The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 29, 1908, Image 2

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    HILISRCO AACU. OCT 29. 1 90."
i ..: " ' ' ,m-m"
Kitten at the loM cfci-n at HtiUtxn!
Oregon, ma aecoml-claMi mail realtor.
IIK.MIY O. Ol II.H. KHi.r. i
County Official Faptr
Sul.vnption: $l.."t r Annum.
laanptt Kvrrj Tharadaf
t;l It.l) A McKlNNKT
UaaeveU' plurality over Parker
in 1M Hig ma
jority a 1.22VOy. Total vol
cast for I'reidei t waf l3.S19.hW
The total vote cael in UW wa 13,
ltiil,.rH.('.. Oregon, in 1904, pave
It.woeve'.t 00,455; Parkrr, 17.521
Oregon he 4 electoral volte. Xer
York leada wilh 31' electoral vote,
ml Illinois is second, with 27;
Ohio, 23, and Indiana with 13 In .
1904, Ro-vsvelt receded SoGtleo,
toral vole?, and Tarker 140. :
When in town, call and try our
hot s ft je and cocoa, and don't for-;
get the lunch, at I'almateet'e Con
fectionery L J. Palnnteer, prop, j
Liquor License '
lu tie County iirt of the State of Ore-,
gon for Wahiuguui County
In the nutter of the Application of Kml-
.nek t lf;i for LirtitM to .tU Spirituous.
inous ami Mail l.H)iior. in lesw qilanti
tu than one ga'.iou. iti K.t Cedar Crwt ,
l'p-Cill'-t. '
To the HoiioraKc Cor tit y Court of the
State of Oregon, for Washington County:
The uiulrrvstied p:itiouer legal voter
of Kat Cedar Crtk l'revim-t, Washing
ton County, Orvgon, an.l Coiatlituting a 1
iiiajuritT ot the n-gal voter of said Pre
cinct and rxiiit a tual residents of aaid
l'rxinot. ami ha ing actually resided in
Precin -t 30 days immediately pre
ceding the dt of this petition and the
ilste nl the tiling tl-reof, would rvvpevt
fuiiy petition your Hoitorahlr Body and
.. that a license to sell spirituous. vinous
and mail iiqiiox in less quantities than
one gallon, in Kat Cedar Creek Precinct,
Washington County. Oregon. I granted
an) istned to Frederick Colfelt. a resideut
of s:d P reei not, for a period of one year.
Paled this (Vtober Mh, In.
W TirTtnv, H L Duval, W Miltenbrr
ger. W M Moore, A Scbrrling, C Kob
crts, l; R Townsend, I. Sagert. Silas X
Shaver. P Fuller, B B I .add. Chas Wee
loiT. K Savage. M T Tufts V K Dnvall.
K Klitiier. Chas (WiUrrger. Sam Gal-,
lirvatb. H M Wood, Frank Meier, Da via
Cuthbert. C C, Walliscr, L C Sherman. .
Frank B. J C Wirth, Camiel Yer
inersch. V A Clear. Louis De Buck, J R
Fuller, J Katfuiann, K S Townsend, E I)
Mttihell. Frank Walgren. V F Ivis. R
K Wangt-mau. W Krause. V Murray. W
11 lhy. F K Shaver, li H Clem. H ti
Shaver. Ix-e Huckstutv, W B Hager.
Frank Powell. G V Andrews. J C Wau
gerann, Robt K Liebig. C I. Shaver. W
A Ful'er. Z T Co'.e. K F Mack. L Ver
braiken. A Cimino. Carl I'rfikner. Pete
J Peterson. Jos VanHorne, Jasper Hess.
V Bell. Johnnv ( tterstrom, B Bell, Ar
thur tiaPireat'h, O T Teaney. 1 V
Stephenson. J S Hess. Frtd Hess. H J
He. Jos Ga'.breath. V Peters, (i H
Younger, Heniy H Hill. Herschel Clat
ter, August O ane, Phil Merwin, W L
Davis. W K Mulloy, LWn Adolf. I Piott.
A Fishtjack, Geo Galbrealh. M L Adolf,
Henrv Saffrarj. C Gohl, Joe Roberts. T B
Odbe'rt, Abbo Peters. F L West, Felix
le Wesnich. D T Sherman, Peter Vao
Wvnendeall. C C Crim, F V Schambtrg.
E L Cole, A K Matthews. Heinnch Yee,
Ailit Kills. Rotjert Hie, E A Eddy, ,
Lester Ma lott, A Bracesco, A Anderlin,
John Holzworth, Henry HoUworth,
Claus Peters, Henry Eliigsen, Heir.ka
Peters. Harry Peters, Simon Peters. Wil
lie Piatt, Geo Klligsen, William rlligsen,
T C Wheaton, Fred Xoble, Herman
Krause. August Krause. A J Hess, W J
Smith. H Casteel, E Colfelt.
To Whom it May Cone ern:
Notice is heiel.y given, that lho urder
higned resident of Ka.t Cedar Creek Pre
cinct, WiLHhingUjn County, Oregon, will
i WeiliifsJay, the 2nd day of Dec, turn,
at ten o'clock a. in. of said day, present
the foregoing petition for lictis to
kell Kiriuiou, vinoua and mait ii()Uors
in Kat Celar Creek Precinct, in less
(juantities than one gallon, to the County
I 'ourt of the State of Oregon for Washing
ton County, at Hiilixro, Oregon, and at
said time and place will ask that a license
be ikMi il to the undersigned applicant to
sell HiriMiou. villous anil mail liquors
in Eiift Cedar Creek Precinct, Washing
ton County. Oregon, in less quantities
than one gallon, for a period of one year
lruui the date of the issuance of such
Dmed this Oct. 2, 19i.
FllKDfcl'.ICK COLFKLT, Applicant.
P.agley A Hare. Attys. for Applicant.
Paul Hnif. Plamt tt
I.ifxi Hin. Ivfi'iuUnl
! To t.i.ieHine.deleiilid aSi n urn d: j
la the nam ot the Slate ol Oregon: on
are herehy mlihet that the piantirl h
lile.1 a inipli"l gaiu-t you m the alv. e
entitle.1 court and ,-und you tier
hy rusiuirtsl to aprai and s"rr tue si.l
O'mp ainl or Hie ii'e apiH':i:iiue then'
on on or tMtor the ist dsy pren.-rilnt .y
th order of pul'licalion there.1!, to .1:
the l.'th lay oi ISsvinrxr, l!1; and it you
tail.' lo ai'liMtr and anwi tlie imiii i
plaint cr tile some appearance heieiii. the
I'iaintift will your iletaui: n le .
lered and n.mtie.1 and will apply lo the!
,'iirt torthe relief prayed for in -'.d com j
plaint, tow if dtvre fort er dixlin
tne lHnd ol niairiniouy now r&iMtiig he
t wee ll you and plaiutirl and lor hiu h other
rvlief to the court may vin ine.1 and i
Yhedateof the tirl puhlnation ot tins
snnimouj is the I-nl day ol tVt.iiwr, l-s'-;
and this siiinnions la to I puMtsht'.l on'
eery ThurstUy of e'h Keek lor a perud
ol ill aiuxt'snit eek I!" een aid date, j
This suiinnons is published by ..nier of
the Hon. rhuniM A. .Voltride. Judge of
the bihv eutiiltsl court, ma le in Chain i
lrs tins iJud dav of iV toU-r. . I. t'A..
Chas J. Sw-hnatwl,
Attv. for Piamtit! i
tieo. K. Uagley and W. li. Hare, Piamtitln
Mekvla J.WiHwarl and James W. Wood
ward, her hitsoand, and The Kasteru
Investment Company, Limited, a Cor.
poraiion, IVfeiulants.
To Meloda J, WtKHlaard aint Janieji W.
Woodward, two of the above na.i.ed d
fendanU: In th name of the State of Oregon: You
are hereby commanded and re.pnrd to
he and appear in the above entitled Court
and answer the complaint tiled against
you in the atnive entitled cause, on or lie
lore the eipiration of sn aeeks from the
date of the hrsi public ition of this sum j
mons in the HillsNiro Argus, the d.ite ol
the first publication thereof being on the ;
SNth day ol October. 1 is, an,) the lust j
publication thereof lieing on the 17th day
of Decmbr, to-wit : on or before tl.e I
17th day of Dec,, p; and you will pleae
tk notice that if you tail so lj appear
and answer said complaint, the plaiutiM :
will apply to theoourt for the relief praye.1
lor and d"emandel in their isimpliuut, to
wit: that that certain mortgsge. made,
executed and deliverrd bv vou on the )lh !
day of Dec.. IW to M il. Watts, ble.1 for
retard on the 31st day of Ieo., v7, and
recsirdpil on pag of Hook '( the ro I
corda of Mortgages ol WashingtonCouutT,
Oregon, be retortne I to conform to the
agreements of the said M. M. Watta ana .
said defendants, and that tln name of
M. M. Watts, mortgagee, be tnserto.1 in I
the body of said mortgage at the se ern! I
places where the twine should have lieeu j
inserted, and by inserting the consider '
tson thereof, to-wit: $ii.n), in the Innly of!
laid instrument where the aaine should j
have been inserted. Iecause the same s
omitted by mutual mistake of the part es '
thereto, and through the lauit ot the
acrieener who prepare.1 sai.l mortgage
and that aid mistake was nititua. and
without any fault on the part of the said
M. M Walla and the piaintitls herein;
that said mortgage as reformed, be fore
closed ami that the real prop- riy therein
described, to-wit:
Lying, being and situate in Wahingtou
County, Oregon, deorild as follows, l
w it: All of the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of secliou H, T. 1 S. P..
" W. of the Will. Mer. Containing to acres;
be sold by the MienH of Washington
County, Oregon, in the iranner pruidel
by law and the practice of the aliove sn
titled Court, and the pnxstedsof such sale
be applied to the pay ment of the amounts
due the piainlirf. principal and niiereot
and costs and reasonable attorney's fee,
and that the piaintitls have judgment
against you auu each of you for the sum
of J'JUMU with interest thereon from lec.
, JO, 1J7, at the rate of lu r -eiit. p-r an
mni, and the sum of J'u.loattornev's fis?.
and tor the cuts and disbursements of
this suit upon the promissory note fie
putel by you and each of you on said Dec.
, 1"(T, which said note and mortgage
were heretofore assigned, transferred ami
delivered U) the plaintifls, and the plain
tills lieing now the owners and holders
thereof, and for such other and further
relief as may be necessary and proper in
the premises.
This Summons is served upon yon l.jr
publication by order of H iimrable J. S .
Uoodin. County Judge of Washington j
County, Oregon, made and ilateil st hills
Ixjro, Oregon, on the 'sih day of October,
w Inch order requires that you aiipear
and answer said complaint on or Udore i
the expiration of six woeks from the dale
i of the first publication of this summons
in the Hiltsboro Argus, the date of the
timt publication being Oct. a. puis, and
; Ibe ilale of the last publication lieing I iw.
IT, I!), to-wit, on or before Iie-. 17, l!.
j Bagli y A Hare,
Atlori.eys fur Plaintiff
Notice of Final Account
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Pacific States Phone 203 H1LLSBORO
I In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew
1 Fuhrer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed adiniiiiHlratrix of the above em it led
I estate has tiled her final account herein
' and in the above entitled Court and cause
and that the Judge of said Court Iihs
designated the ird of November, 1:W. at
9:30 o'clock a. m., and the court nmin of
: said Court as the tune and place for the
; hearing of objections, if any, to said linal
accouiit and the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published Ocwiln-r 2Vnd,
' Aduiinistratrix of the Estate of Andrew
I Fuhier, deceased.
How Are These
Prices ?
Economy Fruit Jars,
to close, pints $ .90
" quarts 1.19
" gallons 1.35
Best D G Sugar,sack 6.00
16 pounds for 1.00
50 lbs. fine Salt 60
5 gals. Tank Oil 80
A & H Soda, 2 for.. .15
4 for 25
3 cans Tomatoes 25
3 cans Corn 25
3 cans Cond. Milk. . .25
Star Tobacco, lb 45
6 pkgs. Dixie Queen
Smoking Tobacco .25
Schulmerich Bros.
Thursday, October 29
Oregon Electric Railway Co.'s
New Line From Hillsboro to
Portland and Salem
Tr.tius will arrive aud depart from the temporary
statiou corner of 2ud and Washington streets,
Hillsboro, as follows:
roitland Stja. in. lovsia ui.
Siilctn and lVrtland. it jo a in.
S sic m and lVrtland 410 p.m.
IVrtlaml J:.t5 p in.
Tortland 7 jo p m.
tikrvRr ro
lVillaml fj i a m.
Salrui ami lVrtland . S 15 a m.
Salrm and lVrtland, 11 10 a in.
Salriu ami IVttland . . I 53 P
lVrtland t .1 .S i'.i
Salem ami IVittaml 5 jj p.m.
rnsM-tiKcrs frvnn and Kr Salem make diieH connection at Gulden Home
Junction w ilh Main Line trains. All Htllshoru division tram slop at the
tolk,win,j stiitions:, Milkapsi, tlrenct. tjuataina. .Mottoiidalc, Si.
Mi ry's. llcaerton, Whitlonl, Kirlwk. ami t '.aide 11 Home Junction, nlw
stop at kit tium line stations between Garden Home Junction and Portland
For further iu formation apply to
;nd and Washington Sts.
HillstHiru, (be.
TraBic Manager
If you want to breathe smoke, dirt aud
poisouous gases all winter
If your wife wants to clean grcasey,
sooty, vile smelling lamps all wiuter
But if you are ready to iustall the cleau, safe aud con
venient electric light
Many people are deterred from installing electric lights by
au exagcrated idea of the cost of wiriug and fixtures. Let
us gi-e you an estimate on your house. It costs yutt
nothing to talk it over.
Hillsboro Electric Supply Co.
Main Stromt, opp. Court Nowm
Ind. Phono 323
l.oo Golf Shirts f3c
Las Umbrellas ... - 08c
I j6 Satinc Shirts l.oo
Swoll now Tlos. and 6oc
Corduroy Shirts 2.15
house Slippers l o0
Wido nock Kuilling - 40c
Jorsoy knoo Leggings Ore
Swcators, in coloia 2.50
Don't Forget the Place Between
the Drug Stores
$ FOR $
Our Motto
Independent Phone 046
Your Monry
bath, if
Not Sntiified
Look over our prices before
buying elsewhere. All Roods
are marked in plain figures
For the next fifteen days we will give 12', 1 jer
cent discount on all Clothing. Ten per cent dis
count on all Shoes and Dry Goods.
We Are Headquarters For
Kconomy Fruit Jar, to close, pints $ .90
quarts 1.10
half gallons. . 1.35
caps 19
Best D G Sugar, 100 pounds $6.00
O l O li
10 I.(X
50 pounds Liverpool Salt 70
" Imitation Liverpool Salt 60
5 gallons Tank Oil 80
Star Soap, 6 bars for .25
Tea Garden Drip, half gallon 50
" gallon 91
A & II Soda, two for 15c or four for 25
Fels Naphtha Soap, 5 bars 25
Dew Drop Wash Powder, package 20
Carnation Cream, 3 cans 25
Bucket Syrup, half gallon 25c; gallon 50
Bridge Beach & Co. Superior Stoves and
Ranges and Great Western Stove Works
- " 1 1 -V
MJKflMW'aM v - N
( 1
H. Wehrung' & Sons
Charley Eamep, who went nvr
to W aid port, last August, bouftht a
lot fronting on the bay (or $50.
He has since been ofl'ered $150 for
his bargain, and baa refused.
r 'PI 11 PI UP TIT lUiUUT fiW TlIU I
11.1 ) Mill VIIVVIUJ v I lib
W. H. McKldowney and 3. M. Polloi k,
Iretio llultar and Oultar, her Iiiih-
haml, (,'onlnlia Hof anil Hiw,
tier hiiHliaiiil. Irene HIihIi anil Onorve
lillsli, hr biiMliaml, Martha HuhliantlH
himI ilarinoii lluahands, her Inihljanii', i
orxon roiirix arm Young, lila
wlf'H, H. M. I.yonii and Hons I.yoiin, liio
wife, J. H. Kveraon and KvHraoii,
It Ih wilii. Oi'IViiiIhiiIh.
To Iri'im OuitHr hiiiI (lullar, hr him
baud, Cunluha Hugg aud U"KK. lier
' huahand, Irena IIIUli and (ieorK lllinh,
Imr tiiiHhand, Martha HuHbanda and
Harmon HimbamlN.lier hiiband,Oraon
Youiik and Young, lila wlfn, H. M,
Uyonn and Koaa I.yoiin, hln wife, J, It.
Kveraon and Kveraon, liia wile, de
fendant. In the name of the State of Orison : You
are hereby required to appear and annwiT
the complaint tiled avaliiat you in the
above mi tit led auit, within all wenka next
from and after Ontobnr '2nd, 1INK, hhI'I
date being the Krat publication of thin
miminoiiN, and If you fail an to anawnr,
for want thereof, the plalnlllla will Hply
to the Court for the relief demanded In
their complaint, to-wltt Tlmt they have
a decree wherein the defendant, and each
(if them, he required to let forth the na
ture of their i-Uiiim, If any they have, in
and to the following rimcrmed r-nl prop
erty, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the Hase
I. me, 'i.Vl pba. went of theunarler Hmaiiui
curlier on the Booth boundary line of
Mccllon M, T. I Pi, H. i W., where the
Kait boundary line of the Klam Youiik
I tonal Ion IaihI Claim Nmnbcr 4.ri. T, I N.
It. liW.of the Will. Mer. inlrani-tH the
said Haw Line, aud running thence West
t. .i tva I i ' " is.. -(
H tml I!"" "' ' to imf'M. iJlL . .'if, T3I
If you buy a good heater, it will save enough in fuel to pay for itsrlf in "c
cc'iuMii M'lni. t.i.,.t,l.. I....... .1 : i :.. t.-i; ... . .t , .. rliiiii)
because of a low price, when ex ltcriviicc proves them the most c vpi iisivf. A
small price may U- paid for a stove which looks attractive, which lias hern
described as "perfect," but it is liable to prove a very extensive purchase; l'r,
ten chances to one, trouble will arise from this stove in a month's time Y
never get something for nothing in this world, and when v' I)' a sniaI1 Pr,cc
for a stove, that price must cover the cost of material and labor, ami include a
reasonable profit; consequently, inferior castiron and steel, aud the i-licaisl 1111(1
most inexperienced labor must go into this .seemingly low-priced stove.
We iitc iiUo iigriila for Hip I iic-Minul Wanhing Mm hiiir, bull lM aiiiiK, '!
with the huge y wheel uinlcr llu- lub ao you have no rilra wrlglil I1"'
lid, Any child Irn ynira old imi ( grille il. Sold on Ihiily lii.1 I""'
Wc are agents for Iiridgc and Heath and The (Ircat
Western Stove Works
Nelson Hardware Company
on IIiimii ,lnc, 'I 7i!('iiH. to the Weal, line
of the KiiHt 4 or the , Khun Young
lainij thmice North I der. Went on the
Went line of the Knxt , ol aaiil Youiik h.
1-. C,2I.(W elm. limnce Kant Zl.lli i-Iim
iiioiflor lew, lo the KhmI llneot Iheaulii
Young II. I C.j Ihcnre Honlh I ileg. Kaal
'L.W cIim. to the place of beginning, con.
UIiiIiik fin acre, morn or Iih.
Necond Trad,: Uiiglnoliig at, the N. K.
corner of the .. of the KIhiii Youiik
I). , C, Number T. I N. It. 2W, of the
Will Mer, and riinnliiK tliemn Houlli I
leg. KaMton the Kii-t line or Halil Claim,
10 I elm. to the N, K. comer of a trad ol
land heretofore Hold by KM. and Mary
M. Htuirett n V.. W. Hlurrntt by deed
dalnl Aligns V(l, 1!K,",, Hi.d incorded on
I age "Kiti" of Hook "711" i,r tlie Uncords
ol lieedN for Washlnglon Comity, Oregon
thence Wiwl on the North line f tl.e
above den.-rlbeil I met, Z'l.HZ cIim,, morn or
Ii-hh to the Wi-Ml Umndary Hue of the
Kan U th.-HHid Young 1). I.. (!.; lb,.
North I .leg. West on Mild Hue dividing
rr'"',l i w'ni imlveHol milil KIhiii
.uu.iK u. l,. u., cliH. to the N. SV.
corner of f lu. ,:N j r (1H Month J r,aiil
I). I.. ..-, Ihence Houlli Ml de. 4! mill,
h.aHt on the line dlvlillng tlm Norlh and
Noulh liHlvea or HHhl Claim. VI fi7 elm,,
mure or limn, Ut the place of hegluuliiK.
eoiila nlng 'l lllaeiea re or leal.
And that all ndverati cluluia of the tin
leinlHiilN, or elfliar of them, be deter
mined by a decree of thW Court, and that
upon II mil hearing, that plnlnlllU be de
creed to be thu owneralu I'rat aluiple nl
t in real properly herein deacrltied, mid of
the whole thereof, mid that the delimit
aula, and each of them, be barred and rnr
ver precluded lruui aaHerllng any claim
"r right, title or lnteret In himI to aald
preiiiiMen, or liny part t hereof, 11. 1 verm- lo
pliunnilH, mid fnrMiich oilier and further
rellel hh may n junt and equitable In the
Thla Niimiiiniia la Nerved upon vou liy
puhjcatloii bv order of I be llono'rahle ,
W. Oooiliu, County J,,K WaMhlni'
Ion County, Oregon w(,, or,,.r u .i,,,,,,,
Ocloher W, (mn, iiii.f the lime prea.-rllted
In eulil order lor publication loraald aiuu
uiona lo he pubiMhed, la U weekt bom
the dale of aal.l nr.l.T. H'" '"
lion Ihereol ' belml 1h'1"1 7 V
K II Tiiiigu.-.V Hi""'
Atloriieya lor rutin"""-
mmm mm m
Hillsboro rccu
! and Cider Mj
l. n,,sNHv, rupr' J
Siu-t-i-.taor to-' - '' Kl,r I
l'Ot'KTll AM. JACKSON r- .
loilccu.lcnt i'' I
- 7iitff
N Custom urinuiB -