HlUUBGRO AftCU9 CT. M, 1908 I )l'fl' Hi', J T V 1 I a. A I A I L A I.tit tic AttcmlitiKc is I).-. hire J ly Hie Promote i OUUIIIU JO UAkK hll'DUl All I'iii ' fauei Kpiftaid I) teuiniitlrt C'otiall' r Interest I tiiatiifnelnl (u tli mating ti Iki lirl.l in tli Court ll(ua at 'I oVIin k . in , unl Halurilay, wimti tlm com titit lfr aupolnlnl lf Chairmen Win H b 11 1 titor it-h , on ways and means, ur firmatlou of a rounly agri cultural aot'iely, will make lla re port Following, ia tlm (Niiiiiuiltpc appoint!: Jollll (IrBBl, lllllalmto, J K Krrvr. I'uiorllu. J W llughta. I'oinl l.ior, AimIIu Hual, maairr i ( Malt ltaii(r. Niitlb F'Weal liiut, t'rul Ittuuri htlmllt, W: K. .Newrll, l.lrulllir.t an), ll Stair lkiit til HoHU ultuir, Ihllrv. h r. Willi. Ilanaa. AIO..I l.uril.ri, llclittka, A N I "lliBK. Ktuli.n. Anion llfimriit. N'flUoM; Alri Chalmrr. I'fUlrnlilr. aod William h button u h, 'iuilulun. Tli tlnl nMtinj lii-M hrre la Wk, aboWaxI that ihrrn 1 liHK'li Internal In having a county fair Washington ootinly it growing, ami thai ara rim.iI rraeor.a why it ahuuld have soma melhix) of show Ing iU ilai)t)iil irtxtmH annually At an advertisement, a routily fair Mi) not Im i eel let. County nriilr bouUI frm and maintain a good fair, anj wa leliee It ran li malr a iuivmi. I .t everylssly turn out cm I Falunlay, ami give it a Usui batuiJay Night, al Court Haute JuJge TIhm. O'lUy, who w eu purled ly lbs OrrR.inian. al the laid campaign, for circuit )u Ige, will ilalivar an address In aiiMrl of 1 ht Ifciuorralio" platform, at tint Court House, la tllllalxi'o, Saturday eve uirift, OcloUr .11. I'ulilirt cordially invited. Hand nll I hi in attend anc. Jbn II. Wilkina, agrd '.0 yearr died in I'orllaitil Ilia Ural of Ihe week. Wilkina formerly lived near Parmlngton, and will l remem bered aa lustring the mat ka of lb Cirll War in wearing a wimmUii lg Wilkini waa fi rat In lb Coi.frd-r try, but waa caplurixi in Np Or laana, and later aniiatixi in lb I'uioa Army ll bwl hi vi at Kurt lludaon. lit waa a innnlxir of Humnar () A H P1, a,d a buriioi ypiilrr lay, iimlrr ibn ana plra uf tbat organitalion 11' laavoa a family of grown cbiblrcn 0 C Ibinelaon.of lbin city, wbi!c huothiR on lbs Dudlny Mill rat b, uwiiimI by lha ItaRUya, abut n! killtd a big KaiUrn DrrRon jnck rabbit, Ital Sunday. Tby ara not oflaii uiKl with on Ibi aide of tbi I'a'tiadiHi, and abould tbay g"t a loolbold har would rova tu m a Kraal iiaat. Tbay iniillidy rapid If. ami ttn to taka a cpmial A ligbt iu girdling fruil trrra 'I'ba una ahot by Mr. K-impIhoii i tbi Brat one uoUcmJ in tbia iarl of ibi valley. U C K. Clapp, of For"l (Jrova, wilt Iravn tbia wiMk for lb raat to tibial I'raaidfiit MKMrlland uf Knoi Collpg, (lalMburg, III., in raining for tbal imtilu tlon IUt. Cli bat bad mm b inariimcfl in raiaing moiixy for good rauca. Iln waa aNaociatrxl witb I'riwidnnt MclMnllanl in rain ing monay for Tacillo l'nivtriiv wban tb iattnr waa irtfidotit of tba local inatilulinn. Tbe Daiiionatralion Train will h In Ilillaborii at V b! o'clock a. in , November 4th. Ibui't forgt Hip data. Arrangamant have bwn uiade to have the train unit up on the I. K Si N. traok, and tlop on tb track nrar the llartraiupf ware bona, at (he wM end ol Main treat. Thin will Im an aooommo dation to all who may come, and ill inaure a larger crowd. Tbe new engine, No. i:r7, recent ly placid on the I'. U. A N. to pull the uonetruulion train, in manned aa follow: Conductor, J 0. (Iriflith; engineer, Harry Mo Lauchlan, eon of Manter Mechanic MoLauchlin; Uhet. Aleiander, lire man. The new crew are kept busy widening ll lie, hauling bridge tim ber and euppliea to the front, be yond liuitoo. Mltw Anna Johnoon, dauehler of Nelson Johnenn and wife, of Hpi ing lllll Farm, near Dilley, while paiH ing behind one of their horned, in Foiet Grove, Friday, waa kicked several times by tbe animal, break ing her nose, cutting tbe upper lip, and badly bruiaing her body. Mine Johnaon ia a aiater-in law of Chet Johnaon, of this city. . The achool library books for thin county arrived last Saturday, and are now being claHnifle.1 and abort ed bv Count v Hunarintendent Ce, who expects to have them ready for delivery to the )00 school diHtrictH nf the county, iu about two weeks. The numlier ol books to be deliver ed ia 2,000, and embrace a variety of topics of interest to school chil dren, "Unole Tommy Tucker, well known here, ia just recovering from an attack of pneumonia, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. tlwell, in Port laud. ivowan, ol hcholla, waa In u" ( lljr yaalar.lny. II- II. Taylor, of ltdi In, wan in tlm city yatt.rdUy Mr. l.,n,y i viMiinu friondn in Moiimmilh, thia wnt.k. Ham raialey, ol HuiUn, wan a couuty aoal caller ywlnrday. ln). Z'nimerinin.of naar Farm tngloii, waa in town yesterday. I. H. Andrwiii, of l!tlaii fr. i"'"tly ol Kowiull,,, wUN iu lo,, tlay. Miaa Ma,a Tyle, of Albany, ia vifilii.g M,a. A. H. M..I1 for a con pin of wi-t-ka. Tim kiml of aliM'kinga ibat atand tba b.ya ia tbe Armor plata. IUirl baatbnin. ;;() Ira I'urdiii, of Portland, waa in town l.-t Friday, al.aking band witb old frifii la. Horn, to Mr and Mra, I) p (rriori, IlillaUiro, Ore, Oct 2' a daugblnr. For lunches, hot and cold drinka, or a ( b .ice cocktail, call on I'alma twr'a roiiffclionery. I'irarbing aurvice at tbe I'nitiwl Kvaiigi-lical cbun b, Sunday luoru ii'g. All cordially invited. Wej iat bad to go into tbe la.liet, bal buxinraa Watch lor our grand lining (Inn of Hanala, Mra K J. Ilarrett ami daughter, Miaa ). Inrah, vii-ill Portland friemla, tba latter part of laat week. I.aaaoiia iu muaic Miaa ra Jobl! aon. teacber. Iii'jilireal tbe Draea making I'arlora. over City Hakerv. lUv. H. J. Liudaay will preach at Hat-lcliU Sunday afternoon, anil at Laurel church Sunday evening. K A Roberlaon baa taken charge of the HilUU.ro Mfg. Co 'a plant, aiul all billa dun the firm are pay able to liiiu. .'!.'! (ieo S-buliiierich ia in tba vicin ity of Arlington, Kaeiern Oregon, bunting ge. M ra. Scbultuericb leave licit Saturday lojiiobim. I'bey will be alieenl alxml ten days. Wanted, a woman to do waabing, ironii g aiul cleaning, three or lour half daya a -k, at private reeid-i-iico. For information imuire al this oflire. 2 tf I. 1 Mahone, of Portland, will aoilreaa tlie republican voter of Kinlon and vicinity, al tbe Kin Ion achool biue, nril Saturdny night, IM u. KveryUidy invited. K. W. Peteraon, tba new mana-g-r of the Hillalairo comleneer, baa arrived and aaaumed bin dutiea. II baa rented a bailee, ami will I joined by bia family in a few days Mra K.I Sjuirea, of near Cor nelitia, waa neverely hurt on the knee, lad Saturday, while trying to gel a home out of a tangle in a turn wire lenee. it. i.inaiaier waa called, A A lleery, pastor of the Chris liau church, will jireach neil Sun day on the following topics: Morn ing, "A More Kirellent Way." Kvening, "A Politician's Idea of Truth." Special muaio at tervice Taken up, at my place, 2 mile weal ol It averton, a ligbt red cow. witb n burn misping. Man calf al her aide. Owner can have stock by paying cnet. A. F. Homrich, Iteaverioii, U. '2. ;5'-:J Tboe. Talbot, of Cornelius, was iu tbe city Tm-sday. He has sold bis addition of Ml IntF, and there are now 0 new houses on the trad, beeides ft new livery stable, and tbe depot of the Oregon Klectric Com pany. Thus. W. Sain, of above (laston, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Sain starts in a few weeks for an extend ed trip to Wisconsin, and from there goes to New York, and then returns home via the Southern States, where he will make several slops, Persons wishing to buy horses or cattle will do well to call on Con nell A Cornelius, Hillsboro, Ore. Office over Webrung's Btore. W'e have all kinds of horses for sale nd guarantee satisfactory prices. We also have some fresh cows for sale. 28lf Chas I. 0kes, of Hillsboro, and Mies Telia Znigler, ol Yamhill county, were united in murnage yesterday, by Uev. L F. Belknap, at the M. K. parsonage, in this city. The newly married couple will go to hotiBekef ping on Fourth and Maple. n.....nf!ii waa lifted at St. it..1. Home. Monday, by Health Ollicer Wood. Small pox cses of a mild form were reportea inere couple of weeks ago, but all are now out of danger, and he Home has been rendered periecuy aaie uj fumigation and otner preoauviono T.inbtv. who has been livina with relatives northeast of ihis morning, aged Ul -.J Vnneral services will ba held 'at the West Union church, Sunday, interment in me courou t tbat iilaoe. Trooe Bion will leave residence for church at 11a.m. Obituary next weBa. a collision took place on the Or eaon Klectric last Sunday, near Heaverton. The engine of the con struction train ran into the rear car of a train drawn by a etoam motor. w.. o.ioinn of the construction train was somewhat damaged by the encounter, B both traina were going at a good rate of speed. No one was hurt. it., ii I. . 1IJK TRAINS ON 0. i IM TODAY Six Trains l. wh way u Day, and an "Owl" Train Later mo iue m- time table lou t U Uac Biur BcUtta HilUboio tod ibt Kaae City On anutber piga will he found tbe time table of the Oregon Klectric railroad. Regular service began today at fi .W a. m. Hillsboro will hereafter have at least fi trains each way, tb last car arriving here Irorn Portland al 7:30 p. rn. The run ning limn between Portland and Hillsboro will be just one hour, practically tbe same time as made by the Southern I'aciGc traina. Stationa on the route from Hillsbo ro to (iarden Home are as follows: Hillsboro, MolTat, Milkapei, Oren- co, ijuatama, Mortomlale, St Mary's, Heaverton, Wbitford, Fir lock, Junction, Garden Home. Close connection will be made witb Portland end Salmi Addilional and faster service will be put on oelween Hillsboro and Portland within a lew weeks, witb but a sin gle stop between HilUbjro and the metropolis. The Company, so it is HUU-d, will also put on an "Owl" t-ain, which will leave Portland about midnight, lor the accommo dation of theatre goers. Oeneral Manager (iuy Talbot, who is now in tbe Kist, will so in hava a num- Iwr of new cars on tbe Company' lines. The equipment will conelBt ol passenger and freight cars, more of the latter being greatly needed on tbe Salem-l'ortland line al the present time. Tbe Hillsboro office is placed temporarily at Second and Washington atreete, and is in charge of II II. Cronise, local agent, to whom all inquiries should be dircted. A. H. Hutcbins, travelling audi tor for the Oregon Klectric Com pany, ia in tbe city, making ar rangements (or a temporary ticket oflire, and getting tbe traffic start ed. As the people are anxious to know something about rates, we give tbe following: The ordinary rate to Portland from Hillsboro will he (0cone way, or f 1 15 for tbe round trip; Hillsboro to Hlem.one way, II 7o, round trip, 13 30 Tick ets can le bad on Saturday and Sunday, HUUhoro to Portland and return, good to return Monday night, lor tU) s. Family commuta tion tickets, Hillsboro to Portland and return, good for one month, $10. PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale to the Incline t bidder at my farm, 4 miles north ol Hillsboro, and z miles south of (tlencoe, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m , on Tlll'KSDAY, NOVKMBKR 5 The following property to-wit: Twenty head of cattle as follows: Five of these oos coming fresh soon, balance are 2 yr old heifers, Hiine coming fresh soon. These cattle are Jerseys aud graded Jer seys, and ol good milk Block Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sals $10 and under, cash; over $10, l months' time, interest 8 per cent, approved notes. Five per cent diecouol for cash on sums over lit). F. W. Delsman. B P Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. ABBO fT OR DEM ANN P. L. Abbitt. fortrerly of this city, and Miss Helen Ordemann were married in the Kmannel Baptist churoh of Portland, Wednesday, October 2S, 1908. The bride was dressed in cream mousseline silk and carried an arm bouquet of Bride roses. The brides maid, Miss Hazel Ordemann, a sis ter of the bride, was dressed in lav ender silk and carried a bouquet of heliotrope and maiden-hair fern Mr. Davis acted as groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony n o ption was held at the home of the brides parents, filth and Grand, where the many beautiful presents were viewed, and dainty refreshments were served. The church was decorated with autumn leaves and palms, and the house waa decorated with autumn leavea and cut tl iwers. Miss Meryl Whitcomb caught the bride'B bouquet Tbe young couple departed that evening for a trip to the Sound country and Vancouver, B. C, af ter which they will make tbei home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Abbott, par ents of the groom, and Mrs. L. A daughter, of this city, attended. Executor's Notice Notice la herebv irlven. that the urn nliriiecl Im been by the County Court of WuHhiiiKton I'oiinty, Oregon, uuiy con tinued sole eievulor uf tbe laat Will anil TeNtameiu or Moana iiiiianoy, no i-hhmhI. ami has tt ul V uualitled as audi; Now therefore, all imrsoim having claims Against the estate of Moses Dllla lioy, deceased, are hereby required to prfMent the sa ne to the umlert)lK"l at f. . .i . . aa l bl II I iiill tlie Iftw OIUCG oi purify nrc in qtim luim. Or mm n. toaretlier with I roper vouuh erH, witlitn hU muntha Iron. Ui i)at Dated thia Octolier 12, 1908. JAMKS IMI.AY, Hole Ktemilnr of the estate of Mosea Dillabey, deceaaed. Mince meat in bottles and in bulk at Greer's. :'.2-5 L ft Inglna.of near Manning, waa in town luesday Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Roe a, Forest Grove, Oct. 2r), a daughter Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Honney, Hillsboro, Oct. 27, lWS, a daughter. K. U. Poole, who took 15 days' vacation, ia now back on Hillsboro, R. 3, as carrier. Mike Kehrli and wile, of Hills dale, visited K. I. Kuratli and family, last Friday. Thorough bred Berkshire pigs (or sale. Inquire K. Burk halter Farmington, Oregon. 33 6 Willie Corwin, who has been ill for sevfral months past, is said to be slowly improving. Dance, at W. 0. W. Hall, Glen coe, Saturday night, Oct. 31st. Toelle orchestra. Tickets, $1 00. Just arrived Another large as sortment of ladies' sweaters, while aud colorB I2..W to $G. At Bairde. Geo. Ledlord exhibited this week a second crop ol Bartlelt pears, grown this season, on his lots io this city. A nice thing to send to your friends a photograph card of your house. See Poet Card Baziar, about it. 32tf Walter Morgan, of Vinoland, was in town today, and showed some tine English walnuts raised this year on his father's place. ' I The Sunday Oregonian on sale t Palmateer's Confectionery end iillsbo Agent. 33 4 Harry Humphreys, full-back on ll. - M' : . . , I L . I uio armiy team, win oe captain ol the Pacific University football team this vear. Harrv is a former uniauwu uuj. II k'inmir nf Ik. Rrnnlltn H WnrWa Pnrll.n.l .... in l.n ... ...uBU. .uu I . , ... i j tuceuay, auu caueu. ieoDeiv Nel-xm, barters, are loool agents. Kead ad. in thia issue. i For sale A food, eentla family riving mare; not afraid of automo- il ill in n V ClULK A. m . Ul H1U UBTa Mil OI lUC b.lee or eng nes. Call on K. B. hereinbefore denbed perJn proper Poole, Mail Carrier, Hillsboro. Ore- ty to pay the balance doe upon aaid son. Route 3. 33 34 , , inewmowoi me taie jonn a. Jackson, and ber daugnter, Mrs. I Samuel Johnson, ol near Qlencoe, worn 111 iowu raouuay. viaiiing iuoi i 1 k r j .1.. i Norlands, in hast Uillsboro. tl m 11 si nra rVtrrViir avav tfm siailo I wa uiui'iw 1 uuiiuuuuiTo im piv -4 iL. Ulll.l t)l tlA iuo nuiPiKiru I uiruiicr, tiu down, and I) per month. Two re.rda will cost you only mi uuniiuuii, oou I The John anderwal eale. wbiob occurred last Saturday, was fairly ...a well attended, and John will soon become a retidect of Hillsboro, where he has. a Urge insurance buBineSB. , I Photographs of your house taken I bv the Poet Card Bazaar, and mounted on photdgraphio cards, at 1 (X) per dozen, or 2 dog for 11.50 8ee samples in window. 32tf n . m i i i I county ireasurer jaccson ana wile are expected home tbe latter part of this week. They have been gone about two months, visiting relatives and friends in tbe middle weet. For Rent A good 12G acre (arm ... v . . on florin nains, WHO b room bouse: garden, orchard, barn aud nlhnr nn I h nil aoa- rent H nT anra I AddIv to William Kane. Foiest n,n. n lt " I v. r UvkA rAtnrntvl frnm A nut. I Caliente, Cal., Tuesday, where he went to attend the funeral of hie Xtitiment .dmiited to 'proUte, J C Mil-brother-in-law, L, D. Crane, who lerapptd executor without bomla, John was killed with two other men in a dunamilfleinloaion. J r I While skating on the new rink floor in this city, TueBday night, ... ... - loriune w lau anu uiaiocaie mo eft arm at tbe elbow, lit. A. a, Bailey attended to the injuries. TIia AAiinlv apV nrnatiar aaa moved from Beaverton, Tueed.y, to Qaston, where it will be put to work bv the crew in charge. About 2000 varda of road will have to lie done in the vicinity ol Uaaton. this T ... . . all. Came to my nlaceat Verboort. about two months ago, a brown Jersey oow, now has calf two weeks old. Owner can have same by pay i ' l j Ing lor keep and adverting. vioior vrup, uuw uu uui aayoa place, near uienooe. si w .... . A litter reoeivea irom m nei- del, recently, states, that he will soon start for California, where he , Mmin ln. .nma ..a. . -.v Die aouH uero raueui. uim oouto some time in December. . , . . .. , Schulmerich Bro. have finished several leet ol new cement Blue- walk. New csment walk has also 1 a-i.u..t i t u- n uwu . ,u ir," r 1 mercial hotel, and front Of the Wt- lev property. The city has about 1500 feet of fine cement sidewalk, . 1 ... ;n n ... and more Will follow. Work is still progressing on the tT:..i i).n... unJ TtniAn United R'yB beyond Xinton. It is Btated tbat work will be prose- outed all winter on the tunnel Ihrnnoh th mountains! on the Onr- n.lln. n.aa ao that train, nan rat 1 . .u m , T n, , , out to the Tualatin Plains early in the Spring. Washington County will be the scene of aotive onera tions along the line of the United a . . . next year, and as the country is level on tola Bide 01 tne mountsine, road building will go rapidly for ward. BUXTON GRANGE FAIR ON SATURDAY, OCT. ol fireen Mountain Grange To Have One-Day Fair EXBIBIT OP FIJiE FARM PRODUCTS Ivtrjbady lavitef Is Cant Cs sad Take a Hsad Green Mouotain Grange, of Bux ton, will hold ita annual fair, at their ball, in that place, next Sat urday, October 31. The exhibits will consist of farm products, can ned fruit, green fruit, needlework, etc. Everybody ia invited to ex hibit farm product, whether grangers or not. The fair will hold over one day, and will wind np with a ball at night. This grange held an interesting fair last year, which was largely attended. Notice of Sale on Forcrloaure ol ChaKcl Mortgage Notice ia hereby given, that by virtue of written requestor J. W. Jackaoo, niort- gagee, I nave taken posaeasioo of all of tnt personal property described aa fol low: All of the srain and bay in the bam ami granary; "neuey ncrae, u yn, old, weight, inrkn lha ne W hone, ia yra. old, weight, P0??" - r a a i a weight, iv Iba. One flea bitten gray borae, 2 yra. old, 7 ' u..a , lorJl r.u . 7 ' wK--a ' " . Three aeU of work barneaa: One tingle top bugey; Vn," 10 ,n- Plow: Two boar oiva. and Four aowa . "'j". "J Jvaa iap". i . I I Y?!- . w, jackaon, moriKagee; ana that I will, on Tnuradav. tbe stB dav of Nov.. 9oH. at the J W. Jackaon Farm and the . , f ""'."' ' unnuaie, wasningion ixximy, uregon. aell at public auction to the big-heat bid- "f r, ,0f cfn ! n,01- n ' fn chattel mortgage, to-wit: ii6 07, and reaiooauie auorney a lee ana coata 01 taking, keeping and telling aaid peraon ai propeny. d ,hisJh1d' "?2?- " - ...... vtk. Sheriff of Wash. Co.. Or Bagley & Hare, Attorneya for Mort- KC' AtlPTinM QAI R The uod - wil, bHc ..,,; 1 1 :i t ( n,i.. J;n 1 auuuuu, j uii in obi ui vouai uiti, on tbe Cornell road, at 10 a. m.. on TUKSDAY. NOVKMRKR 1ft tetm of b,y marMi wetghing iwo ud 1300, respectively; Jersey cow, in wiik; wide track wagon, canopy top two-acated hack, nearly new, top buggy, uonuie auu 1 aingie sci 01 narneaa, 2 ied, new McCormick mower, rolling dire harrow, 4o-tooth steel harrow, plow, cultivator, about 10 tons of loose hay, mlM,nf . P'hirk,M. CMrTrnh.. tor, brooder, aome new lumber, o-gal. iron kettle. lo-gal. Iron kettle, organ, hnuhnIl! onimmnA nth -rtiPi ii numerous to mention. Lunch at noon Terms: Under 910, cash; over 110, 9 months time at 7 percent on bankable note. Two percent off (or cash on sums over 910. B. Baumann Inn n 1: a 1 vomeuuB, Aucuuaeer. PROBATB Hatate of Geo A Morgan, deed; tale or i ...... n ii..t.inn( t a viaa cainic vvuuiuim v uava uiwueui vi Geo r Suierinsr et ais: Iu SDienopt tD- '"uM wnis, u westcott and e s neenon ap- pointed appraisers. Guardianthip of MartYi I ILI tan.r fMhU tnlntltfl vnar. dian't final acct filed; Monday, Nov 30 f 1 MliJm for,fin' , hrinK- Chas F conbnned. Batate ol uincn rnegy, deed, inventory and appraisement hied NOTICE "T" 1, sent, I hereby warn all persons against trusting him on my account, for I will net be responsible for any billa of hit I j-vr tt t i rt iv r nat.dt)ct- n ioo8 . A. B. Schoonover. Cornelius, Oregon REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I Birdie V Cady et u to M A Woods, 5 .cres aec 15 1 1 a i feJjo I p C Aldrich et ux to G S Stacy, 3.1 l acres sec 6 1 1 a i 930 investment Co to 1 Staples, 4.5a .cres iot Ashbrooic farm- uv I R Staples et al to H A Hostetler, 4-s ca lot 17 Aahbrwk farm....3Soo Robert Hulme to A H Ruedy, 26.61 acrcs Burnbam tract, other land.. .7100 West Ore Trust Co to J W Masters, 10 acres tract 9 Virginia Place 800 OW Higby to O S Higby, part of E walker jictm a" ..a.::. 6as Dorothy Seymoreetal to K M Elliott P,E w,lk" ' 1 4. W A Ferris to b T Johnson, block 20 BoBart'a aubdivisiod 1500 Ore Nursery Co to Cassie G Thrapp, acres W H Bennett d 1 c t I n 2 275 Oreg Nursery Co to G S Thrapp, 2 acres W H Bennett d 1 c 1 1 n a... 275 Ore Nursery Co to R A Mincemoyer, ' cres w U Bennett d 1 C......1200 FMHeideletux to VV O Donelson, rt blk M Hinsboro, 'a0oo y ghaw et al to B F Smith, lots 21, 20, 26 Aldrich acreage 4500 F A Hyde et ux to R W Orr, 20 acres c8 3 '4 4 & r G Heidel et al to Kdw Moore et al, .PtM see 1 1 1 a 1 C A Lyman et al to Chas K Hall, 23 acreasec4 1223............ 100 ' 4 acres see o t 1 n 3 xh Smith to ChaaD Hitchcock, 21X ! acres sec 9 1 2 a 2. 344 I Hillsboro Argus, $1.60 per year Lip ton's tea at Greer's. 32 5 For the latest and best drink, go to the Den ol sweeU. J. 8. Lilly, of Galee Creek, was a county seat visitor Tuenday. Congressman Ellis at the Cres cent Theatre, Oct. 0, 1908. Born, to the wife of Adam Her gert. Blooming, Oct. 2i, a son. E. Burkhalter, of Farmington, was an Argus caller yesterday. 8weet apple cider, by the gallon, half-gallon, or drink, at the Den of Sweets. P. H. Vandehey, of near Glen- coe, waa in town today, on bis way to Portland. Born, to the wife of George Wil liams, South Tualatin, October 28, I'-W, a daughter. We have made up an entire new assortment of squares with various flavors. Den of riweets. Bridge number 14, on the P. R. & N., about 2 milee above Buxton, is nearly finished. My C room cottage and quarter block, corner 5th & Fir, for sale or rent. L. W. House. 28 tf John Wilder, of above Bsnki, at old-time Argus subscriber, was io tbe city Tuesday, and called. Money to loan on real estate. Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku ratli Broe , Hillnboro, Or. 21-tf John Walters, of Portland, called today. Mr. Walters is spending a few daya with tbe Baomanns, at Cedar Mill. Lost A black sow, weight about 200 pounds, near Cedar Mills. Re ward. Notify Jacob Loeli, Beaver ton, Ore., R. 2. 28-tf E. D. Thorne, one of the pioneer of Oregon, and for many years s resident ol Hillsboro, celebrated hi Hist birthday, yesterday. We open our own oysters, there fore, they are always fresh. Give us your orders at Palmateer's con fectionery. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Oertru.le M. Uroves, Plaintiff K. H. Groves, Defendant To B. H .GroTes.iletemlant almve nainml In the name of the State of Oregon yoti are hereby rUirel to appear aaj answer tbe complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court ami aoit by the 7th day of December, lHO. the aame being the tuna prescnoeo in an omer oi court lor the publication of the auninionx made ana entereu nereui Dy toe county jutig ol tt aHluneton County, Ntate or Oreiroii said oider beine made in the absence ol Honorable T. A. McBrule. Judee ot the Circuit Court; and if you so fail to appear no answer said complaint and summon barein for want thereof, plaintirt will pply to toe above entitled court lor the relier demauueu tnerein in saui com plaint. The relief oenianueu tnerein in said complaint ia for an order aud decree ol tne aoove enuiiea court to uwsoive, aei aside, cancel, and hold for naught, the uiarniure coiitnnt heretulore and now zistuiK between piaiutin aua ueieudaut herein. This summons is published bv order of tne Honorable county j uiige lor and in Washington County, in the amence ol Honorable T. A McRride. Judge of the Circuit Court for aaid County, as per or der of court duly made and entered here in. Daaeu upon tne complaint and atnua it made and hied by plaintiff in Haul suit. J. A. STROWBRIDGE, Attorney for Plaintiff Dale of hrat publication, Uctober 1HOK. Dale of last publication, December 3 I HUH. Administrator' a Notice Notice is hereby given tbat the under signed has been by the County Court of asnington county, uregon, uuiy ap- T? intea alnilnltrator of the estate of L. Doak, deceased, and has duly quail ed and entered upon the discharge of nia dutiea aa such; Now therefore, all persons having claims attain 3 1 said etttate are hereby re quired to preeent the same to the uuder signet! at the law office of Bagley fc Hare n tlillaooro, uregon, together with proper vouchers, within six months trom to date hereof. Dated this October 10, 1!XK T. B. PERKINS. Administrator of the Estate of T. L. Doak, deceased. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given, that the under aigned. was. on the 24th dav of Seuieiuber 191)8. by the County Court of Washington county, ureeon. uuiy appointed annum atrator of the estate of Arollu M. Hasford deceased, aud has duly qualified as such now tnereiore, all persons naving claims against said estate will present the same, witn proper vouciiers, at tne law oftice of John M. Wall, iu Hillsboro. Ore gon, within six (6) mouths from the date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oreton, this '-'8th day of September, ihiw. II. M. IJASf UtU Administrator of the Estate of Aroii y. Hasford, Deceased. Executor' a Notice Notice is hereby given, tbat I have been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oretrou for Washington County, executor of the last Will and Testament ot Rebecca Miller, deceased, and have lualihetl as such. Now, therefore, all persons having alms against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me at my place ol residence, about 5 miles north of Glen oce, within six months from the date utreof. Dated this 24th day of October, 190H. J. O. MILLKR. Rxecutor of tbe last Will and Testa nient of Rebecca Miller, deceased. Notice to Creditor Notice Is hereby given . that the under sigued has been duly appointed by order or tne uounty uourt oi Washington County, Oregon, heretofore made and en Kim. w.lltuin,l.n)i ui .mid 1 Jl rich Fuegy. deceased, and has dulv anal ...muI a,l,ilut..li.. ul tk. o.tun .. . ITI itied aa such administrator, now theren fore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and re quired to present the same to the under signed at his residence near Phillips, Ore eon, or at the oftice of Basle? i Hare in theShute building, Hillsboro, with proper oucnersinereror witnin six months from tbe date of this notice. Dated October 7, 1M0H. JOHN SCHNEIDER. Administrator of the Estate of Ulrich Fuegy. deceased Bagley Sl Hare, attorneys tor adminis trator. PROFESSIONAL. I7. A. HAILKY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Otflce Bailey-Morgan block, tipatalr. Rmima 12. I.'I and 15. Kealtletice Mouth mtmi cornar Ha--lina ami bavond Hlwea. lloth 'Phoaea. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Otflc n pt aim oTerThe Delia Dmi Storw RtMrtdenoa Kaatof Court Mouee, In the oortier of tlia block. JAM LIS PUILLIPE TAMIES1E, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 8urgan Southern Paclrla Kailmad Co. ConaulUlion In Frenr.h or Kngllali. Of tire upataira, over I.. M. tloyl Oo'a. alora, north aide of Main St., HilUboro, Or. A. B. BAILEY, M. D., D. D. S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9 Bailey-Morgan Block. Both phones. Hillsboro, Ore. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Ron ma 10 and 11 Moricau-Balley Blrrak, atreet. Over Dennis Store. HILLSBORO OREGON Sao. H. Bmtty O. Hmrm BAD LEY A HARE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Booms 1 and t Shote Baildlna; HILLSBORO. . . OKKGOS. E. B. TONGUE ATTORN KY-AT-LAW Rooma J, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, Hillabore, JOHN M. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Offict Upataira, Bailey Margaa Block. Rooma, i an! a. HILLSBORO, - ORRQON. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Orrici: Main Street, opp. Court Hoube. HILLSBORO OREGON THOS. H.TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upataira, Rooma 3, 4 and $ Hillsboro, - - Oregon DR. J. H. KNOX County Stock Inspector In Rear of Lenneville's Blacksmith Shop FouitsT GtOVE Phone, Intl. 92 Long distance, No. 31 Dr. S. M. REAGAN Graduate of the Kansas City Veterinary college, Kansas city, Mo, VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Licensed to practice in Oregon OFFICE, HILISBORO LIVERY CO.'S STABLE No. 1 Office phones: Pacilic States 501; Ind. 215 Residence phoue; Independent 2-U G. M. Hunter Carpenter WorK And Contracting Those contemplating building should get my figures. Both Phones. Cor. 4th & Jackson. Hillsboro Oregon ..Central Meat Market.. EMMOTT BROS., Propm.. Keep constantly on hand a fine anpply of freah meats of all klnda. A Mew Era In PpIom We are going to sell meats at piloea low. er than those which have prevailed In the past: Call in and see na. We meaa bnsineaa. 'Phone, and Free Delivery One door East Tualatin Hotel Hail Street, Hillsbora, Oregai. Some Stylo RESTAURANT Ti 1 r 1- xvegutar ivicais, 35 cist up Short order .lunches Opp. Farmers' Feed Shed, on Main bt. Hillsboro - - - Oregon. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Under Now Management Rate; $1.28 to $2 Per Day C. E. PUIOMOKE, Phofkiktob SECOND STREET, HILLSBORO BENNETT & NELSON Barberi; Agenta for BrooklynDyeWorks 270 Grand Avenue PORTLAND GOODS UUAKAWlUJiU Vt. s-t".