n JnlILLSBR NO. 3(i VOL XV. HILLSIiORO, OREGON. NOV. 19, 1908. r ME risira twins to - . ... i Will (lulUr nf I . urn mm the city, Haturday. II. II Itull.M k. of Hanks, wis town Monday. J. C lla h. of (ileiiooa. wa. in wn lue.uay. P. V, K.uffman. (il Yurnonia a. iu town Moudev. I.. II. Ilrnwii i f Hlmraiimii inDID rod TlUAKOOk COUSIKY , Monday. Jamb Uaif.ly, n Moutitalmlale, .1 j . tiAmtA Ltr I Ii. I . : .... i U . .. i tjilsai.l A""F v.. -- i was in vown lam naiuruay. in i. 11 !!!!.. ...... ill Mwmm Wll lavttJc Tunlnlin IMnlnn Early Next Spring Gnu m 1 1 lee U ccom in e n Js I u r- chant: uf old Fair (i rounds JlM-111 tt tin Unit I Kail viri aill have lu toed from Tort .A to Union. In operation by lb- i a,, (vmiln year. Th linn br:l aradVI lh t fciill to that point, ml the Ul M being UIJ l bra. Holbnx iK. Cornfliui pa ! surmounted. John Tiarh.el. of near Beaver- ton, we. in town Mond.y. A I orllMi l real alate .nancy WHICH CAS BE BAD POH tlfiXX) Attscl.llta I'll! I.c.fpor.te ! turn f At a meeting held In tha oourt A rorlianl real erlale .gency " " lift a. Mllll liahl-ii A Ilftlf-K ft Hit at ft house, last H.turdav afternoon. Id I h i city. lurtheranoe of the County Fair in . j - I in My (1 ioox cottage and quarter matter, Ibe committee appointed at igrt blink, ooriiKr fih & Kir, fur sale or a previous meeting reported that it . . runt I.. V. Ilmia "H if i-.l l point, alul lb ! reuuiuilimiuou nicuipoiauwu lid at a rapid rata 'lauJ ,:' Hu,iln oJ CMifl.rd h the turn of I'ifi.W 0, end that the tv.n UfiV.hed a. it'"n. c.f K.rfi (Srovo, reiu Ibe Tongue tract, known ( the Old ,k by that time Clue. t"j' Ttt"Jljr' K.ir ground., be purchased for iV, til rim mn. iKkl iKm wmintv V. ill (im .n.l lil lha xmiiit be . - il ,l.n,l ,,,mn the 0,(1 ''"rJ J"M'y ,,u11. f,0,n lh knowo a the Wanhington County brlite plain, of WMhlPiUm couo- ij.T. Heard 3.r. 3? K" OC",,OD- Th rrl 0 . ' , , ... .,i -r..i the coramtttee wai adopted, and "' I iur il ,,K' rianVan ftf iDCorpoulion will U .d For-t drove are both on the , t,,.,, Tue.d.y.and called oo the nc. i in Be 8 . . Tm ll ld Vi i h A. Iing and John Denni. w.re au- ,1 .III U rorin W with Hiu( k()rt Hk lh j, t(lJ lh J to (Uck ,()ac. PorU.nd on tha ' KicrlUuci. Tb. cigar, ar. of lieUr one ;illb 0f lb, incorp.ra- 0of lb. rm-l Inters ng fraiU M ,h, mni1 lork You can't fool an Uon urn ha. alre.dy been pW(,ed. J U, prop J rd I. lb. i fact hat Mlb(fil ou , (Xm1 oilf . m M w f 00Ild rr00inill.ndH IS 1 HiU b roi ouluu M.r,i,d. in ll.ll.boro, Or... No- to be porcha-d. are one-half ,,l. Uiu. giving iiiiiuiw ...... ...... i.u.u i. i..i. n u- tm of Hil.horo. and within a few Ot 4uru !' -t - i- U I tuarti it it C roner & Kowcll Vj 17. C Clirmlriixn 24 70, A ii Hint 54. iu. J lull I Ho, llrall 6 10 4.10 aim i j.ju, . M liuell 56.o, Star Luiiilar Co 36.36, llrall A. to 6.50, Ketvet & Keevt. I J.V- H. Urury, ot Beaverton, wai in town Hunday. John O'Brien, of Cedar Mill, was a ilillnboro vtaitor, Monday. W. K. Mulloy, of Sherwood, was in the city last Sunday. A "bad debU" man was in town Monday, looking lur bu.ineaa. K.i.-kMin. of Mountain- dale, waa down to the county Beat, Monday. Ira Turdin, of Portland, ipent laal Hunday viailing with relauvea in Uul.boro. Jnhn Maati.ra i. buildine a large woodabed uear bis woodyard, on Washington atreel. Born, to tha wife ol Martio Van derbrook, near Hoy, Ore., Noyem bar 15, lyOH, a daughter. John Dorlandand John Kaaee baum, of the tibady Brook neigh borhood, were in town, Monday. P.rann who ha. "I'lea for a Hi m rtlaar Lift." will Dleaee leave tame at Argua oQice. Jb J W Maroh. one of the beat known reeidenta ol the Cenlerville diataict, waa in the city last Satur day. Taken up, at the Good in place, i mile taet of Ulenooe, a black eow, !( in riuhtnar. and notch in Ufi utr. weiubt 150 lb. Owner W PUB VIS IN IOWA TOWN IN 1880 Marshal of Morencl, Mich., Gives Some Information SAYS PLK0UE HAD A FAVILT Allerua (Uwa) Pt.pU m.T Caravel Ihe Vj.Ury While a woman in Alleghany coun ty, North Carolina, thinks the far- due. who was murdered in this county last summer, may hare been ber husband, a letter recently re ceived by a party in this city, from Morenci, Michigan, thedt additional light npon the identity of the mur dered man. Frank Swan, marshal of the above named town, states that Klmsr Perdue lived in Aller- ton. Iowa, in 18S0. He had a wife n1 family, at the time, and was mnnina a drui store. Henry Per due, one of Perdue'a Michigan cous ins, visited him in Iowa, in 1880, and has never beard of bim since. The Alleghany county, North tar o'.ina woman asked Sheriff Han cock to send her any money b elong ing to Perdue, as she bad been left ; n rirrnmfltanr.ee. and needed one aiu not appear w uweu uu See Our Full Assortment rv..i Tha North Hank nail I. sow completed to j'orlland, and a Mr. Hill recently .talod tbal be toolJ not build from A.toria lo Tillamook, Il la likely he Intend, lo goto lb eoa.l by the United lt.lla n.uiB There i. evrrr . am aUo a number of atabUa and Married, in HilUboro, Ore , by . . -Ki(,h r,n he reDiired and 1. W Harnea, J. !., Hunday, Nov m, je'rvioe.Ue. TheS..uibem I'a .1, l'.HW, Nicbola. William., of cific Ui!ay pa.ee along lb (J. 1 HilUboro, Corneliu. and Ida C. While, of cific Railway paeH along Ibe eotilhi-rn b'Umlary of lh trsct, wnicn win Biiiui.w 1 t H.11...4 it,. .i,,m.Wr I .n,l ih i,v 1 l-rliic line will ixtss 4 I., IIIM.IVJ, .... v . .- I I .. .w- - . . .i.i..Mi:. . -I....I on the . II... tl..l ll.. m.,1 .ill ha. retllOVIHl VO Win ouuuiug jv... wnmu "" - rn to Ull.te that the road wl on norlh .ide ol lb. grounds, making b.pu.bd toward tbecoa.lM a.l " . uke icc4NM,ibU t0 travel. n.t et. AV f 11 BirtUllIllirU I I a . . . tint im. li llill.lwtm in the tneanlltne. . . . ., O.-L. U.. will prepare to welcome anoiner tiias. KNi.ier, 01 ihdi, alaotrio road to lu rapidly growing tnwn appointed by Ihe Civil Service 1.. 1. i m run! mail carrier. trij iH take Bank., R. '1, aucceed- Pof Sal. l,,g Frank Herb, ol Bank. l l .1 u;n. Taken Up-At my pl.ee near Threehorae.,canUeeaa Hill . 'A,. boraw. The matter of a county fair i as good a. settled, and it is altogether likely that the Aeeocialion will hold a week', fair, neit Fall. COMMISSIONERS' COURT (Continued from last week.) Tr.t-Wa ran be awl at Hill.- Ul"'n 1 wj l'1" Hntlnued from lat weea.) sru,Tur.. rriio'wari.1 k. b. c cierk Dotis u..-li..'.. 'tiif 11U0 lba. Owner can nave same inh.mon. suwrvisor ol ""B,OB .D:- . . h, paying cb.rge..-Jobo Di 26 lo open .11 of that part of road 445 locaveu iu v. Clerk ordered to laeue warrant, iu MISS PEARL CRBBAR Bank., Ore.. It. 2 There will U a toe .ocial given m tt.xtMmt rimva kttmr vradua- Uoo at Forest Urova, Mia Ure.ar ii in I U Palifurnia. for ber health, which for a time seemed ! There will lie a ioe aociai juru in, mu.. r'',. Tl 'TJ!..0. 7R.t'.hi urtear ana wn. votim" . lix. j yu tnd 3 5U oraerea re born in lUllevue, TeiM, June . Juhj R naiUy, of near Buiton, ,unde(,,,, X H Reudy. 1!W7, and came lo Oregon wilh ber wa, in lown Mouday. Mr. Bailey B k Denny; refund of tax;30o par.nU In IHH'J. She gradualel g a tbB potato crop yielded jrej refUDded on acct of clerical from the Hill.boro Publto aiihool, ,l,. .ku ,r. eioept .i .v... .,rant issue lo 0 and later from lba Tualatin Acade ' , frol damaged the H.ncock. 1 " - . i t i in a v . . a vine.. His crop yielded i;w uuduc. gule vi ij u; rapper, wan.ciipv, lo Ibe acre. l Q Fitch J P; tr.nscripi ap For sale: One do.en . this year's proved and warrant oroere. own U, imnrove. U.I .prin. .be re- Rhode UU; Jfi turned tn HilUboro. and steadily fine Mrs. ".unlenln' ' . 'MA AtAmn. g, w woW until death cUime.1 ' .ou thweet of . "- "TB.Ud;oo; h. r. Deoeaaed was a member of bridge, 1 mile souui dieraiesed, on report ol the Mel hodlal oburoh, nd for some road. prosecuting Attorney that petition lime waa the church organist She 0()Ctr ,Dd Arthur Donelson and oooform lo law. bad many friend, who regret her families Ml HilUboro, Men- rl ldjoor dm1 to Nov 25 Oolimely death. Ol her Immediate . fof Weetern eora.aa, Tfae (Mowin ci,im weie auowea. family ber parent, and three Ul ' cpt l0 live hereafter. 1 hey mt cramlU. auditor... ..155 brolhera, J. Claude, Hoy L. nu lhil,lrtHi their boueenoiu goou, ... j ; so Harold, eurvlv.. 211 ook. chartering .oar or the c,, " 7, oo he d U.t Their lather, A. von ' , .,,, iUUUMt 35 R....I.. .. .u. i ;i Knr... Ite . "f? .ill. them, to remain .' w n Wikh1 - J5 00 I. iutl.r..r.ml.ilno. InUf. 7li. ii-i PKltowlby ....; - 5 UU" "''' . t 11 Tnnuue. UtT I'llll nliT C B Bunnell, lor many y.o B Keasoner, or uBca . i ...l.ilU ili.Uict. iB one of v M Jackson, mlary 5? the llgardU. ' OWW" m,,i)0rorh.macy, relief 6 5 inrnra o ibe CUokamas couuiy ,IllWtwI,l,eu,, printing... H 9 .here a Hungarian iru..j Gli rruuuini..., - - wnern b ., , .7 r..l o relief. - 45 hi. sweetheart, a i ' ' T;:' .Vco. c h - 3 5 in Oregon w.r, - Ia r.cif.c T ... -- - ri . , 1 . . , hnakinil In left ear, weigni tou vwuo. me ioes 01 uer mriw can have same by paying charge.. a way tbal would indicate that she v ur u :ur,xn It :t. 3fi 9 k..l anw narliciilar BTmnathv for ":,,.. In h, the center ol him, but wu extremely anxious outte'll tract mJvemenl next &"1Z spring and summer. to uke a gre.t deal of slock land real estate men are figuring f'1D4 ' " " . It i(J U. vf anaa.sa iu " " w - y to cut up a nuuiurt u. .v.v.v Michigan cousins propoeitioD. close to HilUboro. oTsome light on lb. The three prisoners confined in identity ol their cousin, Elmer Per- the county jail are engagou .u a.- due, ma iaiver hy m aomining and otherwise improving district, and as Perdue wa. looking .i.i l. r .v. ir,i..;. nf the iail. I ... nk.. ni k.ra ilia thnnirht Tim. bangs heavily with the tbat he may have been in that ,.;..n r,H the will do iDf kn.inMi in Michuan. or. at least riiwuvi., " " -J I WMU.W. " ' . ikino that oive. them occupation. I,.ia,l in tha lumbering remons 0! lUluaj w B . . The 13 year old of Mr. Olson, a that Bllte- t . UlnnuM. rauidinffl - newcomer iruui miuu, B ... ,UTtn t..L-:n. klna W.rmincrUin. on "AHiau 1 JI.VIliD, ot.wt. . n . I..1 Hatnrrlav. lell UOm a oajuiow to the floor, a distence of 12 feet, want more orders for carpet alighting on his neaa ana snouiuor, wetlfing. warpiurnisneu. nui rendering him unconscious for "om. guaranteed to please, because it is hmira. Or. Wood waa called, but m.de to your order. Parties living found no broken bones. t a disUnce should club together ... ..1. ... . I.ri -riia fnr terms and price. . VL.,", "" Rugs. For further farm, wiu aiwaye uuu. -...- . . -rite to Ira T. Mills. ol fine tile in our yaru R 9 341 j We carry building blocks but have Banks, On R. 2. , no more unci ween. ,,,, IMR tahlh kniM will find a large sup- HILLSBORO TIME TABLE Dly of lumber at our yard, and you . 1 tl I AtTAS r Dly of lumber at our yaru, m u ..... r' r' . . . . j i..u I tt-.i.. akaiila the naaeen are invitea to can anu 100a. ui uqu -- our stock before purchaeing.-The g trains in and out of HilUboro Qroner-Rowell Co, Bcnoue; r. u. arrive ana wave . n T T C 1 - r .4.1 J addreee, Hillsboro, ure., k. Leave, ror rniu- ' ' , Foreat Grove Local While Sam 0. Hoguen, a rural pheriulll Fi,er mail carrier of Sherwood, was pass- Forest Grove Local " ,J i,ninM, Arrive, from roruana there,. Urge tree some Japanese CorvaUlt overland were felling on me ngni o wj "l Forert Grove lxcai... 6:5i a. m. 9:1a a. m. 1042 a. m. 3:4 P- n- t:bQ p. m. Forest Grove Local.. Sheridan Flyer Forest Grove Local... 8:14 a. m. qA7 a m. 2:07 p. m. 5:20 p. m. 6:47 p. m. NOTICB Dunuay at me laroiiy uuui, L. 9. Hulk nan nmnlalins. Inter ment waa in the Odd Fellow.' Cemetery, Tim. to Plant Fruit Tree. Persona who have not placed their f.n n..i... 1... 1. ..;i i..a will find "i. uiuma iui II li nw., , Leon (lirod, the company's agent liner. 'r t, ; .:, ' P - h 24 70 111 'i'i- m . . t a 1 1 Mi'i Lii a - - - o . Leon (lirod, the company'. "Rent t icl Attorney ""t jrie Joiwaon, wit co ct... 7 .1 the Nursery Ground., near Oren- pr0MKSI1iiDc the man, ai-Jed by H Wehtung d.f 4 10 00, ready to U them make a m- J,, d.puly io Clackaman county. Un-: s leuiion. lniB 1. mo uiuo . nn,ln who lives o mnee k h ureer, renn - Ptlng. 36-lf I Jr'nashad bis front U K A 5,S " . . 1.... . haaiimill I aianiii -"-i - . JUDD ON DAIRYING Kd. T. Jutl man and II mnverted into J'u v" , ..ill, raol Bd . ,m. Ii.,.r. ... CrrnaRu.ental 1: shrubs, 1:.. 50 .1.1. a nromlnent dairy 0? earM250. There b Tongne, Di.t Mtr ...... ...... 9 In. : stock breeder ol 'Ore- 0"r;RBOn why the lhtU",tj 3 3 tot) ve anu uou Jl)0 McClaren, sal etc.... as bis Oily COUBin, The following were allowed fb eacn, as mow 1 " f election board-Jame. Washington county : and it all goes to oreaie - HHrry Robinson, L 3 Bierly. . would advise tue WH.iinK.onco,. - iinpreBBion , t e m,nd J! lh J . y t , Fran. Jo hnjon iy uairyiuan to sow anic kcii ... . . naainnmer. .B wen D lltnry rhuuh, ..- , ' v. .,o be has'not already done .0, and have newcomer, Mul j J Kreba, trank plant, ready to t out in Mann, " panrm n..,a .Simpson, L w Alien, 11 u ' , oon a. the ground would do to wo.k. Northwest Fruit G'owe" nke, M S BariM, Wm Goett an-11 Thl. would gfve him foci by the u.iddle " . Son will meet in Portland, ,UnsoII) Scott Smith, W R Stepbena, J ( C of July and would last until pumpkin. ASHOOUUori W III . d he 8cUu,merkh, Ch. Barrett, A S 1 g, and aim wa. ready for use follow.. y U()0. ln lu 0 " '"r" . nuujber ol Fred Wilcox, Juo fruiay, .w second crop of kale. , . Association Will oflar a nunam r Miller, A Hermens d..Kr""err; While Washington coiy a a greaj , cupg et0., to the ex Schiennan R VV McNutt, Henry cream and milk prinlnrer, the output cas pn . r fru t r,JB6d in CaUa(ombe,J W We.tcott, K X Hard could b2 largely Increased with the pre.- blbitors of the WW , g,. J T Un.J II White, RMaltee ent numlier of cow. on the same Hi-res lh g Btate. tot me oe F White, M T Cox, Chas D Staley, D O that . ..-. h,7.,ltivation by merely vftrielv 0f apples, 50 In casn. I- w , aM) Leou4 Schmidt, giving more attention to rai8 "g K"l' rR't 5 boxes of Sp""D" Chas Geiberger KJ U U for the tine t s most neeucu. xTi,..n aUDies, v Louis JurRens, a v .w. n,nn Klectrio Railroad sua iu. v ivu- denly fell witnoul warning acrow kUlinff his horse and smashing his mail wagon into me ...ik Mr. Hoouen saved hie own v. O Blight injuries. nh i -"V " toirtltol the limbs 01 tne tree. nr. S. T. LinkUter. I am now prepared to show you the Chas. Stevens & Bros samp as pMeeDger equipment lor th. of the new Fall and Winter Sty lee ePXB .V nasoed a V B .an I tJIDKUU WW in ladies' and misses arose 5 h , t 8atarday on its way to silk and cloth suits and drees skirts, M '-8t UMJLted to reach made to your special oraar, 01 your wUhin Ae ooming WjH)k own selection 01 g"""". .-ri nnn.i.t.of hi Daeseoger ana mioses and children, coats, .iso v.-... . FreUht eauio carried. I carry a standard line ot , fien ...1 Manaaer corsets and underskirts. I will be k . km HriTed 5y..l0.rliaV interval, daring the past week douh u.u M... ----- - The passenger cars enreute are um- Caudle. Independent phone, No Bth. nraaBrit .auiDment lr7 W 1 tut Ul vv.vai " f" 684. z on the ane with the exception that s-. t..U a nuaai nn I . . . . .!! AAmn.rlm.ntl Hillsboro urange uwu 1 tney nave nu ui uu " l.oi aatnrdav. at their hall in thUl.n.i .rA without motors. They are city. to. laaiee 01 uo bw"b r-- laeeigueu tu Dared a aood dinner, to which the Mra i0 train, of two and three car. uraniters and tneir iamu, ieacn. ine mwnur uuwumj few invited guests aia jubuw. ri0ber ana more rwon dinner, upon invitation, Judge J- oar8 now in wrvioe. W. Goodin gave a laia on tne iou BiBho who haB Utely oueetion. whioh he illustrated with Irnm . .ga 0f Btudy in road map.. He talked about the "---r "T " "trium. in the amount of tax it will be necessary "-f . to . the .A.A;aa far th nurrent eiDeDBee 01 ' i .... - " a.AMAnft fn tu im - hAgt DQ0Q6TD nuilio loaiiuoua the county, including .tale lax, for offi(je jn th(J Temple. school purposes, library and in- lBlock For68t Qr0ye, Or. 34tf j! . U is,1. Innil. and attemDt- kuu " ' mi to show mat ior an v" "" a. u , purposes, the county board i. re- friends-a photograph card of your pU;?T 1.- . ,.ia a certain knnae: See Post Card Bar, t A GOODLY SUPPLY rf toilet aids i. an absolute necessity at this resort especially. Whether you stay at home or go away you need them just the same. That thia pharmacy is the best place to obtain them any one will tell you who has once used Our Toilet Aids end Article. They .re the kind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we invite you to secure your supply here, knowing you wUl be more thsn satisfied. j Hillsboro Pharmacy j BEAYERTOMEEDYILLE ACREAGE ThtgTasadena of OL Well improved, and in a high state of cnltivation, all rich soil, with no rock, white land nor gravel, all suitable for raising walnuts, apples or any other kinds of fruits; well watered; on well-graded public roads; handy to schools, churches, stores, etc.; can be bought for $150 per acre, on terms to 'suit the purchaser. To intending purchasers of small acreage: Why go away a long distance from Portland when you can buy some of 'the richest land in the Willamette Valley, within a few minutes' ride of the best mar ket on the Pacific Coast, at the above prices? Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland, Oregon Anybody can Make Money But it is a wise man that saves it It is the First $100 that is the Hardest to Save After that it's "easy sail ing." We would be very much pleased to have you call at our Bank and re ceive a Beautiful Pocket Savings Bank, with our Compliments. We pay 4 per ct. per annum, and pay you the interest three times a year. "Cornelius State Bank licuuniu 3reen, J U Heury, ;.....i.m 10 ra HliUI Krec" I v. c i..aa of BDHHU"I Wi.. tteihenrer. K U ureen, j vj KedKIin vwn apple,, W Another v ia point your nan-" -- il .Dr,leB ana pears Alt ifcweiuer, v - overlooking is the raising of hriler calve.. variety. All PP'" Abner Briggs Many of their cow. aie old and in a very t fee wrapped "VAT.ll Klections-Aaron Denny -fa. C Chris hort time will become unprofitable. . ,, fr.lit mUst be placed n the Mil, ten90n 9. Alfred Guerber 7.40, J B "' uuilou J " . , amnnnt. based on Ibe re DUCV1UW TT nuirements of those funds. He atated that the only fund upon which the court may u.eivs aw oretion is the road fund. He point ed out, on a system 01 onaru, we 32tf Korinek made an in- about it. anuilinn nf Hairy herd, in this laat week, and say. he is determined to .tamp out wDerouiu- Thr. . otu rhei?er7alvesraS Whington o .lck 9.8o Jno Irelaud .u.i. i .. at nreseiit bring 1 ltD Biree., .i Nn. . white & Henderson ..50, Bud wiMtineir piece cowa.i"-- . , - k,B. hv Monaay nigun, .w.. 4u, nun. j. .Uty-five to aeventy-live : dollar iR wd.' " -,, be given to .go. K J Ward o two veats an avernuc . ,c ;hi. aiu"" i--- m.A ..in nvruiu ii " 1 . ' . . ..... i II.. a-. Ullll'll WUl ' oring one nnnnreu - well pay for r.i.lug mem. derson a. 5. 0ti, Jno Kane, ii, j k wa. a R WOO i pri.es will be given to , , 50 , 7 Manche uccessful exhibitor.. WaBhing J g c Mul & w-Win. II p.y for rt.iug mem. nounty iB naturally uuo 5,1,1, Hollinger 1.50, j "- " a.. abToK..J, ,HlKBSfaai county seat visitor, - took tw0 prixe. im 3 oon. Koau aim uiKunj- j -I Elmer Miller ao, Rowell Bro. & Co 3.05, t J IITUIIa n.M I ea oui., on BjowjiM u. - 1 igjB wnerever iounu. num nrnnerand imoroper croM-sections . ' -mniJmanted Dr. Knox, the of earth ronde, and reoommended c unt .Veterinary, for hi. efficient the use of the road drag, a. the beat I . ' mean, of maintaining p open, P.WtBM.a !or choice a-raded earth roaas. ne "v "TiV- 1 . Un. f . . j l m ma amnia nn nftirim iuo wwi -mw w plained the metuoa ,nd .mokerB ti. macaaam roaue, uu B-,- -b-.-j------. 34 7 on the oost of fame. cle. in the city. THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carry a complete line ot hne sundries. Tf we do not have what vou want in stock, we will cheerlully get it ior you. TTavincr been atjoolnted publishers' agents, we are nnm wpnarpn to suuuiv . uun Kx 1 your wants in inc omwi Book line. Wi also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be sold for Cash Only. Positively no ueaii. t f 1 i j alter noon iw. mm iw wwwei.