The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 12, 1908, Image 2

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    ' f
i '
Entornl at the foul o(flr at Hillaboro
Oron, as .vm.-c!a. mail mat tar.
HKMIY U. (SI ll.ll. Idtltor.
County Oflicial Paper
Subscription: II.Xl pr Annum.
Waard Kitty Tharaday
a 11.1) A McKIMMKT
A. A Walkfr, of above Gatton
was in town tbe 6 ret of the week
A. Ximan, of Portland, i build'
ing a new cottage for rent, on First
etrnt, betweet 5 b and 6 h.
C 0 I.aren, of near Sherwood,
wan a county eat cilltr. jwterdaj
Mr. l.aren jays Sherwood is to
have a new electric light plant
The stockholder of the Back ol
Sherwood arc financing the concern.
The R-t M J. Ballantyne, of
IUlla. will preach at Cooper
Mountain Kfanaelical church, Suo
day morning, at 10;30; at Hail
dale school houee in the afternoon
at 2 30; at Laurel Evangelical
church Sunday eening.
In !h Circuit Court of th State of Or-
Kn for Washington County
i lioinas S. WiUp-s Plaintiff,
Charles H. Newwli, and Mary K. Xfweil
us miir, isMtmiant,
To Charles H. Newell and Marr K
Newell, hi wile, the above named defen-
In the Name of th State ofOretron: Yoii
ami each of vou are berth Cvminiamled
ami rrquir.) to I an.l appear in the a
bove entitled Court ami answer the com
plaint therein tiled against Ton. on or be
lore the expiration o! six week from the
ilateol the first publication of thia su-n-laoiis
in the hillstxa-o Argu. the first
publication thereof being- on the 12th day
of November. Isak, ami the last publica".
tion thereof being on the Slst day of Ie
cnilr. lis. to-wit: on or before" the aut
day of December.!. ami you will pie
Um noiice mat if you fail so to appear
and answer, the plaintiff will apply wthe
above entitled Court for the relief praTed
for and demanded in his complaint" lo
wit: lor a decree that the plamtilT is the
owner in tee simple of all of the following
described rex! property, lying, being and
situate in Washington County, Oregon
and being a part of the James B Rubin
son Donation i.and Claim No. ,"m in X 1
k. .s w . of the ill. Mer., particularly
Beginning at the northwest comer of
me jonn K- Sorter Donation Land (.'lain
on the east line of the William Porter Do-
miiion una i. laim, and running north
.i uvK. v,,-. on me oeiween the w
i oner ami Jame U. Ko ins..n cu,....
"ichs. to corner: thence north 52 dee.
x. nun. wfot on raid claim line to the
point where it cres the ceuter of the
rnannei oi imiy creek; thence down the
...... .it.. ..f ...... u . l
'""'"'pvi 'u.iTti to wnere it crosiies
rhe north line ot the John H. Porter
. v laini; urart west on the line between
said John R. Porter and James B. Kobio
on Claims. O ch.. more or lms. to the
piace oi oeuinning, and being ail of said
James H. Robinson Claim lying south
anu wen ot me middle of said
Aua mat you and each of you and all
persons claiming by, through or under
you, or either of you, be forever barred
anu pieciuueu iroiu claiming or atlemDt
tog to claim, any right, title or interest of
in or to saiu premixes or any part thereof
adverse to the title of the plaintiff therein!
and for such other and further decree as
may I necessary and proper, and for the
ram ami uiaourseinenta ot this suit.
I his summons is serred upon you by
puiMii-auvii iu me Argus Dy or
der of Honorable J. W. (ioodin. County
... i MuiogiuM Louniy, (.'regon
maue anu uateu at Hillslwro on the 7th
day of November, ISf.w, and which order
requites that you appearand answer said
complaint on or before the expiration of
si ees irom uie uaie 01 the first publl
iicauoii oi gain suuinions in said newapa-
'"r, io-wu: on or belore the Slst day of
Attorneys for Plainlifl
At Yit
Stire Your
i , . . . .
sny rncnniatic attacks are due to urc
acul id th blood. Put the dutv ot the
.Kinevs is to temorr all uric acid fiom
ne wixxt. Its presencr there shows the
amnevs aremactive. IWt dallv with
"otic acid solvents." You rtusht k on
nil divmsxlav with them, but until u
care the kidneys vx-u will never get well
IVao'a Kidney i'ills not on!v remove
uric acid, but cure the kiducsa'amt then
all danger from uric acid is ended 1 lere
i HilUlmro testimony to rrove it.
Gev. Hanlv, livirg on Mam St.. Hills
boro. O.euon, ur; "Krurr to the
weather waa the duect cium- of mv k d
ney tiouble and rheumatism which, an
noted we for a long time. I tied severe
pains through mv btek and it was only
with tie intenast imetv that ! (,'.
to bend ovrr. Mv kid tiers sr iiitwt.
disordered, and 1 was caused a great deal
01 trouble by their too irtuurut action
I used a number of temed
of gating tetter I continued t gu w
worse. I hns'ilv saw an acciunt in ihri
papers of Loan s Ktdnev Til s, and t-tug
much impressl I ptvcuied ih.i In
shoil time my kidneys weie ii!oitning ;
iHuiicr luociions ami mv iu. k.-i
disappeared. I am now entirelv !!
and hsve not had a sign of kidnev com
plaint aince loan's K dnev Pills cured
For Bsle by all dealers Pt
50 cnt. Koeter-Milburn Co , Buf
falo, New York, eole aenU for th
r ' : . i c,-i.
hemember the name Doan'e
aod take no other.
Best Fire Insuranca
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Pacific States Phone 103 HIULSBOKO
V MlsHV W St-llll' l.l I'OtUi
values in Ctist ;un! SUrft Stcrl
lined II
raters w hieh .ue le-f-Kii-aMy
piicetl. t ur Lrnoxeiul'.Hlies
the very lest tV.itu! c iu a inei!iutu
tii.-i(l .-lvt !in...l I, ......... 'I'',.. I... I..
ot the Lenox Heater is nude of Xo. .m Polished
Med heavy east top and bottom, cast linirm. l uc
w, , 'vlu vu'1 ana ncautltul NiclVrl 1
t carrv three sizes
IS itii'li in :
20 inch, i , cx iueh,
U e show the best lo
w priced beaters on the mat ket.
y have Cast irou tops with cither outMdc t-ioedratt
iMl' ,U,lf. . 1 at. .
Of low irifr V.x .1. . .. . i i-
., ' " 4,-'' - Micci steel itutii
raus, i ins heater
aiul nickel tool
... , ..: i . .t ..
iu jie.N aim o si vies.
before purchasing your heater ask us about out iutall
ment plan-its an easy way to buy. YVe also cany
stove pipe, elbows, stove boards, etc., at popular in ices.
Oil Heaters
Cascado Ranges
i :
Ladies Init Shirts
Outing Flannel Shirts. 10 (W
Fancy Mohair Waists.
in blue, white, errant. 2.'25
Wide Rut hinj;'. per yd. 40c
Sweaters, white, navy.
Bray, and rrd '2.50 up
White Lawn and Ging
ham Aprons 25-50c
Fancy Slipprrs. at ail prices
en's I'ru'-i.M.
roy Fonts
Hod and CmyS,r9lrK50
l.iH.t-weiBht Fllir
Sltirts. in tub,,,
Mohair Shir,,. intuors ()0c
Army tfray flannel Shirts $2
-top, watt-r-procf.
Uanclnn Pump,
6 00
J. J. Hill, Proprietor
Rat&s: $i to 51.25 per day
1 'i blocks from Oregon Klectric
Company's ticket office.
Nutice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that. I the nn-ler-iiRUed
administratrix of the Enaie of
uwtgni m. 1 nomas, deceased, have tiled
in the County Court of the State oi Ore
gon, for Washington Coonly. my final
account as such administratrix, and ttm
aid Court has set Mondav, !ec. ;th
19A at 10 o'clock a. m . of iiai.l ,uJ .1
u-l.'l11" ,dJ ,he Cot,D,y Court Rocm in
Hillsboro, Oregon, as the place for hear
ing objections to said
final settlement of said estate.
ANN IK B. Tlf.lMis
Administratrix of the Ksiain( 1 1 J;..v,.
H Thomaa. deceased.
W. N. Banett, Altortey fur Estste.
Liquor License
In the County Court of the .Slat of Ore-
r... . . .... .
In the matter of the Kstate of f'harlea F.
lirsen, ueceased.
To the unknown heirs of Charles F. Lar
sen deceased, and the State of Oregon,
" "iiici n-.uiu iiueresieo in toe es
tat of said ( imrles F. 1-araen, deceased
in me name ot the Mate of Oregon- You
are hereby cited and required to apuear
... .wwmj wuii ui me siaie or Uregon
lor Hie County of VVaohinifton at the court
ii.rrw.i, at uiiisooro, in the Uounty
of W ashiturtoii, on Monday, the Htu d y
( Ieceujl)er. HKIH, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of that day, then and there to
Hiu. mum, 11 any you nave, why an or
der of said court should not be made auth-
yuAiiiB, nieimnig aim empowering K. 0
"'""'i iimmiraujr oi tne estate of
, i 5 77 i ?,f,aeu, w sell all of
... iuji.jinKuewcriri real property ly-
County .State of UreKou, and particular
ly described as follows, to wit:
Minm.enciiijf m rods west of the ciuartr
T . . ,:, " "eciioii 61, T, 'Z H
ol it. 1 W. f the Will, Mer., and running
thsncc west SO rods to the ee.m.r ,.f
section s, to a stone; thence north m
rods; thence east SO rols:thence south iii
i t ha ..U.... ..r l .. . . T'S
In the County Court of the Slate of Ore
goo for WashiDirton County
In the matter of the
enck Colfelt for License to sell Spirituous,
inoustnd Ma t I.i.ninr. iL ......;
ties than one gallon, in Eat rl., rr0..t
To the Honorable
The undersigned petitioners legal voters
of Kast Celar Creek Precinct. Washing-
ui. v-uumy, uregon, and coiistitutnig a
majority of the legal voters of sai.l Pr
cinct and heinir a,-in run lid.., i-. . , - .i
U,- . . " , ..ri'.r.un U Mil If 1
a irjvun i, kiiu nivintr aifrtt j nu ; . i t
said Precinct 3n d.:. n:"'. "
diug the date of this petition and the
date of the tiling thereof, would res per: t-
tunj Lrvilioil VOllT HitFinru i . .1
ask that a license to sell sr.irii
...u ... nquors, in less quantities than
m. r.. ... r.aii i.e.iar Creek Precinct
Washineton County. i. I
, ' , M' r rrlll'lc t-olltlt. a res id
of said Precln.rt, for a period of one
Iron-Clad Postal Ruling
Accordiuj; to a ruling made !y the
vmjiuS .MiuHiiucrs on mar lists
narw?r fur mnr llin. ,..., r t
t t uut iroiu January
who ouc
f..r t!
f t . W if
,..:n u r 11. . . J
u, : rciuseu aamisssiou at the regular ticwspam-r
rate and must pay a much !iiMher rate ,m ,hc entire
1 ci Tt.: .... ... .
. m.i uu newspaper can attord to do and
IS rmlv nriA tliinn tn t. .1 .!
-",s iu w uoue, euner to tut
Slllisrrmlii-inc .. 1.1,1, .1
r"'" Mn.u uic mure tnaii one
rears or else quit business. If y,,u
to be more than ouc year iu arrears
1 t. 1
auu neip us to comply with the law.
months remain to make the change.
t!T all
year iu ar-
knu yourself
kindly pay m,
nl v three
The Argus Publishing Co.
Boy 9 HigU-Top Shoes
in Tan and
$2.25 - 3.50
Jl'ST ARk i;i)'
MruVn l.ij,;ho ,.!!,,! j.(.
w ith t tui '
Corduroy l'nnU
$ FOR$
Our Motto
i w
pt icz.
Hiilfhnra AfBllH. U Af)
Vv linanv M I r..,..-o i,. .
.. .... j, 4,un, iv iii iien -r
Ker, w .m .MOOre. A Sclierlhiu C ,.
... t t. - , . 1. -
t.ui, iv n. iownsenit. I, Haiert V
, ,..r ruller' B K U,!,J. that Wcrz
loff, h feavaiie. M F Tufta vv v u 11
E Klinirer, Chas t;tilraer
.rcaiu, 11 .u wool. hratik fe.Vr r..;
r-...t.i.J ,. ... : ..,ii
vuuiorn, i. u waijiser, I. C Sherman
frank Boss, J C Wirth. I'umi.l v...
raeersch, W A Clear, Uuis lie Buck, .1 R
.1 . ' lvarlmann. S Townscnrl, K l
'iiicneu, rranit Wa vren VV v riaia u
, ,., o r - t
c lYangemau, vv Krause, F Murray
11 uay, f f. hhaver. C, If r..m
nnaver, jee
flHCl lT CorUT itv THK
It. Haifley and W. O. Hare, I'laintiii,
MelrxU .J.Wood ward arid Jam
wrd, her himhaml, Hn Th Kasiem
InventtiiPiit Couibany, Limited, a Cor.
(Miration, Defendant.
To Meloria J. Woodward anrt Jr,,e W.
W o.lar,l, two of the above nauied ,,
leiiilantH: I" the nameoftlii. State ofOreK.jii: y,(U
are hereby command! and re.iuire-1 u,
he and a.x-ar in the atxive entitled rrt
and uiiHwer the cinplaiiit iilrd aKuiimt
you 111 the alxjve ntilltl caune, 011 or In
fore the expiration of mx week from i,
dale or the 1, rt public ition of .im ,.
morlH in the Hi Nboro Arirm.. it.e ...
the lirnt pohlieatlon thereof heinif on the
V.Kh dav of Oetnher Mm .... .....
publication thereof beii,( on the 17th dav
of pwinr, !. to wit: on or fx-fore the
in. nay ..I Dec., uhh. ,
take notice that if you
Ir yfar
Bridge Beach & Co. Superior Stoves and
Ranges and Great Western Stove Works
Notice of Adimni.irator'i Sale
lb day ol
"I", l.ti
and you will uieaw
fail ho to appear
and answer Maid eomolaint. the r,l,',;.,.r
"I'i'iy uieraiurt lor the relief prayed
for and demanded in their
wit: that that certain ninrtiuvu .,,l,u
execute.! arid delivererl by you 011 the:jih'
nay of Dec. Ii7 U M M. Wan. i,i...i ....
reeord on the .'!lt .Un .f 'iu.,7 .... .
remr.led on pavre u of Hook .aii.r .1,.. ...
cor In of MorigaKex of Vashiii(fU.nutity,
UriKon. bo reformel to conform to the
aKreeu,enti t,f the Haid M. M. Watta and
aid defen. lantH. and tbr 11,.. .
M. M. Watts.
li-rel,y ; Kiven thai, pnrsuanl
(,..,( t I 't 1 """ V"" "I Hi" fnul.U
ou t h.r M'.lu,,,,,,,!, , , s
"r.on..:ui.. , ,,..., ,-'. 7l)
I' 'ir. "!""' "", 'Uy..r n...
' . 1 "in on iiti i,.r tlt,
le,.e,Mi.e.-, ! ,o,, .,( Ilt pfiVil),
" 11 "'" "f A. II. JohiMoi
lew it :
IU....I, .....
of l!,..v,., ., '"' U!' 'n
1 pareei ,,1 .,.,1 ;,, , i, 1, ,
"l J.Mfls O.
S..1111. ..r k... ic ""ip 1
ler ,., ' "' ""' "'""'Hell.
.(.a,,, W .,, Pi.:i,lilltlv'.l10,
0 .ai. s,., ,, ,o: ,.,.. Kit ' ,
"'"in e nniiih M ,uv .'In
' ' '.""inn; inenr.i'
..... .... .,,,,. in,,,,,,. p
Wii01..; ll,e,,, S).1, (.(a,iiM (()
' , '''",""',;""l'"l"K Ki Hi acre,
,f, '' lien-lolore -old, l,lv
"'K ;flO acres, which moacrea are , , .,
as tr,lclH eller,.d " A ' ' ... .mm ,. ', " " '
HM.I lr,.,..u . - , ' , 1 '. I'lHIV
Tract inclusive, In
A t.urt ,.r ..... .... ..
I . ,.11.,.'. "" "af""!- I'omilloii
and Thre
'4V-f too, I Irecoll
parcei ol I 111,1' m, . 1,.,
' ."on 01 J. w. Woo, I
wei Hons .', .'I. lo ,,, ' ...
rlli Ti.
(Il;t t lin Iheu.
,1 J
1 IMli!
jg'--v-mm, n... " v
,1 '""''"TnrniiiaMiii . . '
Uuckshay, VV H
II (
.id. ... ih. ..1 r--' - v" .. . .. "'.-". iv
iu'7aures' - ''""injf.coulaininif r'ana j'owell, G VV Andrews, J C Wan
Kc.uiin, B.001 r. ueoiv. I I. Shaver VV
A Fuller, , T Cole. K V ta, , 1 -...
I 1 . . . . ci-
oracaen, A timino. Larl Irriknr P...
J Peterson, Joa VanHorne
w Bell, Johnny Otterbtrom, B Bell, Ar-
...ut uaiureatn, tj -j i'eaney; Jj VV
oicjjucnon, .1 ft Hess, Fre.1 Hess, H J
ncas, joa uatlireath, VV Peters, (i H
lounger, iienry 11 Hill, Herschel Clat
ter, August O.ane, Phil Mer win, VV I,
V ,- ! , r' aluoy. in Adolf, J l'jott
v ruDuaca, oeo tjalbreath, M I, Adolf
Henry Saffran, C Oohl, Joe Roberts, T B
Odtert, Ablxi Peters, F I. West Pelix
wc wennicn, i 1 Sherman, Peter Van
oyucmieaii, t. t. unm, r W Schamherif,
voie, a Matthews, He n rich Vee
Kllis, Koliert Hie, K A Ivldy
Mallott. A Brarescn X Aiwl.i;;.'
ti..i L... .. ' """-",
yi... ..uiiworui, iienry ilolzwoith
viaus reters, Jienry Klligsen, Heinka
rcicrs, narrv feters .Simon !'.. vi'.i
1:.. ... ' ..... -'-''.
mC riau oeo ftuigsen, William Kllixsen,
T C Wheaton, Fred Noble, Herman
Krause, Auust Kranie A I iru ur 1
Smith, H Casteel, K Colfelt,
To Whom it M
Notice is herehv
Higned resident of Kast Cedar Creek Pre
cinct, vyashiiiKUiii trinity. Oregon, will
l'J'4 acres;
At private sale to realize funds sulHic
ten ; to pay claims airainstsaid estate and
and thecistn and charges of adn.inistra.
.. .... pujonur in me petition of said
K.O. Lanen Hied in the aboye entitled
n iiness. ine H.m.,rui. u r ...
,J.i.e.?,fthe .(1;ou!'ly ,joun t 'he BtatSof
u.' .i? .V' l....e " "!'' "' wanliinjrton
K' .i V ,T.V "1 W'rt affixed this
w- Baiiey
a) Kd. C. Lu, Deputy,
TV fuir- ,n
wiiluu ijuukt OF THE
oiAii, ur UKKG0N, FOR
Paul Hiu.e, Plaintiff'
Lizzie Hin.e, Defendant
To LlzzieHinze.defendaiit above rnmed:
" ". wo .-siaie 01 uregon: You
ore nereoy iiouneo trial the plaintift lias
i.. o.;o..,,ii..iii aKui 11,11 you 111 the Blloye
entitled court and cause and you are here-
uy ituuirou iu ajipear anu answer the said
complaint or tile some anpearance there
on on or before the last day prescribed bv
1. a oisj v 01 sain rnortifiuo at the several W". ""1111111111:111,1 ut I he Soni h
pi.:es wnere the same shou 1 I.m... i..... . .. "i 1110 nouiheasl o,n.ri..r ,.
inserted, and by Inaertiuif the winsidera-, shi'i, I s ',n'',Vl,'!,rl''rl v""!""" Town
won thereof, to-wit: fm.iH), in the body of Vf K""M'" 1 VV',',I "r ' Wl
taid instruiiieiit where ik ...... .i..T.... . 'V"H Mti.Iiii. r.uuiliiir il.....,-.. 1. ,...
have l,i.i... 1..-.......I 1 .. """"" , elia IIS! Iheiic. V,H,
0...1 . - - . . n.. n as Wel ".-"r
"y mutual miswkeof the part es ,1 , , ;. " l''cin;e .-omhi '.'il chains I.
iiiereuj, and through the fault ..f H... , 1 " " m n lf,f : n 1 1 it 1 1, t nu-,vi i t,.u
.iiYi-oer woo prei)areJ m i nw.riuio ... w ,m . 1
tire order of publication thereof, to wit
the lath day ot December, 1908; and if you
fail so to appear and answer the com
plaint or tile some appearance herein, the
pininiui win can bo your ueiauic 10 be en
tored and notified and will apply to the
ourt for the relief prayed for 111 said coin
plaint, to wit: a decree fortver dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and plaintiff and for such other
relief as to the court may seem meet and
The date of the first publication of this
aumiuoiis is the hid day of October, I'M;
aim mm summons is 10 lie published on
very J Imrsday of each week tor a period
of aix successive weeks between said dates.
This summons is published by order of
Hie Hon, Thomas A. McKride, Judge of
the above nlitled court, made in Cham
ber! this 22nd day of October, A. D. laus,
Chan. J. Hchnabel,
Atty. for Plaintiff.
and that said mistake was mutual ami ' . A,,"llm",r'i,"r of Ihn
" I..IO..L H .1 V I OM I .11, ,.,. i.r t I : 1 --,,1, 1 1 .
. .M Watta and Hie r,Ui..iiir i.r..i... -
that said inortKage as reformed, b., fore' i SUMMONS
closed ami that the real
descried, Uwit:
l.yiliK, boiriK and siloale in w.,i. ' IX THK (MM lie i,..-,,..
........ . 11 1 ' '' '"I I'l
Z ai 1. , i ' P I'dlows, to- h TATIC OK olIKOON
. TODviiiumm iiiancrii the
northwest q uarter of set-tiou 14, T. IN it
o W. of the Will. Mer.
bo sold by the Hheriff of Washlniton'
ounty, Oregon, in the manner provided
.ue practice 01 the a
Ksiato of A.
above en-
by law and the practice of the
titled ".ourt, and the proceeds of such sale
oe applied to the payment of the anion nix
.": 111V III ill nun. ir lie nu
and costs and
and that the
and Interest
reasonable attorney's fee,
uammis nave ludi'mrmt
I'l ml, iV M,,w'"-y J- M. Pollock,
Irene (Piiiur a,,,! (iuiiar ,er hs
and. Cordelia ll,.g and - u Z
her In.u ,1 I .1,1:. 1. .. . , '"iKK
on , ; .oisn him i.eoive
HIHh her hiislmud, Martha H.isl,Hnus
and llaruion ifilmd, l,er bus bun' I
urn V. ' toiing,
wile, j, it. r.vcrsoii imil . lOverL,,.,
his wife, DefendiintH. '
Irime lJiiili.riuiil iluiiar,,,,,,. .
baud, (,ordclmoW a, ,
lUKbaml, In,,,,, lilisl, (ll , Jl,r
. ..imp.aici, .Vlliri It II to.l,ti.,l.i I
on WednesJay, the 2nd day of Dec.
i ten o'ctiKk a. m. of said day, present
the foregoing petition for license Ui
sell spirituous, vinous and mall liquors
In Kan Cedar Cmelr r....i.. 1.. ......
i,.,...rl... , less
iVinrt fVi 2 . Ka,""i. w the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Washing,
ton Countv. at Hiilsh,.r 11 ... h
said time and place will ask that a license
sellZri.n0 tUe MnlKo.I applicant to
if, k!1i T V"?18 a"1 n,11 liquors
nKast Cedar Creek Precinct, Washing
ton County. Oreir.... I.. ' "". I
than lli... . . . l"wu-
"uiii .i.c uauf ... .01. tui...
Dated this Oct. 2H, IWju.
Bagley & Hare, Attys. for Applicant
Harmon II iisbands, Imr husband Orson
Vouug and --Young, his wll'ii, H. M,
;yo..H and Rosa ,yoi,H, his wile. J. R
Lverson and Kverson. bis wir.. ,1..
of such
Butterick patterns and f.w
faebion eheete at Baird'u. 31 7
r,,,r,v i.iu noil ea.;ii oi v.hi .or irn. un...
oft'MXi) wtth interest thereon fr,...', ..
0, 1OT. at the
ik m, and the sum of $W.U) attornev's lee
and for the costs anil liuh,.ru., ..r
this suit II DOIl the t.rori.iHsi.rir ....
mi ted by you and each of you on said Dec.
.!, i, which saiu note and mortgage
were heretofore assigned, transferred and
delivered to the nlaintlll's. and n.u ..1
tills being now the owners and holders
thereof, and for such other and further
relief as mar be necessary nml ...
the premised. ,
1 ins r-iiminoris is served upon you by I
publication by order of Honorable .1. VV i
on j 1 1. 1..111.1IV .11. .1,11. .r u..... .. . ri,i ,....1 ....... , ,
... ... j ...... , il null lllguill I ' ui... 1 ICUIOer .'iill'l . I!l F
County, Oregon, made and dated st li Ills- date being the first publication of lis
"r'' if you fall so to a sw 'r
l.KIH, which order requires that you appear f"r want thereof, the plainl ills will u , J
and ai.swer said complaint on or before to t lie Court for the relief immi ,, k ' X
the expiration of H weeks fro.,. t.h ,ii I t ie r t. ...i. . .1.1 1 '"
of the lirst publication of this summons ' a decree wherein tlindefendaiitH and e.leh
in the Hillsboro Argus, the date of the,"' the,,,, be required to sot forth fie .
lil !f ui ii tr kut it urn in ( in. c.ii,. ........ i ;' . I,
""""""Il WOIHK JHi;. l"M'fWI 1' 1 1 I I 1 iff
rJrf!tT-'' -I I, i 1 T ' r i'i
1 1 1 ' ft"'11 1 fA?(6J
. . ""ft: ill Uk :- . VI
T i UV
rr t
" u miy a jrood heater, it will
.u.uiy )euj)ie have h
save j f,lci lo mv f(. j(si.jf i"(.iic
ofcn deceived m iIU..; i.. Ii.-m
"ivnii); in. u Mmi.i m i . ...--
them the most evieiisive. A
looks attractive, which lias been
to l.ttlVf for.
will arise from this dnw t(v. fittl( You
for a stove, thm ,..;?. .. . . n'K " u,,s W,"I,'1 and when von pay a small prut
nrasouahlc profit' c ,,, "!' r CSt of I,,alcrial aml la,,,,r- a'1 i,,l",M,c !
",sl incxp ,ie ,cc ,?' n,,r ud steel, ami the cheapest and
1 lalK.i must j.,, IIll0 tllis HvcmUii,y ,ow.)riml Movt,
w ilh'Ihe 'l"..'!"!':. ,imi!c Wil,iK Mai-hhir.. Imll la..,i,ll.. ami
i. t . " . ; ' " 1 iiiiMrr I hi' i ui, r.
Mil. Jl III. id. . I . I t
f """ yi-iirs old nin
' , sc !" ;l price, when experience ..rcvcH
small pme may he pai.J fur a m0 e vh . 1
'lescrihei as "m rfect " Inn it ; r 1 1(
..... -.1 I'll t it is liable to nrovc n
.v.. v.i.iuee.s to fine, trouble
never Ket soiiiclhjmr for
" Von hvr I... li., ....I. ,1,1 .... .1,..
'Tiite It. Hold u ihHty dins trial.
are agents fur IirilKc ami Head, and The Great
Wcstcm Stove Works
I Nelson Hardware Company
In the liamoof the.StiiteofUriiKoiii V,,,,
are hereby required to ftpoear and hiihwc
the comiilalrit (lied uKllst y()ii t
above entitled soit, vU six weeks
VaaaaH. . . J
i. i i .
' laim; tlmm, n : , f .' VoK
West Inn of U. I ' .' K- W-st on II,,,
the date of the last publication being Deo.
17, l!fb, u.-wit, on or before Uec. 17, l!XM. I
Bagley & Hare,
Attorneys for I'laintiffa
Ttii rough-bred Berkshire pign f, r
fiale. Inquire E. Burkhaiti-r
Farmington, Oregon. 3.'J 0
Ut a .... il.. .
.vesioi iiio (iiiur er Hnction
corner on the .Soul), bouiidury
Wion iil j , tj, u. jj w.. Where the
i'.ast boundary linn of the Klar.i Youi
onnuon l and Chiiiu Number . T. nK
Hlllll Unue I i. . ,' ""'""CIH lliH IMC (l ast HII
said Haw Line, ml runiilnjj thence West YounK I), j.
yiMm T'r ,,,:B K,lHt " d
oislluL1;;;::;;'!' t!
hi.iimk i.w.1!.m,;";J2,,',,1,'k'
Will Mer.nnd r, . . ... N.'1. W.-."'
f,Kato.l,eKaH'i ? 71 , T'" '.'
' w ins. to t hi, n i,' "ii.
I i, 1-111 HIT (II U 1 .
I 1... I.t "
'"v-Z 'Vb" ofsal,,
toiHhe ' r,. !..8'.' '"'. ".
lliir '.'1 Jfi
plai'e uf heKiniiliiu..
M. Slarrett l. l.: V ''u . m : .'"!" Mry
""Kaat and W est Z ' Iv ' '
more or
And li st .ii 're or less.
"I"'" II nil I bit(iri! 1 1 i!'"ft-
cr., o B 1 f I'lwlhlllls bed,..
'I'M real pro, 1 '1 ' ,v ""!''"!' I xlmple of
'!" wlml 2, ' ""''V'. ,nd of
, ""o a, iu nil'.
I'rei.iises, nlv "V '.V " 10 MB'I
I'lHU'lllls an ..r'r, i.' ,T'mfl ,,.llv,,'',B l"
"dlef ,ts i m. i a bm ' .""'r
l-rmnlses ' y " J"Ht tt'"1 IUlll. th
the data of said
lion I hereof biilnit mi Oi
K. II Tmiuiii' 'V 'l,l",.
Attorneys lor nuiniiiis.
order, IU.' Ural lf
hullre. i.l'
I- 0., 10.17 c,h. ui
"aid Kbit, I
the N. W.
Nllllll,,,,!,. ...
I'lll'llctloi, by rd.rof.T V)'"" l,y
W. Ooodl, Lo r V .t,,n 'l"'mble.
lim(!ontv Ore ,.1 "T WaahlliK
O' tobe, :ifoZV,l i nh"!1, lHtil
I" said orde or Praa. rlhai.l
"ions to he . . '''l ' loraaldsiun.
tom,wmrw m mm- wm
Hillsboro Feed j
dud Cider Mill j
h. honnkv, rit",K
Suci'csHor lo J. l tr
lmlc.iiilinl I'lmiit; j6
Custom Grinding I
i weesa irnm
em iiniiiaiiWJHi' mumm