The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 22, 1908, Image 1

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HILLS1JORO, OREGON,-' OCT. 22, 1908.
NO. 32
l ilracU From the IhI Gr.
i upl l'rnclU.'H Act
(kihi io civi turruM AV
Jtt lpilal lit am
Oa ol Ut iml Idiollo liwi ever
paaaed by l)a pla ' k'onupl
Practice Acl, which the opl
tot) io at it ial J una election,
tUboul fully knowinit lU ro
vision. Tb till "Corrupt 1'rac
lliM Ad" caughl lb voter. Kul
totioi aroiof U proviaione,
which will affect Hr of cam
ptlga bulloo at lU poll:
rWcllon 32. It aball U unlaw
(ul fur any ron to pay another
(of any Iom or datuag due Io at
Wo Jam al lb poll, or in regieler
ing, or (or ihi iimuim of lranepr
uuuo lo or from lb poll. No
proa aball pay for per eon a I wr
Tic lo I performed on the dy of
I oaucue, primary, convention, or
aay ejection, for any puipoae con
Mcled therewith, Uoiling in any
way, dlreclly or Indirectly, to a (Tact
lb mult thereof, ncepl for ihe
blrlof of roi)a bo aula duty
tl la art a challenger ami walcb
lb owunl of official ballot. Ni
brioaa aball buy, mil, give or pro
vide aoy political lad, tuition or
otbw insignia Ui l worn at or
aboel lha polls rn any election day
Hartii'ti 34. It aball b unlaw
(ul for any person at any ple on
lb day of any alrclion loak,o
licit, or In any manner try to in
duo or pneuad any ruler on aurb
lection day to tola for r rafrain
from ruling (r any candidal, or
tba candidate or iba ticket of any
political party or organ alioo, or
aoy maaaur ubnmUKl to the pro
pie, and upon conviction thereul
be aball be punUbed by fine of not
laat than five dollar nor more than
oo hundred ddlari for lb firat
oflcnea, and for the abound and each
luUnjuenl offenM occuring on tbi
tame or different election dar, be
ball tie puntehad by fine a afore
aid, or or ImprUonmcrtt in lha
oouQiy tau fur not lea than five
nor mora than thirty daya, or by
two audi tine and imprisonment
A painter, pausing by the name ol
K. C. MrUin, arrived in Uillaboro
about the firat of the month and
ndaavnred to cah a check ol
II), drawn on a bank at Clare
moot, Iowa. Tha bank, however
rafueed to caah tha par, but w
Head look It for oollecilon.
Tbia teemed aorMuliU let Me
Uin, and to abow that he waa all
to lha good, ba ranted k bouee ami
ordered aeveral hundred dollar
worth of furnttnre, having it de
livared at tha rented nroDerlv. Hi
also bought on oraxlii a lot of rough
lumber which bad been uaexi in 111
tree) fair and had ona load of it
Mcl.ain auddenly (Ilsapimared
od, ahorlly afterward, word wai
raoaivnd from tba I.iwa hank tba
lha oMolala of tba oonoern knew no
uch nun, nor had he any innne
on deponit Buhj-cl to chfok, or an
Other aaeet In lU fcntns Mil
Lin waa hera about two weeks and
'waived but lift nn hi ranreaent
lona,and part of thii he left in the
wn. in pieoent whereabout
J will sell at publio auction at
''. 1 mile north of HllUli
"""ginning at 1 o'clock p. m., on
" lollowlnu nroirty to-wit:
1 wo-yrr.ol, ctlt, 4-yrr old colt
iiiimer, 10 Hoe IJunillarn urui,
rollliiK 'lic, triiok Wkg"", t whrela;
Wackimltb envil, ipadra, hovcla, f.rk,
an) other artklea too uumrroua to iucii-lion
Tarm nt Bt. in ....... ,
" t-'BIC, Oil 0UIUD MUM
110. nuK. nn i n.,o.
roonihh time nn annrnved note. a(
6 hnr a..i t t .
- t unui, inierrai,
Geo. 0, Froat
fl. I'. Cornellm, Auctioneer.
The folio. I
ohool diatriot No ih for the month
nnng Ootober tt. 1008.
inow neither tardv nor abnent: Nettie
i 1; Vmk Uolr, AimaOHlbreHlli, Win
'a Smith, Marion Smith, Harry Christ
V'a atamling-8th grade: Vlrat, A
. '"I ""Willi, HtaiJ VWIV ,
i' ii ' Klriit Maude L,Mey; second, Anna
M ,i 'iiin grime; rinn, v""'11
athev; lecon.l, Fred Cole. Secom
f(e: prit nnhi-arpntid. Ncttii
Primary Kfade: Firat, Victoria
Kn i ' Beco", Harry . nriHicnwni
mrui joj vtaitora b. rarenin
ire cordially inviled to visit us,
li.lrd aell tha lilmua Till k'n.
ay ahoe. fur men. :ui if
Mra. Henry, of ,,ntr p.B,Verton,
aa in I Lu city Mumlay.
Angua McUhI, f Corliu.
wa an Aruus caller Monday.
K. IU-e, a proniiiiniil farmer of
ear Laurel, i H1B citv laat
iVinateer'a roiiftiunerv for
our choice ci.hfoctiun. fruit, ui.
ara ami toberoo.
The AaiH-eeur, id Tillatnook noun-
y, ba raieo.1 valuraMl iH,r (.nt on
the I'JOS aeeiiiKil.
Aeweeor Wilcoi hi. win to have
be aiteneitiei,t roll ciiiuplrtnd Ilia
atler part i,t thin week.
(Irani Mann, of near Cornelius.
tlendeil the (ieorifn eneakitiir at
(hi place. Monday uiiihl.
(Jail on or phone to Dmmia for
rmene. A ooinplnte and up Ui
ale line always on hand.
The Koreet (irova New eiiiecl
the electric line lo U in nperalion
to Ibat nlace bv Novemlx-r 'Dlh
Kor rale: Team hi rea. mare
nd iteldmg, j- mmI work teara.lKni,
aelt Itiouife at A'k-us ollice 14
Karl 'alle, who haa hen
n HsintiKiiid for several tuonlha,
returned home Monday, for a few
Jacob Kroel lni moved to the
ohn Vanderwal hoilee in North
HillsUiro, where he will etay this
Wtn Itradley, of Kugene, former-
y a echool teacher In thia county,
Isited with the kuratlta Saturday
nd Hunday.
Vetch ee for fa'e. Tha lieat
ariely Apply lo A I'balmera,
Koreel (irove, Ore , K. 2, or at faroi
ner C'enterville. tl
J. H Myera, of Orenoo, waa in
town Monday, ami called. Mr,
Myera n-U to move on hit
roerty, at tornehua, eooti.
Men wanUnl to do KX) roda of
litching, I i milea eouihweal of
Uillaboro. -J. M. Itridgea, Hilled.
r, H. 4 I'aci. Htalea' Phone 354
The Wilbyootnlie sale of Jeraey
nd Hhorthorn callla at thia place,
aal Haturday, waa well attended
Mr Withycotnhe diapoeed of moat
of the hen), many of them going al
very reaeonahle price.
Found A eolid gold locket with
picturee wiinin, ami monogram on
otitaiuV Owner can have same by
proving properly and paying for
hia adverlieeinenl, tall al una
flic. 32-3.1
The German !Wytarian church
ol Hethanv. held ila Annual nna-
Keaal last Hunday. There
i ... . i -.i
waa a area local inniuiutn, uu
aeveral nimieiniB u """u""
uuteide congregations wer preeent
A literal collecliuna waa given.
District Attorney K. B. Tongue
relurned home Saturday nigni
from Ht Helena, where Judgfl Mo
Hride ia now boldtrg ouurt. Mr
rmm na aava ha ia experiencing i
him term al M- Helena, no iotb
tnienla havina leen
relurd into court He relurnei:
to HU Helena, Monday.
l'eraona wishing to til their
farina will always limi a largeeiwa
i r. iiu in our vard at Scholia
til (i uu i .
We also carry bnolt nu
tuiililinif hluoka. Thoae inlend-
1 . li I all t tit .ill find a Urge sup-
ply of luiuUr at our yard, and you
I ' iii,1 call and look over
our Block lfore purohiwing.-Tbe
Uroner-Uowell Co, Hciion. i. v
addreaa, Uillaboro, Ure., u. i'. "
II Huntemann.ofaoulhof Job
Crossing, ex pool" un',n";
(:...; ah ahmiL iu wrw ui
L.i ne.i vear. He will m
centrifugal pump, taking tbe water
f- M.i.u nrnek. Mr Ilia UUI ru.
irom i'- j .!.,
Mr Huntetnann reoenuy
HUH) feet of the old -tor p,,,
taken out of the main, uy
hich he will use to carry
i hi land. He win ry
kinds of crops,
An important local deal took
. i nnni on the 9th
& when K. K. l'y'le his
real Jo the Hill-boro Lumta.
V. to J. C. Uaw, for iv
wr"' ... ...nnlnir on
The llllll la utm -
full time. Mr
Intrd wilU
m '&m in
Track Will not be Laid He
yond 2(1 Mile I'uat in 1?M)S
A K Mead, of Buxton, wae in
town laat Friday.
Jas. Kowa. of Iiaaverton, was in
jib J city laat Friday.
For Kale Sow, with aeven piga
Both phonea. iina wood
lit F. J. Bailey, of Portland, was
io town Monday, oo buaineee
Bulterick Fashion book, and any
pattern, for 2? cent at Baird I
Mra. Huiie Morgan and aon, YA
win, visited relatives in Portland,
last week.
Clark Hewitt, of Fargo, North
From C. K. Lytle, manager of the Ikot, is vieiting bu vm, M. C.
V. K A N. road it i. Ie.,n.d lh., ln lnl" cll7
Koad Will Carry Mail far Veraaaia I'et
pic Nut Spring
grading haa been completed to the
2.r mile post from Uillaboro, weat
ward. Had weather may aoon stop
tbe grading, but good weather will
be taken advantage of aa long as it
laale by the contractors, who are
anxious lo get aa much done aa
John U Bailey, of near Buxton,
waa in town Friday, on hia way
home from Portland.
The K. O. T. M , of Green ville,
will give a dance at their hall. Rat
urday night, October li. 30tf
Judge O'Day delivered an ad
dree hxfore the Brvan and Kern
poaeiwe una year, irack will not ciUD, t Verboort, last Tuesday:
i iai.i oeyonu me w mne pm. DeveiopinR priming and finish
Ibis season Wheu the steel is laid Dg done far amateur photograph
to the 27 mile t next Hpring, it ere, at the Poet Card Bataar. ' 26tf
will iutereect with the Vernonia V. H Adams, of Mountaindale,
and Forest Grove mail route, and baa eold hie farm near that place,
mail can then lie delivered to the and will reeume bis old vocation of
Vernnnie people at least 24 hours cook.
. , .. ....... i
earner man mey now gel u via hi VA.-.. a.AA., w:th the Be-
Helena lo Wrnonia. A route wiH L,,,:,. H.vinD. n,l Tmit C.n r.1
probably w MUbliehed from tbi portianjt visited the Kuratli over
)rwmt. wurjll 111 Bill irr-lllO iil JJ'I IUI j QnHa
ward hv the P It .V N and ahnnld "UUUBT
le a irraat convenience 10 the Ne. A marriage license was ieBoed by
halem tMtule. who live in the vi the County Clerk last Saturday, o
cinity of Vernonia. The dietance
from tbe 2 mile poet to vernonia
ill he amiut ID miles, and a daily
wing route will probably be eetab
iebfd from that pUc to the rail
Ways and Means Committee
Appointed at the Meeting
Per i
uatat Orgialzitis Will be Bel
ta OcUber 31
Tbe meeting here laet Saturday
called for the purpoee of organizing
a county fair board waa well at
tended by farmen and itockmen.
Temporary organ'uation waa per
fected by tbe election of William
Schulmerich, of Farmioiton, aa
preeident, and Grant Mann, of
Sooth Tualatin, a eecretary. After
diecMion, it was decided to ap
point a committee to resolve upon
the amount of capital itock, and to
provide ways and means, and to
report at a convention to ba held
October 31. The following wereea
See Our Full Assortment
- -
cf toilet aids ia an absolute necessity at
this retort especially. Whether you itay
at home or go away yon need them jut
the same. That this pharmacy is the
beat place to obtain them aoy one will
tell you who ba once nsed
Our Toilet Aids and Article.
They are the kind that especially ap
peal to women of refinement. For that
reason we invite you to secure your
supply here, knowing you will be more
than satisfied.
The committee Till confer with
tbe heira of the Tngue estate and
uwr st.wU and if nf near ascertain wnai wrma win eecure
Bethanv. were in town laet Fridav. - ' grounde, used yeart
Me haa heen aick for gO for COODtT fairs, and On which
I the f'hurch of Viailation. near .nma lime naal ia nni imr.rnvlnu. I excellent mile track. The?
Foreet (irove, a pretty wedding was will also conier wnn me metnrjert
b"iiin Mnmlav fjcti r l1' " UP" io" ",-' " j ui lun uouniy ouri vo Mcerunn
....... - - - - ' ' 1 , . ... 1 1 T . f I . ... . . ... . . . .
hen Mies Berlha Vandehev and I conee anu cocoa, anu aon 1 ior-1 wnat pu&lic ata will be given toe
if. u... ,;... ,.r ii.Un. , eei me lunon at 1 aimawwr con- enterprise, rermaneni orumzi
j ... . n.,.. n ., .,, , ...... ... w ,
married by liav Father Moore, of lecuonery u. v. raiuj.Kwi 1 iuF. UOn will oe peneoiea at me coming
Halem. The bride, becomingly at- W. W. Hosteller, of the Reed- meeting
red in cream ilk aod carrying ville bop yard, waa in town Hon
r..iLtl. I utr Tuie rtf iu t-v writ f r-r
rules toaea. was aeeisieu ot ner aav. lie eavs me orioe 01 nopai w tniawwwnn
isler, Misa tiara andehey, in seems to be looking up some since
cream net, carrymg wnue carna- me crop was gamerea ana Daiea, TDhn w. Connell. chairman of tbe
lions. Mr. William Vandehey, the n n,K. Oi k nnJinj WMhinirton Count Reoublican
bride brother acted as beet man. wU1 the following property at central committee, statea that m
A reception followed the ceremony, John Vanderwai'8 ,0ction: Two hie opinion Taft will have a plural-
ai '''"7'"DU''l'D'-'-""'M Bood milch cows and a double Beat lty over Bryan in mis coumy in
where Dreaiiast was aervea. uniy n , sv,.,i ,1 o the ne ahborhood of 1600 He ears
, , . f 1 , r 1 ni wit uv. v. wm. .'ot.m. v. " 1 v -
me immediate lamuy ana a lew "The conntv has manv new
friends were present. Mr. and Oliver B. Huston, of the State home-seekers and the msioritv of
Mra. Brians will make their home University, has been elected editor them are for Taft. Four years ago,
a Salem. of the Junior Annual, a class paper Roosevelt's rjluralitv over Parker
to be published next Spring loueg wae 1765. I am aware, however,
Huston has also won state tame Mihat half of the Democrats voted
a foot racer in the inter-collegiate or Roosevelt in 1904 or refused to
The undersigned will sell at pub- meets. He formerly resided in vote at all. I hear of no changes
lie auction to the highest bidder, Hillsboro. so far as the old residents are con-
on the premises, two miles north Taken up at my place, near oertied, and I think that 1600 plu
Rlnnminu red 2.pear-o d he fer. rainy ior leu is conservative.
with white marks on forehead, body John M. Wall, secretary of the
and tail. Owner can have same by uemocrauo comnmiee, minis mat
r,m.inr nrnnertv and navinB for Taft wiU do well if ne snail Dave
.i.m.irna and advertiainff M. EU 800 or 900 plurality. He bases this
""""-B ------o- - - .1 I IJ .1 k
ee ii male upon ine oeiiei taai oiauy
independent voters will this cam
Hare is well ao
thA sawmill DUBi
a dth increase local demand,
Wtir with .railroad contracts
will keep t"e ""a '
' u 7 Koreet Grove
I?' a treated royally
iira-work of the lodgewa-
oo m p
r. returning
about midnight
. u..,Ar and wife. Mrs. . 1.
w . . Tie I K. Adkins and
Linklater, Dr. ' " iovaUie
i,. u'ill P ttenuer. An enjoyaow
lime wb reported.
rr the work of the iour
leted, the visilinR be
! Invited to asplend.d banquet
wards reluming home Dy
war 1 ...idnittht. Those
Wm. L Smith aod Anna B. Sax,
both of Sherwood.
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxcllencia. Theee cigars are ol
the best stock. You can t fool ao
authority on a good cigar.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
mm m m. m m m m m m awasi
Is the cry of people who visit
our store, because we sell goods
cheaper and pay more for their
Give Us a Trial
We want your eggs at 40c per
dozen and butter at 60c per roll
cash or trade.
Cedar Mill
mm mm m m mmmmammam
of Forest Grove, to-ginning at 10
o'clock a. m., on
The following proierty to-wit:
Toants.f.inr hai1 (if n. 1 milch
""-F " " i . " ,. r .., nin
cows, Holsteins, 15 head of them chen, uorneuus, ur., k. i. oi-o
irean, oaiaui iu uroucu i ado unara oi r-uuiiuanuu cou-i - ,A Rn
h.t II :t hifr one nn of vr ). .A r,r,;a i PPOwJn
in i - i I vJUUVi iUUUunj i nuu vuuvic wo
mares, piny, mux cart ana nve County Judge Goodin, Assessor
cans Wilcox and Uounty uieri isaney.
Tt-rms of Sale All sums of 110 Armlicatinns for eoualintion most
and ! caah. On sums over f 10, v, rua this week, in order to be The undersigned will sell at public
one year's time will be given on considered. The Board will con- auction, 6 milea east of Hillsboro,
approveu noiee imnuj u por wui tloue in sesfion ior one montn, or u iui iwn wua iuu, auu uum
merest, t wo per ceni aisoouni ,j least until all oomplaints Died nonnessi irom tteeavme, anu a m
,.roaah on sums over iu. free Muring the first week have been SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24
lunch at noon. settled. .. - -iSorrell amine team, work ainele or
Kuiel Crop, uwnerv- . , t.j Q double; 3 a-yr-old heifere, coming frean
Geo. F. Nay lor, Clerk. .A mee,ll,D? ' l8 Road ,8T ; ; 3 ye.rfitg heifers, coming freah in
Report of the Condition of the Cornelius State Bank
Cornelius, Oregon, at the close of buiinesa, September 23rd, 1908
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Advertised Lettera
viBors of Washington county will I.Matr'kf Stntobaker buggy, with shaft
be held at the court house, Novem- j and pole; Freeman feed cutter; cart;
ber 21. 1008, nt 10 o'clock a. m. aeveral ton. or haled clover yNo
I ' ' . I Iamw i it mmViha alAva mm trnnn aio
A full attendance is requested. ..I:' r7.T t,nw
. , . !!-! S-...!..J -v7 " 7 '
ine puoiic is coruiauy iqviieu iu furniture and other articlea too nnmer
attend this meeting, tne od-jbcf oij ou to mention
rbiob is to discuss me quesuon on Terms of sale: Hams under siu,
Winnie llalt. Mrs G R Harnett, Maud; City K Brown. Allailtne liurney,
m,. i.'iii lirinfm-. licob Blaliop. Georve
cvaaweli, Anna Doherty 1, c v inn- better roads tor the county. r. At. I caah; over 110, one year a time with
necn 1, Ciiaa Duiiey, wn k 4 ox 120, vy. Chairman of Good KoadsJ interest at 7 per cent on approved
notea. Lunch at noon.
John Vanderwal, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Knveart. M A Kabrre. W Kuniaon, '"
ncea Fuller, W P Funk, P II Florida, Committee.
The Hillsboro Lumber Company
a c
Krwln C Fiihugh a, John Furtluh, II F
(iardner a. Jonu "--rnnrr, u v.raj-u. . ..aA ... hi mill VBHtarfJ.T. mit.
.... a 1 IflTtaaluta I . 11 tl tl I li IT VV I ov iv iv P J --"".'I
Wi, " 'y'jy :.S"Z"tint, nn an nrdnr for th Peifi .ana ma, -7 . ' " ' " .-. 7. o """JTrlil kv..C -NflTirw
il llmiaoll. I A nail a, nirs iva iiuim- uaiiwav iV INBVlKaviuu VOlouauT,l
lev. Mrs lltater lloll, rort jonnson. iura ... Tillamook line. 00 Which 6 v .
johnaon ,pB i Krajw ;f ""'73' Contractor McCabe ia o6w puttingTAll parties whoae accounts with me
M" "rtb', ?S,mm1 thrm,0h a 14.mile'cQntfaxt.;iUlw been over six months out
' .. .. D.... M.n. Il .... I....UI a Ik... hum a nillllll im hhiihUI Ia UAttlA
irnnn 1 MIS IV ill sum I, ncua jy unuini uu mo inun T nuui I dotuu...k mu . j www..- .-w
fc. . . '. i.... if u M.ti..n w ii B . . .i .-! r. a t r :vi.u.
Muofi aianuniKi ... r a point I mnes in toe mounvauiB. i ui, o. a. jjuiw.
Manlen a. myn 'A The P. R. & N. Companv will this
"'J- ",eo;X week nlace a - new enine Ae h' U , -FORgALB
Fred I'arsons, k renrauu z, tsuxton BDU Ol luo nun, lur uuo iu
1400 pounds, 5 years;
mare and horse;
heifers, 6 calves,
1Q cows, some fresh; bull, 6 sheep.
2!waaona, 2 seta ot harness. Ap-
le snannanan, w b r h- T.' " .VT . " rT .".Inlw. O T.nnr... OlaneM. Ore. 32 5
""i 1 ... .i .i iir.l.. o T T I . i . I . - .1 I
urn wanner, jhuhhb . renortea mai an anent oi ne con- '
Ward, Mra Gertrude Williams, Marks . .. comnanv ensaaed in I am now prepared to show you
Zrnc- .......... i, nmwn (w huUdinir the United, this week of- the Cbas. Stevens & Broe.'aamplea
oAol er 17 190H ' fered a farmer on the North Plains, of the new Fall and Winter Styles
$2$ per ton ior oats, in duii, voeiin laaies auu mwee view buhb,
LUMBER SALE buyers to furnish sacks and fill silk and cloth suits and dress skirts
them. This is $3 over the market made to your special order, of your
ma waiter Peddicord, tieo c Rltehey, tracklaying and hauling material -Biack horse, 1400
S' t0 tbe,roDt- -Pa- horsey ma
.... t Khorte. Andre Scener, W A n,,Mlui nf tatma bnlnnvinv tn' yearling COlW, 4
hi.. n.l Srhrlst. Stenhen Ski-1 . it . ii.n.'i r M-llft. nn a inm fra
l0ur, - - fi oomraoiors on me unneu nauways
MeaSh'r be kept at the . Barlo plad.
wwill Bollat publio sale.Satur- prios. The buyer stated that the own selection ol goods. Ladiea,
i (Vt 24 U08 75 (XX) feet of oats were lor horees which would misses and children'a coata, also
,iRsed and rough lumber. Terms: be wintered on the Plains, where oarried. J carry a standard line of
a ii a.,ms under $10. oash; over $10, they will be close to the soene of ooraeta and underskirts. I will be
All Bums U iuar vi . i MJin -k0 it KB!ra nnYt olad to brinff 1ST floods to TOOT
lha' uma uu uuiu(gu uk b.'"b - 1 o .
This would indicate that house upon request. Mra. M.
1 wtsan
. . intarAat. Mill 10 Snrinir
at O per , k irUo.l h,..n i An anma nipV I Pandln TndnnAndnnt nhnne. Na.
nnrtll nl MUlBOOro. ius uuivou uoai w ..v. - , 1 I '
K ahiin KrriB. I next rinrinn. 'oo. ro
Loans and discounts $53,603.28
Overdrafts, secured and
uneecured 256,20
Banking; house, furniture
and fixtures 8,302.85
Dne from approved re
serve banks 17.416.S3
Caah on hand 4,063.06
Total $77,642.22
Capital stock paid in... 15.eoo.oo
Undivided profits, less
expenses, taxes paid... 3,097.08
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 36,694.90
Demand certificate of
deposit 935 00
Time certificate depoeit 4,374.00
Certified checks 2,300.00
Cashier's checks outst'ng a, 530.29
Savings deposits 12,810.95
Total $77,642.22
State of Oregon, County of Washington, ss.
I, A. S. Sholes, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A. S. SHOLES, Pies.
Correct Attest: C. B. Buchanan, J. C. Buchanan.
Snbecribed and aworn to before me this 5th day of October, 1908.
P. E. Phelps, Notary Public
Ma -winii ii trBiMsj mm mmmm;mwa
m . . .
W. P. Dyke is the Washington county agent for this """"
Office, cor. 2nd and Washington Sts., Hillsboro. Independent Phone, 337
I III aal'laallaalllWl I'laWi MMWiWimwiMWitM
Dealers in Pure Drugs
and Medicines
We aiso carry a cojnplete
line 0 finesundries.i:
If we- do-not have what
you want in stock, we will
cheerfully get it for you.
Having been appointed
publishers' agents, we are
now prepared to supply all
your wants in the School
Book line.
We also have a full line
of tablets, pencils, slates, etc.
School Books will be sold for
Cash Only. Positively no Credit.
i I
? -
8ryt A, Moaeley, Teacher