HILISBORO A A (JUS, NOV. S, 19C8 i. v ; '. t h if i: i i i ?! I if' Mi ! CI i f W. B. DOLAN Ventilators and Chimney Tops to order Metal and Composition Roofiug Warm Air Heating Apparatus Cornices'andSkylights General Jobbing MAIN STREET T. M. IEBR Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FARGO LOCATION. Independent Fhone, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON m mm i i i i ii f fi Do You Trade If not, Get the Habit JOHN DENNIS. Hillsboro i .a a m m tint Hillsboro Commercial Bank A. S. SHOLES, President GEO. SCHULMERICH, Cashier Are Doing' a Banhing' CAPITAL, STOCK, $25,000 SURPLUS, - - $10,000 Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings and Time Deposits Buy AN IMPROVED GAS MACHINE Gas is the most perfect artificial light. It has no smoke or acompanying odor. Avail yourself of all the numerous benefits ; had from city gas; by buying the Improved Gas Machine there is no generating. The gas lights at touch of a match, instantly, at the chandelier or gas range; heats water in a few minutes, night or day; lights can be turned high or low as you desire ; it is perfectly simple and under full control. For a house of six rooms the total cost of light and fuel for cooking Will Rarely Exceed $2 or $2.50 Per Month. With a gas range the exact heat for all kinds of cooking can be governed lik the (low of water from a faucet. There is nothing to learn about it, it is as siaiple as the uiaUh that lights it. No trouble no odor no worry; there is however a great saving in cost of fuel and light. 1'ut an improved Gas Machine in your store, it is better than any other light you can have because pure white lifiht is the best in which to show colors to night shop peps. F. 11. Miller, the plumber, is ready to install the plant complete and guarantee its satisfaction or your money refunded. F. H. MILLER Agent for Improved Gas Machines flat mmmmnmmmmm mm m ens You can soon own a fine Camera by paying a little each week The POST CARD BAZAAR HILLSBORO, OREGON H. A. HUBBErVT mm a a a a a With Dennis? a a a a a a Fine line of up-to date Groceries Everything in Canned Goods. Have you tried "Dennis' Milk Can Coffee?" It's all right. Hamilton-Brown Shoes fit and wear, and that's what counts. A fine line of Umbrellas, all kinds and prices. a i I I 1 araf Conservative Business a a .a mm mm m mm m m m. mi m w & Installment SUMMONS IN THK CIRCt IT COl RT OK TIIR STATK OK ORKO.ON. rOR wajuunoton cor sty. Anthony John Stol, IMaimiff v. Kiuahcth SvhI. lVfrndaut To Fliialrth Hoel. the atov named vietrmmnt. In th name of th Slat of Oregon: Yon w hrhv rn.iiitrw.1 tn t,t.Mr Ih loiuvUint KM agmnxt you In Irt wnf minimi ivim inn un or tie- It, n itVMi.il mm ri;tK likk Bhuk t - M ,1. I ll Kivk) after llwotwir 1MI, likhv ti.A ordered for th timt publication of thi uoii. aim ii you mil to so apar and nr th plaintiff irlll apply forth ro od ntTii lor in mil complaint, to-i( tor a decree diot lug th Uiud of mat rimonv now listing Mvwn alov named plaintiff and defendant, end for Mich other and further relief at hi th court weni meet and lt. , I'lim iutiinion is published by order of th Hon. I. Wesley Ooodtn, judge of til boot nitniM conn, nia.i ami enteiiM on m I' in ,iay oi ivioher, lti. tirMV . Itlilittr.ta..ti Attorneys for Plaintiff. .MS Chamber of v ooiuiprve Cortland, lr. SUMMONS IS THK ClKlTIT COfRT OF THK STATK OK OKROON 0K WASHINGTON COUNTY Ida I.ralH, A. R. I.abo. Mary K. Hlu- mau, Alauon Hinman Jr, ( a hui. iiihii, i nane i iiiiiiiinn, Ktiiiua Hln- nian. .Viptii Marfan lltnaian, Marva rt Hinmaii and Alatiaoti Hinuian jr, an. I marl U Itiiimau sntor of th la.nl w ill aiul iHstanient of Alauaon Hmmaii. dHtld, Plaluttfla . Ohvr HInman. Klla Hinmaa, Frank William litiiman. Mabl Halllt, t'laiul Hallrtt, and Krank Hinman, IVftnd anta. To Oliver Hinman, Ella lllnman, MM Halli'tt. Claud Halltt. and Krauk llm inaii, of th alior nainnl Ui(iilaiiU: In th nam of the Stat of Oregon: You, and ch of you. aro hrrby rmulml to aiar and atmww the eviiilaint In the above entitled suit within sii wk nr( from and aftr Ortolr H. I'U. said dat beinjc the tint niiblu-alton of thla suiiuiioiiN, a'id if you fail to so apfwar and answer, the plaintiff wilt take a decree against jrou. as prayed In their complaint, to it: Tl at they have a decree makine parti tion of the following fWonheii real mtate. to wit: He i n g part of th north half of Hi Harvey i lark ,t wife I). U V , No tT, T I S li 3 W Will Mr. and parucularlT bounded and d:ritd a folUiw: HeKiniiina- at an iron pipe set N. W deg. 4 nun. K. W ft. distant fmm Ih anttth fasi eorner of Mock St in lb orilnal town of rorrwt Grove, running thence N. W d)t. 45 luin. K. with a continuation of the aoutti line of said bloc So JH, Ai ft. to an iron pipe wt on the ewt Una of aiI I. L. I . o. .'tT: thenoe N. 14 mill. K. on nn h at line ia0.: ft. to a point on th Bane Line from which an iron pipe b.ar H.I4 mtn.W.30 fet. said point being alo'&4 ft. b. U min. W. from (he north east iximer of aaid I. U t'., thence 8, m dg 40 min. W. on itaae Line, 6il.;5 ft. to the northeiuti comrr of a tract of land ow ned March I. Wet, by Amber Thorn burnli. from which coraer an iron plw iH-aia H .1 min. K. IIU ft dutant, thence H. i min. K. i.'y ft. to an iron pipe the aoutb east corner of aaid ThortihuiKh tract; thence 8. m dit. 40 min.W. 1.W J ft. to an iron p 1 1 ft on the eat line of Seventh Street, in Koreet 0roe; thence 8. i min. K. a:x.7 ft. to plai-e of beginning, and con taiiunir M.l acrm, all liluate In Within ton Comity, Oriron, by wttin apart two lift lis or aid land to the eatatenf aatd Alanson Hinman. dn-eaaed, and one fifth thereof to each of the plaintiff, Mary K. Hinnian, Ida Ix-alxi, and Alanaoa Hlu manJr., and for such other and further relief as may be Jnat and equitable. Thm aummons la ierve! upon you by publication by order of the Honorable J. W. tioiMlin, Judireof VYaahlnaion Co.. Oregon, which order ia dated October 8, Pais, and the tune prescribed in aitid or. dtr for liubiicatioii beins alt weeks .'roni dale o iirtt publication, aaid flrat publi cation to be on October 8, W. N. BARRETT, Attorney for Plaintiffa. SUMMONS IN THK CIRCUIT C0t?RTl 0K THK STATK OK OREGON, FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY IN Kyl'lTY. Ralie Ilohinoh, Plaintiff . tieorxe Kdwrd Knbinson, Defendant To (ieorae Kdward Robinann. above defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to lappear and armwer the complaint filed agalnat you in the alxive entitled suit, on or before the ffith day of November, 1W that beinit the last day prescribed by the Court in tneoriJer lor the publication of this (sum mons for audi aupearanoa or answer, ami il you fail to ao appear Raid complaint, the plaintiH will apply to the Court for the relief proved for, to-wit: For s d- rte, that the bonds of maLnmonv exist- ing lielween plaintiff herein and youraelf, Im; iliaeolved; and for further decree, that plaintiff Hliall resume her maiden name or Kosalle rlaher: and for luch other and further relief as to the Conrt niav seem meet. This Huinirioni is published in' the lllllDDoro A-tftim for O'coneecuttvt awti. iy order of the Countv Judite of- Lhn i-oiinty t'otirt or .VaxliliigUm Vou'ity. Ktate of Oretrou, duly male and autered on the l tth dav of OcUiber. IfiWl Iateof First Publication of thin Sum- riinnn, tjcurtmr l.rh, IWH. Date of Iat Publication hereof. Kov- einber IIHh, IVH. J. MilvesUjne, Attorney for Plaintiff Executor' Notict Noline in horebv eiven that I. the under- aigned, have been by the County Court of uie oiaie or uregon for WaHtilnirtou County, duly appointed Kxecutorof the r.Ktat or John L. Hauka. deceaaed. and have duly qualified aa itich. All Demon i ii riniins avainn aaia etilaie ra nereny nouiicu to ureaent the aame in me ai me law oinoe or w. n, Barrett In Hula boro, Oregon, with the prooer vnuchnm limn iiMiuiiiK irom ine date hereof. iiaieu ucioiier J iin, ivn. CA Kb b. BANKH, Executor W. N. Barrett, Atty for Kiitate. Administrator'! Notice rotice Is herebv t ven. that T h.va neen upnlriied by the Oountv (Jourt of ine main or uregon For Washington Conn- iv, Bomiinni.rai.oroi me eHtuie urttolomon WaaHeniiaii, deceaaed, and have dnlv (iiiHlilied hh Hiich. All peroona havlnir clanriH againet aaid extate, are directed to present the Kanie to me Diooarlv vnrined at my olhoe No. 228 Front Htreet, Port land, urngon, within nix inontha from the date of thin notice. Dated Octobers, 1908. H. W METZ0KR, AdminiHtralflr of the estate of Bolomon Wassorman, deceaaed. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Ii hereby given that the under signed executor of the laat will and testa ment of Elizabeth Han ley, deceased, has filed Ills tinal account ai such executor in the County (Jourt of Washington County. Oregun, and ouid court has appointed Monday, November 9, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the County Court Room at Hillsboro, Oregon, as the place, for the hearing of said final account ana the settlement of said estate, Dated thih October 8, P08. W. N. BARRETT. Kiecutor of the last will and testament of Klizitlicih Hiiiilcy, deceased. To all Good Children Having made arrangements to biing all my tine Christmas presents tor HilKlnito to the Hillsboro Confectionery lirlors where they will le on tlisnl.iv, for purchasers, I will give each chiUl who bungs .1 copy of each ol the advertisements ot the UillslHito Confectionery which appear in the Argus from this il.ite to iWc. 24, 190S, a package of camly direct from tld Santa Clans. The last letter I shall write to the gmnl children of Hillsboro will come out in the Argus on Dee. 24th; theu bring all the letters at once and get your package free. Save this letter. Truly your friend. If you want to breathe smoke, dirt and poisouous gases all winter THAT'S YOUR BUSINESS If your wife wants to clean greasey, sooty, vile smclliug lamps all wittier THAT'S HER BUSINESS But if you arc ready to install the clean, safe and con venient electric light THAVS OUR BUSINESS Many people are deterred from installing electric lights by an exagerated idea of the cost of w iring and futures. I,ct us give you an estimate ou your house It costs you nothing to talk it over. Hillsboro Electric Supply Co. LAMPS, BAT TtftlPK AMD aUMHt Of ALL KMIOM Malm Strtmt, opp. Court SUMMONS IN THK CIIU TIT ttit'HT Or' THK 81'ATK tK 11HKU0N, hlt WASHIN0TON t'iifMY Gertrude M. UrnveM, plaintitt vs K. H. Urovea, IVfendaut To K.H.Kriivr. ilelendant 1hiv riitnitxl. In the name of the Nat ol Oregon jrou are hereby required to apear a id anwer the oomplaint rilwl mgint Y"u In 0o above entttlnl Court and ult l.y the Tih day of Iemlr. 1. th lamn Inn the time prex-nbe.1 in an ordnr of Court r,r tne publication of th nuiunioiu inailn and entered herein by th County Ju,Iko of Wanliinirton County, Slate of Oreif.ui; aakt Older bVliiK made in th atamucti of Honorable T, A. Mcllrtde. JuiIk ot thn Llr.'uil Court; and If you fail to apear oil answer aaid complaint and uiuiiiou herein lor want thereof, plaintitt eill apply hi the atHive entltll court for the relief demanded thernln In nald ioui. plaint. The relief demanded therein In .id complaint la for an order and decree of th above entitled court to diilve, l aUk, cancel, and hold for nautili, th marriage ixuitrwl heretofore ami now eliatiug between plaudit!' and defendant herein. Thia luminous 1 puhllnhed by nnler of the Honorable County Judge f'.r and in Waahlnbn County, In the a I won re of Honorable T. A McKrldn, Judge of the Circuit Court for aaid County, a pr or der of court duly made and entered h,rn In, baaed upon the complaint and alhda vlt made and riled by plaintiff In aaid ult. J. A. HTUoWliKUMtK, Attorney for I'liilotlll Pate of firwl publication, October a. I late of last publication, Ihicemlier 3, MAX Rejiitration of Land Title IN THK CIRCTIT COURT OK THK HTATK OK OKKOON, FOR WAhHI.VOTON COUNTY In the matter of the Application of John J. t'ole to register title to the aw',' of tiw'4 of Hecuon i, Township '4 Month, Range 1 West of th Willamette Merl dian, In Washington County, Oregon To ad whom It may eoncern: Take notice that on the l lth day or OotoUr, I!)H, an application was II led by the said John J. Cole In the Circuit Court of Washington County, Oregon, for Initial (giatration of the title of the land abr 9wcribed. Now unlesa you appear on or Imfnrc the Kith day of November, A. I) VMm, and ebow cane whr such apilicalion shall ' not he granted, the same will lie taken as ! confessed, and a decree will ls entered' awordlng to the prayer of the application, aud you will lie forever barred from ilia- i puling the same. J. W. Ilalley, ' County Clerk of Washington (!ounty, ' Oregon, and (Merk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for said County, Admimatrator'a Notict Notice ia hereby given that the under tigned has been by the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, duly ap tKilnted administrator or the estalo of J b. I)mk, deceaaeil, and has duly iiuili fnsd and entered upon the discharge of hi dutlea as audi; Now therefore, all tieeunns haul,,, claims againit said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to the uniler algned at the law ofllee of Hagley ,t Hare in Miiisooro, oregoiLtognther with vouchers, within six months fn date hereof. il proper from the l)lxi this October 10, 1!K. . . , , T. II. I'KRKINH, Administrator of the Kstate of T. I, Doak, deimaaed, , , , Executor's Notice Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has been by the County Court or Washington County, Oregon, duly con brmed as sole executor of the last Will and Testament of Moses Itillaboy, dc ceased, and has duly qualified as such: Now therefore, all persons having claims againat the estaln of Mosom Ollla ooy, deceaaed, are hereby required to preaent the aa ne to the undersigned at the law orllce of Hagley A Hare in Hills boro, Oregon, together with proper vouch, en, within six month Irom the date hereof. Uated this October 12, 1!HW JAMk'H I MI, AY, Hole Executor of the estate of Moses Dillabey, deceased. Executor1 Notice Notice In herebv iriven. tlini r l,un appointed liy the County (Jourt of the Mate of Oregon for Washington County, executor of the last Will and Testament Sailta ClaUS Hounm Ind. Phono 823 of Hl- Miller .inlitl',l Mui'h, ile-wl, and b.ie .., thnrelorfi, all ,rn li.ttng t aim agaluil ul n-uir tn hrrby r ,iiirwl to prrwol llieu, t,, w ( i,,r t,-. ol riwldril. e, ).,,, t .1 loiln, north of (Men ci e, Hiilnii en intoiiht from the dale ! ri"f l't.l thl '.'lib dav of 0, ttr l'M J. r. Mll.l.KK, Executor of the lt W ill and I Mta- nulitof IXkhv. M ler, ilee.M. Now is the time to visit CALIFORNIA When until mer lu paad in tltrne northrru alatre. the nun uonlymtld under the brigr.l blue kle i f SiMithrrn California Tbl U o:ie of nature'! happy provision eternal urn in. r (or thoe whuiaunH en. lure a uire nevere cli tnnte. California lint been ( tiled l!ir "Mecca of the winter tourUl." h hotelt and topp ng pL, e .re a varlcilan those ol sll well rrguliiteil cities Visitor can always hud suitable accomodations, cm urn tsl companion, and var ied, pirating recreation. Southern Pacific Co V ill Is- glsd lo supply MP vrry attractive literature, d, scn.iing in delail Hie luany dc bghtt of winter in Csllforni-i. Very low round trip excmslnn tickcu re on talc to California. The tale from llillsboio to U Anp les and return la $56.30 Mmit 6 numtlis, nllowlng atop overs in either direction. Kind lar excursion rates are In t licet to nil California polnH, or full Information, sleeping rar res ervations aud tickets, call on, telegraph or write P. C. VltKIRS, Agent, HIIISBORO ok WM. Mr MURRAY, fins. I',. A..r, I'ortlaml, Oregon MOORE A GREEAR Bacond t,t Meaf Mmrkml frosh and Ourod Moala AI.WAYH IN HTOCK Both Phonmm SmoondSlrool, Hlllmboro, Of F. H. MILLER I T'1 1 n. ...... nurd street, Hillsboro Ret ween Main end Lincoln Phone 092 SEPTIC TANKS MADE AND INSTALLED Plumbing Steam Heating If you are thinking of n septic tank that will take care of all waste from the house have a bilk with nie. ill I.:. 1 m . " " ' ' ot piuinhing suppliea kept on hand, fiom a ball, lul, to a laviilcry. All Work ,ol a t.HMl Warranted Vaught's Grocery For a 00 KOWELL BCH0LL8, OREGON "SATISFACTION Is the cry of jK-njile wiit.isit tuir store, Ik-csusc we sell Rivals chcajHT tintl jay monv for t heir produce. Give Us a Trial Wc want your es at ,j(c jkti dozen aud luittcr at 6c jcr mil cash or trade. REEVES Ol REEVES Cedar Mill m m How Are These Prices ? FOR CASH, SUBJECT TO CHANGE Mcouoiuy Kruit jarS( to close, pints $ .90 " quarts ..... 1.19 " gallons 1.35 HestDGSugar.satk 6.cx 16 pounds for 1.00 5 lbs. fine Salt 60 5 Kals.Tank Oil QUALITY GUARANTEED Schulmerich Bros. Nolle, of Final Account IN THK (.0IINTY ,,MJUT ( or OUKIION, Foil VVAHIIINO 1'ON COIJNTV. 'VKirii:'-' "" Ilated and llrat publlahe,! October iiind. One ,. to U v al.....l .1, 1 ' l'""i.!., If num. y 1. 11,. . '" ' ". i" 0. ,::,":.; ... ritr. f .I.,.,)..,, "ml the ,1,.,,.,,, , ....it..,....;: r. the Ih-.I ,,1(lt. . " n.,t .,11 u.Mlr ; 1 i"' ...mb.l hu.,w,lt, "" Deal TO KROS. & CO. J m m m a a a 1 1 J a m. a m mm a; m a A & H Sk1;i, 2 for . .15 4 for .25 3 cans Tomatoes .25 3 cms Corn 25 3 cans Cond. Milk. .25 Star Tobacco, lb .45 C pk'S. Dixie Ouccu Smoking Tobacco .25 Notice to Credilor Notice N hnreby given , thai ?""'X't algncd ha brum duly appiilMled by r" f of the llminty tiourt id Wm)iI 'w County, Oregon, hcrnloforn made aim tercd, udiiilnlNlrntor ol thn ""'"V" . ,,,.-1-rich r'uegy, decciHcd, and h d"1 ""J. Ilicd Niich adndnlHtrator, nc.w liw" fore, all peramia Imvliig --! "K1" aaid eHlali arc hereby nolllled am )ubeil Uii.reaent Uihnhii.ii to t '' ngmiil at hla reHiiliincn near i '"".' "'. In go r at the olll.Ki of Hagley ' .''f. ',r IIUIMIIUtll hlllllllllg, IIIIIHIMiro, n.M. , . vou.'linrHllierefor within l nintl""r" the dale of I Ills notice, Hated October 7. HH. ,,v,,.nlfR JOHN Nt!l NK I B"', AdinliilMlmtor of the Kitnle ol l"" Kungy, deciiaNiiil. .i,lnl- IIhuIkv ,V. Hare, attorney! Ir ail'"1" ZZ7 tratur.