - . . I Orecon Mitserr w ic 11 osuuioa, the track ana aerainng one ot io .7 , blk . 0re nco xownaite no dump cars, throwing the whole 5, Farnham to J C Beach, part of train and engine into me Day. An FARMS AND SUBURBAN ACREAGE -.-'1. 18 i-a acres on the rich Reedville Praire; all cleared and in a very high ttate of cultivation; all well fenced; large new house, new large ham; good outbuildings; two good wells; faces on two good public public roads. Price, $6500; jjwoo cash, balance easy paymenta. 160 acret, 8 miles northwest of Portland; 20 acres cleared; to acre very light brush and pasture land; balance good heavy timber, esti mated at 12 M cords of wood; well located, within I t-1 miles of the Linnton and Hillsboro streetcar line, adjoining good public school; never-failing ttream of water; soU rich and land Res well. Price, on ly ftoo per acre, with wood enough to more than pay for the land, dan be bought on very easy tetms. 160 acret 10 milet southwest of Portland; soil rich; land lies well: located on two good p'ublic roads; 10 acres cleared; 40 acre tlaahed and ready to burn; balance very light limber; place all lying tuitable for cutting np into 10 acre tracts. Price only I115 per acrt. Can be bought on very easy terms. We are selling Beaverton -Reedville acreage in tract of from I-a a ere np, at prices from 1 150 to $250 per acre, on easy terms. Our rep resentative at W heeler Station, below Reedyllle, will show you over the property. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 StarK St. Portland. Oregon NOTICE a. t t i n 1 w 10 . 1 1 .-J a an. Hawthorne Estate to LJ Rushlow et " " noiuieu "J. 7 . " .1 ac a in M Mire d 1 c H . a WJ240 ' IT 1. gtne ana train are now uaua uu ue n v,lolfrT Coto Herbert Mc- 409 p-"- ,r.nk re.dv for work. Tillamook inn.h int u blk t Orenco Town site " c DM.t Q.liHciilr Int tn lilk t . 1 . . . ..I iWUIC nwub 'v.-..v.... - 9:07 a tn. I increase of monthly pension has on(-n Townsite no 2:07 p. in. . .iiA-d tn the followino Wash- Catherine Reynolds to Sierra Lyon, 5:10 p. m. 1 ,,.. ,H .Aldiar'a t M of lot I blk 7 Hbo -1400 widow R. M flutles. Hillsboro: Wm. Mor- 1 ur Mvire et al to Rice Montaa ton, Hillsboro; Geo. W. Proctor, go a in sees 1 and 2 t 2 n 5 Air p.rttor.ho sceounte with me Forest Grove; H M Pitman Lau- J D ft have been over six months out rel; Mary M. Pittenger, Uilleboro, F lH Sumuer et al t0 tied Bulling, atandina are rf quested tOBettle. John F. Sanders and John Vu- part of M Moore dlctuaw luu,"a ' . ,. . . .1 ii tr n..i .'...: I W k Shaw lota 10 20000 Hillsboro Argus, $1 50 per year. Rain Moon, of Centervilla, was in town Saturday, Dr. 8. T. Linklater. liama, Forest Grove. nart of M Moore d 1 C t I s a W S0 Mattie Rice et al to W A Shaw, lots , , . . . , 1 and 2 Ktnneswood b"x All Vint 1 school districts in u.. vM .1 .I tn Vre Mast, this county changed their corps of acres in V Bronson d 1 c 2000 teacher last year. Superintendent S T Walker et al to n Gardner, tract 1 1. ai 1 in n. uhikci u 1 v. k 1 u a 4 sonoois in me eouia- , - i rt to . f.aaA tit ot I cu ' May Purdin Galloway et al to iuary loaal nart of the OOUntV. last Week, ,tnr nMgn.wnillct I f! I.alta was down from the :.tu(rlhntd tha new librarvl , njw 6000 Grove, Monday. , : banks in ,he districts visited. .eF0 McDowell etal to wu McDow- Rilward B..m. of Farmington, has-over 100 school districts to VM.rv Abate, tract ii ... .n Araua caller last Frklay,, ..,Jviat,.and.a large numper 01 ooogi sh.ckeif0rdd 1 c 1 1 n n .....3150 D , - UI-U ntlll a-aanl... . ..t W. Mill. ! ti n, 1 q oeitver, wuiou j n iiraepu " ' ; """" vt . -fcornn Lamont. a well known wj hna- fnr anma time. e U. of sw tec 19 1 a n a w .oo 7J 11 j.; i " 1 aw Krikaon to W C SlatterT. nw i Ualesureeaaa,irm.U w-.hw. . w. 1 Monday, - M :?.T"U' ' "w" - Weslev Penny et al to J Cburchley, VAn,oeearninga.aUry:canb.. -- oomea land-owner, anu g rion. ., . 5n m.rrufle to Cheater 0. nart of 1 8 Griffin d 1 c 5x ConnelHmbrle, Co.. will tell you Dilori, 0f porM Grove, Rev. M. C. Nettie Bellinger et al toC y odell, how. ' " ha,l. 'of Hlllboro.offloiatinff. Af- . .W! ?f ' 000 ...."-'". . ' " . 1 All Mein to rreu r.iwcn, iu a iu ac. Fine lot of 2 to 3 year old truit ter a short honeymoon, nr. ana .6taaw 400 and nut trees, grape and berry Mrs Dixon will reside at Carlton, pan Feour et al to Viola Smith, 100 vines, and more than 100 kinds of Yamhill county, where Mr. Dixon i -T roses, many of the lateBt ana peat, is connected witn me uaruon uira- - Vr E Geiger s acre tract. 650 a 11 ..aa Ihb iwnr1i1IMiia I 1 11 IflDe CUl IHwer iur ncuuiufto. pgr Ctiuijliiujf. r ? l.ti..A O VkiirnVna In al .. . unsp ituo-- - in interesting social anair at For Sale nink e. Morton a ureennouse. on v ..a .ol aav tha - I 1 lupiril V UIU ii LIU aaatav nwaw r. nn.n..n HtatA Senator danoe aiven at Germanla Hall on ThT boraea. can be seen at Hills from Gilliam county, and residing Friday evening. Priaes for hand- Uy6tJ barn, Corner 2nd and nJ ..aln town Mondav. some oostumes were awaraea miea Waahinnton streets. o .v. i fiAimtv Clerk Bailev. Lillian Hambaok, who appeared as . Senator Bowerman is prominently a ranch girl, and I Charles Birch in tr; n . ! tTlllakAn Senator Bowerman is prominently ruu e1" "u" - - rui your wuuey u uu.. mentioned for the Presidency of the the dress of a Spanwh grandee. property and see it grow. We have icatbm Other Drizes were given to Henry I ,nr,T. o sell. Connell-Imbrie Hingley and M. Paulding. Miss Q v 38 Josephine Bohamont attraotea muon favorable comment by her appear ance in a costume composed en tirely of newspapers. fliaia (senate. UDon the organization of the coming legislature. He is visiting various points in the val ley, in the interests of hia oandida dy, and is pleased with the encour agement he has, received. G A. Larsen and wife, of below the Rood bridge, were In the city last Friday, and oauea Anybody can Make Money But it is a wise man that saves it It is the First $100 that is the Hardest to Save After that it's "easy sail ing." We would be very much pleased to have you call at our Bank and re ceive a Beautiful Pocket Savings Bank, with our Compliments. 'We pay 4 per ct. per annum, and pay you the interest three times a year. Cornelius State Bank THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line of fine sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get it for yon. Having been appointed publishers' agents, we are now prepared to supply all your wants in the School Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be told tor Cash Only. , Positively CretSt. J I I i ' ri i