The JnllLLSBeR NO. 35 VOL. XV. fiLTIK JOHNSON HAS PRELIMINARY I1KAH1NG Two WitucMHCH for the Stale Were M mined ),,.... B.ti. 0tf U ik. Umu.f Ui4 imittntn I sjj at st awst a aaawaWaWaaw aaw aaw aw aaa .. fii T Wm.J M Iniin ! 1 I IIIIMi IDllkl'ii I W IV IKVrilllllll vu... ....;..," . IIHIinKMN fll,lVM II 1,11 111 W I MIU i R a county seat caller, Kriaay. UDUUnilUU nUfllHUl Will" Johnswn, the man ouiiIIiuhI lalhto.ur.tT jail charged with the B.ur.lnr ul IVfJun. waa brought I (oft JuU W- J',in. U,t K,i J. and bed hi preliminary her lm. Tli HUU we represented lr puiy Attorney Tim II Tuu.ue. and l ..I f.,f the defendant. T llttIHM f"r the BUU. were i mined, when lb f11 eud Jutltfo Uuodin held Johnoo to the next jury, without bail Begls '"I'1 ,0 '-"; bard flubl fr their client, who claimed ell llt bat he ot Into fight with Perdue, ami that he killed lha men U cep f.u himself Th state, n th other hand, prob.bly. will work bfj lo show that the murder Ouai milled by Johnson. rtl tbil there w another motive (or tht aim Th ceee protula to at tract much iutfet. e Jobrxwin m tut many y"' oitimn of Wash Dton county. Hi wife bee sired lly refused to him, ever since his trrt but hit mother and olh ..i.i i. keva eieiied with the i.iUmii nulla often. If the owning grand jury brings in n indictment of the tiioner, Mi will take utece at the lie.t urm of circuit court, which meet In Hillsboro on the fourth Monday Id thit month. W. K Mullor.ol Hherwood. waa lit town Humlay. J M niiulh, ot Cortland. wt in Argua riller Momliy. J, lunin, nl lintvrrUin, wan in the city, Moii'Uy, tml callvd. II. C. Toelle, nl Mouth TuUtin, wtt an AfKUN cnunr Motility. M II liinn ff itlBifn mil ntiarlnr blix k, fsufiief fith A Kir, fur aala or rpnt. I.. W. Huute. W U It. Mii'liciMin ami ifn, ol I'.iii- ton, tpoiit a lw hour in the city, HuiuUy. S'lin lirrikihU rvlimlfir rwiirdt fur li'm, tt the liillnhoro i'harnia- cy. :mu (!h J.Wittimll. of IiuxtOD, wan ja county seat Ciller, Friday. R. Thomae. of Kist. Ore., waa in jtbe city last Friday. Jama Wtat. of Banks, waa ft nnunt eeat iitor. Friday. All the Jurymen Drawn for R B. Taylor, of Rwlville, tranB Servkc are Farmers butThree acted business in town Friday. V H fert. of Buxton. traDB- NOVBMBBR TBRII THE JOHNSON BILL The Pomona Grange Passes Strong Resolutions OLD GUAM) JlitV SVSTEW IK VOGUE Clicait Cturl Mcttt tt the Futnh Mot- 4ir la SovrmbHr PUBLIC SALH it iK p.ldfire of V. H Weh tool. Tib and Washington ttreeU, Haturday. Nov u iikih it 1 :U) o in. 4 iMMliiU-ttlt, 3 bureaut, 3 oommol, wardrol, Idetniard, titenaion oak dining t' bit and chair to watch; ttention .K ,linn. I.I.I,, and chiiri to niiiflh' hniiins atoe. cook a love caru, matting, lounge, hall rack, picture, etc .aeconu iani pnnm, i bfd mattreeai,3iMitaMileprin8, and other thing ton numeri uh to mention. Termt: Caah for nil euma undrr $10. A credit ot C months will I given on cured not bearing mi rent interest. W. II. Wehrung b. P. Corneliua, Auctioneer Ne Mora a Country Town (The Ik-icon liolrt an rjxn h ) Ttt oV town that we've lovnl well Siuc KiKhtMu t'ifty Two. JUt chitiKrd ftt In il)'t ' '. I frtl qm-cr throuKh ' lltrmigli Vt cvrrylhliig i liH"rntl now Flow liuirt pioneer, , tci moury ulk we've ronk'rte wlkt Au' Mertrlcrart It here! The uigin that we've had to long, Au' which Sue uiwd lo ly The while the tung with tilver tongue, It out of tune tmlny It aim in ttyle; not leart eating"; Timet It too gay, I fear r me an' Sue In l'ifty-Two No'lectric cart wa heic! The young fo'kt have to hoy swell clo't An" tlreti like muyiinaiira, The town's got big; tliey have to rig Themiiclvet an' jmt on aim; It tint no more a quiet town; 111' ilayslel's tlr tear The claiigiii' liella a niewutge trlU, The Mectiie line it here. Kctim like ol' tlmei has passed sway Au1 left us like a ilreiuii; Thoae tiiiet days in misty hae On memory cast a gleam Mr . , Iru tawll nc lie uu win. . ku j Fer we've enlarged our "spliere -We've conkrete walkt-and lug "lK blocks Au' 'lectric cart Is here! When we fust moved to ol' Ililltown W F I,iniier. of Iteaverton. had litihinees it thn court bouse Mniiday morning. Wanted To buv lirnlle family ------- w horse, sod hugy or light hack. For particular, apuly Argut oflice. Win Hlf jdiens and wile, of For est tirove, visited over Hunday with Mr. and Mi Hainuel Hteph ens, of North HilloUoru. Hinokert like the rtchiller and the Kicvlleiuia Tbeee cigar are ol the lwt sU k . Y'i can't fool an authority on a good cigar. I'. (I. tUrdner went lo Torlland, Hundsy, lo we his father in-law, f ni-la Tuiiiiiir Tucker, who is r covering from a sieg" f typhoid- inetiiiionta. rhotogiaph of your bouse taken h iha i'.Mtt Cstd Hsaar, and m.iuntrd on pbotograpbio cards, at $1 (HI wr dun, or i doi lor l oti H ssiiiplee in window. 32tf Tn men are workinn on the nw Methodist chim h in this city this ) L m.V The contractor is lusmng the work, a last as possible. a 1 1,., I ! Cridie. District Orgai iter of the Woodmen of tbe World, is in the ciiy lor a few days, in the loteieel of the order, at Ihia place, and at liuxUiu. Th-ii. will U a toe social given at th Hehse scbtsil bouse, near Karmington, Haturday evening, leoraber5. Kverybotlyooms.anu ladies bilng luucbe. Jeeeie 11 Kuauft, Teacher. Col. T. J. ltramel, formerly of this county, and a veteran of tbe Mexican War, and who is some wbeieiu the Kightiee, i sullering from heart trouble, at hi borne in Hanta Monica, Ctl. n. i lt;hnn. who has lately returned from a course of study in hospitals and sanatorium in u Hast, is now prepareu u gi" Ul modern home treatment for tuberculosis Ollioe in the lempie ton Block, Forest Urove, nr. on. ...i; itiiTinn. Master of the State Orange, and wtf left the Ut- ton I. t;., to aiveim - meeting of the National Grange. They expect to ne gone weeks. mi. ...i.i ...innnt annortioneu J )B total i , , the several school cli-tr ict of V Hh inicountyinlWTwaslM; 111. Uf this amount, IimWW was dirbursetl during tne ,r.., having a balance tube ior to the present year ol f ld,.).l The Hillsboro 8hire Co. held a meeling Id Ibie city, toturfg; Anton Hermena was elected I reel dent end Jo. Connell, Secret.ry S' Treasurer of .tbeComp-y The Company receiveu r. 1 .i.ilinn. which died ;rrnd w buy'anew horse some time this winwr. d contain T he racinu tu... the following dairy note which re late to waBhingwiuuuuu.j . - . . . .i.i. iiiiiuiinro. Have: 'My r nnave rt i" ini n v va hern oi o. """" , fnr mo; KIL.klo VVaHlllllKVUU ' My nine cow now average 11 5 per year xt .irAit the nec Wm, MCinuimji --- , , i. nl the Hillsboro Board of retary ol me ui iklet Trade, Ha uruay, he The jury list for the next term of Circuit Court, which meet on the fourth Mouday in November, l'JOH, was drawn by County Clerk J. W. Bailey and Hberill' Ceo. 6. Han cock last Thursday afternoon. Ac enrdin to the law oassed by the people at the June election, the old (hand Jury system will be in opera tion at tbe next session of Circuit Court. Following is a list nf tbe jurors drawn: Niiiirt Residence Occupation ....farmer ri: I.autt. Button J A Kullivan, IWavrnUm - '' Juhii Aoilnaon.N Foint lirove... -Tailor A II SeUwHel, Coiniliut farmer Wiu I'rowtheis, Gtlei Ctetk - " VV I. I'trtont. (iailoo - " John lljltoil. Went Butle " Ailro Kren, Columbia - John C Callahan, (latl'i .Milluiin II 1. Kix lit r. Weal CeUr Fanner I K I btiK, South Koiett Grove...- " Wm Mmkaway, Dairy " L W llout . South . Mrclianic Sam Galbraith, Kail Cedai... Farmer Kolieit Rohertaoo, South Tualatin " Joa I'owmtB, Wett Odtr " I'rlrr C.roteen. Washington " Chat K Man, South Tualatin " Chat Kratimer, Coiiteliut lot l Mit kle, Galen Creek " Oia Gtnliitr. (Vjlonibta II F Cali hing, N Forest Grove...- t'eter Ji lirmtJii, Cornelius " II W Slatlman, hVavenlaui " (1 W I'oule. Galea Creek - " J W lUvuaid, S will Tualalio " De'uiar Martiti, Oilier Heniy Miller, keeilville " Orbard (ke.e, Cornelius " Geo W Ileal Jr. Gaston " Henry Kauiua, Coruehut acted busineaain town Friday. A nice thing to send to your friend a photograph card of your house. Bee I'oet Card Bazaar, about it. 32tf Hchneider. of Phillipa. wa in towo on businesa, Monday. Born, to tbe wife of fleo. Roy, of Hillsboro, Nov. ft, HKiH, a eon J fV CVnrker and Tom Muruby, of near Mountaindale, were in the city Mondy. Mr. Sarah Galbreath.of below Tualatin, wa an Argu caller raon day P R Taalnr and Tavlor Hill. Of V . s w J J above Mountaindale, were down to the county Beat, Monday. I,lo Rudolf Crandall has SO far uv.Kw - recovered from hi recent illness, as UWyiKEKS SBOCLD TAKI NOTICE Drclsrt Rtd Uttcy Sbtall bt att Impartially The followioe resolution were pass ed br Pomona Grange of tbi coun ty at it last meeting, and Bent in for publication. The Grange bs lieves that road leading from boat landing, railway BtatioDB, ware houses and other market, should first be improved, in the interest of the producer. The reeolatione fol low: i-The Sitc Good Roads As sociation has ippointed a committee to -.. I - . a W. nr. prepare a Dili lor letter iwu. i u ..iint to the next k-Kialatnre for its en- j... .... n , l.iw nrl wtureaa: I.U1KU, .M.V t ) ' See Our Full Assortment recovered from his recent illness, a It ha been reported tnat a majority o, . i,. .Tu ,.n lh atreeU once d committee favors what w known as to be able to be on tbe streets once ti . ithoul ch,njfe more. T T. Rallard the shoemaker. has removed to the building just west of Dr. Wood's office, on Main street. Patrons will pleane late nntir d4ll Cba. Griffin and Luella B Wil son were given license to wed by County Clerk Bailey, on tbe bin inst. Both are of tbi county. William T. Phillips and Lillie Amacher were marnea at ror W. Amacner were mrnou . i .6- . . n . x' .. u ioau ho Ro a tnat we nereoy euvrt u. iuiik. est Grove,Noy. 8. 1J08, by l;ev A" orotest aeainst the pissaee of the "John s' Folaom. 01 the UOngreganouai r ...-. other bill em bodying similar provisions; ana inai we favor and recommend the passage of a . : ... vtttiv mnntv wm r - - . i law rctuiiiug m . -k-' n.nV. 1UMl.lh nnnv: 1 baV Dorse, .i. v other nerson. or body, hav- 1100 lbs. Owner can have Bame inK in chae the road construction of rbarirea John FridaT. the respective counties or road districts by paying charges.-jonn r riaay. tbe to Uv out wbere necessary Rank, lire.. K. I 0, .,i m.niM urh roads as msv be ne- i r v, in cessary to carry into effect the system as About two third cf the hope in .. lh foreloinj preamble, as Washington oouoty have been de- far M ucemed practicable; and retjuiriug litered on contract, and the remain- that .1. ri"' ..a Hinr hBlfl lor UO Ol . . . r . ... v.B ft as the money pro the "Johnaon Bosul Bill" without change anil mrhrreaa: Weljelieve that any system adopted ahould first of all things provide for good roads leading from railroad stations, boat Undines, warehouses, and other markets ... and th ron eh the various fanning communities, which will, in oor judgment, best suoserye tuc piuuui.iuB classes, as well as those who consume or purchase, in fact, our wnoie state, anu, Vt lie I teas , The liest interests ol our state aemauu that the producer be especially lavorea in this respect; Now, therefore, be it Resolved bv the Washington County Pnmnna limnve in session assembled. t Up-At my plce near! I want weaving WANTED more order lor Warplurnished. carpet Work church. Taken A GOODLY SUPPLY if toilet aids is an absolute necessity at this resort erpecially. Whether yon stay at home or go away yon need them just the same. That this pharmacy is the best place to obtain them any one will tell you who has once used Our Toilet Aids and Articles. They are the kind that especially ap peal to women of refinement. For that reason we invite yoo to secure your supply here, knowing yon will be more than satisfied. Hillsboro Pharmacy "... . 1 guaranteed to please, because it is uecauBo it i -- " . i n...:.., I iMoraa within, ana bodusisui uu niaiiH lo vour oruer. i tiun ini"i f- - , S . disunce.houldclub together ouUide. 0-wr n lit-. g and write for terms and prices proving property and pay ng for ii v.. rn.ih.. I ihii ariseriianmeni. tait at ItUBB. liUKS, u.o. . information write to Ira T. Mills, i..,wa n R 2 34 7 liuiu sut. r - ftttt as the money provided therefor will .. iWnt tWta mnnfv h srTind- Found-A Bolid gold locket with U on and every road impartially. ling better. office. . fiiraai Pnmmissloner J. W. Se For Sale this Three horsea, can be Been ftt Hill- boro Livery barn, uorner zna ana Washington street. 34tf HILLSBORO TIME TABLE ell i putting in two blocka of new o S.S. AMERICAN REVOLUTION . MiD street, between Third and Fifth. The new plank- Under tnenew schedule the paseen- The Oregon Society of the Sons of ing will be 1G feet wide, built upon gef traing in iD)1 out 0f HilUboro .i.. in,..Un Ravnlution offers atrinsers. and will make ft good .,,;,, .nd lnava as follows: llio nuiti"'"" . V ut- I In the nuililsof the public I road. I.rsvea for Portland- schools of the Slate of Oregon, for y j B,ati8tic9 for Washington Forest Oroirt : Local ;6i a. m. Mays on subjects connectea Wl a oovjoty as reported during October. prGrove LocVV. ......... io4 a- m. our ar lor musuu. . Return on marriages, couiagiouo Fore,t Grove Local 34 p. Trizse ol 20 and fin awarded beet essay pupil on euner one o. vu 12; lotal( 22. detb8-ma es, ; p-rest G(0ve loc ingsubjecte: males, 4; total, 11. W. V, Wood, sheridftn Flyer.... i, Foreign aw m me ar.i..., county health otucer. War. I , Whlm!ton's Greatness In What -iahinor to tile their rri,e. olo and three of 5 each farms will always find a large stock irisoi '. L,i i fin t a n our vard at Scholia. Wl 1 oe awarticu " .. l -. . . . . ... l ,:r.l. l.t aaaav re-I KT hlnp. Uilrd, specti sny 4:69 p. m. , 8:34 a. m . q:67 a m. , a:o7 p. m, . s-.2o p. m m. Forest Grove Local 6-47 P Tune to Plant Fruit Treea BEAYERTOMEEDYILLE ACREAGE TheJPasade Well improved, and in a high state of cultivation, all rich soil, with no rock, white land nor gravel, all suitable for raising walnuts, apples or any other kinds of fruits; well watered; on well-graded public roads; handy to schools, churches, stores, etc.; can be bougkt for $150 per acre, on terms to suit the purchaser. To intending purchasers of small acreage: Why go away a long distance from Portland when you can buy some of the richest land in the Willamette Valley, within a few minutes' ride of the best mar ket on the Pacific Coast, at the above prices? Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland, Oregon l'riea of f 20. f 10 and tnree 01 jo eat.u ,,rt .wlrdeJf for the first, second, 0I fine tile in our yard at , 8hollB per8onBwhobaVe not placed their rd. fourth and fifth best essays, re- We Mrry building blocks but have "n,B" finQ lively, written by Crude pupil, on no morbrick to Bell. Those intend- fall orders lor u, ;;U.BneDDQt iy of the following subjects: " . ... -,, fi d . iarae BUp. Leon Girod, the compny agen. I Th. Cause, of the Revolntlon.ry ing to bmldwil .JJ tt lhe Nursery Grounds, near Oren- War. a. The Battle of Saratoga, t, The Navy In the Revolutionary War: 4. The Battle of Bunker Hill. ...... ... timiiMt to three tnon- sand wonts each, must be written in the student's own nanownuun on only of the paper, and accompanied by "M ' ... 1 , .1.. aairhar. a certmcaie haiiM. the essay to be the pup rs own gtruction nnslded work, the essays must be sign ed by the writer, giving also bis or her nlir nf umber at our vara, anu you v-r-? ------ . invited to call and look over 00 . ready to ne p - our Block before purcbasing.-ine .wov U,B " 35-tf .. rl at--ii.. n r Inlantinor. OO-H Groner-ttoweu uo.ocnoue, . v. r address, Hillsboro, Ore., R. D. 2 A birthday surprise party was 1 handwriting on one side A force oi men leeiiii " ' given Mrs. Henry ueiBman, 01 isper, and accompanied by tne DiB out through the Hale farm, BOutn 0f Hillsboro, on the evening from the writer's teacher, , , Hillahoro and Cornelius. I . xt..k. -Tit. Tha eveninff stating tht the writer to a pupil I" is finished, the con- " la.Mnti 8nant with music, uetlgnaieu t;.-. .- .- --- --- nmn.n, .ill begin 10 ' Tka Hilla unaided work, the essays must be sign- piace the ties in position, and PUH wijg chaperoned by Mr. and Mre. .d bv the writer, giving aito ui.o. u. . .h Tne roaa nab ueeu 1 t M:i.nharier. FollOWlCK IB ft address. They should m-x . Q and the - . j, 1 11 a rnatifr. i. umiuinu vi - - v. iidi ui . . committee 44J Kieventh street, Pmt- ties strewn most ot the wy . u m Mamie DeiBmn, Berthft ftnd Lizue .omui".v, .tj .i, v..i. I . 1 ni. n.nn. nun that I . . . t -1 0 . A T !.. iwunn. ana siiouiu n.w ...... 1 nnnun nv ruimuium u u. 1 Ana nnici. ummi auu uu- iouu, n . ., tni. 1 r-- - .... , - " ' . dettioation not wter man i.u. 9 Une w, De reaay ior oprno Deleman. Mary Lorsung, BllBS In awarding the prizes tne ico"1""- to that place by the first ot ne R t Mary Overroedder, Loyd e will be governed by considerations rjev , j . -.-I..1....IU. " arrnrarv oi siaie-IJ. I iuuuci, ui " . .... mint; 3. uianner of treatment; 4, or- j prepared to ahow you man, Peter and Joe Lorsung, Mike .. 'i.. ...iia and tiunctuatlon; 5, 1 . " . n. v d.. ..ia I r a.nn MilUnhereer. Geo. uiuKiaH"j. -j 7r,.r, ' the unaa. oievenB . ruo. wmri umni,i .:. . neatness and legibility. . I, fc. M. and Winter Stvlee Und Ed. linger, Alfred Barkley, wJeTc-wrrfT ladies' and miae' drees iMFnnk V, htotory. ,,.... .liph silk ftndclotn raiwana ureee -. ar, --.-. - --- - Any 'lim,Tln hrrheerfullv your frdiltenrjerger, niiv be deslretl will be cheerluuy iur m ,,.', , t.j n.laman. . .' .11..1 n tn 1 he cut tmn ui nwn eeieusiuu ut , , " uiueT missee ftnd children's coats ftlso cftrried. 1 crry a e.nuuru i.u chs sti.R I n.aai and nnderskirta. I will be TBf "nni; WOUld be Ail' settled 011 the street for WBSHH-rv .. -, We knew 'em all, and used to ; reBdy for delivery In ftDOUi 1 -i t 1..1...0 'll " au' ' l ele, ' ir alalna that the DOOKiei n..t ... tk. niUM. u u lilled mi ' we.. . .u Rnnat ever issued WUh folk.Vrom far an' Mr. wil be one ... u wi)1's'iuitesclmnge- lhe Norlbwea a Hie 'lectric car. is ncie. The only place 'at's nnclinil like Au' seems just like the same, t. 1- .... .liA ........1. l,u lhe erica iu 111c tuit-a. "i - .,. Where giaiidson limits his game .....m ULflliU BO wuen tne Winter a K" An' davs Is bright with sun, . - . 1 I 1 ..... fa 1 I'll take a day, air i"F .... ,1 -j.. ii.... ,1,111 't 1 farms, buildings aim al manaser of Guv raiuoi, k..v.-- , . . u i vunir n lines in this the "rego . - Kagt Utate, nae reu.u "-,..,.., and announces Anybody can Make Money But it is a wise man that saves it It is the First $100 that is the Hardest to Save After that it's "easy sail ing." We would be very much pleased to have you call at our Bank and re ceive a Beautiful Pocket Savings Bank, with our Compliments. We pay 4 per ct. per annum, and pay you the interest three times a year. "ComeliusState Bank Tr,o annual mAftinff of the BtV tfmit Growers' Association will bebeldftt the Grange Mil a. w.:;;. .Hues don't nil.. ?uuurr 1: .k. KBt bve "--- . . t 1 .Ua 1 'run nan v t -- y"'."r .' Jir nf tbW Uuv voted tne ----. . ' nnl to NOTICE 7, Zx t vear; the exact amount to for nxt year, ine Mof. be determineu . TT;.,, u 10 oows, Borne fresh; bull, 6 sheep, 2 wftgone, 2 Beta ol narneB. aw- ..i n t 11 now Hienooe. ure. 06 n njr, v. -i . 1 1 r . nu.. Unnnmh nf near wee Union, waa in the city Monday. . ,..-.T"n7imsboro peo- tion. '"T "a". The Oregon Klec.rlc generous ,-. " rnli along io Portland, Sunday. Se line, which have formerly pa- CommiBBioner's court adjourned A the gouthern Pacific, ex- last Thurwlfty, to mouun j, oluaiveiy. .. ... at 1 .1 kr FOR SALH corset ftnd unaersauiB. w ""will bebeldftt tne urange nan av glad to bring my goods to your Beaverton) Sftturdy, Nov. 21, 1908 m l 1 iinn nniimla R vears: I kmian nnnn reauest. Mrs. M. t" I -rk. iinn nf nffloare for the com- 0 L. ' m..a .nd hnma: 3 n.ndle Independent phone, No.. , ni h held and other BDftn UOrOOOl t"" , I , V7 OQ I IUK J V .,, I vearling colts, 4 heifers, 6 calves, 584. 21 matters of imporUnce will come Send 6U0 to i. uuiery r io.uoM uoiuro im tiw..-B. - -----P 0 box 573, Portland, Ore., for I tendance o! members and others . .i ' tnnn iiDl...iani I i.i....iul in frntt and fmit BrOW I ft C0DV 01 in IWir, i wujwj i - - - Daily Guide," whioh gives muoh hog is desired .-N. P. 0kermn, nufnl information concerning the Secretary; a il.l . 4 Ik a avAnii I ... fr A I nion, waa tn me ciiy mouuwjr. ecienoe oi AsiiwoRy u.' Rev. W. rroeser, oi iviuwju, w T. fiiro... of Orenoo.waB in and bad days ior uue.ueee, u .- . HillBDOro vl8ltor, iuesay. UOUsJ ( l HAjiaa Mil I I 1 nHT.rlll'.LItllin I . I MiMirfav. coming yews. . . tq,, Raavbh. ft well known unu j- f. fintiinir tne oaiaoai biku , A 14 months r: ",; Vn .ere born, and the Cornelius man, wm in .own from the , . . h overnB vour destiny, day. . ti rt.,.i... nf Rnv. and Jno. I 1 . ..a I I a mj Ul I VII I . n Z .... A. . J. i. -wwtt. (0r oee. ywiuv, vw. ICaretena, ol mdii, were iu wo w-j . I ail ini.AlAMan anil ills I . i I The Oreaon Nursery Co., ftt ueorge, ne i'ii Mondfty, on iegi bubih-. tne uregou uij u .,. ZMi aa one of tne . ... ... T Orenco. hfte shipped io oar.oaue . - - . the Wm, McQaUMn, ol Deiow ew fruit trees on the new line, siuoe n s6 t l0n, was up to the city i ueeay . . . a ..aSAiS a a J uiiou wwwawvwn begftn to De ppeiaiou. i i .iMaaaMiiaaMiii wan nasiiawiiiwani WiairSlt "i wieiitjilsilillilliar WiWTV" HIT" iHI I I' 'i "r1"" be deiermi" """ - , ... i, aii .-i. -si "wi.S I - r mnn ha OH SOUlon""' ---- . , n. , Lave been over bi - nnmn eted to pome. v . Baie 0neap a i .Wnh vou were torn. ana .no t" Btftnding are requested to sen e. . htiiaU wiu be re-fdjusted, M regil,ter8a Jersey bull, from lhe , whioh vemB ,our destiny, day. Dr. S. T. Linklater. tne oftr plac l opera goappoose. Ind. Rood jf u armef8 when lo piant crops H anu Mmnnv la getting ft . rn nard. 35 37 ... u. -s-M tn Llewe lvn L; i. " i ior i j. . - luars THE DELTA DRUG STORE Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines We also carrv a complete line of fine sundries. Tf wp do not have what you want ini stock, we will cheertully get it ior you. Wavitic been aooointed n11Vl1illprs, acents. we are r -0-- , now prepared to suppiy ai vmir wants in tne sjkuw. Book line. We also have a full line of tablets, pencils, slates, etc. School Books will be tor Cash Only. Positively no .HWI.MS it- J I f it 'i lawaq if tapore mm""