h MIUSSORO ARGUS. OCT. IS, ll r a) 5 I JJ ,' . ,it, v W. li. DOLAN Ventilators and Chimney Tops to order Metal and Composition Roofing Warm Air Heating Apparatus Cornices and Skylights General Jobbiug MAIN STREET HILLSBORO, OREGON MONEY FOR THE SCHOOLS ,On Monday of lat wk, Supt M. C. C wot school wrrnti to tha jwpwtiv diKtrii-U of Washington I Counir aa follow, in the iuiu toUl ofl'.Y.SoOSl: T. M lEBR H. A. HUBBERT Are You Wanting a Home? If you are looking for a home, either a farm, or a residence in town, call on the Webfoot Realty Company If you have a farm to sell, or city proper ty to put on the market, list it with us. We buy and sell Timber Lands. Also make a Specialty of Business Chances. OLD WELLS TARCO LOCATION. Independent Fhon, 193 HILLSBORO - OREGON The Hillsboro Ice Cream and Confectionery Parlors Desires to announce that the parlor art irn.ltr entirely new managrmeat and that he is now prepared to furnish SHORT ORDER LlACIiES WITH CIP OF GOOD COfFiE at all hours. -Freh Ovsters m all styles on shott nctice. Sw4lanl'j unrivalled Ice Cream and nice line of the finest canditt in the market. The best breads of cigars and tobacco. When in town call and set me and trv tnjr quick lunches. Home cocking Renumber that this house is under new management and will be conducte 1 in an o;derly manner and that we cater only to the bast trade in the town and country. HENRY LANE, Proprietor, Successor to Ed. Rolling East Side of Second Street, Hillsboro iit. i 4 5 10 Hit w Hi U I.. I. IT IS IM -I M -Jt '.'4 iit . i 2 , ;!t .t2 ,t S4 ;wt .-wit :t; :5t 10 41 4.' i 44 k t 4T is tit i-'jl Mi : :i .V. .Vijt Clfrk t'h K Ui!ooml I. K Kwli W S Hawthorn A Kivrrmaii O M i.ali.iaar . Ult Thompson. Amount . m ! 24 ) . 3UH 10 40 IVtrr II.MMMW mrAf to lvk Power JM I'olinell Abner HrL'ic . K Harding . K H Morb A 0 t'rliia K 40 i3 So M TO 3M) t W H Kelling '"' J w) t. J n ma vo l .oilis Hem jaj til ; J Jack , ... ; to IVter Olaon .VI tl) J. II Sewell ) A W Wright 1 74 U K A i Meek Wm True H B Tigaul Mrs J Jropraoti II f IVaraon . . A Ion to Wtrth A T Huston W A Johnston. J Millar Mark Col KUotl Or K Kar T 0 Johnon '.H. .SO m ao III 10 IS7 475 IW 5V1 rW 3 M) -WS A) lt.7 10 sa so mm mm a m m m m m mm: M i i s m m i I Oregon Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State? OREGON NKKDS PEOPLE-Settlers, honest farmers, mecha nics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will tou not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be interested in this state? We will be glad to bear the expense of sending them complete in formation about OREGON" and ita opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SF.PTEMBFK AND OCTOBER from the Fast to all points in Oregon The fare from a few principal citiee are From Louisville $41.70 " Cincinnati 42.20 " Cleveland 44.75 " New York 55.00 i '! tf'jt i;t III ''11 lS Mrs M O'lVntH.II. '.' iiu m ) I) liuslin , tl )i N I. 7 J J YatikUrk ., J4I 40 W t ft ww 144 10 t A riKXb Jis rg A V Wlrts ,. J4tt 40 thal . lahaw...... IW 10 John IKirlaiitl. Jul mi Hwnion l'tiillii.... , Thw V Kairliik fj l.oum Mnifan ltj 34 I L tjnsday 49 70 1 lleOirv mm jit A I Hill . .. . , . .V) 4e M Holt a: W W Jacinth ST 0 t r rMM'r , ! :) Horharvl 4JhIi ..... 'JW To TruUin chueiilitr id! John N'tineider . 47 10 Allrl Uuerlr a ) J K Pallas . m M S Barnes 'Jul i M Rehne 213 40 t'liaa A Miller ... 17 70 K S U-k 17? in 1 K HiltHtviK . ui UmiaSUrk IS 1 J 1 Northrup , 99 x W K !! 1 40 40 II t leischUaunf m K John A Jolinaun )C4 i Nathertne I pinion , 114 40 Haleraau 97 i I'has K Col lai u I.H Holt Vi in I C Clutter H7 40 Krwin Ritler j;n 40 A imrrtuus ii 90 Martin Hart 140 i H-'iiry Srhvurmann It." 70 . ITT 10 .. 17 00 .. ? -.1) 173 W 104 IW S4 ia 7:1 10 Ml 90 91 SO 1X1 HI ". ... '' 142 4' w " rarett a 44 . A (ia.Hnner 177 iq a v 1 nrisleii!iii 19i 00 J'llm Mchineltr nj 70 I'etr Janaon ... tt4 m i.u. lH.ey ' 7 0 m i. Kooerta J117 00 j r jonen , 57 7,, W j DtMlion '"" 21 2"J Mrs Adell Stilt ..." 51 7W (ieorK Roa. 0 T R Moore l Frel llrgr... s' W K Shavrr... M Mrs (iertrud Williama Mjt l'aul Heuat-hkel si Uirge Ijieinernun "7 Carl lr s Krwl l.Hnirer v J X Mitlor . tlto I'amons HI !jt !4 J7 M W I mjt ttlljt liojt ll4jt ? if TuU- Shady From Denver $30.00 " Omaha 30.00 " Kansas City 30.00 " St. Louis 35.50 " Chicago 38.00 TICKETS OAM BE PREPAID If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then 1 furnished by telegraph. P. . VICKERS, LOCAL AGENT, HILLSBORO - Mil. McMikrav, Generai. Passkncrr Agknt, " - OH.TI,AXD, ORRGO.N- m m yaoooocQoo a a m a a c TnrtDRj GREER i i i i m i i i i i i MOORE f Macond Strmmt Mmrnl Mmrhmt fresh and Cured Meats ALWAYS IN STOCK Bmth Mmn Saoond Street, Hlllaboro, Or F. H. MILLER Third Street, Hillsboro Between Main and Lincoln Phone 092 SEPTIC TANIll MADE AND INSTALLED i, Plumbing' Steam Heating If vmi nrp tliinlc in a nf a pnrir tanlr j D " - r that will take care of all waste from the house have a talk with me. . S It leftists rf nliiitiKi'iift .ittinlin. kept on hand, from a bath tub to a lavatory. All Work and all Ikxxla Warranted ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous m Hillsboro "! Rflmmhflr. tha flrAonnian and I.W M Mil m nlit SJ JX) the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in times of dangei. Backache 11 kidney danger. loan'l Kiilnev Pill. ,,,,(,.1.1.. Cure all distressing, dangerous kidney Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mra. A. S. Cummines. of 2n Clarkamaa a . 1 1 .... . " .v., j umiiou, ure., says: "K irlney com platnt and backarha pinna tn n,. 1... . . - ... " " iw fjic i "I 1 IIP I, lim u HHJ . f . rr . r nuic uu uuen 1 sunerea very se vere attacks of it. Scmetimes it was a ouil Heavy aching over the kidneys, and again snarp acute pain 111 the small of tue Dae, rhe kidney secretions passed '"H1"-""? au ouen wnn pain. 1 had tried several remH 1M wild nniv ruaith. and wai finally induced to use Doan'g viuucj rim. iney Helped me very quickly and continuing their ne I icon found relief from the aches and pains. The action of the kiduey secretions was also strengthened to a great eitent. I recommended lloan'a ir;,l. i;n :.. our papers three years ago. I am always I pieesea to say a good word for this rem edy and am jjlad of this opportunity to confirm my former testimony." For stile by all dealers. Price, 50 CfntB. FoBter-Milburn Co , Buf falo, New York, Bole agents for the United States. Remember the name Dnan'a and take no other. Clarence Rugnell, of Cedar Mill, nas ;n lown lueeday. Grant Lmdecs, of South tio, was in town Sunday. Joe. Hickenbotham. of Brook, waa in town, Monday Lewis Ends, of Boge & Eonii, of South Tualatin, was io town Saturday. Smokers like the Schiller and the Exwlleocia Theee cigars are of the beet stock. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar. We carry too man? arttnlaa in enumerate, but we have anything the farmer needs. The largest stock ever shown in Washington countr. and can and will Kat .11 competitors Schulmerioh Broa. F. W. Mandell. a carnenUr m. uloverl in laving the na flm at the Hartrampf warehouse, ran a long sliver into the palm of the 1-ft hand Monday, to such a rlnh that he was oblised to rail nnin n . n n .. r . ut a. d cane? to extract it While operating a clover h tiller north of Ulenc e, last Friday, Ben Cropp got his right arm into lb belt wnicn ran tne mar.hinr .iiv. .L I. .. . .. I"..- iuo reun mat tne arm waa frac turea one inch abive the wriat ur A. B. liailey attended the in jurfd man. Persons wishmg to tile their farms will alwavs find a laritk- 01 nne ine in our yard at Scholia. We also carry brick and building blocks. Those intend : a V ! I 1 ? 1 1 t . tug vu uuiia win una a large sup ply 01 lumrjer at our yard, and you a luviieu 10 can ana look over our stock before purchasing. The uroner-uoweii Uo.BcnoIle; P. 0 iddress, Hillsboro, Ore., R. D. 2 Beaverton has an inU-aaiir. ,. . .. . v"" pioneer renc in tne rorm of an old log barn, built in 1855, by R. H. Walker, an old rionwr nf tkia county, when he waa a hnv 14 old. It is still perfectly sound. J it. tir II . a' ana air. waner, wno Is now 07 years nf aee. is still nrnnri nf hi. youthful handiwork. He owns to day &00 acres of the finest farm Iron-Clad Postal Ruling According to a ruling made by the post master general ALL WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS carrying subscribers on their liMs who owe for the paper for more than one year from Jamtaty I, uhj, will be refused adiuisssiou at the tegular newspaper rate aud must pay a much higher rate on the entiic list. This no newspaper can afford to do and there is only one thitig to be done, either to cut otV all subscriptions which ate mote than one year iu ar rears or else quit busiuess. If you know yourself to be more thau one year in arrears kindly pay up aud help us to comply with the law. Only three mouths reinaiu to make the change. DO IT NOW. The Argus Publish. im Co. -1 fHHMMnHiniiailw 1 1 1 rw la j Going io A,kc Our !;,, I "" l-M'-.l,..r. -"""'Ut Ztf K'll,rU.,,lW I- mum v ii Hi. . r I'Mxriira i, I'i't l"ali lliieril . h,., ,. ,1,,,,,,.,"'. V' ..I I v "III ll, - . .... ,s, . - C llrr., It.r ,.., s lliat ill l.r ,, , . 'O...I..I l,.,ar,llf, "" Vaught's Grocery 1 m m m OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION W UINSVII I K OK i W. 1' lyke is the Wamliintim rvmntv nrut fur lu GREAT MUTUAL INSVRANCI. COMPANY B) OHice, cr. nd and Washington St. lt.ll.lH.ro. ludrwndrut rit.me - I Report of the Condition of the Cornelius sState tkink Cornelius, Oregon, at the dote of biuiorsa, Svptcuibrr Jltd. l RKSiH'RCKS Loans and discounts f$i'') Is Overdrafts, secori ami ' iin.ecuie.) a.io lianking aouse .furniture and fisttirts i.yt Sj Do from approvnl ie- scre banks Cash on hauil i i Total 17 4 6 M I.UBlt.lTIS Capital to k lit., f 1 5 000 1 o t'uillviilrj ptolita, lrl ei(in, tasrs palil ... 1,07 v lutllviilual ilrptMila tub. jrvt to i-lierk .'-91 4- Ieuianl rrittbcate i( 'I'PO'il vtS " Time criltlicatra ilt ti 4.5-4 ,ai leilitieil thrt-ks u.i Cathier i hn k i)utl'i1(( t.a Savings ileptxits Total f,7.r.4l 14 State of Oregon, (iutily of Washington. . " noles, prealttent of the ala.vr nme. h,k. .Io !rtiinlr i.r.i that the alove stalettirut is tin lo the brit of my kuolc.lK and Ullt f Correct A tteat: C II Buchanan, J. C. H.ichai.4n. !,UOl,i'H- l',r Suhscrilxd ami swum lo Iwfore me this jth itav of tJctol-r. 19. I . f.. rtieljw, Notary t'ulilie mmm 1 r -1- a a 1 . uo tou irade With Uennis? If not, Get the Habit JOHN mmm Fine line of up-to-date Groceries Kverythitig in Canned (JihhIs. Have you tried "Dennis' Milk Cau Coffee?" It's all right. Hamilton-Hrown Shoes fit and wear, aud that's what counts. A fiue line of Umbrellas, kinds and prices. all 8 DENNIS. Hillsboro! mt.j& m m m , ASSESSOR'S NOTICE m.W. ,,. K. . ,Ui . , of . . ) thB south Jin, nf inlil UUtri ?,j miHl Bo..al!tion ,,r . It-,.t.".",lr,r.' frr1 !'." Ilu f Td the tax ttarors ill VVa.l,ii.i..n : on mich a.t in, imi i n ... llMa....,. " II... II 1 ... ; a H1III l), inti la htrehv irlvan land in Washineton conn! v. and ia 0 j, an up-10-uaie larmer. The course of true love Am not always run smooth -and when January and May tie np there ia almoet alwavs eomethimr doino Some two years ago, Hiram Nay- ior, ai one time a first lieutenant in Honolulu, under the rnle of (Jnaan Lill, married a Mrs. Woodham, of oaies treek. "Ui" was 37 and the bride was past 50. Mra. Naylor was Riven a divorce. Fridav. In Portland, upon testifvina- that "Hi" often beat her, and bad chastised her with a rubber slipper. Hiram, when in Honolulu, had bhiro nf Queen Lill's throne room. . ..,... ,j i,.n vuai inn iwmru or lv)ualliat,loii fur Washington 1'onnty 1 Oreaon. will n,.. .1 1..I1...1. 1.. . ?tlv! h ,T H,UM'- tr Hlllala.ro, 011 Ihn i . il '1 ., ln ofiiiK ; the third Monday In saul month and tha ' time fliari by law for tha rneetliiK of aaiil . Hoard nf Kiuallzation, which vi lli cm-j tlnue Its aesHions from day u day, tt-: cldaira of Kuridaya and loKal holldiiya, until the eianiinatlon ami correction Htm 1 iialltlon of the asaeHsmant rolls for !ld J,rV"'11 hacompleUl; whk-h said Board will eontliiun in amaion foronn, month from said lUte, unlem the lalx.rs ! tliereor are aooner eoiuplettMl. 1'ntltlont or apiilli-atioiia for the rlu-. I Hot. of a particular KMflMHini.it hIiuII h j writing, verinetl by tha outh of lVt,.?ui,nr. hl "''T and tile.l with tne Jtogrd during tha lirat wk It H tr Jaw required to Imj in saiMloii, am any petition or application not so made, eri lied, and filed shall not be Bonalde red or acted uion hy the lioard. . ... Oaorge If. Wllcoi, Aaamtaor for Waslilnvim r. 1. .. gon. " u.. w 1. ...... V.. .... " " ,r"" " . 1 . , "" l " conn Mi ' 11 nun. W. Iron, , r,, leg. W lulu. W . on I.ittn. i.'d.Tf, ft . the liortheaat Hiriin, of a tract of mJ owned March ,, , An ' burgh, from which (ir,., . ," TlI"u,r;f; :', '"ul- """'K .1 mill. r. li'ill ft. to an Irmi i.i.m. 11.. nsit rornr i.r ..1.1 1 i..J.. .' .. . ihroe.. 8. an o 1 . "'""i" lr.7.,J.'l.'e"L.,t""t!"","i "'" Ma'vnnth ft U.'H.7 It. In n U.w ,,r .,.i,.,.i Ulllllig M.M a'cr-a. all ai n Li l 'lu. 'i f'. Alansoii lliiiniHii, .leccamnl. .,,,1 For a Deal GO TO KOWIiLL KROS. CO. 8CH0LL8, OREGON r SUMMONS IN Ida THK Hln- THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 8TATK OK OKKOON KOU WA8HIN0T0N COUNTY I.eaho. A. k. Ialui v mail, Alanson Hlnman'jr. Allen A 11,., man, Charles L. Hinman, Kmma lliu j Hophla Margaret Hliiman, Marg. ret Hinman and Alanson Minman Jr, atiil Charles l HiiuiiHii executors of the laat will and testament of Alans.ni Hinman, deceased, I'lainUm. f(S Oliver Hintnaii. Klla Hinman vr,.. Wl I lam Himuaii, Mahl Hallctt, C'laud HaMett, and Frank Mlimian, Ihifend- 1(inuf! J1,'""!".".' Y'l "''""an, Mabel Hal Hit. ( ami Hit IIkii -...i I..... 'i. .. man, of the almve nainixl defendantH! In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You. ami each ir mm . -.. 1 , to appear and answer the complaint In the above entitled suit within six weeka null, fnim ami n. u .1 date being the first publication of this Mil ll iiiiiiim. aim I U..11 ru ... .... .. . . answer, the planillirM will take a decree lu" 7"". " prayen in their complaint to wit: Tr-at they have a decree makiriK parti tion of therollowlngdesnrllMKl reaFeitale, U wit: Being part of the north half of im ...i.iijuwrin ol wire U. 1.. ( . No Sf T i H. 11 a,W. Wl11 Mr- '"' pwtloularl, latthriiiful anil tiunnrHxtui au r..n....,u. ' t a. 1 1 -"-'"v mn isiiiiwa; beginning at an Iron pine net N. Wl dog. 45 inln. K. i ft. distant from the aouth east corner of block :i4 In iii -i.,i,..i towo of orest (Jrove, running tlieuoa N. I hereof l each of the ,liti,, Mary . 1, ' T "'"' ""l Alaiiaoi, Hi,, man Jr., and foe such other and frll ,,1 rellerasiiiHy ,jNt a, e,,ui,le. I hiN summons la served upon vol. I,. i.iimicH ,0,, i,y order ol the Honorable ... ... 1 11, .iinige or Wiih iliiuUm ( 0 l.wi, and the tinm nrcacrll.! I.. -i.i ... ..... iiiiiMicauoii Hs I rsl 1,1.1,11 tatlon to I 011 Ocu.lier H, i 11 Attorney lor I'lalntiila. Adminiatralor'a Notica wash , . 7.:"" " of Washimton ,,ii. 11 hi in 1 ,, , . pu ... ,, .. . - Ndiu H....w.f ' .. da,, :,:im "'."". '"vii.,, Dated this October 10, II1O8 ' WWW. Executor'a Notice urinei ' asMole executor or 11,,. i... r in ?eaW.d a.'lM,',,lt ,"f D'llahoy, di)- Nuw 1 1. . riT " HUch; Ix.y, lecaHd, are hereby r n.TPl . "H,,'wrlhr;i;,ux,Kri,,"MWu,1i'' hr',,o7 """,tl,H ,r"' U' date Dated tbla flctober IK, IWih Ho, Kxector of tiJW ' Dillahey, debased. f M',mm BEAVERTON-REEDVILLE ACREAGE "The Pasadena of Oregon" Well improved, aud iu a hilt Mate of c itl t i vat i mi, U rich soil, will, uo rmk, white land imr gravel, all suitable for raising walnuts, apples or any otlur kinds of fruits; well watered; on u-ll graded public roads; handy to schools, i hurt lies, .si.u-s, etc.; t an 1 iKiught for $150 per acre, on terms to suit the purchaser. To intending purchasers of miiaH acreage: Why away a long distance from 1'ortlaud when you can buy some of the richest laud iu the Willamette Valley, within a few minutes' i idc of the kst mar ket ou the Pacific Coast, at the above juices? Shaw-Fear Company 243 1-2 Stiarh St. Portia ntl, Oregon J Our Mt. Hood Deer Has them all Watcu when it comes to purity of water, which comes from I he Sparkling founts of "Old Mt. Hood" no purer water in the world! Ia a Hygienic Product Call and see for yourselves. Constantly u draught and in bottles. It is the wa ter aud the quality of the brew. Try it. If you want a good smoke, wc handle the . CELEBRATED SCHILLER . the finest smoke for the money that is made in the "Oregon Country." Try Our 'Grand Dad Whiskey!' Pronounced by experts to be the finest of blends. Come and see us when you arc iu the city We'll treat you right. Main lltCt'Jitl08S from Il,e I,,ancrs' .Stables. A. Z. GRAGG, Prop. HILLSBORO . OREGON. 1 m-M2r"?twwsmm