HIU.30OAQ ARGUS. OCT. 12, 1(S ; ''i ' i . 1 r- ?! if i'i.' i it i t 1 W. 15. DOLAN Ventilators and Chimney Tops to order Metal and Composition Roofing Warm Air Heating Apparatus Cornices'and Skylights General Jobbing MAIN STREET HltLSBORO, OREGON T. M KERR H. A. HUBBtRT Are You Wanting' a Home? If you arc looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS FASCO LOCATION. Independent Phone, 193 HILLSDORO - OREGON The Hillsboro Ice Cream and Confectionery Parlors IVsires to announce that the parlor r under entirelv new management and that he is bow prepared to furnish SHORT ORDER LUNCHES WITH CtP Of GOOD COFFEE at all hours. Fresh Oysters in all style on liort nctice. Swelland's unrivalled Ice Cieim and nice line of the finest camiir in the market. The best brands of cigars and tobacco. When in town call and ee me and trt my qnick lunches. Home cocking. Remember thai this house is under new management and will b condnete t in an orderly manner and that we cater only to the best trade in the town and country. HENRY LANE, Proprietor, Successor to Ed. Rolling East Side of Second Street, Hillsboro j HON. M C. GEORGE SPEAKS Kx Oonflr'nnn M. C Gsorgo, of i IVrtland, riHke to ft ntuall udinc .t the Courthouse Mor.day night j The tiisht w rainy tod chillj, and ihtr wer few in from the country, but the .waker made on of hi uetul) j good iwh- and I deserved ft better houM. H dii louoeet) the tjueetion at u be jtwen the two i-artiee in a oon ! vincing 0d ih..wt that the (Htlicie of the republican party when put into practice had alwaya resulted in prosperity for the maa i and great progreM aa a nation He paid a glowing tribute to Freei dentRojttvdt and hie ttfjrU to enforce the law eo that all olaaeee might have moal and exact justice He eni.l that Taft waa the real friend of tne working man and that he had come out tnldly and ua equivocally for the right of lahir and predicted theOhioan'e election by a decisive maioritT. He thouaht tne rop e should not try the ex penmen t of a change of party at this time when eo many treat eo terpnet were undsr way in the wt Tbe epeaker waa heartily applauded on telling point. He poke for nearly two houra. A number of ladies greed the occa ion with their pre nee. a mm : H M m m i i m i i Oregon Builders" Are you doing what you can to'populdte your State? OREGON" NKEDS PKOPLE-Settlers, honest farmers, mecha nics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution tlirriitiVt ,.,'brtt ai.qi!akU a.runn. ll;u ..... . . 1. 1 . , .... auJ. mill yuu IJUl ncip me gotxi work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likelv to be interested in this state? We ...;u v..-. . 1 . l - will he trial! to Year ihf Mtvnu nf rwf;.,n - o f . w, ... . . i. mcui Lvuipicic 1 II- forniation about OREGON and its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SKPTE.MBKR AN D OCTOBER from the Kast to all points in Oregon. The fare from a few principal cities are From Denver $30.00 " Omaha 30.00 " Kansas City 30.00 " St. Louis 35.50 Chicago 38.00 TICKETS OAK BE PREPAID From Louisville $41.70 " Cincinnati 42.20 " Cleveland 44.75 " New York 55.00 ta m i ia j P. G. VICKERS, LOCAL AGENT, HILLSBORO if 8 If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. Mm, McMmRA v, Gk.sf.ral Passexgkr Agent, Portland, Oregon a. s MOORE & GREER Smeond Slrmml Mmat Mmrkml fresh and Cured Meats ALWAYS IN STOCK Both Phonmm Saeond Street, Hlllaboro, Of F. H.MILLER I 1 hird Street, Hillsboro Between Main and Lincoln Phone 092 SEPTIC TAN US MADE AND INSTALLED Plumbing Steam Heating f you are thinking of a septic tank that will ink. rnr. nf all wnntpfrfini the house have a talk with tne. in i.;.. ., 1. ....1. ...... kept on hand, fiom a bath tub to a lavatcry. All Work and all Good Warranted ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous in Hillsboro Remember, tbe Argus, only 12.25. Oregonian and Ijo the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of dangei. Backache i kidney danger. l)oan' Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kidney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mr. A. S. Cummings, of 224 Clackamas t., Portland, Ore., says: "Kidney com plaint and backache clung to me for a long time and often I suffered very se vere auaca ot it. Sometimes it was a dull heavy aching over the kidneys, and again sharp acute pain in the small of the back. The kidney secretions passed frsouentlv anil nfion (t). .-,.;. r 1. ...1 tried everal remedies with poor reults and was finally induced to use IJoan's Kidney Pill. They helped me very quickly and continuing their use I soon found relief from the aches and pains. The action nf th kiH also trengthened to a great extent. I recommended Dnan'a k'irlnu in our papers three year ago. I am always pieasea 10 say a good word lor tni rem edy and am glad of this opportunity to con6riu my former testimony." For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for tbe United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Hilleboro baa a lady barber. John W. Winlera, of Sherwood, called Tuesday. A. L Sberer, of Wilson? ille, wai la the ttty, Monday. C. F. Watson, nf Reedtille, aa 11 the county seat Monday. J. S. Johnson, of St. Mary', was a county neat caller, Monday. 0. 0. Barlow, of Portland, trans acted busineea in towo, Tuesday. Seuator Haints, of ForeH Orore, was ia towo Monday, on butioee Born, to the wife ot John Housr f . . . . . 01 fan 01 town, uc'.ober H, I3US. a eon. Mr. Chri. Johnson, of Hoi brook, was an Argus caller, Satur day. John Schneider, a prominent Pbillms farmer, waa in tha nit Tuesday. J. W. Hughes, of near Dilley waa in the cily last Saturday, on busin??e. L J. Palmateer handle the largest assortment of hiah a fade cigars in the city. Givehimacall MoMinnville has a new coo denied milk factor?, there is an- other at North Bend, and one at Amity, all owned b? the Willam- ftte Valley Condensed Milk Com pany. Quite a number of pert.Hi have registered at the Clerk'a office thu far, this week. Indications are, however, that many voters in tbe county have not regirtered at any time this jear. The Ladd heirs are conveying all their intereets in this county, aa well at in other counties, to tbe Ladd Estate Company, of Portland. The property owned by the heirs in this county comprises 160 acres. Victor Callier, of near Cornelius, was in the city, Tuesday. He says he has several acres of potatoes which were not touched by the early frost, some weeks ago His is hill land, which generally es capes the frost. The second metal stairway sec tion of the fire escape for the Hills boro public school building arrivtd the latter part of last week, and has been placed in position by U G. Gardner. It coet the district about H0, plus the work of plic ing it in position. A motor cycle was run o?er and smashed by a locomotive of tbe Willamette Construction Cnmnanv last Sunday, on Washington near nrBi Bireet, ine cycle, wnlch was a new one just out of the shop. as on the track, and the owner signalled the engineer to atop, but as steam was escaping from tbe engine at the time, the latter did not see the signals nor tbe cycle, the result being a smash no. The cycle was owned by the oon struction company. Dr. Link later has the first Inter national auto-buatrr ever aolri In Oregon It has two seats, and will travel all thn fmm 9. in on j v .u h ,vr miles per hour, and is propelled by an 10 norse power gasoline engine The new machine has wheels of the regulation buggy eiz, except that . 1 1 r 1 . an luur w utein are 01 me same cir cumference. The buggy ooet $850, and was brought out from Portland last Thursday afternoon, hv IT. K . t - ifii . ... 01 me iiuiHuoro Automobile Uarage, i n frm ra n i I V fm T IL1a Iron-Clad Postal Ruling According to a tuling u:uv by the jost master-general ALL WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS carryiug subscribers on their lists win owe for the paper for more than one year from January i, t. will be rcfusetl ailmisssion at the regular newsjujer rate and must pay a much higher rate ou the entiie list. This no newspaper can afford to do and there is only oue thing to he done, either to cut olV all subscriptions which arc mote thau one year in ar rears or else quit busiuess. If you know yourself to be more thau one year in arrears kindly pay up ami help us to comply with the law. Only three months remaiu to make the change. IK) IT NOW. The Argus Publishing Co. Hillsboro Commercial Bank A. S. SHOI.KS, President CKO. SCHULMKRICH, Cashier Are Doing a Conservative BanKing Business CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000 SURPLUS, - - $10,000 Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings and Time Deposits uo iou iraae With Dennis i If not, Get the Habit Fine Hue of up-todatc Groceries Everything in Cauued GcmkIs. Have you tried "Deuuis' Milk Can Coffee?" It's all right. Hamilton-Brown Slmes fit and wear, and that's what counts. A fme line of Umbrellas, all kiuds and prices. JOHN bail DENNIS. Hillsboro mm in company with Dr. Linkltter. The fiillowinor rttriuina amnna 0 a.ui.g Others, bought etnok nt thu With. combe fine stock sale at this place last Saturday: E Judd, of Waldo TIMI. ,f ' . mtiH, in anon county, purcnaeed a young Jerwey bull; D. B. Reasoner secund a 3-year-old cow, Grant Mann bought a 2 year old heifer, and Dr. A. a. Bailey a cow and a 'vear-old heifer. All were JuriMva Dr. Bailey bought a 6-year-old cow which is a grand-daughter of Brown BeBsie.thecow that took tha world's prize as the champion butter animal at the Chicago Exposition. She is a daughter of dhinf Rnainar. aim of the choice herd bulls owned by Lsdd Estate. The heifers bought bv Mann nnrl Itnaonnftr ara alan grand daughters of Brown Bessie. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUT COURT OK THli STATK OP ORKOO.N, KOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. Anthony John Htoel, Plaintiff Ellzabetb HKmI, DfnUnt To Kllxalmh HLru.1 il.. . i i ...w MiniTQ iiBiiini aefciidaul. 1 n tha namanf ikaUt... . - ... .... v. .u nw ui rfifKuii; I oil ar harahv rtwiulr.! i . ui compmini tiled agatoat you In the '"". ma l.mUi, and AUumm lllu o entitled (xiurt anJ cauiM) on or I-1 ,",," ' "ch oilier ml fiirtlmr i noTsmur vtitu, whlcli i nt r " " ' " J""1 ml '"H-Iil. week afior Ortolwr 16th, im, tbe ill : 1 hm anmiimii. I rv.l upon vu oraereu for tbe lint puMkallon of tlii V , ,,Jr "' IU" U.iiioi.hl,. it i 7. i WBiiilnirtoii I o I'. Hill 1 t)l tlma i.r...ll.l ... . , i il.. r., hii ...V... ' i .T. ' TV ' 1'iiwiii LKIII IMII Ml I tarausLr a ine northeaat crnrr of irarl of UiiiI n i". i -irr:n i. ikm, i,y Amt.r, Thorii burgh, rrom Hlilrh .:(ru.,r u r u.t .1 mlii, K. ik'rfi n. to an ir.ni piiM. tha antitli firiirr (.1 nam I ImriiliiirKli Wart ..riii.1- o. mi ur. V) iil.V, I XI :j ft. 1,, iron pii t on the it hue ,,f Kaventh VlH l ft til tlm,-m t.i . i . t - h '"tuns, hi ui CMI taiulnif W.l) t, r-n, a'l .11. 1. 1. VVaahlna ton Counly, (lrf(ron, l,y illinr trt t J. i "r,';""1 "leleof n.Kl Aliu.,n Illmniin, lr,.ai .,) nnh ""mil 10 earn lir u,. ,, i , rr, Mry w...,.. uiiiiiaiioii or tnm notloa. and if inn fall in ... .... . anjwer tha plaintiff will apply lor Hie re- ioi prmyeo lor in uu coinpUint, Uwit: r ' J "V" M .llllliaillL, VO-Wli lor decree dinaolvlni tha loiida r .. rimotnr now enatlnr between aUive named plaintiff and defendant, nd for nch other and further relief aa to the onortaeern meet and iuat. Thl tiiminon Ik publlehed by order of I he Hon. J. Wu (iun i,i... ..r .. . .. u.nn yft lllll dot named court, made and entered on i the JOth day of Ortolier, 1. i date of hrnt , , ' 7. " ZT." mlontol,eontir7.T;; ' Attorney lor I'lalnlillii. Adminiiraior' Nolle rey tucturdiioii, v,,, Attorney for Plaintiff. &IH Clumber of 5? J" ,,,'rhy K'""i tlmt the under Commerce Bldg., Portland, Ore. ,',l y the Counly Court of WHihlnifton County, On-Koii, dul an. CMU, ).'"ll"l7 ll-lr.u.r of in. IZ Z( THK IN THE CIRCUIT COL' RT OK STATK OK OREOOM KOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Id Uabo. A. R. Leabo, Mary K. Hn inau, Alanauii Hinman Jr, Alice A lint, man, Charlea I.. Hinman, Knuna Hin man, Hophia Margaret Hinman, Marira ret illnnian and Alanaon Hinman Jr, and Charlea L. Hinman eieMiU)r of the laet will and teitament of Alanaoii Hinman, deeaed, I'laintlfla Oliver Hinman. Klla Hi William Hiuuian, Ma 11 Hallult, Claud Hallett, and Frank Hinman, Uefcnd-ant. To Ollver Hinman, Klla Hinman, Mnl, jiauoi,!., .iauu naneu, anu rranfc Hin man, ol the above named derendaniN: In th nam f.l t,A Uui. r . u, VMC7 nixie ui wreirou : You. and each of u a ir.i.o , to appear and auawnr the oomnlaint In tbe above enLlllil ,,li i.iil.in .f. i... neat from and after Octolier 8, 11(08, Hald date belnv the Kni ..,i.ii,..n . rj ... u....,...nvi,ji in bum auniiriona, and If yon fall to eo aunear and anawer. tha ilai.tiirt'u m.iii i.l. 1 .i i V I win iao a unurao afrainat yon, aa prayed in thuir complaint. Tl i.,. i - .i . . Uon of the fuJlowing dktrlM rettl ntat, tm Wit. H.lnun.,1 . - ... i i j L 1.7 "i wi unrvu nan or VjiJi.y.v.'!l V'1rl, Wife I. 1.. C.No (, i is no w will Mar. ami particularly mtwiiiuvj aa iojuiwh; UeBlnnliig at an Iron pipe net N. 89 dmr. 45 in 111. K. AM ft. illulani . IVn.n II,. I L " . . . ....... .mv n.iuiii eat comer of block 84 in the orlirinal town of Kortwt Orove, runmnir theiine N. r e mm. iv. wiwi a coiiunuauon or tli aouth line of aaid block Mo. 84, iW2H.ii ft. tn ftn trrin vilria. u ma A Ba. u... Hid D. L, C. No. 87: then N, 14 inln. K. on aucb east line 1690.7 ft. to a point on tU ISmMA I. i lift fr.m wM,.l. .at I. i..., " -' T 1111.11 !( HUH IflfftJ bear H.I4 mlii. W.0 feet. Raid point belnu alio m ft. B. 14 mln. VV. from the north" eaat noruer of aaid 1). I,. C liienoe H. Mil dog 40 mln. W. on tituut Line, H61.76 ft. to i. I.. Doak. (1iwihhi.,i u...i i -nW. upon tU dIrr ,l.T ""r"""x. all prrnona iviiiir I lAllUM Hiufnt.4 a.ul.l . "T'"H I U m Li) tlWUShl II. aa ...... a . . i . ' "rtllir W) IIS ilu nr. dth,,rH ,r m ,r""' IlHted tlni. Orlolmr V) 11108. ,. ... .T. H. I'KltKINH ii-iniHir or tne Katat of T. Doak, deceaard. tlie I, Executor' Notice Notice ia iinrnbv ulix.,1 n.ui n.. iir..,,i "'.'.!. "r"K" mvy .r t.",.t...... r ,"",r v" iHi win w . '""v 'immneu aa niikIi: ir-wteSr hr'aof. "'""t,m '""f Dated tliia Octolier 12. IlKW Adminiatraior' Notice the N au. of OrKon for Waah m:u iuHiind Hu.!h a i , JZyV' s preaent the name to me ,, n.7 I " ..V",' , " I Nn. hv....t "u. .. "".."T" "Ireot. Port at my inline No. 228 Kroiit and. Oiukoii, witliln Hlx the iIhIh nrn,iu ,...ii.. Datiid O:tobr 8, W8. r C'iuinK to AVukci One In. . v,; K-t Uir U at ,..!, !, " "liry ,., ,,., ,'" i" ..,,,, ;. '" f .i....i., ';" . . , ;'"'" ui ti.r i,.,lir ,,, ;" '.t'""'"' ir,.: , . thai will U.,r,., .. ' Vaught's Grocery For a Deal 00 TO HOWELL BROS. iV CO. 8CH0LLS, OREGON BEAYERTON-REEDVILLE ACREAGE (4 tt The Pasadena of Oregon Well improved, ami iu .1 high state of cultivation, all rich soil, with uo rock, white laud imr Knurl, all suitable ft.r raising walnuts, apples or any other' kiuds of fruits; well watered; tin well-graded public roads; handy to schools, churches, .stoics, etc.; can be bought for $ 150 per acre, on terms t suit the purchaser. To intending purchasers of small acreage: Why t;o away a long distance front I'ortlaud when you can buy some of the richest land in the Willaimilc Valley, within a few minutes' ride of the lwM mar ket on the Pacific Coast, at the above prices? Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon Our Mt. Hood Deer Has them all beaten when it comes to purity of water, which conies front the Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. 1 Iood"r-iK purer water in the worldl Is a Hygienic Product Call and sec for yourselves. Constantly on draught and in bottles. It is the wa ter and the quality of the brew. Try it. If you want a good smoke, wc handle the . CELEBRATED SCHILLER . the finest smoke for the money that is Hiade in the "Oregon Country." Try Our 'Grand Dad WhisKey!' Pronounced by experts to be the fiucst of blends. Come and sec us when you are in the city We'll treat you right. Main Street, across from the Farmers' Stables. A. Z. GRAGG Proo. HILLSDORO - OREGON. f lav a